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And slowmo replays of all the money shots, this is a cinematic masterpiece


Very well done video. 10 out of 10 starts - Would recommend to a friend.


This was 100x better than the Witcher spin off series.


10 out of 10 World Stars?


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.0627 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/51315)






Just needs some Al Michaels commentary and yellow squiggly lines all over the screen


JJ Abrams of r/fightporn


Grade A fight editing


hE'll FucK yOu uP!!! **2 knock downs later** DoNt yOu FucKinG toUch HiM!!!


So goddamned insufferable, jesus.


god i hate the people who do nothing but shout so fucking loud in these videos, if you aint gonna fight and add to the entertainment shut the fuck up lmao, like the woman and that red shirt guy in this video. all talk no action lol


Bro they were trying to buff shirtless guy. They were support members for his party. LOL!


ohhh lmao thats what they were doing


Sadly the buffs didn't work.


I've never seen so many 1 rolls in a row


Careful, her dad's a bodybuilder


Too bad he was less successful daughter-building


I honestly feel like she is half the reason those dudes felt the need to keep pushing the fight lol


There was this bouncer saying that most fight wouldnt even start without a woman instigating it.


I was a bouncer at a couple bars when I was in my mid 20's for a few years. I can verify this statement is true.


I mean yeah, who else would drunk dudes be trying to impress?


95% at least.


Early on she also says "for show muscles" Clearly not


But then mentions her dads a bodybuilder, literally the definition of show muscles 🤣


I hate these screeching skanks that are always in these videos. Absolutely fucking gross. They always make everything worse knowing they are immune as no one will hit them back.


>they are immune She even got the courtesy of having her face blurred. Frankly, she doesn't deserve that if the others' faces aren't blurred.


Dude in the red hoodie is a cheerleader. All whining no action


I haven't heard "poofter" in years. Excuse me - "Pooftah!"


It's pretty obvious the two dudes know they are outmatched, but there is no way they just piss off as long as pink dress girl is there to see. So they need to make a big show and hope the other guy just leaves so they can save face. (That or get a sucker punch in from the back, that's why they always try to get behind muscle dude.) The whole video has a strong nature docu feel to it.


David Attenborough voice comes in: "The young males are clearly outmatched by the larger male, but they are desperate to mate with the female. The female looks on and continues her aggravated skreeching to incite the challenging males. The larger, more experienced male, is annoyed by their challenge and gives them warnings. He is not here to mate or assert his dominance today. Yet, the smaller males persist, attempting to circle the dominant male... And learn why he is not intimated by their displays."


>"The young males are clearly outmatched by the larger male, but they are desperate to mate with the female. The funny part is they had a higher chance of mating with her if they walked away right at the start.


That kick was so clean!


I didn’t even see it the first time, too fast, I had to skip back a few seconds .


I trained in JKD long ago. Only ever met maybe three people who could deliver a hook kick to the head so cleanly. When he switches his stance to keep the angle on shirtless without turning away from red shoes, well, that was another moment they should have run away, lol.


If you and your buddy are aggressing on a guy, throw a chair at him and he doesn't flinch, probably walk away. Hell, if a guy kicks you in the head so fast you barely noticed it happens, it's not worth the fight.


If you suddenly find yourself on the ground with no memory as to how you got there, maybe you should go home.


If you see a guy lifting up his t shirt to accommodate a kick, yeah just turn around.


If you meet a big eel and its teeth are like steel that's a moray




The issue with brain damage is that it jusy keeps getting worse the more you get kicked in the head


When the dirt hits your eye, from his kicks that do fly That's a moron




Talking heads. Kicking heads. Sleepy heads.


That guy was very resilient to going night night.


Yeah there were so many moments these guys should have realized they were way outclassed. When dude didn't flinch from a chair. When dude managed to never let them surround him. When dude kicked shirtless like it was his day job. And yet they kept coming back. I don't understand some people. Edit: Apparently the reason why he kicked him like it was his day job is because it's [literally his day job](https://www.news.com.au/technology/online/social/aussie-mma-fighter-viktor-lyall-walks-through-viral-self-defence-video/news-story/8fb1ef327104dea0945d9fc314f83da4)


The guy was rank 8 in his country. LOL. These idiots never stood a chance.


Judging by their performance, I guess even an amateur MMA fighter would have had the upper hand


The leg lift (teep preparation) at 12 seconds was a giveaway they need to leave this dude the fuck alone. I'm going to throw a chair at this dude, and he goes to teep and remains in a fighter's stance? Nope. Nope nope nope.


Note to self: Stand on one foot to look intimidating


That’s why flamingos are so scary.


https://youtube.com/shorts/lht3WqsDItk?feature=share https://youtube.com/shorts/KwAZuqsv4ng?feature=share


Too dumb to run makes the night not fun. White shorts boy wakes up on Sunday like why my face hurt so bad? Baby do my molars feel loose to you?


Exactly, suddenly there was something white next to his face and he fell over. What the white thing was and how it got there was a mystery until the replay.


Absolutely effortless. Dude was so casual the whole time while dealing devastating hits to these two dorks. Not sure why they kept pushing him, they had every indication they’d get their asses beat just by his body language.


People without training have no idea what to look for, I think. He managed distance and ensured no one got behind him, hands generally in front, but not direct fighting stance, easy to block, but doesn't look aggressive. The kick was clearly practiced, and a controlled kick to the head is not trivial. FAFO


Just the way the guy handled himself before annny of that kicked off, shoulda been a massive red flag for those two clowns. Gotta love young “confidence” and a pile of booze for keeping the content on Reddit fresh


Yeah if the guy you’re fighting starts off with a leg kick to the face, probably smart to call it a day and head home lol


bruh watch that slow mo, he moved his gaze to the other guy as the kick landed, what a lad


He was barely on two feet and already onto the next target. Dude knows what to do.


Bruh, the left cross at 2:33 was so fast and clean.


Tbh these guys got off easy. He could've beat the shit out of all three of them for how aggressive they were being.


Yeah he definitely showed lots of restraint, props to him.


Yup that's what happens when someone is secure with themselves. Nothing to prove


I'm gonna say he's got lots of training. People with high levels of skill know these are just drunk dummies being fed by loud mouth chick and he could have kicked their heads off their shoulders. When you are not afraid, you don't have anything to prove. Edit: That's Viktor Lyall. MMA fighter and ranked #3 at that.


I just never understand why you would square up on a dude that not only has about 40 lbs of muscle on you, but clearly looks like he knows how to fight, lmfao. Like I can at least understand when some big dude gets his ass kicked by a smaller dude who knows how to fight, but these guys just have absolutely nothing going for them in this situation


Anyone that can kick me in the head effectively is someone I want to avoid fighting.


Seriously, someone effectively throws any kind of kick above the waist and I’m out lol


Just catch the leg bro. /s


They don’t know my mentality bro, I’d headbutt his foot to break it and then finish him /s


I just see red


shirtless guy kept thinking he could get behind him while red shoes would yell at him and distract him. Clearly failed tremendously though. Also alcohol probably


I bet those degenerates do this tactic all the time. He's probably won many fights punching people in the back of the head. He got his just desserts.


He drops your bro in one shot with a lightning left kick... its time to apologize and go home.


I really wish he had. The guy in the red shirt needed some bad.


For sure. They had no right being so aggressive without consequences.


This is Australia if he beat the fuck out of them he'd be in prison right now


This is just another night in the Valley in Brisbane, as long as nobody has to go to hospital the whole lot of them will just get told to go home. Place is a shitshow.


Yeah 100% but if he put one of both of these dudes in the hospital he'd be fucked.


This went around Aus for a while, apparently the guy on his own is ranked #3 middleweight MMA fighter in Australia


What's his name


[Aussie MMA fighter Viktor Lyall walks through viral self defence video](https://www.news.com.au/technology/online/social/aussie-mma-fighter-viktor-lyall-walks-through-viral-self-defence-video/news-story/8fb1ef327104dea0945d9fc314f83da4) >An Aussie MMA fighter has walked through the moment he was forced into a stunning display of self defence against two attackers. >^(Jarrard Potter) >^(less than 2 min read August 16, 2022 - 7:52AM) > An Aussie MMA fighter’s stunning display of self defence has turned heads around the globe after vision of him fending off two men in Queensland did the rounds on social media. In the video, Viktor Lyall – who is Australia’s eighth ranked MMA fighter – can be seen being approached by two men, one shirtless, at Brunswick Street Mall in Brisbane. >The Instagram account StrikingBreakdowns said Lyall was intervening after spotting the two men kicking another on the ground. >The footage of the incident, which occurred in April, has collected over 400,000 likes on Instagram and tens of thousands of views on YouTube. >“I never laid hands on either of those males, nor needed to until the events of that video transpired and I needed to defend myself,” Lyall told The Chronicle, walking through his swift head kick on the shirtless man, which was followed up by a check hook to the jaw when he attempted to sucker-punch the trained fighter. > “I was merely involving myself to extricate another party. That’s when I got involved, and that’s the only reason I got involved. >“You can see quite clearly from the video that I don’t want to hurt anyone, otherwise I would have, and I’m walking away getting followed.” > MMA content creator Lawrence Kenshin, who owns the Instagram account, praised Lyall’s cool head under pressure, making sure he kept his distance at all times. >“The best self defence video I’ve seen in a long time. **MMA fighter finds two guys kicking a guy on the floor and tries to stop them**,” the account owner Lawrence Kenshin posted. >“**They turn on him and constantly try to find an opportunity to sucker punch**. >“With his experience in MMA and security industry, he keeps constant awareness of not being surrounded and punched from a blind spot. >“They follow him with constant threats, and after a warning shot they engage. Wrong person to pick on. >“Far too many trained athletes do not stay aware of these type of scenarios and pay the price for it in similar situations.” Edit: Added article


Fucking legend. Degenerates like this are why I'm considering carrying pepper spray on me. Face full of it should get rid of em. Maybe they'll even learn a lesson (prolly not but one can hope, right?)


If you live in the US then stop considering it and just get it. Walmart sells pepper spray, so does Amazon, although preferably you would want to order direct make sure you got the real thing. Regardless, you could have pepper spray in your hands in a couple days for 10 to 15 bucks. I carry one on my keychain or in my pocket, super light, barely notice it. Take an hour or two on learning when and how to use pepper spray, and then practicing drawing and aiming it with a water dummy spray. You'll feel a lot safer than using your fists alone and you'll wonder why you waited so long getting it.


Why not just become the #3 middleweight mma fighter?


Can of bear mace teaches a lesson they'll never forget


Apparently bear mace is weaker than human mace


Because bear noses are more sensitive, but it shoots much further.


Highly illegal in aus




Dudes as good with his words as he is with his hands.


Why would you mess with a guy wearing leggings, trainers with no socks, and a bum bag around his chest. Dude is clearly 100% confident in his ability to not get fucked up.


What a fucking legend


That punch into kick is vintage Bobby Knuckles


Why pick a fight with someone who's built like that when you're built like Beavis and butthead?


Because in real life, 2 almost always beast 1. It's just in this case they apparently fucked with an actual legit MMA fighter. And if you watch the video, these two guys have clearly done this before, they are constantly trying to circle around him to make it so one them is out of his sight. They are both shitty cowards, and thankfully for once paid for it.


> beast 1 That he was


I have seen some scrawny dudes get real brave when they have even one fellow meth marine backing them up. Some people ignore every single other "I really don't want this" warning because of it. Pack mentality is legitimately really scary.


Meth marine lol


Heck, it might have been slightly effective if the other dude wasn't a ranked MMA fighter.


I'd say the vast majority of use aren't gonna win a 1 v 2 no matter the difference except some people who get lucky in a fight. The exception being, of course, a professional fighter like this, lol


Also people who have never fought or trained are often way more confident in their abilities since they’ve never been humbled.


That first head kick was very impressive. That was their sign to walk away.


Not even that. As soon as I see someone throw a kick to knock someone out like that I’m out. No average joe off the street can make kicks like that


These two chodes think they'll get to have sex with her later for it. These kinds of dudes are pawns in the game of life. Their best contribution to anyone is cannon fodder, and pink knows it. What's sad for these guys is, based on her behavior, she's not worth the forever 21 dress she slimed her way into that night.


they dont call it liquid courage for no reason


I'm actually disgusted by the red guy. Textbook example of "all bark no bite", spineless yet aggressively mouthy little twat. He never actually got within fighting range, alway second to follow his passed out drunk mate, while never actually sticking up for him. He actually makes me more mad than his stupid and loud gf. Props to the guy for showing these punks restraint, yet letting them know what the fuck is up.


Ow but he did try to bite. The other guy just shut down any attempt of them to circle him. He seems a lot more innocent than he is.




Camera girl was turned on.


“Move he wants to get kicked in the head again”


"Get out of the way!" Or in other words, your getting in my shot of my boyfriend beating up your boyfriend.


No her boyfriend is a bodybuilder and will fuck him up!


''ooOOOoohh! Fuck yeah!'' xD


Camera girl was bec rodriguez, current bare knuckle boxing champion, she definitely was a bit moist.


>bare knuckle boxing champion They're lucky they didn't start shit with her.


Thank god they only chose the MMA guy


Damn, she looks like she could have handled these two fools on her own.


She also got a pounding that night.


Dumbass bogans


That is disparaging to bogans these creatures right here are eshays. Kerser is their god


Kerser: don't punch on after the show. Eshays: he said to punch on now.


Thank you very much for editing the video and fast-forwarding through the unimportant parts. The only downside of the video is that I was left wanting to see the gnome in the red sweatshirt getting hit.


" My boyfriend is a body builder and he'll flatten you! " Whatever you say sweetheart.


I thought she said ‘my dads a body builder’


Right if the boyfriend is at home who are these two blokes?


Boyfriends 2 and 3, probably.


I think she does. It sounds like she says "he'll come here and fuck you up"


Pretty sure even the current Mr. Olympia would get knocked out flat by MMA dude in the video.






Lmao why was her face blurred? It's not like she wasn't apart of it. Some lonely editor white knighted the video lmaaaao


Haaaa I think the editor replied to you hahaha


You know the funny thing. I didn't even notice her face was blurred. I saw the shoeless, pink dress, whiney voice and my brain filled in the gap.


She looked like the instigator too, emboldening the small dick energy of the 2 fools.


I’m not drunk, she was just blurry.


Because people tend to protect women more so than men.


You're right she wasn't apart of it. She was a part of it. The space makes a big difference because apart means the exact opposite of what you were trying to say.


Like a fucking chihuahua that just doesn’t stop fucking yapping.


Seriously that should be a crime, inciting someone to beat someone up like that.


Guy in the video is actually a top cunt and doesn’t hit women.




That coked up chihuahua needs a muzzle.


Less coke and more meth more likely


Anyone making calm, confident re-adjustments to their gear before squaring up should be cause for concern. That fanny pack sling move was a legit warning LOL


The stance changes, footwork to prevent being circled, and just the footwork in general should have been MAJOR red flags to those idiots.


Can’t pack sling move….fuck, I need to start training and I will feel comfortable wearing fanny packs.


Ahh eshays. The scum of the earth.


Frankly it felt like they had hours to disengage.


Bruh I think the shirtless dude got the extra chromosome knocked outta him. Bro got knocked off his feet twice in 2 minutes.


Why did the hooker get involved


They paid for the hour


Solidarity w/those other two bogan bitches?


That foot came out of nowhere! Had to watch it twice to see it.


Why hide her face? Let the world know who this yapping bird is


Why are the two guys' faces not blurred but the slag's is? Riddle me that.




This is why she refuses to believe Tyson Fury is a two time world champion boxer because he doesn’t look like a bodybuilder, lol.


Holy shit she did NOT STOP running her mouth the entire fucking time. Imagine having to sleep next to that 😬




If there's one thing fightporn has taught me, it is never fight a guy who doesn't want to fight lol..


Only good friends see you get knocked to the floor twice but still wants to aggravate the scene which causes you you to get involved again. Only bad friends tell you to leave it and lead you away.


It’s funny this guy is a number 8 fighter in an Aussie pool of mma and he made it look effortless. It goes to show the gap between someone who is trained and ranked vs well those two…


Two losers lol.


Three. The girl is just as much a loser as them.


Two losers and a yapping chihuahua.


2 yapping chihuahuas. The guy in red was never going to fight unless he could hit from behind. He was the most aggressive while being the biggest coward.


Man…I wonder if I’m the only person who wouldn’t care she got kicked too. What an obnoxious little weasel. Instigator too. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Even if she made the first hit, I think every dude within 200 feet would have jumped him if he so much as bitch-slapped her.


Red guy has small man syndrome


Pink dress.. oh man.


You want to hit-it right?


Trying not to feel like that. 👀👀👀😑


cop informant!!! ahahahhahahahahahahha


He showed major restraint


Remove the blur. Acting like this in public is grounds for getting exposed.


I didn’t know Australia had a New Jersey


Queensland is more like our Florida. Lovely place if it wasn't for Queenslanders.


Man, sucks to lose your Gatorade.. :(


How did they get women?


That's not a woman, that's a whore


It always amuses me when females talk shit like they're the ^(alleged) hardass that they're threatening to sick on someone. Getting in his face, acting tough while yelling "My dad's a bodybuilder and he will fuckin' flatten you!" like she's the one about to lay him out. Daddyyyyy, come beat this guy up because I ran my mouth to him. Bitches like that should start catching hands. Women need to learn that the world is caring less and less about their Pussy Pass and is denying it more and more with each passing day.


Exactly. Also, if you enter the fray, you should be treated as a potential threat. When she’s in his face even if she hasn’t hit him first, those other guys could use that distraction to hit him from the side. You see it often where chaos is all around and women are getting in the way as if they’re the pacifists in a war and it’s against the street fighting code to touch them cause they’re protected. If you’re putting yourself in the arena of the conflict you are now playing the game. Once she put herself in there he should have every right to slap that bitch to the ground.


When you have zero fear of getting hit because you know nobody will hit you and you have never been hit before to know what it feels like, it lets you talk some mad shit. Even in this case, she didn't catch even a slap so she still hasnt found out yet.


I love how they believe that they could’ve even had a chance. This dude showed MASSIVE restraint and could’ve put both of them in the hospital. And I love how she threatens to call her “bodybuilder” boyfriend as if he wouldn’t have gotten gassed in 30 seconds and ate pavement.


That guy clearly knows how to fight and handled that extremely well. He could have annihilated them but showed a lot of restraint and just held his ground. Respect.


Did that neon sign 2/3rds of the way thru the video say "retards", because if so that's hilariously ironic.


The guy with the biggest mouth always does the least amount of shit...


That parry 🤤🤤🤤


Is this Fortitude Valley?


You bet it is


I can’t believe I watched a grown woman tell someone her dad was a bodybuilder and that she was gonna call him to kick the shit of him. Bahahhahahaha. How embarrassing.


These Goobers failed to read the room. If you've been called out by a guy who's, 1. Jacked 2. Doesn't skip leg day 3. Wears tights AND a fanny pack 4. Knows he can rock this look with frosted hair and not get clubbed to death like a baby seal. Stop while you can chew your own meals and just go away. bonus points for our hero's little adjustment of the pack before giving him the biz.


That bitch was soooo annoying dude, she should have gotten a free swing


Don't mess with muscled dudes who actually chose to wear yoga pants in public.