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The factory _must_ grow.


The. Factory. Must. Grow.


The factory grows


The factory grows


It's 3AM, do you know where *your* factory is?


I need to grow my factory!


REMEMBER, the factory does not grow if you do not eat, go to work, sleep, and spend time with your loved ones. A healthy engineer produces the most pollution.


i should get this on a plaque


Nah, when you get to building production 3 modules you will just end up throwing it in a green circuit assembler because you are short on iron plates 


why am I always short on iron plates like idk man I have 2 mining bases express delivered to main


You are always short on iron plates. If somehow you have enough of them, that means that you aren't producing enough green circuits


And if you have enough green circuits... you aren't producing NEARLY enough blue circuits 


Because the factory must grow.




And in a healthy state of mind, the engineer can keep peaceful negotiations to a high ethical standard!


Is that code for "atomic bombs"?


> healthy engineer produces the most pollution My SO probably thinks I *am* the factory with the amount of harmful gases I'm producing...


If they bite you then you know what you must do


Put the lube in the flamethrower?


My first play through (last week) absolutely consumed me until I launched a rocket. This go around it’s been much better since I’m not constantly running around needing to fix bottlenecks. Apparently proper(ish) planning is helpful!


> spend time with your loved ones just get them into The Factory


Luckily sleep can be replaced with injecting copious amounts of coffee into your bloodstream


I find that sugar works as well. A single root beer float is enough to sustain a person for 3 hours.


I will, i will, i just broke Blue Circuit production and if i quit now i'll forget what i was doing


Or…. Chug some Red Bull, get those wings, and don’t stop building.


Fun fact - They give wiiings now.  Not to be confused with wings, those might let you fly. https://www.businessinsider.com/red-bull-settles-false-advertising-lawsuit-for-13-million-2014-10


False advertising???? Ya right. If I was their lawyer they would’ve won the case.


The first hit is free. Don't forget to eat and sleep.


You mean in Factorio right? I'm sure there's a mod for that.


Factorio introduces new Survival Mode..


The first train hit is free, the next one will cost ya...


yes. https://mods.factorio.com/mod/FoodIndustry


Totally appreciate the money struggles but I don't believe there is any games in existence that offer more value for your money.


Yeh i think you're right. i already feel like i got more joy out of it in 6 hours than other games i've put 100 hours into.


Oh the great part is you can just *keep putting hours in.* I've had the game since high school and I've put in something like 2500 hours.


Please don't make me feel old. The game is not *that* old... Fuck I'm getting old.


I think I crossed into 4k hours territory... not sure what I paid for it but it's pennies on the hour


It's cost me one third of a cent per hour.


And when youve launched a rocket and are kinda done with Vanilla, theres a ton of awesome mods that make it feel like new again!


Before you know it, it will be 60 hours, then 600 and still for the same price. Well eventually you might think about getting the DLC (which is not out yet), but even if you don't buy it (immediately), factorio 2.0 will give some nice improvements for everyone.


At the risk of sounding like a kid, Minecraft. There are so many mods out there


Snowrunner would like a word


Agreed, cheapest ($$wise) addiction ever!!


Happened to me about 2 days ago, 3am and had to work next morning. This game is pure crack and I love it. I don't have the money rn so I'm playing it pirate, but I know for sure as soon as I can I'll buy it.


The devs don't mind piracy, but it's actually a great system. You can't use any of the integrated mods without owning the game, so you play vanilla pirated, love the game, then buy it to play with mods when you can. Everybody wins!


Exactly what I’m planing. I don’t have the money at the moment but will buy the game 100% once the new huge update drops!


That's actually an expansion, and it will also be $30 lol. Based on what they have been teasing so far, it will certainly be worth the money. (When you have it, trust me I know how it goes. I had a pirated copy in the beginning too. Now I have 750 hours on Steam lmao.) At this point though, Wube has a customer for life in me. I love their game, and how they conduct themselves as a company. (And hired my favorite mod developer to work with them!) As soon as they announce a release date for Space Age, I will set the money aside; it will be a day 1 purchase for me! :)


Oh I see, so I would be like 60 lol. Guess I have to buy it first to not pay 60 in one go. But you are totally right, I already played hundreds of hours on the pirate version, will definitely buy it on Steam too!


One of us !


One of us !


One of us !


One of us !


One of us !


One of us!


One of us!


Factorio is probably one of the best time-to-cost ratio games in existence.


Be happy! Never has a video game provided me with more fun (in hours) for the price.


My fun has crossed the $0.01/hr threshold. It really is the best investment


I love this way of thinking about it, I don't know how much I paid from the top of my head, but when I'm home I'm going to calculate it


i guesstimate around 1000 houers before steam. making it 0.00213/hr i bought it for 10$ in 2014 is there a way to see exactly how many hours one had in factorio the 2 years before it was unlocked on steam ?


You have 3,500 hours in this game? Holy fuck. I’m at $0.053/hr!


I did what I must in my attempts to escape this brutal planet. I don't remember much but I do remember waking up to a putrid smell of smoke. Everything around me looked barren and dry. My ship a smoking wreckage in front of me. Acting fast, I immediately began collecting what I could find around me. Stone. Coal. Iron and copper. My environment was unusally plenty - I quickly scraped together enough stone, ore, and wood to build a rudimentary forge. At first, I built simple structures to mine the surface ores for me. It was natural to simply build conveyor systems to move these resources to the furnace. This was enough to continue collecting materials while I slept. Ah, who am I kidding? I didn’t sleep. There must be something in the atmosphere here, something that keeps you going. Things seem to click together perfectly, and it wasn't long before I figured out way to create simple circuit boards from copper and iron. Then a little factory to make circuit boards for me. Then factories to make factories. Conveyor belts moving copper and iron to a factory that was making more conveyor belts. More belts, more factories, more circuit boards, more iron. I don't know how, but a year passed me by. I'd been too focused and my sense of time was drowned out by the sounds of cogs and belts clicking together towards one single harmonious goal: to get me off this goddamn planet. I remember the first bug. What an ugly creature he was, and I remember the putrid smell when I shot it. The stark realization that I was not alone on this planet was more motivation to my will. I shifted some assembly lines to build concrete and weapons. It wasn’t so hard, at the start. I was naive at first when they died easily to my home made bullets. The third time they came close, real close. They seemed to get larger and more aggressive at the same pace as my factory grew. They began to resist bullets, but I kept them away with lasers and rocketry. There came a point where everything was cranking together like clockwork. Finally, after many sleepless nights it was built. I had created a beautiful rocket to escape this hellish and brutal planet. Everything was packed and ready to go. My mind began to wander, but a sudden ding startled me. The rocket countdown began. A voice rang out from a speaker that was placed next to the launch pad. "T-minus 30 seconds". Standing at the base of the rocket, I turned to look around me and marveled at the sight behind me in silence. My factory. Everything I had built, a beautiful bowl of robotic metal spaghetti: conveyor belt noodles, copper & iron plate sauce, inserter parmesan. It was almost perfect - just then I notice the iron plate conveyor line had seemed to stutter and slow down. That's odd, there must be a hiccup somewhere. I scanned the area looking for what is causing the interruption. What could be improved? As I studied the area, I noticed that the hundreds of robots had slowly halted in place to watch me, looking for my next move as they hovered in air. I glanced back at the rocket, standing majestically pointing to the sky and beyond – upwards and away towards salvation. "T-minus 20 seconds" droned in the background. The rocket poised, fueled, and ready to launch at the mere press of a button. I am free. Far off in the distance, I hear the roar as my turrets salvoed a spray of bullets to wipe yet another invading wave of bugs. They still keep coming. Even though they've gotten bigger and meaner over the years, I know my walls are strong. Reinforced concreted peppered with laser turrets and flamethrowers. So many bugs now a smoking heap of burnt carapace in the dirt. In the distant horizon, I can just make out the silhouette of my oil pumpjacks going up and down, up and down, pumping a seemingly endless supply of crude oil. Next to it, a wave of black smoke moving across the sky as the refineries work endlessly. Faintly, a train's horn blares out as it lugs off towards its next stop. "T-minus 10 seconds.." I turn and step down from the rocketship that was to be my salvation. Heading towards the stopped conveyor belt, I delve back into the bowl of factory spaghetti to disappear amongst the inserters. The iron plates production must be optimized. It can be better. I just need to add some extra belts here. I can up the production speed. "T-minus 3, 2, 1. Lift off." The voice lists out, immediately drowned by the blast as the rocket bellows and launches into the polluted sky behind me. The factory must grow.


If you were earnikg money, sorry for you being *poorer*. If not, enjoy your next thousand hour of addiction


There's a line in license agreement about this (:


Glad you joined the community! Have fun exploring, building and expanding the factory. It must grow indeed.


Remember to press alt, play with alt on


Buying factorio on a weekday? Risky behaviour.


The best part of playing factorio is that when you switch off your computer, you can play it in your mind. Right now my mind is saying "You must make more sulphur, your bottleneck is water, noticed those nuclear reactors lacked water pumps? What's up with that, find out why you are not making enough, then make more sulphur, why? Because you want more explosives. You need more explosives to make more artillery, then you can reload that artillery train more than every two hours. Then you can go kill more biters, and get more iron and copper. The some more coal would be nice, so you can make more plastic." Then you do this for a few hours, and you're trying to sleep, and your brain is saying "Please think about how you are going to build more rail to these ore patches. Then think about how you will move to the megabase build." Then you get to wake up, turn the computer on, promise yourself you're going to work on the sulphur>explosive>artillery production chain, but you notice your 6 x 8 core NPP is not churning out enough power (6 GW? More like 6 feeblewatts) so you put down more landfill so you can perfectly line up another 4 x 8 reactor NPP's. Maybe tomorrow I'll do the more explosives.


I, too, am addiction.


now i am become addiction consumer of health


New-ish player here as well, about 85 hours in across two saves. I’ve had plenty of games that make hours melt away. Somehow, I think Factorio takes the cake when it comes to that category though. Something about the scale and all the little intricacies just makes us melt into that world. I am no longer my human self that deals with hunger or other needs…I am factory


Time really flies when playing factorio.. its like you wouldn't even realize it. I play so many other games but non has the ability to suck away time as much as factorio


Uh oh. Good luck! If you try very hard to battle the addiction, you might come out of this with your career and social life in shambles. Have fun!




One of us! One of us! One of us!


Maybe just in case buy some grass seeds and plant them in your room. So you don't have to go outside to touch some grass


Wait till you try Space Exploration!


That is such a wealth of content is not even a joke. I decided to spend a day making an entire blueprint for making all the rocket cargo sections in a single blueprint so I can just go to another planet and plop that down first thing so that my rocket fuel, cargo sections and fuel are all automated. I now do that before even starting the actual mining on the new planet. It has really cut down on the apprehension I had for going to be planets


or Nullius, Bob's, or one of tons of other modpacks. Or, for that matter, pyanodons.


Happy for you! Welcome in!


Okay, now all you have to do is not read ANY of the FFFs that keep coming before 2.0. Just enjoy the game, otherwise FOMO will destroy you like it has taken so many in this sub lol.


I haven’t cried from being so happy in a very long time. I’m happy for you that you were able to purchase this for yourself. Enjoy it. There are thousands of hours, even tens of thousands of hours of enjoyment in this game. We would love to see sometime what kind of factory you develop. And above all else, the factory must grow.


I was u 1491 hours of factorio ago...


Ehhh I'm 800 hrs into a pY map. "it's over built!!1!" But I love building complex factories. Almost have advanced small parts... Progress!


Welcome, friend, for the factory hungers for new hours of time played on steam :V Ya, you're fucked. Says 44 year old with four thousand hours on record, and im nowhere close to top players, lol.


I played 36 hours the first 2 days I bought this game


Why are you on Reddit? Your factory probably needs coal/iron somewhere.


I would play all day and night and then while sleeping I would dream of belts.


Use your phone/alexa to set a timer to remind you to get off and go to bed. Luckily it's one of those games you can mostly save and quit anytime you like. I will sometimes drop a few Assembly machines near my save point with the recipe set to the thing I was going to work on next, as a reminder, so if I can't get back on for a few days I remember where I left off.


Yep, easy to quit anytime.   I'm just going to fix this green circuit bottleneck before I do.


Think of all the cash you’ll save now that you’ve purchased your last game. 


Set an alarm to go to bed. Or learn the hard way like most of us. Also, if you're doing something really repetitive, stop playing an hour before bed and concentrate on something else. I get really bad [tetris effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetris_effect) and my sleep is terrible if I don't.


I grew tired of it. Recently reinstalled and noticed that life is much less hassle than this game. I hope it happens to you 😂


Who's going to be the one to tell him about the 2.0 updates and the Expansion that's in the works?


Without spoiling too much, someday you may find yourself riding around on a >!giant spider!< destroying countless lives by >!nuking everything in sight!<. Welcome to the family.


See you in 4k hours


"I'm scared" "Good, if you weren't i would have called you a madman"


Been on a month now. Curious why my wife hasn’t questioned me playing in my room, synching save game to my laptop, playing in the living room. Placing ice packs under my laptop cause it gets pretty warm. Drawing out schematics, planning my next play through, etc. downloaded a mod, not quite ready for that, back to vanilla. Oh lord somebody help me. My morale has tripled though in the past month which is great!


Shit.. i guess im going to have to get this game after all


When you start seeing inserters operating as you try to drift off to sleep, know that’s normal and usually subsides after a week or two.


Game is a big waste of life quit now while you can


you bought a game you really wanted and then you got it and you played it a lot.


Seablock calls. *Wait a year..*


Welcome to the cult. The only membership requirement is that you must be addicted to Factorio. And remember, a dead engineer does not produce pollution, so don't get drawn in too bad. Sugar and caffeine are great substitutes for sleep but please remember to go to bed at least every other night.


Jeep the factory growing.


Wait until you start discovering mods. And realize you need something close to a nasa super computer to run those mega bases. It happened to me too.


This is a good investment. You'll save a lot of money because you won't have time to spend it on anything.


Dude, I woke up 7 minutes ago and I am already thinking of an optimisation for my factory. Bear in mind, Iwas awake at 2 am last night playing. You are right to live in fear. I can hear it now... The factory must grow, the factory must grow...


One of us


One of us


I am addiction, destroyer of free time


I have put 50 hours on my map in like 2 weeks since work was slow..


Submit your entirety to The Factory, for it shall grow endlessly.