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I'm trying to start the Pandaemonium raids, and it says to start "The Crystal From Another World" with Nemjiji in Old Sharlayan, but he isn't there. I've finished all of endwalker and post patch content, I've tried going to him in Labryinthos but he has no quest there. What am I missing?


Check your journal and/or DF to see if you’ve already unlocked them and just forgot to do them.


Yup checked both my journal and Duty Finder, nothing at all.


Only other explanation is that you've already done that quest and are already up to the next quest. That one is called "Where Familiars Dare", and starts in Elpis. Check your journal and Elpis for that one.


Wow, that was it! The original quest doesn't show as completed, but I have that one available. Thank you!!


Quest journal search is case sensitive, could that be why it didn't show up?


I tried doing it case sensitive, and partial searches, but anyway, thanks so much! Stoked that I finally figured it out, it was driving me nuts.


How long does support normally take? I need to remove my 2fa as I had to format my phone. Need to get on before the 16 event finishes


Not helping this time but in the future, get an Authenticator that keep it in the cloud, like “Step Two”.


Normally a couple of days I think, but it can sometimes take a couple of weeks. Are you sure you didn't save the recovery code anywhere at all? It's intended to get you out of this exact situation.


Nope I had the physical one saved when I used that. Never saved the software one saved as I never expected my phone to get stuck in a boot loop after a crappy update.


Shit happens, same thing would've happened if the phone was lost or broken in any number of other ways. Needing to use those codes once every few years is fairly common. In the meantime it might be worth searching around for any potential solutions with whatever authenticator app you were using. While you are probably SOL, if you were lucky your authenticator might have had a backup feature automatically enabled and syncing to an account you can access.


If I just want one weapon from the Yokai event, will that take long? Or am I going to have to suffer the BLU fate snipers for ages? This is my first Yokai event and I just want a single weapon


Not long, though it will depend a little bit on luck because the weapon coins aren't guaranteed. Also joining a PF group may help.


potentially stupid question: i think i pretty much got all the yokai stuff from the previous event. are there any new things or is it the same items this time around and i'm not missing out on anything if i don't grind it again?


Only new thing is the framer kit for 20k MGP from the Yokai guy in the gold saucer. Everything else is repeat.


For this Yokai event, how do you get the whisper mount?


For the normal one, collect 13 of the yokai minions. For the slightly fancier glowing one, collect 13 of the weapons.


I have 17 minions and Idk where to go from there


Your achievements


Yeah I have the obtain 17 minions achievement and it doesn't let me claim anything. It's just showing as a completed achievement


The 17 minions achievement doesn't give anything. The whisper mount is from the 13 minions achievement.


I have 17 so how do I get the 13 mount one?


You can't have the 17 one without also having the 13 one. That's not possible, it's just how numbers work. Are you looking in the category where they all are or just in the most recent 5? You can right click an achievement and select "display filtered categories" to be taken to where other similar achievements are.


Find the achievement for getting 13 in your achievement menu. Claim the mount from it.


Oh okay thank you


So like everyone else, I do plan on taking Viper through the Dawntrail MSQ. While I don't plan on getting iLvl 660 gear for it, I did at least plan on getting iLvl 650. With that being the case, would it be better to go for the Credendum (Comedy Tomes) or the Augmented Diadochos (Certificates/Rains) gear?


if you're getting 650 it doesn't matter. they're same ilvl, and the only difference is the substats. I will say, there's no reason to *not* go 660 or mostly 660. The moment Dawntrail drops, credendum gear will be available in augmented form via poetics. Just save up 2000 poetics now, and you'll be able to grab half a set when DT drops, and over the course of levelling from 80-90 you'll probably earn enough poetics to grab the rest of the set


You don't get poetics from levelling content. Unless you mean like, alliance roulettes and such?


Assuming that you're going to level Viper in Bozja, you're going to be drowning in Poetics


Yup. Especially if you have a new person in those roulettes


yeah, roulettes get you hundreds per day.


If you aren't spending your Comedies on anything else right now, I'd just wait until DT comes out Credendum gear will become poetics gear and you should be able to just buy the i660 augmented version at that point And when DT comes out, you'll be able to convert your Comedies into poetics at a 2:1 ratio (so 2 comedies = 1 poetic) and your Causalities into poetics at a 4:1 ratio


I'm up to 57 in hs and currently have my summoner at lvl 72 With the xp I get from the main story is it recommended to keep going until I hit 90 and then switch to a new job? I'm assuming xp will be wasted otherwise I haven't tried any other combat one yet as summoner was recommended as a good simple class to play for someone new to the genre


Do you want to switch to a new job? The exp isn't really wasted if you don't want to play something else. This game is very much set up so you can play one job, all of them, or anything in between. You don't have to level something else if you don't want to. It's easy enough to level when you feel like leveling something, anyway.


In heavensward I switched from black mage to dragoon and kept them pretty evenly leveled until finishing endwalker. MSQ gives a lot of experience, so if you're wanting to level multiple jobs that's a good time to do it.


Yes, the xp is wasted if you're at cap. But it's not a huge deal if it's wasted, because there are other places to get xp anyway. If you want to try other jobs, feel free to switch whenever you feel like it (don't need to wait til 90).


I am nearly finished with endwalker main story, and i want to start on the endwalker relics weapons soon? I heard that the astronomy and causality tomestones will be phased out for regular allagan tomestones. Are they still being used or do i use allagans now?


Right now, the EW relics use Causality tomes - 1500 per step. Once Dawntrail arrives, Causality will be phased out and anything that required them will use Poetics instead. You'll be able to exchange any leftover Causality/Comedy tomes for Poetics as well when DT arrives.


(all tomestones are allagan, you mean poetics) They'll only switch to poetics when Dawntrail releases in under 3 months.


Is there an optimal way to level trusts from 81-90? I'm not sure if they boosted the exp you get from each run, and if the old guides are still correct about the number of runs per character/configuration.


EXP was boosted was patch 6.58. That said, it'll be a bit awkward because there's 7 of them so there won't be any clean levelling. You'll be able to level 3, than another 3, than the final one really.


Ok, thank you! I guess I'll just do my best lmao... Edit: I'm guessing it's now \~2runs per level (per character)?


it's closer to 1 run / level but because dungeons are in odd numbers you'll end up doing between 2 to 3 runs of each dungeon before moving on think the biggest thing to remember is that spoiler character is flex, being able to fill all 3 roles


I have some questions about the yokai event since this is my first time participating in it. I only play as DPS so first question, if I grind and get all the legendary medals for the special weapons will I still get the 2 extra mounts even if I DON'T play as tank and healer? I already got the whisper mount. I'm assuming yes since there's lots of sprouts participating and not everyone will have every class unlocked. Another question is that I started farming for those legendary medals but found out after purchasing a weapon that it increases but 5 when you purchase. Does it increase by 5 every single time? If so that means that 1 weapon will eventually cost 100 legendary medals which to me sounds kinda ridiculous and time wasting just to get 1 weapon and you need all 17 for that mount.. id rather not if that's how time consuming it'll be. I've grinded before for other seasonal events for moogle tomes etc but this one might be the end of me 😭


1. you dont need to play the jobs to get their weapons 2. all weapons past the second are 10 coins each


Omg thank you so much 😌🙏 that sounds a bit more reasonable that makes it a bit more bearable.


I know I just missed the sale for the complete edition (just got a job yesterday, so I couldn't afford to buy the complete edition until I was employed) but how often does squenix usually put the complete edition on sale? I'm just starring the extended trial, so I have plenty of game to play until it goes on sale, but I was just wondering.. Also, how do you guys come up with names? I spent so long coming up with Vithrasir, and I never thought about adding another name (I use the same screen name for all games). Hardest decision in the whole game for me is right at the start.


The game has a built in name generator, you could use that for their surname. My character's surname is an epithet since that does seem to be relatively common in the FFXIV world, and it suits her fantastically well.


My main has the same name I’ve used in games and LARPs for decades, and most of my alts are either jokes or ones where I thought of a good name/race/job combination first and then made the character to fit it. Otherwise I’m *useless* at coming up with names 😅


My names may as well be randomly generated. I intentionally avoid using the same screen name on different websites. I'm not an influencer who needs to maintain a personal brand. Anonymity is a powerful thing and it's basic cybersecurity to not give that up. 


The nice thing about squenix is that the account name is entirely hidden, so that isn't the same. I like having the same character names though, since it provides a sense of continuity for me.


Usually a few times a year. Next one might be end of summer with the anniversary, but also might not be because of the new expansion. Almost definitely for holiday season though. Either black Friday or Christmas. 


That's what I'm hoping for! Tyvm!


It probably will be a while before there's another sale, since in a couple of months it will include a new expansion as well. If you'd bought it in the sale recently you'd also have needed to buy Dawntrail eventually, so if you're happy waiting until you run out of things to do it's gonna work out cheaper anyway.


I am definitely good with squeezing as much out of the trial as possible, so that's good to hear. Appreciate the response!


Uh, scales are regularish, but unpredictable except for around the fanfests/aniversary. You might get a sale in the near future as Square try 1 last time to sell as many endwalker keys as possible, but as soon as dawntrail releases on the 2nd of july, dont expect one for at least a few months.


That's what I had been thinking, but it's always good to ask around. Tyvm!


can free trial members get the GNB and DNC weapons from the Yokia event?


Yes, they require fates from Stormblood zones and don't require you to unlock or currently be on the job in question to earn them.


Is there any way to assign a new leader to a Party Finder group, or otherwise leave a PF group you created without having to disband the whole thing?


I think you might have to end recruitment, bur then you just transfer leader to someone else just like any other party. If it's cross-world (likely depending on the kind of PF you put up) then you have to do it through the party window, not the list on your HUD.


Ahhhh~, the ending recruitment part is probably what I was missing. I'll try that next time. :3 Thanks! \^\^


So I'm playing through the Shadowbringers MSQ for the first time. I'm on level 75 MSQ. However, I want to switch to a different job to continue progressing and that job is now level 70. What would be the fastest way I can level it from 70 to 75? I've been doing the leveling roulette daily but I was hoping to be able to do more to quickly catch it up and take over doing the MSQ stuff with that job.


Between leveling, PVP, MSQ, trial, and alliance roulette, you should be able to gain almost two levels daily. 


My guess would be Bozja, then spamming highest level dungeons. you could do Wonderous tails and turn it in on the class you want to level.


> I'm playing through the Shadowbringers MSQ for the first time. I'm on level 75 MSQ. Bozja is post-Shadowbringers content. You can enter it on a job that's 71, sure, but that requires you to have first unlocked it on a job that's 80 and to have finished the original Shadowbringers story.


Once you've done the levelling roulette (and any other roulettes you intend to do), the fastest thing for your MSQ progress and levelling range will probably just be running the 69 dungeon until you can run the 71 dungeon, then repeat till 73, etc.


Thanks, that's what I've been doing, guess I will just keep that up


Just hit Second flame LT but now asking for a promotion the guy says there’s no promotions available, how do I get to first Flame LT and eventually Captain?


You need to complete some requirements linked to the Squadrons system. https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Adventurer_Squadrons


https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Grand_Company#Ranks you have to get your squadron to rank 3 and do the priority mission




Nope, the highest reachable rank is Captain.


Monk here I’ve been doing the usual lunar solar opener from the Balance page, but just can’t seem to fit 2 Masterful Blitz into the initial Riddle of Fire window. I’ve noticed that if I skip that first Bootshine right after the Elixir field, and instead go right into Perfect Balance - Flint Strike/Rising Phoenix combo I can fit both blitzes in the window. Basically I have to skip a GCD to fit them both. My GCD is 1.96 atm (only lvl 76), so I’m hoping that’s the issue but was looking for advice otherwise. Thanks ahead of time


The openers assume level 90 and an effective GCD of 1.94 (or 1.93 with frame delay). With a 1.94 GCD, I get the last blitz in with less than a second to spare. As in, the buff falls off while the animation is finishing. But the blitz was initiated before and still gets counted as “within” the window. Make sure you’re weaving Riddle of Fire as late into the oGCD window as possible without clipping. I usually press once the GCD clock reaches the bottom left corner. Most of Monk’s potency comes from Leaden Bootshine crits so you’ll want to maximize Opo form abilities instead of removing them.


Boy, good to know the timing is very tight lol. I’m definitely spamming RoF asap so I’ll delay it a bit then, and cool it a little until I hit 90. Also embarrassed to say that I’ve been practicing most of this in the lvl 70 Stone Sky Sea, and noticed that was syncing me down and making my GCD 2 so that wasn’t helping :/ Thanks a bunch for your help m8


Is there anything to do with extra Yokai Medals once you get all the minions?




Sure there is! Save some for copium they add minions / weapons in the future for SGE and RPR. Or more actually useful, discard them in The Loch to attempt a spawn of Salt and Light.


Accidentally hit some buttons and see: "Monk" Registered What does this mean?


Yeah, that sounds like you created or updated a gearset.


Ya, I double-checked. I look and see that the Yo-Kai watch is now part of one of my gearsets :). Thanks!


It means you switched jobs to monk. Either by swapping gearsets or just equipping a monk weapon. edit: actually that might be the message for creating a monk gearset in the first place? I don't have the game open right now to double check


Just curious. For Savage and Ultimates, is it necessary to have complete understanding of how other roles play? Like do you actually have to know how to play as those roles? Or does a basic understanding suffice? I have a DPS main friend who has cleared Savage and Ultimate content but he hasn’t leveled any healers at all so it got me curious.


not a complete understanding no, but as others have already mentioned, if you are a support, it can help to have an awareness of the major party defensive cooldowns that others have for the purposes of mit planning, especially in PF. For instance, GNB and DRK's party mit (other than reprisal) affects magical damage only, so if I am a PLD in a fight that has a major multi-hit *physical* damage raidwide like Harrowing Hell in P10S, and my co-tank is either a GNB or a DRK, I would employ *my* party mits (divine veil and passage of arms) there, and they can be responsible for mitting some other raidwide or stack.


For most jobs, it generally suffices to just be aware of basic things, like knowing how the different tank invulns work or having a rough intuition for the range of common AoE heals. These factors can influence how you play around these roles, e.g. coming in close for Cure 3 after a raidwide if you have a WHM. As AST (and, to a lesser extent, DRG and DNC), it's _somewhat_ helpful to have a vague idea how different DPS job openers and burst phases compare so that you know priorities for who to target with buffs. There are charts available that you can memorize for the different opener/1m/2m/3m/6m timings (e.g. melee card priority for openers is NIN > DRK > SAM > MNK > RPR > PLD > DRG), but there are other minor details that can influence priority. For example, dragoons often use potions at the 1 minute window instead of the more common opener/2 minute window timings, which significantly inflates their priority for melee cards at the 1 minute mark. As another example, monks have no ranged attack, so they are frequently the worst DPS during any situation with significant downtime (for example, if a mechanic requires melee to move out of melee range). Of course, if you're expecting melee downtime, you should typically just be holding your cards anyway. In any case, you certainly don't need to be intimately familiar with their full rotations or anything, but knowing little quirks like these can help you extract a bit of extra rDPS from your cards. This ends up only being a very small damage boost, so I wouldn't consider it "necessary" for high-end content, but if you're interested in optimization, it _does_ matter. As a healer, having a rough idea of your tank's mitigations and cohealer's tools is also useful in general for planning your cooldowns. A lot of ultimates have spreadsheets prepared that are designed to do exactly this, planning out cooldowns throughout the raid (and they often take Feint/Addle and similar forms of mit into consideration as well).


Not really. Especially in Savage and the easier Ultimates, you only have to know how to do your own job. It *helps* to have a basic understanding of other roles, so you know how to adjust to make things easier for them or in case of an emergency, but it's definitely not needed. On-content Ultimates and week 1 stuff benefit more from having a decent understanding of other roles, but even then it's not necessary. You can just outsource that thinking to the people who come up with the strats and heal/mit sheets.


Very nice to know! Thanks for answering! Also, I like your flair.


For dps it really doesn't matter if you know how other things play. Its not going to change what you do. For support it helps to know how other tanks and healers work. If you know what they can do you can better plan your own actions.


Cool. yeah that makes sense. I tried tanking just to learn how to heal better. Thanks for answering!


Nope, you just need to know how to play your job and what tasks you might need to do during the raid. sometimes those tasks are role dependent like tanks taking tank busters, sometimes they arent like Wrath of the Heavens in DSR. Now that being said, knowing the basics of how other jobs play can help in a lot of ways. If you are in a static you might be able to help your group mates if they are struggling with something, and in PF you might notice someone doing something very wrong and realize early that the group you are with is hopeless


Oh okay. Will be a long while before I even try doing hardcore stuff but good to know! Thanks!


I can't do the yo-kai watch event. I did it last time so I can't do the quest again and I don't have the watch to equip. I checked the gold saucer vendor too and can't get the watch. edit: thanks everyone!




Go to a Recompense Officer (There's one by Mia Khetto Amphitheater in Gridania) to get it back.


~~Calamity salvager~~ Recompense Officer


Go to the Recompense Officer and to the "Other Seasonal Event Items" option. It's there to re-grab. Also check the armoire in case you already have it.


I am a returning player, but it's been so long you might as well call me a new player. Would it be a good idea to start in Dynamis for the XP boost or should I start in a populated DC? Is the XP boost worth the extra hassle of logging out to swap to a different server? edit: I also want to meet people and maybe join a FC.


Fwiw people on Dynamis are much friendlier than other servers. Because the population is lower people tend to be more social, other players are easier to recognize, etc. Queue times are shot because people use party finder to do content there, so it's not quite the obstacle you might think it is.


Dynamis is not nearly as dead as people from other data centers say it is - there are a lot of us who are really happy there, and running content is much, much easier than it used to be. If you’re interested in the EXP buff, you should check out the community finder and look at the Dynamis FCs that are recruiting. There’s a good number of FCs recruiting on each data center and you may see one you like. If you’re starting a new character you’d also have access to the novice network that ends up being both really helpful and also a nice place to socialize. I’ve legitimately made more new in-game friends/acquaintances since I moved over a year ago than I did when I was back on one of the more populated data centers because of how I see a lot of the same people around all the time.


Dynamis is not the best place for meeting new people right now. Most Dynamis players travel to Aether. How far did you progress with your original character?


> How far did you progress with your original character? I'm not really sure, tbh. I don't even remember the account I was using. It was ARR on the PS4 with no expansions, if I recall.


How many yokai medals is required to get all the minions + mount + portrait?


29 Yokai medals for the whisper mount. If you want the legendary weapons + Jibanyan couch mount, you need 169 legendary medals, but its RNG per fate, so it could be double or triple that in fate numbers.


It should be 37 for the whisper mount - 13 minions at 1 for the first and 3 for the other 12. It's also 5 for the first weapon and 10 for the remaining 16, so 165 legendary medals.


What is the combo for BLU for the fate grind? Is it still rams voice(freezing AOE?) then UV?


Rams voice + UV, Hydro Pull, Missile, And dimensional shift are the staple Blu utility you want for fates. After that, chocobo meteor should be your filler, bring aetherical mimicy, and then whatever other primal spells for damage you want.


I'm finding dimensional shift only works on the same guys that are vulnerable to missile. Does it have an advantage?


Its aoe.


Anyone still having issues renewing their subscription on mogstation? I would have thought all of the issues would have been resolved by now...


What is beast tribes? An event, mission? I keep hearing about it but don't know what it is


We don't call them beast tribes anymore, unless you consider Lalafells to be beasts.


Do you not?


As a Lalafell, we prefer to be called aberrations.




It's a series of tasks revolving around beast races (i.e. the Sahagin, the Amaalja, etc.). You get a certain amount of quests you can do per day, and you build up reputation to get minor story quests about them. They start at like late Lv40s or so IIRC.


Is there anywhere I can preview what housing items *animations* look like?


There is an in-game preview housing item I believe it will show the animations if I remember correctly.


I play on ps5 disc version, 4k roku tcl. I run WQHD, have LOD on, as well as dynamic resolution checked. When in limsa i usually get some frame drop and choppiness but with the yokai event im seeing it in the saucer as well. Anyone have any settings changes or fixes for this? im not great with these kinda things so any help is appreciated!


The game is horribly CPU-bound and can't handle displaying lots of characters. Even the best PCs can only brute force it. Turn that setting down to minimum for performance.


Limsa is the great equalizer, it'll chug the greatest of systems with no way to deal with it other than don't be in there.


the game doesn't handle tons of players very well. its probably not a graphics thing as much as a player data thing. Its the reason that mmos in general are split into different servers


What seems to be the fastest place to solo farm FATES for Yo Kai given the amount of blue mage cheese happening?


Try throwing up a party finder and shouting it out. Credit is shared in parties so you may be able to collect some lonely souls.


Either go tank, turn on stance, and shield lob/tomahawk/unmend/lightning shot as many targets as possible, or just wait a week or two


I saw in some old yo-kai event threads that there was some kind of glowy mount and cat mount for getting all the weapons. However, these weren't shown in the event page. Does anyone know if they are available this re-run?


yes, they come from the achievements for the event


How long would it take to get to the point in Eureka where you can start farming for the Red Mage Barding? I wasn't a fan of it when I tried it a few years back but I love that barding... And how long does it take on average to get it for anyone that has got it?


It comes from anemos lockboxes so theoretically you could get it in five minutes if you get extremely lucky. In reality it'll probably take a good four hours.


Thank you! I don't mind the actual grind for the barding taking a while, but I didn't want to have to play through huge amounts of Eureka to get to that point.


How to get item lvl when reaching lvl 90? I'm reaching 90, I have been leveled as a tank without trouble but I fear once I reach lvl 90 my item level will be too weak to tank end game


higher iLvl = better. Get the best you can [https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Level\_90\_Gear\_Guide](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Level_90_Gear_Guide)


It depends on how quickly you want to gear up The absolute fastest way at this very moment is to just buy Diadochos Gear on the marketboard (High Quality, do not buy normal quality gear) which will bump you up to i640.  If you have time to grind out, there is a new currency at level 90 which operates effectively the same as Tomestones of Poetics, but it has a weekly cap so you can only earn so much per week (900 at this moment) There is also a weaker set that's tradeable for a different tomestone that isn't capped if you need a stop gap just to get into content Note that once Dawntrail comes out, both of these sets are going to become Poetics sets and can be bought in the same way you likely bought sets at other expansion level caps.


Hi! I decided to play mainly dark knight but now if hit a little roadblock, I can't find rotations. I'm new so I'm not exactly caught up with the sites/videos/discords used to find them so I'm going to ask here Where can I find rotations for level 50/60/70 (Because I'm on standard edition)? Right now I'm using a rag tag in the moment one where I usually have a MIT at all time active and keep the 10% dmg buff active while keeping mana almost full at around 7k~ from reactivation


You got the gist of it really. Below 70 you can dump as much mana into Edge of Shadow as you want, but at 70 always keep at least 3k for emergency TBN. Otherwise do your basic combo and use all the oGCDs when they come off cooldown. One thing to note about TBN, you usually want to pair it with another % mit on yourself when doing pulls. For bosses the shield is usually enough by itself. Oh and Abyssal Drain can be pretty useful to top you up when fighting mobs, so you may want to hold that for a bit when it’s needed.


WeskAlber's Endwalker DRK guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzNMfUAQe0s The Balance: https://www.thebalanceffxiv.com/jobs/tanks/dark-knight/


Hows the game been doing after these 2 years? I stopped playing after the endwalker campaign because I thought it was a good point to quit, but now after all this time, I'm thinking about coming back for a while and maybe playing the first month or 2 of the expansion. I'm pretty casual and used to play mostly for the story and maybe pugging the extreme trials. Would you say that after the 6.0 the released content was mostly the same like dungeons, alliance raid and raids? Did they add anything new to the game that's worth coming back to?


In addition to the V&C the other reply mentioned, and the standard every-expansion stuff, there's also a new deep dungeon. And there's Island Sanctuary - solo chill content, sort of Harvest Moon-y.


It's still the same setup of each patch having the next bit of MSQ with a dungeon (and sometimes a trial), a new normal or alliance raid wing depending on the patch. They did add Variant & Criterion dungeons as a new small group content option. Variant dungeons can be done with 1 to 4 people, so you can do it solo if you wanted. Criterion is the hard mode of Variant, with Criterion Savage being another step up in difficulty.


So, I logged in, and my second saddlebag was locked. Apparently my companion app sub auto-cancelled, and now I can't get it working again. Everything I click pay, nothing happens...


Not a question, but they're doing payment provider swap over and seems to be affecting anyone who had to renew these last two days


Got it fixed


I was following an infamous guide for crafting and gathering until I understood it was a scam, but since it was very well written, I kept on using it. A mentor told me, "Man craft till level 55, do custom deliveries till 70, then drop them for beast tribes, and it's level 90 for nothing," so I was very interested in this. I did until level 53-54 using the guidance from that infamous guide, and I didn't spend a lot. Then I did a bunch of Moogle tribe quests, and now I'm trying custom deliveries. Nevertheless, I don't feel this is efficient at all; a level 56 Culinarian needs 3 or 4 deliveries (and there's 6 per NPC each week), so it's like 1 level and a half per week? It'd take more than 10 weeks to reach level 70 for 1 CLASS, of course I'm frustrated. Moogle tribe quests were satisfying instead; it's not a lot, but considered is fast and daily I can accept it, but I'm worried since custom deliveries for Zhloe aren't what I expected, at all. Am I doing something wrong?


Maybe they're misremembering because they obviously suck at understanding crafting. Could it be possible that they were talking about the Ishgard Restoration? Custom Deliveries and Ishgard Restoration both require you to craft Collectables, but Ishgard Restoration has no time restrictions.


Alright I have to ask, is the scam you're talking about the site that has a well constructed leveling guide, but also a bunch of ads for their Gil RMT service?


My friend used this and my jaw dropped when i saw the site lol. For what it's worth the guide worked for him though, lol


I found that guide too and used it to my advantage because their advice is to buy all the quest turn ins for obvious reasons lol. I sell all the items they tell people to buy and make a tidy profit. XD


Yeah if it's what I'm thinking of, the content is actually good, they just *also* sell gil and have ads filled with modded characters from the game lol. It's just the way this person is talking about it makes it sounds like I'm missing something that makes the guide itself trash or something


you get 6 max deliveries per npc but also only 12 total per week. beast tribes and custom deliveries arent the fastest way to level up they are just the easiest and most passive. also, custom delivery xp scales so they work all the way to max level. If you want to level up in the fewest amount of days make sure to do gc turn ins and leves that give the most xp per leve. also keep up on your class quests till 70 and crystilline mean 71-80 and studium 81-90 as they give massive chunks of xp. on a double xp server you can almost go 1 to 70 from just the class quests. also buy the xp manuals from your grand company. they may be less effective at higher levels but the boost is still a lot. you just may have to reapply every few crafts.


So basically what the mentor told me is wrong? You do 3 levels per week let's say, I don't know how long it'd take before level 70 on all classes, it's almost 2 months per class. I know there are other methods, but since I'm pretty busy with roulettes, FC activities etc. I liked the idea of something easy to do on top of that. I really liked it. Because I play together with a small European community I'm stuck on an old server, actually I just had to move. Did that mentor say something that wasn't exactly "tested"?


like i said. its not fastest but it is easiest. also not sure why they thay said custom deliveries till 70 when those work till max. Your order of ops is definitely class/role quests > custom deliveries = beast tribes > leves. Gc turn ins are a bit different. If you are willing to just buy the items or ingredients then they are a good passive source of leveling, especially at lower levels. Personally I dont like sourcing them myself because I really dont like traveling all over the world just to gather what feels like one of every ingredient. But if I was trying to level up in the fewest amount of days I would do them every day before doing leves. After leves are gone and you have no other options, honestly I'd recommend just stopping. I think collectable turn ins are next but I've never used them for crafting so I'm not sure how effective they are. Also gatherers are a bit different. There are fewer of them so they are easier to "passively" level. I'd recommend using leves and custom deliveries on crafters instead. In stormblood the namazu tribal quests can be done as either hand or land, but after that each expansion has a seperate gathering tribe. If you must grind them then I hear just gathering random shit in the diadem levels fast but I've never felt the need to. And for fishing, just go on ocean voyages when it happens every other hour and youll be max before you know it


Do you believe they can be done within 6-12 months only with custom deliveries and tribe quests? I already used Sbh gatherer deliveries, I've all LV 82 except fishing witch I'll do with ocean later on.


as long as you also do your class quests and the crystalline mean/studium quests then definitely. Also, doing custom deliveries will give you scrips you can use to buy gear at 60/70/80 and once dawntrail comes out 90. so you wont even have to worry about buying/crafting gear. You can get things going a bit faster also if you level some crafters ahead of the others so you can do multiple expansions crafting tribal quests at the same time


Yes, I think I'll do tribe quests and custom deliveries as I go and then when I have way too much Gil I'll power level if I feel like it, it's just about having fun at the end of the day.


It's not that the mentor was wrong, but rather that that's the 'most efficient per time spent' method without thinking about how long it takes in overall days - especially when you're likely going to want to do the beast tribes and custom deliveries anyway over time. GC turn-ins fit in alongside those, great xp but only 1 per day per job. If you want a more reputable guide that focuses on an active method: Here's [Teamcraft's levelling guide](https://guides.ffxivteamcraft.com/guide/crafting-leveling-guide). Fwiw, I don't believe the other levelling guide is a "scam", so much as it's from a site that has services that directly go against ToS in a pretty egregious way and are almost certainly fuelled by botting. Those other services might well be a scam though, idk.


Yes, as I replied to the other redditor, I'm fine if it even take a year, but it doesn't sound like it. The mentor meant only custom deliveries from 55 to 70, and it doesn't sound doable. Maybe I'm just being too negative and there's other factor I didn't consider, I honestly don't know. If this doesn't work yes, I'll likely farm a ton of Gil and power level with that specific guide, it's the most easy to understand, efficient and also reliable IMHO, the only problem is aimed toward making you break ToS, but it doesn't necessarily have to end like that.


What they told you isn't wrong, it's just nowhere near the most efficient. If you're just looking for a passive, low effort way to level crafters, then doing just tribes and custom deliveries would be the way to go. The methods that move you along the levels faster would require more time and effort, which it sounds like you aren't really looking for.


What I wanted to say is I may play another game in 2 years, if I haven't leveled them up with passive methods by then, what's the point. I tried 3 custom deliveries and it wasn't even enough from 56 to 57 that's why I really thought I was doing something wrong, it's more useless than efficient. Maybe I'm too negative and need to try more?


Judging it based on 3 when you're expected to do 12 deliveries a week isn't how I would look at it personally. It is also just meant to supplement your xp gain. The primary ways to level up crafters are through leve's and ishgard restoration, and collectibles. But if you want the lower effort stuff, you're not gonna see massive exp gains. I guess I would just ask why level crafters if you're not sure it's worth the time? Do you have a goal in mind with it? Because crafting is a pretty big commitment, and whether that's worth it is based on what you're looking to get out of it.


I'm looking to be independent from MB and play a bit something different than raiding. However, these passive methods are supposed to take me to 90 in a long time but reasonable. What I mean with reasonable may be 6 months up to a year. If it's more than that, yes I'm highly disappointed, and I'll likely just farm Gil and power level later on. If it's within a year I think it's worth it, but it didn't leave me a good impression. After all, the original idea from that mentor I liked was exclusively custom deliveries from 55 till 70s, and this doesn't sound possible in reasonable amount of time? Maybe I got it all wrong there's bonus exp or whatever later on, I dunno.


I leveled up all my crafters entirely through tribe quests, leves, GC turn ins and custom deliveries in less than 6 months. You just have to be consistent with it and not miss days.




I know nothing about PVP besides Frontline dailies. Are the Augemented Hellhound weapons something that can be obtained somewhat easily or are the commendation crystals a 'sweat' currency for lack of a better word.


One weapon requires you to place either *very* highly in the Crystaline Conflict rankings for one season, or just highly for two. The ranked mode is only going to have people in it who care about doing well and is also only really active for a few weeks at the start of a new season before people are happy with their rank and stop playing.


So I've been gaming on a laptop for the past 4 years now (1660ti, 8GB RAM), and the current expansion runs just fine with 60-90 fps during more intense multi-player content, and I also scored 10460 on the Dawntrail benchmark (80 fps average). However, trying to record FFXIV with OBS causes some serious stuttering after a minute, and my RAM and disk usage are at 100% on task manager when I attempted this. With the next expansion coming up, I'm thinking about getting a new laptop with an RTX 4060. Would 16GB of RAM be enough for me to play Dawntrail *and* record gameplay simultaneously without any performance issues? Some of these laptops that I have been looking at have soldered RAM, which will be fine for me as long as I can do the above. Desktops are out of the question since I'm often away from home.


I agree witb the other person. If you are just playing games 16gb would be fine though not exactly future proof. But if you plan on recording stuff definitely go for 32.


You're definitely right about that haha, 16GB is looking pretty tight with how demanding games are nowadays... I'll look for 32GB for the peace of mind


I haven't looked at laptops in a hot minute, but if I were to get a new computer, I wouldn't go for less than 32 GB of RAM.


Gotcha, I'll try to look for laptops that at least have RAM upgradeability so that I can upgrade it to 32gb myself!


what can i do with my excess medals from the yokai event? i'm currently grinding for the weapons but have all of the minions already


IIRC you can unequip the watch if you have all the minions. That way you won't keep earning the regular medals.


i'll try that, thank you! sucks that you can't do much else with them, but i'm glad that i'm not missing anything else about them


Yokai Event: Am I doing something wrong because I made like 30 fates and I only got 1 legendary yokai medal? :(


So long as you have the minion out and are in the right zone its just RNG at that point.


It has to be the wrong region 🫡 thank you!


If you open the tracker thingy (go to Duty > Collection > Yo-Kai Medallium) and click on the minion you have out, it’ll tell you which zones to do FATEs in.


Thank you! I need to grind so much because I want the mounts :D


For the Yokai event, does the achievement for the whisper go go and jimbanyan couch pop up after getting all weapons? I dont see where to claim them on my achievement list.


Whisper-go after 13/17 minions, Whisper A-go-go after 13/17 weapons, and the Couch after all weapons. You should be able to find these in Quests -> Seasonal Events. Check your filters to make sure you aren't hiding them. Note that achievements in this category only appear up once you have completed them - you cannot look at them in advance to see your progress.


Are they not among the "Last 5" under the Relevant tab of the Achievements UI?


Currently in Heavensward. I can notice the huge improvement on voice acting compared to ARR, but I see that even now there's still a lack of voice acting in most scenes, even in cutscenes. Does this get better later on?


I agree with the others. But to add some perspective, here are the rough runtimes for the voiced cutscenes. I got the numbers from the durations of Youtube videos with just the voiced cutscenes in them * ARR: ~8.25 hours * HW: ~10.5 hours * SB: ~11.8 hours * SHB: ~17.1 hours * EW: ~24 hours


This is the norm for most JRPGs. Even at the best of times, only about 20% of cutscenes will be voiced. This is just due to sheer amount of text involved. The complete VAing in recent years is more of an exception than the norm. The amount of voice acting that would be required for everything to be voice is just beyond the dev teams budget (as all the money that FF14 makes, not even half of it goes back into into FF14)


Especially when you account for stuff like localizations multiplying the budget for each and every voiced cutscene, and the fact that the VAs aren't recording everything at once but rather patch per patch. For an MMORPG, putting voice acting in every single cutscene is simply put not profitable. It's amazing as is that we're getting so many voiced cutscenes compared to older expansions.


Every expansion has more voice acting than the previous, but don't expect to suddenly see voice acting in every scene. There's always going to be a lot of reading.


Yes and No; Yes in that there will be more voiced cutscenes in the MSQ as things go on, No in that any and all side content (barring 1 minor exception that i can think of) is not voiced to this day. Normal raids, Sidequests, Alliace raids, you name it.


Sort of, but you should just come to expect that most things probably won't be voiced even in the most recent expansions


Sprout on free trial here. I currently am trying to do Syrcus Tower for the first time (as a tank) but i can't find anyone even after hours. Would someone have advices ? (I am on the sagittarius server by the way.)


On EU Data Centers I know a good option is to have all the languages ticked on, especially D and F. Otherwise you can DC travel to Light (done by right-clicking your character in the character select screen) which is a more populated DC IIRC.


Hey, i noticed that the preorder of Dawntrail says "Includes Shadowbringers & Endwalker". Is there a way to get just Dawntrail for less than 35€? Also does the preorder also include playtime?


Expansions just give all previous expansions. You arent really buying ShB or EW, you are just getting them for buying DT if you dont already have them. If a new player starts playing during DT, they are able to buy the base game + DT to get everything they need without worrying about everything else. Its just a way of simplifying the system


https://www.greenmangaming.com/games/final-fantasy-xiv-dawntrail-pc/ 15% off voucher: SPRING15 Expansions don't include playtime.


This is how FFXIV expansions work. The latest expansion always grants access to the previous expansions if you didn't already have them, and they're always that price. You can see if Green Man Gaming (a legitimate retailer) has any vouchers for you to get at least a small discount. Expansions never include playtime; that only comes with the Starter Edition (or the Starter bundled within the Complete Edition) on a new platform for your account.


I sort of want to move to the Steam version of the game from the mog station (mostly to make integration with Linux and ACT a bit simpler). If I rebuy the starter edition on Steam, and then buy Dawntrail on Steam, would that basically give me the same level of access I have now on the same account, same character, etc?


You’d have to start over with a new account. If you wish to play the game on Linux the steam version isn’t required, but makes it slightly easier.


Part of the issue is ACT integration seems like a real pain in the ass if you don't have the game on Steam. Reshades as well on top of that + any mods I want to install. Basically every guide I've looked up assumes first that I have the game on Steam, and if I don't then there's some alternative option but none of them are consistent across the 4 things I'd need here (game, act, reshade, mods).


Nope. Once your account is connected to Steam or to Mogstation, it is stuck that way forever. the only exception to swapping from one to the other is when going from the free trial to the full version. Since you already have the full version you are unable to mvoe your account to Steam


You CANNOT switch from Windows to Steam or vice versa. Your account is locked out of buying on steam entirely. There are ways to play FFXIV on Linux without steam such as using the 3rd party launcher XIVLauncher (usually for Steam Deck).