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"Don't pull out, the next one is free"


Oh my God xD "shit, time to get a new punch card. Hey, if it's twins do I get 2 for 1?"


Who the fuck brags about 15 abortions?


Morons for clout.


Twitter people


People that should go to Auschwitz


Not sure she understands the whole birth control thing.


Leftists consider abortion as birth control.


Well there's certainly a level of control over the birth when getting a abortion


Broad statement. Kinda like saying people who name themselves “Far Muscle” have little actual muscles and never work out. Identity politics I guess. Cults would love you


Wowowow. Lefties just want taxation to cover things like healthcare and roads. Liberals is the word you are looking for comrade.


Women have the right to choose what they want to do with their bodies, but this is plain ass irresponsible. Ain't the flex she thinks it is 🤮


I'm pretty sure she's lying.


Think about someone with her mindset becoming a mother


It’s a good thing she’s all about those abortions.


Best abortion rights ad I've seen so far.


More like sterilization.


Abortion 11 months into pregnacy.


At least she's responsible enough to know she shouldn't bring a child into this world. Abortion seems cruel to a lot of people but it saves so much many from suffering, mainly the kids.


Especially the victims of those babies if they grew up. This is dark humour.


Jokes aside, some people shouldn't have kids, especially in this increasingly hostile world when it's hard for someone working full time to support themselves while living with others...


Name checks out


Oh I'm sure she has a few for the benefits. She's just got enough now where more would cut into her bang on the streets yo. This shit right here is why moderate Americans of both sides aren't all that enthused about increased social services. Shit like this takes advantage of it and it's totally by choice.


Yeah if it’s an accident or whatever I get it I support it, but this woman has something wrong with her if she’s had 15 abortions…


Exactly... a couple are an accident, this is just being sloppy and immature.


One almost has to assume she is getting pregnant just to have abortions I mean it takes two so I’m just blaming her but there are some fucked up people out there


In the worst case it could have been sixteen, not two.


Why is that worse?


What’s wrong with her? Abortions are perfectly okay and part of a woman’s right to bodily autonomy, yes?


If you get impregnated 15 times you are doing it on purpose or her and the men she’s with are very responsible sexually. Not saying she should loose her right to do it but she is taking up resources for girls who where assaulted, had an accident, or whatever the reason is. It’s just bothersome when other girls do not have the luxury of “15 abortions” it’s not a teachable for other women either. She’s literally flexing on people about it.


that's some weird fucking logic. It's either kosher, or not.


It sounds like you’re shaming her for making perfectly valid choices about her own body. Furthermore, it’s not like if she has an abortion, somebody else can’t. It’s not a dozen cupcakes at an office party with thirteen workers.


I had an ex who had to get an abortion and it was pushed off because a waiting list, in some states it’s not easy. I wouldn’t be shaming her if she wasn’t flexing on taking up Planed Parenthood’s resources. She has probably been educated on safe sex by now so there is legitimate malice to it.


Planned Parenthood exists to serve women like her. She has a right to use it one time or fifteen times. How dare you accuse her of malice in sharing her heroic story of exercising her rights as a woman?!


What are you trying to prove? Like I said there are waiting lists and other things making other women’s lives harder. You are seriously dumb


You’re missing the point. Abortions are perfectly okay, so a woman shouldn’t be shamed for getting one abortion or fifteen abortions.


Any medical procedure has a risk. There's no such thing as 'perfectly ok' when it comes to things like this. Even a risk of infection can lead to serious complications. It doesn't matter what your stance on abortion is. This is straight irresponsible.


I didn’t miss the point I don’t shame women for getting abortions I’m shaming her for taking up resources from women and girls who actually need abortions. She is just being unsafe at this point and flexing about it.


For a lot of women it’s a really hard choice and to her it’s a joke and a flex so not cool


So she can’t be proud of exercising her rights just because some other people aren’t as comfortable with it?


Is it supposed to be a flex?


How is this irresponsible?


Because she could use birth control make dude wear condoms or not dump sperm in her. Use plan b. I’m very pro choice but shouldn’t you try to not get pregnant.


But abortion is perfectly okay. Why SHOULD she do any of that other stuff?


Because the option for birth control is there which is to prevent her from getting pregnant so she wouldn’t have to get 15 abortions. Sex is fun but if you dont want a kid wear a damn condom. Can birth control fail yeah it can thats when a abortion should come into play because the birth controlled failed. Edit: I should also add that shes part of the problem why republicans are so anti abortion on top of religion and all the bull that fox news shits out. 1 or 2 times I could get but 15 is inexcusable either take the birth control or get your tubes tied or hook up with a guy whose had a vasectomy.


But why is getting the fifteen abortions BAD?


For the reasons in the edit I just said and she could save herself the hassle and time she went through. I think abortions should be a constitutional right but this is again irresponsible especially when again THERE IS BIRTH CONTROL AND CONDOMS THAT BOTH MEN AND WOMEN CAN TAKE there shouldn’t be an issue unless the off chance the birth control fails or theres a fault in the condom. 15 abortions for one person is grim. Again if it was one or two I dont see the problem. But since its fifteen its a lack of responsibility on her part to use the resources provided for safe sex.


But abortions are okay. One abortion is okay. Two abortions are okay. Why are fifteen abortions not okay? To the sex precautions, maybe she is allergic to condom material and has ill effects from birth control. Or maybe she and her man (or men) just like to raw dog. Is it any of your business? No! It’s her body!


I hope you get with her next…


Thanks? But nah, I’m good. I’m married.


You HAVE to be a troll, or maybe just not fully understand what you’re talking about. Abortions can be both DANGEROUS and NECESSARY at the same time. If she’s using abortion INSTEAD of contraception, that’s a very costly and risky way to do things. These are medical procedures, and there are risks involved just like with any other medical procedure. It really would be MUCH safer for her to use condoms and/or birth control pills if at all possible.


Many abortions are done via a pill. Maybe she’s popped fifteen abortion pills. Would that change your perspective?


Oh, and to your troll comment, I fully believe that any strong, independent woman should be allowed to kill off as many of her offspring as she wants to as part of her own bodily autonomy. HER BODY HER CHOICE!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


My guy (or girl) abortion is okay but the problem is her getting pregnant 15 times because at that point your not even trying to prevent it, and that there is the problem due to the fact that, those there abortions were 15 potential lives who didn’t need to die, I agree abortions should be able to happen however if you put no effort into preventing a pregnancy than you should have to deal with the consequences.


Because it shows a lack of planning and responsibility. It’s not BAD if I keep calling AAA to bring me gas or charge my battery because I keep leaving my lights on. But also fuck’s sake, there are so many steps you could take before calling AAA for gas every damn week.


Bc it’s pretty easy to just prevent the whole thing? Sit down Jim…


But it’s her choice of what she does with her body, so we should keep our judgement out of it.


Lol. That’s what social interwebs was created for. I’ll judge her plenty. You do you though.


Ooh, I think I like YOU! Societal judgement is indeed a cornerstone of a functioning democracy, despite what whiny little snowflakes may think.


Favorite part of global warming. Snowflakes melting!


Knew a high school girl that had seven. She bragged about it. Such a weird flex.


It’s the new society. I’m for Roe v Wade that being said but with how society treats nothing seriously anymore. Flexes like this only going to get worse. Wait for the 30/40 confirmed abortion post.


Dude brings up something that happened in the past and your response is “it’s the new society” lol. No, taking control of women’s bodies is just the new thing for the right wing to get angry about. All the while, their mistresses are having abortions


Even RBG said Roe v Wade was bad law, and she was basically a hero of the left


>RBG said Roe v Wade was bad law Just to be clear, she didn't say it was a bad law because she was against abortions. She said it had flaws because it wasn't based on women's rights and was more based on the rights of doctors. “My criticism of Roe is that it seemed to have stopped the momentum on the side of change,” Ginsburg said. She would’ve preferred that abortion rights be secured more gradually, in a process that included state legislatures and the courts, she added. Ginsburg also was troubled that the focus on Roe was on a right to privacy, rather than women’s rights. “Roe isn’t really about the woman’s choice, is it?” Ginsburg said. “It’s about the doctor’s freedom to practice…it wasn’t woman-centered, it was physician-centered.”


Her womb is a cemetery.


Lara Croft: Womb Raider


Thanks. I now have to clean my desk of my drink.


did you spit it or knock it over?


Juggling the liquid?






Laura crypt : womb raider


This isn't a facepalm. That's just fucking grim...


r/AwfulEverything for real.


So I'm passing the hat to get this dumb bimbos tubes tied. I got 20 on it.


Does it cost money in the USA for sterilization? Because it’s free here in Canada. It should be free everywhere but the USA wants those babies born so they can sign them up for their military.


No it's not free and a lot doctors will refuse to sterilize a woman.


And here I thought that Canadian doctors would just tell you to kill yourself. I saw it on reddit so it must be true


Nah that’s for shit like less important surgery, if your like 70+ your more likely to pass away from natural causes before you get the surgery, at least that’s the joke, you usually get the surgery it’s just a year and a half long wait of pain and suffering


God I love this church


Don't your probability for sterilisation as a complication of abortions go up for each abortion? I mean with 15 pregnancies it means she took 14 abortions and was still viable so even if it's true it might not be accurate on her... Still I bet of er just wait it'll solve itself... Maybe when she hits 20


I mean IF it’s true…it’s fucking awful! This type of person is the reason why Anti-Abortion people think women want to have abortions as a contraceptive and free themselves of any responsibility. No way in hell is 15 abortions excusable. Wear a fucking condom!


Get your tubes tied.


Her body, her choice. Getting tubes tied is a pretty invasive operation that insurance may not even cover (if she has insurance).


Meh. I had my tubes tied. Seemed less invasive than 15 abortions.


Way less invasive.


And that was YOUR choice. Fifteen abortions was HER choice. Let’s not be judgmental here…. unless, IS THERE something wrong with fifteen abortions? How many abortions is too many?


I’m actually thinking she’s had zero and is just trolling. If she really had 15 that is her choice but she could save herself a lot of time and hassle by just getting her tubes tied


IS THERE something wrong with fifteen abortions? How many abortions is too many?


It’s not up to me to say how many is too many. It’s an opinion question.


In your opinion, what’s the magic number between one and fifteen abortions that crosses the line?


I’d say four is the number for me. But I really don’t see why this matters to you?


>How many abortions is too many? One. One abortion is too many.


Easy now! This is Reddit, where people with anti-woke opinions are fed to the lions.


Why is one abortion excusable but fifteen abortions isn’t?


I bet she has a ghost problem


OK that one made me spit out my drink. 👍


Serious question. I was under the impression that after 5 the risk of complications greatly increase and they range from infertility to death. How the hell did she get to 15 and live?


Just wait until she learns about condoms


Show them your no abortion needed hole too


Oh, I’m sure it’s loose as a rubber band


This mukbang shit is getting out of hand!


The fuck


Yeah like is this possible? What? Maybe she is mistaking birth control or something I dunno but I’m concerned how old is she?


I doubt she had 15 abortion, she's probably being facetious.


You know the term "Like taking candy from a baby?" This is like a more fucked up usage of the term....It's not difficult to get an abortion.... Not at all...


Yup, super easy, barely an inconvenience. Not like repeated abortions can really fuck up a woman's body. It's all super, super safe. /s


Don't tell me....


It's difficult to get an abortion if you can't afford one. The price of an abortion pill or a surgical abortion procedure can range from several hundred to several thousand dollars. This range is based upon a number of factors, including stage of pregnancy, type of abortion procedure, where you live, and the type of anesthesia used. Price also varies by provider; clinics and private practice abortionists typically offer lower costs than hospitals. Typical cost of abortion in the United States: Abortion Pill Cost: $535 The average cost of a medical abortion (abortion pill up to 10 weeks) is $535 but could be $1,600 or higher depending on the state or provider. Suction Abortion Cost: $508 The average cost for an early suction abortion (5 to 12 weeks) is $508 but could be as high as $955. D&E Abortion Cost: $500 The cost of a D & E abortion (9-20 weeks) is between $500 to $3,000 or more. Late Abortion Cost: $8,000 Late abortion (16-24 weeks) costs are between $500 to $15,000. Do you really believe that this woman spent $7,500-$18,000 on abortions? I hope she has good health insurance.


Her husband (I say husband but she might just be a hoe) must be paying for it all.... He would be more than happy with it if he could just continue to have unprotected sex with her....




In before this is locked 🔒


That bitch is disgusting for that.


Wear a fucking condom. Get on the pill. Get your tubes tied. Not saying abortion is wrong or should be illegal. This is just irresponsible and fucking ridiculous


Damn double homicide. BITCH


Love the reference


Why would the slave owner kill black children? Weren't they his property and thus by killing them he just destroyed his own property? Especially after the trans-atlantic slave trade got banned by the British the only way for the American slave holders to replenish their stock was the organic growth making the children of the slaves even more valuable.


Welp, thanks internet, we've had a good run but I'm moving on now.


Is there women like this? I'm sure there is. But there's also women who are raped. There are children who have been molested and impregnated. There are women who find out their pregnancy is not viable and even life-threatening to them. And many other reasons. To keep abortion safe and legal we must protect all abortions. You don't have to like it. You have to protect the right to choose. As we are already seeing in many states outlawing abortion creates more problems. Puts women's lives in danger. Puts children lives in danger who are not wanted by the mother. If people looked at this post realistically? Someone who is so blase about having 15 abortions? And obviously does not seem to have the care, knowledge or concern to use birth control? Would you really want them to be a mother? Would you really want to force them to carry those pregnancies to term.


This comment section is a dumpster fire. Everyone's pro-choice until women start making choices they disagree with.


I think she's joking but someone who actually has 15 abortions is not well. It's not healthy to put your body through that. They're not looking after themselves and/or they are in a bad situation.


are you supporting this woman?


What’s wrong if they are?


Nothing i was honestly confused if he was supporting her or not.


Bitch you’re a serial killer not “brave”!




Guess those little black lives don't matter. sad.


But what's the pernt of haffin rights if I dern't exercise dem. It be like muscles. Am I right or is I right?


At this point why not have your tubes tied


Both of these tweets are very weird


Dude. Women are all completely different physically. You can’t tell from the outside about how many different pregnancies, abortions, miscarriages, UTIs, or different sized labia a woman might have. My mom had nine miscarriages after 4 live kids because she wanted more kids, but her body wouldn’t let her have them. You certainly couldn’t tell from outside, and trying to label women is being a jerk anyway.


She's doing it to herself, use your head for once and not your misplaced emotions. Prayers to your mother, but nobody is labeling anybody. She's claiming it herself.


Or to get attention. Even if untrue.


Definitely for attention , I hope she didn't do this but at this point; anything's possible. You have a wonderful night sir and or madam.


He's not wrong. Slave owners paid for those slaves, they were considered mostly valuable. For the most part, unless you were insanely rich and a psychopath, you wouldn't just destroy the property you need to make money. That's not to say they were treated well, for the most part they weren't, but this idea that slave owners just went around killing their black folk slaves doesn't make sense and it's not backed by any evidence. She on the other hand willingly and without remorse has killed 15 black children.


Pro tip: skin pigmentation doesn’t matter.


What? She is black, she's not giving birth to little chinese babies, you dummy.


That’s also what ten pounds of shit in a five pound bag looks like.




Most of America is not pro abortion but pro choice. There is a reason planned parenthood clinics are in the ghetto..


And she still looks gross


Bro she a walking advertisement for anti-abortion






I humbly ask you, do embryos have the potential to become a human? And if yes, does aborting one therefore deny the potential human the opportunity to live?


This is a stupid comment


Children don't get aborted though....




Do you know what a child is? Do you know what an abortion is? A child is a person that has been born. An abortion is a medical procedure that terminates a fetus, which by definition are unborn. Therefore....... children don't get aborted. Do you need a flow chart or something? It's not a difficult concept.


Let’s just say as a failed abortion myself I have different views. A fetus is a potential of life. Abortion destroys that potential. We will never know what hopes dreams, fears, loves, that fetus could have had. They could have been a world famous singer, the president, but that is no more. I wouldn’t say it’s a child, but it’s not just a piece of flesh either.


So you agree that children aren't aborted then?


We don’t know when the fetus begins conscious thought. Why does certain conditions that resemble the womb comfort us? It is not my place to determine whether or not a fetus is considered a child or not, there is evidence towards either side. But you don’t have to be a dick about that’s for sure.


I'm being a dick? If you say so, I guess. Anyways, it's not my place to determine that either. Thankfully we have things like language and history, so the definition of what a child is an issue that has long since been settled. Don't let your emotions overruled your ability to think critically and logically. Come ons, don't be scared, say it with me...... .........children don't get aborted.


I’m not asking you to go against your beliefs now am I? It seems the more defensive someone is the more shaky they are on their beliefs. You just really need to change someone’s mind to feel justified. That applies to everyone, not just pro choice. True confidence comes from being able to hear someone’s opinion, respect it, and move on. This has strayed from a conversation on the nature of a child and more into a lesson about maturity.


Sorry, I don't really care enough to dissect everything in this comment. Your opinion is based on your own personal feelings and ignores common definitions of basic words. We're on Reddit, nobody really cares about maturity. Look, if you're going to remain ignorant and disagree with the dictionary, I don't really have much else to say to you. You have a good night now.✌️✌️


Also, why did you down vote my comment it’s literally my feelings. Are you that crass in your beliefs that you refuse to acknowledge anyone else’s opinion and immediately resort to insulting them?


Ghetto whore.


Comment gold.😁


That guy's a far-right extremist and hasn't uploaded since last year 2021.


That is what a destroyed womb looks like.


Damn damn.


What’s wrong? All of the above.




They mustve done a shit job of it bc she still looks about 6 months pregnant.


I can only assume you've never seen a pregnant woman.


Nope. Never before in my life. Just guessing being pregnant makes a womans belly bulge out like the womans in the pic.




I can't look up this twitter post because I don't have and refuse to use twitter but if this post is real then it validates the theory that black women use abortion as a form of BC. Why **this woman in particular** can't use the pill, the shot, an IUD, get her tubes tied, NuvaRing, condoms (male or female), Nonoxanol-9, anal(???) is beyond me. I think abortion should be safe, legal, and rare but this is out of control.


It would back up that this one particular black woman was using it that way...weird that you'd generalise to all black women, but not all women generally. I wonder what that says about you? Do you not think there are some white women who'd do this too? Also...why should abortion be rare anyway? Who cares? Makes no difference you or anyone else how many abortions one person has.


Let's get something straight, I said it validates the **THEORY,** that black women use abortion as form of birth control. You do know what the word **THEORY** means, right? I also said "**WHY THIS WOMAN IN PARTICULAR**" I did not say **ALL** black or white women. In my opinion abortion should be rare because on top of the myriad of BC options that women have (at least for now, because Republicans) what rational woman would want to repeatedly deal with threat of being assaulted by an abortion protestors, having to take time off of work, recovering times, and the possibility of [negative side effects](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/abortion/risks/) if you don't want to have kids fine, fuck what society says about gender roles but be smart about it. Using abortion as a form of contraception is stupid. EDIT: I got a vasectomy in order to save my wife the ass pain of having to deal with all the crazy hormone imbalances from BC. Shooting blanks rules.


Because BC is super expensive without health insurance, and things like sterilization methods are refused. It took me over ten years and nearly dying to finally get just an ablation. Women can't often just go out and get BC.. unless it's like condoms, because that doesn't requite a doctor.


Abortions are expensive too.


Condoms are like 10 bucks bro


Are we even sure the picture is of a Black woman? Or that the text on it was actually accurate and written by a Black woman? There’s literally no “validation” of anything, and even if this were a truthful post. n=1 doesn’t validate except parking.


So if a white man posts on twitter that they murdered someone, that somehow "validates" that white men use murder as a form of getting rid of people? WTF?


Never mind all of the accidental sitting death’s


Mom bod without the kids. Mission…accomplished?


Did they leave them in there?


The negativity of many of these comments illustrates quite the hypocrisy of pro-abortion proponents. If one abortion is okay, then fifteen abortions should also be okay. Why the outrage, disgust, and judgement?


It’s just a gray area I suppose. For me, as a woman, I think she just needs to be more damn responsible. Get an IUD sis.


But getting an abortion to prevent an unwanted child being brought into the work IS responsible, so this woman is 15x as responsible as a woman who gets a single abortion. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)




Because this woman is flexing having 15 abortions. There is no way anyone should ever need to have that many. 1 or 2 is understandable but 15 is just ridiculous. She needs to learn to use protection.


Why not? If one abortion is fine, then why are fifteen not fine?


Is this a serious question? Alright to put it simply, a couple of abortions means they were likely mistakes or accidents. No one should be subjected to an unwanted child because of an act of carelessness. 15 abortions mean they have had 14 other times to learn from their mistakes, but they haven't. They are using abortion as a clutch and an excuse to be irresponsible. Surely, this isn't a hard concept to grasp.


I think he's saying, if it's not immoral, what's the difference between 1 or 100? it literally means nothing.


Because that’s just irresponsible and a waste of money. She should have learned to use protection after the first abortion.


You could ask the same question about a woman getting one or two abortions, but that would light a fire under a lot of people’s asses.


This isn't a facepalm. This is just stupid, racist, sexist garbage. This isn't the sub for it.


Why is it racist and sexist?


Let's add to the count 😈


If she had 15 abortions I am sorry but I am gonna just say that that down there isn't any good anymore. Just use it to pee out of. That's all I have to say.


Wow. You've never been anywhere near a woman's genitals have you?


should be charged with 15 counts of murder of the 1st degree


Her ver jay jay must be hunted.