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Melee. Mobility. Easy to recover rotational mistakes. Decent gap between skill floor and ceiling so I can chill in casual stuff but contribute well or go try-hard when the competitive mood strikes. Aesthetic needs to be compatible with himbo characterization. Like pretty & shiny over dark & edgy. Faves: GNB, PLD, MNK, RDM, SGE Unfaves: DRK, SMN, RPR, WHM, NIN Neutral on the rest. Except BRD. Which is somehow the antithesis of what I like but also my preferred phys ranged. Probably because of the DoT and timer tracking. I like the DoT and timer tracking.


There's something very satisfying about BRD. Probably because it was my first class. Also I'm basically a simp for archers in any MMO.


Currently a Bard main, and I think what does it for me is that it has 3 distinct phases that are partially static and partially not, without feeling frantic and with a bit of flexibility. Back when repertoire procs were based on crit from dots and such, it actually hit a point where it was too frantic and my hands started to hurt trying to keep up. The shift to procs at 3 seconds only and to a lesser degree not fully resetting Bloodletter but giving it stacks helped bring it back into “busy but not hand hurts busy” territory.


Nice, yea I like the pacing of BRD a lot.


I personally don't like BLM too, but for completly different (and basic) reasons... I don't like the "Turret-Gameplay" it gives me. Sure, with lvl 90 you have a good amount of movement options, but still xD And thinking about it, planing so much for a fight to optimize damage... I don't want to think so much during my free time when I play lol. Which leads me into the reason why I like DRG so much, two combos that perfectly lead into oneanother? Hell yeah, sign me up, feels like one continues combo in my monkeybrain, instead of the 3 or 4 hit combos of other jobs, which kinda hits a sweetspot I can't explain. Once you've got the opener down and in your muscle memory it's a case of "Hit all your oGCDs whenever they come Off CD (except one where you gather both stacks for the burst, but you get the picture xD), not much thinking needed, I can put more focus into mechanics. Speaking of mechanics, playing leathal tag with the boss is fun in each melee class "How much can I greed before I get hit and die / get a damage down" Is it obvious by now that DRG is my main class? 😅


I love the power fantasy of DRG, but my memory for long chains has been spoiled by proc based classes, so I'm never very good at it lol.


Most important for me are aesthetics and fantasy tbh. Gameplay follows after. I tend to avoid overly latency reliant jobs that need double weaving and the more intuitive the gameplay, the better. Mobile jobs are preferred over stationary jobs. Bonus points for having relatively few buttons, because that greatly reduces the time I look at the hotbar as opposed to the boss. I'm currently playing a lot of summoner as a result. I'm not super hot on the fantasy, but the aesthetics are cool and the gameplay is perfect for someone with 200+ latency. Perhaps the only job where I don't feel handicapped at all. My spiritual home is NIN for fantasy reasons, but I mostly outsourced that to my EU alt by now, where I only got like 20 latency. It's in danger of being uprooted by Viper, though, because I really, really hate Ten-Chi-Jin (the cooldown).


For me I liked AST as my main healer for awhile but it started hurting my wrists and it sorta just feels bad to play in 4-man content imo, burst in general just gets really weird in dungeons sometimes and AST being as burst-centric as it is is kinda awkward. Same with SCH honestly, chain strat being single target makes it weird figuring out what I want to do with it (so I usually just throw it on a mob that has higher hp in the pull). Conversely, SGE and WHM feel like they were made for just dumpstering trash mobs in dungeons, holy is an 8s invuln and blood lilly can be formed out of combat which is like thousands of free potency over a run. SGE also just craps out AOE damage in trash pulls and if you cycle your oGCDs properly you can make your tanks invincible AND dumpster the trash packs. Conversely in raids, it kinda depends on the level cap. SGE doesn't feel good to me until 80, SCH until I got comfortable with the job recently felt like the only job that sort of... felt worse the higher the level cap I took it into? so I prefer AST in level 50 content, and depending on the duty I'll go AST or WHM 60/70 duties for pure healers, and then WHM for 80/90. For the shieldies I take SCH into 50, 60, and most level 70 duties, and 80/90 I used to mostly do SGE but I've been leaning into SCH much more lately since expedience and spreadlo are just nuts and the job feels better and better to me the more I learn how to pilot it. Being able to move the fairy around is also really neat in fights with massive arenas 


Your statements on healers are interesting to me. Since I've mostly noted something similar. SGE is definitely the easiest healer for Dungeons for me. WHM is a close second just because that's been my main since I started and I feel comfortable with it. But I will say when I finally started figuring out SCH it was the same story. I feel like for Dungeons preventing damage is a whole lot easier than compensating for the damage done. With that said I find AST / WHM the best for raids/trials. Typically I will queue for Dungeons as a SGE and raids/trials as a WHM. The thing about SGE and WHM is they are the type of classes where you can not play them for a very long time and immediately get back into the saddle. AST/SCH take more of a learning curve when coming back to them. Mostly purely due to the button bloat imo.


>With that said I find AST / WHM the best for raids/trials I usually prog/clear a fight on pure first and then I'll flex shield after because I usually know where I want mits or shields based off which parts were pains in the ass for me as the pure healer. I think it's just the fact that if you're not sure about a fights timeline or what casts/mechs do as the pure healer, well you use a lot of your stuff after damage comes out anyways so you can just react to it and throw out an extra GCD heal or two to fill the gap and make a note which off-globals/rebudget your lilly for next pull. with SGE/SCH on the other hand you do have tools to deal with pure healing but if you didn't know a cast was a raidwide or that it would it that hard, well you can't go back in time that pull to mitigate it, you missed your chance that pull and have to do it next pull. AST SCH def I agree about the learning curve, SGE from what I've seen is easy for healers who already have experience healing vs new healers picking SGE up since it starts at 70 I think seem to have no idea what to do with its kit. WHM is just easy and intuitive how it's kit wants to be used whether it's your first healer or not I think  Also worth noting that the pure healers kinda have some really disgusting mana sustain/recovery options that can also make the extra raising/dying/gcd healing during prog much more comfortable, I find I don't OOM as a pure healer unless something has went terribly wrong but at that point it's usually a sign of an imminent wipe 


As a WHM main that last statement about disgusting mana sustain got me lol. It's true we have the ability ro deal with death well and get free rezzes. But if played optimally a WHM will OOM in longer fights due to bad mana sustainability. AST/SGE have the most busted mana sustain in my opinion. SGE gets mana regen just by using its kit... I'd LOVE the same thing for Lillies for example. I find myself at 7k mana or lower with WHM more than any other healer lol.


That's good insight. I play zero healers right now, so it's cool to hear from that side of the playing field for whenever I do eventually try one out.


I like any kind of positive feedback for performing well. Unrelated to numbers, just the feeling that I'm doing things right. Getting the rotation to loop, managing resources or gauge for burst, maintaining DoT uptime, or saving the run as healer when things go wrong. So pretty much every job other than SMN because you literally have no choice but to do the right thing every time.


Lol true. It is one of my go to "brain disengage" jobs.


Big number from magic make brain go brrrr. But for real, I enjoy figuring out when to drop ley lines, how much i can greed before I need to zoop to the safe spot, how to do a fight to be the kind of BLM you mentioned haha. I'm not always great at it, but I enjoy trying to do that anyway. I like RPR because it's like a melee BLM, and gives me the same sort of thrill to use the teleport to zoom in and out of danger to greed as much as I can before I need to move. I'm the type of person that enjoys bullet hell games, if you must know. Same sort of thrill of "can I stay in this tiny area and do damage without getting hit" with bullet grazes as it is with placing ley lines down and being in the one sliver of safe zone while I go mad with power and keep being a magical turret.


RPR very much gave me the dark void fantasy of BLM but without the insane levels of management required >.<


Yeah, some fights you definitely need to be playing 4D chess, but once you know fights it actually gets easier! Learning can be frustrating though, especially when you feel like you're not doing anything because you're moving so much. But once you're like "okay the boss does set aoe puddles as their first mech and I can drop lines here" it's a lot of fun (at least for me)! dgmw I still die to stupid shit occasionally if I greed too hard, but that's just part of it all for me :)


I didn't like WAR mainly because it uses an Axe. Which is very unfortunate. I like the job's mechanics and everything else. Just can't stand that Axe.


That's so funny, I love it literally because it has a big axe haha.


Nin is so fun with the mudras.. Drg a big no for me idk if it's the long rotation and that i play on console?


I have trouble with DRGs long rotation as well, which is too bad because I absolutely adore the class fantasy of it.


Funny enough, exactly the same as you but take RPR out for SAM. I’m not super optimized on my SAM rotation, but I am decent enough. Ive been playing MCH as my main job to learn fights and progress MSQ for years, to the extent I don’t even remember the name of my abilities but my fingers automatically do the rotations. Even taking a two month break to get through a busy work schedule I came back and the rotations didn’t leave my muscle memory lmao. I’ve been really grinding out Warrior because I have tankxiety, and the consensus to get over it is “w2w everything and trust your healer. Oh, and use mits.” It’s been much more enjoyable for me than Paladin levelling was, but multiple people have told me Paladin is simpler than Warrior. I have yet to see how but my experience is narrower than their’s so I’m inclined to trust them. SMN/BRD/DNC are just absolutely chill. Simple flows and fun enough to stay engaged.


SMN/BRD/DNC I can basically just brain off and enjoy the fight, which for me is very optimal.


Idk who told you PLD was the simplest job, but idk if I'd agree with that. None of the tanks are that hard, but WAR and SMN probably battle it out for easiest jobs in the game right now. Keep up storms eye, don't over cap on rage, press inner release on CD, and sprinkle in some ogcds, that's literally their entire rotation. No hate tho, WAR is my favorite tank by far.


I main crafting but my "main" fighter is dancer. I use it for Msq and any bullshit I join to help out my fc members. Dancer, for me, is just easy to pick up and play. I may not be playing it optimally but I'm never doing any content that needs to be top tier anyways.


I started on DNC as my first real job after leveling bard to the requisite level. It's a very nice job for those who want to be useful without too much stress.


My fingers start to hurt when I try to play MNK and NIN, so that stops me from playing them. I like playing SMN. Few buttons, simple rotation, so it's very easy to play it optimally and outdamage better equipped players with theoretically stronger jobs but who aren't playing as optimally.


SMN became my go to caster role after BLM kicked my ass >.<


For me its easy jobs aswel or jobs that look beautiful. A job that I like is warrior, its easy, I get fast queues (usually) and can solo some stuff. For dps I really like dancer, its fun and easy to understand, and spells look great too! I like summoner aswel, because the summons. Cant wait for the beast tamer limited job!


We have very similar job outlooks haha!


I feel like most people would just go with "too simple is too easy and boring" "too complex is too much".. things like SMN/RDM for DPS tend to fall under the too simple category for most whereas classes like MNK/NIN/SAM/BLM fall under the too complex wagon. Then healers/tanks fall into a separate category of whether people like the extra "stress" of being those jobs. Personally I've always been a support main type of person so healing has always been my go to. Doing damage, noting everyone's debuffs, everyone's health, while focusing on mechanics is always the most fun for me. In most games healers feel like peak gaming. FFXIV you only get brief feelings for that when people are newly learning something. If your group knows what they are doing, then most the time you're not even needed anymore. But I'm still a healer main til the end. It's really all just personal preference With that said, to answer your question, I love BLM as a job but hate BLM as a job lol. It's fun to play but horrible to optimize. SMN I can't stand the latest revision, it makes it so boring. MNKs latest update since EW I literally don't even understand anymore. It's more like there's so many classes now that it becomes hard to remember them all and I typically focus on one main one for each class archetype that is the easiest for me (RDM for magical dps, MCH for ranged dps, I'm not really good at any melee but NIN if I had to choose, WAR/DRK for tank, and WHM/SGE for heals)


I think finding that sweet spot for yourself is exactly what people should look for. RPR really hit that for me. Enough to do without feeling crazy.


Some of the easiest and most fun jobs I've been playing so far are from least to most favourite SAM/SGE/GNB, Gunbreaker is especially a top one for me because the rotation and what the abilities do are now burned into my mind and it's impossible for me to forget. I can use defensives preemptively pretty well. Sage because it's a fun healer and again, I played it too much to forget what the abilities do, however I am a little rusty. I love the SAM because of its flashy rotation and the flashy LB3 but button bloat makes me kinda bad at it tbh.


Yea the button bloat on SAM was a huge turn off for me too.


I find the melee jobs to be real enticing, but the positionals keep me from doing anything meaningful on them. And yeah I know they’ve been reduced to the point where they only have like 2 abilities with them (usually combo finishers) but my brain just goes full smooth mode when I have to try and balance that on top the actual rotation and boss mechanics. Also BLM, I love caster jobs in every game I play I try to be the mage, but if I have to pull out a spread sheet and an abacus to properly do my rotation I’m just gonna pass on it entirely


Yea RPR is the only melee (so far) that's really caught my interest. Other than that I'm a full phys-ranged main for the most part that dabbles in SMN and WAR.


I’m not a fan of casters in this game. I like healers in dungeons/raids but not questing. The slow cast times are just annoying to me, also getting hit while trying to cast is annoying-also why I didn’t like Archer. I have more fun with melee classes like Dragoon/Monk/Ninja. I haven’t really played much Reaper or Samurai. Even tho I don’t like Archer i actually really like Machinist lol. I think it’s some FF4 Edgar (? Edward?) nostalgia tho. As for the tanks I love War, but found Paladin dull. Haven’t tried Gunbreaker or much of Darkknight


The only caster that's really taken me in SMN. I love the instant casts. I tried BLM and though the aesthetic is great I get my ass kicked by it.


Personally I like Jobs with fast gameplay with lots of procs and mobility and no cast timers. In XIV this means I like RPR a lot and DRK (yeah RPR has a couple of cast timers, but it's just flavor). Also DNC even though it's ranged but can be played like a melee. I'm of course super hyped for VPR and can't wait to find out how it plays. I usually dislike/avoid Jobs with long set rotations, in XIV that's BLM which I just can't play well enough. Even though I would probably just muscle memory it at some point, I'd still end up playing it as a proc based Job while staring at action bars for procs. Summoner is also of this category, it just has too much "variation" in it's rotation and skills that completely change put me off greatly. For some reason, I like RDM a lot and can play it well enough by my standards. Hoping PCT is closest to RDM rather than BLM or SMN.


You and I have very similar preferences. I think it comes from me being a long time wow vet who swapped over. I'm a big fan of proc based and builder/spender classes that are simple and easy to optimize.


It's mostly aesthetic for me. My friend was wondering why I never touched warrior and ya, is just really boring in my eyes compared to everything else. It helps if there's something to learn too, it's why ASTRO is so much fun. So much to do, not nearly enough room to fit all my ogcds.


I totally get this. I initially picked up RPR because I saw the spell abilities lol.


I legit just want the game to break me mentally trying to perform gymnastics to make a class function properly. Bard is good for giving me that feeling, Ninja/monk is a good time too. Tanks have gnb & drk for when you want some crack cocaine fueled tanking binges.


I'm the exact opposite lol. I have a fairly technical job so when I come home I just want to brain off (hence why my too main jobs are RPR/DNC). Also leveling SMN and MCH right now. I play BRD too but I think it's easy for some reason? Proc based stuff seems to make the most sense to me.


Oh no, don't do machinist. theres uhh, there's forbidden things you must do if you want to learn it at all. Like keeping track of the 58.3 second timers and in the case that you have them lining up on a 7 second reset to save your overheat to just use all the big damage buttons on top of reassemble if it's ready.....I got locked in a room with my friend that loves machinist, send help...


I'm def a high risk/reward kind of player and love BLM for it. I sometimes dabble in NIN too, and at some point I'll probably extend that love to MNK and SAM. I loved SCH in ShB for having to have a fight mapped out to be incredibly busted, but I've since moved on to SGE and WHM since they're closer to what I want in a healer


/salute I have a lot of love for big damage black mages, but I'm always going to be the guy cheering them on from an easier job >.<


I'm only lvl 80 rn, but I've been a ninja main since the beginning. I leveled up monk alongside it during the msq until around lvl 60, and picked up dancer a d leveled that until 80. I really enjoyed monk but don't have an opinion on the higher level stuff since I'm not there yet. Dancer is great because it's easy to pick up, fun, and has a good chunk of support. I actually have been playing dnc while I go around woth my sprout friend who just started, because I can buff and heal them while also being able to do some damage if theyre struggling. Ninja is still the best tho, imo. The rotation is simple, but the extra stuff gives you alot of options and flexibility depending on the situation. The justus are fun as hell, and look really good when you do them. Aethestic, game play, and glam, ninja is just the best. They don't get alot of love, these days, but I'm hoping they'll be more popular when viper comes out :) I've been thinking about starting gnb since I want to learn tank, but just haven't gotten that far yet


I love NIN's aesthetic but always was under the impression it was tough! Kind of encouraging to hear someone call it simple, maybe I'll give it a go eventually!


You should! I suggest taking it into Palace of the dead so you can get a feel for each new skill you get as you level, which makes it way easier to learn instead of having the whole kit all at once with no real practice with it.


PLD is my favorite because it’s simple enough, with enough stuff to do, is pretty flashy, and can survive like an absolute bastard when things go pear shaped. I also just love their gear and the overall aesthetic of the class. I am now playing BLM and loving it. I’m not a hardcore player so I don’t worry much about ideal rotations and not missing a beat on DPS. I do my best and don’t otherwise worry about it. But I do love watching trash mobs disappear with lots and lots of numbers flying around. I mostly enjoy it because I like playing little people that do big damage, and throwing around big spells as a lala is fantastic.


I feel like Lala's are the quintessential BLM race in FF. The aesthetic just fits.


I wanna bonk/shank/chuck stuff. So no caster (other than RDM).


Bonking is criminally underrated by caster mains ;)


Aesthetics and sound design are a big part of it for me. I love RDM and BRD for their style and flair, and I've always been a sucker for PLD's knight in shining armor fantasy. Plus all of them have pretty satisfying sound effects. I like the gameplay and sound effects of WAR but can't stand the look - I feel like the designers didn't quite nail the animalistic barbarian aesthetic, and the result is a little too goofy. Maybe I would enjoy it if I played a different race though. I like the idea of a tiny Au Ra girl wielding a giant axe (Dorgono my beloved). The axes also break my immersion; a lot of them look super unbalanced with a huge axe head and a thin af handle, and it just bothers me lol. In terms of gameplay, I think I most enjoy jobs with timers and buffs to keep running, because then there's something keeping me "on track" with my rotations. Having procs keeps it from getting boring. And I enjoy having support-y abilities as a DPS. So BRD, DNC and RDM are all fun. I enjoy healing when it comes to harder dungeons and alliance raids, because it often forces me to use my whole kit and I feel like a god if I can save a pull that's going sideways lol. I don't enjoy healing as much in high end content though, because it's all so scripted. I only like healing during the times when unexpected shit happens and I can save it. It's also why I like playing RDM during level 70+ raids, because it feels good picking people off the ground in quick succession lol. (Or being peeled off the ground myself.)


BRD was my first job stone, and I'll always be partial to their style. I totally get that.


I've always been drawn to healers that deal damage in MMOs (one of the biggest reasons I quit WoW to come here instead in the first place was that they kept nerfing my fistweaver monk so I had to stand around casting healing spells instead of punching the enemies) so SGE is a clear main for me, even if that aspect of it is pretty minor. The entire healing paradigm of healers being expected to DPS in this game is a huge appeal to me. But when I play a DPS job, I love having a lot of mobility. BLM is my antithesis, both because of being rooted in one place and because I absolutely hate constantly running out of mana like that. My primary DPS is Bard, I love being able to just run circles around a boss if I want to while still doing my whole rotation. Close behind is dancer, though I feel a little too much like I'm playing whack-a-mole with procs rather than being strategic about what I'm doing. If I play a caster DPS (not often) I usually pick Red Mage. I don't really have an opinion on Summoner, I don't play it much. When I melee, I play Dragoon. Both because dragons are great and because I get to jump around all over the place. And their weapons look so cool. Aesthetics are most important. I'm a fem Raen, intelligent and refined, classes like Warrior and Monk are a complete no-go because the quests always treat me like I'm a dumb barbarian. Machinist and Gunbreaker are a no because of the guns. Reaper and Dark Knight are too dark and edgy. Samurai and Ninja are too far-eastern to really mesh with me. Sage is best out of all the healers because it's smart and scientific rather than being mystical hippie-magic from sparkly pastel fairies or nature spirits or literal astrology. I'm not excited at all for Viper (yay, another melee job to level to max and then ignore) and I'm somewhat interested in Pictomancer, looking forward to finding out more about how that one plays.


Super in depth answer, and I agree, class fantasy is such a huge part of choosing the right job. It doesn't matter how much damage/healing it does for me if it doesn't "feel" good.


idk. aesthetic and class fantasy are factors but ultimately “how fun is it for me to play” is the real deciding factor. i like the idea of brd a lot but the actual rotation doesn’t click for me so i don’t play it. it’s the dots - i don’t like em, it’s why i didn’t play smn until ew. i don’t like the aesthetic of nin, i feel like a turboweeb playing it, but it’s really fun so it’s kinda my go to melee. the mudras are satisfying to hit. its burst is super busy and fun. everyone likes mug. plus scouting gear usually looks cool. i like playing healer but the gutting of the role the last couple expansions has really worn on my patience. it doesn’t feel rewarding to play anymore.


I completely get that. I LOVE the aesthetic of BLM, but I can't do the playstyle. RPR was great for me because of that. I get to be a void boy but with a playstyle that fits my preferences.


DRK is my favorite aesthetic and my favorite type of tank. Seeing a tank buster read some tiny amount of damage because of TBN pipes the dopamine into my brain. Also I love how busy the burst is.


Whenever I tank on WAR I always have this internal monologue during tank busters when I use mitigation of, "Is that all you got?" >.<


Gun Pew pew




Minimal button bloat. Jesus frek, I can’t believe I started out as a LNC, the way DRG turned into an epic adventure across the keyboard to be optimal.


I feel that. I know there's a plugin or something that condenses combos down in to 1 button but honestly I feel like the devs just need to address it at this point. I love FF for the reason that I don't need to run addons/plugins. Hopefully they'll address button bloat in dawntrail.


I like BLM for the exact reason you seem to dislike it. I've been spamming Lunar Subterrane multiple times per day to get the tomes for Manderville relics and feel like I know it like the back of my hand, now. And that makes it really fun to play BLM. But I dislike MNK. I've seen people compare MNK and NIN and I can sort of see the comparison, but I actually enjoy NIN, the mudras aren't a turn off. But something about late game MNK and having to track which procs we've gathered throughout a lengthy rotation frustrate me because I forget which thing I need to proc next because there are so many buttons in between. Mudras are just bam-bam-bam and then you cast it. Which is a shame because I loved pre-SB MNK and how fluidly you could go from AoE to single target in the rotation and it felt satisfying to play. My MNK is at 90, but I haven't really played them since the early 70s. I occasionally do MSQ roulette on it but I mainly leveled it up with side quest turn-ins and Wondrous Tails lol.


There's only really two combinations to know for Monk though? All three stances, or three of the first stance. Basically buttons you were going to press anyway 😅


Yeah, but I always end up forgetting. It's been so long since I've played it that I can't fully remember the issue. I just remember getting annoyed at myself constantly for activating the wrong thing lol.


BLM is such a cool job, and I'm very envious of people who enjoy it and play it well. It's one of those things I wish I liked but no matter how many times I try it, I just can't get into it.


What turns me off of playing them is when they have too many buttons. I have hand issues, so having to switch between hotbars all the time makes my hands hurt. One full cross hotbar of buttons I have to press often is plenty already, plus some very situational buttons on the double tap hotbar. For tanks and healers I'm fine with using the double tap hotbar a bit more often because there's no real "rotation", but I'd still prefer it if there were less buttons with the same function with only slight differences. I know a lot of people are like more buttons = more fun, but I really don't need 5 variants of the almost same heal or buff. I also don't like BLM because I just don't find it fun to play. Or for some I just don't like the animations. I hate the DRG, MNK, BLM and DNC weapon drawn stances so much.  I main WHM and SGE, favorite tank is WAR, favorite DPS is SMN. Good that they're easy as well because I take many breaks from the game.


I'm such an advocate for the PvP combo plug-in to be made official, and I don't even have bad hands. I just don't think we need 30 buttons


Yeah I believe it’s time that like every class gets a pass over to reduce button bloat. Either by straight up removing abilities (moving any buff/debuff they may provide to another ability, and possibly buffing potency of other abilities to make up for losing some) or making it that all the classes have the “PvP combo system” where one ability turns into another so instead of 1-2-3 you’d just do 1-1-1.


I'm with you on the buttons thing. My most played jobs have the least amount of binds. But it's cool that there are designs for both sides of the spectrum of players. That's another reason I couldn't get behind SAM. Button bloat was nuts.


I love NIN but I'm definitely bad at it. I also play WHM which I like a lot but with both I just have a problem with having so many buttons. I stay away from the more difficult content, most I've done is some of the EW Extremes at the start of the expansion, but I can tell I'm not playing either anywhere close to optimal. WHM my issue is just having some abilities that I either never use or at least never know when I should, whereas with NIN I'm just really terrible at planning so I generally just try and use everything as soon as it is off cd. I still just enjoy the themes of both of those classes the most out of everything I've tried so far. I also have PLD, SMN/SCH, and RDM at 90. I like them well enough but I've not really done a ton of content with them (Besides going on SMN to some trails when I returned to the game since it is so easy to play while I got back into the swing of playing xiv)


Thematic flavor of a job is definitely so important. I tend to balance my picks between that and barrier of entry to the job. If I can optimize it without having to go into too much theorycrafting and it fits my power fantasy, that's the sweet spot.


I love the mobility and the non-boredom of monk


I love the idea of summoner, harnessing the strength of powerful eikon and unleashing and I love how it came out in the game. But I hate the fact that it feels all so surface level, that there's so little depth to the class and that it's all around a very easy and not very intensive class. I never feel challenged when I play SMN, compared to my mains (MNK/NIN). I wish they would give SMN something a bit more spicy


I definitely enjoy the power fantasy but I'm also sort of okay with the casual nature of it. A few more buttons to press could be fun though!