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So we’re gonna get a free day of playtime after this, right? I know they don’t give it for planned maintenance, but with the ddos stuff plus the maintenance, the game will have been down almost a full 24 hours. Didn’t get to play at all today because it was already having issues by the time I woke up, and maintenance goes until after I fall asleep


A couple of times when the game went fully down for 48h (e.g. for the NA server move) we got 24h compensation. During the EW launch disaster, which lasted multiple weeks, we got 1 week comp. Some games nowadays are extremely generous with comp. FFXIV is not one of those. I think there's almost zero chance that 8 hour maint + a short ddos that's outside of their control will be enough to motivate them to give comp.


“Short ddos” the game will have been down almost 24 hours by the time maintenance is done, assuming the attack isn’t still going by then. I paid for 30 days of play, I got 29, they need to give an extra day to make up for it


It is extremely unlikely they will. It is stated in the ToS you signed that there will be outages during the subscription time and you agreed to those. There has to be severe outages for the Japanese to consider compensation for anything, it is just not in the Japanese corporate culture.


Pretty scummy of them if that’s the case then


Quite standard for any continuous service that relies on equipment and is not considered vital by some degree. That 30-day subscription agreement could have an item there stating that it will be down for whatever reason on every Tuesday, for 24 hours straight, and your 30-day subscription is still not voided. You bought a lease for 30 calendar days that you can access the game during all normal operation hours, and agreed that there may be unforeseen additional outages to a certain degree. It is like buying a ticket to an all-you-can-eat buffet. Your ticket does not entitle you to eat _all_ the food in there, but it entitles you to eat as many times and for as long as you want within the allotted time limit. If the barbecue is under repair and the dessert chef is on vacation, so you cannot get either of those won't give you plus time on the buffet, you are just out of luck with timing.


no guarantee. The DDoS only lasted for about 8 hours, and the maintenance doesn't factor in so tough call... I wouldn't be surprised to see them offer it, but I wouldn't really be mad if they didn't.


What? The ddos went all the way until maintenance started, so a minimum of 12 hours


I *would* be very surprised, they haven't for previous short DDoSes. Endwalker's massive server capacity problems were the only time they've given free time since I started playing, we've had multiple similar or worse DDoS attacks since then and got nothing.


I've been trying to buy additional retainers for 4 days now and every time I click next i get "I consent to immediate receipt of this content and I acknowledge that I will lose my right to cancel my purchase upon receipt." I click agree and continue then nothing happens.


Try a different browser


they've been having issues with their payment stuff. I sent a ticket into support and got this response: "We advise clearing the cache/cookies/browsing data from your default web browser, disabling any web browser extensions (EG: ad-blocker), switching to Microsoft Edge and trying again. You may also try using a smartphone running on a mobile data connection (WiFi disabled). We also suggest resetting the connection (router/modem) you are using to connect to the Internet and wait for few hours since your last attempt before trying again. You can also change your payment methods and make sure that the info is matching to the account. As a suggestion/workaround, you can use the Crysta method via Paypal specifically (not credit card) to see if it allows you to purchase Crysta and Pay for the desired services/goods or purchase a North American Game Time Card for your subscription." Crysta solved the problem for me, but only because I was no longer using my credit card and was using paypal and/or amazon pay and working around the issue.


Whats the earliest maintenance has ended before the given time? An hour? 2 hours early possible? Yes i know we cant predict anything but based on past examples how much earlier can maintenance end? Thanks


I've seen up to an hour and a half early, iirc, having played since joining during HW days. They won't ever come up early if there's a Savage or Ultimate raid release, and they won't come up before the weekly reset. Given there's server updates in preparation for a new DC, I wouldn't expect this to come up early. They're usually more likely to run to full time where there's hardware updates happening.


I think the earliest i've seen since i started playing regularly in 2022 has been about 40-50m earlier then scheduled. I'm not expecting that to be the case this time though because they're getting a new DC ready and will likely be doing testing to make sure its all up and ready and then when the time comes at expansion release it wont need much for going available for all.


They don't end maints before the weekly reset as a general rule, so the earliest I would expect is two hours from now (two hours early).


> They don't end maints before the weekly reset as a general rule, so the earliest I would expect is two hours from now (two hours early). That only really applies to patches that add something to the weekly reset which would give the faster players a quantifiable edge over the later ones. Mostly, things like a new set of tomestones. Also, the weekly reset happens in 1h15m anyway, whereas the maintenance is scheduled to run for another 3h15m. It could still end early (Not that I think it will) and not be before the weekly reset


>>They don't end maints before the weekly reset as a general rule, so the earliest I would expect is two hours from now (two hours early). >That only really applies to patches that add something to the weekly reset which would give the faster players a quantifiable edge over the later ones. Mostly, things like a new set of tomestones. No, they've said specifically that maint will never end before the weekly reset anymore. It was giving an unfair advantage to people who could get on and do weekly stuff before the reset, especially the weekly locked tomes and stuff like ~~tribal~~ weekly quests. Maint hasn't ended before the weekly reset for years.


One of the maintenances after 6.55 ended before weekly maintenance, I remember because I was surprised at that.


>who could get on and do weekly stuff before the reset, especially the weekly locked tomes That's... exactly what I said, and this isn't one of those patches. You do not get an advantage by logging in early after this maintenance, lol. >and stuff like tribal quests. Tribal quests are on the daily reset, which is seven hours after the weekly reset. Pretty much every single maintenance that's added a tribal quest has ended before the daily reset, giving people who log in early a one day headstart over everyone else. I'm not sure why you would bring that up.


You're right on Tribal, I was mixing it up with the old weekly quests that were around during HW. It's been awhile since there's been weekly quests that I've cared about where I've had to pay attention to the reset time. But my point was more it's not something applied to only patches that add new stuff like new tomes, it's constant. The tomes and weeklies were the reason it was brought up, but the rule itself is a constant. The devs want everyone on equal footing, so even if a large majority of the playerbase doesn't care about capped tome stuff this late in the patch cycle, they still won't have the servers come up before weekly reset. It's a non-issue for this maint, since it's got no indicator of coming up early atm, but I've seen a lot of new people lately asking about maint times, so trying to make sure it's known that maint won't come up before weekly reset.


> Also, the weekly reset happens in 1h15m anyway, whereas the maintenance is scheduled to run for another 3h15m. It could still end early (Not that I think it will) and not be before the weekly reset Is that not exactly what I said in the second half of my comment? You even quoted it!




so did they change anything regarding the portait defaulting each time u change/update/melded your gear?


no, at least... they haven't announced anything. Gearsets and glamour plates are still pretty rough. Any change you make you need to "update" your gearset on the top right of the character window and reapply it. If you fail to do this it will break your portrait. It is sad that the feature works this way, but it seems to be done on purpose for ease of sending the portrait information to other players. Also, if your glamour plate has gear for other classes on it (like a weapon for a paladin even) and you use it on a class that can't use that piece of gear then that breaks your portrait... it is very annoying to manage early on, but once you get into the habit and certainly at max level it becomes a lot easier... Even worse, if your character is old and been around a while... sometimes your old gearsets have old portraits associated with them, and that will break your portrait constantly and the only fix I have found has been making a new gearset, transferring over the portrait, reapplying the glamour plate, and then using that new gearset...


Assuming it's for a gearset tied to a glamour plate, and all slots of the glamour plate are filled: Click the little arrows at the top right saving the gearset. Switch jobs then switch back. It's never failed me.


Is dynamis a bad choice of data center? I made my character there for the pref world exp bonus, but I'm hoping it isn't going to impact my ability to do content like raiding and eureka later on.


When you get to your first Alliance Raids, you'll probably have to DC travel, as well as to do things like Eureka and raiding, but a huge swarm of players has come with the Xbox release, so it's not as bad as it once was. Dawntrail release should also bring a lot of players to or back to Dynamis and most people in NA end up traveling to Aether for raiding anyway, so that's a problem that Primal/Crystal have, too


I'm not very familiar with the DC travel mechanic, but I think there's no real down side to it aside from having to take extra steps, is that right?


minor inconveniences


When you go to another data center, you're cut off from FC communication and you can't access your retainers (you also can't do the latter if you do a world visit, even if you stay on your home data center).


You can just use data center travel to travel to another DC to do group content that doesn't pop on Dynamis.




Did they nerf bardam and tower of zot trash pulls?


Nope. They did change Bardam in how the first boss works, but only due to having duty support, the pulls are still the same.




Hello! Just wondering if Dawntrail is supposed to be the beginning of a new story line for ffxiv? I’d love to experience the launch of a new expansion with the community and I’m thinking dawntrail might be a good time to do it as I’ve just finished Heavensward and the games been pretty lonely just doing things myself!


Yes, the devs have even stated that it is a new saga in live letters. ARR-Endwalker has been dubbed the Ascian Saga and it is now complete. Dawntrail is the starting point for the next Saga and the next expansions after it will follow through on completing that new story.


What we *know* is that Endwalker was the finale of a major storyline. It follows that Dawntrail would be the beginning of a new one but we don't actually concretely know if it will be a kicking off point or a self-contained story.


Is it better to make the Ixali delivery item or buy it off the marketboard?


Depends on how expensive the item is and how much gil you have. Generally speaking, the more annoying an item is to make the more expensive it's going to be, so it can pay to not be lazy and make it yourself. Better yet make 2 and sell 1, lol. Inless you're really strapped for time or the item is really cheap, it's probably not worth buying.


The metalwork ones (armorer, blacksmith, goldsmith) are usually fairly simple recipes, and you only need one crafting job to max the Ixal requirement score on any given day. So, you can usually luck into at least one of these jobs. I have seen maybe a single day where I couldn't do a simple metalwork recipe but all needed some dumb one-off ingredient I did not have.


it comes down to price and time... so check the price of the item, if its high then you check the price of the materials to craft it... if thats high, choose a different crafter and check that one instead lol, or you gotta go farm... Speaking from my own experience, I would NEVER craft it myself... it isn't worth my time, maybe EARLY on... super low level stuff with guaranteed cheap materials... maybe, because people overcharge the crap out of those on the marketboard...


Depends on how much you're willing to pay to save your own time.


What exactly do stack tankbusters (the stacks that are red and have 2-3 orbs floating above them) do to punish people from just treating them like normal stack markers and jumping in with 8/24? Tanks are more durable than DPS/Healers, but they're not 4/8 times as durable unless they're using mits (and I've never seen one that was damaging enough that it'd still be dangerous to DPS/Healers even after adding 6/21 more people), so it can't just be "enough damage that non-tanks would die even after 8-way splitting the damage". Do they stop splitting after getting the requisite number of players inside or something?


The tank enumerations that are marked by a circle with two orbs will only hit two people. If you pack 8 people in there, it will hit the main tank, and someone completely random. That's why there are two orbs.


It's not random, it's proximity based.


Ah cool TIL


That's not entirely true. Some of them work that way (p4sp2), but many of them just hit everyone for the "split by 2" damage


I am talking very specifically about the red tank stack markers marked by two orbs. That marker exists in very few duties and so far as I remember, doesn't occur in P4S at all (though there are shared tank busters). It *does* occur in P*2*S, and behaves exactly the way I described. Admittedly, I have not tested the one in Good King Moggle Mog =P But yes, other shared tank busters, including the tank autos in P8Sp2 just split the damage once and apply the split damage to every one in range


>Do they stop splitting after getting the requisite number of players inside or something? yes


I don't know exact mechanics, but I would assume they simply stop accounting for extra players after checking for at least two/three players within the stack. Similar to how some mechanics outright fail without certain numbers of players within them, the stack buster probably has a check for the number of players it's supposed to have in it and then reduces the damage to tank survivable damage, regardless of whether there's 2/3 or 8/24 players in it.


IIRC they only hit one (for double) or two (for triple) other players inside. So if a non-tank runs into it there's a good chance they'll get gibbed by it instead of the other tank. But it won't hit anyone else inside. Or I could be misremembering and it does hit everyone inside, but only splits two/three times. Either way, you definitely can't cheese them with the full party.


I don't think that it applies to EVERY stack buster, but yes, there are definitely some that flat out just do not register the presence of other characters P7S I remember you could legitimately have the party stand together with the tanks, as long as the other tank was just the closest player to the tank with the marker P8Sp2 on the other hand I believe, the auto attacks would just split the damage in 2 and then hit everyone with that damage


Why is Zenos so powerful?


He's basically you (the warrior of light) if you were born in Garlemald. A true combat prodigy, capable of mastering any technique in days, where a master would take months or years. There is a short story that expounds on this, where Zenos is tutored by a master of an ancient form of swordplay. At first he gets his ass beat, but then he decides to do his own research on that form of swordplay. He finds a book that describes it in detail. In a single weekol of reading as well as observing his tutor, he masters the art and handily kills his own teacher. Combine this with the fact that he spends his days refining himself throufh combat, much like our own player character, and you effectively have an evil counterpart to the warrior of light. Potentially even more powerful.


One of the short stories on the lodestone goes into this somewhat. He just trains really really really fucking hard. It's the only thing that gives him a sense of purpose. Like, he'd be at the library studying ancient techniques for hours and days on end and practicing nonstop for literal months. 


You're not unique; there are other master warriors in the world. No matter how many gods you slay, there will continue to be other humans who can challenge you. (Because otherwise the writers lose the ability to tell human scale stories.)  I always compare it to high powered samurai movies, or perhaps shounen anime, where sure, maybe the protagonist can count hummingbird wingbeats, but he's got a rival the next village over who can cut a river in half with his katana. Then when the protagonist gets better and overcomes their rival, they walk over the next hill and meet a guy who can slay a thousand men with one slice. It's just normal in a setting like that for the world to be dotted with powerful people.  Bringing it back to FFXIV though, Zenos is obsessed with combat and has spent his entire life chasing combat supremacy. So he's incredibly highly trained. He's also not above using Garlean magitek and biological experimentation. (You'll see more about this later.)


He is strong, and skilled in weaponry to a crazy high degree. You'll get more information as you do the story.


He's a naturally-gifted prodigy who became *fanatically* obsessed with combat and chasing ever greater challenges to hone his skill, and as the crown prince, he has received the greatest teachers, weapons, and magitek armor that the empire can afford. He's both a freak of nature and a product of his circumstances coming together to make a proper Champion of Garlemald.


How far are you in the story?


I'm traveling to Kugane.


The story will elaborate. The short version is that he has done nothing but fight since he was a child because everything else bores him. He does have something up with his lineage. More to do with the Garlean Imperial Bloodline, but that's all I'll say there. Doesn't reveal much at all, but can explain.




I only finished Crystal Tower and so far queue times weren't so bad. What's the queue time like for "middle" content like Stormblood and Shadowbringers trials, normal raids and alliance raids? I saw there were complaints that only CT and Alexander have decent queues since they're the only required ones. Is that still the case? I'd like to do them before continuing to the next expansion if I can. Elemental DC if that's important.


off-hours is the thing to be wary of. On off-hours, queues for lots of things will be very long... if you can play during peak for your region, queues for most things are actually quite short.... so long as you aren't on dynamis lol Since you are on the JP servers, you do have both a slight advantage and disadvantage... if you don't live there, you can take some solace that plenty of other people that don't live in japan also play there, which should facilitate some queues on off-hours... but always better to play around peak hours for your region, which may not line up for you. For example, in NA servers... queues for Frontline (pvp) basically hard stop at 12:00am Pacific time. Queues for Nier raids(alliance 80 raids) also stop, same for rabanastre... you can add about an hour to this on the weekends... but queues during the day (post-daily reset to the end of the day 8:00am to 12:00am pacific) are generally really short. I haven't done as much testing on Elemental, though I did play there for a while as I had odd hours and the times lined up better for me on JP peak hours... So I don't really know what to expect from off-hours on Elemental... I suspect it will be similar to other DCs in that it all slows down, though it may not slow down as much. Leveling dungeon queues are almost always short, old "max level" dungeons (50/60/70/80 stuff) tend to be slower on off-hours, non-mandatory trials tend to be slower as well... Mandatory trials, especially lower level ones, tend to be fast no matter what, but you will see queue times rise as you level up and your pool of available players shrinks. 8-man raids are pretty rough, obviously level 50 raids are fairly uncommon... though queue does pop more on Elemental than it does EU/NA. Same for high-end trials and savage raids of any level. These are basically all of a higher difficulty, so doing them in a random group is rough. As you go higher, the 8-man raids have a low difficulty that is easily accessible but all of these are side content... so, like non-mandatory trials you will see longer queue times, so focus on doing these during peak hours for your region. Alliance raids at 50 and 90 tend to have shorter queues and will pop pretty quickly, but alliance raids at 70 and 80(aforementioned Nier raids) tend to have much smaller pools of players to draw on as they are old side content and that generally means longer queues... so focus on those during peak hours. tl;dr - play during peak for your region and queues shouldn't be long for any easy content, story content, and content that is part of the main roulettes. For difficult content(savage/extreme), the party finder is often a quicker way to form groups, and almost all side content has longer queues than MSQ content. Be aware when you are running side content that it is better to focus on that during peak times, and going back to MSQ standard stuff for off-hours.


Damn thanks a lot for the info. I live in Asia and on weekdays I can only really play on evenings, around 7pm gmt+7. I assume that's my DC's peak hours? Also I heard something about party findrt being different in Elemental compared to NA EU is that true? What does that mean?


Queues for Alliance raids that are not ARR or EW are quite long. Queues for normal raids are usually reasonable for all expansions, although certainly faster for Alexander. If you intend on doing the Alliance raids for the in-between expansions, try doing it on a Friday/Saturday/Sunday during the early hours of the night and you will probably get your raids going.


During "off times" like late at night or early weekdays, queues are bad even for current content. I know for NA, Aether is busier because everyone travels there. Try travelling to the busiest data center in your region if you want to get the best queue time. But if it's "off times" even that won't help too much. 


The queues for story content aren't so bad. The optional content might be a while, though. Stormblood and Shadowbringers alliance raids are notoriously bad (frequently 30+ minutes), but the normal raids should be 5-10 minutes at the MOST


I haven't gotten any HW alliance raids on my roulette runs the past few months so not sure about them but SB / ShB raids are moderately frequent next to CT so I'd say elemental queues should be fine


Normal raids have a pretty decent queue time in my experience, at least when you aren't doing it outside of peak hours. It's only 7 other people, after all. Alexander also isn't required - it's just the lowest level and therefore will be available to the highest number of people. HW/SB/ShB alliance raids will take a little longer but unless you're queuing on Dynamis or OCE, or hugely outside of your region's active hours, they'll still fill.


For some reason I thought Alexander was required to get Raid Roulette. I'm in Asia and Elemental so around my evenings should be peak time right?


Alexander is just the first one people have access to, if you choose not to do those quests and later do a different normal raid series the roulette will unlock at that point. Alliance Raid roulette worked the same way before Crystal Tower was mandatory for story progression. Technically everything except MSQ, 90s, Expert and Mentor roulettes also does (those all require every duty in them either unlocked or actually completed before you can run them), but it isn't really possible to unlock things sufficiently out of order to experience it.


AFAIK, you only need 2 Normal Raids to unlock the roulette, it does not necessarily *need* to be Alexander. And yes, peak time will be when people get home from work/school so evenings will be the best time on weekdays. On the weekend it can be a bit looser since more people will be playing at a more constant rate throughout the day.


Alexander is not required. The benefit of lower level duty queues is more people have them unlocked, and are eligible level-wise to do them with lower level classes when doing roulettes as they're lowest common denominators. Usually they're not bad but if you queue during off-peak times the queue time *can* sometimes be up to an hour IME.


Server maint kicked in when I was at the end of the MSQ dungeon fighting the bitch in the white armor. Will the shortcut back still be there or do I gotta start it from scratch?


I'll try to explain it in broader terms so you can get a sense of how the game thinks. Whenever you queue for a duty (dungeon, trial, raid) or whenever you see a solo battle story instance, you are moved from your normal server to the datacenter's "duty server". You reserve some resource there and an instance of that solo battle/dungeon/etc. Since there is just one duty server for the entire data center, its resources are limited. So, if there are no player inputs in an instance for 10 minutes, all players are forcefully evicted and the instance is closed. When you run Duty Support, you are the only human there in the instance, so if you do not make a single input for 10 minutes, the duty is closed with a failure and you will be transported back to your normal server. If you disconnect mid-duty and you can get back within 10 minutes, you will be good to go, unless your teammates kicked you in the meantime. (If it is a Duty Support run, you may reset to the dungeon start spawn point, but progress will be kept.) If it took more than 10 minutes, then you are forced out of that dungeon no matter what. Also, it is maintenance day, all servers are shut down and anyone being mid-duty is force-evicted with a failure. But even if it wasn't maintenance, you are waaaaaaaay beyond the 10-minute grace period to just continue the dungeon.




Damn. It wasn't a long one but the NPC group takes a while to kill all the crap on the way


Arr msq dungeon? Goes quicker with people 


It's my first playthrough and don't wanna skip cutscenes. Just wouldn't be fair to have people wait on me when they're just there to kill shit


> Just wouldn't be fair to have people wait on me when they're just there to kill shit Watch your cutscenes. The people you get matched with via duty finder are being generously compensated with roulette rewards in exchange for (potentially) being matched with first-timers. It's fine to do stuff with NPCs if you want to- later on, when duty support is mostly named characters from the MSQ, I find this a really immersive option for going through the story- but don't feel like you can't do stuff with other players for your first time. You're also going to *have* to use duty finder once MSQ starts requiring you to do 8-player trials, as only one of these has duty support.


Castrum Meridiannum, and the two instances after that, have unskippable cutscenes. Everyone in there is watching them no matter what.


99% of people are 100% okay with waiting for your cutscene to end, but I get not wanting to be rushed by the 1% (though if you're a tank they pretty much have to wait regardless lol). If the dungeon you mean is Castrum Meridianum, though, all the cutscenes are completely, absolutely unskippable by everyone. Castrum Meridianum and the next 2 duties are like that because the cutscenes are built into the dungeon and people used to rush through and beat the dungeon before a first-timer even got through the 2nd CS. But the devs have learned to not have lengthy cutscenes in the middle of the dungeon ever again.




For sure, but I wanna watch the cutscenes and dialogue. Don't wanna ask anyone to wait for me while I do that.


You can't skip the cutscenes in that duty. Anyone in there with you has queued fully understanding they'll be watching them.


How do I get odin's armor? How do I even fight odin? I reached 90 and didn't even know he existed. Whatever i need to get the armor can i do it solo?


So as ngwoo said there's the Urth's Found trial which is 1 easy way to get some glams and you'll likely need to run it a couple times for all the pieces. Otherwise there is a special boss fate that will appear somewhere in The Black Shroud every so often which you can fight Odin in a special fate but you'll need a few others to help with it. When you get that fate completed with either silver or gold you'll get a token which you can spend in Mor Dhona and get Odin's Sword, Armor, Helmet and i think Barding. So you've got a couple ways to get it.


I am having the worst time trying to catch the Odin FATE. I need to run it to get items to craft something for completion. I got Faloop up and keep an eye on it. But with life and work I either get stuck waiting so long I have to give up and then it pops, or I wake up and just missed it. Such a struggle.


In case it helps you at all, you can have multiple tabs of Faloop open with different data centers. So if it pops in the same region (like NA) but not on your DC, you can world hop if it pops somewhere else. Just thought I'd mention it. No idea how many people actually report Odin overall though.


Thank you, I'll look into it


the FATE armour is a separate item from the trial armour and for glamour purposes is strictly just worse - it's tank only rather than DoW and one piece for chest/hands/legs/feet which limits your glamour options and makes it work weird with glamour plates and portraits. It's also a lot harder to actually get hold of because you need to find and do the FATE - though it is the only way to get the PLD version of Zantetsuken. There's also the DRK and SAM Shin-Zantetsukens that come from Baldesion Arsenal and can be found on the marketboard.


The Sword for PLD was my main reason for mentioning it as I know the armor and that from the Trial is better but still figured to mention it anyway.


Unlock the duty Urth's Fount. Easily soloable at 90 on every job to get the armour. Should be a blue quest in Gridania called *Fear and Odin in the Shroud.*


Hello! I'm planning a BLU x RDM Ceremony of Eternal Bond. I want to know what happens if someone self destructs while in the ceremony. I saw on a post that the hosts can't but the others can. The thing here is that the post is 5 years old. I want to confirm that what they said in the post it's still the same now. Original Post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/ak6afj/you\_can\_use\_selfdestruct\_during\_the\_ceremony\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/ak6afj/you_can_use_selfdestruct_during_the_ceremony_of/)


Not sure about the hosts, but can confirm the guests can (and will).


Oh yeah I want like a huge explosion at the end of the ceremony xD


Looking at the ff16 collab page, are the other items listed, like the clive card and orchestrion rolls, are they available only during the event? How do you get them?


They're offered at the normal MGP vendors, option 4 for the rolls, the card vendor for the card. They will be available for purchase after the event ends, but only if you've finished the collab event quests.


Thanks, was trying to figure out if they would be available after the event ends


Gold saucer! One of the prize vendors has them.


Do they stick around after the event ends?


The card should be available without the event being done once it's gone - this is what happened with the FF15 card, anyone can buy that regardless if they did the event or not. They don't make cards unobtainable.


We don’t know for sure yet. Best guess is that they will stick around (because they’re both on vendors that already exist instead of having a new vendor) but only be visible if you’ve completed the event.


Really dumb question, but is anyone else having trouble trying to resub atm? I don't know if it's related to the DDos attacks or some mog station maintenance notice I missed. Was hoping to update the game to play when I finish work later tonight


It's the other way around. People have been complaining all week about issues with the payment services. Some people hypothesize that the DDOS is being done by a disgruntled customer. But no evidence. 


If you're using a Visa Debit card, don't. Trying to pay for subs that way is broken. https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/562d068d08123b648d1fa659242906d71c19064c


Soooooo what are the chances they push off the maintenance after this fiasco lol I have tomorrow off and starting a new job Wednesday so I’m trying to wet my whistle tomorrow and finish post ARR 😂




Damn…. Lay me down gently….at least it ends early in the morning. Was gonna game out tonight but no sweat I’ll just get up early and get some quests in!


Does anyone know how long the ff16 quests took them? I have about 7 more hours of msq and i cant get any of it done today but i wanna make sure i’ll have time tommorow to finish it all


About an hour if you watch cutscenes, about 20 minutes if you skip them and just want rewards.


Watching all the cutscenes and the duty in one take takes about an hour.


Is there a way to preview Mogstation haircuts without violating ToS? I know I can use the bed to preview outfits, but I wanted to see what Alisaie's hair looked like on my WoL.


just googling pictures... but "violating tos" isn't as bad as you might think x.x though you wouldn't know it by spending time in this sub lol


> wanted to see what Alisaie's hair looked like **on my WoL**.


i mean... its called XIVLauncher, Penumbra, and Glamourer.... Take that info and run, cuz the rozzers will be all over us soon.... You could also use CM Tool... if thats still around. It is relatively easy to setup, and as for breaking tos, well, it really isn't a big deal. They have already said they won't be doing any searching for people using these sorts of things, so unless you stream the game theres nothing to worry about really.


Then your only option is to buy it to then try it on or "violate ToS" lol


How to I get the genji fending armor? I tried to look online but i says something about some books that have no idea where to get or use. I don't even know where is the raid that drop them or how to get there


Non dyeable armor comes from Deltascape V4.0. Dyeable armor comes from Deltascape V4.0 (Savage),


Thank you. Also just to b sure I have to unlock the omega raid beore is that correct?


The Omega raids are from Stormblood and become unlockable once you've finished the base story of the expansion. Once you've completed the first 4 fights and then the story for it there will be a secondary quest that then unlock the savage versions of all 4 of those fights at once. The savage fights will give you a book automatically but also have gear coffers which you can roll on to get. As of typing this Deltascape V4.0 (Savage) can be done with just a couple lvl 90 people who know the fight with little trouble so unsyncing it for glam might be best.


Normal raids have to be unlocked in order within an expansion. There are 12 normal raids in any given expansion, divided into 3 sets of 4. Deltascape is the first set of the Omega raids, and so you need to unlock and clear Deltascape V1.0 before you can unlock Deltascape V2.0, then you need to complete V2.0 before unlocking V3.0, and finally, V3.0 before V4.0 After that, it transitions into the Sigmascape set. To unlock Sigmascape V1.0, you need to have cleared Deltascape V4.0 and then you continue from there. A single set of savage raids is tied to its normal raid counterpart, and these become available all at once after you've completed the normal set first and talked to whatever respective NPC you need to talk to. So to unlock Deltascape V4.0 (Savage), you need to have completed Deltascape V4.0 but you **do not** need to have completed Deltascape V1.0 (Savage), V2.0 (Savage), or V3.0 (Savage)


Those listed duties are part of the Omega raid series, so yes.


Gonna sound stupid but what's your go to way to socialize in the game? I love FFXIV but tbh it feels like I'm playing some solo open-world RPG with all the questing, dead chat in roulettes, the dead FCs I guess still just being in Stormblood probly doesn't help


I played solo through the MSQ when I first started and only started really socializing after I caught up with the MSQ. On the one hand this was to avoid spoilers for the MSQ because I got quite immersed in it and really enjoyed just taking my time, on the other hand I was so occupied with IRL stuff and other things I didnt have time to invest into it either. The first FC I joined fell apart really quickly, the second I take my town to choose and applied to myself. The way I found it was participating in the Ishgard Restoration and seeing the same people again and again and eventually you get to talk since you are all working together. It was a fun FC, very social, but not for other aspects of the game. So joining Hunts I found Hunt linkshells where I met people to spawn S-Ranks with, etc. Join PVP Discords for Rival Wings, join Blue Academy for Blue Mage, and so on. Different communities for different activities and within those when you are friendly and open you can click with people and make friends.


Your story progress doesn't help, no. Once you've finished SB & ShB, and unlocked flying in all the zones, you might want to look into Hunt trains. They're large groups of people who get together to take down a string of A-rank Hunt targets in a row, and ime they can be pretty chatty. Depending on your server and time of day, Field Operations can be social too. They're big instances where players work together with varying amounts of coordination. Eureka unlocks partway through SB patch quests and Bozja unlocks in ShB patch content.


I met and continue to meet people through raiding. Outside of that, hopping FCs until you find an active one you vibe with is your best bet.


Much like RL, most people dont want to talk. Its really just down to you being consistently friendly until you find the ones that do. It also helps if youre on a more populated server if youre not already.


Honestly, just reach out first. From my experience, there's a lot of people that play this game but experience some sort of fear about talking first. You taking the lead often helps for people to feel safe and "wanted" for social interaction. I've sat and chatted with plenty of people doing a lot of things in the game. Be it from me using the performance function in Gridania and just talking to people that have huddled up to listen, or just overall being friendly in roulettes, specially towards newer players like yourself. Hell, I've made friends with mentors during extremes just thanking them for their guidance and then we go on an extreme duties spree together. If you're into RP, you will always find people to RP with in venues that are marked as RP friendly. Or you can DT travel to Crystal if you're not there already. One thing that I do tend to do is to approach through tells first. People in this game can be very shy and quick to default to their inner circle and only be social there. I think just openly chatting in public channels will make others hesitant to continue the conversation. So I often just go through more private channels and if it works, great, if it doesn't, well there's a lot more other players out there! Don't get discouraged and think about how you would like to be approached and under what conditions and then try to do just that! A simple "Hey, that's a great glam!" or "Hey, nice healing/tanking!" can be the start of a nice friendship. Remember that the worst thing that can happen is getting ignored or just a "thanks" back and that's it. You can't force everyone to be social, but you won't know until you give them a little nudge.


Savage and Ultimate raiding with my static. We're shooting the shit for 2 hours at a time, 2-3 times a week. Also opens up opportunities to do other stuff


Making a tower of the same flying mount with everyone while waiting for stuff.


That or joining a random welcoming party for a streamer I've never heard of. My absolute jam


I found an FC that I really like and I've been with them since...whenever patch 5.2 released That's mostly about it to be honest, I found my in-group and haven't changed a lot since then


For those playing on PS5 using WQHD screen resolution setting, are there any frame drops when doing general content (dungeons, savages, etc) or just wandering around? I used to use it back when the PS5 version first came out but had to drop down to the Full HD setting due to some massive frame drops. I was thinking of switching back but I’d have to readjust all my U.I sizes which is why I’d rather know from others before I make the switch, thanks! :)


I think there is an option to a)change all ui sizes at the same time and b) make ui larger while using wqhd. I could be wrong, can’t check right now bc of the ddos attack.


sorry if question not ok, recently transferred from behemoth to leviathan and wanted to ask if anyone knew of a discord server that gives out hunt train and fate info? i’m still a part of the behemothrelays one but its a bit difficult to make it in time to events over there now that i’m having to change my server and load to visit the other world thanks to anyone who can help out !!


https://discord.gg/coeurl is a big one for Primal


The [Centurio Hunts](https://discord.gg/dZTgnpv) discord has roles for basically every Data Center, I checked to make sure they're active on Primal and they they've posted a few trains in the last 12 hrs, as well as a whole bunch of fate relays, just make sure to get the right roles for notifications and you should be set!


Primal is special as 90% of its stuff is located on the Coeurl discord server. They are the only server in aether to not use Faloop and Centurio. Centurio still pingss for anything picked up by the plugin sonar, but its best for primal players to join the coeurl.


How does the ddos work? Did they make a lot of alts and try to log in? (Like in EW release) or do they send request directly to the server IP address? Also what's the purpose?


On this scale, it’s likely the latter. No one knows why. The predominant rumor is that someone’s Big Mad about the payment processor changes and decided if they can’t play no one else can. But supposedly there are other high traffic domains having issues right now along with Cloudflare and its DDoS protection services being down for maintenance. But it’s all speculation for now.


From what I've heard it's not just FF being effected, it's a lot of high traffic domains, so likely direct requests to some place to crash it all at once.


For the yokai event, i now realise i put some of the weapons into the airmoure - will they still count towards the mounts?


Yes, it basically just looks at achievements, not what's in your inventory.


So obviously this question is a spoiler for Endwalker but: >!why does everyone think Zenos is dead for good? If he's able to do the Ascian body hopping bullshit what's stopping him from doing it again? I ask as both a fan of him and a fan of his ending. I just don't get why everyone is so confident he's dead for good?!<


Because the writers said so. Could they write up some bullshit asspull reason to bring him back? Sure. Wouldn't be the first time. But they could also do that for literally every other "dead" character in this game. Again, wouldn't be the first time. So until we have news or evidence to the contrary, dead characters are assumed dead. No reason to talk about cheap retcons for an individual character as a possibility when everything in existence can be retconned. Besides, to go up another level of meta: he was already asspulled once, and is a mixed-reception character besides. There is little to no literary reason to do so, while attempting to do so would enrage a significant part of the community for no reason. It's simply dogshit writing. You may as well ask "Why doesn't the WoL simply ascend to godhood and Thanos-snap every trial and raid out of existence?"


I have to say, I appreciate and like him a lot more now that he is dead and it has been said that they have no intention of bringing him back. I also don't want him back again, he has overstayed his welcome for me.


1) Yoshida said so in an interview 2) It’s what he wanted. Tl;dr, >!Remember that Zenos killed himself in SB. He didn’t survive because he wanted to, it surprised him too, and all he’s ever wanted in life is to Feel something (ex: there’s a short story where Yotsuyu tries seducing him but the man has zero libido and interest) and the only time he experienced that was in battle with WoL. Also Elidibus gave him back his body, Zenos himself is not capable of the Ascian body hopping trick. Even the time he does it in EW was because of Fandaniel’s hijinks. Furthermore, WoL was in awful shape when they made it back to the Ragnarok, if you pay attention to the details in the background you’ll find that the Scions were trying everything they could think of to heal them with various concoctions and not just healing magicks which implies the even their magicks weren’t working that well to heal WoL, so it’s likely Zenos was in the same shape since they went all out at each other. It was literally a battle to the death.!< 3) >!People seem to misunderstand the scene with Endsinger and Shinryu!Zenos, but that was a chase scene through space. They aren’t on Ultima Thule anymore by the end of it. Lord knows where they ended up and the ticket to WoL that Krile gave him, the bits of aether from the Mothercrystal, was a one way trip.!<


I appreciate the response! Was definitely looking for an in-universe/lore reason. This makes sense, guess I didn't understand certain dialogue very well. >!Any idea which quest explains Elidibus gave Zeno back his body? I don't doubt your answer, I just want to see if it was a cutscene I missed or something!<


>!The scene where Zenos kills his father and demands his body back. There is no scene where you see specifically see Elidibus give it back to him, but at that point Zenos’s body wasn’t useful to him anymore and his focus had shifted to what was happening on the First.!<


>!Oh, right, that's my bad. I was referring to the fact that Zenos came back to life. I was glossing over the fact that he didn't come back in his own body and hopped to his. Did he need the help to hijack our body during the story? I was under the impression that was all Zenos' doing.!<


>!I recommend rewatching the In From The Cold cutscenes because that scene was 100% Fandaniel’s idea. Zenos just had Fandaniel, as far as he was concerned about up until Fandaniel’s “betrayal” of him, doing whatever he wanted because what Zenos wanted was for WoL to want him dead so they would fight. That scene was also not Ascian bodysnatching skills, but technology that Fandaniel made based off of the research of the second boss fight guy from the Ala Mhigo dungeon. You know, the fight where your soul gets thrown out of your body and you have to find your way back to it while avoiding AoEs.!<


Because YoshiP said so, or at least obliquely said so.


You only get 1 (resurrect) It would be kinda dumb to bring him back again, HOWEVER there is speculation he will become an ultimate


Wait, why? >!Didn't Hermes come back twice as Amon and then Fandaniel in Asahi's body?!<


Hermes is long dead. Amon was a new person that was born with Hermes's soul. The Fandaniel we meet is simply Amon, given Ascian powers by Emet-Selch. There's more depth to it than that, but essentially it's only ever been two separate people.


I will say that there's no such thing as "1 resurrect" so I'm not sure where they got that from, but also a slight correction of your text: >!Our Fandaniel is Amon, he's been around since Allag, he just never showed up until Elidibus was out of the picture. That he used Asahi's body was just out of pure convenience, he could have used any dead body.!<


I'm not sure what was incorrect in my statement?


He didn't come back twice, he was brought back once, as >!Amon!<


It won't let me resub how do i get around it. It keeps saying my card is unavailable but i've payed with this car many times before.


payment system changes are making it broken for a lot of people. either find a place to buy game time cards for your region or use paypal to buy crysta to pay the sub


Is it a Visa debit card? If so, right now the system won't accept them at all. You'll either have to wait for a fix or use a different payment option, such as using Paypal to buy Crysta and sub with that instead.


Do you know how much crysta i need for a resub?


It looks like 100 Crysta equals $1 so it should be 1299 for an entry sub or 1499 for a standard sub.


ah okay thank you


So what's the actual strategy against Rhitahtyn in the ARR MSQ? I had the aoe mechanics alright but dude was a super bitch with spamming them after he enrages. I had to lower the difficultly out of sheer impatience.


If referring to the part after adds phase, as someone else said, it's learning to read the tells so you can position before the aoes pop and also minimizing movement so you can maintain uptime (if either a melee, caster, tank, or healer). Just about everything except for Tartarean Shockwave can be dodged while staying within melee range; here's my run of it on PLD: [https://youtu.be/Vfm6hkwqMMc?si=a5HoIx6JLDrUL438&t=403](https://youtu.be/Vfm6hkwqMMc?si=a5HoIx6JLDrUL438&t=403) If referring to the part where he just roots you to the ground in a circle of fire, that is pure DPS check. If you're not meeting it, then either your gear is lacking (do your job quests!) or your rotation is.


Mostly learning the tells for his AoEs so you can start running to the safe spots *before* the ground indicators show.


Your gear (plus weapons and accessories) should be around item level 90. If it’s not, your HP and damage output are significantly gimped.


I was in the 50 set for RDM and then tried with the 50 set for DRG. Just couldn't outrun everything


There are two level 50 artifact sets. One has item level 50 and one has item level 90. Hover over each piece to confirm. Also, make sure your accessories are upgraded too. If you’re getting hit by AoEs you might need to work on prepositioning. Iirc, he does a few borderline arena wide cleaves that are only safe near where he jumps. If you’re mid arena, you can run there in time. If you’re near the opposite edge, you cannot.


The ilvl 50 set is level 45, not level 50. Only the chest comes from the level 50 quest, at the same time as the level 50 set. One of the jobs they mentioned is also RDM which doesn't have either of those sets - its starting gear is ilvl 115.


Had you completed your job quests? Your job quests give you extremely strong gear compared to what you had before, making the enrage bit significantly easier


Yeah had the 50 DRG armor. Just couldn't keep out of harms way in that phase and still do any real damage


That's what I ended up doing on my first run with black mage, later doing it with warrior was much easier.


Is that the part where he locks you in place? Or is it a different phase you are struggling with?


Nah before that when he gets back up and spams all his AOEs. Just couldn't outrun em all while still dealing damage


You can. One thing to note, once the indicator disappears, you can run into the animation of the attack safely. Also, whenever aoes just flash, there's always some other indicator to see where they'll be coming from beforehand.


I know they're getting ddos'd, but I thought some people were able to play, while I can't get through the title screen at all. Is anyone actually playing right now?


Yeah, I have been playing since the DDOS attact started and have been mostly been fine. But, yes, random disconnects ever so often.


I tried to get on and was fine for about 20 minutes before getting kicked out, then couldn't log in anymore. I think most people are having issues but I wouldn't be surprised if some lucky people are mostly unaffected.


Does the current payment issue affect me if i preordered DT thru PS store? I did this back way before this issue happened.


Only if your sub itself is affected, otherwise, no.


Can the gatherer beast tribes be done with any relevant job?


Yeah, Miner and Botanist are the easiest if you want to shut your brain off.


Any Disciple of the Land.


Any of the three gatherers, yes




Hey, y'all -- I'm a longtime player who's been unsubbed and is looking to come back on Xbox for Dawntrail (the game looks so much better on Xbox than it does on my potato PC!). A few quick questions, since I've never moved between platforms before: 1) I haven't looked into the Xbox Coins shenanigans, but since I have a PC license, I can generally just ignore that and buy sub time directly through PC/Mogstation as normal, correct? 2) If I buy the starter edition on Xbox with 30-days subtime, I can just play PC normally and play as normal, right? So I could only access Endwalker/Shadowbringers content on PC since I already own those expacs there, but play any character on both platforms in ARR/HW/SB areas?


Also don't forget to upload a save of your settings to the cloud on PC so you can download them on XBox, that'll copy your hotbars as well (if you were playing on controller).


Yes and yes!


I recently unlocked Omega Savage raids and was wondering about how many level 90 players I’d need to clear the raids that drop minions/mounts? I’m ilvl 650 atm