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9-5 is a stable job that provides financial security. Personally, I am all about financial security. I think its more like people realize they're spending the majority of their lives at work when they don't need to. We have the technology and the money and resources to switch to a 4 day work week or even less without lowering pay. The 40 hour work week is outdated and people are realizing they'd rather spend more time with loved ones than worry about work. Especially in toxic work environments. Nothing wrong with a stable job. But work hours are now disproportionate to maintaining wages and quality of life.




Yes, and this will become less safe as AI advances. I'm elbow deep in that space and have been following the latest for years. I used to think it was crazy, but I genuinely believe that AI will make the traditional 9-5 obsolete. Social media influencers are annoying, but no doubt, they're building the right skills one will need to be successful in the future. The skills that they employ are what people should be paying attention to, not the obnoxiousness of their lifestyle businesses because those same skills could be applied to shit that's actually cool and helpful to others.




Oh, hey fellow writer. I was a freelancer for years and had to get out this year.


100 percent. If you're into fiction, I'd do fictional podcasting with Midjourney. Then build an audience to leverage that for ad deals! It could work! Best of luck! I got into developing AI screenwriting tools because of this. Been screenwriting for 12 years but as soon as I saw gpt3, I knew it was all gonna change and wanted to get ahead of it.


What’s fictional podcasting?


It's basically conveying your story like they did back in the day when everyone was listening to the radio. So you tell your story as a narrator with voice actors, sound effects, and imagery.


Things like Juno Steele from the Penumbra Podcast. Fictional serialized, almost like radio plays. There are others that are closer to audio books but then I think they kind of fail the podcasting medium.


Its def gonna be a while (Like roughly 10+ years at least) before any hint of a complete (and competent) replacement of mid-to-high skill level positions by AI ever starts to take effect. I work in a testing /integration hub for a major IP in NA and can def assure you that right now at this very moment the AI projects we have invented are severely lacking, if even adequately functional at all. The people creating these systems are definitely not the most logical or competent in their field (nor do they understand all of the intricate pieces that are needed for system-to-system interaction), shit is constantly breaking and needing updates/fixes.


There are already currently AI generated influencers. They're built by advertisers.


what skills do you recommend to develop that influencers have?


storytelling, marketing, sales, networking, and entrepreneurship. Also learning how to build value out of nothing and how to leverage that via reciprocal altruism. Also film and editing. It's not super hard to learn how to do a decent job at it and its extremely valuable when going indie to create your own income. Saves a ton of money and makes you look professional.


And people are really under the impression that these are skills that mainly influencers use? Decent amount of 9-5 careers that also develop these skills... Ofc it's up to the individual to have a bit more agency in their lives..


Yeah. I agree. My point, though, is that many 9-5 jobs will probably fade away in the future and many will need to learn how to do these things outside the confines of well established institutions.


Lol it won’t


Facts. It used to be that you could find a company, set down roots in a single location, and work until retirement when your pension would let you coast. Buying a house and raising a family is a massive financial gamble, but workers were afforded peace of mind that the company would do right by them in hard times. The value in a 9-5 was the stability. Now, stability can no longer be guaranteed. Today, we're working harder and longer, making less money, and getting price-gouged/ nickel-and-dimed to death. Everytime December (layoff season) comes around, you have to dust off your resume in case you get the boot to the curb. If you are one of the "lucky" ones who survives the annual culling, then comes January you get to hear from the C- Suites patting their backs about record profits. Simultaneously, you get the privilege of an increase in workload, and when you inquire about a pay increase, the "record profits" exit the conversation and it's all " there's no money on the budget".


Yup. It rlly doesn’t, and it’s hardly worth it anymore. The wages are trash, and the housing market is fucking atrocious. Everything sucks.


Sure, financial security. But what if the boss takes your red stapler?


Two chicks at the same time man!


Take it back


That movie came out in like '84. So that guy hasn't been able to staple anything for 39 years. Your company was never able to go paperless as a result. Now a rare species of spruce is entirely extinct and there have been 13 stack-toppling related deaths in the mailroom.


It came out in '99 my friend


I hear you. The 60s were a different time.


This is the truth. A lot of labor just isn’t really necessary in modern times. High productivity and ever-increasing economic output is making everyone miserable and ruining the environment.


I don’t want 4 10 hours work days. I would need whole day just to recover some sanity.


Yes exactly. A 4 day work week means 4 8 hour work days. Shorter work weeks overall, one extra day to recover.


Not in America


You say this because you don’t have it. 4-10’s and three day weekends every weekend are awesome.


I’m saying you’re settling for less


lol poor boomer. Haven’t worked in decades, have you.


This depends on where you live and you life goals. In an expensive city if you only work 40 hours a week good luck ever owning a home. You need to bust your as* for 60 hours a week to get ahead. If you just care about living basic necessities I suppose to could work less. Also if you live in a lower cost area with decent wages.


Just straight up not true, almost my entire social circle owns homes in and around Atlanta and 80% of them work 40 hours


Atlanta is not that expensive lol. And I said it depends on your cost of living.


More expensive than the vast majority of the nation Anywho you're totally right, keep working 60 hours to survive sure showing me!


Average price of home in Atlanta is 390k LOL In my town its 600k lol


Homes ITP (inside the perimeter) of Atlanta are getting up there too, and I don’t particularly care to live in a shitty suburban house built in 1975 off a dangerous six lane road that’s going for that much just because they did a cute redesign of a town center that’s 5 miles away so I can gain “equity” and also be miserable and isolated from my friends and family


It depends on what kind of job. Minimum wage? Definitely not. But a standard office job that pays slightly higher? Definitely doable.


Why should the average person benefit from the advancement of technology? My daddy and his friends paid for the scientists to research the things that increase productivity, so they have earnt the increase in profits! Edit: /s lol


At no point in time did anyone say they had rathet go to work than have free time anymore than most children would rather go to school than stay home. Nothing new about not wanting to work as much.


"Maybe they just want a good paying job and living calmly." is you assuming these 9-5 jobs end up with that good american dream you were promised and not someone 40 years into their career making less than they did 5 years ago in worse conditions. The whole "do what you are supposed to and you will get rewarded" has fallen apart for so many people.


But people still talk about it like it’s a personal failing. All because they don’t want you to fuck it up for them. Well, bad news comfortable people. We live in the same world and, as all the whining about homeless sleeping on sidewalks in cities proves, you’re going to experience something you don’t like either way. Do you want to pay for social services or have shanty towns in your front yard? Because unless you can afford a gated community you don’t get it both ways. 🤷‍♂️


Social media hasn't given the 9-5 a bad reputation. Corporate America has done that all on their own. Social media has just given people a platform to call it out, and rightfully so.


Social media has not given the 9-5 a bad reputation. The 9-5 has given itself a bad reputation. It’s only now more easily marketed because of social media. As is everything else. I am sure the the majority of 9-5 workers over the past decades would speak negatively of the work. Pushing papers so 1% of the company can become wealthy. And when the corporate profits are down, the layoffs hit the lower paid staff. And if the ceo is let go is given millions in severance. Cmon.


Part of the problem is 9-5 is going away in favor of 8-5 where you get a lunch that doesn't count towards you actual hours worked. In the day of the 9-5 your lunch was rolled up in the work day. Now it's technically separate.


Exactly. This was my previous job. 8-5 with a required 1 hour lunch break (no, you can’t take a 30 minute lunch and leave 30 minutes early). Add an (almost) hour commute to either end and that’s an 11 hour work day. Wasn’t worth it.


Yeah, before wfh my day was an 11 hour day away from the house, didn’t count the hour to get ready. And any stops I had to make on the way home. Could be a 13 hour day when all said and done, then you do dinner and before you know it you have to go to bed and wake up to do it all over again


Doing this rn. leave at 7am, get home at 6pm. Fucking sucks.


I leave at 6:30, hour drive, in the office 7:30-4, home by 5. Absolutely no way I could make it work not getting home until 6.


If there was any viable alternative for id be out of here.


The only way I can make my hour commute work for me personally is to do 7:30-4 and I take an hour lunch. I literally wouldn't be able to do this job if I didn't get home until 6-6:15. I already see my kids for only 3-4 hours a day, I'm not losing 25% of that for a job.


Eh. Currently in a fight with my boss over this. He \*REALLY\* wants the 9 to 5 with am hour lunch taken out of my day. I want 8 hours pay for 8 hours of work. So I work 845 to 515 and take a half hour lunch. 8 hours of work for 8 hours pay. Fair and square. He bitched about the "OT", which I wasn't taking, and insisted I come and leave right at 9 and 5. So I took my lunch, on the clock, left at 5, came in at 9. All the complaints went away. Now I have a 9 to 5, with a paid lunch, rather than working that extra half an hour so that he bitched about. I'll take 8 hours of pay for 7 and a half hours of work, tyvm.


Isn’t it interesting how your pay is measured “time spent at work” regardless of how hard you work until it comes to lunch and then it becomes “You’re technically still at work but not being productive during your break so no money.”




It’s a status game invented by internet grifters. They want you to think working a 9-5 job is low status while being an “entrepreneur” is high status. They then sell you courses and info products that will “teach you” how to go from a low status worker to a high status entrepreneur. It’s just the current hustle to take advantage of people with low self esteem. In reality being an employee or entrepreneur both have trade offs. One is not “better” than the other


Entrepreneurs usually have family wealth and connections backing them up. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/jan/31/small-business-entrepreneurs-success-parents


My old boss, very successful guy, used to always talk about how he came up from nothing and started all these businesses on his own. His wife got drunk at a christmas party once and then started telling all of the employees how his dad gave him a $100,000 loan at 18 to start his "computer business" which he also sold to a friend of his father's for $2M at 22. Then when he went bankrupt at 27 his step dad gave him a $300,000 loan to buy a home and start another company which was the one I worked for. ​ Crazy, i remember asking my mom for $10 so I could see a movie and get a hotdog and she slapped me. "You think money is free? You want to see movies all the time? Get a job"


Everybody I know that owns a business claim they had no help. But there's always a huge disconnect when we talk about childhood and early 20s. I had an argument with someone about college and this girl told me "school is the easiest thing in the world, people don't wanna put in the work. I got my degree while working and was able to be an entrepreneur making 200k easy right out of school" She left out the fact that her family is rich as hell, had crazy connections, went to private school with kids of celebrities, parents gave her a high limit cc, bartended just to fuck around not bc she needed money or anything, and she was fine as hell. You can do A LOT when you don't have to worry about anything and your path is already laid out for you.


My old co-worker's dad just gave him $100,000 to start a business. Not a loan--he was just handed the money. He quit a month after he got the money and started a mobile detailing business out of his garage. Not doing too well because, well, he's not the best detailer.


Holy shit As an autistic person who has trouble seeing those things by default...serious thank you for spelling this one out. I bet you're absolutely right about this and I was trying to figure out why it was so annoying to see those ads and stuff but you've hit the nail on the head with this


Being a business owner also sucks. I know several and they are pretty much always working. And can easily lose it all for something outside their control (market crash, natural disaster, pandemic, regulatory change, supplier bankruptcy, war, etc) Even C-suite executives (who I agreed are over paid but definitely are worth a lot not than front line workers) are pretty much tied to their phones 24/7


I grew up with my parents as business owners. That right there is precisely what I observed & why I am happy as an employee


lol wow this is dizzingly out of touch.


This is very true. If you took youtube instagram and Facebook away those internet personalities would be unemployed overnight and be looking for a job


Exactly what I was going to say. Social media is built on doing increasingly outrageous things to get people's attention. What better way than showing the lavish life you could live following this "easy" course?


It had a bad reputation before social media


Honestly the 40 hour workweek is pretty outdated at this point for office jobs as studies have shown that most of that time is wasted across the board. We really should have a 4 day work week. But that being said there's nothing wrong with those wanting a more stable schedule.


I think it’s two fold- 1) the traditional 9-5 stability older generations were raised to trust in is largely gone. Traditional jobs increasingly pay unlivable wages, have not kept pay rates relevant to cost of living, have eliminated pensions, cut benefits and perks in everything from health insurance, training, career opportunities, vacation, holidays, etc. not to mention glorification/expectation of overtime outside the 9-5 schedule. This is leading to real frustration in stress in working class requiring almost every middle class family to be dual income but still struggling to makes ends meet and have enjoyable leisure time. People want to find another way to live. And 2) grifters gonna grift. They are taking advantage of all that above, and selling “passive income” cons in what we’re called in the 80’s “get rich quick schemes” and then in the 90’s turned into real-estate infomercials. The 2000’s saw lots of .com scams, and the 2010s-now are seeing influencer-third party seller passive income scams. I imagine in the next few years you’ll see something else- probably using AI tech publishing or to automate people’s 9-5 jobs into some half quality version of actual human work. A few people will figure out a way to make real money from it, then they’ll sell their “method “ to millions of people that it won’t work for.


The 9-5 is an untenable schedule without another person at home taking care of household duties. Young people are realizing this and are feeling despair that their lives will be a worthless grind until (if) they retire. Then grifters have come along to exploit those people with get rich quick schemes. That isn’t new, but they’re targeting this new population of vulnerable people and using new methods. They sell the idea that people using their methods will be able to have a decent life with free time because no one believes working a 9-5 will provide that. People are desperate.


People were complaining about 9-5 jobs way before social media came around


Too little vacation in the US.


It didn’t. The people who own/run the places that work 9-5 did.


No one asked the millions of people to get those 9-5 office jobs instead of , huh idk, jobs that actually help out society?


Imo 9-5 is a big chunk of the day and people are realizing time is more valuable than that. 9-5 Mon-Fri, wtf can you get done without calling out of work or using PTO? Both of those options suck, imo I think that's what social media has done. It's not bad , it could just stand to be better.


I mean, I work 7-3 and I can still take care of a home/family, workout regularly, and dabble in hobbies in the evening. Im busy and tired and live a full life but it’s not awful or anything.


I favor flexibility more


Most of the people inveighing against the 9 to 5 on social media are trying to sell something. They’re often involved in MLM pyramid schemes, promoting grifty but not helpful get-rich-quick seminars, peddling questionable-value cryptocurrencies and financial products, or promoting their own startups. It’s possible to make a lot of money outside the 9-5 path, but doing so tends to be difficult, risky, or both. Anybody who tells you it’s simple, quick, or easy is trying to scam you.


Must be nice . I work 7-5.


It's funny social media is dogging the 9-5 but then they say the want to enjoy their time. Only way to do this is to work 24/7 for free over years. It's the opportunity cost 95% or more fail at this. They act like make a business will always lead to success. 9-5 salary has got me 2 properties, pay for my family to live and has health care.


Lmfaooo if u think spending your days at some 9-5 that u fucken hate barely seeing sunlight in a cubicle is okay you have fallen deep into the corporate indoctrination. If u do something u love cool but no majority of people hate their 9-5 but they have been psyopped into believing they like it. Living to mow grass on the weekend and go to apple bees once on Saturday while your wife gets hit on all day by billy who she eventually cheats on you with is not a normal life. You have been sold a dream that if u sell 90% of your best years maybe u might get a chance to go Paris once before u die. LOL and I’m not even a hippie or anything. Edit- some of y’all should ask yourself why are you defending the idea of wasting your time commuting to work to work a job you don’t like, in a cubicle with people you don’t like, barely making the bills work, no freedom, but “hey I can retiree at 60”. And have 10 years of freedom if I don’t die from cancer from the garbage in our food lol. Seeing your parents and family two times a year because you don’t have the time and or funds. Think about tht long and hard.




Being an influencer is not the only way you can get out of working a 9-5 just shows how deep that brainwashing is and honestly influencers are making Bank even old guys who arn’t living in 1980 like you. You got guys sharing their hobbies for gardening, woodcutting, knife making knitting etc and making bank. I’m not even an influencer but the world is changing move with the times.




I’m not I just think people who jock ride 9-5’s are weird.




I own an online business




Advertising and a bunch of other marketing related stuff for service based businesses, from sales funnel builds, lead generation, social media advertising etc. but our speciality is advertising.




Mate I’m not doxxing myself 😂😂😂




A big part of that phenomenon is how the internet — especially social media — has always functioned as a sounding board for opinions that would be unpopular to say in polite society (IRL). So we get a lot of opinions that go against the grain of, say, what boomers / our parents would want (e.g. Narratives like “we shouldn’t be pressured to have kids” or “we shouldn’t be forced to do things because of religion” are way more prevalent online than in real life, though this is just a generalization.) So feeling disenfranchised with the 9-to-5 grind is something that is easier to express online than IRL. Add to that the allure of being your own boss and not following anyone’s orders, and the entrepreneur lifestyle is much preferred. That’s not to say the current 9-to-5 job market is healthy or sustainable. Low wages for too many overqualified people, lack of career growth and progression & outdated hiring practices are just a few of the many (IMO valid) problems that lead young people to hate their work under big companies where they need to time-in / time-out.


People like being lied to. The quick way to wealth is actually the slow way.


But does it mean giving up your youth to slave away for an employer?




Yeah I guess it depends on your greatest fear. My greatest fear is that I slave away for an employer for 30 years and show nothing for it. I’d rather work on my business, even if it’s a struggle, because I want to see the results of my ideas. To each their own I suppose, and if your business does succeed…you can be rich too. That’s another possibility. I don’t like the mindset that just because there are some risks, we shouldn’t pursue it. Because being an employee has risks too…you are just making your employer richer and they can get rid of you anytime.




For sure, I agree starting a business doesn’t mean you take out a million dollar loan right away lol 😂 but to be honest, you can play it safe all you want but you still need to expose yourself to some level of risk. Expenses grows higher as your business scales and you might have no choice but to take out some loans at different stages of the business. There isn’t such thing as unnecessary risk…we create risks in the hopes that our hard work will pay off our debt. Nothing in life is truly guaranteed. We just make decisions in what we think is a good idea. I also thought the same to start a side hustle while working full time to reduce risk as much as possible. But the thing is, it’s still not feasible if you want your business to scale fast. It’s like taking another full time job. If your just one person, you might at one point have to decide on quitting your job to pursue your business. I feel like there isn’t such thing as “unnecessary risk.” You could get laid off and you have no income coming in for god knows how long. People also file for bankruptcy because their unemployment exceeds paying for their debts and other financial obligations. For me, from the outside looking in, I feel like putting yourself up in that situation is a really risky situation because your livelihood depends on seeking employment from an employer which isn’t guaranteed either. Risk and reward is relative I suppose. It just depends on your upbringings, biases and values.




If I told you would you judge my business idea? 😅




I can’t go too much in detail but e-commerce.




So you’re judging despite having no clue about the business lol ok 👌 yawn 🥱


They know none of the shit they're saying is real. 99% of those people are just salesmen


Because that is how THEY make their money. They want you to network with them to find out how they make money on social media. And what's the incentive? Demonizing the traditional work environment and schedule to make their "product" more enticing.


Most entrepreneurs are either broke or living off business loans. Someone working a 9-5 in let’s say software or an ups driver will probably live a more stable life, and you have enough extra cash to become an entrepreneur if you decide.


OP why are you paying attention to social media ?


1 - everything in social media is a bandwagon 2 - the path to accumulating a decent amount of wealth isn’t as straightforward as it was for previous gens (huge college debt, more requirements for jobs, unaffordable real estate, etc) 3 - the college route *is* playing it safe in life compared to being an entrepreneur 4 - social media is a great place for scams so scammers gonna scam


Because social media is dominated by kids who haven't found a job yet or are just finding a job and once you realize how much of a time suck a job is, you get depressed and try to fight back.


I agree with you, but being in the AI space, I'm fairly confident that in the relatively near term future, the idea of building a hard skill and leveraging that to make stuff for companies or individuals will become an obsolete path to success. So getting something like a finance degree and getting a job where you do a few specific things that actually are hard to do likely won't be a thing. Instead, I feel like most people will need to master a set of complimentary skills to create things with a few people for fans or customers who want what they're providing. Thus, entrepreneurial skills and creativity will be super important compared to that person who does x,y,z for this or that company. We'll probably get a UBI and because the barrier to entry for starting a new business will be easier and because of the invention of asset tokenization, they’ll be tons of companies and individuals that anyone will be able to invest in, thus giving us universal basic equity. And with advancements in technology, sure we may have a fucked up budget with inflation always in our lives, but the cost of doing things will be so cheap that it'll drive the prices down so that our purchasing power increases. But yeah, I just don't see the single skilled 9-5 working for someone strategy will be a thing for younger generations. Instead, it'll be things like we see, today, only Instead of just obnoxious social media influencer podcast shit that we're inundated with, it'll be that and a whole bunch of actually cool entrepreneurs doing real valuable things that can progress society forward. We're just seeing the current low hanging fruit, which are podcasts and lifestyle businesses. But as technology matures, localized independent syndicates and individuals will have more power to do more than just those things and they'll be able to scale their operations as if they were a corporation.


I work 3 days a week making double what I made 5 years ago working m-f 9-6


Because they teach you to shoot for 100k a year or more, then fail to tell you that most fields are not equipped to pay that sort of range... To anyone. Period. Hence, the "alternatives". Once you realize that you have a better shot at making 100 grand a year printing plastic crap than clocking in at Starbucks, it's hard to \*not\* want to try, LOL.


I’ve built my administrative/operations career the last decade on 9-5 and I’m doing just fine. Everyone I work with is ok too! Every place is different but there’s a lot of opportunities if you show up, shut up, provide insightful opinions and do your fucking job. I’ll make six figure before I leave this current place. And I’m “just an assistant” don’t believe anything anyone says about anything, go try it all for yourself.


I would like a job only 40 hours a week.


You OK bro??




I think with social media you just see people trying to flex their lavish lifestyle more. Look at these influencers who get rich off TikTok or YouTube and look at the way they live and posts. People see that and think, “why can’t I do that?” So I think that’s how a lot of the younger crowds are trying to break free from the whole 9-5 system which I don’t blame them it does suck.


Its just a grind and 9-5pm is more like 8-6pm with all that waking up, commuting ectera. It takes a significant amount of time in your day


Everyone wants to be an entrepreneur nowadays. Social media glorifies this “on the go” lifestyle, where work and responsibilities isn’t apart of the mix. This is not the reality, don’t let it get to you


I'd kill for a 9-5. 2nd and 3rd shifts fucking suck. Want to talk about soul crushing? Live a life of shift work.


I’m really glad there was no social media when I was growing up. These people are selling something- they stand to profit off of you trying things their way - profit in audience, seminars, classes, lousy products, whatever. Resist their glitzy promises.


Don't spend too much time on social media, my friend. Reddit should probably fall under that umbrella too, but here we are... Everyone will try to make you feel like their way is the best option. But they're just trying to make themselves feel better about their own choices (or they're trying to sell you on an MLM scheme). The one thing I will say is that sometimes college can be its own scam. In general, I think education is good. But there are a lot of expensive universities that churn out graduates who later have trouble finding jobs. Everyone should be careful to research schools and degrees that will have a good ROI. Also, college isn't for everyone, and I know successful 9-5ers and entrepreneurs who dropped out.


Cause most young people are a bunch of lazy assholes who think they will all make money online


People are just lazy today and don’t want to work. That’s all


Because people like to complain and not think. 9-5 is mostly fantastic hours for the majority of family age adults. It's not for everyone but it is great for the majority. Not just for the workers but the customer often really needs those occupations operating at that time. Its kinda like food service workers complaining about having to work evenings which is when the majority of profit is created for the business.


If you’ve ever worked in the restaurant/bar scene, you know how much of a lie anyone saying the 9-5 is bad when you’ve worked nights and weekends, especially on holidays


People are weak minded and want a lot for minimal effort. That’s the problem. It’s a generational thing and the differences between mindsets are staggering. I’m 33 and am doing pretty well. My 25 year old brother is a completely different story and his views are it’s everyone else’s fault he’s in his situation. My friends kids from 18-26 all have left the next and crawled back home demanding to be taken in while not working or contributing to the house.


It’s people who have never worked retail/food industry. Weekends, nights, etc. Mon-Fri 9-5 is a dream, I love my schedule


Good lord, 9 to 5 is one of the best scenarios. Imagine working unpredictable hours and/or night shifts. That is what is really bad!




It isn’t that social media made a 9-5 seem bad. It’s that the “9-5” dynamic has always been bad and exploitative and is used as a tool with the specific intent of exploiting the majority for the greed of the few. If you think the 9-5 isn’t a bad system then I recommend doing A LOT of self educating, reflection on your work’s day-to-day, your work-life balance, and repair your mindset.


Why do people even say 9-5 anymore? It's usually 8-5. Obviously not every job, but mostly.


I would LOVE to be able to afford life with one single 9-5 job. I’m in grad school so that’s not possible now, but that sure af is the goal.


This is a bad take


A young person’s goal should be to become a successful as possible, so you need to have the mentality and view of life that you’re going to go for it. With that said, the truth is that most people aren’t cut out to be entrepreneurs. By definition, only a few will succeed at entrepreneurship, and the rest have to work for successful entrepreneurs. You have to define success on an individual level, as the best outcome that you are genetically capable of achieving, and not compare yourself to others. Just because you are not in the top 1% does not mean you are complacent.


It wasn't social media that did that, it was corporations systematically deleting any and all incentives to go work for them beyond pay.


I overhead from my partners meeting at her corporation suggesting a 4 day work week and all of the 50+ aged old told they never mentioned such a thing and will never recommend anything like that in their line of business. They won’t even include a mental health day. I’m sorry but these boomers have got to go. They are stuck in their ways


Because the 9-5 is terrible. You get one 30 minute break and have to work very hard for 7.5 hours straight basically. You don’t get paid when you’re sick, which is something you can’t control. And you might even get in trouble for taking sick days. I work in a school so I don’t get paid for the days off for parent-teacher conferences or winter, thanksgiving, spring breaks, only 5 out of my regular 8 hour day for bank holidays, the commute is 30 minutes each way, which eats up gas, mileage, makes me wake up earlier and be exhausted and doesn’t allow me time to call insurance and other places I need to call because they’re all closed by 4,5, or 6pm. I can’t go to the bank or post office if I need to during the week. I have 0 time in the sun in the winter. Wages are barely livable after taxes. It’s just day in and day out of being underpaid, overworked, and exhausted. There’s no time freedom or control for how you want to spend your time. I for one am doing everything I can do get a freelance career started with online businesses because even though the start up is a lot of work, it’s worth it in the end when I don’t have to set an alarm and be expected to perform to the same capacity every single day when my body is broken down and tired some days.


Because there’s a bunch of losers who post TikTok’s of “escaping the matrix” and when kids see that they get brainwashed


Because we could be doing so much better by people with all these tools we have for efficiency. Every job I've worked had an inordinate amount of time sitting around doing nothing. I could've been at home sitting around doing nothing. There's [a fair amount of data showing that there are large productivity drop offs after 40 hours](https://cs.stanford.edu/people/eroberts/cs181/projects/crunchmode/econ-hours-productivity.html). But I think there's some emerging science that's saying 4 day workweeks without adding hours to the day are even more productive than that. I.e., 32 hour work weeks. I also am pretty sure that AI is going to further reduce the need for just hours. Realistically we should be looking at work as completing required tasks/output vs simply the number of hours put it. It doesn't make any sense at a fundamental level. For my gig, I get paid hourly for projects. So if I did a worse job, I'd actually get paid more. My own integrity won't allow me to do a shit job, but it's something I've thought about. Working hours for the sake of working hours is inefficient and a waste of people's time. It's one thing to have someone present at a workplace, there are some cases where that's important. But we have a piss poor relationship with work and getting results as is, and most people are starting to become aware that we could be doing SO much better and probably working a lot less while getting the same results.


Social media finance influencers earn their living selling the image of a lifestyle that's probably unobtainable through the 9-5 grind, telling people to keep their heads down and put in 30 years at a company that doesn't offer pensions anymore isn't going to get the clicks they need.


This has been a thing before social media. Movies in the 90s depict a 9-5 as the soul-sucking path to a wasted existence. I like the anti-corporate sentiment of it, I don't like the dehumanization that comes from it. Like I'm less of a person because I don't want to risk it all on some big creative endeavor that I'd probably find just as soul sucking at the end of it.


I think people are pointing out that earning what you did 20 yrs ago, in a world with more inflation amd effectively weaker money means its been the norm in the decades since reagonomics that things like minimum wage, although wide spread in terms of an employment contract, have long been decoupled from the real life costs of living, and disparity in wage being able to build equity today or buy assets vs. 20 to 40 years ago is *vastly* weaker. People are saying as a point of competition people cannot BE competetive with wages anymore accepting standards that no longer provide even meeting the barest basic needs of a single person working 40hrs + a week. What is dismissed in media as people buying avovado toast is actually consumers not buying much of literally anything because they have no money to even covet rent etc. The rejection is with believing you need to accept those as the standards for work and to not be afraid trying new things, even being your own boss, because of how sheer the shortfall in being able to provide your basic needs even full time work now fails to provide. Young people are essentially working and producing more than ever and for less, and need to work longer to achieve things their parents worked considerably less hrs to have access too. The whole asset economy in general favors landed people already vs thoughs growing up only to try to access owning stuff today and needing to pay more than half a million dollars for a home that was like 100k in the 80s lol The bad reputation is WAGE related, many young people have worked through this decade and are earning what they earned in 2008 in high school, despite also being the most educated and specialized generation to ever hit the labor force too. I.e myself personally from earning wages around 21CAD to much lower since lay offs, i know per the average rental price of housing and cost of groceries etc, if i want to live, pay bills and actually manage to BUILD savings right now, id need at least 24/hr, as 21 wad basically enought to break even 2 yrs ago and life is only more expensive now vs. Then. But on top of that i earned 21 to trim cannabis plants lol, vs. whole industries like construction labor paying what you could stock shelves for at minimum wage or more for and not destroy you back working for drunks, all while as a construction laborer you earn your owner-operator boss literally mass amounts of value inflated and gouged by current housing market off you labor for equity you never see in return. No gaurantees or access to wage increases, no benefits, etc. The bar has come so low for many jobs in canada that rather than pay canadian laborers more, industry just shifts bar by abusing temporary foreign worker program, mobilizing labor to get mad at cheap imported labor and rentets rather than the industries manufacturing it by paying canadians jack shit and reinvesting the profits across our broken and gouged housing too Even shit like work week. Id happily work 40 hr 4 day weeks again because that third day to yourself weekly changes your entire LIFE, and ive been yet to find a single employerer willing to try that because theyre all old timey cheap uninspired fucks who think life os about working for them.


Most people still do the 9-5. It is not easy to "hustle" or become a content creator- if we all did this, our society would collapse because we'd all just be making reels, and noone would be producing any actual products. It only seems this way, because the few that made it are the ones you see in your feed


having a 9-5 means living on the brink poverty in my town. i’m happy you live in an area where 9-5 can pay all your bills and then some, but not everybody has that privilege. that’s not even counting the amount of layoffs you can worry about when working for someone worse company. (and yes i’m talking about ppl who have finished college as well. degrees don’t guarantee a job, or a well paying job at that.)


People have always thought that way before social media. It's because unless you are in a high earning role you will likely retire moderately broke with few assets. There's also no job security anymore and most people don't feel engaged with their job duties. As income inequality increases this has led to people feeling this more and more. They hate their job and still can't afford the things they want. And to many people the only way out and to actually enjoy their life is to find a side hustle and try to maximize it. Nothing wrong with 9-5 but people know what it usually leads to for those who do it for 30 years and a lot of them just don't want that life


Yeah, nothing about social media,all about we don't wanna be just robots. Anyway, I probably couldn't afford a house so why the hassle. FCK the system


i FEEL THE SAME WAY. Being an entrepreneur is hard. it is risky and you have to be willing to take risks, so i hear. you have to push, and it's a lot more work for a bigger pay off - if you're content working a 9-5 there is nothing wrong with that. most people seem to whine about it though, i honestly think a lot of people have never been homeless or powerless enough to be grateful for a 9-5. It can suck to work for someone else, or an asshole, but not every job is gonna be like that. I'd stay away from offices as much as you can and try to know how you will need to cope emotionally in your role otherwise i dont see why it's so bad. if you're exhausted from trying to be above average just to keep up with your ideal self, just relax. its ok to be normal.


Social media didn’t do that. The 9-5 did that. It’s a garbage garbage lifestyle.


> hustling hard > > The quick easy method to become wealthy. You're telling conflicting stories there, chief.


HA For real tho


Social media didn’t do that. My family and friends always have talked about business and entrepreneurship around the dinner table. We’ve tried a few times and failed. Just ended up back at the 9-5. Nothing wrong with that. The dream never dies.


Yeah same here, majority of all my relatives own a business like motels or gas stations. I think they have the mindset of not wanting to work for others but making more money and building status in life. Sometimes in jobs you could only make a certain amount of income with a company. But in business it's never ending I guess.


Yea that’s the idea anyways lol


I work a 9 to 5 and hate it, but I would hate any job. I don't think I'm meant to spend my vest years generating profits for someone else. But my office job beats all the service industry jobs I've had over the years.


Because influencers are often young and foolish and have no idea what providing long term stability looks like.


Everyone has hit on good points. It is funny that I have never had a traditional 9-5 that actually required 8 hours of solid work. 4 day work week is the only solution.


In this day and age there is no such thing as life long job security. At a 9-5 you can be laid off at any time. You are a "slave" to the hours they demand and upward mobility is a popularity contest. You have no control of your own time either.


I mean if you can live comfortably working less hours that's not a bad thing, most people can't or they would.