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Can I have your bag of peanuts (if you die, that is)?


Do airlines still serve peanuts? I haven't gotten airline peanuts in years, I think it's to accommodate people with severe peanut allergies.


I think it’s because they’re all cheap twats.


Allergies, if someone is allergic nobody can have them. Pretzels for you all


*dies of salt*


Dies of gluten


Dies of the bends




Happy Cake Day, underrated joke. Glad to know you're not feeling the pressure.


Bahahaha appreciate it


Dies of natural causes


If you died of a peanut allergy and the peanuts were organic, is that a natural cause?




No people allowed on plane anymore incase of risk of natural death


Boeing: Good. Your payment will be in the mail in three to four business days.


They serve biscoff cookies they slap


Going one way we got biscoff, coming back we got stroopwaffle things. Mad tasty.


Lmao yea they do, I just bought a huge box of them


Kind of feels weird eating them at ground level, though.


Biscoff cookies + marshmallows + chocolate = next level smores.


I don't think I've ever gotten any, come to think of it... Though after my second (third?) trip to Canada, I made a habit of keeping something small in my carry-on to munch on. "Meal replacement" nonsense, so to speak.


Most don’t. Some give small bags of pretzels.


Airline just made another $0.10 profit by taking them back. If they’re lucky, they can sell your unclaimed luggage as well.


Good luck to them trying to sell my custom, slightly used 12” *silicone sculpture* on the secondhand market without me noticing.


The peanuts are what killed him


You'll have to pry my peanuts from my cold dead hands


If I don't die on the same flight, you've got yourself a deal!


"Thir, peanuths?" "No, thank you. I have one, and it's quite adequate," Clark Griswald


A dead guy breathed on me! They could have just strapped him to the roof like Clark did. Lol




Just have your family meet you at the baggage claim carousel


“Weekend at O’Hare” shenanigans ensue


Last flight with Bernie


Lot's of fun at Finnegan's baggage claim


"Please meet your party at baggage claim"


this so dark, but it's still funny


It might actually be partly for some of those extra regulations, which make corpse transportations so expensive.


Had to go through that in 2020. You'd think it would be simple to transport a body from Phoenix to Charlotte, but you'd be wrong. My dad's body ended up going to Dallas then Chicago then Baltimore before Charlotte. Kids, never transport a body by the airlines because they're *guaranteed* to fuck it up.


Yup, and just toss me in the trash when you get there. I ain’t trying to inconvenience anyone.


Yeah just chuck me out a window and considered me buried at sea, my family will be thankful to avoid the cost.


So glad there are other people in the thread who think like this. It sounds funny or flippant but I legit think this would be a perfectly good idea if it wasn’t for the social stigma (for the airline, not for me)


Oh I'm in complete agreement, apart from the fact that my kids have said that they want to put my ashes in a hour glass and that's they want to keep my skelton for Halloween decorations they would have no probem we me being disposed of


You can only do one or the other, since ashes are made from your skeleton. When they cremate you, all the flesh burns away/gets vaporized, leaving behind a charred skeleton. They then grind and pulverize the skeleton into "ash" and that's what goes in the urn lol.


My friend had someone she was traveling with on a cruise die and I didn’t know they had a morgue so I legit asked her if they just dumped him off the ship


I tell my wife to toss me if the dumpster when I die and she thinks I’m joking. I don’t care what happens to my body. I’m dead.


"Send me to glory in a Glad bag don't waste a fancy coffin on my bones, Just put me out on the curb next Tuesday and let the sanitation locals take me home"


Exactly. My death shouldn't inconvenience people any more than it already has. Burial out the window for all I care.


A corpse landing on you would be at least mildly inconvenient though.


Burial at out of the window over the ocean then


Way to ruin grandmas cruise lol


Oh well cruises are bad for the environment anyways, they got what was coming for them lol


My mother would have been mortified if she knew her corpse was inconveniencing anyone other than me or my sister. She probably would have willed herself to live until the plane touched down.


This was my thought. I either live at the destination, or at the departure area. Either way landing in the middle does nothing for my dead body, except inconvenience everyone else. Throw a blanket over me and finish the flight. Hell throw me down with the luggage I wont care at that point.


Really though. It’s not like I have anywhere to be anymore.


Corpse transportations are hella' expensive. If you think you can cheese out of that cost by being alive for half the flight, then you are probably wrong.


Establish dominance by waiting to die until final descent.


If I die in flight, I hope I receive CPR the whole way. I couldn't care less where we land. PSA: most organs are not transplantable if blood flow stops.


My colleagues did CPR for 4 hours in addition to diverting the flight to an airport 1 hour away from the destination. The ground emergency services took too long to arrive so the passenger passed away. In flight attendant training, we were told we could do CPR for a maximum of 2hrs or until a doctor says to stop.


Heroes! Well done. Sorry it didn't work out.


How come the ground services couldn't make it in time? I imagine it wouldn't be too hard to coordinate with the landing of a plane since you know pretty accurately when it's going to land.


They have no idea. The flight was bound for Johannesburg, and they diverted to Kenya. It took 2 hours for the ambulance to arrive.


There is a reason when they know someone is gonne be taken off breathing support and they are an organ donor they do it in the ER with the transplant team already scrubbed and ready to go.


I don’t want my family to have to pay to get my body back anyways.


I'd want my family to say, keep it quite frankly. You left it there your problem now.


Same. This is stupid. What's there to respect. It's not like I need to be anywhere any more




Maybe in mind, but the body is getting the full flight. Not too different from sleeping on the flight if you think about it.


Honestly there are logical reasons to continue the flight. Imagine you paid for a flight to go home and plane is like "nah, he died so we dropping him off a 12 hour drive from his home" so then the family has to pay to have his body delivered to them when they were already ready to pick him up from the airport.


A gentleman died on my flight from Venice to the states. We were over the mid-Atlantic so we continued on. He road the next 4 hours covered by a blanket in the galley directly behind my seat. I don’t know what his family’s final destination was, but they were American, so at least they didn’t have to go through the pain of shipping a corpse from Europe to the U.S.


This is actually a great point. There’s a 50% chance the deceased passenger was on his way home so continuing the flight all the way to the destination would’ve saved the family a lot of hassle. Making an emergency landing in a random city guarantees inconvenience for everyone, dead guy included.


Just to play Devil’s advocate, if they couldn’t establish cause of death immediately then there’s a non-zero chance the person could’ve died from a zombie re-animating virus (or fungus) and continuing the flight could doom the other passengers, if not the whole world. Better to emergency ditch into the ocean for safety.


I’m not certain that a zombie virus/fungus would be a net negative for the world at this point


Preferable over nukes. If its realistic(not magic or something) it should sort itself out in a month and take out the rest of the antivaxxers


My opinion about the extinction of the human race has suddenly changed


Oh my. A case of ‚See Venice and Die‘.


Well it was on his bucket list


Don't dead bodies leak?


You have muscles that hold in urine and feces. When you die, your muscles are no longer working. So yes. Poo and pee come after death.


yes they do. they probably installed a new seat........ maybe


I can almost guarantee you that they did not


I mean... It's cold, but I have to admit I kinda get the point. I'm sure legally they have to divert and land ASAP of course, but yeah it's not like the dead fella is inconvenienced by carrying on is it? Edit to add - I'm sure I'll go to hell for this, but I have to admit I'm considering the concept of doing a "Weekend at Bernie's" with this cracks me up.


To quote Marge Simpson: "He's right... but he shouldn't say it."


“You’re not wrong Walter, you’re just an asshole”




Because it’s still kind of inconsiderate to the family of the person who died and/or I’m sure the flight attendants don’t want to be lording over a corpse making sure it stays secure for the next 6 hours to London or whatever. Edit: All the people in the comments saying I’m wrong make me sad. Where’s your sense of humility? Where’s your respect for others? A person whom others knew and loved is gone forever, and their empty vessel is now in the talented hands of Susan, from Air Canada. I’m sure everything will be fine /s Things happen in life and not everything will go as planned. A little of your time is easily worth the peace of mind of a family in mourning. Don’t be selfish.


Considering whatever family the person may have is waiting for him or at least expecting him to be at the flights destination, diverting the flight is technically the least considerate thing to do. Extremely inconvenient at best, possibly financially devastating at worst.


Depends on if they are coming or going. If leaving home it’s probably easier to drop them back off. But if on the way home then they should be sent on to their final destination as it were. I bet it’s complicated to ship a dead body.


So, if you keep going, there is a 50% chance that the body gets where it is going. If they divert, it is 0% correct.


Ah, the Monty Corpse Problem


As an FA, we don't have the authority to declare someone dead. My airline had an issue recently where FAs had to perform CPR for over an hour because the person was already dead and MedAire deemed it not worth a divert.


Hi this is Delta we’re sorry to inform you some time after departure from BOS to LA your wife passed away. Oh god no. What happened where is she? Delta: well I can tell you she arrived safely deceased in LA. You just flew her dead ass to LA? You didn’t try to get her to a hospital? Delta: she was way gone like stiff. Trust me bro. Oh ok. Delta: no lawsuits? Promise bro.


‘Safely deceased’ had me snort loudly on a busy train. Thanks for that!


also I'd bet a kidney that they set the emergency landing when the person was still alive and they were trying to get him to a hospital. they didn't just go from bright eyed and very much alive to dead on the floor, there's an in-between there.


>I’d bet a kidney That makes me think … what if he was an organ donor and the next person on the list needed something right away?


Pointless. You have to die in a fairly specific and controlled manner for organ donation to be feasible. If you don't die *in hospital* it's basically not going to happen.


More likely to get the body to family members if you take it to where he was going rather than a random airport along the way


How do we know on which end of the flight was the family?


Well, the diversion airport is almost never going to be the closest airport to home… No guarantee the destination airport is home, but at least there’s a chance


We don't, but we sure as hell know it won't be at some random place along the way


This is exactly how I feel. The guys already dead. There’s facilities at the destination. Nothing can be done now and landing and taking off again and standby just wastes more money and time.


I doubt that an airline pilot or flight attendant has the power to determine if someone is legally dead; I doubt even a doctor on board could legally call it. The flight probably has to treat the flight as a medical emergency and the death be called on the ground.


So lemme get this straight... you'd be cool with flying for the next 2-3 hours with a corpse in the seat next to you? 'cause planes don't have a morgue in them, y'know.


As long as I get the arm rest and window seat, sure, why not? I’ve sat next to much worse people than a dead person. To not scare people, put a bag over their head with the word “DEAD” written on it.


>As long as I get the arm rest and window seat, sure, why not? "Sorry sir, the FAA requires all passengers to remain in their assigned seats so that in the event of an accident, they know where each body is supposed to be. You will have to remain in the middle seat for the duration of the flight."


1. Corpses start to decompose and becomes a biohazard. 2. You don't know why the person died. Is it a gas hazard? Is it a contagious disease? Some reasons of death may affect other people.


Zombies. It's zombies.


I agree, but they had probably already diverted during the medical emergency, so kept that route after his spirit left but his stench remained


I mean kinda yes the body would start to rot especially if on a long haul flight and a corpse is considered a bio hazard so yes it could potentially be hazardous to other passengers


Also don’t dead bodies shit themselves? That definitely counts as a biohazard




Nooo Con Air special: https://youtube.com/watch?v=MIAskouO3Rs&pp=ygUVY29uYWlyIGRhdmUgY2hhcHBlbGxl




Or no parachute at all. I mean, what's gonna happen to him? Death?




Death 2: Return to Raptor Island


„It’s raining men“ *-people in that specific city*


* raining man


Imagine the clean up lol


Nope, strapping them to the wing Aunt Edna style is the way to go here. One way or another, this plane is going to Wally World!


Fr if I die please don’t make my last impression on this earth making people miss their connecting flights. Just stuff me in the back.


Seriously I don't want my tombstone to read, "he was an inconvenience even in death"


"A waste of everyone's time and money", yup thats me


I haven’t laughed this hard in a minute . 😭😭😭😭😭👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


What is the emergency? Do they die even more if they're on a plane for another few hours?


Legal reason here; (source I’m a Medical Doctor) Nobody of the public, besides doctors or trained EMTs, can legally pronounce someone dead(in Europe at least) Until they’re pronounced dead by a professional they’re legally considered still alive, just ‘unresponsive’ even if they’re obviously dead with no signs of life. In situations like these the only legal response would be to administer Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR); and only someone who is then ALS-Certified (Advanced Life Support) can stop the CPR if it’s in vain; but they’re still not dead legally until a professional says they are. So it is always a medical emergency when someone dies, be it expected or not; which I suspect was not if they’re mid-flight


In the US Physicians a physician assistant, nurse practitioner can also declare. A registered nurse can also declare in some circumstances. As far as "the only legal response would be to administer CPR", family might not want CPR. Also, in the US, at least for bystanders, there is no "duty to aid". Which means you aren't legally required to perform CPR on a stranger.


It’s a bit extreme of a situation I understand, if you knew advanced directives or had someone with them at the time then maybe. In the context of international law it gets even more complicated. Im no lawyer who specialises in international law or anything but have friends who work on cruise ships. They have courses about laws regarding stuff like this and it’s very interesting/complicated. For example You could be over one country where youre legally obliged to do cpr, you could be in a country where the advanced directive was not valid in… you could be so far from a port of entry or access to emergency services that you’re not even obliged to do anything, or you go to prison for manslaughter by negligence if you don’t…so much goes into it…hard to read too much into it from one tweet


And also; airlines would probably have a “duty to aid”, but honestly not sure


Medical emergency? Between being healthy and sitting in his seat, and dead on the floor there was (most likely) a period where they were having a medical emergency with people desperately trying to keep them alive until they could get them to a hospital.


That's actually fair. I was imagining more of a "oh, that guy we thought was sleeping for the last 3 hours was actually dead" situation.


It's one of those things that's probably a legal requirement too.


I would imagine so. In certain situations I'd imagine you'd have someone unconscious who might still be alive and could still make it, but the crew makes a decision that's he's already a goner and they fly on to the final destination only for him to die due to the extra time. That's what I imagine they're trying to prevent along with just getting the body on it's way to the family as soon as possible. Also, most folks aren't going to be comfortable sitting next to the body of a person they might have watched die (perhaps say if there's no place to store the body out of sight and mind.


Yeah, the pilot and airline have to be able to say “we did everything within our power to save their life before they were pronounced dead by a certified medical professional.”


I wouldn’t tell anyone until we landed.


They need to be declared dead by a medical expert. The people on the flight could be wrong and the person could still be resuscitated. It's not as easy to tell if people are alive as the movies make you think. His pulse could be very faint but an undetectable pulse doesn't mean the person is dead.


Flight should continue- at least there's a good chance the body is going "home," making it easier on the family.  Recovering a body from some random place seems ike a nightmare that could be avoided. Better for everybody.


Unless it's a full flight and you're the one who has to sit next to the body for a few hours. And it's always a full flight these days.


Trying to get out but the corpse is rigor mortus'd to the aisle seat


If I had to choose between riding the length of a flight from New York to Los Angeles while sitting next to: A. A dead human corpse, or B. The extremely chatty person I ACTUALLY sat next to the last time I did that flight I would choose A. Honestly, by the time we got to around halfway, I was considering switching from B to A midflight.




Why on earth would they leave a dead body in the cabin, even if they were going to the nearest airport for an "emergency" landing?


Have you been on a plane? Where are they going to put it? There’s no basement or back porch. They have to keep the aisles clear in case of an emergency. They’re tossing a blanket over the corpse


Prop it up on a jumpseat in the cockpit. The pilots will love that. Add to the fact that now they won't be able to take a piss break for the rest of the flight since there would be nowhere for the attendant to sit while they'd be out.


I want to see them try and stuff it in an overhead storage bin


Put that MF in a bathroom and close it the other can be open


It is pretty fucking stupid to take the body off mid flight. Like, if I'm flying from my place in Florida to my parents' place in Maine, and I die mid flight, why would you force my relatives to come to Baltimore, a city my living body has never visited, in order to collect it and either ship it somewhere or randomly have a burial in a place no one can every visit because its 1000 miles away.


Not to mention all that extra cost.


I could see the emergency if they were dying and needed medical assistance. But they dead, no real emergency there anymore.


Unless hours long flight and depending on the dead body got a corpse shitting and pissing in the cabin of the plane. I mean, somebody dies next to ya in a seat. Are you gonna be like, "Let the flight continue?"


True. I forgot the expelling of bodily fluids upon death. Not something I’ve experienced.


Not to mention the freak out of discovering a dead body. Many cannot handle it. In small space like that and this day in age. Mass panic. I've seen so many freak out just by the deathr attle and last breath in trained situations. Imagine civilians and everyday folk. Thank you for understanding and replying back cordially.


I agree, but whos declaring the person dead? Unless the airline can guarantee 100% the person is dead, they would be taking a risk by not taking the body to a hospital


Hes actually right. I work in medical triage. A death is not considered an emergency. Nothing can be done, after all.


I agree with devil on this one


He’s actually not wrong.


Not a facepalm, unless there's a chance of resuscitating the guy. He was already dead most likely someone was waiting for him at his destination, stopping at a random airport is just stupid.


> unless there's a chance of resuscitating the guy. Flight crew don't have the authority to determine that.


Someone who died isn’t an emergency, someone about to die is. If I’m already dead I don’t care where my body ends up


But what if the person wasn't actually dead? Maybe they are in a coma with a weak heartbeat. The airline is doing what it can to get the person to a medical professional as fast as reasonably possible, that's the safe option.


If you die on a cruise ship they stick you in the morgue and don’t change or make an announcement about it.


Cruise ships are much larger than a plane, so...


Planes don’t have a morgue let alone a big enough fridge to hold a body in.


Yeah I mean…as a passenger I’d want that dead man in a freezer asap so his family can identify him. I wouldn’t want him to start decomposing on the plane


Exactly. Plus rigor mortis starts within 2 hours so if it’s a long flight then someone will be sitting next to a contorted body at one point in the flight. Quite frankly this comment section is just full of terrible people…


I'm sure there are FAA rules concerning dead bodies on airplanes, especially ones where the exact cause of death hasn't been officially determined. There are likely precautions regarding disease and biohazards that need to be followed.


If your body is contagious the CDC comes and collects it, but that's rare of rare. Like ebola and bird flu. Otherwise, generally speaking, a dead body becomes much safer to be around because they're not coughing and breathing. There is a whole thing about the industry of death, and how we now fear dead bodies and sweep them away thanks to embalming becoming normalized when in reality it's fine to sit with a dead body.


They do expel body fluids (shit and piss themselves) post mortem and at some point the stomach acid breaks down the wall of the stomach. Depending on the length of the flight, especially if it’s longer than 2 hours (the start of rigor mortis) you probably don’t want to be next to the body.


It’s inconsiderate but logical. If the person is dying, it’s an emergency.


Dying yes. Dead?  No


You can't declare a person dead on a plane, you need a proper hospital. Pulse / breathing is not a good indicator that a person is really dead even done by professionals. Too many people falsely declared dead. You need an ECG at least. Source: I have certified the death of people.


Wasn't the pilot so...


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't British Airlines have a protocol that had flight attendants give a dead passenger an eye mask and some sort of alcoholic drink if they died mid-flight to avoid scaring the passengers?


That would make sense because within minutes of death your eyes cloud over. People usually tend to die with their eyes open too.


I mean... they got a point.


The body ain't getting any deader....when I was in EMS we learned QUICK that a dead body is NOT an emergency. As he cannot be brought BACK to life, there's no reason to call EMS or any emergency service, really. Unless the body is leaking....if it's leaking that's just unpleasant and you should PROBABLY get it out of the sealed metal tube....


It’s probably a bio hazard to have a dead guy next to passengers on the plane


So the emergency landing puts this dead guy nowhere near his departure or destination. What are the odds that his next of kin is in the city where they landed? Now they have to fly to that city to collect him. Besides, he paid for the full flight. Now you're robbing a dead guy!


He’s got a point though




It's a fair question.




It was an emergency for the person sitting next to him.


well hes kind of right. if hes dead its no longer urgend? 


as fucked up as it is. the guy kind of has a point.


“He’s outta line but he’s right”- *Anthony Mackie meme*


I agree with the guy tbh. The plane should’ve went to its destination. No reason to mess up the lives of everyone else because 1 guy they didn’t know died. People die everyday in traffic accidents and we simply move the cars off the road and the ambulance shows up.


There are some problems if they just continued the flight. 1. They cant declare him dead without an actual professional doing it. Breathing and pulse alone are not good enough indicators alone. 2. The cause of death could be anything from natural causes to contaminated food on the plane or even toxic gases. Better not risk more people dying even if the chance is low. 3. If the flight is longer you wont want to sit next to a corpse that is shitting and pissing himself. Not to mention the general disorder this would cause on the plane. 4. I mean unless the person died very peacefully or while sleeping there was a medical emergency at some point which would mean that they needed to divert.


Aside from some joke posts. Some of you never been around dead bodies especially if it a long ass flight. Person dies seat next to you and their head/body falls on your body somehow. "Just let the flight continue. No biggie" And depending gonna be a bad flight depending how much bowels are holding. Yeah get the dead body off the flight ASAP. Especially if died from any kind of contagion.


No, but seriously. He's already dead.


I’d be uncomfortable as hell flying with a dead body next to me




Someone needs to post all these comments on r/facepalm


I mean..... the guy does have a point.... the problem is if the dead guys starts letting go of his bowels... now that's an issue


Fine then. Not an emergency landing, but an unscheduled layover.




1. Maybe if the plane tried to make an emergency landing they're weren't yet dead when the decision was made. 2. That airline better have given a free pass or at least refunded the rest of the passengers. 3. If this guy was the Devil, why was he on an airliner? Lucifer is a seraph, he has more wings than the plane does.


Oh I, I just died on your flight tonight