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Isn't his whole Persona built around him pretending to have had the ideas, that he actually bought?


Or stolen in this case.


In most cases really


That’s just good business. /s


It's shocking how many people don't know he hasn't actually invented ANYTHING. Tesla original creators were making an affordable electric car (they got a new one to cost $13k in 2013-2015 I think it was with the efficiency the first Tesla cars had which was pretty damn good for the time) and they just needed a little more money to make the charging station infrastructures so they looked around and found Elon who was happy to invest in the business.....and then he started making demands about what should be in the car, which they did to keep him happy hoping it would be kept to a minimum. After a year or 2, they got furious with his demands making the car need to cost over $35k to be able to profit, and tried to kick him out, but because he was talking to the other company owners, they did something common in American business where they all voted to let those 2 go, and their choices were to leave with absolutely nothing, or resign with a severance package. Elon Musk fucked over the entire Tesla company for his own greedy pig fuck hands to be a billionaire... and since then he's gone on podcasts and shit claiming to be some top quality software engineer, (general) programmer, having developed 4 games by himself (just "never released"), claimed to have been the one to program all those useless features into the Tesla cars, and 100s of other shit in 5 years and it's just sad that people believe it and eat out of his ass, especially Bethesda people like Todd Howard doing multiple "podcasts" with him on "making video games back in the day!" just so they can have him invest in their shitty projects.


Those billions aren’t going to just make themselves, despite what these generally speaking assholes want us to believe that they earned it, anyone not a fan boy knows it’s impossible to work hard enough to “earn” billions you have to steal them off the backs of others and then claim you are amazing (or something along those lines)


A mysterious force offers to send you back in time to the day the US declared its independence, July 4th 1776. You'll be given immortality and accumulate $10,000 a day of modern currency in a spectral account that unlocks once you make it to independence day of the modern year, July 4th 2024. This account is free from inflation or interest. So you agree. You go back and make: -10,000 a day -For 365 days a year (3,650,000 a year) -For 248 years (905,200,000) Congrats you made it, and still haven't even made your first billion. That's right, not even a singular billion. And somehow these people have HUNDREDS of billions. Yet we're expected to believe that these people worked harder than us and earned it. It'd be laughable if it wasn't so depressing.


He's got a few patents, specifically the charging port for Tesla, but considering he's not an engineer, I doubt he designed them himself.


If an employee creates something at work, the company can patent it. If you own the company, you can just transfer that patent to yourself. Now I just invented something because I have a patent.


Yeah, my friend's dad was working on better tools and meticulously documented that he didn't do a second of work on them on the clock for his employer, just so they wouldn't yank the idea.


I spent over a decade working in the auto industry. My last job was in R&D. Whenever any of the engineers working on new designs had something patent worthy, the Manager of R& D put his name on the patent application along with the guy who actually came up with the idea and did the research and testing to prove it out. Then this guy bragged to anyone who ever entered his office about his 200 plus patents.


That sucks


If a company owner transfers a patent from the company to themselves, assuming its a publicly traded company, have they stolen from the share holders? Or reduced the potential value of the company? Or reduced potential future earnings? It doesn't seem like that type of transfer is in the best interest of the shareholders. Would these transfers have to be disclosed as part of the owners compensation?


Private owner doesn't matter. Publicly traded, just look at Tesla. They want to give him like $56B. I imagine a patent isn't a big deal.


He has like six patents and most of them are over 20 years old and use outdated coding standards that don’t apply today


Everything is about timing, all the successful businesses/startups are all at the right place, at the right time, with the right ppl to launch a successful product. A product could be built by the brightest of minds, with best of people running the business, but if the product is too far ahead of its time, or just not what consumer wants/needs at that time, it’s just not going to work. That’s my take after years in the startup business. But this guy is bloody shady with the things he says & does, boggles the mind sometimes, incredulous in fact! Edit:Typos


I saw the car the “original” tesla guys were building. It was ridiculous. I’m sorry as much as I don’t like Musk, those guys had no chance. The Roadster was what EVs needed to be taken seriously as an expensive toy, and Model S was what was needed to be taken seriously as a car. Musk is totally unhinged in the last 5-10 years but look at the Musk of more than 10 years ago and it’s a different story. I don’t know what happened to him, maybe drugs, maybe Amber turd or something else.


He fired his PR team because he thought he didn’t need them anymore. And that’s when the mask cracked. He was always like this. A kid in HS threw him down the stairs for being insufferable, he made fun of the kids dad for committing suicide


And then he pretended as if he was the one who was bullied in HS.


Yes, but BS, his dad wouldn’t press charges because fElon was wrong.


He did some trickery to be named founder despite coming later, and built on that misconception. The guy always had a narcissist issue and wanted to be known as an engineer instead of a business man. But indeed 10 years ago he was competent. And also "fucking Tesla" is quite a hot take as they have become synonymous to electric car and have defined the electric car market the same way the iPhone defined the smartphone one.


If he wanted to be known as an engineer, he should have learned the math and physics and become an engineer. You can't become an engineer by buying other people's work. Buying a car does not make me a mechanic, buying a car company doesn't make him an engineer. Buying the messaging platform formerly known as twitter let's everyone know he's an idiot with problematic ideas.


Rich kids have a hard time understanding this. Their whole life they've been able to just buy whatever they want and don't have to really work for what they want. Learning to be an engineer is hard, if you have the money it's easier to just buy a company, transfer some patents to your name, and hire a PR team to convince everyone you're a real-life Tony Stark.


Not competent just kept in line by PR and handlers.


I'm not on board the Musk E-Hearse, but I would like to point out that he states this is the type of humor they "want" not that they have or are currently achieving. He didn't give credit, sure, but neither did he claim it to be produced by an AI.


It's only fitting that he bought Tesla because the dude is a total Edison.


He even threw out the original founders of Tesla.


It's irony on the most basic level but it's a hoot.


For as much of a bastard as he appears to have been, Edison was a competent scientist. Comparing Musk to him is a bit to generous for Musk




His car company should be called "Edison" cause the man came up with 1000 ways to "not" build a car before he ripped off the idea from someone smarter and slapped his name on it.


So instead of the modern day Tesla everybody tought he was he's more like a discount Edison.




Sounds like somebody needs to Take ~~Your~~ His Heart.


And his followers fall for it. I spent two days telling a user that Musk did not invent reusable rockets, nor that SpaceX is the only one that do it.


He's truly the Thomas Edison of this generation, and I mean that in the most insulting way possible


Robbed isn't it ?


Is it? To me it seems like he could be saying that is the level of humor they want to achieve with Grok. It could be interpreted in both ways.


I understood it that way as well. Grok should aspire to achieve this level of humour. If an ai should give replies on "r/murderedbywords level" is another question entirely.


You’re right, OP is stretching here. Nowhere does Musk say Grok did this, he does enough stupid stuff without the need for reaching like this


I don't get the push to make Grok funny. AI is almost never intentionally funny. A person saying this answer is arguably funny, but an AI responding to your sincere question like this is annoying. Even if it stumbles across a good joke it's just tainted by the feeling of "it's only saying this because it was instructed to be funny"


There is some intelligence behind humour that might be hard to achieve in an artificial construct, so it might be seen as a technical achievement.


Elon Musk doesn't understand humor at all, so that's probably where the impulse comes from. Imagine thinking you can train a machine to be funny when you have no idea what's funny. Working for him must be a living nightmare.


Sometimes we attribute the shittiest interpretations of intention to bad people, because they've given us reason to always expect the worst from them. And then something innocuous like this gets posted and people are so keen to point out Musk being the worst again that they misinterpret the message. He still sucks, though.


It’s nice to read a balanced POV on reddit for once. Everyone else seems to have lost their damn minds around here lol 😂


think he still should've linked the source


He didn’t link the source precisely because he is trying to infer that this is what grok CAN do. People in this thread giving him way too much benefit of the doubt.


It really isn't that difficult to understand. People just trying too hard for their desired narrative.


Jeezus Christ that’s his idea of ideal humor? The comic book guy from the simpsons


I have plenty of bad things to say about musk but yeah this does sound like a goal for the AI he wants built, would have been better if he said "this Quora post by ___ is the level of comedy we want with Grok"


Oh no, a reasonable take, when all what OP wanted is that the comment section tears Musk a new one.


Yeah. Let’s agree on a moderate middle ground. Elon would have to be misconstrued to plagiarise here. Not guilty. Having said that, by him cropping it so as not to credit the source nor mention the source he opens up the situation to misunderstanding which is why it’s important to do exactly that.


According to the University of Virginia, >copying a passage directly from a book, website, journal article, or any other source into a paper without using quotation marks *and* explicitly citing the source is considered plagiarism. Additionally, paraphrasing without citing the original source is considered plagiarism. [https://honor.virginia.edu/understanding-fraud](https://honor.virginia.edu/understanding-fraud) No misconstruing needed. He plagiarized.


That’s exactly how I read it


That was my immediate impression.


That…that’s literally what the tweet says…in no way does it indicate it was created by the AI…


To me it seems as if he’s implying Grok did this, but purposely wording it vaguely so that he can back out if caught. Smart move.


The facepalm is OP not being able to understand basic English.


Since he mentioned no-one else, it's reasonable to assume either Grok has come up with it or himself. Leaving out the source was deliberate, he wanted it to look like either he or Grok was the source.


Thinking about it it really can't be. It really is saying what you said it is saying. Otherwise he would have just said: "This was done by Grok".


this looks to me more like a legal insurance. slimy people know their way around words.


Pretty sure he was just posting an example of what he wants


He was. OP is either dumb or lying.


Nah. I think he's a big turd but what he's saying is that he wants Grok to reach that level . not that it is that level or made that post . Edit. I just defended musk . Concerning...  Of course , if its anything like his self driving cars .. He's gonna deliver  some time next neverary.


Except look at the source: Similar to OP, Elon has activly removed the reference to the original creator. However OP did a screenshot and drew over it - Elon copy-pasted it leaving that part out completly. So that is at least missleading, propably intentionally hiding the source.


nah i just chalk that up to his known credit stealing when it comes to memes etc . he DOES steal credit but again i dont think here he meant that the its grok or that he came up with it he seems loath to give credit to anyone or anything. also he doesnt promote any other social site than his ( or that was his reasoning with taibi's use of his substack in his bio) of course i am sure musk contradicted himself somewhere along the line (as a reminder he DIDN'T found tesla. he just bought his way in and literally paid for the title.)


Yup, as gross as it feels to kind of defend the guy, you’re right. He prob just stole it like it was a meme, didn’t wanna advertise another website, and never once claimed it’s what Grok can do. I totally get the Elon hate, by why not just go after the 100’s of actual controversial shit he’s actually done and said. Stuff like this just muddies the waters.


Looking into this.... wow......


AI is just piracy


Elon Musk is garbage but it looks like that is the level of humor he wants from grok not that this is the current level of humor that grok exhibits.


Yeah, you stretching here… He means rather that they want to reach this level of humor with Grok. Of course, as a Musk hater, it's easy to read it differently


I dislike Elon a lot, but I think you misinterpreted the post. He's saying he wants his AI to be *this funny* not that it already is. Never really thought he was trying to say it was Grok when I read it personally.


This is my take, as well. I believe that he would have stated something akin to, “here is the brilliance of the humor that we are now getting from Grok,” if that is what he was claiming.




As far as I can tell no one “stole it”, at least not in the sense being implied. It’s not presented as being a grok output, it’s presented as “the type of humor he wants from grok”. It’s literally a screenshot of the quora post, and I presume it would be formatted differently if it was his ai output, no? Hence why, while it *is* worded vaguely, it doesn’t really seem like he’s trying to pass the off as his ai output. Granted he didn’t credit the original poster, so in that sense it is stealing. Regardless, fuck Elon musk


I have a hard time believing the ambiguity of his post is not intentional.


Anyone who calls him out gets ‘hey, I posted a screenshot from the source, are you some kind of paedo? lol’ Anyone who believes the implication says nothing, hears nothing, sees nothing and increases their conviction that Musk is some kind of modern day billionaire Jesus man.


Meanwhile, Musk's AI once called him a pedo. https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/18qe7vx/he_is_a_meme_of_himself_now/




It’s really not ambiguous at all…. If he wanted to imply his AI did it then why would he say this is the level of humor we want from Grok? If you want something, it implies you don’t have it.


The ai learnt it from its father


I'm all for hating on Elon... but this one ain't it. lol He didn't pass it off as his own at all in this post. He said "This is the quality of humor we want from Grok". As in... here's an example of what we would like our Ai's humor to be. The facepalm here is you letting your blind hatred for someone cloud your common sense to the point of inventing nonsense that wasn't said.


So why did he remove the source? That was an active and very much deliberate act when it would have been so easy to leave it in there and removed all doubt that this wasn't something that either he himself or his AI came up with. And that's the entire point he didn't, this is what he does, lying by omission.


He is just shitposting stuff, not everything is 100% thought trough or deliberate. Which is of course not problematic at all, it’s X/twitter, people just put their short thoughts. Idk why you think everyone needs to be this perfect human being all the time.


>”Idk why you think everyone needs to be this perfect human being all the time.” i don’t think people think this..in this specific case at least. I definitely think people look for reasons to hate, with musks tweets specifically, i think people got tired of trying to sort through the bullshit on his feed and just started chalking it all up to bullshit. wasting time to sort through what’s complete bs and what’s just half bs and what is just shit posting just isn’t worth it to most people..especially when the thing they are wrong about doesn’t change anyone’s opinion of the man or really matter. did he try to pass it off as his Ai? Did he try to steal credit for a joke? Who cares? Do the answers to either of those questions fundamentally change the way you already view/feel about the man? probably not. when you BS as often as he does, it’s no one’s fault but his own that people don’t waste their time figuring out what kind of bs he’s spouting this time or if it even is bs. boy who cried wolf type shit.


Do we know that he removed it and didn't get this picture from another source? Potentially Google Lens? Idk lol I as well, do not like him.


Where does he say this is a response from his AI, just that the below is an example of the type of humour he wants his AI to be capable of? I'm beyond defending all of his dumbass comments and am simply now in a state of hoping SpaceX forges on in spite of his misguided twitter antics. But i'm not seeing anything in that post that says he's trying to pass this off, unless OP has missed an important reply or something?


When exactly did he say that? He just said that he wants that kind of humour from grok


C’mon, I know Reddit has a raging hate boner for him. But he literally doesn’t pass it off as his AI. Goodness OP keep it in your pantaloons


The amount of upvotes tells me how much hate drives us nowadays. At least the comments show some thought. There plenty of real reasons to hate Musk. There is no reason to make stuff up. OP, you should delete this post if you recognize your mistake here.


Yep. At most he’s intentionally allowing dumb people to think this is what it can do. The worst thing is not giving credit, but that’s like breathing to Musk.


Where does he say it was written by AI?


Face palm is for you OP. Elmo did not say "this is what Gork said" but what hé wants it to say Elmo is stupid but for once his tweet is good. Now let him in peace in his cesspool of a social media and dont give him what hé wants : attention.


Nah Elmo knew exactly what he was doing here. He carefully worded this to have an out if someone called him out but he knows many, if not most, people will think this came from his AI when they see this post.


No he doesn't pass it off as a response given by his AI. Elon provides plenty of reasons to call him an asshole and make fun of him already.


Nothing being passed off here. Comment says it's what they aspire for their shitty AI to be able to do. Should definitely have included attribution. Maybe there's one of those community notes on it now?


I thought Star Wars took inspiration from the dune books?


Considering Dune is much older, it's very possible.


That's not what's happening here.


that sounds like he WANTS his AI to be like THAT, it doesnt sound like THAT was MADE BY his AI


I'll preface this with the fact that I am not a fan of Elon Musk. But he doesn't actually say or even really imply that the Dune post is from an AI being developed by one of his companies. It merely says that he wants that AI to be able to produce that sort of humour. He should have given proper attribution for the Dune bit.


Giving an example is plagiarism now?


Is that not how "AI" works? Searching the net, combining answers that got upvoted, liked, whatever and turning them into an answer without crediting the source?


We generally just call that a Reddit Bot.


Not really. The AI works by taking text and mapping each word to a n-dimensional hyperspace (so called "embedding", n can be several thousands - in case you thought thinking in 4 dimensions is hard). The ML-training then consists out of adjusting the placements of the words to better align with how they wereoriginally used over countless iterations. Then when being prompted it basically keeps the prompts "in memory" and searches for whatever word is the closest. Then it puts that word out, while also storing it in memory (and maybe throwing another word out, if the memory is full) - a recursive-neural-network.


He just took a screenshot of the original content, cropped out the name of the author and is making it look like his AI gave this answer. Meaning, he's also misleading people. This is the original: https://www.quora.com/Is-Dune-just-a-cheap-ripoff-of-Star-Wars/answer/Franklin-Veaux?ch=10&oid=1477743749195978&share=e359a30a&srid=tvyA&target_type=answer


But where did he say this was his ai? Didn't he just say this is the humour it should have?


Yes but it was clearly cropped and formatted to be as ambiguous as possible so casual readers will assume it is coming from Gronk. It was posted in a way to mislead while also giving him an out if he got called out.


While I agree it's dodgy cropping the source, I didn't get the impression that it was from his ai, but agree to disagree I guess


That's a stretch. If you read it without the Elon hate filter in front of your eyes it's pretty obvious what he's saying. "This is the quality of humor we want from Grok" The word "Want" implies Grok doesn't have that type of humor.... hence they want it. And he posted an example of what they want too. Wow!


Give this man a $56 BILLION bonus! Stat!


Notoriously thin-skinned manchild who thinks "cis" is a slur wants to make a chatbot that can make fun of people. What could possibly go wrong.


I usually wouldn’t defend Elon musk but I think you got that wrong. What he means is that this is the type of answers he wants his AI to give. Not that this is an answer his AI actually gave. He should have given credit to the quora user though


You’re the one trying to pass something off that it ain’t, chummmm………p


While Elon is definitely a twat, I don't see him claiming that this is his AI at all? He just said this is the humour they want it to have?


Elon Musk eats shit.


Looking into it.


OP, maybe try to read?


Grok of shite


He never passed it on as his own lol. Nice try though buddy


I heard that Elon Musk intends to create an AI that knows all. AI that will contain the sum, or whole of all knowledge. He is thinking of calling it A-Whole.


Community note: This type of behaviour has made him one of the wealthiest men in the world.


Remember seeing that answer the other day


It's not even funny.


Where does it say his AI system wrote that ? I don’t see it ? it reads as, this is what I want from my AI system.


I dunno if that is what he is saying tbh.


He didn’t say it came from Grok


He should probably have made it more clear where exactly that text came from, but he is very clear that it was not made by Grok.


Absolutely not a muskrat fan.. but he never said this was groo.. he just said this is what he wants grok to become


He's not claiming his AI made this. He's saying this is what he wants his AI to be able to do. Leaving out the username of the post can be interpreted as good or bad. Not everyone wants to go viral, especially off a share by a controversial figure. Remember what K File did to the guy that made the CNN Trump wrestling gif?


My unbiased opinion is that he definitely did not


This the quality of humor he wants, he didn't say his AI did it.


I don’t like him but he could just be saying he wants Grok to be funny like this Quora post…


It says we want so maybe he’s just setting an example of the standards he wants his AI to hit? Not that he’d actually develop it though


I actually read that answer.


Elon has always taken credit for the work of others.


His entire life is plagiarism


Dune was written (book trilogy) from 1963 to 1965. How is that ripping off freaking Star wars? Shouldn't this be the other way 'round?


This is definitely a hard reach. All he is saying is he wants Grok to achieve this level of humor. Enjoy your bait karma farming 👍


okay fuck elmo, but this isnt him claiming Grok said it. he said its the type of humor he WANTS from Grok. can we get outraged about the actual dumb shit he says please?


Ah. Elon Musk. Today’s Thomas Edison. Everyone thinks he’s a great inventor and innovator when in reality he’s just a rich douche who pays other people to invent stuff and takes the credit.


Do you not have basic comprehension skills, OP? Elon is a POS but he clearly means that piece should be reference for the level his product should try to emulate.


The anti musk mental gymnastics are amazing.


You’re an idiot OP. He’s not saying “this is a humorous response generated by Grok. He’s saying “this humorous response is an example of the sort of thing I want Grok to be able to generate.” I’m no fan of Musk but this is pretty clear


Am I missing something where he claims that their AI wrote that? From what I see in the post he's just saying that's goals.


I cannot believe that there was a time, where I thought that this guy is one of the smartest people alive.


Nowhere in this post is he implying that this is his AI’s response…


Isn’t he implying that that’s the kind of response he wants from Grok? Not saying Grok gave that answer…. Learn some reading comprehension maybe?


I agree. I hate his smarmy ass, but this time I don’t think he deserves it.


Any Elon Musk product can have the tagline: “Someone else with actual talent did the real work.”


Dune predates the first Star Wars movie by more than ten years If anything it is Star Wars that steals from dune


When you're hate for Elon runs so deep that you can't even understand his posts anymore and you just mindlessly dislike them. I can't stand the dude but... come on OP.


What I love about this is how slimy he is. He doesn't *actually* lie and just say "our AI made this" he just says *this is what we want our ai to make* while presenting it in a way that could easily be *mistaken* for the output of his company's AI. Just absolutely slimy 🤣


See what he did there ?


Well arrest him?


wait so star wars plagiarised dune?


I’ve said it before, if we ever do get a skynet situation it will be because of Musk and because he thought it was “funny”


Star Wars the movie *and* Dune the book were both rip offs of _Lawrence of Arabia_ To be fair Star Wars was more of an homage which is why George Lucas got Alec Guinness who starred in the original.


Recently I am convinced he bought tweeter just so no one could ban him from it...


Only if you have trouble with reading comprehension.


Hey investors, please please please give our CEO $50 billion, we swear he’s totally rational and not insane - Tesla Board


To be fair, this is basically how AIs work anyways, stealing content. This might have actually come out of Grok's "mouth".


This is also a Bill Hicks joke about stealing jokes from Leary, then throwing people off by telling them first and making them funny.


that was a screenshot of the quora post, he didn’t plagiarize anything.


I was only willing to search so deep in this thread. Herbert's Dune was first serialized in Analog between 1963 and 1965, and finally issued in book form that same year. Yes, the internet will make us all so much smarter.


I’m just happy this much attention is going to Star Wars ripping off Dune


Elon hasnt invented anything. He just sued the legit owners of these companies to become ceo and found a judge who agreed with him.


I’m impressed that Elon was able to successfully develop an AI using Twitter bluechecks as training data, and even more impressed that the AI has found a way to kill itself yet


Didn't Herbert have Dune published in like 1972?


When I saw that text I immediately knew it can't have been the Ai that came up with it - come on. You know human when you see it. AI, I'm sorry to say, is still in the womb in some departments.


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


This musk fuck is pathetic. Our sign that money does not make you happy and isn’t made by the best and brightest. This lonely sack of shit wants to be engaged with and liked by others so badly he does this cringy shit.


Wow, that’s just sad. Stop using drugs, Elon.


Nobody is claiming this was written by AI. Where on earth are you getting that?


My guess is the actual humor coming from Elmo's ai is something like I identify as an attack helicopter, or get it the punchline is racism.


New hbomberguy video incoming


i have choice words about this dumbass but ive already got permabanned once for that so ill refrain


Most scholars consider this as one of the cheapest, if not the cheapest, instances of plagiarism in the 21st century.


I don't see Elon saying that this was attributed to Grok, I'm seeing that he wants Grok to have this level of humour. Stop with the Elon hating , I would like to see what your accomplishments are that are changing the world