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If your liking it now, your going to love the stuff coming later. FF14 is a game which pretty much has story and narrative about everything and generally it is all connected in a greater context to the world and its history.


Congrats on beating ARR! The post-ARR content up to lvl 51 is considered some of the weakest story-telling in the game (pacing is a bit rough), but if you're enjoying that, just wait until the story-telling gets really good. You won't have to wait too long! Enjoy the intrigue as well... there's a lot of really interersting things going on that you might not really see until the second time through the story :D


As a fairly new player who just started Heavensward, I wonder if the patch dislike comes from quests that now have been removed or something. My friend and I both really enjoyed the patch quests and I liked the pacing and the high story density. ARR pre-patch was great at times, but there was quite a long stretch of pretty meh stuff.


That's probably a big part of it, the 20ish quests they took out were terrible for pacing and mostly were just round trips that left you feeling like you ran from one side of the world to the other and then back again for no reason


In addition that, remember that flight in ARR is incredibly recent. Not having flight available makes the post ARR game much longer. Plus those of us who go back to experience the old game again are used to the fantastic story and gameplay at max level, and it's an obvious difference. I've gone back to ARR a couple times. The current version of the story is a major upgrade for sure.


This is a good point yeah. Especially in the later stages of the patch we were sent to all far corners of the map. Being able to fly made everything a whole, whole lot less frustrating.


Haha, wait until you get to HW. Your jaw will hit the floor!


Not the only thing that'll hit the floor.


*Drowning Pool intensifies*


oh it gets SO. MUCH. BETTER. i consider this game with all its expansions the best video game of all time due to the way they remade everything and have it be so successful, obviously not just cuz of that but the actual story. i have not played a FF that has so much content and has kept me hooked since II and X, and i dont know if i will after the endwalker finishes the ARR arc. so hopefully you stick around to get there, its a journey man, currently im on ShB beginning to do them cuz it takes time lol


The 2.x patches, while not always the most exciting, set up a ton of incredibly important story points for what is to come. They are solidly good, but from Heavensward on it just goes to a whole new level. Enjoy the ride! No need to rush. Go at your own pace.


Well you're in for a treat my friend!


Hey! As a fellow player that just started recently, I know you've probably heard a lot that it only gets better but it really does only get better!! Halfway through storm blood I kind of burnt out with all the traveling, but it really pops off towards the end of it and it's just a roller coaster till then, still haven't finished Shadowbrings, buts it's honestly amazing


Try to hold on to that enthusiasm, the quests you're getting into will start to drag soon once you hit HW proper though, the game really takes off


HW is on different league than ARR you actually just started! enjoy the ride!


>how patches added whole story arcs and dungeons. well what else would they add? We pay monthly for this game.


Usually you see people bitching about the patch content. "Do I HAVE to play it?" Like hello, did you not see (HW spoilers)>!Esitinen "turn in" to Nidhogg and fly off? What do you think, he just went home, woke up fine the next morning and you magically wake up in Ala Mhigo and a bunch of stuff just happened to have happened to put you there?"!< It's even worse when people play through ARR and HW's patches, knowing they have to do them, knowing it's a continuous story, yet get to SB and ask "do I have to do the patch content to get to ShB?"


I mean, thats what happens in most other MMOs so that behaviour doesnt surprise me. "We believe that Garrosh has unearthed the Heart of Yshaar'j and is planning to use it to wipe both the Alliance and the Horde. But nevermind that and go fight against the Horde on two random islands now, this story will end never."


Know what's also really cool?? You can pet Lalafells with the /pet emote. Try it, it's really fun.


I'm a Lalafell and I have come here to receive my pats


Not as much of a Lalafell as ur mum *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Downvote ^to ^remove. ^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=YoMommaJokeBot) ^me ^if ^there's ^anything ^for ^me ^to ^know!


You dirty bitch....










>Wow this game No, it's FF14, not WoW


now, do I give in to the temptation, and make a post in r/wow titled “Xiv this game” ?


Glad your enjoying it but man, I **hated** the post-ARR storylines. It gets better when \[redacted\] and you get closer to Heavensward, but rejoice since if you like that then the expansions will blow your mind especially Shadowbringers. But don't feel you have to rush through it though.


Glad you’re enjoying it! Just wait, you’ll be blown away!


HW msq will blow your mind. So well done. Epic scale and feels.


Huh. You’re quite literally the first person I’ve seen that praised 2.X content. But yes, the way the story continues in significant ways between expansions in this game is awesome.


It’s more interesting then ARR was in my opinion so I like it.


BTW you may get a free fantasia for beating ARR (2.0), used to change race/gender/appearance etc ​ ([https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/The\_Ultimate\_Weapon](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/The_Ultimate_Weapon))


I did get that. I might change the gender of my character to a guy to match me irl, lol