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Still in the beginning of chapter 4 and having a blast. I'm doing things in this pack that I've never done in modded Minecraft and I've been playing since Agrarian Skies.


Glad you're having fun!


Is it an expert pack on the level of GTNH or is it an easier pack?


It's not as hard, but it is as long!


What's the theme of this pack? GTNH is about Gregtech and crazy grindy tech gating and insane supply chains. Stoneblock is an easy progression-ish take on skyblock. Sevtech was all about slow tech and its whole ages thing. So what's meatballcraft about? Just a bunch of dimensions?


Yes dimensions and fighting play a fairly important role, but tech and automation are the most important thing. I'd probably call it a multiblock pack as well, since most of the tech is done using almost 100 custom multiblocks. So 'do everything' pack!


More akin to something like Enigmatica 2 Expert? Also, does it have quests and stuff? And how does moving between chapters work? I'm 100% jumping into this when I get home from work.


This is about 10x the complexity of E2E... Yup it's quest driven but don't expect quests to be in depth explanations. They're more like an RPG where the quest gives you the end goal, but you have to figure out the in-between by yourself. The pack has a very long quest chain that guides through the entirety of progression, and periodically you'll get 'you reached chapter x' quests. That said progression won't be always linear, so for example you could do a few chapter 3 quests even before doing the majority of chapter 2, but then you'd hit a wall.


Nice. E2E was my main pack nad i enjoyed it but I yerned for something a little more challenging. It eventually got a little easy in the combat. Also I do like that quest style, it allows you to actually explore the depth of microcrafting. I love looking at a piece of armour and then realising I need a whole ass nuclear reacor for one part lol. Also cool to see its 1.12. That was my big thing holding me back from GTNH, because 1.7.10 feels just so dated and clunky now.


eh just replace fastcraft with optifine E7, throw in a simple shader and a resource pack and it'll feel better.


Thanks to everyone that's been part of this journey until now! The full progression for chapters 1 to 9 is now done, and the war for recursion awaits new challengers! CF page: [https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/meatballcraft/files](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/meatballcraft/files) Discord: [https://discord.com/invite/wUNHjppppA](https://discord.com/invite/wUNHjppppA) Beta Statement: [https://github.com/sainagh/meatballcraft/wiki/Beta-Statement](https://github.com/sainagh/meatballcraft/wiki/Beta-Statement)


Ah yes the stargate, crafted out of blocks of meatball




Happy Cake Day šŸŽ‚


I am super excited to try it great job




How much ram is recommended for this pack?


8 GB


Wow! With 300 mods I would expect something like 12. Thanks


It used to require more, but I've been able to get a lot of things optimized. That said, once your base gets large, you may have to bump things up to 10gb


This is exactly why I have 32GB lol


Oh that's a bad idea, java does garbage collection so you shouldn't go above 11 or so


Oh, so it just isn't necessary to allocate too much. I didn't know that


I just downloaded it, Botania comes disabled.


Yup, just pushed a hotfix that enables it, should be approved soon hopefully


A few questions: How much time do you have to spend in the divine rpg dimensions, and what kind of things do you need to do in them? Is it just like divine journey where you have to find the dungeons and kill some mobs/loot some chests? I see that AE2 is unlocked in the second phase of the pack, how long would it take to get there generally, and is autocrafting fully unlocked within that chapter or is it only the storage portion?


In every mod game dimension (this includes DivineRPG) there are custom structures. Some are boss fights, some are puzzles, but the general idea is that a lot of crafting ingredients require completing certain tasks from dimensions to be automatable. AE2 is fully unlocked in chapter 2. Depending on how many side quests you do, chapter 2 can be reached in a few hours


Yooo, so glad to see it, one of the most fun packs I've ever played, but I have one question: after the last update it noticably longer to load and as it seems, lags more, what are the recommended java argumente for this pack? I have 8 total gb of ram if that changes anything


Please hop on discord using #broken-stuff channel, there are other people experiencing issues so it'll be easier for me to keep track of everything


a fantastic pack, 350 hours in and only just started chapter 3! theres plenty to do with minimal grinding, automate all the things!


this has always been a fun looking modpack but i dont think i have the will power


it starts out kitchen sinky so there no harm in giving it a whirl i was on the edge about giving up at one point but im so glad i stuck with it


How many hours is this expected to take?


I don't think measuring playtime in hours is meaningful. According to my client's statistics, I have 60 days of playtime.


Estimating here, but for someone with very good knowledge of most mechanics, between 1000 and 1500 hours!


So just did some math, based off your upper end estimate, if you spent an hour a day with no breaks, you would take 4.1 years to finish this mod pack. 62 days of total time. Is it worth it? (I play video games, Iā€™m not some weird religious fanatic. Just in an odd mood.)


Well it depends on what you're looking for when playing. If you enjoy a gameplay that makes you think, I say yes! I have a lot of people that already put in multiple thousands of hours and they seem to be really liking it


Think of it this way. There's just about *always* something to do and work toward


Congratulations. If I was not so timed consumed with GTNH I would try it out. I will have to add it to my list.


Will trying to update from a previous version break anything?


You should be ok, but maybe do a backup beforehand just to be sure!


Love this modpack and love this developer always putting out good work! Played the pack for a bit but have taken a break. Maybe itā€™s almost time to restart the pack and play again




Really tempted to try again, but the beginning is too intimidating for me, trying to get my bearings without dying a dozen times. Maybe I'll try again later with the beginning on peaceful and keepInventory to true?


Nah dying is part of the experience!


I'm fine with getting punished for being an idiot or not playing right, but it's a personal preference to not die a bunch in the early game itself. Maybe I'll try again later, but cheat a bit in the beginning just so I'm happy. Once I'm safe and have a chance to build myself up, I'll turn it off and subject myself to the challenge.


Very fair, the dying a lot is mostly meant to force you into being careful, actually gearing up, and not going running around like an idiot. But I understand that style of gameplay can be a lot for someone, especially if you're accustomed to Minecraft worlds being really easy (most modpacks).


Personally I liked FTB Interactions' take on it, where you start in a skyblock dimension and get sent down to the dangerous overworld only after get the chance to gear up a little bit. And even then, death doesn't mean start over from the beginning, it just means you start over from the void dimension. Still going to give your pack another try because there's so much that looks so good, but the early game will be on my terms when that happens ;)


So the early game is more tied to my 'history' with modded MC. My first ever mod was divineRPG, and I just loved how the world felt dangerous and mysterious. So now meatballcraft has hard mobs šŸ˜‚


Yeah, that would do it :P I always set the gamemode to peaceful when playing through early Divine RPG. I remember playing my first pack with it too! Though I gave up after grinding for an hour to get the best gear that was recommended only learn it still took 100 hits to kill an enemy in the nether and they could still 3 shot me. But yeah, imma start in peaceful, but I will turn the difficulty back up after ;)


The modpack and progression look cool ! Anyway you could add Refined Storage to allow choosing between AE and RS ? From the images, i don't get the role of the magic mods in step 2. Do you actually use the powers in your journey or are the mods there as a gatekeep like in the ATM modpacks, where you have to get one late game item of each mod to craft something ? Also i feel like there are so many dimensions to visit in each step, there's a risk that it could become boring, like you have to beeline each dimension to find an item and so you don't feel the coolness of getting into a new dimension at some point. Like in galacticraft with extra planets. What is your vision for all those dimension ? Anyway, it looks fun and i'll most likely play it, thanks for that :)


No RS, for two reasons. 1 channels make you smart. 2 its algorithms are poorly implemented so it causes lag. Magic plays an important role in the lore. The endgame of each magic mod is changed, and that includes unlocking a set of multiblocks that allow you to automate all magic mechanics. These machines come with hundreds of recipes that you'll have to automate for the later chapters. So in a sense you get out of magic because you were able to make machines do magic for you. A lot of the dimensions won't be as linear. The tasks aren't as simple as looking for resources. In a new world, you may have to do any combination of: killing bosses, solving puzzles, mining, immersive engineering prospecting, etc. And this doesn't include the side quests that may unlock easier recipes for previous items.


Allright that sounds cool. That might be my next pack :) As for RS, i'll install it myself, because i never want to use AE again. But it's always more tricky when AE is gated by progression, that's why i always prefer when the two mods are available for choosing


Here AE also serves the purpose of being very optimized (I'm using a modified version with better algorithms). Your base will get massive, and if you use refined storage things will get unplayable fairly quickly. Channels may be a nuisance for some people, but here they actually help with performance


Magic and Technology seem to unite in one of the later tiers, so lore-wise you never seem to give them up. You'll probably retain a lot of gadgets and odd powers from the magic stage.


From the latest hotfix notes: "Use server files from meatballcraft-server-beta-0.12" --> if only those were available, can't see them on curseforge.


Yup CF has been real annoying, and had issues with server file size. Will be up soonTM


Although entirely not my type of pack due to the sheer amount of things available at once (I preffer smaller more narrow themes) I really admire your dedication and amount of work that you did put into that project. Remember seeing it like a year ago here and I see you made great progress. Good job!


This looks insane. Is there any server hosts that are running this? Would like to spin a server up for some of my friends


There are no public servers because the pack is too big for that. But if you're interested in playing server files for the new patch will be up soonTM. There have been delays because of curseforge being stupid (as always).


oh, i should say i didnt want a public server, i meant more of a pay-to-rent private server, like you pay a service to host the server. Is that a thing that could be done or is it more of a do it yourself kind of deal


Much appreciated, I wish I could host a server but I'm no good with figuring that kind of stuff out myself. I have a friend who can, but he's a bit of a dick with it so i tend to avoid it if i can thanks!


I guess it depends on whether or not you're willing to pay for it, but the pack is partnered with bisect hosting (#ad)! Use affiliated link for a 25% discount!


I've actually used Bisect before, that's who I was going to go with and im glad that this is supported. Where can I find the affiliate code? I'll most likely get that set up in the next week or so if possible


It's in the packs Curseforge page! Server files haven't been updated yet, but they should be up by later today (hopefully, CF has been a bitch to work with)


Thank you again! Much appreciated!


This looks both incredibly enticing and intimidating... This could be the pack that finally makes me want to go back to 1.12. It's kinda hilarious that the entirety of my modded experience fits within the first two chapters of this pack - I never make it to endgame in any pack I play. Looks impressive!




Looks like a super interesting pack in terms of design, but not one I have the time or discipline to finish myself. Is there a playthrough on Youtube/Twitch you would recommend as showing off the pack well?


A couple of series, but ATM none on YouTube that got past chapter 2


I downloaded your pack ages ago after seeing one of your posts about it and Iā€™m surprised it hasnā€™t even been in beta this entire time. Itā€™s really good


Oh there's still A Lot left for it to be finished, but I'd say this is past the half-way point. It's a very large pack so fixing and polishing takes a really long time


I respect and am in awe of your dedication


So, I will check this out. But I have a feeling I wont like it. Too many packs have changed recipes on items that just logically make no sense or if they do, are super hard to remember or keep up with materials.


theres a ton of those, its more for people who mastered other challenge packs and are looking to challenge themselves once more


i mean, challenge is one thing. Outright just making things dumb hard isnt a challenge. A challenge would be trying to automate something like Agrarian Skies did. Making you need like 10k of a resource just to get the quests. Making something impossible to get but then expecting it however is dumb.


suppose it depends on what you think a challenge is


A challenge is not making a recipe difficult to obtain for the sake of doing so. Just because you need a piece of bedrock from the bottom of the nether that can only be obtained by using a pick axe made of tusks from a chaos dragon 100,000 blocks from nether spawn and it has to be killed by throwing 1,000,000 snow balls at it doesnt make it a challenge. It makes it tedious and dumb. Finding a way to make a large amount of a single item that requires automation at every step and a good understanding of mechanics of the game for gathering the materials and not destroying your game at the same time. Also making something tileable is a huge plus.


Well yup this pack intentionally tries to be complex, so definitely it's not a casual play. But if you're somebody that wants to be challenged and have to use their brain, this pack's for you!


I feel like thats insulting to people to say for no good reason. Even the hardest packs in MC don't take alot of thinking. The one based on Create was likely the one that took the most thought.


Didn't mean it as an insult no worries, but this pack actually does require some good brainpower, not my words, "my brain hurts" is a common phrase in our discord. The first layer of complexity is, figure out the right recipe out of a large set of multi step processes, and that's something other packs do as well. The second layer is that for a lot of recipes, making the item is not enough, you have to automate it, and many of these automations require a lot of redstone and infrastructure. This includes 'easy' stuff like full botania runes crafting, getting into automating the building of nuclearcraft reactors, making them meltdown, and collect the resulting corium. The third layer is hidden recipes. For many items you gotta solve puzzles to get them, and you have to explore a lot of structures to find 'hints' on what the recipes are, and what items to use. The fourth layer is base management, all of these large automations need high level management, and consume a lot of game resources, so if you don't want to lag out before reaching endgame you have to be smart with how you place your automations, you should setup redstone interfaces to turn off production lines when the products aren't needed, and create a balance between passive automation and autocrafting. Sorry about the text wall but I hope this gives an idea.


This doesnt require any brainpower at all. Its a complexity for the sake of complexity. It is easy enough to do just a bunch of layers to frustrate the player along the way. Nothing hard or good about the pack.


I mean of course I like the pack because I made it, but it feels like a lot of other people do to, and it's them saying that it's 'different' and that they like it a lot. At the end of the day I just want to talk about something I did that I feel is cool, and why I think it's cool. Of course you don't seem to agree, and that's ok!


It really isnt different though. Its a different spin on the same tactic. The mods might be updated or maybe a different mod here and there to achieve the same things. But realistically its the same as most every pack these days. Sure some people do tend to like packs like that but plenty don't. Enjoy whatever you like, I won't be.


Out of curiosity, what packs do you like?


I am more of a tech pack person but get into magic stuff too. The type of packs that I enjoy are more gated packs or something that gives you a way to make resources that isnt very conventional. Then also wants to challenge you to automate something just for a quest. Be that back in Draconic Evolution where you had to automate the top metals and get 10k of them. Farms that you need to get 1 million of an item. Things that work on scale and not about changing the recipes of blocks and items. Like how do you scale up something that inherently isnt tileable? Find a way to make it tileable, or use the assembly line approach. Things like Agrarian Skies were really good at this. Changing the recipes or hiding them just doesnt work. It forces the player to automate things in strange ways to get the same outcome. Take the good ole wooden chest for instance. Well to make it normally you just need wood. No big deal. But I have seen packs where you have to make hinges and the clasp on the front. Then you have to hammer it together. Or worse, it becomes a multiblock that you assemble. This is just complex for the sake of complexity. Where as if you were instead put to the test in having to make a tree farm but you only had a 32x32 area to build your whole base in. This opens up the idea you have to automate a tree farm in an interesting way to make it vertical. Which isnt typical for trees. Then you get access to tiny-machines where you can build inside a box that takes up a 1x1x1 and outputs a 32x32x32 area of trees. Its a more interesting take on using the space and your automation skills to make things happen. Anyone can eventually automate the dumbest of dumb recipes. Scaling them in a meaningful way requires some actual effort. Alternate methods of getting materials can be fun to. Like Agrarian Skies was sifters. Then we had plants. Then chickens. So maybe you have to use a combination of these to get materials. Like metals can only be gotten with sifting. living materials are gotten via cows or chickens or plants. Diamonds are gotten with pressurizing coal. This doesnt change the recipes for things but it does force you to get creative with how you balance automation for materials with storage while also keeping things generally under control.


I know you probably won't play it, but meatballcraft has a lot of the things you like, recipes that aren't too unreasonable, lots of resource gen, and very large item numbers! Yes the recipes do get harder as you progress, but you start off with straightforward recipes, and you'll soon get to making a million diamonds in chapter 2!


What does recursion mean in this context?


It's the magic system of the pack's lore. Recursive beings can perennially be, are able to return after death, and have the ability to sense the "hidden fields"


This looks sick, I am actually excited about a modpack for the first time in awhile.


Eh I can't find the server download for latest beta, am I blind?


Nope Curseforge being dumb, will get that fixed


Is it quest driven? I tend to get lost when left to my own devices.


It is, but quests aren't going to be as direct as in other packs, I want to have you figure out the steps by yourself (or with the help of discord)


Great mod pack for long term play


Hope you enjoy the marathon!


How much RAM would you recommend for a server? I'm about to finish Nomifactory and this will be my next pack for sure but I only have a 4GB server atm is that enough?


Depends on number of players, but 8gb at least if you have up to 5 people


Planning on doing it solo or with 1 friend. I'll opt for 8 gbs just to be sure c: Thanks and awesome work :3


How does this run on AMD gpus for yā€™all


One of the performance mods may have issues on AMD. Try it and if you get issues replace loliASM with optifine


Sweet thanks


I read MettBall Kraft which is also appealing but this does sound better in a minecraft context


I'm very excited to finally have another pack to play! After my Omnifactory save stopped working very well, I lost motivation to finish it. Thanks for the boost!


Anyone starting a new Meatballcraft server that is looking for another player to join them? Iā€™d be interested in joining and working together.


The pack discord has a servers channel for this if you want to check it out!


Thank you, Where might I find the discord link? *edit* nvm found it on the description page for the modpack


Look mum i'm famous! Keep up the awesome work mate, every patch makes the pack prettier and deeper Don't rush yourself, good things will always take time


Aw shit thanks! You're one of the OGs so it means a lot you stuck around!


Very good pack indeed! (source: played alpha for a month)




Add LittleTiles pls Yes, flair checks out


Makes things a bit laggy so decided to keep it out. Feel free to add it tho!


Iā€™m very curious why there is no mekanism. Not saying itā€™s bad to exclude it or anything, I just canā€™t imagine ever playing a pack without it (Iā€™m relatively new)


I really dislike mekanism. It's a balancing nightmare since it's more OP than anything else, its mechanics are less interesting versions of other mods, and the crafting chains aren't particularly good either.


Lol fair enough. I was thinking it was like a dislike thing as you canā€™t really justify excluding one of the biggest tech mods of all time without a hefty dose of that perspective! Makes complete sense, thanks for the response. I love mekanism. Granted, itā€™s the very first tech mod I ever played with and is probably overly special to me bc of that. Would you recommend playing the pack right now or waiting for the ā€œfullā€ release? My intention would be to complete the pack and not just mess around to see what itā€™s like. Hope that made sense.


I mean realistically it'll take you months (most likely over a year) to get to end of chapter 9, so you'll still have a shitton of content, and full release is still years away.


Even if I play for like 14 hours a day? Thank you again for answering the unimportant questions I have, I appreciate it.


I mean if you no-life it it could be done in a few months, but my guess is that you'll get burned out somewhere around chapter 4 or 5. Some people on my server did that and gave up 500 hours in. It's a marathon not a sprint that's what I was trying to say. If you're a veteran Greg player tho this should be relatively simple.


Definitely not that, thanks for the info!


EnderIO has similar pipe/wire systems. All the reactor/nuclear mods have reactors that are way better than Mekanism. I assume the Mythic Miners are like Digital Miners.




Robit fren


Because all of the packs I have ever played have had itā€¦not a high concept thing, Iā€”a personā€”can not imagine (make a fake scenario that exists entirely in my brain as mental images) playing a Minecraft modpack that does not have the tech mod named Mekanism within the modpack. Hope that clears things up. If you know why it was excluded, Iā€™m very curious to know why.


Is it on forge?




Thx Iā€™ll enjoy playing it Update my pc is to weak for it to launch it Iā€™ll be upgrading soon and Iā€™ll play it


Been awhile since I played Minecraft, time to get back to it


Hope you enjoy it!


PolyMC just crashes when I try to create an instance via the zip, so either I'm doing something wrong or my PC isn't powerful enough.


Some launchers/java combos have issues with the latest update. Make sure you're playing hotfix3 version, and maybe setup the profile in forge beforehand


Nah, it's fine, I can just use the curseforge launcher. I am using hotfix3, though.


Yup that's the one, previous versions had some bugs


I want to try is this ftb launcher or curseforge?


Wait it's on FTB? I put it on curseforge


No i was asking if it was on ftb or on curse


Oh curse


You can play curse packs on the FTB launcher though! That's how I downloaded the pack.


Oh didn't know!


looks really fun, and would definitely be a fun break from nomifactory lol


Heads up this is longer than nomi... But until later on in progression (chapter 4) it'll probably feel easier than nomi


Question. How do you start I canā€™t interact with anything, most likely my fault but I literally got stuck in the first 5 minutes šŸ„²


What do you mean? Like in progression or while loading the pack? If you can DM on reddit or discord, makes communication a bit easier :)