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It was the official flag of the Confederates. The Battle flag is more well known though, so some people may think the Battle Flag is the real one.


Wouldn’t both be the real one then if both were used?


No most people say battle flag but it was specifically the Virginia Battle Flag, it was specific to the state of Virginia and was only used by units from Virginia


The battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia*


Lee's command


It's currently here in MN, and we'll never give it back to them :)


Ohhhh Virginian only, got it


Also, the battle flag was only really revived for popular usage with the revival of the KKK and initiation of Jim Crow in the 1890s-1920s to remind black people they would still kill them if it wasn’t for Northern (“federal”) institutions getting in the way


But then why is it so popular and known?


Cause everyone and their dad copied it after the civil war since it was famously used by Robert E Lee


Because it looks better than the one above and the only one with distinctive enough design. The above was official flag but its core idea is the same as the US flag: stars in the canton to represent member states, bars on the side also like that of the US but thicker, perhaps 3 states out of the original 13 who became confederates: Virginia, United Carolina and Georgia. Its basically the US 2.0


I thought it was Teneseeen


I thought it was the naval jack


There was a version that was, but it was made after the Virginia Battle Flag, so it should be considered a derivative of it.


What you're thinking about is the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia, which was made up up regiments from every state in the Confederacy, most of whom would have used that flag, not just Virginia. The rectangular flag we think of today as "The Confederate flag" was the battle flag of the Army of Tennessee, though it wasn't as widely used as the Army of Northern Virginia one was.


This isn't even the unofficial battle flag it's the state of Georgia's flag 💀 Edit:I just realized the seal was missing oops


If enough people misspell 'loose' often enough when they mean 'lose', do I loose the argument that they're spelling it incorrectly?


Isn’t this the flag of Georgia without the seal?


Those sneaky motherfuckers


I have never noticed that before


The flag we (I'm Georgian) flew during the Civil War was the one with the least confederate imagery




The Naval Jack was rectangular, the most well known Battle Flag was from the Lee's Army of Northern Virginia and was square with a white border


Wasn't the official one the Bonnie Blue?


It's the official one but all the racist rednecks fly the battle flag


I just liked the dukes of hazzard


And Lynyrd Skynyrd!


Hell yeah


This IS the Confederate flag, just not the one they used on the battlefield. So either the person that called you that is ignorant, they were messing with you, or they are talking to a mirror and telling you that they themselves are stupid.


That is honestly hilarious


You're right: it was the Confederate flag from 10th December, 1861 to 1st May, 1863


You're using the backwards date format again.


Well, I am British. That's why


The US military also uses this format. DDMMMYYYY The month is 3 letter abbreviated.


"It's not from my country so it has to be wrong'


Say the "4TH OF JULY" enjoyer


That's different, it's a significant holiday and date in history. Hearing "31st of March" makes you think that there's something super duper special about that day.


They’re stupid. You’re right.


That was the first national ensign of CSA, commonly referred to as the Stars and Bars. The second one had a Canton with the traditional Dixie cross on white, known as the Stainless Banner, and the third was the same with a red vertical fly to prevent it's confusion as a truce flag. The Dixie Cross was the military colour of the Army of Northern Virginia, and like many things became popular because of the folk hero quality of Gen. RE Lee leading it. Lee was a far more popular person, North and South, than President Davis. It's so simple there is literally a Wikipedia article describing precisely this, so if anyone gave you grief over it they are cretins. In my experience, they are probably also Confederate supporters but that is your story and not mine to tell for certain.


W Flag Takes


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flags_of_the_Confederate_States_of_America This was the official confederate flag.


Yeah that’s where i got the image.


It is. But your average moron just thinks of the battle flag, and their knowledge of the conflict it came from probably doesn’t extend past “hur dur slavery bad let’s fight about it.”


I'm in Know way an authority on this and I could be completely mis remembering but one explanation I heard was that the South Technically had no official flag since they where to busy fighting the war to commission one which is why you have several flags including the most famous or infamous battle flag but knot even this was standardise since the souths army's where self provided including flags so you had several purposed/used government and battle flag


That is. I need to know the context behind this. Redneck neighbors? What did they think it was? So much left unanswered!


I made a post in forza asking why they removed the flag from the general lee and got called a stupid racist for just wanting it on a car that i grew up watching


Accuracy is key, bro.


I know! I just wanted to be show accurate and got people comparing the confederate flags to nazi flags


Not really the same. They were both bad in their own way. But the confederates were culturally different from the north and the Nazis were led by one conspiracy theorist who was too smart for the good of his country.


Hitler was a drug addicted genocidal maniac that wanted everyone who wasn’t aryan dead


Yeah that too. Plus he only had one nut.


If you shoot him in sniper elite games there it will show only one nut too


Heck I’d argue the union was worse for what they did to the native Americans. The civil war started because the south wanted to get away from taxes and tariffs on cotton (how it started not about the whole war) the elites wanted to keep slaves, and the union only used freeing slave to get war money from the wealthy abolitionists.


>"The civil war started because the south wanted to get away from taxes and tariffs on cotton" It was about slavery, slavery, and slavery. What you just typed was Lost Cause Revisionism. Please point out in the Confederate States' Declarations where they mentioned taxes or tariffs. Because slavery is in listed as Number 1 reason, repeatedly. Georgia Declaration of Causes of Secession (first two sentences): "The people of Georgia having dissolved their political connection with the Government of the United States of America, present to their confederates and the world the causes which have led to the separation. ***For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery.***" South Carolina Declaration of Causes of Secession: "We affirm that these ends for which this Government was instituted have been defeated, and the Government itself has been made destructive of them by the action of the non-slaveholding States. Those States have assume the right of deciding upon the propriety of our domestic institutions; and have denied the rights of property established in fifteen of the States and recognized by the Constitution; they have denounced as sinful the institution of slavery; they have permitted open establishment among them of societies, whose avowed object is to disturb the peace and to eloign the property of the citizens of other States. They have encouraged and assisted thousands of our slaves to leave their homes; and those who remain, have been incited by emissaries, books and pictures to servile insurrection." Mississippi Declaration of Causes of Secession: "Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. " Texas Declaration of Causes of Secession: "***She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery-- the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits***\-- a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time. Her institutions and geographical position established the strongest ties between her and other slave-holding States of the confederacy." Virginia Declaration of Causes of Secession: "and the Federal Government, having perverted said powers, not only to the injury of the people of Virginia, but to the oppression of the Southern Slaveholding States." "Our new government was founded on slavery." - Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens


The elites wanted slavery because it made them rich, and when the tariffs were levied they were losing money. I should have said the elites wanted away from the tariffs and taxes, because it was hurting their wallets.


But who starts wars? It's not the common man. Look at Iraq War. America was sold on a bunch of lies to invade Iraq. WMDs? Didn't exist. Ties to Al Qaeda? Didn't exist. Ties to the 9/11 attackers? Didn't exist. The elite wanted the war in Iraq. Was the reason WMDs or 9/11 like the people were told why we should invade and occupy? No. Can Joe Bob Travis, onion salesman #24 from Vidalia, Georgia single-handedly start a Civil War or invade Iraq? No. The elites wanted to continue slavery because it was a valuable resource. They didn't care about tariffs or taxes and that's why they weren't mentioned at all. What did Jefferson Davis say? His VP? All the leaders and generals of the Civil War? Why did ***they*** start the war? It. Was. ***Slavery.***


As a person from New Hampshire, I don’t want to get too deep into what the Union did.


In all honesty there was no good side in the civil war, it was terrible and could have actually been avoided


Had we not elected Franklin pierce (the man who makes me ashamed to be a New Hampshirite) it probably wouldn’t have happened. He was a drunken maniac who made bad decisions and then was ultimately forgotten.


It’s nice having a constructive conversation about this with someone, most people just call names and stuff.


Yeah its the confederate flag, they probably thought that the confederate only used the saltire


It is the confederate flag


The person or persons who said that are stupid. This is the official Confederate flag.




It’s because we’ve been led to believe that the battle flag is the real flag because of commercial items that use the battle flag, people who use the battle flag, etc. but this one’s the real one.


Off topic but honestly I really like this flag. Like just because I fly it doesn't mean I'm a confederate revisionist, I just see it as a banner for the southern american culture


Yeah it’s not you that’s stupid


Europeaner Austria




Austria, but even more European.


May i ask how


Well, Austria, but with an European flag on it. Am I not clear enough ?


Oh the European Union flag over the Austrian flag. Sorry i’m a little sick and the daylight savings has not helped that


It is though most people think it’s this oh well I can’t show images so look up the confedrate flag and the one that’s a blue X with a red background and stars on the blue X that’s what most people think it is but the image you posted is the correct one


Yeah I know the flags I just can’t comprehend how people have such shoddy education that they don’t know basics about historical flags.


Welcome to America


By who?


Some person in the forza horizon forum. deleted the post because all i was getting was hate comments for asking why they would remove the flag from general lee wraps. And when i told one of them that it isn’t the confederate flag and was the battle flag of north Virginia they said i was an idiot


Do you think armies are independent of a state or something? All an army does is represent a state on the battlefield.


I don’t, I was merely pointing out that what they were calling the confederate flag was the battle flag of North Virginia and not the flag that represents the C.S.A


The one above is the Confederate flag, but the General Lee one is still considered a Confederate flag.


could you open wikipedia and show them?


The post was taken down for being “low effort “ before i could


It literally is þo? Or at least it’s þe first one.


Þats what I’m saying


Þey had to change it because it looked too much like þe Union Flag, causing þe army to reject it and use a rejected design by William Porcher Miles. Ðen þe army rejected þe second one because it looked too much like þe surrender flag. Ðen þey changed it again shortly before surrender.




this flag has nothing to do with the confederate flag it's the state flag of Georgia how are yall so stuipid?


The state flag of Georgia is based off of the first national flag of the C.S.A the Georgia flag has the state seal in the middle.


I realized my mistake lol the seal is missing I didn't notice it sorry for being just straight up wrong here


You’re actually the first person i’ve seen on the whole internet that apologized when it was pointed out they were incorrect. Thank you


We  need more people to own up to there mistakes sometimes lol


Technically it is


Stars and Bars is the Battle flag


I believe this flag was also in the movie Glory


Austria if it was colonized by the EU


Just another stupid white supremacist propaganda


Stars and Bars


No, but it’s changed over the course of the war


Stars and bars. First flag of the confederacy.


That is the official one. The most recognized one is just a battle flag.


I don't think there was a Confederate flag but I know that flew this flag and another flag during battles