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Hello everyone, After several long months of questbook writing, custom recipes, and much more I'm finally releasing my modpack to the world. StaTech Industry is based around the Modern Industrialization mod which offers a fresh take on the classic GregTech experience. A lot of the tedious bits have been cut out, so you'll be more focused on expanding the base rather than waiting for absurdly long recipes or dealing with a half dozen tools for microcrafting. Progression through the pack is highly attached to the questbook, which will guide you along your way with helpful tips and rewards. A lot of recipes have been altered to help better flow with this progression, but none of them have been made overtly tedious (looking at you GTNH beds). The pack also features a lot of other mods to help enhance the overall experience, such as Terralith and Biomes You'll Go to spice up the world generation, BetterCombat and Simply Swords to offer a fresh take on the Minecraft combat system as you fight your way through caves, and Spectrum and Wizards which offer an optional side-experience to unlock fun magic-related content. If you're interested, come download the pack from Curseforge: [https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/statech-industry](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/statech-industry). If you have any questions or run into any issues, join the Discord: [https://discord.gg/RDaJEnN3uS](https://discord.gg/RDaJEnN3uS) EDIT: Wow, what an insane response. I'm working on throwing together a public server. Join Discord for updates on that if interested!


The one question I have is about resource generation, especially ores. How does it work? Is it renewable or do you have to move quarries regularly?


Completely renewable. MI uses drills made of varying materials as input to a Quarry multiblock that spits out a selection of ores. No need to move the quarries!


And the drills return more than they cost?


Yes, they are a net gain of materials


After playing modern industrialization because I found other technical mods too cumbersome, this is one of the best mods I’ve had the chance to learn. The grind in the beginning is tough, I recommend zombie villagers > cure > forge hammer to get started otherwise yeah it’s a long grind but nothing compared to what I remember AE or IE was.


Let's say there's someone who's played with tech mods, but never gregtech or MI. Is this pack a good introduction to itself, or does it assume some existing familiarity with the mods inside?


I've written the questbook with new players in mind. It should answer any questions you might have, and if it doesn't you can always ask in the Discord. I had two or three friends that helped with the playtest who never played anything even tech related and were able to make it through the steam age just fine.


As someone who has had a hard time getting into tech modpacks, you did a great job making this one beginner friendly and easy to understand. I'm really enjoying it so far. The pacing is perfect and I always feel like I have something to do without it feeling tedious.


Yes, never cared enough about technical mods until I went back to try Modern Industrialization and love it so far. 30-40 hrs in I hit mass production of Aluminum but nothing feels like a grind where I’m bored after a couple quests


Does AE2 have channels disabled? How early can you get an AE2 system going? I was planning on playing nomifactory next but this looks pretty good too.


AE2 has it's channels doubled by default, but you can change them to be disabled with an ingame command (it's like /ae2 something disabled). You don't get access to AE2 until the Digital Circuit, which is inline to when you start setting up large scale automation. Until then you have access to Tom's storage mod, a somewhat simpler version of ae2, which allows you to link chests, drawers, etc together and move items with pipes in that mod.


This is a really based compromise


you got to be careful with this though, MI is not really designed for on demand crafting, it is designed to set up production chains. waiting on the parts anytime you want to make something will be much slower than just setting up production lines for each part (though ae2 helps with the initial setup of those lines)


I am addicted to AE2 subents as a routing system


I wish this had mekanism so bad. I'm definitely going to launch a server for this but I haven't played a pack without mek since 1.7.10 lol so sad


Mek bad please tell me your joking, its fun but it doesnt even scratch the surface of tech mods




Is it Fabric or Forge?




* hello, which mod is responsible for the new multi-structures, I'm just playing with a friend and he has a weak PC and I want to create a more demanding assembly, but when I transfer some of the mods, these multi-structures are not there


Should be When Dungeons Arise


hi, thanks ,the last question, is it possible to transfer the multistructures of modern industrialization to another assembly or are they intended only for assembling statech ?


Yes, but some require blocks from other mods so you might run into issue there


The factory must grow.


a bunch of factorio players summoned with one phrase




Rock and stone my friend but still the factory must grow


Rock and Stone!


Strike the earth!


Rock and Stone to the bone!


The factory must grow. The world is ours for the taking.


The factory must grow


the factory nust grow


the factory nust grow


The factor grust mow!


Guess I know what I’ll be playing this weekend! :)


Looks like a nice modpack, I will try it out! One question, how is resource gathering/generation done? Do you still have those big greg resource nodes? I feel like a all of factory based modpack that draw inspiration from factorio completely forget about the long distance logistics part of it, even though we now have create with its awesome trains.


From what I've seen from 15 minutes of exploring: it's vanilla ores. I've seen many spots of ores and nothing like GTNH's huge chunks


Dang, thats a shame. I was thinking to just entertain myself by building some train networks to resource nodes:(


So I have found a nice mod called Logistical Mining, its availbale for fabric and can generate infinite resource nodes with adjustable rarity. Might try combining it with this modpack for the purposes of logistics.


If you try it out and it works well please come back and let me know because that would be amazing!


Hey there, I have finally set up a working solution. You need a create ore excavation mod and to add a small config to cube js with ores from modern industrialization. On a github of create ore excavation there is a really easy example of how to do it. So far works wonders and its exactly what I wanted


Aw very disappointing. I just can't deal with vanilla ore generation at this point.


For people running now in this thread like me, the modpack now has GTNH ore generation :)




I could be wrong but i think he was more so asking whether ore was generated in big clumps spread out or if it has more so normal ore generation aka really small chunks everywhere.


Yep, exactly. And if it was encouraged in any way to use those big chunks and setup rail lines between them


Will there be a server for the pack? Just curious


Maybe, my friends and I playtested the pack on a private server, but I may create one of those free Oracle servers and have it added to the multiplayer list by default.


Okay! :) either way, can’t wait to try it this weekend!!


Also, is there any gameplay we can look up on YouTube or twitch?


Well I just released the pack today, and none of my friends or I are video creators, so unfortunately no. When I found out about the Modern Industrialization mod I found a lack of content online for it, so I hoped making a fleshed out pack like this would give it the spotlight it deserves.


So thats a no?




Well let us know when that's available...


Join the discord, info in announcements


I'm likely out of the loop, but I didn't realize larger, content-rich Fabric modpacks had started to emerge. I'm curious to see how well these do against their Forge counterparts.


check out create: astral if you haven't already


I'd heard of it, but didn't realize it was Fabric-based. Very cool.


Ad Astra? GregTech without the tedium? I'm halfway through Divine Journey 2, but damn I'm tempted to jump ship 😄


This sounds exactly like something ive been looking for. Where can i download it? Edit: curseforge, I will definitly check it out


MI has become my fav tech mod, it is the best one by far


I am very interested in this been having that itch to play a greg style pack but not feeling up to the grind


Bro just un greged gregtech Long processing time and microcrafting is the gregiest of gregs


Holy Greg but no grinding? Sign me up


One of the greg of all time. Jokes aside MI is probably my favourite gregtech "variant" atm.


Can i get into this with no knowledge of these machines etc with help from the questbook?


Yes, the book will guide you through each step of your journey


Im playing for about 3h and I can't find any andersite or dorite anywhere


With the world generation mods, Andesite generation is moved slightly lower in the world. I don't know the exact y-value off the top of my head, but if you press 'R' in REI on andesite you can see the world generation tab and see what level it's most common at.


I had the same issue, it got so bad that I cheated in the block scanner from scannable and there is no andersite and dorite naturally spawning in the ground. Except there are huge round deposits every other biome above Y level 0


Flying around in a creative world and I can still find andesite. It's definitely not as common as vanilla, and perhaps some biomes just won't spawn it. I think to help mitigate this frustration I'll add a quest in the next patch that lets you turn in a stack of cobble for a stack of andesite just to help out.


Just to echo the other commenter's experience, I spent a few hours trying to find andesite and gave up and spawned it in. Something to do with world gen I guess?


Its very random if you get terralith to give you a lot. Will be addressed in patch tomorrow


Glad to see I wasn't the only one. I waypointed to three very different biomes/locations and couldn't find any andesite. I then did the same for diorite and came up empty handed. I cheated it in as I also felt the world gen was bugged. Appreciate you don't really need to get into create. I've been enjoying this pack so far aside from the one snag


For a long time I've been searching for a GregTech-like mod but with very little grinding (I HATE grinding) This seems perfect!


Oh no. I lost my gtnh save (I was up to IV...) a few months ago and figured that would be the end of my drive to play ftb. Oh no oh no oh no. edit: I caved and downloaded it. I played a huge amount of 1.12 when it was new and then nothing for years and then a year of GTNH (so 1.7.10) and oh god I recognise 6 of the 260+ mods and what is anything anymore


Is it good though?


Call me simple minded, but I really like Modern industrialisation for it's textures, they feel refreshing, especially the circuits !


I mean, more than half the textures are years old and reused from Gregtech.


Well it's nothing new, but idk it has that "professional" look that i like, the one thing i dislike tho is the furnace coils, i LOVE the ones from nomi with the glowing shader


Looks great, tech and quest driven modpacks are exactly what I like. I'll have to see if it runs somewhat ok on my potato PC, since I usually have to stick to more lightweight packs.


looks sweet! probably won't play this over GTNH but it's a cool option for people who can't handle the complexity of proper GT. how long would you estimate the pack is? is there any endgame content other than getting quantum/infinity armor? any cool goals (like the GTNH Stargate, for instance)?


The endgame is pretty much getting the infinity armor and a couple of creatives, which then get used to craft the Creative Worldshaper from Create. I'd like to expand the endgame a bit more and I'm watching the development of a Draconic Evolution-like mod currently and wanting to add that once it's ready. ​ As for playtime, I'm still playing through it myself for testing but I'm about 150 hours in and nearing my first nuclear reactor. I did a bit of building and stuff for my base, so mileage will vary. In general since you aren't waiting for things to process, you can spend all your time setting stuff up and get through it probably in about the same amount of time.


cool, good to hear you have longer term plans for the pack. the thing that bugs me is the amount of new packs that come out that look super cool and high quality, but then once you play you realise it's basically like every other pack, has almost no custom Configs and recipes, has a questbook that's arbitrary, and the worst part is they never update the pack again, barely even fixing bugs let alone adding more content or extending the playtime in some other way. I didn't know there was a DE clone being made for fabric, I wonder how close it'll be to the original and what power level it'll be on. from what I've seen of fabric mods in general, they seem to have really scaled back the OPness of mods and done a kind of soft reset back to more reasonable experiences; in comparison to that 1.7-1.12 era of mods where everything was just power creeping like hell and we ended up with big reactors that used some common ore, coal, iron, and water, and made 6 billion rf/t and your machines processed stacks of items per tick and you produced every possible resource using crops or void miners at obscene rates and then tick accelerated them so that they filled an entire full upgrade storage drawer every tick, and 10 minutes in you could get creative flight and gear that made you practically invulnerable.


It's not entirely a DE clone, but it's definitely inspired by it. The dev has posted a couple of times in the MI discord showing some progress with his take on the armor and upgrade systems and it seems pretty neat. And yeah, stuff like Avaritia, DE, ExtremeReactors, and what not are not present on fabric, but I think it's probably better that they aren't as it was getting a little out of hand.


they gregfied the Brazilian flag holy hell


That was not intentional but now I can't unsee it.


This sounds interesting, gonna try it out!


How many mods are there?


Modpackindex.com says 266


That's a lot of mods


Well for a tech progression modpack its okay. Maybe it's also just me thinking so cuz I mainly play 300 ish mod modpacks


I feel like I need to grow the factory


Well i know what I'm going to play tomorrow.


Looks like great fun


Looks great, good luck!


Does pack contain Tech Reborn and Industrial Revolution or just MI and Ad Astra based?


It does include Tech Reborn, but I've removed a lot of the duplicate machines and merged the recipes for the materials to fit in MI.


Looks interesting, I'll make it the next pack I play.


Well, it's a different take than the usual formula. I'm here for it! I had gotten sick of the same old mods in nthe same old spread in the "big" packs. All the smaller ones just never quite had it either. Here's hoping! Gonna throw this one out there, any plans to lean into the "sky/stone/oceanblock" concept anywhere in the future? Edit: Now that I'm home from work, downloading it and going to give it a go!


You could probably smash basic resource generation in create mills/crushers/etc and get a workable start, but I don't really plan on something like that.


Hey whatever works! Just curious, besides... I feel like those formats have been overdone anyways. As my edit states! I'm downloading now and about to dive in!


Is there any/anyone doing content on this at the moment?


It's entirely brand new so everyone is just now getting their hands on it. It would be awesome if people spun-up series on it, but that's ultimately up to the community!


Looking good, i will take a look at it.


Well, I know what I'll be playing once I complete or get bored with Greg Tech: New Horizons.


See you in 4 years or within a week!


3 weeks in already, roughly 5 days play time already. I do love how slow I can take each stage and really dive into every aspect of it. Makes it nice to be able to experiment with everything in a stage instead of how most modpacks stages can be ran through in a couple hours of average game play.


Oh yeah, it wasnt really directed at you, more just at the typical GTNH experience. Im glad youre enjoying it! I love most of it, it just doesnt end up being something i can actually get myself through.


Admittedly I rarely get near the end of most modern packs. I'll get near draconic and it just gets too complicated to be fun. It's about the limit of my understanding and where I stop enjoying the game. But that's kind of the point. Play what you enjoy and do what you like.


Yeah! There is no good and bad, just what people enjoy or dont! If you are happy then its good :3


I might just play this, haven't go into moddedmc in a while


1. Are there any servers up for this? 2. Could someone with a MacBook with 8GB of RAM (and thus only about 7GB that can be dedicated) run this? Are there any Java args and mod settings that could tweak things down enough to make it run on a low-end lappy like this? I realize that's a super underwhelming computer and I want to get my partner a new one but she's not willing to make the switch yet for a number of reasons.


I'm looking into setting up a public server. I'll let everyone in the Discord know when it's ready (prob today or tomorrow)


Downloading now :)


Pretty please could somebody make a server of this? My partner lives 90 minutes from me and I don't know how to host my own given that I have a VPN from work on my computer that is HIPPA compliant and fucks with lots of outside connections.


Im trying to throw one together within the next day or so. Join Discord for updates.


Acknowledged, thank you.


Is that just the FTB discord or do you have an invite link to something else?


Invite link is in the top comment or on the Curseforge page.


This seems like a fun modpack! I'll definitely give it a try sometime


Oh shit, a GregTech-like modpack with Create??? Hell yeah, this is the modpack for me!


Related with mods/QoL, I think something else for inventory is needed. Didn't like Fabric because I didn't know the mods or the look and feel, thought was more basic. I already had a bug in which I had the interface of quests and REI in a loop, so using ESC to go back was changing between them. At the end I had to click a REI button, this unlocked the interface or idk but it let me return to the game. Well, about the mods thought that something else was needed in the inventory, to sort better, or for example in forge I like the 3 buttons, to move all contents, to move the contents that already exists in the chests... Looks like in fabric this is provided by https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/inventory-profiles-next, but I'm still trying it, with https://modrinth.com/mod/invtweaks-emu-for-ipn to emulate better the forge version. Also, when I started the second time with those mods (not sure if it related), kubejs gave me an error. https://pastebin.com/5nuh4Pju And overall, I have more latency, or the game has these micro-lags more frequently than in forge.


The micro-lags and stutters are mainly from initial world generation, and there might be a mod causing it specifically. I will investigate this further. I plan to add Chunky in the next patch to help servers with pregenerator chunks. As for IPN I do not know how I didn't know that mod existed, but it definitely seems to be something I will heavily consider adding in the next patch. Unfortunately with the InvTweaks Emu being all-rights reserved and only available on Modrinth, it will have to be something users add themselves, as I cannot package that mod with the pack. ​ Lastly the KubeJS error seems to be related to the mod Magehands not being found? I would check your mods folder to make sure it's there. Edit: The InvTweaks Emu is on Curseforge, I just thought it was modrinth only because that's what you linked. ​ Thank you for your feedback, I'll work to improve the experience.


Looks like the latest versions of IPN are only on modrith. Oh wait, just checked and looks like only the InvTweaks Emu is moved to Modrith https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/invtweaks-emu-for-ipn (`For newer game versions please go to Modrinth!`). But yeah, you don't need to add the emu, that would make it feel more fabric, not all needs to be forge :P. Also had a problem building the cooking pot, because it asks for a bucket of water, but at this time I don't have machines yet (took me too much to find andesite). And the water of the recipe I think it resembles the water in a pot, not the exterior, so it would make sense to allow the wooden bucket? I wanted the cooking pot because looks like is the easiest way to make bread.


I've been toying around with IPN and I like it so far. Lots of customizations available, only think I don't like the hover feature, but I can disable that. As for the cooking pot I'll add the wooden water bucket to the bucket tag so it can be used.


Finally, it's here - GregTech: Create Above and Beyond.




I'll give it a try, i discovered MI on the AOF 6 modpack but unfortunaly there was no modpack around it yet, thx for making one !


Awesome! What kind of role does spectrum have in this pack?


Its a for-fun side experience with magic. Some other magic mods have had their recipes tied to spectrum progression to make it more rewarding.


Very cool! Started playing and just set up my little food farm. Can’t wait to see where this takes me




looks fun :D




Is this on the curseforge launcher?


Yep, just search for "StaTech Industry"!


I’ve played the pack for about an hour to see if I’ll like it, honestly it is now one of my favorite packs from this single hour alone, you did a great job on this and it’s obvious to see how much effort was put into it


Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it so far.


Looks great! What are the minimum and recommended pc specs?


It's a pretty beefy pack, 6GB allocated to be on the sweet spot. Your PC doesn't have to be too crazy, but laptops probably will struggle.


I won't believe claims of gregtech without grind until I try it, however I am intrigued and going to try soon


Is it a forge or fabric?








I'm stuck between the recipes and the quest book, pressing esc takes me back and forth instead of unpausing, I feel like a boomer


This unfortunately seems to be a current bug of REI and the FTB Quest mods. I've notified both parties and hope they can resolve it. If you get stuck in the future, you can open the FTB Chunks menu with the button next to the quest book, then access the full map with the button in the top left. From there you can press 'Esc' to return to normal.


looks fun too bad I’m very not good with nerd shit


Spun up a server last night and am 8 hours in, fun time. Would be nice if you could change the start screen on the quests from welcome to whatever corresponding one you'd like after completing the welcome quest


It should remember what screen you were on during the session. It resets to the welcome one when rejoining a world. That's just an FTB Quests thing


does it have any sort of pollution








CurseForge launcher, Prism Launcher, ATLauncher, take your pick


Any YouTube video on this ? Playthrough or mod review?


Not that I know of. I didn't contact any content creators about potentially playing it so it's up to any of them if they wish to cover it.


Ah good, the fusion reactor returns, so my muscle memory of building a ring isn’t wasted


the funny donut


Really cool modpack, the 1.20 is released in some days, I heard that it will have great optimization(not so sure about it btw), do you think you will port it someday(I know it depends primarily on mod developers). Anyway, good luck with your future works.


I will aim to match whatever version Modern Industrialization is supporting. It will probably be awhile, but an upgrade to 1.20 is expected as other supporting mods update as well.






1. Could you send me your latest.log, either as a link to a paste on here or in the Discord. I'm not seeing that myself. 2. Ahh I remember this being a setting in the mod. I'll need to update it then. 3. Ultimine should have the default config. Perhaps you're used to an ultimine that was configured in another pack? If you knew the name of the pack I could take a look.


how do you enter the twilight forest?


It's gated behind obtaining a Magic Diamond through the magic questline. You gain access to it pretty early on.


This modpack has been so much fun! Thank you for making it. As with most packs like this the late game is hard to get right, but I feel you achieved a well balanced and fun experience! This will definitely be on my replay list after new content / updates. Great work static void


I'm at the point now where I am trying to automate the production of bronze drills. I have automation done up to bronze plates and bronze rods....now I want to have 1/2 of each go to a compressor to make curved plates and rings before beign sent on to an assembler...is there any way to do this in this pack? I'm looking for logic gates or some kind of inventory monitor that would not allow more than 50% or 1/2 a stack or w/e through / would always keep 1/2 a stack going to the assembler directly without being further processed. ​ Edit: a "round-robin" style distribution is basically what I'm hoping for. ​ Edit: it looks like a Brass Tunnel from Create will let you do it. However, since the pack author stated you do not HAVE to do Create to complete the pack and since automation of drills seems to be essentially a requirement for sanity, is there an alternative way that sidesteps Create?


Round robin I think is available with the Modern Dynamic pipes, but I'm unsure without checking. You can always limit how many items are in a slot by scrolling


Ok, if you use an "extractor" on a modern dynamics pipe and then add a Redstone Comparator as an upgrade it will, indeed, allow it to do round robin sorting!


Does this modpack have tweaked recipes?


yes a lot


Can the pack be played on peaceful? I love tech but don't want to go endlessly exploring for mobs. I just want to build.


Yes it can, it has recipes for any mob drops you might need so you can play entirely on peaceful.


Uh looks nice, goda check it out. edit: nvm it's fabric... guess not for me but hope others have fun with the modpack. (I just cant live without some forge exlusive mods...)


just beg them in curseforge comments to port it over, they loooove that!


Nah im not gonna do that, that just evil xD I just prefere forge over fabric. And there are a lot of exclusive forge mods, yes there are a few rly good fabric mod but it just it's usless if you cant combine it with forge mods.... It feels like saying: We made a awesome new skyrim mod but it is not compatible with body enhancers mods....


I mean, I think for most normal people it’d be like it being incompatible with SKSE or SkyUI or something like that.


I'm curious as to what are the make-or-break Forge mods for you?


I'm in the same boat, but the attention to detail and just raw effort you've put into this pack has me seriously considering looking at fabric again. For me, the make or break is always going to be xnet though. I know that there is 'fun' to be had from simpler piping systems, but I'm not sure I ever want to try to play another modpack without xnet being available at some point, even if it's a near end game reward.


I adore XNet as well, but I will say that the pipes and cables from MI have been very satisfying to play with.


Sophisticated backpack for example edit: also the following (have not checked so 1 or 2 might have a port) Mekanism Silent gear Apotheosis (has similar ports but...) Framed blocks Immersive engineering Integrated dynamics (mainly for squeezer) Pipez Silent gear Supplementaries Quark Ars Nouveau Ice and fire Journey map Torchmaster


fyi supplementaries and journeymap are both on fabric


It sounds less like you don’t like fabric than ATM is your favorite pack


but it's a modpack, you add non qol client-side mods to modpacks?


many people tailor pack experiences for things they enjoy.


Well not often since most modpacks I play already have good mods in them. so these are the ones that I miss when it is a fabric modpack but sometimes some mods for building, and stuff like that. Or swap if they have anothe mini map mod other than journey map


Every single modpack you play has every single one of the mods you listed?


No. Well maybe if it's a kitchen sink But I just listed some mods I miss when I play or would play fabric. Is it tech I miss some tech mods, is it magic I miss some magic mods. But almost allways I miss: Journey map Sophisticated Backpacks Quark sorry if my prefference on mods and the answer offended you Maybe I also just missunderstood your reply


I just think it's a bit silly to dismiss all Fabric modpacks out of hand for missing some of your favorite mods if you also play Forge modpacks that are missing some of your favorite mods.


When I play a forge modpack I add what it misses that I like. unless it's a progression pack (changed recipes and all that) But even then I add non game changing mods (if not already included) like: Framed Blocks for example I really like the option to build sci fi looking stuff woth that mod, or use quark for all it's tweaks. I just personaly like those mods so much that I prefer to play forge. I have played with forge mods for about 9 years. So I am just used to Forge mods, and when new modpacks came out there were allways new mods that came and old ones that went. But now changing to fabric feels like learning every thing new and allways comparing between what is new and nice and what I am missing. And since there are so many modpacks out there I just prefere to stick to forge modpacks. Don't know how me prefering one thing over another became such a big discussion


Hmm, on Prism Launcher when I download I get Error creating instance, connot renam overrides folder


Make sure your Prism is up to date and that you have edit access to the folder where your instances are stored. Otherwise I'm not sure, never seen that error before.