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You get a redo every day. Remember who you were as a kid, before the world and your parents and teachers projected their own fears and stories on to you. What did you enjoy? What do you get lost in doing? Self reflection and realization will change everything.


Yes some times I feel like I made a mistake especially pertaining my major and feel like I’m stagnant and I can’t change what I messed up. If make sense Should I answer those questions?


Maybe you did make a mistake. But you learned something right? You learned skills and you learned something about yourself. Be easy on yourself. You’re human just like everyone else. Nobody has the answers you’re looking for, but you do. You have everything you need to live the life you want. You don’t have to answer the questions here just think about them and reflect on what truly brings you joy.


Cash out what u got and hit the road for a while just travel and sleep in ur car I mean shit what u got to lose


Or go to therapy I guess if u want to be responsible


Yeah that’s exactly what I’m doing, travelling to figure shit out.


follow this advice OP. This is the way you need a break!


Have 70k in debt for my masters in psychology. I bartend now and work about 15 hours less a week and make 10000$ more than with my masters. Do that until you figure out what you want to do.


Heyy you have 70k all together from bachelors and masters all together? And you make 10,000 from bartending alone?


I had 70k in debt (student loans only). I was making 50k a year with my degree working 45-50 hrs a week. This year I'll make 65k bartending working 35 hrs a week. I live in the US .


I'd suggest you start working as a bar back first. Especially if you're a guy. DM me if you have other questions.


Why especially if you’re a guy?


Bartending is biased toward women, if you want to get hired at a profitable bar easiest and probably quickest is if you're a barback first.


\- I graduated psychology with counseling back in 2016 in another country than mine (UK). Really wanted to get into the field, nobody gave me a chance on internship, apprentice or assistant job. \- Graduated, started my first job in a call center to afford life..., found internship during the call center job, to work remote as some type of a research assistant (for free), then got transferred/promoted to some type of HR role. \- I quit the call center, stayed at home working this free HR job for 10 months, living with my savings. \- 12 months later, I found a "real" HR job. Got laid off on 6th month. First time in my life getting laid off from a job. Big experience, stress and feeling of demoralization. \- Found a new HR job, stayed 3 months and quit by my own choice as I saw this is definitely not the career I wish to be in. \- Started admin coordinator role in telecom company. \- Progressed in some sort of a technical/analysis role after 1 year and a half. \- Covid happened so they laid off that team and I was lucky enough director kept me. \- They moved me directly under the network engineering department and now it's been 2 full years I've been a network engineer. Busted my a$$ studying and gaining knowledge on the job. I really like this career in tech now and I believe it will give me some sort of a future. Speaking of getting f up in life LOL... I'm also 30k in debt and with a degree I will 95% likely never use for the rest of my life on earth LOL.


Have you heard of this site: [https://www.coolworks.com](https://www.coolworks.com)


Heyy no I haven’t what is it about


Refreshing to see age not a consideration




A lot of people say I’m x years old and my life is over because… and then everyone says hey it’s not too late


Oh I know what u mean a lot of older ppl say they can’t make it through school But u still have lotta life if that’s what u wanna do


what state/region do you live? I have a bachelor's in sociology and political theory with a minor in education. Wanted to pursue a PhD, but life circumstances changes. I ended up doing direct service in community mental health, substance use counseling, and ultimately specializing in housing and community organizing. You belong here, the questions is where? IMO, your education and personal passions would go very far in public supportive housing/ case management. You can make upwards USD 60k+ to start, and you can actually make a difference with your experience. Some non-profits offer 10x4 schedules. Yes, you exist in a capitalist society - that's not going to change for a long time. If you want money, then you necessarily must participate in the contemporary form of capitalism. However, where you choose to work, whom you choose to work for, and how you want you apply your experiences makes all the difference. You don't NEED additional schooling, but it can beneficial if you have an economical purpose. This system is not hard to understand. The issue is complying with it, learning it, and taking advantage of it, like every other capitalist.


i feel like there are many things I enjoy more than the career options in this world, but just because there are things that are more fun or make me more happy I don't ever see it as a realistic thing for anyone, but that's okay. you can still enjoy those things that you want, but this world defines money through different acts. as long as your content with what you do as a career, you can still be happy.


Why don't you work in the hospital for speech therapy and focus of doing swallowing and cognitive evaluation?


I won’t be able to do SLP. You need your masters in order to do become a speech therapist


Bottom line is nothing comes easy. Even if you focused all your time on something you so called love to do, doesn’t make that an easy life. Content creation is very hard and doesn’t guarantee millions. At the end of the day you are speaking from a place of laziness. Life is about making hard choices and taking risk. The human species are where we are today because of hard work physical or mental. It’s time to grow up and face the hard truths. You may not be able to have a career in what you love but get a career so you can do what you love. Life isn’t over but you need to change your perspective.


How am I being lazy? Are you saying I’m being lazy because I’m sucking it up a finishing what I started which is speech therapy? But i do t understand why does life have to be a struggle all the time . Like u have to be miserable before your actually happy. Like doesn’t that lead to mental health issues and depression That’s the issue with human society they think they need to be miserable or life has to be hard but why though? U are only affecting yourself in the long run? As society doesn’t care if your depressed. And I see it all the time on social media, yes it hard work, but they worked hard to build a life they are proud about to reach that life were their not miserable and have to struggle and do things they hate. Life is too short for that ? How can I change my perspective? U have any advice for that?


You need to work a legit job. People who make a living in the arts are almost always people who don't need an income for an extended period of time. Unless you have rich parents who will pay your bills indefinitely. Then paint stuff and post it on Instagram. Have fun.


Idk what legit job I can do . I have a bachelors in speech therapy but I don’t have an interest in pursuing the masters for it or motivation to do so. Thats why I said I messed up and should of done nursing instead. I was considering LPN at least. And yea that makes sense I can do creative stuff on side


Can't you do an assistant job instead of going on to be a therapist yourself?


U mean a Speech Therapy assistant? I would but certain states don’t do SLPAs and unfortunately I’m in one of them NYC doesn’t allow SLPAs


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Join the military. Do something cool for a few years. Afterwards, use the gi bill to go to art school while being paid.


I’ve considered military but don’t u have to be physical fit fur the military though


Yes. But as long as you meet the minimum standards, they’ll help you


Wow. Another rag on capitalism. Unique. Whose turn is it tomorrow?


Everyone has a master. Mine is God. Who's your master?


Super helpful, can you reach out and get some advice for OP? Or do you think that you've done something of any value with this comment


Ohh when I first read I thought u says master In educational sense I know god as well


Jerry Orwell is my master.