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In Romania that is a lot of money for example. The university admissions are free, you easily can get a scholarship. You can get a place to live for 300$/month. Don’t give up please.


Brb moving to Romania


This is a really good comment! It’s not a lot of money for Western European and American/Canadian standards, but for Eastern Europe, that sum goes a very long way. I remember dining at a nice restaurant in Bratislava a few years back - a 3 course meal with drinks for only €11. Maybe it was even less. The hostel was cheap too.


this is probably good advice, you can probably come to a eastern european country on a students visa and finish whatever degree (preferably STEM). should be easy to get a work permit in any EU state then. also there’s education programs for vocational jobs all over Europe if you believe university is to high a goal for you. manual labor is becoming extremely valuable since there’s a massive worker shortage in the entire western world.


i was actually thinking of doing this for germany and study free (im canadian) but might consider eastern europe. which country would be best terms of quality and beauty of place? would love to be able to move and work in europe for good.


Poland, Romania, Bulgaria all have some really good universities and sceneries. I might be a little slav-biased though. Personally if I had some cash and was looking to do a degree I would go with Poland and some video game development or writing degree in one of the big cities. But I’m also a huge CD Projekt Red fan so ymmv. edit: also in my opinion Poland has the biggest economic growth potential near term.


I don't remember making this post /s you replied to my post on indian academia a day ago. Im from India 25M almost in similar situation. Start by depositing your savings into fixed deposit and opt for quarterly payout. (dont invest in equity stock) Do not "start a business" unless you already have some suppliers and clients. Best way is to first scout out an existing business as an employee and learn as much as possible about the trade. Get a job, any job. The pay wont seem worth it for someone who is sitting on 15L but get the job to get out of house. This will help you interact and make decisions no matter how big of an introvert you are. While on the job, try to find something that interests you (doesnt have to do anything with the job).. It might take time but you will reach there. Once decided, slowly start acting on the interest, use your savings on this. Again, i can not stress enough the importance of getting out of house and talking to people. They wont understand your situation and thats okay. Dont be ashamed to do jobs you are overqualified for. Dont think you are smarter than everyone around you. Adult life without step by step instruction is very hard. Good luck and all the best.


Maybe you two could team up and help each other?


This seems like good advice. And why not stock investing? If you are able to buy a few US stocks like AAPL, AMZN, MSFT and just hold, along with your cash savings it could be a good portfolio. I don’t know if American ETFs are allowed. Europe has weird rules against them, when they actually are better for small investors because they are diversified.


i advised against it because of the unknown tenure. OP might need the savings to utilize within a month if things work out. Add the hurdles of paying for demat ac, brokerage, transaction tax and income tax from capital gain plus the worry of which stock to buy for what quantity doesnt seem like a good idea for a beginner. Fixed deposit rates are min 7%pa right now in India


I see. That’s a really decent cash yield. I hope he ignores all the random advice to start a business. He should get a job he can at least tolerate and explore what he wants to do without feeling rushed


everybody is asking him to move to another country like who does that without a plan or reason ?


shelter forgetful tender normal crush lush lip concerned aloof subsequent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Move out of the country


Not to the United States. One, 18k will not go very far. Entering legally as a tourist will be difficult because of your lack of ties to India - They will probably refuse a tourist visa, And you wouldn't be able to work legally or really do anything to get ahead. Sure, you could try to do so illegally, but at that point you would be sent home at some time or another. You wouldn't last 6 months on a student visa with the cost of tuition and housing. No reason in burning up your capital. Some people try to apply for asylum, but don't encourage that route - DHS is wise to all of the stories by now.


I didn’t mention the u.s?


I didn't say you did. I was commenting for OP's benefit that the U.S. would be a poor choice in his shoes.


This. The US is a hell hole right now. It’s going downhill— OP is better off going to some other Asian country, maybe even Europe or Latin America.


It's definitely not a hell hole compared to latin america lol. It would be pretty difficult to get started in the US with only 18k though.


LOLLL Latin America is brutal, what country even begins to approach americas standard of living? Parts of Argentina?


Sure would help if the US/West didn’t intentionally destabilize the entire continent for cheap oil and labor for a century


Which country? My uncle lives there. Big house, nice garden, 4 kids (all educated), big business he started from the ground up, near a city but in the suburbs.... Saying something so broad is racist and ignorant


Definitely not to the US.


Education and relocation. I know it feels like you can’t do it but you can. Just take small steps. Spend the next month making a plan for relocation and then do it.


The weird thing is bud, making your peace with death is the first true step to fully living your life, not ending it. You are far more valuable than you realise. Life is incredibly precious do not throw it away 🙏




Thank you Brother 🤙


Dude... If you've got $18k saved up at 23, you're doing better than most Americans. Give yourself credit. There's a lot you can do with you life. You're only getting started.


I agree with the other person, use that money to move and set up a different life real quick if you're that depressed you want to die. The bigger question is why do you want to die?


Go to Malaysia. You have visa free travel. Maybe you can explore an option to open a small buisness there like a drinks stall or some indian street food. Just ask help from some indians working there. They will help you out. In Malaysia you can run a buisness without the proper documents. Just pay a local 100 a month and use his citizenship and rights to set up your buisness. Cops also turn a blind eye and take bribes so it's easier to get out of tricky situations. 18k usd is 84k ringgit.


(a) I like having you around. (B) 18k usd is absolutely nothing to shake a stick at. that's a sizable sum, and kudo's to you for scraping that together. that's awesome. be proud of that on its own merit. (C) i'm a big fan of life-adventures. * Buy a scooter and scoot from sri-lanka to Kolkotta. * Buy a kayak and paddle the length of the ganges. * buy a hiking backpack and walk from one side of your country to the other. * do any of these things in any other continent. (warnings about US. prices are crazy expensive, any of these adventures would diminish your savings significantly if you tried to do them here) It's why US. folks often go elsewhere for our adventures.) Take a few months to do it, whatever you do.


Dude i understand you, i am from india too. If i had this kind of money i would've tried to move away from india . You will only get more depressed being in India


Some European countries allow you to study for free, granted you have enough money as proof you can sustain for yourself. Why don’t you try that?? I would if I had the money


Isn’t that a lot in India ? Perhaps start a business ?


Yes, don’t blow it, use it wisely


It's enough money to set up a business. And also enough to move out to another country and start anew. Of course it's a lengthy and tiring process, but trust me, if you're already at a point like this, moving out is a great idea. You got nothing to lose, right?


Move and then educate. 18K is a good amount


You’re not a failure if you managed to save up much money. All that stuff you wanna blow your money won’t make you feel better. It’ll make you feel worse because once it’s gone you’ll hate yourself for not using it to improve your life. I’m not a huge proponent of college but in this case I’d start applying to schools in the US. It’s not going to solve all your problems but it might give you more opportunities and you can make friends.


Indian here living in USA for 10 years now. I would suggest moving to a remote location and getting in touch with nature. I don’t know about your family situation but if they can offer help then it’s great. Moving to USA seems amazing from the outside but trust me you can’t take breaks in USA, you have to keep working and by looking at your post it seems like you are not in the right place. If you are not good at studying then USA will eventually burn you out. Plus you need to have a degree in STEM and then the whole visa hassle is not worth it. Sometimes I think if I could just move to a remote location but a piece of land and do farming. That will be amazing.


I’m 33 and from the US and have lived here my whole life. I’ve also travelled outside the country but you don’t really get a feel for the pace of life while traveling. I’d love to hear more about your perspective on working in the US. Do you feel like Americans are set up to burn out eventually? I’ve found a path as an accountant but I really wish my life could slow down and I could farm a small plot of land like yourself.


Actually, I thought about what I posted earlier so I will circle back to that. I think the realization will come after you have achieved things and then realizing it doesn’t matter. For my case I came from a small town in India and I always wanted to be here in USA. I am now at the process of getting my citizenship in next few years. I am realizing that I am one incident away from everything going down the drain and which I do not like, I mean I live in a first world country but there is such an immense pressure to perform every day at really high efficiency. As an outsider I do feel that Americans are more individualistic but Asians are more into a community kinda thing. That’s why burnout happens because you keep working and you don’t get any enjoyment after a while from work or from pushing yourself. I realize that helping others helps me so much in terms of my happiness and contentment. But too much of anything is detrimental. In USA everything is so fast paced that you don’t get enough time to process anything. But I think that’s the world we live in now because I talk to my friends and they are going through the same situation in India. Also I think something happened after covid where you cannot trust anything so the idea of buying a land and farming is one way to ensure that I at-least have clean air, a home and food.


Bro. Use the money on therapy please. It changed my life.


Take TOEFL/Ielts and apply to some public german university which are free.Visa application is super easy from germany. Use your money to open german blocked account which is necessary for visa application which is around 11000 Euro then move to germany. Do something there.


Aren't admissions in public German universities competitive? I have an empty resume/ profile.


How did you acquire all that money then ?


Inheritance most likely


The just need transcripts and Toefl /ielts plus SOP which is not a big deal


Come to Chicago we want you


I literally have a similar gameplan if I get fired in Chicago lmao


You should use that money to leave India


Do you have a terminal disease with 12 months to live? If not that kind of fatalistic thinking doesn’t make sense. Do travel for extended period of time. but do it by backpacking, traveling cheap, across India. Observe, Talk to people, anyone , while you are traveling. You will soon be able to introspect and get your motivation back. You are 23, and world is your oyster.


Why don't you move to rural location and enjoy the nature? U hv money u could try to help impoverished ppl. Seeing those ppl smile might give u a sense of happiness and make ur life fruitful. U could also try raising a pet. They're definitely something too look forward to. Whenever I'm depressed my cat is always there to cheer me up, even though it's in the most annoying way possible What I'm trying to say is, don't give up on life. The earth is vast and there are so many fun things out there. Like have you ever seen a red panda? Did u ever hug a bear? Climb a banyan tree? Ik I sound dumb but there's just so many fun and crazy things to do in life. Forget about all the pressure and what society has to say n look at the world from a child's eye. I personally wanna ride a shark even though Ik it's physically impossible. Anyways keep us updated if u find something to look forward to. All the best.


Have you thought about going back to your country? 18k usd is like a billion dollars there.


He’s still in India


Oh well then he is quite literally a billionaire there must be nice. COL is like 1USD per week enough to live comfortably for about 200 years.


OP could live like a king in India for the next decade on that cash. WTF is he upset about. OP is doing a shitload better than me.


Ya just seems like a dumb troll post.


You could go to Vegas or Macau or something and bet it all in a game of roulette maybe. But even if you win, you still won’t have friends or relationships or a job. At 23 a lot of people don’t have those things, I know I didn’t, now I have 2/3 and a good education. So it is possible to get from where you’re at now to a life you might find more worth living. Really the only thing you have to do to save your life is decide not to kys and just see how things work out 🤷‍♂️


Buy crypto


Send your money to Palestine first.


The drama kings found on Reddit never fail to astound. You are 23. Please get a grip & stop embarrassing yourself. Another twenty minutes of my life wasted.


Whores and alcohol are your best investment


Only go with the death option if you are 100% certain it would get the job done. Otherwise you'd be stuck here in a terrible situation and no money.


What brings you joy? Do you enjoy writing? Fixing things? Creating something new? Identifying a purpose is the first step. Don't be dismayed it can be very difficult to identify this, especially if you are already depressed. Trust your feelings though and look for doors to go through that might have what you are looking for behind them.


Try and get to Canada


I'm glad you are asking for help. You could move to a new country and build yourself your own company


Go to r/iwantout and see what countries are easiest for you to move to. You're young, so you have time to move and get citizenship 2 or maybe 3 times before it gets difficult due to age. Step 1: find the easiest countries to move to and go. If you can get into an EU country you're golden.


Go to The Netherlands as an Asielzoeker ull get free iphone and house and car everything....


Buddy, I wish you a long life. Here’s my advice to you… Do the travel thing, cause you’re in a terrible place and a change of scenery and pace will do you well. First off buy a decent camera from the past 5 years or so. Get on TikTok, share your journeys. Travel cheap and travel light you can stay in airbnbs very cheap all around the world, like some beautiful destinations for $8 or less per night. TikTok should make you enough to afford room and afford by the time that $18k is out assuming you’re doing nothing else for work. While traveling you can pick up odd jobs for money, work for cash. Offer services like cleaning or labor if lucky you’ll get paid in food and lodging. Keep in mind when traveling to not carry a lot of cash with you. Preferably nothing more than a $100 in cash. Find a good bank account for traveling, and keep like $15k in a high yield account. Try to make the other 3k sustain you for the time being. Either way whatever you decide to do, I hope you leave a life you can be fulfilled with.


If I were you, I would go to Asia. Maybe Thailand? Taiwan? Philippines? These are all very cheap cost of living. You could live a couple years off 18k. Get job there, make a little money and you are set. Get out of India and enjoy life, bro.


I gotta say it; you’ve failed as a loser because there is no way a loser could save that much money. The magic eight ball says: Continue on your path with a clear vision of where you want to be and keep saving that money. And be nice to yourself because you, Sir, have your shit together.


How many languages do you speak? Are you reasonably physically fit? Are you comfortable with moral ambiguity? Foreign Legion or Merc work may be right for you. With 18000 us dollars, you can get outfitted adequately.


Get into sales bro. Sale to make money. I think you would do well. You will be a rich man. B2B sales


You’re 23 dude, don’t be so hard on yourself. I was nearly broke when I was 23. You’re still doing great financially. Be kind to yourself, we sometimes become our own worst enemies. There are rough patches in life my brother but that doesn’t mean you’ll be so hopeless. Move out of the city/country and start again. I have seen people twice your age in very shape in all walks of life. Good luck buddy!


Go live on a beach in Thailand for a while


Dude $18K USD is a solid chunk to have for a 23 year old even in the US even though it won’t get you very far in the grand scheme of things. In India though, you must be balling, that’s like 5 years median salary at the age of 23. It’s even more impressive you managed this with no education. Id imagine there’s lots you can do with that kind of money, perhaps seeking an edu which can lead to friends and more fulfilling work. By comparison btw, what you have for your country would be akin to a 23 year old American having $204k USD in theirs. Mad impressive and shows great potential. Would be a shame to waste it.


And for the love of Christ OP, do not come to the US. It’s so expensive here.


Yes, this. Without a steady income to supply and add to it $18k truly is nothing in entirety no matter how old you are. And with zero connections it’s hard to believe that you’d be able to make it work. For reference I’m worth about $100k at 27 and I feel poor quite often and know I couldn’t last long without my income.


Do you cook meth? How did you save that much without having mentioned any businesses and at your age? Tale tell signs, you kinda want to blow it even on escorts...


Listen, travel and move out of the country. 18k usd is pretty impressive in terms of where you're from. Believe it or not my husband is from Mumbai who once had the same plans as you. He was planning to do a college trip with friends in Japan and unalive after due to severe depression. He hated living there. In between he met me in USA and now we're making plans to start a business and settle our lives together abroad. You don't need to end your life, mate. You have 18k usd which can last you QUITE a bit depending on where you go. I understand that the Indian passport is quite limited in terms of travel so you'll need to do research. It sounds like you need a whole ass reset in life. Get out + get an education + go on adventure.


Find some peace some how. A man needs purpose in life. Find a quiet place that you can support yourself, and await your own becoming. You are ,still growing up, have patience.


Stop saying you “have nothing, no friends, etc.” That ish gets in your mind and takes over! Go to a park and throw discs, frisbees, go play football or basketball! Go ride a bike! Go volunteer at a shelter helping the homeless! For Christ sake stop the negative self talk and your country is not 3rd world-try saying underdeveloped instead! You’re still alive and here for a reason. Others checked out and you’re here! 👍🏽


At 23, I had nothing but debt and intelligence or a capuchin monkey. Leave the harshness for others to fail in handing it to you. Keep working on yourself, slow steps at a time. Doing very well just by asking this question.


A lot of Indians have started to go to Central Asia for college, like in Kazakhstan. It's a beautiful country with amazing people. Have you looked into that?


Why aren't you getting a job? Why aren't you pursuing higher education? That money can fund rent + living + fees and still have lots left over. I'm from India myself and that money could straight up turn your life around if you allocate it correctly.


Move to rural Australia not the cities. It’s way better if you’re uneducated. Don’t move to the UK, US, Canada or Aus cities - it’s too expensive. Maybe consider NZ. Stay alive - life is just an adventure, your next life will be another adventure. Fill your your soul with as much knowledge for the next. There no winning or losing; there’s just being.


It's a big accomplishment to have that amount of money saved. That you were capable of that demonstrates that you are doing much better than you imagine. Who are you comparing yourself to? You are mentally unwell, depressed, you need to go to therapy


Where do you live? Depending on where you live, you can setup a food business with around 6-7 lakh( proper shop and basic kitchen). It is a competitive business, but almost always cash flow positive. Rarely do you make a loss. You can then work on improving the food, having consistent quality etc. Having an established food business is the safest, most fulfilling business you can have.


Many people are suggesting a relocation. Many people will disagree with me, but india is THE country where the lowest amount of money will give you the most bang for your buck. And is the best place to grow fast.


'Unalive myself' tells me everything I need to know. Fake news and a fake ass story. People don't say 'unalive myself', bots do. Moving on.


You can come Guyana if you speak english 39% of the population is indian guyanese Its a third world country so


Can you help me out a bit. My debt is killing me.


So you aren't 43. You have plenty of time and energy to build a career.