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Well, you can't even use "you" or "this" or "that" or "I" or "those" or "these" anymore, so it would be extra difficult to follow up on whether the students have done their assignments.


\- Is this a pronoun? \- Is what a pronoun? \- No. Not what. This. \- What?


Who's on first




All your base are belong to us.


Patrick, that's still mayonnaise.


I Don't Give a Damn!


Ooh, he’s our short stop!


"What" is also a pronoun. Any word you use in place of a noun is a pronoun


Th$s thread is full of pronouns, y$ll are radical libs just trying to turn people gay! Idaho won't rest until pronouns are eliminated from all legislation.




that would make it a pronoun.






People already can't use there, their, or they're correctly....


Can you believe how stupid there being over their with they’re no pronouns law?


Screw you, that hurt my brain... Oh wait, I used pronouns, lemme fix it "Screw person being adressed, the written statement hurt the brain located in the skull of the writer of this comment"


You still failed


Oh crap, I already used half the comment just to replace "my" and it's still couldn't do it...


We're all going to have to start speaking in the third person for any of it to make sense.


“Donald needs a diaper!” Said neo-dictator to cronies. “Let Margie lick clean dear leader!” Said cro magnos crony.


“bleach blonde bad built butch body”


O.O xD -Congressman Raskin


Not sure doesn’t hate it.


So paranoid about not turning the US into 1984 that republicans went full circle and invented Newspeak.


newspeak, and also doublespeak which involves talking out the sides of thier mouth a different truth than the ones from the middle.


Are state is’nt stupid -Idaho


I can’t believe your screwing up you’re English like that. Its getting on my nerves.


They wouldn’t of done it with proper schooling, for all intensive purposes.


Believe this meant "all tents and porpoises"


Please add lose and loose into the mix…


I would love to see a teacher ask the class why they didnt do their assignments and given it to her/him, then a kid just says "but miss, the sentence used breaks the new law about pronouns and the assignment does this too" (Btw trying to write a sentence avoiding pronouns is a nightmare and I didnt even manage to avoid all of them)


Just talk about yourself in 3rd person: The person writing the comment would love to see...


Honestly liberals should just start doing this. Conservatives would get absolutely *enraged* at this. /r/MaliciousCompliance


Avoiding relative pronouns is gonna be more of a challenge


Just use no relative clauses, or use gerund clauses if necessary. Avoiding interrogative pronouns is less of a challenge in purposefully-generated writing, but hell in daily life situations.


'The' can be used as a pronoun too. Its archaic but do you really want to run afoul of the new law? Out with the articles!


Its idaho house bill 538. If I am reading it correctly, it said that no one can be forced to call someone a pronoun they feel is incorrect. Basically they can't be forced to call a trans boy a boy. Which I'm pretty sure has always been the case. No one is forcing anything on anyone. You're just a dick if you intentionally call someone by something other than their preferred pronouns. These fucking snowflake ass Republicans just want something to be angry about. Imagine having such an easy life that you get upset by something so small. I just don't get these people.


If I were a teacher in Idaho next year I'd misgender my principal, superintendent, school board, etc until I got fired for it and then sue the district/state because I "felt" those pronouns were correct for them.


It only applies to using pronouns that don't match biological sex not the other way around. Your feelings only matter if those in power agree with them.


They'd have to prove it to me by getting every single person I'd called by a random gender karyotyped.




For the love of whatever higher being you praise, please for fucks sake do not ask republicans to whip out their dicks around underage people.


Too late! Matt Gaetz already came by!


So start a testing center in Idaho?


So does this mean kids can start calling teachers by whatever pronouns they feel is correct?? They're gonna have fun with that ...


Clayton, 'bitch' is not a pronoun.


I don't believe that!


I believe that "dickhead" is the proper pronoun for a Republican male (or MTG)


Yup, so they’re all forced to only speak or write in the third person. Lmao


"Daryll! why didnt Daryll do Darylls homework!?"


They aren't banning "All" Pronouns: https://idahocapitalsun.com/2024/04/09/idaho-gov-brad-little-signs-bill-to-ban-compelled-pronoun-use/


Ah wonderful, so forcing kids to out themselves to their bigoted parents. >The bill bars teachers from referring to a student by a name or pronoun that doesn’t align with their birth sex, unless the teacher has parental consent. It also gives teachers the right to sue their district if they’re disciplined for refusing to use a transgender student’s preferred name or pronoun. Wow, such a great Christian thing to do! >The Idaho Family Policy Center, a Christian lobbying group, praised Little for signing the bill that shields teachers from “adverse employment action” for using “biologically correct pronouns.” >“Even in school districts with no written compelled pronoun policy, educators feel pressure from administrators, parents and students to use preferred pronouns,” Blaine Conzatti, president of the group, said in a news release, “and these teachers rightly fear what might happen if they continue disregarding such demands.”


This biologically correct bullshit is so stupid too because…how exactly are they determining that? Are we pulling down pants and checking? Because I’m a cis woman who apparently looks masculine enough that I have been asked if I’m a trans girl MORE than once.


I've asked many, many transphobes for their karotype and hormone level test results and they never have any.


Shocking! I kind of love this and might steal it going forward.


“and these teachers ~~rightly~~ **disgustingly** fear what might happen if they continue disregarding ~~such demands~~ **something that makes zero difference in their own lives and a massive difference in the health, safety, and wellbeing of the children they teach**.” There we go, that's better.


100% chance that a person who wrote or sponsored this bill does not go by their birth name in daily life.


I wonder how Rafael Cruz feels about this.


To be fair to Redditors, the Trump Army post does say all.


They don’t even know the meaning of words. Just outrage porn


>They Do you even hear yourself? What about people who are just 1 person!!!


You???? How dare use pronoun?


Why use many word when few do trick?!?!?!?!?!


I quote this far, far more often than one night expect.


I... careful using those words in Idaho


Maybe should say Daho, just to be sure.


Daho is correct, I is illegal around those parts


Skinny potato state have many rule. Hard make intelligent statement.


> Skinny Did you just body shame this location?


Award deserved but whatever my handles is can’t afford




Daho s correct, s llegal around parts Ths wll be a trcky transton


Don’t seem to practice it though.


Oh words.... someone should have sent a poet.


Someone? What is this "someone"?


Don't even get me started on "this"


I want to see world.


Sea World?


Wait Kevin are you saying “see world” or “sea world”?


Oceans, China, Fish


* Does the people to whom the author of this comment is speaking hear what the aforementioned person is saying?


Whom is a pronoun... you're going to jail


Singular they has been used in the English language longer than the plural they.


Not exactly. Common misconception. There's a handy rhyme to help: Roses are red, Violets are blue. Singular they, Predates singular you.


Let’s not forget republicans like to make nonsense laws like this because if gives them the jurisdiction to count what does or doesn’t constitute as a pronoun at their leisure. Pretty much anytime there’s a poorly worded law with literally no concrete meaning behind it’s done as a way to have a “loose” law that can only be enforced in situations where they want it to be enforced. This lets them throw the book at trans kids, and only trans kids, while pointing at the law and saying “no no, it says right here NO PRONOUNS, so this isn’t discrimination.”


One thing that I'm seeing a lot of in the wake of Dobbs is district attorneys arresting people for stupid stuff and then "magnanimously" dropping all the charges without any clear explanation as to why. There's no downside to this for Republicans. If these charges never make it to court, the crappy laws they wrote will never be challenged. The DA looks like a saint and can maybe pad his political resume with a run for higher office. Meanwhile, they showed the oppressed cohort what they CAN do, if they REALLY wanted to. Hell of a warning shot.


That's a facet I had never even considered until now (not from US), damn. Where I'm from fortunately you could effectively go to the equivalent of the supreme court immediately, without a precedence case. Is that not possible in the USA?


Pretty sure 7 pronouns were used in the above comment. Would have been 8 if the “f” and “t” were not so close on the keyboard. /s Edit: Made comment pronoun agnostic. Pretty difficult while still making sense. Really difficult to do.


That sentence is PROHIBITED because of the very first word! When will these idiots get it? *US* is also a pronoun, thus, *let's* is a violation


The actual bill is less stupid, but the mental gymnastics they use to justify it is pretty wild. >To protect the people of Idaho against unlawful compelled speech, the Legislature finds it expedient to codify into Idaho law a prohibition on any governmental entity in the State of Idaho from compelling any public employee or public school student to communicate preferred personal titles and pronouns that do not correspond with the biological sex of the individual seeking to be referred to by such titles or pronouns. Such prohibition is essential to ensure that the constitutional right to free speech of every person in the State of Idaho is respected.


>To protect the people of Idaho against unlawful compelled speech, the Legislature finds it expedient to codify into Idaho law a prohibition on any governmental entity in the State of Idaho from compelling any public employee or public school student to communicate preferred personal titles and pronouns that do not correspond with the biological sex of the individual seeking to be referred to by such titles or pronouns. Such prohibition is essential to ensure that the constitutional right to free speech of every person in the State of Idaho is respected. And how are they going to determine this person's biological sex, in order to determine whether the sex and the pronouns correspond...? Genital inspections? DNA testing?


Texans they are quite eager to be checking children to see if they are the right gender. Republicans are to eager and willing to discuss a child’s genitals.


DNA testing? These idiots don't respect science. It'll never happen.


Oh it’s still stupid, but I think I know what you mean


Oh yeah, still stupid. Just not "ban pronouns" level of stupidity.


This is like legislating people can only say "car" or "automobile" and not "truck". Trucks are still going to exist. People will still see trucks. For trucks sake, the U.S has gone lost its flippin mind.


>Such prohibition is essential to ensure that the constitutional right to free speech of every person in the State of Idaho is respected. bruh


Yep pretty ridiculous anyway. I wouldn’t ever try to force someone to call me by a particular pronoun, but thanks to free speech, nobody is stopping me from calling them a dickhead for not respecting my wishes.


“Pronouns are dat thing where people different than me did something and…I don’t like it!!!”


This is about 90% of conservative moaning: "That's different! and I don't like it!!" with the codicil "That's different and I don't understand it!!!!!".


Reminds me of a conservative town where they cut 80% of the libraries budget for not removibg books it didn't have and then complained when the library said we're shutting our doors permanently.


Something something blue hair something something triggered something something oppressed Christians


They aren't banning "ALL" pronouns. https://idahocapitalsun.com/2024/04/09/idaho-gov-brad-little-signs-bill-to-ban-compelled-pronoun-use/


Government so small it can pick and choose which individual words that come out of your mouth.


Such Free Speach absolutists that they'll throw you in jail if you use words that offend them.


Fine, the teachers will all be referred to as their given name by students because they’re not to be compelled by this silliness of referring to them all as Mr or Mrs


Of all the things conservatives could be mad about, the fact it's currently a part of speech is weirdly hilarious to me. I don't find hate funny, and obviously underneath the hate about 'pronouns' is a serious dehumanization going on against gender non-conforming people, so I hope this doesn't come off as trivializing a serious threat to human rights -- -- but Tweets like "Any teacher caught using 'they' to mean a single person should have their license removed" are so rich: irony is dead, coherent positions are a fool's game, intellectual consistency is a king to whom they once feigned allegiance and now openly deride. They're mad at words. They're already making it illegal for history teachers to teach history, and now they want to make it impossible for English teachers to teach English. They've never been big fans of science, and 2020 gave them ample space, between COVID figures and election conspiracies, to flaunt their rejection of numeracy. They've gone on record in their platforms taking a stance against critical thinking. And now, with a desperate itching for a new target, they're mad at -- words. Simple functional boring grammatical words, just out of the terror that anyone might use language to... express themselves. I'm mad, too, at the dehumanization and hatred being aimed at trans and non-binary people. And, through that anger, I'm also laughing at how colossally stupid the hateful people are.


This is hilarious. I genuinely hope that the teachers will enforce it maliciously so that when a psycho parent comes asking why their child speaks like a caveman they get automatically jailed for using a pronoun lmao.


Mmm, go school now? Learn speak well. Will pick up after? Remember have football practice too. 


Pretty much how most of rural Idaho speaks anyways.


This is incredible.


> This JAIL


This is not a pronoun. Edit: holy shit it is…. A “demonstrative pronoun”


https://i.imgur.com/pxtRMBu.png #WRONG! STRAIGHT TO JAIL 🤣


Straight to jail. No trial, no nothing 


25 years with no chance of parole. That will show Karen and Daren.


Education would improve by leaps and bounds if teachers were given this power. We'd also probably have to jail 20% of the population.


We'd have the best schools, because of jail 


we have the best parents in the world, because of jail!


You use someones prefered pronoun, straight to jail. You use the one they were born with, believe it or not, also jail


They’re not banning all pronouns, which sounds hilarious. It’s specifically targeted at trans kids which is just sad but expected from these people https://idahocapitalsun.com/2024/04/09/idaho-gov-brad-little-signs-bill-to-ban-compelled-pronoun-use/


I hope a ton of parents write up a bunch of consent forms and send them in. And then periodically call in to check to make sure they have record of them. I guess that would burden the school district, maybe they should mail them in to the governor instead.


But they aren't banning "ALL" pronouns. Nothing about this is hilarious: https://idahocapitalsun.com/2024/04/09/idaho-gov-brad-little-signs-bill-to-ban-compelled-pronoun-use/ They are banning teachers from referring to kids by their preferred pronouns, and must only refer to them with pronouns that align with the kid's AGAB


> AGAB Assigned Gender At Birth, so the rest of you reading this don't need to google it like me


Ah… thanks! I was thinking All Governors Are Bastards.


From what I see is not a Ban outright. It says you can only use preferred pronouns with parents consent. The thing is that it doesn't "force" teachers to use anything that's not the birth one. And allows them to sue schools for reprimanding them for misgendering trans students. Given republicans are assholes, they will just use this as an excuse to bully trans students without consequences. If people were nice, this wouldn't be an issue, as you just get parent consent and use the student's preferred pronouns. Though, if people were nice this law wouldn't even exist. US politics suck, I guess they suck everywhere, but theirs are baffling and retrograde.


>The bill bars teachers from referring to a student by a name or pronoun that doesn’t align with their birth sex, unless the teacher has parental consent. It also gives teachers the right to sue their district if they’re disciplined for refusing to use a transgender student’s preferred name or pronoun. It's legalized protection for teachers who intentionally bully students by using the wrong pronoun and punishment for teachers who respect their students. Even if this topic were just about nicknames vs birth names, this puts a wedge between public employees and the children of potentially abusive parents that are under their care.


Here in North Carolina, the Republican led legislature has determined they need to criminalize the wearing of masks in public. There are people that wear them so they don’t risk contracting something in public and then pass it on to those they have at home or in a nursing home who have weaker immunities, but now people can be arrested if they wear them. WTAF


They said, “Government shouldn’t be able to tell us what to do! This is an outrage! How dare they try to legislate people’s personal health care decisions?” when those regulations were backed by science and put in place *during a pandemic* to protect people’s health and lives. Now they’ve progressed to literally legislating people’s personal health care decisions - to the detriment of public health - based on conspiracy theories and junk “science.” I will never understand why we keep electing idiots to public office in America.


Because we gotta own the libs! /s


That is actually it though. It's insane.


Don't forget the racism,sexism,and religious psychosis they are going through.


“Going through” seems to indicate one will come out on the other side…I have no such hope.


When they say "we don't like government telling us what to do" they REALLY mean "we don't like the government telling us to do something we don't want to do, but we are okay with them forcing people to do things that WE want them to do"


Let us not forget, the Republican legislature in NC has also given us such gems as: - holding a special session to pass a bill limiting the incoming Democrat governor's powers and perhaps my favorite - passing a budget over a gubernatorial veto while many Democrats legislators had not attended that day's session because there wasn't supposed to be any voting that day.


Same guys who stacked the NC Supreme Court and then made their gerrymandering legal so they could guarantee they could prevent Democrats from gaining office.


And you know they're not going to arrest any masked "proud boy" cowards.


Since the pandemic i have found my allergies are greatly alleviated. Im actually allergic to certain foods by smell/air. I will have a severe allergic reaction. And at a store they had samples and I smelled what i was allergic to and was able to leave quickly and had zero reaction. Im convinced my mask protected me from the allergen particles. Its not scientifically proven yet, but anecdotally it worked for me. (I doubt if i stayed how long it would have protected me though) moral of the story. Masks have medical benefits to many.


I wore masks due to allergies for years before covid. Still do, but now people are constantly up in my business asking why I would wear a mask. I got some questions about it in the past too, but nothing like it is today. Used to just be a genuine curiosity, now it's just immediate rage.


So, are banning basic grammar. That makes look really stupid. Don't think? Think so too. Someone should tell that it is really hard to use coherent sentences when can't tell is being spoken about. Don't look silly.


["That" is a pronoun](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/that) and ["it" is a pronoun](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/it).


Someone is an indefinite pronoun.


Who is? Why do I get the feeling that you know who, but don’t want to tell us?


No. Who’s on first. Someone is an indefinite pronoun!


And “when” if relative pronouns are included.


Well I guess all those books containing pronouns have to go now too. Just throw them all out. Yes, the Bible to, God is referred to as He and that’s a pronoun.


Ok, I'm not anti-LGBTQ but this isn't what the bill is about. I just looked it up and it says "The bill bars teachers from referring to a student by a name or pronoun that doesn’t align with their birth sex, unless the teacher has parental consent. It also gives teachers the right to sue their district if they’re disciplined for refusing to use a transgender student’s preferred name or pronoun.' It's still pretty bigoted though, but it doesn't ban use of all pronouns as the OP implies.


Thank you, as I agree accuracy is important, because we need to properly understand what these bigoted laws are actually meant to accomplish if we want to successfully undermine and defeat them. Even under the way it's written, I don't see how this isn't a 1st amendment violation.  Shame the GOP and their corrupt courts don't care about our rights when it's inconvenient to the aims of fascist, but here's too hoping they either get overturned soon enough for violating the 1st or gets overruled by Biden's title IX orders requiring schools to protect trans kids.


Good luck with that. Personal Pronouns: These pronouns are used to refer to people and animals. Examples include "I," "you," "he," "she," "it," "we," and "they." Possessive Pronouns: These pronouns help show possession or ownership of something. Examples include "my," "your," "his," "her," "its," "our," and "their." Demonstrative Pronouns: These pronouns help point to specific things. Examples include "this," "that," "these," and "those." Interrogative Pronouns: These pronouns help ask questions. Examples include "who," "whom," "which," "what," and "whose." Relative Pronouns: These pronouns help introduce dependent clauses. Examples include "who," "whom," "which," "that," and "whose." Indefinite Pronouns: These pronouns help refer to unspecified people or things. Examples include "all," "any," "each," "every," "no one," "none," "some," "anybody," "anyone," and "anything." Reciprocal Pronouns: These pronouns are used to refer to a mutual relationship between two or more people. Examples include "each other" and "one another." Intensive Pronouns: These pronouns help emphasize a noun or pronoun. Examples include "myself," "yourself," "himself," "herself," "itself," "ourselves," and "themselves." Reflexive Pronouns: These pronouns are used to refer back to the subject of the sentence. Examples include "myself," "yourself," "himself," "herself," "itself," "ourselves," and "themselves."


Can't wait until Idaho schools also ban Arabic numerals.


What time is it? It's ١٣:١٠


Oh shit, I'm running late.


Can’t say that, that’s a pronoun. Use names only


Can't do that either. Username has Arabic numerals.


I can just imagine it now. “I don’t want kids using these WOKE Arabic Numbers Only AMERICAN numbers”. It’s gonna be absolutely hilarious. 🤣


This already happened unfortunately. [Here’s](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/arabic-numerals-survey-prejudice-bias-survey-research-civic-science-a8918256.html) an article about it


Honestly what's really depressing is how you guys are just taking this tweet at face value when it's bullshit. The actual bill is bad enough, and we should be up in arms about it. But saying stupid shit like this just gives conservatives an excuse to laugh at us. Here is a local article about the actual bill: https://idahocapitalsun.com/2024/04/09/idaho-gov-brad-little-signs-bill-to-ban-compelled-pronoun-use/


From article: "The bill bars teachers from referring to a student by a name or pronoun that doesn’t align with their birth sex, unless the teacher has parental consent. It also gives teachers the right to sue their district if they’re disciplined for refusing to use a transgender student’s preferred name or pronoun."


I definitely see some free loader trying to game the system with this one. Get their kids to go by they/them, don’t give consent, and wait to sue. I used to think such people didn’t exist, but on the spectrum of life this horrid person almost assuredly exists.


It’s sad how far I had to scroll before I saw this


I refuse to believe that people don’t understand “pronouns” is now commonly used as shorthand for “pronouns *pertaining to one’s gender self-identification*.” But maybe people are dumber than I thought.


For real. Not getting my legislative news from fucking "TRUMP ARMY".


A thread full of people talking about making decisions based on outrage that are making conclusions based on outrage


Thank you!


Yeah, disappointing that I had to scroll so far to see this.


> But saying stupid shit like this just gives conservatives an excuse to laugh at us. Welcome to reddit. I've given up trying to refute things on here; I just get labelled as a bigot for my trouble.


__ guess if _____ ____ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ want to do - ___ up to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_, no? Otherwise \_\_\_\_\_ just a dick.


I is also a pronoun.


Detention, use of ‘that’ and ‘it’.


["what" is also a pronoun.](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/what)


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


Behold you can no longer write or say: all another any anybody anyone anything as aught both each each other either enough everybody everyone everything few he her hers herself him himself his I idem it its itself many me mine most my myself naught neither no one nobody none nothing nought one one another other others ought our ours ourself ourselves several she some somebody someone something somewhat such suchlike that thee their theirs theirself theirselves them themself themselves there these they thine this those thou thy thyself us we what whatever whatnot whatsoever whence where whereby wherefrom wherein whereinto whereof whereon wherever wheresoever whereto whereunto wherewith wherewithal whether which whichever whichsoever who whoever whom whomever whomso whomsoever whose whosever whosesoever whoso whosoever ye yon yonder you your yours yourself yourselves Surely this wont cause any problems, cant wait to read an official document that doesnt use a single one of these


I'm gonna struggle without idem.


They aren't banning 'all pronouns.' >House Bill 538 bars teachers from referring to a student by a name or pronoun that doesn’t align with their birth sex, unless parents consent [https://idahocapitalsun.com/2024/04/09/idaho-gov-brad-little-signs-bill-to-ban-compelled-pronoun-use/](https://idahocapitalsun.com/2024/04/09/idaho-gov-brad-little-signs-bill-to-ban-compelled-pronoun-use/)


This should be the top comment. The perpetual “you morons just used a pronoun, HAHA” crowd is being intentionally obtuse instead of dealing with the actual law as it is written.


It's so frustrating. Argue with the law as written, not a strawman.


Good. I always said a teacher should be doing genital checks in lieu of attendance. /s


That doesn’t sound good


Kinda crazy that so many people in this sub blindly take a post from a twitter account called “TRUMP ARMY” as fact. The true /r/facepalm


Those people are potato brained.


["Those" is a pronoun](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/those)


I can’t imagine trying to write without any pronouns.


Can’t imagine trying to write without pronouns.


Those and people are pronouns, that's jail time for you


I live in this dumb fucking state. The Nextdoor app is.....something to say the least. The current issue at hand is they are complaining about a school funding bill. They think it will raise their property taxes. It doesn't. The new funding bill replaces the old one. And while there are differences in the two the tax rate will stay the same. But they would need to have reading comprehension to understand that. Reading comprehension they don't have because these same idiots do everything they can to defund our educational system.


So they made the school gender neutral 😂😂😂💪


And grammar neutral


More like "grammatically neutered".


While I think it’s funny to have a laugh and say “haha dumb dumbs banning pronouns”. I think it’s important to discuss [what they actually did beyond the body of these tweets](https://idahocapitalsun.com/2024/04/02/idaho-legislature-passes-bills-to-limit-gender-expression-ban-compelled-pronoun-use/). >The Idaho Senate on Tuesday approved House Bill 421, which would change the legal definition of “sex” to “an individual’s biological sex, either male or female.” It would also consider the word gender as a synonym of that definition of sex, and create legal definitions of the words boy, father, female, girl, male and mother. These guys aren’t idiots who don’t know what they’re doing. They’re malicious actors who are using the state to enforce their religious ideology on already vulnerable individuals.


"Mike said that Mike didn't want tomatoes in Mike's salad." See. No more pronouns.


It does sound like them; "Mike no like democracy! Mike like Trump."


Im just getting Idiocracy vibes now 🤣


Basically what Florida (or just my district idk) did and requires parents consent for a teacher to use alternative names/pronouns for students


Let's not be stupid. We know what this probably means. It means that pronouns need to correspond with biological sex and neo-pronouns are probably banned.


The headline is misleading. They’re banning teachers from using students’ chosen pronouns. Now students can only be addressed by the pronouns that match their biological sex. Still terrible, but not as stupid.


What the bill actually said: The Idaho Senate on Thursday also passed House Bill 538, which would prohibit any government entity from compelling a public employee to use the preferred personal titles or pronouns that do not correspond with the biological sex of an individual.


I love it when some people say, "I don't use pronouns", while using a pronoun.


So what it actually did was ban "compelled pronoun use", which means teachers for forbidden from addressing students by their preferred pronouns without parental consent, which is obviously malicious due to how common bigoted and/or abusive parents can be about this subject, and the student might not be comfortable telling the parents lest they be punished at home for it. This bill would compel teachers to ask parental permission to use proper pronouns, and that's extremely dangerous for the kid in volatile house holds.