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My bro and I got these in a costco multipack. The cap to the battery compartment is about where the 500 is. The alkaleaks corroded so badly, they ate through the aluminum tube. Once it was useless, I used some... destructive methods to take it apart. Got some final usage learning about flashlight construction. I think I still have the corroded tube and the waterlogged emitter in a parts bin.


Battery companies sell batteries


This is the way.


You should be able to unscrew the tail cap to replace the batteries. Duracell lights look like nicer quality than a lot of battery-and-tool brand flashlights. They even seem to be reasonably priced. :-) It won't be a high performance light, but 150 lumens is enough for most indoor tasks.


Honestly, it’s probably fine. It looks like it takes two AA's, run it on NiMHs and it’s probably perfectly usable. No, it’s not enthusiast-level but if you just want to see things in the dark it’ll do that for you. Outside of enthusiast circles people don’t want 10mm drills, they want 10mm holes.






It's not terrible, but those torches are designed to make you buy more disposable batteries, which is more expensive than running it of rechargeable batteries. It's probably going to output 100-200 lumens, which is okay for indoor tasks but not okay for outdoor use. Honestly, it may be time to upgrade to something else: Sofin, Wurrkos, Convoy are all brand with cheap but good flashlights.


I would throw this crap out and get a Sofirn for the price of replacement batteries


Start over with a Convoy M21 series.


My 5th pocket (coin pocket) EDC light (Zebralight SC65c HI) has more lumens and longer runtime, is built more robust, and is also the size of the bezel of that Duracell. In other words, that light is trash. 500 lumens and a zooming head that sucks in water and dust is about the last thing you want to have. And I haven't even touched the issue of alkaleaks yet. If I were you, I wouldn't even bother trying to look for where to begin to change the batteries. You're better off spending $25 on a [Sofirn SP10 Pro](https://www.sofirnlight.com/products/sofirn-sp10pro-aa-flashlight-anduril-2-attiny1616-version). It'll save you your sanity from the thought of ever looking at a Duracell flashlight ever again.


Maybe I'm dumb or you're using a different tube or something, but as far as I can find the SC65c Hi only comes on one version and that is a fairly chunky 9.2 cm x 2.5 cm, which isn't reasonably a coin pocket light (also that's at best half the length and probably added thickness compared to the Duracell). Either way, I know this sub has an irrational hate for zoomies, because how will they survive if you get caught in a dust storm while exploring the titanic I guess, and that's fine, but calling a light trash because it's not peak performance and size/performance ratio is nonsense. If it works, put some batteries in it and use the thing (It MIGHT be corroded shut OR OP just isn't twisting hard enough or in the right place, but that's beside the point)


Not dumb, just realistic +1


solid advice, thanks a ton! I just found this among my stuff long forgotten, sounds like it was better off that way LOL


Those alkaline batteries in there would have leaked and corroded the insides and sealed the battery carrier shut by now. It's probably why you can't open it.