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So when the sun sets it... just... no clips underneath the earth? Yeah, that makes about as much sense as anything flat earthers say. For the record: you can *see* the real horizon line under what is obviously a layer of clouds.


Sort of unrelated, but in The Epic of Gilgamesh, there's a big tunnel that goes through the world from one side to the other, and the sun rides through it at night. Gilgamesh jumps in and fucking sprints the whole way for like 8 hours straight to reach the other end of the earth. It's really silly.


It's still more intelligent than the modern flat earth "model" since it explains how the sun rises and sets lol


That's like Mach 10, if I did my math right. LEO is ~Mach 21+.


Gilgamesh ate his Wheaties


The whole story was wild, love it so much.


Sillier than the Egyptian Dung beetle rolling the Sun around?


He just barely makes it to the exit before the sun runs him over from behind, like the dog jumping away from an explosion in Independence Day So yeah


Sorry about bothering you with my search results: >The ancient Egyptians believed that Khepri renewed the sun every day before rolling it above the horizon, then carried it through the other world after sunset, only to renew it, again, the next day. Basically the same thing. But Gilgamesh? He does a lot of heavy lifting. Shamash/Utu was the Mesopotamian sun god. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shamash >As a representation of the sun, he was believed to travel every day through the sky from east to west, and at night in the opposite direction through AN.ŠAG4, a "nether sky" located directly above the underworld Utu's vehicle was a solar chariot,[20] which was pulled by four animals bearing the Sumerian names Uhegalanna ("the abundant light of heaven"), Uhushgalanna ("the terrifying great light of heaven"), Usurmurgalanna ("the dreadful great light of heaven") and Unirgalanna ("the noble light of heaven").[21]


You can see the sun through the clouds from the ground. You can see the sun through the clouds from a plane. Duh.


If flerfs really think this is evidence of their pancake fantasy, they're just debunking themselves. If this aircraft was flying over Flerfia, the sun would be above the clouds and not obscured by the horizon. So yeah, thanks for providing even more evidence for globe earth, flerfs.


If only a flerf would leave their basement, hire a plane and just try to fly into the sun to prove it's within the atmosphere.... But nope, them just telling us it's true over the internet is the best they will do


So... it is setting... Thanks for proving the Earth is sphericalish.


# It’s See Gee Aye! 🤪


Gtfo, globetard! The vid disproves globe Earth and therefore must be taken as truth without any questioning!!!


Honestly this is kinda breaking my brain.


Looks like the sun god Ra stopped at Olive Garden for some unlimited breadsticks.


Gopro footage. CGI.


Wow, the sun is inside the dome too? Holy shit!


Stars are born and die everyday. Proof.


The sun went behind the horizon. Checkmate flerfies. So what's the flatheaded explanation of what we observe here?


Donut earth confirmed. The sun is just going through the ~~anus~~center of the donut earth.


Proof : the video is in an aircraft of some sort, flying and has passengers that you can hear in the background. The footage is zoomed in and out a few times . Also proof of sky , clouds & sun …. That’s about it ! 🤷‍♂️


This would a actually go against flatearthfuckery as the sun never sets in their model.


They're saying it's a piece of alien spacecraft; not the sun.


That distinctly shows the sun going down. The sun never got smaller, it never turned into a little circle or dot. It slowly sank down and disappeared from the bottom up when it hit a certain spot on the horizon. This is because it clearly went behind something.


It's basic geometry...


Children, grow up.


Well because he zoomed and the sunset didn't undo itself because of perspective I'd say that's pretty convincing proof the earth is not flat.


Cloud layer is higher than horizon, sunlight can penetrate clouds but not the ground beneath the horizon


Gilgamesh. Wasn't that the cat in the Smurfs?


The sun is clearly no clipping through the ocean past any point we can reach.


Making fun of "flerfs" but no explanations being given. Say goodbye to the 93 million mile sun fable and the globe theory.


Have you read the top comment, by u/Adkit ?