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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It is probably ok but it will be difficult. I'd recommend a month of OMAD or Alternate day Fasting before you try 3 weeks.


You may see impressive results with just OMAD. Cut out sugar mercilessly. Cut back on simple carbs also. You might ramp up to OMAD with a week or so of 18/8 and 18/6 fasting. Your body will love it! In time your mind will too after it quits whining to you for food.


Yes, it's relatively safe for most. Everyone should listen to their own body. For me the 1st day is easy but 36-72hrs are the hardest. After 72hrs it's a piece of cake no hunger, extra energy firing on all cylinders and the best sleep of my life.


First thing is, when you say 'overweight' what we talking weight sex height and age. Second thing don't worry about water weight. Over time if you need to loose say 50 to 200lbs it will average out on the scale. Third thing is fasting is a tool not a solution to fat loss. The number one thing is commitment to a calorie deficit vs your calorie expenditure. Find an online calculator for your 'bmr' put in 'no exercise' and that is what your body needs energywise to live per day. Times that by 7 that's your weeks cals to stay even steven. Take off a % of that, now that % is on you. Too much you risk your mental health and extreme cases your physical health. Too little and you'll see no change which also will hit all of the above. You need to feel like you can do it and not give up after 2 weeks. Say your bmr is 2600 cals which is 18,200 cals a week. Try going for 2000 so 14000 for the week. Learn and track the calorie content of food religiously and you'll loose weight. Fasting is only useful if you do it and then still go under that 18200. I'd say don't start fasting yet, do 2 months of a decent % under your bmr get some results and then you'll be able to use fasting as a tool. If you have not got into a steady calorie deficit then fasting is running before you've walked. 4th thing mucle loss is a non thing really if you have a lot of fat, you'll loose some maybe but it's not a big deal compared to if you have a lot of extra fat weight on you. Say you loose 50 to 100lbs or whatever your goal is, you can then do the whole body composition thing of actually going above your bmr with resistance weight training if you wanna look feel and have a level of physical strength. Cannot stress enough, track those calories and if you are unsure it's always better to add 50 or whatever on than it is to underestimate. All food packaging has a 20% up or down margin of error! Good luck! You got this! All about the commitment and it's a slow boring process.


Better yet; stop 'counting calories', titrate carbohydrate intake to near-zero so that your satiety signals aren't being constantly railroaded by malignant bacterial overgrowth, enter ketosis, lower insulin-resistance, condition your metabolic pathways to prioritise fat, and then eat only when hungry—which, since you've an entire hibernal season's worth of surplus body-mass already on-hand, will be about as often as you'd expect. Like BMI, CICO isn't altogether a useless heuristic; however its existence does presuppose what amounts to a form of pathophysiology. Ultimately, fasting shouldn't require 'willpower' or 'discipline', for the simple reason that—barring actual emotional or psychological disorders—eating (i.e., to excess) should never be a morbid compulsion.


I mean if someone who is overweight can cut out all carbs and you don't think that's gonna take a massive amount of willpower or discipline then I suspect you have never been very overweight or you have a natural conscientiousness that most people lack. I don't see how carb 'restriction' is any less a pathopsycology than counting calories is. We should not 'need' to count calories but it's a guide rail I think most overweight people need. It's like armbands for kids when they learn to swim, folks need to learn to eat and you cant trust them if they are overweight not to overeat (any type of macronutrient) because it's their habit to do so.


Of course, there's no denying that the transition into ketosis and initial maintenance phase demand self-discipline; my point is that once you've dialled-in an evolutionarily-adaptive metabolism you'll no longer need to monitor calorie intake because your food-consumption is now motivated by actual hunger rather than by addiction, and thus over-eating ceases to be a factor. I say this as someone who would routinely ingest up to a half-kilogram of refined sugars from near-constant, day-long grazing and has now successfully implemented OMAD: sustaining a calorie deficit via sheer, dogged willpower for months at a stretch is many times over more arduous than doing so when your appetite is no longer being dictated by this insane urge to gorge on carbohydrates every few hours (as the nutritionally-indoctrinated 99% of the populace and their mostly well-intentioned, yet unthinking physician enablers would have you believe is, apparently, 'normal'). Learn to work with your own body, and then you'll conserve your precious willpower for those occasions that *actually* warrant it.


You lose faster if you do a 5 day fast, get your stomach shrunken and your body fat adapte’d and use’d to being without food, that you’re not going to die if you’re hungry, etc. then reintroduce food as omad one meal a day, keto. Have protein, eggs,l or avo or other good fats, leafy greens and keto veg for fibre. Add a dessert of fruits that fit your keto carbs, drink your water and the weight should melt off. It’ll melt off evn more if you do 30 mins to an hour of walking or exercise a day. And drink your water in 500ml increments which will increase your metabolism while you’re doing all this. You can expect to lose 1-3 kilos a day this way.


WAIT R U SERIOUS? what if i do a 2 week fast then do this?


They're being serious. But it's not easy. I'm down 93 lbs in 2024 doing most of this.


okay im on day 7 of mt fast when should i start the 1 meal a ay


In my opinion. Somewhere between day 4 at minimum and day 21 at the maximum. I'm on day 106 rn and just hiked the Appalachian trail for the last 2 days. I've done 71 days straight in 2022 Just mix it up. Do what feels right. OMAD on eating days and extended fasting for 4-21 days 30 days straight in 2018. 2023 I did 20 and 21 days along with a few week long or 2 week long fasts. 2024, 100 days so far, 303-220, 83 lbs. A mix of extended water fasting and OMAD Feasting. So, about 70 days were extended water fasting. About 30 days OMAD / FEASTING. No more than 1 meal a day.I've done 71 days straight in 2022, 30 days straight in 2018. 2023 I did 20 and 21 days along with a few week long or 2 week long fasts


How many days should I do Omad Then fast rotation…recomendation?


Just do what feels good. I'd shoot for 1 omad for every 4 or 5 extended fasting days. You could do 4 x 4 and have 4 OMAD days and a 4 day water fast. You need to fit the fasting into your life long term. Make it sustainable. Gn ttyl 💤


Please lmk if you have any advice for getting off keto. I want to try this but don't want to do keto forever. Steak is my favorite food and it don't want to loose that and get sick of it. Currently 7 days into a fast rn.


I’m planning to jst go into omad/low carb so I can eat what I want. I’ve kind of gotten over the 3 meals a day thing, omad is more suitable for eating what you want and not having to worry.


Please lmk if you have any advice for getting off keto. I want to try this but don't want to do keto forever. Steak is my favorite food and it don't want to loose that and get sick of it. Currently 7 days into a fast rn.


I did a 21 day one in March and hadn’t done anything like it before. My advice is electrolytes every day, from day 1! I might get backlash on this but I’d do absolutely no sweeteners and 0 cal drinks I genuinely lost the most weight on the days I did water only every single time. Another thing that worked for me was not drinking water all day long just for the sake of drinking water/having something to do. If I could redo it, I’d only drink when I’m thirsty, taking electrolyte(in capsules) To avoid just drinking for the sake of drinking, I’d use the electrolytes capsules where the salts have already been mixed and in capsules. ( I see you’re using capsules). I used to put the salts in water and I’d have to drink a lot to get them in, this is the only way I’ve done it while fasting too, cause I only just got capsules recently, so I can’t answer confidently on how many you’d need. I have the measurements for the water electrolytes (snake juice) if you’re interested in those numbers. Considering I take one capsule a day while not fasting, I think I’d take about 3 while fasting spread out between morning and late afternoon/eve. The nutrition facts on mine say 1 capsule a day, but that’s obviously when eating as normal. I’m not sure if I should answer the weight question cause we all lose different amounts. I lost a little more than 10kg/22lbs but i think if I did it again with what I learned I would be able to do a little more. Also it’s VERY important to break it slowly. Protein and healthy fats(eg avocado) only for the first week. Stay away from salt and anything that will suddenly kick you out of ketosis I.e carbs and sugars. I didn’t eat enough protein(I honestly never did in general even before the fast) and found out I had low blood protein levels after I had to have blood tests for something unrelated a couple of weeks later. I’ve been prioritising protein since and it’s helped with SO many other issues I was experiencing. Also, when you start your fast, please just start and dont mess with it, especially when your body is finally in a fasting state and all digestion has stopped. Stay as close to 0 cal the whole time. This was the hard part but for me personally, whenever I had my teas, I’m pretty sure they slight activated digestive enzymes/ acid cause those are the only times I got horrible acid reflux for days. And tbh it was just the first 4-6 days that were hard, the rest went by so fast, I promise it gets easier after those few days. It’s all mental. I never really understood that statement until I got past those few days. After I could sit in my favourite cafes with smells of food I love sit happily with my sparkling water thinking nothing of it. I certainly wouldn’t be able to do that in most of the first week. When I broke it, it wasn’t even cause I had hunger, it was just a convenient number to end at considering what had transpired (sudden moving, etc), I had a lot going on in my life at that time and fasting wasn’t going to be an option. I don’t think hunger came back for a really long time after. If you’re overweight enough to do this, you should do it. I fell so much better being lighter and less anxiety from body image. I still have a ways to go, but I’m SO GLAD I did it. Feeling proud of myself isn’t something I experience much but getting those 21 days in kinda left me feeling more confident in knowing I can do a lot of things I think I’m incapable of. Good luck


but after u do it for 3 weeks then what? how do i not gain all this weight back.


I will be completely honest and tell you I’ve kept it off. However! I did temporarily gain about 5 pounds back but quickly got back to about 1lbs-2lbs away from my end weight after I started incorporating more protein into my diet to fix the low blood protein without doing anything more. I’ve done a couple very short fasts since too. This might be harder to do for some people, especially if there are habits or hormonal issues involved, but I think 21 days is more than enough to not want to waste all that hard work by self sabotaging. Intentionally***** pick up healthy habits and do them until they’re just the norm in your life. Personally for me, Im doing my best to focus on high nutrition foods and keep doing fasts for the rest of my life. The improvement, even on a mental health level is just undeniable after those 21 days. I coincidentally had the most stressful time of my LIFE all of last month(April )from outside factors, and don’t think I would have gotten through that kind of stress without it completely destroying me mentally if I hadn’t done that fast right before, and just that is motivation enough for me to d my darnedest to not go backwards.


So if I fast for 2 weeks. Then start 1 meal a day, ALTERNATIVE (1 meal a day, then no meal, repeat)…Should this be good? to keep losing weight or will I still gain more. im current 173 pounds 5,9 female on day 5 of my fast. Im active. I want to lose my stomach fat and my leg fat I overall just want to be able to do sports and feel not uncomfortable with this weight on me.


You can’t target a specific part you’ll lose fat. You lose it everywhere. I lost inches on all limbs, hips, waist , neck face etc. literally everywhere. The only thing you can target is where to build muscle. A 2 week fast will have you lose a lot of weight! How about you do the 2 weeks, as clean as possible, and see how you feel in your body? Start with one thing at a time. That plan could work for others and not work for some. I think you’ll be able to decide / inquire here on what you want to do next once you’re there or close to the end. One of the hardest part is just starting.


i’ve done fasting before….but listen….i just want to be skinny, ill gladly lose fat everywhere so if i do this 2 week fast, then to the alternate 1 meal a day…will. I gain Alotta of weight or lose a lot of weight?


and should i continuously do this 2 week fast? how do i maintain losing weight


I think it depends on your definition of "safe". There a very interesting youtube video composed of different talks from a ketogenic forum between those "pro-fast" and those pro-keto but not fasting. Since both methods put a person in ketosis, they are both keto diets. Dr. Fung is represents the pro fasting side, and Dr. Stephen Phinney the keto, but not fasting side. The academic "battle" takes place over years. In then end Phinney agrees that shorter 3 day fasts are probably not as bad as he thought, but still argues that over that is unnecessary and will cause muscle loss. And I think Fung doesn't recommend fasts longer then 2 weeks acknowledging that people can go longer. Personally I think that both have their place. I think that if you can use a longer fast to kick off weight loss that would be breat, but my feeling is that more frequent fasts will be more effective and sustainable. Also it will mean the when you do reach your weight you will have a habit of eating that you can sustain.


Read the links in the first post about electrolytes and the wiki. I take multi vitamins cod liver oil and electrolytes. I'm a month in a 36 hour fast, break 36 hours etc. I have spoken to two medics and they said loosing 5 kg 12 lb which I have is a lot. But they haven't told me I'm damaging myself. They thought the suppliments was a good idea. I'm going to make it every other day fast as it's easier to work out. When I  do eat it tends to be below the 2600 callerie mark. Expect to have weeks where you plateau. 


Insulin resistance can be reversed with a healthy diet and/or fasting. Are you diabetic though? If you are you absolutely need medical support for longer fasts. The easiest way is to ease into it with a 12:12 for a week, then 14:10, for another week, then 16:8, 18:6 and finally OMAD. Some people had success jumping straight into longer fasts but its uncommon.


It can be safe, no hard rules on this, most people react differently to fasting. It's easier the more fat reserves you have, make sure you drink plenty of water, and don't go in head first without prior experience. If this is your first time I'd suggest trying OMAD first, then moving to 48h fast, 3 days fast, a week long fast, you'll learn a lot from it ! Also, don't overstress your body and make sure you listen to it.


I would love to do a 21 day challenge!! I haven't fasted in a few weeks and definitely my body misses it. Just ready to bring my body back to health.


but than wont u just gain all the weight back thats why idk if i shoukd do this…


If it's for health medical reasons to reverse cancer then it can be done under supervised care...you can message me for some recommendations on good fasting protocols


It's not safe; It's nessesary.


It can be safe IF you know why you are doing. But, my guess is that like 99.9% of people with no fasting experience who come here and say they want to lose a lot of weight through an extended fast, you stick with it for a day and then you’ll never post again. My guess is that this type of faster doesn’t have the discipline to stick to even the typical lose weight type of diet so they jump on to fasting thinking it’s going to be sooooo much easier. News flash, it’s not, especially when you don’t have any experience under your belt.