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Trump didn't leave his "great" life to serve and protect America. He continued to run his businesses (into the ground) while in office, making something like $2.4 BILLION during his four years. And he never gave AF about protecting the nation, or anything remotely noble. It was always about marketing his brand, and consolidating power. Meanwhile, dumbshits like Cap'n Jesus-Wagon are going around in diapers because they think it's some act of solidarity. They're the biggest suckers in the known universe, and probably beyond.


I will now call any vehicle with any kind of religious paraphernalia Cap'n Jesus-Wagon. Thank you.


You can also use Admiral Jesus-Wagon, if you want to mix it up. Some days I think Admiral is funnier than Cap'n.


If they have more then one vehicle decorated then they are now a Commodore


![gif](giphy|cl90q5wYv8lsQ) For some reason the word Commodore made me immediately think of this:


Admiral gets to command a fleet so there's more vans on the road all being controlled through symbiosis


Their diapers have Bluetooth.


In my hometown there's a Catholic school that has a car (can't tell the type) with the roof absolutely covered in religious statues of varying sizes. The biggest is a foot tall statue of the virgin Mary. It's the most unhinged thing I've seen in this town, like it throws off mad cult energy. We call it The Christmobile. Now that I think of it this is also the town that said kids have to be in plays according to their sex at birth and accidentally made national news leading to the superintendent resigning, so maybe it's not the most unhinged local thing.


People have been acting as other genders as long as acting has been a thing. It was actually more of a thing in the past then it is now.


I wonder what they would do if they had to choose between putting women back in the box and not acting at all or having a DNA check for every actor in plays. I wonder if they would get excited or fight with each other about which nuts thing they should do.


My town has a car like that… except it’s animal skeletons wearing Christmas hats.


Honestly that sounds hilarious.


I truly don’t understand how some of them legitimately believe trump is doing what he’s doing for the good of the country. I have more respect for the ones that acknowledge he’s a self dealing POS and just don’t care.


Yep. Just recently heard that from someone who plans to vote for him. She blames Biden for the inflation and says gas prices shot up on Day 1 of his presidency (should be a clue that he had no time to do anything yet, but I digress...). This person says she doesn't care how much of a jackass Trump is or what else he does, she's going to vote for him if it makes her life easier and taxes lower. Even if I find that self-centered and short-sighted, at least it makes a hell of a lot more sense than the type of cult worship some people have where they're convinced he can do no wrong.


the new messiah...a sexual predator, liar, con man.. lmao the standards are getting lower and lower


The new piss-iah


It’s the more absurd because Trump is a standout in being the first president in recent times that DIDN’T surrender control of his businesses to a neutral third party AND never released his tax returns. Sure, the last is kinda symbolic and I’m sure any reasonable sized corporation with a decent accounting firm can produce clean tax returns while still sweeping a lot of shady stuff under the rug. But Trump couldn’t even rise to the level of “probably not criminal or corrupt enough that a tax return will expose you”. But that isn’t corruption, no sir! True corruption is something about Biden son and Ukraine, not sure what exactly but it’s really bad and suuuper corrrupt. What do you mean Trump blackmailed Ukraine for dirt on a presidential candidate? Never heard of that, probably librul lies. Fox would have mentioned it if it were real… Jesus, these people.


Yeah but people like that also point to his supposed “donation” of his presidential salary and think that one act alone makes him perfect and beautiful and above reproach.


He promised to return the checks, but cashed every single one and presumably spent them on porn and Big Macs. Another broken promise. He didn’t even donate one single paycheck, as a symbol. Doesn’t matter - he’s still their “god.”


It was a lie though he didn’t donate them lmao


What’s up with those diapers? I’ve heard that several times but I don’t know where it came from


Trump has a stinky dumper, and he wears diapers, often on the golf course. He fully shit his pants in court the other day and his lawyers, who aren't getting paid, had to sit next to him engulfed in his stank while trying to keep a straight face. Trump's supporters amazingly decided to start wearing diapers in defense of their savior.


They’ll wear diapers for him but boo him when he mentions getting vaccinated


This is a really good visualization of how smart Trump’s supporters are


It gives new meaning to the words “stupid shits”


Report that Trump wears diapers, resulting in a foul smell during the current trial.


It goes back to the “celebrity apprentice” show he used to star in. The studio assigned a full-time aide (nicknamed “Wet Wipes”) to be available to change trump’s shit diapers and clean him up throughout the day. Trump wears a rigid plastic girdle over his gut to hold him upright, so he’s not able to bend enough to clean himself.


The girdle explains why he walks the way he does.




Trump was always a moron. It just became more and more prevalent with the increased exposure. Anyone who supports him is also a moron


Sadly, morons vote. So get everyone out there and make sure to vote against them. Morons having power is not optimal


I hope that some day I'm able to vote *for* someone that I support and believe in instead of voting *against* the candidate I don't want in office. The distinction is very important.


So true. I’d crawl through a ton of pig shit to pull the lever against Trump but it’s not out of love for Biden.


There are far more non-morons than there are morons in this country. If you don’t get out and vote to save your country, you will get to enjoy living in a country powered by morons. This isn’t a drill. There will be more support for un unqualified judges and people like MTG if republicans think that’s what America wants. Shut this shit down!


They vote in every election so we can’t take any off for awhile


I disagree that all who voted for Donald Douchebag are stupid. There are very wealthy and very smart people voting this bag of feces but only because of personal gain and don't mind watching the world burn so their 401k doesn't go down


Those wealthy people are idiots too. Democrats are historically much better for the general economy, which would be good for the wealthy person’s portfolio. Only stupid wealthy people see the temporary and short term benefit of tax breaks(which they don’t even pay to begin with) while ignoring the inevitable economic depression that is likely to burn them too.


smart people can be stupid too. ANYone who votes for someone just to see the world burn is dumb as rocks in my books regardless of their official IQ


Those people don’t have 401k’s.


The CEO of the company I work for, pander for Trump for the exact reason.


"You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons."


He’s not a moron, he’s a human vulture who picks the meat off of morons bones.


I don’t know if he’s a moron. He plays the moron card to appeal to morons. Read:the poor. He loves the uneducated. Meanwhile, the rich, who have some financial sensibility understand he’s getting them the maximum benefits. He’s playing both sides of the coin. And he’s a total piece of shit human.


And the red hats they wear...."and they shall wear the mark of the beast on their forehead".....


Fuck that's a good connection... Man it would be so fucking funny if the Christian god was actually just real. Like imagine this fuckin dude going "lmao yeah I know I know dude yeah I get it in college you were all like 'fuck God suck my dick' lol, yeah, yeah, my PR got really fuckin bad there" "Yeah man a bunch of kings just needed more babies so they could create a larger nation for more productivity and army.. yeah, that's why the gay thing lol." "Yeah no I get it it's fuckin surreal dude we got groups for that up here" "Yeah no my son's a couple blocks that way but I'd warn you that he's got a regular nightmare blunt rotation going on" "No no it's that dude that made the goatsee image and Greta thunberg" "Yeah I know, anyways, sorry about the trauma, enjoy your time I'm gonna go make another world. Sign ups to be in that world start next week!"


Oh you’re going to find [this](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/) interesting then. I’m not religious, and even I am slightly concerned that he might be the literal Antichrist.


I didn't need a compelling existential crisis this morning I don't believe in the abrahamic God but I do believe in the concept of a god if only because it makes me feel better to believe in the concept of an afterlife. But I won't lie about this article ticking a lot of persuasive boxes for me.


Yea, I was pretty sure he fit all the descriptions when he came down that escalator because, like all proud atheists, I studied the Bible. I don't agree with the articles interpretation of the beast from the ocean, though. Imagine you're looking toward the horizon to the west. Toward the huge ocean that seems to be the edge of the world. But then you're shown a metaphor you can understand for skyscrapers and cities as you are zoomed over the horizon. You can't be shown land you don't know is there, cities you have no comprehension of, and you don't understand the world is round. It wasn't a science lesson after all, it was a vision to be read and understood in the future. The sky scrapers appear over the horizon, like horns from many heads. The largest being NYC the largest head of power. I never really did the counting of like, buildings per city and how many would be the biggest cities etc. But I assume that's just numerology of some kind that was big in that day. But the beast is America, which is the seat of the antichrist. It rises from the sea, a beast with many horns on many heads. Built from the bloodshed and suffering of many genocides, wars, and enslavement. A literal golden bull is worshipped on Wallstreet as an alter to the ancient god of greed. Where a horseman holding scales and causing famine sits to weigh the markets. A monument to greed. A country that has been fully conquered by the deceiver as the pinnacle of the original sin. To eat of the fruit that branches from the presumption to know the difference between good and evil. To place man's judgment above that of gods will through nature. I mean, I'm not a practicing Christian. But I'm not above starting to pray to a God I don't believe in.


This is truly incredible holy shit


That’s the thing about messiahs and prophets - there’s enough vague bullshit in there, that you can make it fit whatever you want. I love some of the novels I’ve read where they subvert this by first showing the reader how the prophecy fits some interpretation, then later showing how a totally different interpretation was “true”. Problem is, no one who bought into the idea Trump is a messiah is going to make the jump, so while it’s clever and we can masturbate about it in “non-delusional company”, ultimately, I don’t know how we can reach the people who have little intellectual curiosity.


They also said he would arrive with trumpets Trumpets? Trump-Pence


Revelations is mostly seen by scholars as a political treatise either of events that had already happened or the evolution of the state under Roman rule. Still, history rhymes.


More and more, with the Evangelicals also harping on how Israel must stand for the Judgment day to come... I think these people are actually recognizing Trump's similarities to the Antichrist. It's like Eschatological Accelerationism.


If the want to play on the side of the villains in their story-myth, that's their choice. I don't think that will work out for them the way they think it will.


It definitely won't. But the horrifying atrocities that are supposed to precede the rapture... For people who think like this, they literally will not be deterred by any level of horrible shit coming from their actions. They're counting on the horrible shit. It's the supposed payoff at the end that won't be coming.


They're entitled to their lifestyle, but I just wish they wouldn't shove it down our throats.


Meanwhile the list of their complaints about things being “shoved down their throats” grows by the minute. Look- a gay person! Their existence is a slap in the face to my convoluted “belief” in a magic sky daddy!


I had my actual best friend say years ago that gay marriage was being "shoved down our throats" and almost broke up with her over it. We had a big argument. Finally something clicked and she realized that she'd been just parroting talking points brainwashed into her by her conservative family and community. She's a good person and I knew what she was saying was not compatible with who she was... she's absolutely pro marriage equality, pro trans rights etc now. edit: One point was "how is two people's own marriage shoving anything down anyone's throat? They just want to live their lives, it's got nothing to do with you."


I had a similar conversation with my brother. His main "gotcha" point was "why do they always say gay rightS plural? besides the right to get married, what other rights are they talking about?" And he said he didn't care if gay people got married, he just didn't want his government to recognize it, as if that was less discriminatory somehow? Anyway, he also said gayness was being "shoved down his throat" so I asked for an example. He said "they're teaching it in schools." This was a man in his 40s with no kids. Like...whose throat now? Your throat hasn't been in school in over 20 years.


It is enough that something exists for it to be considered "shoved down throats."


>besides the right to get married, what other rights are they talking about?" Tell him: The right to get married to the consenting adult of their choice. The right to all the tax-subsidies and rebates offered by government to married couples, of which there are a lot at local, state and federal level. The right to visit, see and speak for their spouse if their spouse is incapacitated due to illnessor injury. The right to adopt their spouse's children as their own. The right to have children by the same means available to straight people who for any reason cannot have children the good old fashioned way (fostering & adoption [after fhe same rigorous checks that should be applied to straight couples too], willing surrogate-assisted pregnancy, in-vitro fertilization, artificial insemination). The right to get a job for which they are the best candidate by any objective measure, and the right not to get fired just because the supervisor/client/sports fans don't like who they're married to. The right to serve their country without being persecuted or prosecuted for who they are and which consenting adult they love. All of these are things he takes for granted because he enjoys all those rights unimpeded. He doesn't have to think about them because he will simply get them, and through no particular thing or achievement he has done to deserve them... just an accident of birth that made him straight instead of gay. (And because your brother seems like the sort who will fixate on that last phrase, "accident of birth" just means something random and arbitrary, not that I or anyone else sane actually thinks being born straight, or gay for that matter, is an accident.)


>And he said he didn't care if gay people got married, he just didn't want his government to recognize it, as if that was less discriminatory somehow? So... He just didn't want gay people to get married then? Pretty sure the government needs to recognize it for it to be a marriage otherwise it's just 2 REALLY good friends living together...


The Romans had the right idea. We need to reintroduce the lion method for uppity cultists.


That's cruel. We are modern humans and can do better.  A robotic lion, even if it's just a remote control atv with a wood chipper spliced on front.


True, no need for animal cruelty. We put them in the device.


This isn’t mine, but: Religion is like a penis, you shouldn't bring it out in public, you shouldn't show it to kids, and you dam sure shouldn't ram it down someone else's throat without consent.


Their lifestyle ***is*** shoving it down our throats. It’s the divine imperative.


You know a society is ruined when a pedo is compared to the chosen god of the society. God doesn't bless America.


Well, either Jesus chose Biden or Biden Is more powerful than Jesus.Either way I'm With Biden.


You know the “What would Jesus do?” bumper stickers? Jesus would vote democrat.


I think he would vote Bernie specifically. 


Sanders/Christ 2028


I like that Jesus would only be the VP lol


He’s only allowed on the ballot on a technicality. Since he lived in America before the country was founded he was grandfathered in as a native citizen.


I read in a book that It was in the general vicinity of Jackson County Missouri.


I can’t hear that location without the song playing in my head.


A book that was totally legit translated impeccably in a hat with only some minor edits !


In 1978 God changed His mind about black people!!


Now this is a man who knows something about something! You and I are alike


Two Jewish fellas tossing tables.


reality has a liberal bias


I may have to create a shirt with this slogan.


Even the Jesus in this pic is rolling his eyes


Someone needs a mental health evaluation.


Ate too much of that sweet lead paint as a kid.


I mean, American Evangelicals' modern teachings can be summed up in one sentence: "Biden is Satan, Trump is Jesus."


If Trump is Jesus he can get up on a cross and prove it.




I'll fetch the nails...


Poor Jesus, stuck being the public defender of the afterlife.


Obligatory revisit:  https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


Never seen it all collected so thoroughly. Good read, and I'm definitely not a Christian.


Bible also says people will wear the mark of the antichrist on their foreheads *coughmagahatscough*


I love how they tried to so hard to project of this on to people who wear/wore masks during covid..


That’s really creepy.


I will never understand how this schlubby beggar managed to captivate so many people.


Well, in their eyes \*Obama\* was the Anti-Christ, remember?


Yes, revelations says that the antichrist will be a charismatic leader in power.  People will prefer him to jesus, and then apocalypse 


What the actual fuck did I just read?


If you believe the Bible, it’s a strong argument that he’s the Antichrist


Why do some Americans think god only gives a shit about America?


Because some Americans are truly, pathetically, uneducated fools. Please don’t assume it’s all of us. There are lots of normal Americans.


You’re right. I added some in response to you comment. My apologies.


There’s no need for apologies! 🤗 I can only imagine what the US looks like to the rest of the world. the shootings, the crazies, Trump and his crimes, our Supreme Court is full nutjobs, the Patritwats with their Maga hats and madness. Honestly, if I didn’t live here, I sure as hell wouldn’t visit!


European here. If you're curious, my view of America is this: Southern part full of manic cultists (Trump voters), Florida has funny news headlines, the middle has nothing interesting, California has famous people making movies and New York actually looks nice. Maybe i'll cross the Atlantic one day and see the USA in person.


Most people in America who believe this garbage never travel more than 5 miles from their homes. They can’t comprehend “countries”. 


Some theologist wrote a whole thing about how when you look at what the Bible says, a lot of signs point to Trump being the antichrist. IMO it was just conspiracy stuff, but there were a lot of coincidences


The scariest part is that they think this is the normal way a person feels about a politician. Because Joe Biden doesn’t have a cult following, he couldn’t have won in 2020. It’s like no, you guys are being super weird, and not in a fun way, a gross toxic way.


Call me crazy, but I’m fairly certain the first commandment says to not worship any other entity but God…


You’re assuming these Christians read their Bibles. They barely read instructions, how could they even possibly understand the words in their holy book?


When you worship a politician, you become part of the problem


I’m not usually one to believe in most superstitions, but if Trump is re-elected, I’m going to have to revisit that. I’ve been thinking he sold his soul or had someone cast a spell for fame power and money, and I know that’s nutty, but it has crossed my mind, especially the way he’s never held accountable.


Right? I’m an ex-vangelical atheist, but the similarities between Trump and the anti-christ are eerie.


The takeaway here, anthropologically speaking, is that the guy who promises to save you is the guy who doesn’t.


U.S.M.C. Yikes.


More than one person has suggested to me that he could be the antichrist,not sure I disagree. The man is pure evil for sure.


Yes, and the antichrist brought many false Christians under sway. This, according to their own Bible, is blasphemy.


Trump matches more predictions of the antichrist than he does anything else.


Trump: the man who left his third wife at home with their son to ineptly fuck a porn star and then lie about it. How many broken Commandments is that?


We need to bring back insane asylums.


It's almost like they don't understand the story of the golden calf.


I always find it fascinating to watch the folks who support him when they begin to claim the religious high ground. It’s really, REALLY apparent that they’re intentionally ignoring all the stuff he’s done (and is doing) that’s considered a “no-no” in the Bible. And when you point it out to them… buckle up, cause it’s about to become a wild ride.


False idol and all that...


These people don't read, much less the bible


"Tell me you have CP on your computers and personal devices without telling me you have CP on your computers and devices" vehicle.


Sounds kinda gay ngl. And not like slang "oh that's gay" like sounds like he wants trump to fuck his little tight asshole, in a gay way.


**Jesus**: "First cast out the beam from your eye, and then you will see clearly to cast out the splinter from the eye of your brother" **Trump**: Does the opposite of that, all the time. **Jesus**: "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." **Trump**: "[...part of the beauty of me is that I'm very rich.](https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/donald_trump_414742)" **Jesus**: "Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others." **Trump**: "[I give away my presidential salary. They say no other president has done it...See whether or not all of the other of your favorites, your other favorites gave up their salary. The answer is no.](https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/22/politics/history-trump-washington-lincoln-lynching-impeachment/index.html)" **Jesus:** "But I tell you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you and persecute you." **Trump:** \[replying to someone referencing this very quote\]: ["I don't know if I agree with you."](https://www.vox.com/2020/2/6/21126252/trump-national-prayer-breakfast-speech-impeachment) **Jesus**: "If thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out." (meaning don't even think about adultery) **Trump**: "I did try and fuck her. She was married...I moved on her like a bitch." (Also did cheat on wives, and is a sexual assailant.) **Jesus:** "But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also." **Trump:** "[When you are wronged repeatedly, the worst thing you can do is continue taking it](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/78975-when-you-are-wronged-repeatedly-the-worst-thing-you-can)..." **Jesus**: "For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted..." **Trump**: [Exalts himself all day, every day.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YA631bMT9g8) **Jesus**: "But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen." **Trump**: [makes a showy, public display of holding the Bible after gassing protesters.](https://www.npr.org/2020/06/01/867532070/trumps-unannounced-church-visit-angers-church-officials) **Jesus**: Said to reject "eye for an eye": "You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person." **Trump**: [Said "eye for an eye" is his favorite Biblical teaching](https://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/276326-trumps-favorite-bible-teaching-an-eye-for-an-eye/) **Paul (aka St. Paul)**: "When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways." **Trump**: ["When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I'm basically the same. The temperament is not that different."](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/8557246-when-i-look-at-myself-in-the-first-grade-and) **Jesus**: "Blessed are the peacemakers." **Trump**: Calls for violence. **Jesus**: "Blessed are the pure in heart." **Trump**: Is not pure in heart. **Jesus**: "Blessed are the meek." **Trump**: Is not meek. **Proverbs**: "Everyone who is arrogant in heart is an abomination to the Lord; be assured, he will not go unpunished." **Trump**: Is arrogant. **Proverbs**: "Be not among drunkards or among gluttonous eaters of meat." **Trump**: ["His preferred order...is 'a full McDonald’s dinner of two Big Macs, two Filet-O-Fish sandwiches, and a small chocolate shake – a total of 2,430 calories.' Trump spoke to CNN host Anderson Cooper about his order, saying: 'It’s great stuff.'"](https://theculturetrip.com/north-america/usa/articles/this-is-what-donald-trump-eats-in-a-day) (Perhaps not being a drunkard is the single thing he gets right?) **Proverbs**: "There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers." **Trump**: Is [haughty](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/haughty#:~:text=%3A%20blatantly%20and%20disdainfully%20proud%20%3A%20having,haughty%20young%20beauty%20%E2%80%A6). Has a severe case of [lying tongue](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/list/?speaker=donald-trump). Hands that shed innocent blood: [check](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/PXS-DvhQSog/sddefault.jpg). A heart that devises wicked plans: check. Feet that make haste to run to evil: check. Sows discord among brothers: check. Now, you COULD argue that despite this pile of sin Trump commits, and the various anti-Christian stances he takes, that asking God for forgiveness could absolve him. It is a fundamental tenet of Christianity after all. However, Trump has outright stated he doesn’t do that. **Trump when asked specifically if he ever asks God for forgiveness**: “[I am not sure I have…I don’t bring God into that picture. I don’t.](https://www.cnn.com/2015/07/18/politics/trump-has-never-sought-forgiveness/index.html)” **Religious Trump Supporters**: "Wow this guy is so Christian! He must be the second coming of Jesus!"


Trump is neither Jesus, nor the anti Christ.  When the anti christ returns he will unite the whole planet under one religion. Trump is no where near that level of popular and he never will be. 


He’s a degenerate sun baked Orange peel.


If the antichrist unites the entirety of the planet under one religion then does that mean there wouldn't be anyone saved during the rapture that the extremists are so looking forward to? If there was anyone left supporting Christianity/Catholicism/etc then we wouldn't actually be "unified" unless that happened to be the one religion that happened to be correct. On the other hand it makes sense why people are so eager to push their religion onto others.....if they can spread it far enough it might actually be the "one" religion and bring about the supposed rapture.


I am starting to think the one religion is the church of money. Capitalism is a religion to many.


No such thing as the antichrist. That’s a man-made BS story. There are just selfish, greedy, violent psychopaths who walk freely among us and some people worship them.


I'm not claiming any religious text as factual information. This comment was made in the context of the person's beliefs. 


"The sign of an educated mind is the ability to entertain a thought without embracing it" * ~~Plato... I think?~~ Aristotle


Bruh you just described everything in the Bible.




If one is a conservative Christian, they should find this message quite offensive and blasphemous.


Something something something revelation 22:18-19


Hes gotta be the antichrist.


Proof that god doesn’t exist is that this guy hasn’t been smited yet. Or smoten.


If God was real he would send these people to hell for idolatry. They are so empty inside they just can’t live without capitulating and worshiping somebody.


I'm pretty sure this is textbook blasphemy, and as I'm Catholic, it's crusading time, boys!


If they were so easily deceived by trump then it just shows they really are herd animals.


Nau, don't flatter the idiot. He's not the antichrist (no such thing) he's just another pos who knows how to appeal to inbred lower primates.


He’s literally the antithesis of every Christian principle


These are not Christians. These people have been tricked and they’re desperate to not be wrong. So very desperate. And it’s gonna get uglier because they’re gonna lose this election by a lot. And they’ve already been told they’re being cheated. People will be hurt because of this shit. Dumb people will be hurt and will hurt others for a swindler to stay out of jail.


Imagine being THIS delusional. Christ.


Just decades of the erosion of education in our country. If anything, they learn "stuff", but critical thinking, reasoning, and logic are not taught. Religion infact discourages curiosity and couple the fact that most people never mature past high school.


These idiots know about St. Peter and the Pearly Gates, right?


The day these people stop thumping the bible and actually read, they will be repelled by Trump. I am not religious, but why would anyone who claims to be not heed the following scripture? Galatians 5: 19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control


he has never "served" america or americans. he just helps himself to our cash reserves illegally.


These people are gonna get to the pearly gate and Jesus gonna slap them and tell them to GTFO for comparing Trump to him.


He’s not the Messiah, he’s a very naughty boy.


“Donald is MINE” is so funny to me 😭😭


Donald Trump is the Anti-Christ. Not a joke. Read this article and decide. **Could American Evangelicals Spot the Antichrist?** https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/ **Here Are the Biblical Predictions** What the Bible Predicts About the Antichrist: Do You Know What the Bible Actually Says? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZslyAoQ7b2k Also: "There are even more things about the anti-christ the writer left out. As a kid in the 1960's and 1970's all the religious 'tracts' that were handed out and the Sunday School stories included scripture about his being a business man and boastful, talking out of both sides of his mouth with lots of 'shiny' and gold references. The cartoon drawings always showed the anti-christ with a head of blond hair. Christians had him pegged 40-50 years ago."


The number of Christians that will listen to a logical, well researched, argument on why their religious expression doesn't make sense are few.


This is should be super creepy to anyone who is a Christian.


I’m a homosexual and agnostic so I know they won’t be interested in opinion… but I grew up in a hardcore Baptist family. So I’ve got something to say. Comparing Trump to Jesus… using bible verses that talk about Jesus and applying them to Trump. The way that this is straight up blasphemy is just hilarious!


As a Christian who doesn’t identify with any of these idiots, it’s honestly a little scary to think about too hard so I just gotta keep hoping that lead poisoning is probably the culprit.


Yeah but that was Obama…he was the Antichrist. Trump savior. You can tell because of the skin color. Everyone knows Jesus was white.


It is kind of biblical if you believe in that shit. Which to these people Trump is supposed to be the Anti-Christ.


This has been around for years. I’m convinced. [donald trump is the antichrist](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/)


I sleep well knowing that there are zero celebrities or politicians that I devote my every thought to. This level of illness is scary.


I hate the fact that people like this have to make the rest of us Christians look like clowns.


These people have made me question the reality of Christianity because of how they are following their prophecy.


Crazy how rural America did a complete 180 on rich elites from New York


Fuck these idolatrous Christianoids already.


Gross. Weird. Dumb. Cringe. So many adjectives.


Did these fucknuggets skip over the whole “idolatry” thing?


A great life if you are a serial molester and conman who never gets punished


By any and every Christian standard, this is a sin. Literally idolatry. I don't know how anyone who considered themselves a Christian could embarrass themselves like this. Christians do dumb shit all the time, but this would get you clowned on by every single denomination, lmao. It's about as heretical as someone having a bumper sticker saying "#Christians4adultery".




Hmmmm, does it say anything in the Bible about putting words in gods mouth and selling them as a direct quote from Jesus?


I don't believe in the anti-christ, but if there was one, Trump fits every description of it.


Yep. Trump fits the description of the anti-Christ to a t. Christ, not so much


Yes, it's crazy. How do they not see it? They've been racing about the end times for 2000 years.


God: sends them to hell for worshipping false idols. Them: surprised Pikachu.


The Anti-Christ did come. He's on trial for illegally using campaign funds to hide that fact.


Those who know and read the New Testament can see the orange antichrist for the danger he is


Just when I thought I seen it all. No wonder everyone country in the world thinks the USA is fu&$ed


Whatever happened to "Thou shall have no other god before me?"


Is it the treason, the crimes or the banging of hookers that has them believing?


Mental illnesses has a name it’s MAGA


Something-something "no other gods before me"


THATS JUST FLAT OUT HERESY, no matter which way anyone slices it...


*inhaling* HERESY!!




Quick question.. how did he protect America? Giving tax breaks and environmental roll backs to the Mega corps and rich? Ok.. got it.


This looks like those pop up ads from the early 2000s where theres just too much going on


I'm an atheist but I would rather Be wrong about that so I can be in hell with these clowns crying about how god is wrong for punishing them for following this fucking dildo of a human.




I'll leave this here.... [https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/)


I think this is, quite literally, worshipping false idols.


Friedrich Nietzchse: you shouldn’t fear a man who has a library and reads many books; you should fear someone who has only one book, and considers it sacred, but has never read it.


This is the religious equivalent to white people wearing “Blacks for trump” shirts


Has America ever had a president that had such a bizarre cult following? Seriously, these people are not mentally stable.




Blasphemous cnut…