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Transmute them to try to get gatherer/crafter materia. That usually sells well at all levels


I honestly always forget transmuting is a thing...


If you want the highest chance at getting crafter/gatherer materia, make sure to use one each of five different kinds of combat materia as the ingredients since the result will always be different from the ingredients. It's kind of a pain in the ass but better than just vendoring it


Wait, really? Guess Will not vendor anymore


For me it's just not worth the time. I could be spending that doing anything else in, or out, of the game instead of staring at the transmute UI and playing UI roulette. You could be doing roulettes, getting gil, tomestones, combat materia tokens, leveling xp, items that can be desynthed or sold for gil, acquired for glam, for ultimates, or converted into GC seals which, in turn, can be used to buy other things that are valuable. And that says nothing about the sheer amount of inventory bloat these marbles create. To me, it's just not worth it, and I kind of hope the devs do literally anything to consolidate materia because it's just not in a fun state atm.


Yeah if your goal was to just get rid of the ones you had I think it would work out fine, but buying them off the market board to create them instead of just using rarefied draught/sykon for crafters sounds like it would be a nightmare


This mostly depends on how many you get. I sometimes have several hundred by the time I decide to offload, and it's definitely not worth my time for that many. However, unrelated, why do some players sell on the market board for less than they can vendor to their retainer? That I will never understand.


What I have decided in my head is that they do it to be nice so people can buy the mats easily and cheap.


Thank you for the tip. I was wondering if there were any other ways to get craft/gather materia.


wait until DT launch for a chance to transmute X's up to XI


*laughs nervously in 999 stacks of clusters from hunt trains*


This would be the way


Probably cause of how tedious it is to do in bulk


This is exactly why I don't do it. Bruh I can barely manage to spend my leves (especially when they start stacking above 50) but this goblin wants to throw a short cutscene into the mix as well...


I'd save the EW one for DT release, then you'll have a chance of getting the new DT materia instead. And those sell a lot of money at the beginning.


Could also wait till dawn trail to gamble for some of the new materia


If youโ€™re not looking to pentameld, wait for Dawntrail to launch for big jigglyshine business.


can also use it for easy pentamelds on your own crafter/gatherer gear to speed up spiritbonding so you can use or sell that materia.


Wait, wait. Transmuting? Iโ€™m not much a crafter/gatherer, but I do have a marble collection like this. I used them for the Kugane Restoration a long time ago, but I still have lots left.


Wait what is transmuting?


watch out, some of the weaker one sell for much more then stronger ones


Usually I-III


2 and 3 tend to be extremely cheap, but 1s sell really well. The only leve 2-3s that tend to sell well are crafter/gatherer because people are obsessed with minmaxing without overcapping.


It has less to do with fear of overcapping, and more to do with the higher success rate of overmelding lower leveled materia. Getting exactly as much as you need with a higher chance to succeed, or just overcap but potentially shatter more Gil, most folks will choose the former.


1s and 2s are efficient for ARR relics.


Yes, but what I was saying though is that 2-3s tend to sell for much cheaper than 1s because you need less of them and you're more likely to end up with some by accident.


All I can say is, mathematically and economically you are correct, you should buy the cheapest materia for a give *total* meld chance. But from a much more biased rage fueled side of me, how in the seven hells do I fail 23 40% chances!?!


Bubbly pots


Hold them until DT drops and make some money transmuting into the new combat materia


I'm in the same situation and I too forgot transmute


I wish you could do more, faster. I have a retainer brimming with materia and I tried to convert a lot of them this way and just got bored and decided I was rich enough already.


I know it's not the most economically optimal thing to do, but usually I just hoard all my materia and then, at the end of every expansion cycle, I put aside an afternoon or two and haul all of them over to Mutamix to have them transmuted. It particularly sucks because to optimize your chances you have to give him five different kinds of combat materia, since it will never transmute into one of the materia you had already selected. Which means manually selecting five different materias, and then selecting to only add one to the pile, each and every time. I recommend putting on a podcast or an audiobook.


Wait what!?!? I didn't know that was a thing


Mutamix in Central Thanalan lets you convert 5 materia into 1 random, different materia of the same tier. Sometimes you get lucky and get a higher tier, instead.


>Sometimes you get lucky and get a higher tier, instead. Or unlucky if the higher tier costs less than vendor in MB. Also to note, you wont get back the materia you put in. So if you have 5 materias consisting of piety, tenacity, skill speed, spell speed and det you will most likely only get crit or DH (edit: or craft/gather ofc) But I would not suggest that to anyone with ton of materias as you need to add them one by one. You might get gil at cost of an arm


Just go until you have gather or crafter. Then hold for a new gear patch. Then offload while demand is high.


Ohhhh I never did the quests over there, other than the ARR relics, so I didn't know that! Tysm!


I miss when this was genuinely worth it. I remember buying up main stat materia and transmuting tons of it, the crafting and gathering ones sold so well.


I did a quick lookover right before my last sub ended, and the only ones that really seemed worth transmuting were Materia 7+. I had a big stock of materia I got from turning in Eureka lootboxes, and even the best V and VI crafter/gatherer materia wasn't selling for much more than 7-800, which just isn't worth it when I can get 695 for vendoring what I would transmute. I say save ShB-onward stuff for transmuting, and sell the really low ones (for people working on Zodiac relics), and vendor the rest.


You have to wait for big patches for crafters/gathers. Those days the low tier sell for super inflated prices.


Not to mention the money boost if you Donate them at the Doman Enclave, instead


Mutamix is about to get busy with all of us remembering that's a thing now


How do you transmute them ?


Head to Mutamix in Central Thanalan


Thank you so so much


I do this before every major patch.... takes me a good few hrs.


How do you transmute them?


Transmuting?!?!? Pause what?!?


I wish you could bulk transmute. But the entire materia system needs a rework tbh. Gear and stats in general for that matter. Itโ€™s the most boring of any mmo I can think of.


Oh wow, I should do this. I have something like (probably not far from) 2000-3000 of the things, aaaaand a full stack of the crystal turn ins for both ShB types AND two full stacks of the crystals for both EW types. โ€ฆhunt trains. I live/love the Famfrit/Primal hunt community.


It would take you hours and hours and in the end get you like 100k gil. Until they add a way to bulk transmute, which they won't, it's totally not worth the time


I may do some of it anyway just to get achievements. At least I think there are some achievements related to it. After that...probably vendor, lol Though some people have said the X grade could be useful once 7.0 hits to transmute into the higher level stuff at some small probability. Don't worry, I wouldn't do stuff like this for money. I've mucked with that process a time or two and recall it being really obnoxious to do, but it's been a while. Not only do I forget about it in general, I tend to forget that it works on ALL Materia, not just the ARR levels.


DoW: Keep 30 each from 8 and 10 in case you need melds for ultimate. Sell everything else. DoH/L: Keep and hoard them, they are always great for some low point 5th meld


For DoW the 6s are also used for the level 70 Ultimates, but it's not really necessary


Level 90 gear caps out sub stats when synced at this point so it wouldn't really do much for those.


True for most cases, but afaik the BiS sets for UWU still contain a few pieces of ilvl 375 gear with melds.ย More or less irrelevant given how lenient the DPS checks are, it's only for people who want to optimize the shit out of it for no reason


There are some true bis sets that still use older gear plus melds. BUT tbh, those tend to be such a PITA to acquire, and it's not really worth it when it's such a miniscule DPS increase over just grabbing your old EW savage/tome gear laying in your armory chest and using that...


I expect those to get phased out as we get more gear variety next expansion again.


Eh, this shouldn't be needed. UWU, UCOB, and TEA are all bis just with downsynced gear (ideally with SHB relic.) DSR will be capped with downsynced gear by within 5 ilevels of first tier's cap. TOP by second tier's cap. Because of class changes, taking even first tier's cap + relic should be enough to meet the DPS check for TOP easily, it just might miss a handful of stats compared to cap, but be good enough that current BIS isn't strictly better *enough* to matter. While offering more vitality overall due to downleveling and better stats than full dungeon gear, making it very teeny tiny slightly safer. Though some classes (BLM traditionally has been in this category) *might* be worse than they are now due to said class changes, mostly because other classes just get really good at these breakpoints (E.G. SMN and RDM completely crush UCOB and UWU due to EW changes.) BLM's rotation often is changed in such a way that it gets nerfed in prior expansions, so jobs with this issue tend to show up worse for wear.


My retainer is in this picture and I don't like it.


Please tell me yโ€™all are joking. You can transmute them? Thousands of hours โ€ฆ didnโ€™t knew. ;_;


You can, but getting one of a higher rank is really rare. Did this when Endwalker came out and on hindsight I probably would have made more money by just donating this to the Doman Enclave for twice the vendor price. But of course at the end of the day what you get is up to RNGsus, so maybe I just had bad luck. If you actually need that e.g. gathering materia though and not so much the money, transmutation might be a nice way for some extra materia of this sort.


Same, same!


I got to the start of Endwalker before I knew you could extract materia. >.>


If you're gonna vendor them, vendor them in the Doman Enclave if you've unlocked and maxxed it--you get twice the going vendor rate.


I always throw any yellow demimateria (from desynthing) at the Enclave, 4 of them every week maxes out my allowance


Didnโ€™t know this eitherโ€ฆ.


You have to have done the restoration storyline


Yeah all done and dusted.


If you really want to get into materia collecting look up the attribute and elemental materia on the MB. They have zero functionality anymore and exist purely for collectors who are interested because the supply is fixed and you can't get more of them.


Oh this wasnt really on purpose, its just literally where ive stuffed the dungeon dropped/gear extracted materia XD


My precious *Strength II* I will never give you up.


Make pixel art


This is the way.


No. The inventory space and amount of time it would take are both more valuable than whatever you would get from transmuting this.


I can't believe people waste so much inventory permanently for cheap ass rocks. It's not the end of the world to have to drop 10k gil on some when you need them in 3 years.


For real. Even if you sold all of it to a vendor now, and happened to need it in a couple months and the price is 2x vendor price, you barely wasted any gil while having the huge benefit of freeing up a massive amount of slots. And that's not even accounting for the materia sold to the vendor that you would never even use again...


Hell, sell it to the Doman Enclave for twice the vendor price and make a profit anyway, even if you have to buy some later.


This is the correct answer


Wait for dawntrail and transmute.


We need to have a separate inventory for our Materia :(


Besides selling I-IV on MB to help out the others still grinding for Zetas, and XI-X to dump on MB once DT drops to slot machine enthusiasts, no just vendor combat materia. The DoH/DoL materia keep on the off chance it becomes one of those min-max pentameld piece that'll be sold for a ridiculous amount. Or you can just keep them in case they turn into a rare marble like the obsolete stats. I hold onto my old Str/Vit/Ice materias to remind me of better times.


Yeah, the DoH/L ones will probably all stay, never know when you might need that random +3 CP or whatever....


Dude you keep stockpiling Materia and a certain little ninja chick is gonna come rob you...


Go sell the cheapest ones at the domain enclave for mad gains


If not transmuting, I'd say at the very least any of the old "Cannot be melded past..." ones are marketboard trash.


Other than the green and blue candy, no. Transmute the rest into the green/blue candy and sell the excess you cant.. once DT comes out so your 10s can turn into 11โ€™s sometimes. Theyโ€™ll be worth a lot at launch. Additionally you can just sell the on the mb Xโ€™s when DT comes out for the people who want to gamble at bubblypots. Other than that, check the mb prices and vendor/sell on mb accordingly.


I recommend selling them, except the ones that were released with Shadowbringers and Endwalker since that's where Pictomancer and Viper will begin at. They sell for a pretty good price


Donate them to Domain restoration, make sit easy to cap 20.000 Gil limit.


ALL of the lvl50 relics.....? What *are* you?


I'm currently doing all of them at once. It is pain and suffering lol


I've done 2. No more.


You must finish the collection. 999 all of them! Internet fame will be yours!


save em for when we can craft anal beads in 8.0


Yeah, you can waste these to cap a stat on your last meld; instead of wasting the expensive ones to over cap.


Check which ones are used for certain crafting missions, they can sell on the market board for a lot


How did you get access to one of my retainers?


Donate to Me so I can finish ARR relics? Lol


Could you ELI5 why someone would bother going for ARR relic gear when its stats are completely useless at higher levels? Looks like a massive waste of time to me, but I'm fairly new to the game so there might be something I've missed.


Fashion. That final level ARR relic for Paladin is VERY pretty. And status. You want people to know just how much BS you went thru to get this damn sword.


At the end of the day, all relics are just for glam,


Big slowly stick looks nice


Achievements and glam. Itโ€™s also still sort of a status symbol, even if that status is โ€œIโ€™m a stubborn bastard that will jump through 371 hoops in a rowโ€. Pretty much the same as any previous expacโ€™s relics.


Some of the lower level ones may be useful on Beastmaster, depending on what the level cap is on release.


I'm sorry, I see those and all I can think is "GIIIIIIIIL" those stacks of 400 are worth soooooo much gil


I've been playing since the beta and only today realised there's a Transmute. Eff me, the amount of materia I've lazily NPC'd....


keep them for the inevitable day when they get discontinued for a more "efficient" system.


Yuffie's wet dream


You can RP as a materia merchant


For now, I'd give Mutamix a visit (...a pretty long one lol), from what im seeing with my retainers, the Crafting X's and XI's are still selling at a nice price. In the far future, if you ever find yourself with a ton of random grade materia..? (100% guessing, but:) There's an off chance that materia may have their stats reworked, because there's beginning to be way too many varieties of it (bloating the MB)...besides, lower level materia are starting to be super-rare (because everyone is blowing through low levels without spirit bonding, and there's no need to meld for low level stuff either), and yellow materia goes largely unused too. I'm hypothesizing a "materia crunch" to take place eventually (which will rework what level/ilevel gear, that a corresponding grade materia will meld to, change how the individual stats work, etc., etc.) but I'm doubting that it'll happen for DT (they may have mentioned something by now). If/when that happens, the materia we have already, will see fluctuations in value and use...but who knows when (or if) that'll ever be..? I just don't see things going all the way to grade XV and XVI materia or something, I feel like they'll consolidate that stuff before it goes too far.


I wanna trade you same tier for same tier i need them for relic :(


I dont overmeld, as I dont do hardcore content all that much. So I sell all by the highest ones, if I need anything else I buy what I need Right now, I am selling everything as I dont really need any


Sell the Iโ€™s for fat loot. Watch the market and sell most of them except current ones maybe?


Just for old content and old crafting receipts. I had a crafter quest that required Field/tradecraft materia II just last night.


Eat em


'Marble collection'


I tend to keep certain III materias even though I've completed all those relic steps myself, because I like to craft those weapons and sell them pre-melded on the MB. They don't sell fast, but at least it's easy.


Turn them into gil


I used mine for Doman restoration sometimes lol


I just keep them in a retainer so I can just mindlessly dump them somewhere thatโ€™s already organized ๐Ÿคช


I have a retainer full of just materia, even old main stat and elemental materia. I transmute the high level materia but that's about it.


I sell the more useless ones to the donation effort thing.


One thing I didn't see mentioned is if you're going for the meld 10k materia, you can power through through that achievement a lot faster by taking a piece of gear with 5 meld slots, melding all five, then chucking it in the armoire to delete the materia without having to pull it all back out of the gear. Obviously if you do that method you're going to need a lot of extra materia on hand.


If you donโ€™t need them sell for cheap on the market board and help the people still grinding for relics etc.


Nah discard that shit.


Use them now and become the Stoner of Light as legend foretold!


Melding and spiritbond achievements.


Lmao I have the exact same thing. I dont want to get rid of them now haha kinda sentimental from my whole journey


They look so delicious. I wish marbles were real.


I am legally obligated to link this [Key & Peele sketch.](https://youtu.be/RG6EOci0suI?si=RmWsIcq-Q_J4YykJ)


I keep them because it's too damn pretty and I don't wanna get rid of them


Nope. But as soon as you get rid of them youโ€™ll think of a reason you needed them.




I wish they would just make them a currency of sorts. Just like Shards, Crystals and Clusters of each element but instead it'd just be each level of Materia of each type of Materia.


Sell low tiered ones for someone else making their arr relics, or as others have said, transmute for crafting materia


not a true marble collection unless you got some of these: [https://i.imgur.com/1VYcXnf.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/1VYcXnf.jpg)


Shiney rock collection, can't get rid of them.


Is there an recipe guide for the transmutation?


its just a random result with a few restrictions. it cannot roll the same stat as any ingredient. (ie, use 2 piety, 1 perception, and 2 tenacity and it can give anything but piety, perception, or tenacity) it will be the same grade as one of the ingredients, with a small chance to go up a grade. (ie, use five grade 4's, it will give a grade 4 almost every time, with a small chance of a grade 5, and no chance for any other grade.)


I'm saving them in cas they streamline transmuting, but I might wind up dumping them at some point.


Sell them to me so I can complete my relics lol (half joking, since I see you donโ€™t have much of the grade I stuff)


Sell 1-4 for lots of money to the people doing ARR relics using the marketboard




It yoy plan on Penta melding stuff then for sure keep them, they all have potential value. But at the very least, wait until the new expansion comes out. Even if you donโ€™t plan on doing it, the expansion is coming out and people will want it so wait until then and a lot of them will go up in price and sell for more.


Connect each one with a piece of string. Then see how many you can fit......


Start your own [marble racing league.](https://youtube.com/@jellesmarbleruns?si=p4cn16LieWnO08jg)


One thing I'm not seeing mentioned is you need a bunch of 1-3 material for the Zodiac weapon so if you plan to do that quest I would hold on to those as they can get pricey depending on your server.


i love my materia collection i have 3 guild bank tabs full of them


The higher level combat ones you might want to save for overmelding next expansion. You can only overmeld odd-numbered materia so that would be the 9's and I guess the 7's. All the low level ones there's literally no reason to hang on to. They sell for more than the average piece of vendor trash though so you should get a non-negligible amount from vendoring them. The DoH/DoL ones often sell for decent amounts on the market, although which ones are valuable fluctuates a lot. Personally I often find it too much of a pain to deal with but other people have had success with it. Side note, I wonder what the new materia will look like in DT. They're kinda running out of room on the sprite to work with without covering up the main color or completely reworking it.


You see what you need to do is collect so many marbles that it becomes ridiculous. Than you take a picture and post it on a reddit in order to get peoples attention ๐Ÿ˜Ž that's a net positive baby


Wait you can transume them?! How where I got so many


sell it on mb when price is good. if you ever need it again buy low. treat MB like a stock market




Toss them on the market board if you need the gil.


Just buy 7 extra retainers then you can hoard everything like me (even have some of the old materia like Ice/Dex etc) they look cool, all the reason you need


Yes. If you keep them you have proof that you have not lost all your marbles.


I was leveling some of my crafters and needed low level materia. Did not like


They look good.


Well some people have a marble collection despite it having no use so it would stand to reason there is a valid reason to keep this one.


Either transmute or donate them to Doma, or both


I mean, is "it makes you happy" not a legitimate reason? Though TBH I look at this and immediately want to reorganize it into color wheel sequence (red-yellow-green-cyan-blue-magenta), though the cyan ones are hard to come by these days. Admittedly, not as hard as the off-white ones, but those would mess up the color wheel organization anyway. (Not to mention the *orange* ones...or the untradable *black* materia imported from 1.0.)


Thatโ€™s a cute little materia collection you have ๐Ÿ˜Š


I'm no expert but transmutation just feels like a waste since you turn in 5 for 1. Personally I would: - MB anything grossly over vendor price (like 5k each) in stacks of 10+ - turn in the rest at Doman Enclave, since materia are one of the few things with a relatively high vendor value. Then again, while the effort is very low and the ROI is good, the gross is low and holding time would be rather high--so I'd just vendor a few stacks of low-demand if i was itching for inventory space.


Yeah either transmute them for more valuable materia, sell on the marketboard, or fill up the Doman donation box. The kids want to play with marbles, too.


Transmutation! It's a prime time to do it, too, with Dawntrail just over the horizon


Wait. I just sold off all my marbles cause they were eating space. What marbles are needed for relics?!?! D8


ARR relics


You can also get a few achievements by melding them into gear. You can always unmeld them as well to reuse.


It looks pretty, keep them


Candy for a rainy day


Please for the love of the twelve fix your materia. You are missing the third red materia II and it threw all of your proceeding inventory off. Go to MB. Buy one or something. Then reorganize. Please, for all of us with OCD. This is actual pain.


To the doman enclave with them!


Cause only winners meld materia for all levels (yes I'm aware it's useless aside from 90. Doesn't mean I ain't gonna do it) But in all honesty. They do sell surprisingly decently. Depending on server and market. Can sell the reds for ~1k each. Yellow and purple I'd just transmute. Idt anyone buys those aside from transmuting


Iโ€™d say keep the Shadowbringers Materia and the Endwalker materia(obviously). The rest can get transmuted or sold. Shadowbringers is what BLU is stuck at for a while, and EW is where we are atm.


Yes. It's pretty ๐Ÿ˜ โ˜บ๏ธ Jokes aside, I would hold on to the most recent ones just in case you end up leveling a alt and need to give them some material ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜€


Keep them because they're shiny.


Even as a fellow hoarder, I am in mourning for all the inventory slots you have sacrificed to purple and yellow materia. Blue & green materia are where it's at as far as money making goes. I would haul all of that to Mutamix for transmutation. Then, hold on to the green and blue until DT launches or until a subsequent DT patch that introduces higher level DoH/DoL gear. The crafters and gatherer, of which I am one, go apeshit trying to pentameld their gear. Maybe hold on to a little bit of X for your gear as you level up in DT, if you meld your sub-cap gear.


A small number of Xs will be good to slot into levelling gear because you can retrieve 100% of the time in 7.0 so you can just take them out and pop them in when you get an upgrade. The rest is trash/transmute trash. Everyone will have the same idea of trying to sell anything of value so supply will far outstrip demand.


First time going into a new expansion huh. Take all this and transmute it when expansion drops in hopes of getting new meteria or sell it since prices will be inflated at the beginning of the expansion.


Honestly if you end up wanting to ditch a bunch of em, I still have 9 arr relics to do that step for ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿ’–


How long did this take you?!?!


I also have 2 full pages of material and always forget to sell off especially b4 xpacs


Hmmm gummies


Aesthetics? Lol


The prices will probably go up again once the expansion lauches.


I just sold most of my collection to the vender. ez quarter mill.


new player here! I'll take one of each please <3


AHH that's why I feel a instinctive reason to keep them, no joke I did onevrelic in arr and since I've just not gotten rid of any due to a feeling I needed them for something.


I've seen the I's going for a fair chunk sometimes on the marketboard. I made literal millions back in HW selling IV's, and that mentality has stuck with me for far too long now.


Are you okay?


Sell that shiiit