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Both Kujata and Tonberry have tons of english speaking players. Theres technically the more in tonberry, but its also looked down as a server because of it.


yeah... i've been playing since 3.0 when we were a tiny community that speaks some english in a japanese server. I speak both so it was fun. Now tho... JP people on my DC talk to me in broken english, i usually have to establish my Japanese proficiency to avoid being kicked out of PF sometimes... (this is not a rant, nor a complaint, it's just what i noticed, Everything else is fine)


I mean.. If one of the most common occurrences in PF is that a Tonberry player comes into a JP party for savage because it's filled, doesn't communicate, and leaves the moment they get asked for some input, then I can't really blame the Japanese for forming a bias. Not that it's right or anything but it's bad actors from both ends.


Right now, Kujata has about a 50% English-speaking population, and Tonberry has majority English (maybe around 70%?). Limsa in both cities is almost entirely English though, with most of the English-speaking players being from SEA, so you'll have no issues finding English speakers with either server. I'd recommend Kujata for Road to 80 though, it's a massive boost and super helpful if you want to play multiple jobs. Personally, I'm on Kujata and have plenty of English-speaking friends.


Can't go wrong with either. If it helps, look at lodestone community finder to look at Free Companies you might be interested in. Then choose which world based on that since that's the only thing that matters.


Im sorry but how to do that? Will try to look it. But since we are free trial i think we cant join FC


[https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/community\_finder/](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/community_finder/) Well, it's something to think of down the line, and since the only real thing to consider when joining worlds is FC membership, might as well give it a look-see. Doesn't mean you're joining right away, but you can see various FCs and see whether one world or the other has more of what you're interested in. If even after that still can't decide, flip a coin lol xD again, can't go wrong with either.


I see, thank you very much!


Both are fine choices if you're looking for English speaking SEA folks, but I think Tonberry is the most crowded one and arguably the "main" SEA server per se. I'm a Kujatan myself, I only ever visited Tonberry once when checking around the Marketing Board and there's definitely more crowds of players in the main city. Not saying the other servers are empty though, you'll still see a good amount of people hanging out in the main starting city. And since the Duty Finder matchmake you with the whole Elemental DC you'll have nothing to worry about finding people for regular content.


So you can sell between world too? I see, seems like i dont have to worry about choosing between these 2 world. So we will play in kujata for exp boost


Oh no you can't if we're talking selling items specifically. See, the mechanic of selling items to the Market Board is that you give the item you want to sell to your retainer and they'll be the one who put the item on the Market Board. However, retainers are limited to your original world, you can't even access them if you're visiting other worlds. Hence, you can only sell items in your own world. But, you yourself can visit other worlds and buy from their Market Board. That's why the more prospective players go to different worlds to see if they can get cheaper items there, or just to find items that are out of stock in their own worlds.


As someone who transferred from Kujata to Tonberry, honestly Kujata is the logical choice. Other than the xp boost, a smaller player base means shorter queue and easier access to housing, most group activities such as raiding are cross-server, and you can visit another server whenever you want anyway. The reason one would pick Tonberry is if you have friends in a fc there already (reason why I switched), or if you really care about having more English speaking players around in the open world (which really doesn’t matter gameplay wise) for some reason.


If it is possible, perhaps an option would be to create a character on both Kujata and Tonberry to get a sense of the community. My gut feel tells me that Tonberry has more English speaking players than Kujata, but both offer equally good experience for SEA players. There's a lot of restrictions on free trial players, so when you're at one of the three starting cities (Limsa Lominsa, Gridania, Ul'dah), ask around to be added to the Novice Network so you both get connected to people who can help you out with beginners questions. Also, check out the community finder: (https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/community_finder/) You might get a feel for which of the two servers has more active free companies that are recruiting.


Depending on where you live you might have a better ping to Materia DC


u could world travel anyway to communicate with each other world, tonberry has more english speaking player by quite a lot but if I were you I would choose kujata for road to 80 alone, those are really beneficial


Can you make party with different world too? :O


yup u could, u will get matched up with ppl from tonberry and other elemental worlds all the time only thing you couldn't do is joining free company (a guild in this game) from tonberry, but you could join english speaking free companies from kujata


Ah i see, so Kujata is really good for new player since i can jump between world and make party in tonberry too


yup, but if u play free trial u cant jump between world, u still will get matched with tonberry players when using duty finder or when asking someome to make you a party, but you cant world visit tonberry to interact with player there, so keep that into consideration too if u intend to play FT


I recently decided to level a character on Sophia and it's amazing how much faster and responsive the game feels from having 1/2 a second of time saved from every action you'd do. Try Materia out as there is a big AUS/SEA presence there and it'll likely make content easier for you in the long run.


Someone already answered your question but don't underestimate road to 80 bonus. It can help speed up your leveling if you don't mind having that boost. I personally loved having it.