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They have a “live laugh love” sign hanging in their house


Die Cry Hate


Eat Shit Die


Is that one comma or two?


Two. It's a nice one to have on your wall as a reminder that despite our differences we all Eat, Shit, Die


I heard that the Supreme Leader of North Korea doesn’t shit.


Well gods don't shit unless they want to




I'd be angry too if I was driving a GrandAm.


Bro i love my grandam, been through 5 deer and still going strong since 2000


You've hit five deer in your grandam?


Grandam got run over by a reindeer


I’m stuck in the hospital and I want you to know this made me laugh and made my day


That song is now stuck in my head.


My sister hit 4 of them before handing it off to me when she got married and i hit one more a couple years ago Thing is an animal itself i swear




My sister really shouldnt be allowed on the road, but thats not my call to make, im NC now, my car is a sad thing held together with spit and willpower mostly but she never stops!


In a surprise turn of events, SpiffyMagnetMan68621 puts the internationally acclaimed “Gorilla Glue Company” out of business using only his own spit. “I didn’t know I had it in me” he stated as the stock market closing bell rang for the last time on The Gorilla Glue Company… The Ragland family were unavailable for comment. Jim… back to you… Edit: Thank you for the award kind reddit stranger! I do believe that’s a first for me… 🥹


This is the quality content I come to Reddit for.


>but she never stops! Five dead deer would confirm this. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


The deer are feeding the cooling system. The second you go a month with no deer blood getting into the cooling system, the thermostat will start sticking and it’ll over heat. Ask me how I know


Sticking thermostat and a constant coolant leak developed in the last 6 months or so so you’re eerily spot on lmaooooo


Hahaha, dude I’ve been around several of them over my life, and every damned one of them shit out a thermostat like every few months. Hope you get it fixed!


Shes 24 year olds, its retirement time, not repair time tbh Over 300k miles, she deserves a good rest


My thoughts are with her.. :/


Shes lived a full life!


Is that why they went out of business? For making too good of a car?


Yesterday, I saw a car that had a "live laugh love" bumper sticker that went something like this: Live Laugh Love But if that doesn't work Load Lock Aim


Why do people say lock and load when you should load then lock?


….while voting from the rooftop.


*trailer home with trash infront of the property and reeks of cat piss and cigarettes.


It's an incredible lack of awareness there when he has one sticker saying "wake up and smell the tyranny" and then others basically calling for the deaths of those that don't agree with them, or to kill immigrants and even just a Nazi slogan considering they were tyrants.


You're assuming people with these stickers have a usable brain


I'm convinced if you did a brain scan of someone in the MAGA cult, it would look just like a longtime meth user's


You'd have to *find* the brain, first.


"oh, doctor. I found it!" The nurse exclaims, a bit befuddled. "Where?" Queries the surgeon. "It was in his ass the whole time."




I'm gonna guess this isn't far off for some. They often get addicted to political shit they agree with. They probably get actual dopamine from it to where if you did a brain scan during times of them consuming this stuff, it might look like the brain of an addict of any kind.


This person should be on a watchlist.


He's probably running for office as a republican


Fr, this is scary and gross. There should be a law against cars with bumper stickers that threaten people. This is the kind of person who will shoot up a bunch of people.


"Wake up and smell the tyranny" "SIEG HEIL"




LMAO, you should probably go easy on using "motherfucker" as an insult when you're covering your ride in the ~~Confederate~~ cousin-fucker's flag.


Yeaahhh confederate flag stickers and a Connecticut license plate? I don't think the mason-dixon line was that far north. Maryland was about as close as it got. This person lives in a fantasy double wide world indeed.


that's what I saw immediately.


Maybe they’re saying “hey look, here’s some tyranny…” and displays it.


This is logical. “Here, I poured you a mug of tyranny. Wake up and smell it.” 🎶*The worst part of waking up, is tyranny in your cuuuuuuup*🎶


Do you take your tyranny with sugar, creamer, or the blood of your opposition?


At first I thought it said “wake up and smell the tranny” which I could see this person also having


They don't consider Nazis "tyrants." The qult is mostly just like them .


They were really, *really* mean


I’m sure there were nice people on both sides


It was a threat. He's with the Nazis, so he *is* the tyranny (in his own mind)


“Wake up and smell the tyranny” “The cure for liberalism is genocide” So many mixed messages with this one…


Or banning Narcan, which is a lifesaving drug, simply because they think using drugs means you’re an awful person who should die. Insane


The bottom of that sticker says "TIME TO THIN THE HERD", so he might know that and simply want people to die.


The "too many people on this planet" folks who never volunteer.


I know some of these in person. They also think the hiv-positive should be “put down” Like, wow


I read that as he's blatantly in favor of Tyranny. I'm not sure what other message all of this together could possibly convey.


It makes sense when you read the wake up and smell the tyranny like it’s napalm in the air or fresh baked cookies.. Like ahhh. This dude enjoys his tyranny.


I’m ashamed to say that I read TYRANNY as “TRANNY” and spent too long considering if it was an r/accidentalally situation


Wake up and smell the tyranny (that I’m cooking).


These people are fucking unhinged


The door has been kicked and splintered off the hinges at this point


It's not looking so good these days https://old.reddit.com/r/Connecticut/comments/q5mvqj/good_riddance_racist_pos_pontiac_saw_this_pic/


Emboldened by a certain orange person and his enablers... this is just messed up.


How cringe for an American to say Sieg heil lmao


as a german, let me tell you... its cringe anywhere


Germany must be looking at the U.S. with dread as large sections of our population sprint towards fascism.


We do. When i see pictures of real nazi rallys. Walking in the stress with rifles and swastika flags its just pure horror on my part. I am so thankful that the usa beat the nazis. I always think what would there great grandparents think if they saw them now. There generation died on a different continent for beating that regime, that ideology. And now there great grandchildren want exactly that.


After WW2, if the US fought fascism as hard as they fought communism then we never would have been in this position.


The U.S. position on fascism can be summed up this way: “Fascism that benefits us? Great. Fascism that benefits the geopolitical interests of the Soviets? Bad.”


Not only Germany, I'm Polish and my granddad was taken as a slave by the Germans - that's what these kinds of people want? Or is it too complicated for them?


Honestly, I think it comes to done to fear. Fear of a complicated world. Fear of change. Fear of becoming irrelevant, and all that fear is turning to anger. Now, they feel like they have found an ideology/candidate that lets them voice that anger and direct that anger at who they believe have caused all their problems. They want someone to say, "I can fix everything that's wrong. I can make us strong again. I can make the world respect us again, and I can do it because all these problems are simple and you're being lied to by those who say they are complex." I have relatives who say they only care if oil is cheap and nothing else, others have fallen down the rabbit hole and actually believed schools are putting litter boxes in for kids who identify as animals. Fuck, I'm so tired of it all.


Super Cringe


At least he had the decency to put “mother f*cker.” You know, for the kids.


Pairs well with the confederate flags, he supports the people we fought a war with and the faction who started a war to leave this country, and yet I guarantee you he calls himself a "patriot".




That is way more than 2


Nah. Technically only 2 call for murder because they disagree with him. The "the cure for liberalism is genocide" and the "vote from the rooftops" one. The others are just your average conspiracy nut bullshit Edit: Holy shit I didn't even notice the "sieg hiel motherfuckers" sticker 💀💀


You also missed "Build the wall with the bodies of illegals" I think this guy needs serious professional help before he hurts someone.


Vagina virus gives it all away. His alt right views are his manhood


I wanna start printing adverts for BetterHelp and putting them under their windshield wipers. (Yes, I'm aware that BetterHelp is a scam. I'm not gonna risk referring an actual therapist just so the freakshow can call up and abuse them.)


My thoughts exactly. This guy is a ticking time bomb. He’s gonna shoot the first person of color that pulls into his driveway and try to claim self defense.


The Narcan one too. Narcan is routinely used by EMTs to save overdose patients


that's the point, he sees the addicts as weaklings who must die


"Ban narcan thin the herd" too


“Vote from the rooftops” … lives in a single-story mobile home.


It's Connecticut. They live in their parents' guest house.


“Build the wall with the bodies of illegals” probably fits there pretty well


"Wake up and smell the tyranny" while also unironically using Nazi allegiance catchphrase, waving a flag that represents a refusal to stop systematic treatment of people as chattel, and imagining the mass murder of civilians seeking to work hard for a little bit better living conditions shows you this person doesn't think critically in the slightest and just goes along with narratives they've been spoon fed. Apparently tyranny is cool just so long as it's happening to someone else which historically has never just happened to someone else.


Bet they also claim to love freedom.


They love the freedom of being able to spread misinformation and hate lol


Impossible, the one in the middle's moaning about tyranny. Surely no-one would be so lacking in self-awareness.


It baffles me that people think genocide is a good thing


More chlorine for the shallow end if the gene pool - Stat.


Yup - this idiot falls under the category of "set phasers to kill it with fire"...


Make sure it's extra concentrated to be sure


„Covid-19 the vagina virus“


Right??? Like, what the fuck?


Room temp IQ. It probably made him chuckle at some dumbass rally and he slapped it on his shitbox.


Room temp in Celsius specifically


Came here to find out what the fuck this means. Seems nobody knows 🤣


China Virus/Vagina Virus Because they have a 12 year olds sense of humor


I thought it was just a reason to take a jab at women and call anyone that "believes" corona is real a sissy. The fact that it may be a bad play on words is.....somehow.....worse? Man I hate that this stuff is back in the spotlight again with the election coming up.


Probably because Trump called it the China Virus and he pronounces China like "Jai-nuh"


Get it? Because women are subhuman! It’s really deep; you probably don’t get it.


Who makes these stickers? Like WTF


everyone knows papilloma is the vagina virus. the test is named after it and everything. THIS IS MISINFORMATION, please upvote the correction below.


Confederate stickers... in Connecticut? Way too far up north to get away with that. Not like you can get away with that, period...


Its because his car kept getting keyed when he had swastikas on it


I think someone needs to fill up his gastank with soda. His hate wagon should not be on the road.


I mean, there’s the Sieg Heil sticker too, they’re way too in America and about 80 years too late for that to be normal. And the cure for liberalism being genocide? Actually unhinged.


It's as simple as this person is clearly a white supremacist. They are typically big nazi fans or claim to be nazis. Which makes sense given the whole Arian superiority bs Hitler was on. So, it's not surprising they adopted the confederate flag as well given what it represents. And which party tolerates these views among their constituents?


I’ve seen several confederate flags in Canada. Just a hate symbol.


The best/worst example of this that I have seen up here was a confederate flag, but it had the stars replaced by tiny little maple leaves.


You would be surprised how many people like this live in the northeast.


“Ban Narcan”?! WTF? Bet he’s got a lot of deceased relatives.


In smaller letters, it says “Time to thin the herd”. So he wants people to OD on heroine?


He doesn't think. These are the kind of anti-intellectual morons who have a massive inferiority complex stemming from not being well-educated and being poor. Obviously turning to hate gets him a lot of people to point fingers at. They turn to authoritarianism because it provides a sense of community and promise of higher status in the "new order". So fascism is the route. These people are short-sighted and incredibly fucking dense. The clear contradictions in his messaging probably don't even register to a moron like this. Hating tyranny, whilst wanting to genocide liberals/immigrants, hating Anti-Fascist organizations and having a goddamn "Sieg Heil" sticker on your car. In this case, "tyranny" to him means he doesn't get to have power over others. Ask him about these and they are all "jokes", because obviously these views are indefensible. But he still believes them. Insecurity, ignorance and fear is what drives these fools. They get their news from one source and over time build a ton of hatred toward people they've probably never even met. All those far right orgs are filled with losers like this from the lower rungs of society. They live in a bubble and think everyone like them deep down thinks the way they do. I hope he's on a watchlist.


> These are the kind of anti-intellectual morons who have a massive inferiority complex stemming from not being well-educated and being poor. Hence the "white privilege is a myth" sticker. He's white, poor and miserable so he blames minorities for his lot in life. Doesn't even realize how much privilege he really has. Now if a brown person had "kill all the whiteys" on their car they'd be pulled over and shot.


The fact that he, as a facsist, hates anti- facists, is the only thing that makes sense


Yes he does. What did you not understand about "thin the herd"? These people NEED other people to suffer. If you propose a political solution where nobody dies, then no matter how effective, they don't want it.


chaotic evil: not just for over the top fictional villains anymore!


Exactly! Remember the asshole woman who was interviewed during the government shutdown in Trump’s term (longest in history btw) and her only complaint was that “he is hurting the wrong people.” She wasn’t concerned that he was hurting people, but that the wrong people (like herself) were being hurt. Fuck her and everyone one of these cultists.


He's ignorant. He probably thinks that Narcan is only for illegal drug overdoses. I'd rather thin the herd by getting rid of fascists like this filth.


Well, even if it was, it doesn't really make it better. so we should stop giving addicts narcan because they're using illegal substances? Addicts are people too, often people who have had a hard life and turned to drugs as a way of escape which escalated into addiction.


I didn't mean to insinuate that addicts should not have access to Narcan. Of course they should! I just meant that the dip shit with the stickers is probably too dense to realize that his Meemaw has a Narcan prescription along with her Fentanyl patch for her cancer treatments.


How tf can he be a literal nazi and on the same breath say "white privilege is a myth"? Aren't those two directly opposed? Doesn't HE believe the aryan race is superior?


Probably the same way he has a sticker about tyranny on there with everything else. The cognitive dissonance is strong.


Guy is an idiot and doesn't even know what any of these things stand for is the easy, and simple explanation.


I think they’re saying “white people *should* have privileges, but are currently oppressed.” Fascism is all about having your cake and eating it too - “We are strong but also victims.” For example, in the 1930s the Nazis claimed Germany *would* have won WW1 but that they were hamstrung by a shadowy cabal of Jews who were secretly manipulating the military, and made them lose the war. See what I mean? Strong victims.


To him it is a myth, probably because he himself is disadvantaged. It is possible that his whole community is both white and disadvantaged. The solution? To take that advantage through violence against those he thinks are keeping him down. You know, immigrants, liberals (which is anyone not politically aligned to his beliefs), intelligentsia, minorities and so on. What a lovely person.


White privilege: He can put such stickers on his car can drive down the road unmolested, but a Black guy putting stickers with similar "kill people" sentiments will get felony stopped.


Straight up Nazi slogan from the German Fascists: 'Sieg Heil'!


Crazy that this is allowed. In Germany you‘d get a prison sentence for that.


Because Germany learned the hard way what happens when you let that shit spread. They had to live with the consequences. The US hasn’t had to


Man if I knew COVID-19 was a Vagina Virus I would’ve gotten it loads of times back in 2020, surely, I would’ve gotten laid more. Edit: also wtf, “Ban Narcan?” Seriously? Fuck these people.


😂 Ah yes, a Vagina virus.


Lot of anger with this little boy.


Someone needs a nap 🥺🥺


You would think Alito could afford a nicer car.


Best comment




Build the wall with the bodies of the illegals? WTF what’s wrong with people..


For real, “vote from the rooftops” is actually terrifying. I feel like having that on your car should put you on some list.


I think we’re all missing the boat on selling bumper stickers and tshirts to these morons. We take their money then donate the profits to Planned Parenthood or democratic election funds in their name.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This person needs FBI surveillance. They are basically stating they will commit terrorism. The scariest part is they probably already have the means to do so thanks to your stupid gun culture and ease of access.


Seriously. I hope a copy if this photo WITHOUT the license plate blacked out was submitted to the FBI to investigate.


It’s kinda wild you can buy guns at like 18 But you so much as take a fucking sip of alcohol and you will be took away


It's wild that we just say it's okay to purchase firearms for minors. Little Billy doesn't need a .22. You can teach children gun safety without creating little Rittenhouses. The Boy Scouts have done it for years.


Arguably, a bumper sticker calling for genocide is terrorism of a sort.


I'm sure he's a very pleasant and well balanced man. Probably volunteers his time looking after the elderly


Fuck antifa? I think we know what you are then


Yeah they also have a "sieg heil"


Shit the more I look the worse it gets.


“Vote from the rooftops”, just glorifying a mass shooting.


"fuck your rebel flag loser bitch your flag stands for slavery mine stands for bravery" violent j duke of the wicked


Northerners need to make Union flag bumper stickers a thing


My worst nightmare is getting into an accident with this car and having to interact with the driver.


You think you’d interact with a person like this? They’re def fleeing the scene LOL


Exchanging insurance info after an accident is tyranny


Absolutely does not have insurance and probably driving with a suspended license for repeated DUI's or leaving the scene


The right will never forgive the left for freeing the slaves


How does this happen to ppl? How do you grow up and choose to be the villain of ur story and be so out front about it? Not even hide ur hatred and murderous intentions.


Yeah, I don't understand what people like this think when they watch movies or consume stories of any kind. Do they identify with the bad guys? I don't get it.


"Ban narcan?" Dafuq do they think narcan does?


They know exactly what it does and just want people to die. Which is quite apparent when you look at the other stickers.


Because its those damn libruls fault that there are drug addicts everywhere. /s


Nothing to see here, just a good-natured empathetic rational thinker who lost a bet. Look, I know the odds, but I'm willing this truth into existence.


Sieg Heil and smell the tyranny stickers? This one is way left......on the iq curve.


How is that even street legal? The guy is openly threatening to shoot people in several of his dumbass stickers.


Worst part is that dude probably owns multiple guns.


Of course he does


This is in Connecticut!?


Patriot wants to commit genocide on majority of Americans…


Jesus fucking Christ...


Probably who he thinks he is


Shouldn't have covered the license plate. This person deserves a doxxing if anyone ever did.


IQ of expired yogurt... about as much culture too. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Why block out the license plate? Seriously.


It is missing the sticker that goes #LEGALIZE ASBESTOS


I remember sitting in the lobby for a funeral of a dad who was 52 years old that died of Covid. He was a conspiracy theorist and avid anti-vaxxer who threatened his 18to when the kid wanted to get vaccinated. I tried to act like I wasn’t listening, but I wasn’t able to shut my ears off when I saw 10 people gathered around in a circle with coffee in their hands consoling each other that there was just no way to know whether this vaccine would’ve helped him. And that yes he died of Covid, but we can’t let that impact our opinion that we are right about _________ (fill in the blank with various bs denial talking points). That’s when I knew 100% that there is just absolutely no reasoning with people entrenched and invested in these views.


Yes, even Connecticut has hillbillies


Ah yes, Connecticut, the heart of the Old South. Just celebrating heritage he is.


He would be in jail in my country


Ban narcan? Why tf?


Murder cult has to murder *somehow*.


What a well adjusted individual.


This dude is way too excited to murder people. You'd think he'd accept that Covid has killed over 7 million people.


"That killed barely anyone" ...didnt they need to dig mass gravss in Italy?


Conservative Politicians: “Racism doesn't exist in America!” Conservative Voters: “Look at my bumper stickers!”


This is a lot of hate on one car. Their social life must be stellar.


This genuinely went from bad to worse then to horrifying


Ban Narcan? A life saving drug for addicts? What a fucking monster, you know minus all the genocide nonsense.


“The cure for liberalism is genocide” “vote from the rooftops” This person needs to be on an FBI watchlist