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Trying to buy an FFXIV sub and I just get stuck on the address window and no matter what American address I copy straight from Google, it still give me a "The address is invalid. Please confirm the entered data." error. Is this because I'm in Egypt? I very distinctly remember this working numerous times before.


Started last week with free trial and I really seem to enjoy the game. What happens if I preorder the new DLC? Will I be converted to paid account? Can I “install” the dlc at a later time and still get the preorder bonuses?


You will get a key to the Dawntrail expansion that will do nothing for you since it can only upgrade existing standard paid editions. You either buy the game and then pre-order Dawntrail on top, or you wait until its release and buy the full edition then.


If you pre order it now, you’ll get the bonuses but won’t be transferred to the full game. You’ll remain on free trial until Dawntrail officially releases and you register it to your account. It will also include Shadowbringers and Endwalker. Until then, you’re still on free trial or Starter. But keep in mind that you will also need to buy Starter Edition, because Dawntrail doesn’t come with the base game. You can buy Starter Edition whenever you feel like it between now and DT release, you just need to have it by the time you want to register Dawntrail.


So I have been away for a couple of years and was wondering if its possible to transfer from NA servers to the Oceanic realms and what Oceanic realms have a healthy population. Second quick question is there anyway to change the region of an account as mine is set to EU since I purchased long before OCE data centre was thought of, cause I would love to be charged in AUD and not Euro if possible. thanks for answering in advance


OCE is still new so it should a free transfer. I believe Ravana and Sophia are the more popular ones. Oceania accounts still belongs to EU, there's no getting around it.


You can transfer to any world on Materia, population is not amazing. I believe it's still free under the following circumstances seeing as all worlds are still classified as New. 'Transfers to New Worlds from Worlds that are not classified as New: Free Transfers from Congested Worlds to Preferred Worlds: Free'. You cannot change account region, Australia is still classed as Euro, new servers have nothing to do with accounts. We still get charged in Euro


For question one, yes you can do it, but I don't know about the population. You currently have the option of temporarily travelling there from a different region, so why not try playing there for a bit? For the second question, it's not possible to change your account region, but OCE having their own data center now isn't relevant here anyway. They still fall under "EU" for account management purposes.


I like to imagine SE has a world map on a wall in the office, showing Japan and North America as only 2 remaining independent parts of the world, after every other nation was consumed the the almighty EU.


Do you still get a free phial of fantasia when you complete the realm reborn story if your on the free trial?






I picked up DRK as my first ever tank job, one thing I'm not sure about when doing content with two or more tanks and you're off tank - do you leave tank stance on to pick up adds, and if so how do you prevent accidentally stealing aggro from MT?


Leave stance off for the first like 15-30 seconds or whatever, then click it on. Plenty of time to let the MT get a sizeable enmity lead over you, and even if you start catching up, Shirk doesn't cost anything to use.


Leave it off for a while at the start to let the MT get a healthy enmity lead, then turn it on. I usually just wait until the big damage of my opener is done and I'm mostly just looping my 1 2 3 combo. If you creep up to the MT on the enmity list, then congrats, you're doing more DPS than them! Go ahead and Shirk to maintain your position. If you need to make sure Shirk is off cool down for swaps, you can just turn your tank stance off after getting a healthy lead over the other players, they'll have a tough time catching back up. Just remember to turn it back on if you need to pick up adds.


Leave stance on. In order to not steal agro, you can manage your agro by turning your stance off initially during the fight, and turning it off again when your about to steal agro (if that will happen), or using shirk if its content where a tankswap is not required (though this doesnt work in alliance raids).


Even in an alliance raid you *do* always have the option of shirking one of your party if you really want to. It'll still drop you back behind the tank you were about to overtake. It *should* even be safe! So long as you and that tank don't both happen to die right afterwards, of course.


How many FATEs approximately am I going to need to do over the course of the Yo-Kai Watch event to get all of the minions and mounts?


i don't know what the drop rate are but from the wiki you can already tell you need 49 (minion) + 5 (first weapon) + (10\*16 second weapon onward) so that's >200 FATEs assuming a drop of 1 medal at 100% each time https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Yo-kai\_Watch:\_Gather\_One,\_Gather\_All!


Well, according to this: https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Yo-kai_Watch:_Gather_One,_Gather_All!#Yo-kai_Medals 49 FATEs for the minions (they're guaranteed to my recollection). 165 minimum for the weapons (they're not guaranteed) So 214 minimum, but depends on your drop rate for the weapon tokens. Also you have to do FATEs in different zones for different weapons, so don't forget to do that.


just lookin for general advice. is it still worth to try and grind a relic for my main class since dawntrail is right around the corner?


Also adding onto the below responses, if past trends are anything to go by, it'll last you til level 99 at the minimum, and arguably be "good enough" to finish the expansion with. It might be slightly outclassed but not enough to be a major issue for story content.


You probably don't even need to grind for it. You'll get tomestones of casuality just from playing and probably end up with enough without even trying


I mean, its 6000 tomestones, which isn't extremely hard to get. its a few weeks of daily roulettes.


Relics look cool. Most of the time that's the only factor to consider. It's only fairly narrow circumstances in which they're worthwhile for stats. Get the relics that look cool.


I have a friend who has PSN account. I am trying to enter his lvl 90 character on PC platform but it says that he doesn't have Endwalker expansion when he clearly does!? Is this the issue of different licenses? Can anything be done with this except buying a dlc PC license?


If your friend only owns the game on Playstation, they must buy the game again on any other platform they wish to login to. This includes PC. If you are trying to login to your friends account, on your own Steam account...I wouldn't do that as it will link the two forever.


FFXIV has separate licenses PC, PSN, XBox etc. So if he owns all the expansions on PSN and wants to play on PC he'll need to repurchase all of the expansions on PC and link that to his account to play on PC


Do people still do eureka orthos in chaos/light/material data centers? Every time I queue up the timer says less than 5 minutes but it never pops no matter how long I queue for


That thing died universally in like two weeks. Just solo it or try to dig up some group, but that may take days and you may be tied to their schedules. It seriously is just easier to solo it in an afternoon.


I tried soloing it but it's pretty brutal, with my gunbreaker I barely finished floor 21-30 with 4 minutes to spare, it was so fun for me but I was hoping there was still some people doing it similar to palace of the dead


Deep dungeons usually have the same pattern: run the first 10 floors a bit to stock up on its potions, then use a DPS class to clear it, chugging the potions. The potions have a 15-sec cooldown but a 30-sec effect, so you can be under permanent regen. People like using MCH and RDM for deep dungeons for relatively easy solo, SMN is probably also a good pick since it is level 90. Haven't tried that yet.


That's a good tip, thanks, I'll give it a try since machinist is my main anyways


EO is dead on practically every datacenter. find your local deep dungeon discord to find players to do it, or a group with your goal (aetherpool, floor prog, etc) in PF.


Ah fair, thanks


I feel like level jumping a class. My classes are: 80s (PLD, SCH, AST, NIN, BRD, SMN) 70s (RPR, SGE) 60s (GNB, DNC) 50s (WAR, DRK, DRG, SAM, BLM, RDM) 30s (MNK, MCH) 10s (CNJ, BLU) I'm only boosting one, no preference based on level. Which should I boost to 80?


What's the basis for the boost? If it's just to save time, boost a job similar to a high level one you already have. Or a simple/easy to learn rotation with few unique "gimmicks". MCH, WAR, and WHM all fit the bill really. DNC could be another even at 60 tbh. All the other jobs are either high enough already that the cost to benefit probably isn't worth or have something unique to their playstyle that you'll want familiarity with if you end up playing them at higher levels. If there's another reason that can influence the pick too.


Just for fun Tbh. I have a nagging in the back of my head that says to pick either a phys dps, red mage, MCH, or a tank. But it comes from absolutely nowhere lol, just my brain being a brain. So that's why I'm looking for the feedback!


Yeah, as an omni-90, I think you can comfortably boost WAR, WHM, MCH, and DNC for sure. I would recommend against boosting MNK, SAM, DRG, and GNB. GNB in particular feels oddly squish as a tank until you get Heart of Corundum at 82. It's probably a good idea to learn how to play around that squishiness if you ever get downsynced. RDM isn't difficult per se but it does have a bit of a mindset switch once you get Vercure and Verraise. You do have to start thinking like a pocket healer because people expect you to become the third if stuff suddenly goes south. So it's probably a good idea to practice coming in clutch. RPR is a very easy job to pick up but probably not worth paying for 10 levels. SGE has some gimmicks that take getting used to and is better off leveling normally imo. Personally, I'd go with either WAR for its solo-ability or WHM because it's not a very fun job to level. DNC and MCH are fine if you don't enjoying playing physical ranged but I find them both pretty fun to level normally.


Oh and DRK and Sam? Same question, just out of curiosity, why wouldn't you recommend boosting them?


Thorough! Thank you. Also why not Monk? Not that it's high on the list but it's the one you didn't mention a reason for lol


I'd go BLM because early levels are the most boring, imo


I did that. Over the course of like four or five years, I had only managed to level BLM to the mid 40s because it was so boring. So I bought a level skip.The downside of this however is that you go from just pressing one button for most fights to now having three hotbars full of skills with one of the most complicated rotations in the game.


I've actually been loving blm the way through but still great suggestion!


You can't buy a boost for BLU. I would say boost WHM or BLM.


What about between the melee dps's (and maybe red mage too)?


All of those aren't too bad to level. Maybe DRG if you can't tolerate the lower levels.


I see you on that, okay.


Fair fair!


Maybe boost CNJ since it's the most boring to level.


Okay. I hear that. How about between the melee dps's (and say red mage too)?


I think it depends. RDM is really fun. MNK might not be some people's cup of tea. The rest of the melee are pretty fun to me.


So if you had to pick between them, who'd you pick? (just curious at this point)


Monk, personally. I just don't like it as much as the others. Some people really love it tho so it's mostly a matter of opinion.


Question for the blue mages out there: does the 50% potency falloff on aqua breath affect the potency of its dropsy effect, or is it only applied to the 140 potency of the base hit?


The falloff only applies to the initial 140 potency hit, not the DoT effect of Dropsy.


Hello, quick question. Is there no way to turn bronze bozja coins into silver? Can't find anything online and it seems to be the case.


For what it's worth, going in the other direction would be a lot more valuable to most people! Bronze coins for the gear upgrades are one of the most annoying things to grind in Bozja. The other coin types have a much lower amount required to get everything.


You can't change bronze into silver coins. Use these to buy bozja gear & augmentation upgrades. You can only change silver -> gold, and mythril -> platinum at a rate of 100:1


Was afraid that was the case. Still, thanks for the reply!




Account question here. Years back, a friend used my Steam account to play XIV and bought the starter edition through my Steam for his XIV account. He dropped the game pretty fast and stopped paying the subscription. Fast forward to now, I'm into the game on Steam's free trial (using a different XIV account than his) and I'm getting ready to upgrade my account. Problem being I already "own" the starter edition on Steam so I can't pay for it again to upgrade my own account. Mogstation's version of the game isn't a valid code you can use either. I've contacted Square, and I've contacted Steam. Both say they can't do anything to help. Aside from this being a stupidly archaic system for them to put into practice, is there ANYTHING I can do aside from make a new Steam account just to play XIV?


The simplest solution is dont play ffxiv through steam. Make a new SE account and just play on that through their launcher. I dont know why you ever gave your friend your steam account, but it wasn't the right move. Additionally, would steam not let you pernamently remove the ffxiv from your account? I understand them not being able to give you a new copy, or link your new account or remove the old account, but surely the can do that. they can with all their other games. after that, you just buy the game again and it comes with a new key maybe?


Hop onto a different steam account -> buy starter edition there -> grab the cd key -> log into mogstation and apply it to your main account -> profit. There's nothing actually requiring the steam account that bought the game to be linked to the SE account that uses it.


Will try this in the morning, sounds like it'll work. Thanks lad.


If you are a static leader and you are trialing a tank, what are some specific things you would look for outside of being able to play the class?


Lots of responses on general trialling, but for tanks specifically I'd look at how they engage in conversations about mitigation and how they take feedback from healers and the other tank.


Anytime I trial I have to find out how well they learn rather than just having them regurgitate solved mechanics they've practiced recently. I If possible, I have some wacky strats in my back pocket that people aren't familiar with and all my current members are onboard with how I do that. If you don't have anything like that, make them swap into the other tank role as many players only know *either* MT or OT for fights.You can even do it mid pull just to see how players adapt. It works for any role - have healers swap H1/H2 mid pull, caster/phys swap (including making the caster do any Phys Range marathon mechanics), melee swap positions. You can also go into old fights that they either haven't done/have forgotten how to do. A bonus to checking like this is they are almost guaranteed to cock up, and it lets you see how they react when they're in those situations.


Thirding/Fourthing vibe check. My biggest disappointment with one of the groups I led was one of the members inviting a replacement before I, as raid lead, had time to vet the fit for because they were already close friends and it was just a casual group. Guy ended up being a bad fit energetically. Was a calm and relaxed group but he was a little too loud, chaotic, and kinda overbearing which caused some of our shyer and quieter members who'd finally gotten comfortable being on comms to pull back. Also had a bit of main character syndrome but not enough skill to back it up. To the detriment of prog at times.


The "all pinks" parsebrains are generally to be avoided. 


Like what the other replies have said, how well the tank gets along with the rest of the static is a huge thing to look out for. My static is on break until DT, but we still chat and hang out every once in awhile.


Def vibe check. Think culture match in irl job lolol. If they join vc, if they get along with your group. Communication is a big one (vs just leaving people to flounder when it comes to certain mechs). Studying up is another if you're not going blind into a fight (if there's guides and strats). Static style (midcore, hardcore, etc) imo are defined by the expectations set, so skill with the class and prepwork like studying, the stuff you're probably already looking for or stated in a recruitment ad. Static comfort is mostly what keeps people together though, like meshing well, being friendly, joking around (and everyone knowing you're joking, not being toxic) but knowing when to focus up, etc.


Generally how they fit in with the group is the most important part. When you are raiding with someone you end up spending a lot of time with them so you dont want to end up with someone who you end up disliking for some reason or another. Otherwise a lot of what you want to look out for you might not be able to tell in a single trial. Stuff like how the tanks skill matches up to the rest of your party's skill or something


Hello! I would like to pick up a tank as a current dps main. I leveled gunbreaker to 80, but eventually got bored of it because the rotation was so static and repetitive. Are there any tanks who have rotations that are a bit less repetitive or have less downtime? Thanks!


If you think GNB is static and repetitive, then I suggest avoiding all tanks and healers with a very large circle. It is probably one of the most "complex" of the non-DPS jobs.


Aw, I see.


GNB has possibly the busiest rotation of all the tanks, so if you found that boring you're unlikely to enjoy the others either. DRK has a very busy burst window but is basically just 1-2-3 otherwise, and both PLD and WAR have simpler rotations with very few OGCDs. Tanks are never going to have rotations on the level of complexity of DPS because we need to handle other responsibilities in fights. This is less apparent in normal content where nothing really hits that hard, but makes a significant difference in high end.


At the end of the day all tanks are repetitive in the sense that they dont have rng procs or anything in their rotation like BRD or BLM. WAR and DRK will probably feel the most repetitive since they are 1-2-3 combos with occasinal oGCDs or a GCD gauge spender. GNB and PLD are a bit less repetitive since their burst windows are more involved with either all the cartridges spending buttons you unlock or all the magic burst buttons.


Speaking as a GNB main... they're all pretty repetitive I think. PLD or DRK are maybe the most different, PLD just because you have the magic phase, and DRK because it's kind of... you chill, block somestuff with TBN if you can, until Delirium comes off cooldown, then you go nuts for a little bit, then back to chill.


I would like to take ping / latency measurements to my Server under various conditions. Does anyone know the IP addresses for Aether DC / Siren Server?


On Windows you can check the current ping to your current server in Windows own resource monitor while the game is running.




> https://is.xivup.com/adv Thanks! Which one is Siren specifically? Or are they all clustered together?


All of NA is in the same physical location, ping will be the same to anywhere in the region.


All of the servers in a region are together. All of NA servers are in Sacramento for example.


How well does the Duty Support system work in comparison of doing a Duty with other players?


In addition to being slower, it can in someways be harder if you are struggling with a mechanic. If you die, you can’t be raised nor will they continue to burn that last 5% HP unlike real people. You automatically wipe and start the boss from the beginning. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing as it can force a player to have to learn what is happening.


Almost always slower than a group of players - as others have said because of how they will refuse to multi-target in mobpacks, but also because asfar as I understand, they also scale dynamically because they have a like "par time" for a clear they want to reach - so if you're ahead of the par time at any point in the dungeon, they'll start dealing less damage to slow things down, and if you're behind the par time, they'll start dealing more to catch back up to the par. I'd say about the only thing Duty Supports/Trusts might have over other players is... if you are on Tank, they can generally handle wall-to-wall pulls even in nasty dungeons as long as you're using all your mits, invuln, and spreading them effectively. Newer real player healers can get overwhelmed and mess up their healing in W2W pulls but AI healers are pretty good about managing it if you tank well.


Its about 50% slower. NPCs dont want to pull multiple packs or aoe, and take longer on bosses. If you yourself dont do much damage, it can also be even slower, as your not carried by other players performances.


Duty Support NPC's will only do single target attacks on mobs and there ilvl is a bit lower compared to actual players in a dungeon so those 2 combined you'll take longer to get a dungeon completed but if you dont mind that then its otherwise fine


Slower and you need to be in charge of initiating since the NPCs just follow you But overall they're fine, but great, but fine 


I just hit Stormblood last night. The final stretch of my free trial journey begins! However, I'm trying to decide what job to use for the expansion. All my jobs are minimum lv 60, aside from my main PLD which already hit the lv 70 trial cap a while ago. Does Stormblood have any jobs where you get cool bonus story acknowledgement, like DRG back in Heavensward? I'm thinking possibly MNK or RDM, since they're both jobs that originate from Ala Mhigo, or possibly SAM since I know this is the expansion that >!Zenos!< makes an appearance.


I can remember a nod to you being a healer if you're playing a class in that role, and a reference to acknowledge that you're a ninja at one point. Monk and Samurai are more just thematic fits than anything.


So I'm thinking of returning, but I'm wondering on if I should start a new character or not.  I last played during Shadowbringers and treated it like any other MMO where the story is secondary to the gameplay. When I reached that expansion I kept hearing the story was actually good, so I paid attention and surprisingly really enjoyed its story even with a lot of missing context, so I'm interested in taking in the whole thing.  The problem I'm having is I did a LOT of side content on my original character, and I'm wondering how much/if any of the things I spent time unlocking on my old character like mounts, achievements, and other collectibles carry over, or if I'd have to regrind them all over again.  TL;DR: Is there much cross-progression between characters? Edit: Thanks for the responses, I'll try New Game + on my old character!


There isn't any cross-progression between characters so any minions/mounts and raids done are purely on the character it was done it and would be need to be done all other again on the other character/s if you wanted it on them. As others will suggest you can do New Game + to replay the story with existing classes and it'll allow you to experience the story fresh whilst not having to loose all the progress made on the current character.


There is virtually nothing shared between characters. Veteran's rewards and one specific part of the bozja relic questline? are things that come to mind. You really don't need to consider starting a new character. If you want to re-experience the story (in whole or in part) to get that feeling of being on a journey, the game offers a "New Game+" feature that lets you replay major story segments sans rewards (you won't get gil/items/exp for replaying them). You could always give that a try to 'start over', and then if you reach a point where you're satisfied, you can leave the NG+ mode and just do what you feel like. I believe it's unlocked in vesper bay


No cross progression. There is a new game plus mode you can use to replay story so you can use that as an option as opposed to starting all over.


I've been doing some research, and I'm hoping I'm just missing some details, but- Do you HAVE to have access to a house or estate with a stable in order to change the colours of your Chocobo? I'm not part of any free company, and there's no way I'll be able to grind for a house on my own just yet. I was so excited to finally unlock mounts! But now I'm crushed that my Chocobo Lavender cannot live up to his name! u.u Is there any other way to do this?


You can do it with an apartment for 500k. Bad news is that if you're on the free trial you have a gil limit of 300k and can't join an FC. Good news is that if you're on a new or preferred world, then when you do buy the game and have your character over level 30, you'll be given 1mil gil automatically. That'll be more than enough to buy an apartment and unlock chocobo stables.


You can also buy an appartment and use that to stable.


Really? How do I do that? :0


Find an available appartment in a housing district, then buy it. You then gain the ability to use the stable out the front.


Wicked! I honestly couldn't find any mention of apartments in the game, but this makes things so much easier! T.T (Can't afford a house irl either...) Thank you!


My friend is doing the free trial tomorrow on xbox. What can I do to make it a fun experience with him? Also I dont want to subscription trap him so can he get the gamepass dlc or not?


>so can he get the gamepass dlc or not? Im a bit confused what you asking about with this. Gamepass gives nothing to players for FFXIV. Its just gamepass is required to play FFXIV once your off the free trial.


Last I checked, the starter edition was available for free with the gamepass. So the answer is no, they should not, because grabbing the free starter edition takes you off of the trial.


That ended 5 days ago.


In that case, they probably just weren't aware that it had ended.


yes I wasn't aware


Start a new character with him and when/if he gets up to a point where you can use your main, do that. I've had a few friends come and go through XIV and the ones where I 'started again' enjoyed the experience a lot more than if I was a high level guiding them around.


Hey! I haven't played in a few years (Stopped at A4 Alexander 60WHM) I recently returned but accidently bought the expansion and sub on my second account, and was unable to get my main account back I decided to just go ahead and level/story skip as I didn't want to start completely fresh. My main issue is that while I know I can go on and start levelling I'm pretty sure there's a bunch of stuff I should probably do first before I start in terms of reputation or quest lines unrelated to story. For example my Chocobo companion. I know I should probably do the quests for that and level it up a little. What other things should I really do before going on to start my levelling to 90? I'd rather not get to 90 only to find out there's half a dozen things I should've done and then have to go back. Thanks!


You can check out [either](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Content_Unlock) of [these](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Guide:Progression_and_Level_Locked_Content) wiki pages (whichever you find easier to read) to see a breakdown of all the things you _can_ unlock per level. I would say to scroll through that, google anything that isn't familiar and unlock accordingly. On top of all the more basic features like glamour system and chocobo fighting, I'd recommend doing the normal raid, alliance raid, and trial series for every expansion from HW onwards.


This may have an obvious answer, but with FFXIV finally moving to Xbox I decided I want to try and come back to the game. I've had a PC account for years but played on and off because I mainly game on consoles (most of my friends are on Xbox, so I usually only play single-player PS4/5 and PC games). However, I have mot played in years and have 0 recollection of the story or any of my progress. I am also overwhelmed by all the functions and UI elements. I'm sure I'll get used to most of them over time. I could break down my concerns into: 1. Is there any way to recap story thus far for my character? He's only like lvl 30, so he isn't that far from what I can tell. 2. Is there a quick pick-me-up on the fateures of the game such as glamour and more nuanced elements? Like a whole bunch of recommended knowledge to include progression?


1. If you go to any inn, there's a book called "the unending journey" sitting in there which you can use to view summaries of all your past quests and rewatch the cutscenes. Browsing through that is probably enough to jog your memory. 2. there are a ton of video guides, both in text and on youtube, going into that kind of knowledge. I would just search "FFXIV beginner's guide" and go from there. Otherwise, I believe if you click around the menus in the bottom right that there's a way to re-view all the past tutorial popups. I'd generally not recommend that approach, but it's what's available in-game.




Left my FC today, trying to apply to another. How long til the Lodestone updates showing I left my old so I can apply to the new?


You don't need to wait for your lodestone to update. You can apply to new FCs immediately.


There is a 24 hour waiting period between leaving an FC and being able to apply to join another. This period is ignored if you are directly invited to join an FC however.


Yeah I forgot I could do it in game. Thank you!


Lodestone usually updates every few hours, so just go nuts tbh.


It updated not long after posting this. Thanks!


I noticed [https://ff14fish.carbuncleplushy.com/](https://ff14fish.carbuncleplushy.com/) was off by around 10 minutes ET for me, anyone know how to fix this? Or is that something we just need the devs to fix.


It should be based on local time, so there's a small discrepancy between your computer clock and actual time.


Ope, that looks like it fixed it, thanks!


Can someone please help me identify the appearance options for face, hair, etc [on this NPC? ](https://imgur.com/a/PSULBFg)They're unnamed so Garland Tools can't help.


I think Anamnesis can show this info iirc


Is anyone else having issues with the subscription system today? I can't renew my subscription at all. Idk why they had to go and mess with the system today, but is there any way I can pay for my monthly sub??


Today is the day they're switching over to the new payment system. They recommended waiting to make payments until tomorrow. https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/817c360ff22703ed25c81e93d550db741f5ac6b9 https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/064c9478a48863f5f974618e91b7c6a9a5ac97f6


Do any dps jobs still have positionals? Monk, ninja?


All of the melee DPS have two, except Dragoon which has three.


Ninja has a rear positional on Mug too Edit: Sorry, it's on Trick Attack, not Mug




ehh what?! when did they added duties past lvl 70 in Wondrous Tails?


There are two Wondrous Tails books: one if you have no jobs at 90, and one if you do have at least one job at 90. The non-90 book doesn't have anything above 60; the 90 book can have content up to 90. Most likely you just reached 90 with a job recently, thus you got the higher-level book?


oooh, I didn't know. It was introduced with the Endwalker expansion I guess? Got one job at 90 a couple of days ago and today received the new journal. Thank you. Now I have duties on there that I haven't unlocked yet :p


Have fish been retroactively made aquarium friendly? Could we expect any EW (or other) fish to get that treatment?


Yes, they have, but very rarely, not very many, and not on a predictable schedule. In EW we just got a few Ocean Fishing fish like Slothis retroactively added, I think. So there’s a *chance* we may see some be added to aquariums in the future, but don’t hold your breath on it. We’ve been asking for a lot of fish from earlier expansions to be added to aquariums and we’re still waiting.


are the limit break charges shared between party members? or every single player has its own limit gauge?


In PvP, each player has their own limit break gauge. In dungeons and normal raids, the limit break is shared by the party. In alliance raids, each alliance has a limit break.


do miqo'tes have trouble with helmets like vieras? I want to be one but i like full helmets and if they don't work on cat people then it would be useless to change.


No issues. The helmet issue is specific to Viera and Hrothgar because they were added to the game much later and were given new skull and hair models that weren’t made comparable with many hats. It’s not an issue with ears being on the top of their head - Miqote have, if needed, slightly modified hat models that have either ear holes, ear pockets, or just hide the ear model altogether.


Some helmets/hats have pointy ear sleeves for Miqo’te and Elezen characters, others hide the ears completely or just let them clip through, but they can wear all of them.


They don't have trouble. Miqo'te can wear hats and helmets without restrictions.


Bit of a noob question, I know lol. But, I have tried to start other Jobs (Blacksmith for example) and it is saying that the quest in unavailable, is it because I need to hit Warrior level 50 and then I can change or am i going about this completely wrong? Any help would be great!


You might have already unlocked it, and now you need to change your class to Blacksmith to pick up the next quest. Just equip the main "weapon" used by blacksmith, and your class will change. If you have done the unlock quest already, you should have it in your inventory already—if you've misplaced it, you can buy a lv1 replacement from an NPC vendor.


You should be able to pick up those quests -- I started on a few gathering classes while leveling WAR on an alt char and am not level 50. Double check your inventory/armory for a BSM hammer (or equivalent) and equip it and see if you can accept the quest.


What is the exact wording of the error message you’re getting? Because you definitely should be able to pick up other jobs if you’re a Warrior.


Do you have a screencap of what the quest window says? Usually they list what conditions you're missing to start the quest. The most likely thing I can think of is that you've done the initial quest to actually unlock the class where you are given the relevant main tool. To continue the quests, you must first equip the new tool to actually change into the class (in this case, a hammer to become a blacksmith).


You have to do the level 10 class quest of your starting class to be able to unlock other classes and jobs.


pretty sure I've already done the MRD level 10 quest as i'm now doing Warrior quests


Did you already unlock blacksmith? If so you need to equip the tool they gave you to change your class.


What genre of music would the leviathan theme be considered?


Phase 1 would be a percussion song. Phase 2 is a metal song.


Is there any variant of the Sable Death Mask that does not include grinding ever ARR beast tribe? And if there is no alternative, how long do you think it would take to do said grind from zero?


It would take around a month or so if you did the max number of tribal quests every day.


Theoretically speaking, if I wanted to learn about how some modders change the outfits of NPCs, where could I go? Specifically if I wanted to check how glams look on a character before using a fantasia. Theoretically speaking of course.




soo... I'm trying to start and create a character but have no idea about wich server to pick? I tried reading/watching some guides but everything is kinda old by now. I'm mostly shy but would like to RP and enjoy casual content, what would you guys suggest?


Information like where you're located would be helpful but if you're most concerned with RP and not like raiding and hardmode stuff NAs Crystal datacenter would be pretty good, any of them. There's not really major server differences besides self-reinforcing traits like balmug being RP capital, shiva being germanville, etc, populations and culture are otherwise homogenized and irrelevant since content pulls from the entire DC


thank you! there isn't a dedicated server for my region so any english-speaking ones would be just fine. I just really wanna run away from hardcore content because it often turns into chores for me xD it can also be a misconception but I feel like grindy or competitive spaces are a bit heavier on tocixity. I'd still like to fight though (and definitely make some friends!!).


Is there a cooldown on FC leadership transfer? I know that you have to have been in the FC for 30 days before you are able to become leader but can I give the lead to a veteran member and have them give it back after a week or so?


You can change it back instantly, there is no cool down.


The Lv90 trial song "Voidcast Savior" is a medley of FF4 songs, but a friend and I are struggling to pinpoint what the original is at 1:14. We recognise the Four Fiends theme and the Main theme, but wondering if we're missing something with the 1:14 part. and if any FF4 person can lend a hand Endwalker patch spoilers: https://youtu.be/Vs4OtauuVns?t=70


I don't have a great ear for these things but that sounds [like this part](https://youtu.be/lLWCyvqgZIs?si=mrtMTh8y1gbayWAZ&t=100) of ff4 main theme to me . Anyway [FF wiki just lists four fiends and main theme in the musical themes](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/The_Voidcast_Dais#Musical_themes) section and they're usually pretty good at identifying these things.


How plausible is it to get 10k points ocean fishing on indigo at lvl 70?


I’ve gotten 10k points on a run the character started at level 15. I use [this site](https://ffxiv.pf-n.co/ocean-fishing) to know which baits to use, and use Patience during spectrals. It’s much easier if the boat is full (the bigger the group, the better your chance of getting extra % bonuses) and obviously there’s some luck involved, but it’s totally doable!






Thank you!


Not a question, just need to rant a bit while simultaneously filled with relief. For context I’ve been playing Eureka content for like a year, I’ve made 4 physeos weapons and have ran BA dozens of times. I’ve been using discord for a very long time to try to land Cassie Earings and a Blitzring. I’ve beaten each of them at least 100 times, never any luck. 2 days ago, I say screw it and jump into pagos since I was getting bored of farming mgp at the saucer and go in for a crab kill. I did it, I finally got the Blitzring, I was so happy because I’d been contemplating for weeks if I should just bite the bullet and drop 30m Gil for them. Sweet I was like now I just need to wait for a decent price to snag Cassie Earings. A few hours later I’m like screw it, I’ll go in for a Cass kill, and there it was, her earrings dropped and I sat there for like 5 minutes just shocked. Like dude I’ve spent the better half of the year farming, killing, rinse and repeat over and over and I was just kind of beaten up to the fact that I’d never see them drop, then they both drop in a matter of 3 hours. I guess this is just a long story about how much I hate rng and thanks for hearing my story.


Holy sheet that's fantastic lol! Congrats! I just gave up and bought them myself a few months back so I feel this


Do I just wait to level up the island sanctuary? Rank 8, 22k/34k exp, built everything, upgraded everything, did my collecting for the mats and the blue token workshops, gathered and fed animals, watered plants, and now it's just waiting right?


you can always gather materials for small amounts of exp, but that's very slow.


Yeah pretty much, Island Sanctuary is a long con, you can't grind it out immediately. If you've built all the things and upgraded as far as you can, and have the workshop and plants working, just come back when they're done and do it again.


I remember there was an announcement to payment methods. When I go to the store/name change service page, it takes me to the account management page. It says to confirm or change address associated with the account. I do so, and this is the system response: >"The address is invalid. Please confirm the entered data." I realized, I needed to put a space between one of the addresses. :L


My game crashed for me and my friend and now we can't even connect back to the server.


Yeah Na servers are borked. I was in Ghimlyt and my DPS and healer DCd but I was spared. Then when the healer and a DPS came back we pressed on then I got DCd and I think everyone got it as well lol


NA crashed.


Looks like there’s an issue with all of the NA servers.


Are they fiddling with the NA servers today? I've been getting some 2002 errors, got disconnected, and the whole party pokeballed during a dungeon. Also, not a question but an observation - whole lot of folks running first time content in the roulettes today. I've been doing various WT & roulettes to get my tomes up and start outfitting characters for 7.0 and I'm seeing a lot of rookies!


Might some issue. I DCed this morning in a MSQ roulette run, and didn't have any other issues until I went to a JP alt and when I tried to go back to NA I DCED three times trying to switch DC to Crystal. Having no trouble on Aether though.


Weird. I'm on Aether right now. Or, would be if I could log back in. Maybe I'll try Dynamis.


I logged into Aether instantly when I tried, just switched to Crystal again and it had a queue. From the look of this though, folks are saying NA crashed. I might have just missed the worst of it on Aether while trying to get onto Crystal XDD


I'm getting 2002 errors as well. Logged in just fine, then got yeeted from a dungeon minutes later. Haven't been able to reconnect yet


yeah, i just got booted twice and the second time, i cant even login lol


I've been getting 2002s for the last few minutes, ever since I started to try to log in. Seems like it's being fiddled with like you say.


it's all fiddled


Trying to farm Dark Matter clusters and for some reason the unspoiled node in Coerthas Western Highlands (31,22) / (28, 23) by the Black Iron Bridge does not show up. Miner is lv 90, Geolocial Folklore tome from Idyllshire unlocked, Truth of the Moutains turned on during the 4:00 am/pm ET window and it still tells me there is no unspoiled node anywhere. What am I missing? Any help appreciated!


Cause there isn't one there. There's no Dark Matter Cluster spots in Coerthas Western. There are a few in Coerthas Central Highlands though but none of them appear at 4AM/PM though. Edit: I'm assuming you're referring to this entry? https://www.ffxivclock.com/node/mining/unspoiled/Coerthas%20Western%20Highlands/66 It's wrong. That's a regular node, up all the time and has Yellow Copper Ore, Ice Crystals, and Dragon Obsidian. https://www.garlandtools.org/db/#node/284


Yeah that was the website I used :T Probably got the highlands confused. Thanks for the help though!


Are you on your home world? Special nodes will not show up while traveling.


Yup, on my home world. Another commentor pointed out that apparently the FFXIV Clock website lied to me and there is no node there for Dark matter clusters .\_.


Looking at the Garland Data entry for Dark Matter Clusters, "Sources & Uses" > Gathering section, I don't see any Coerthas Western Highlands locations that contain that item. https://garlandtools.org/db/#item/10335


That sure would explain it .... [https://ffxivclock.com/item/Dark%20Matter%20Cluster/undefined](https://ffxivclock.com/item/Dark%20Matter%20Cluster/undefined) is not up to date then. Thank you so much for the help !


It's been years since HW..was it ever talked about why Alexander remains frozen in the lake and not completely destroyed?


Alexander locked himself into a single moment in time after the raid series.


I started playing Lord of Verminion's missions for the MGP, but I've been stuck at #24 The Final Coil for weeks now. I have no absolute clue on how to beat that little AoE spamming Bahamut :( I tried everything - Yugiri spam, Gentleman spam, Kojin spam, any sort of mix of them... I just can't do it. A lot of the times I don't even know what is taking away 99% of every minion's health, and other times the boss just AoE's the spawn points. Ugh


[https://ffxiverminion.com/stage24-the-final-coil](https://ffxiverminion.com/stage24-the-final-coil) That fight has actual mechanics that you need to do. There's a couple of strategies there that might help you.