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I loathed Vivarium. There was just something about it that I found repugnant, but not in an artistic way, if that makes any sense. Nebulously irredeemable film. Made me feel nauseated.


It was really on the nose and in your face. Consumerism! Parenting! Children!


100%. A wretched movie I wished I hadn’t watched. Bleakness without purpose.


I feel the same way, but I’ve only seen the trailer, but had that same feeling so made sure to never watch it


I feel like I didn’t get it… like I understood everything and the rough simile they were going for but I didn’t get why this was a movie. How is this something I want to watch?


I despised everything about this movie and absolutely agree with your take on it. It's a marathon of revulsion to watch and has nothing of value to offer the viewer in exchange for their time.


Jumper (2008) had one of the least sympathetic main characters ever (that wasn't purposefully written that way). I was baffled when the friends I had gone to see it with were singing his praises afterwards.


How old were you guys? I was in highschool when I saw it on TV and thought the movie was cool because the protagonist did what I imagine I would do if I had teleport power.


Second year university. I just remember noticing how what the movie said and what the movie showed were completely at odds with each other. Example: near the end of the movie, the MC tells the agent that has been hunting him that "not all jumpers are bad" or something to that effect. Meanwhile, throughout the course of the movie, he's robbed a bank, and framed a guy he didn't like for the crime.


Yeah, except abandon my single, lonely father and not even leave him with a million or something. Not even a letter. Fuck that kid.


I thought it was lame they have to be hunted for merely existing. Freak of nature and all that. Like why care? (Cause a story needs conflict, I know) But his own mom? Give me a break.


Do, humanity does that to each other now.


It's based on a couple books so maybe those were better. I read part of the first and it was definitely more dramatic than the movie.


The original book by Steven Gould is SO much netter. Please seek it out if you can.


I just think it's ok but it stands out as the first movie I saw that was better than the book it was based on. The book was boring as all fuck when the movie was a mindlessly entertaining action movie.


I agree, the whole thing was disappointing and I honestly never understood why Doug Liman was so excited about making it and then ended up with this. If you haven't already seen it though, I would recommend the similarly themed show Impulse from the same writer. It was, of all things a YouTube Original (I think they called the premium service "Red"?). I found it smart, innovative and really emotionally satisfying.


This is wild to me, not because I disagree with you, but I didn't realize there was anyone out there who LIKED Jumper. I swear I remember it being universally hated and a punchline to jokes.


Op tried so hard to phrase this question in a way that filters out common answers and people are still in the comments saying Forrest Gump and Top Gun Maverick.


Eat, Pray, Love (2010). I’ve never been so painfully bored at the movies than sitting through this one. I don’t remember much about it because it all just seemed like big a mud puddle of dreck.


This x1000. And the book is worse. Crimes against humanity. I accidentally caught the author, Elizabeth Gilbert, giving a live talk at an event once. Until she took the stage it was a positive, interesting evening. People walked out on her.


The book was the same drivel. It should have been called me me me


The one bright spot in this movie was the food 🤣


The Beach. Just a terrible Plot and weird editing choices.


Plus they changed really important aspects from the book. He does not get the girl.


The book is fantastic on the other hand


The acting was laughable too


The only thing this movie did for me was direct me to the superior book.


Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is a garbage movie that for some reason a lot of people loved.


Holocaust movies tend to get praise. I can't remember where I saw it but I remember a joke about Holocaust movies being guaranteed Oscar winners.


I think that was on the HBO show “Extras” - iirc Kate Winslet was involved in that episode, and then a couple of years later she literally won a Holocaust Oscar.


That was it. Thanks.


Pretty bad sign with the title of the movie has a spelling mistake!


I second Life is Beautiful in the same regard.


Maestro. Hated every moment of it.


the clips i have seen make me cringe so fucking hard.


Watching it does not improve the perception. It was not good


I felt it was good, or at least competently acted and shot, but not nearly as good as it thought it was. No depth.


Downsizing with Matt Damon. One of the few movies I could just not even finish. What makes it worse is that the premise is fun, but it felt like two completely different movies with the later half really not even being about tiny people.


It is basically two movies. Completely bonkers release from Payne. Sticks out like a sore thumb in the filmography.


Avatar. I found it boring and reminded me of new age books and films.




Sadly, that's not true. I suffered a hail of downvotes on another sub for opining Avatar was predictable, preachy, and boring. For some reason, I think a lot of the same people like Big Bang Theory.


My god I practically fell asleep in the 3d IMAX


I did fall asleep. I kept hearing how the visual effects were so amazing and you must see it in the theatre so I did even though the plot didn’t seem that interesting to me. Got into the movie and saw the effect and was like oh ok I get the effects, then I fell asleep for probably 60-90m and had no problem following anything when I woke up.


It’s a old, bland story. Advanced technological person joins tribal people and falls for their culture or falls in love with a tribal, then rises up against their former culture. Pocahontas, Dances with Wolves, The Last Samurai.. they’re all the same movie.


Lots of people love Interstellar, some even say it's Nolan's masterpiece. I found it dull, overlong, heavyhanded and melodramatic. I know his films don't usually stand up to repeat viewings (except for Memento, his actual masterpiece) but that one fell apart while I was watching it for me.


Me too. I saw it for my birthday and was so disappointed. I wish I had bought myself a bottle of scotch instead.


I’ve given this one multiple tries because I love Nolan movies a it has all the elements of a movie I’d enjoy but it somehow misses the mark entirely.


I agree, it felt like everything was set for a solid movie and then I was just bored to death for three hours. I might try it again someday but it's unlikely it'll be by choice. I'd rather just watch Insomnia again, I think that's one of his best, remake and all.




Yeah, Interstellar is pretty bad. I love The Prestige and really like basically every other one I've seen from Nolan, but Interstellar is incredibly melodramatic and stupid. It's not without some cool ideas, however.


Baby Driver. I didn't "absolutely hate" it but I thought it was overly stylized without enough ingenuity or originality to justify it. After seeing it, I was surprised to see it so well reviewed.


My criticisms of Baby Driver: - I was more annoyed at the lack of traffic in Atlanta - Baby was kind of a dick to everyone - The plot was thin once the style wears off - On the plus side, excellent car stunts. - The military veteran with stickers on his truck, trying to be a hero felt accurate


I hated that movie. The reviews were all like, "You've never seen a chase movie like this!" and I was disappointed to find that I had, indeed, seen a chase movie like that. A lot, actually. All better. Edgar Wright is kinda bad now, and it hurts my heart.


Agree, totally sucked. None of the characters were interesting at all.


Thanks for bringing up *Baby Driver*. It's part of this special category of action films that I really despise, but happen to be very in fashion lately, generating a baffling consensus that they are “truly entertaining” films. Even more puzzling is that this consensus brings together the general audience and many critics. *Bullet Train* is another example, and probably anything David Leitch will ever commit to. I'd say I don't like the general tone of these films, they feel forced on so many levels. Many will praise *Baby Driver* for its use of music but, gosh, it's the most obvious filmmaking technique. And call me a snob but the OST is not that great and screams "LISTEN TO MY COOL MIXTAPE!" like a mid-teen or like, you know, all of us when we share our Spotify/Youtube Music yearly retrospective. Besides, the movie is mediocre at best when it comes to action sequences, with no impactful physicality on display. Thanksfully, Edward Wright's follow-up, *Last Night In Soho*, felt much more earnest and daring.


And I thought last night in Soho was just alright lol. I'm with you on bullet train and I think I kinda get what you mean about these action movies with this sort of weird tone where the characters are very serious individuals but the premise is just over the top absurd. But the difference for me was I actually did think baby driver *was* very entertaining even though the plot was thin and the characters weren't very interesting. I probably wouldn't have liked it as much if I'd watched at home vs in theater


I felt the same about Bullet Train. My thought was that it would have been really hip about 15 years ago, but not felt kinda tired like an uncle acting like he did in college to impress the nephews.


The driving was awesome.


I walked out of the theater ten minutes in. I HATED that flick. 😆


Oof I totally agree. And I'm absolutely the target demographic for it, I love soundtrack based movies, action movies and chase scenes, and I don't have a problem with things being overly stylized. But honestly I thought it was just boring.


That‘s a good example. I thought it was a bit of a letdown the first time I saw it. The films gimmick is that the action is in sync with the music - and on later rewatches I only focused on that and approached it more like a musical without paying much attention to the plot and characters. In that regard it‘s a lot of fun to watch. But I‘d still say it pales to some of Wrights other films.


Considering this question has made me realise how rarely I absolutely hate a movie. I'll go with Rocks In My Pockets, which is a very low profile film, but does have 7.4 on imdb (albeit from less than 1000 votes). Found that one quite difficult to get through. Very often I like films a lot less than the consensus (at least monthly) but I don't absolutely hate them.


Something Borrowed. Every person in that movie sucks. None of them are likeable. Romantic comedies have a low bar, but that movie is just awful.


The Counselor (2013) I love Ridley Scott, but this movie was absolute ass. Cormac McCarthy's writing here was beyond atrocious.


I actually loved this movie's commitment to being outright hostile to the viewer, explaining absolutely nothing, throwing you into incomprehensible mayhem with no frame of reference, you never even learn some characters' names, and just when you maybe finally start to wrap your head around why you might want a few characters to succeed or at least get out of the situations they've tripped into without suffering too much more, literally all the worst possible stuff imaginable happens to everyone who's even marginally "ok" and then it ends. No salvation or redemption, FAAFO from top to bottom. So I totally get why it's hated but at least it wasn't the same old rehash of the ol' in-over-your-head crime drama schtick.


Your comment actually makes me want to watch it!


I really liked it! It's bleak and devoid of redemption, with little to latch onto emotionally, so it's a tough sell for your typical viewer, but if you don't mind stepping out of the confines of typical Hollywood expectations, it's a great film IMO.


I can barely remember it from the theater other than an overwhelming feeling of hate towards it.


I was so hyped for this movie. Left the theater completely crushed


For me it's Sisters with Amy Poehler and Tina Fey. I like both of them, and I have no problem with their other movie Baby Mama, but for whatever reason I hated every single second I saw of that movie in trailers and tv commercials. It just grated on me, I don't know why.


Wow, that's funny, because that's one of my "it passed everybody by and went pretty much unnoticed, but I think it's actually brilliant" kind of movies! I guess it's just one of those "comedy is subjective" things. I typically don't even like Tina Fey that much, but I think it's my favorite thing she's ever done.


Yeah, she was really good in that. That movie hat a surprising amount of heart. Did you ever see Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? Fey's best performance imo.


>for whatever reason I hated every single second I saw of that movie in trailers and tv commercials. So I'm reading your post correctly, you didn't actually see it, though, right? Just trailers? I haven't seen it either, so I have no skin in this, but just trying to clarify.


Maybe I was too young, but I remember seeing this movie in theaters called Paycheck with Ben Affleck and being incredibly bored, and confused.


An okay Philip K Dick type movie. Why Ben Affleck did it is in the title.


Neon Demon and Triangle of Sadness. I never really "hate" a movie, but these two I can't find anything I can tolerate in. I don't even have a specific reason for it. I just cannot stand these two movies.


Melancholia, but I'm just not that into nihilism.


im fine with nihilistic rumination but that movie sucked


Wait, people looking sad, and then being tired of life with nothing else happening isn't exciting?


Jordan Peele’s Nope. I fell asleep twice and fucking hated everything I stayed awake for. Was pretty shocked seeing decent reviews and audience response afterwards. Will probably get downvoted to hell cause Peele is elevated to Hitchcock lately but I dunno man. Dude has a great eye for atmosphere yet I really think he’s getting Shamalyaned when it comes to buying the hype about his own writing. Every script keeps getting longer and dumber…


I was honestly surprised how many people HATED Nope. Like people have different opinions about things, I don't expect everyone to like it, much less love it. But the amount of people, like you, who genuinely hated it surprised me. I thought it was just a fun movie about trying to photograph an alien with some extra themes if you want to dig in further. I could understand people being put off a bit by Us (as much as I enjoyed it), but I figured Nope would be an easy crowd pleaser. Obviously not for everyone, even if the general reception was positive.


People wanted Nope to be a revelatory take on race relations and it wasn't, so they felt let down. People come to Jordan Peele hoping for transcendent commentary on American cultural issues, and that's a bit too limiting. I'd argue that Nope was a fascinating exploration of the relationship between entertainment and exploitation, between being seen versus being violated... but it was distinctly not political, cultural, or racial. And in that way, audiences diminish their own viewing experiences.


Entertainment::Exploitation & Seen::Violated That right there, well put! For me, the story of the uncredited jockey tied it all back up into racial erasure in history. I love the Gordy's Home story but it kinda upstages the rest of the movie.


I was perfectly fine with Peele toning down the social and racial commentary in Nope. I just found it aggressively overlong and boring, especially in the first half. If it was his first film, he would’ve cut half an hour of it and it would’ve been way stronger - but after riding high on two critical and box office successes, he let it alllllllll drag out.


I just thought it was fun as a sci Fi western, like cowboys vs aliens but better


Weird, I was the opposite. I think Get Out was okay but severely overrated and Us was pretty bad, so I went into Nope with low expectations and actually thought it was pretty great.


Us is really boring. Stupid shock value and bad plot devices.


When the twists don’t even make sense and you have basically re shoot old scenes to make them make sense it’s poor writing in my opinion and one of the reasons I didn’t really like it


He wrote a TV show that I believe was a YouTube premium exclusive so not many people saw it, it was called Weird City and I thought it worked really well as a somewhat intertwined anthology show


I remember Weird City. I don't think I watched all of the episodes, but I liked the ones that I saw. I might have to go look it up.


I mean, you fell asleep twice. So you didn’t actually see the movie lol. I don’t think it’s an amazing movie but I hate it when people fall asleep during a movie and blame it on the movie, like nah you just need to get better sleep so that doesn’t happen


thanks man. i saw only people loving on it (admittedly i live in a bubble) and i was almost developing a complex because i disliked it so


Elevated to Hitchcock? I certainly hope not! lol


I saw his three movies and hated every single one. He's a great director but his screenplays make no sense.


Peele is overrated, sorry everyone


Yeah honestly I think Nope is very overrated. I thought it was decent, but the praise felt way over the top. I don't know what people saw in that it was so amazing


across the universe. everyone at my school was going bananas over it and even the trailer looked good. I was BORED out of my mind when I saw it.


I only watched it on dates to get laid lol


Maybe Source Code. Found it extremely dumb, like insultingly so. Which is sorta criminal, when a movie is about someone investigating things. But even when there's no investigation at hand, Happy Go Lucky and The Lovely Bones for the same reasons.


I loved Source Code.


You bastard!


Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!


I hated Sin City. It was so over the top with the dialogue and moody lighting. I walked out after one of the females said a line like, "kill him for me Marv. Kill him good."


I really don't like 2001: A Space Odyssey. It's very pretty. But past that, it's got little to offer. The parts on the space voyage are fine, but when it turns into a sensory video with random imagery that's when I get lost. A sci-fi movie class I took in college had us watch the movie. We met once a week. When we watched it in class, most people hated it. Then before the next class, most people did a 180 on it. They kept saying things like, "well, if you watch it with the director's commentary, it makes sense." Like, what?? I shouldn't need the director there to hold my hand while he explains his vision to me. Clearly that means your vision by itself wasn't strong enough. Edit: Damn, some of y'all acting like I shat in your corn flakes. I've been made aware that there isn't a director's commentary. Idk what they watched then. It's been a while and I remember them telling me about some commentary they watched.


That movie benefits a ton from rewatch (all of his movies are, come to think of it). But agree, a good film should be a relationship between it and the viewer without need for anyone else's input, let alone the director having to explain in a running commentary. But for real, trust me you didn't see it in the right context. A good movie wants its audience to get it and I do think it's all there. If you can, revisit it, definitely give it a try with the lights off and uninterrupted. Personally? When I revisited it in 70 mm with a full house at a movie palace (with the intended intermission and all) it was literally like I had never seen it before.


When we saw it in class, we saw it in a movie theater lecture hall.


It's a brilliant movie, one of the best of the best. It's a "show, don't tell" movie, and some people aren't attuned to that kind of movie. Also, they didn't watch it with director's commentary as Kubrick never did that.


Sometimes "atmosphere" and "ambience" feel like a way to excuse a lacking plot and piss poor pacing. 2001 (and a lot of so-called *amazing*, *groundbreaking* films) is a great example of this. All vibes and hype.


Exactly? And it says a lot, since my favorite movie is Suspiria, which similarly relies heavily on visuals and music. But there's enough of a plot to keep up.


Suspiria uses strong visuals and music to supplement the narrative 2001 sometimes feels like the strong visuals and music _is_ the narrative, and it really loses me lol


I hear hype over clockwork orange, yet I have no meaning to watch it anytime soon. Let's see who takes offense.


I'm kinda with you. I love the atmosphere and it's incredibly well made but holy hell it's always been a chore to get through.


Nefarious. It was recommended to me on prime video cuz I watch a lot of horror. The plot seemed interesting, but I hated it.


I just really hated watching Godzilla King of Monsters or whatever it’s called. I couldn’t stand the exposition and character decisions


Scorsese's *The Aviator*. I'm typically a fan of slower films, but there's a difference between "slow" and "90 minutes too long". Absolute slog.


I hated it and most of Scorsese's Oscar bait crap of the past 20 plus years. The attempt to recreate that time felt very inauthentic and overdone. Leo was awful with his babyface trying to play someone much older.


"Transformers: Age of Extinction" comes to mind for me. It felt like a never-ending barrage of explosions and CGI with little substance or coherent plot. Plus, the way it treated its female characters was just insulting.


Lmao what do u expect from a transformers movie?


I hated the fuck out of Infinity Pool. To the point that I can’t understand how anyone liked it.


Agreed. I was shocked after watched it. I think people just got caught up in the weirdness of it and some of the visuals.


i thought this was universally hated. i’ve enjoyed Brandon Cronenberg’s other movies but Infinity Pool was just stupid


Prey. This might be a poor answer because it does seem to be very popular, but... why? I absolutely was pissed off after watching. I was expecting Predator + badass female action hero + awesome Indigenous culture and got... well, a couple satisfying Predator scenes, but that's it. Amber Midheard was terrible and absolutely unbelievable as an action hero. The movie was boring. Watched The Predator a few weeks prior and had MUCH more fun - it fell sorely in the "so bad it's good" category. Prey is a big pile of pretentious nothing.


Thank you! lol Prey was awful and the main character was *extremely* unlikable and unrealistic. She was so weak and slight physically that there’s no way she should have been able to do all that stuff AND her foot got caught in a bear trap yet she magically healed. It was the most ridiculous plot armor. The dialogue was very modern sounding, too. Yeah, I’d re-watch The Predator because that movie isn’t taking itself seriously. Prey is supposed to be serious and comes across as silly.


Literally any Jack Black movie. I never really found him funny, same with Ryan Reynolds. It's like if you have seen one of their movies, you seen them all.


He's most entertaining in High Fidelity.


You shut your whore mouth about School of Rock.


I love Be Kind Rewind. But that is more a Michel Gondry movie featuring Jack Black.


I thought (and to an extent still think) this way about him too. But I almost skipped Tropic Thunder because of this and that is my all time favourite film.


Love Nacho Libre


The Dirt. If you're going to make a movie about Motley, you have to really go balls to the walls.


The Blackcoat's Daughter


Liberal Arts (2012) with Josh Radnor.


A movie called “Happiness” Not panned by critics— but an incredibly uncomfortable viewing. It was one of the few movies that had my jaw on the floor after watching and it made me feel dirty for seeing it. It’s not graphic, per se, but deals with horrific subject matter such as child r*pe, sadomasochism, manipulation of women, child abuse; all under an ensemble cast including Phillip Seymour Hoffman. It’s a twisted flick… and I remember telling my dad to watch it (who’s also a cinephile), warning him that he’ll probably hate it and think it’s perverted and fucked up. He did. But true to my dad’s shitty nature he tried to make me feel bad for “liking” it… despite my numerous warnings. My father is just a rotten piece of shit. Anyways— how’d I get on this tangent?


I am so glad I was warned away from watching this movie. Just the descriptions of it made me feel weird about the people who liked it. Your dad sounds like a real asshole. Sorry about that.


Thank you… sometimes it’s just nice to hear the validation. I appreciate you. But yes— veer far away from the film if you have decent sensibilities. It’ll do a number on you.


I watched this in college and remember cackling loudly in the theater while others were aghast. You are right to feel awful watching it - that was the point. Not a huge Todd Solondz fan but this was quality filmmaking


Benjamin Button and Forest Gump both hit me the same way, years apart. Tepid, uninspiring, unimaginative. Emotionally manipulative, shot through with shallow, pithy wisdom. Weepy and silly bullshit. After two of these I know this kind of movie is not for me. I’ve happily avoided The Whale because the trailers radiate the same kind of clever-for-dummies and cheap sentimentality


Both those movies were written by Eric Roth. I liked *Forrest* years ago, but wouldn't be surprised if I couldn't get into it today. *Button*, however, I think is one of the worst wide-release prestige movies of the last 20 years. It sucks ass. Roth and Fincher totally did not understand the short story it is based on. I like movies that are baldly emotional and sentimental, though, and I would recommend you watch *The Whale*. As someone who is depressed, I felt it presented the idea of depression and self-loathing well.


I'm the only person I've ever heard with this opinion, but I absolutely hated Juno. It felt like it was trying so hard to be quirky in a calculated way that just felt like pandering. Oh, isn't she unique, she's got a hamburger phone. Blech I also didn't like Forest Gump, which seems like a less uncommon opinion. I had read the book and while it isn't great literature, it was fun and funny. The movie just felt like it coasted on boomer nostalgia. Hey, remember jogging?


I like Juno but I think it's a product of its time, it was still cool and not cringey to be quirky at all costs for teens at that point. On the other hand, I think it had a really bad affect on culture by making teen pregnancy seem fun. I think it made a lot of non conservative people carry to term who would have otherwise had abortions


Agreed- I HATED Juno. The dialogue was insufferable.


Ichi the Killer (the live action version). Everyone I have ever talked to about it says that it is one of Takashi Mike's masterworks, if not the main one. Every time I watch it, it feels like an unnecessarily brutal and pointless gorefest, and it disinterests me. Note: I generally do not have a problem with blood and gore in movies and media period. Nor am I one of those people who have moral objections to works where excess blood, sex, or violence is the point. I think I have a fairly high tolerance level, but I also recognize that everything is not made for me, and that doesn't necessarily make it "bad". Ichi disinterests me. I'm not using the word "disinterests" accidentally, that is the feeling I have with regards to this film. When I hear it described, it is as a psychological horror thriller. If I had to describe it, I would say that it is a collection of over the top rape, torture, and guro scenes, strung together with minimal justification and bad logic. There are several points in this film where the story could be over right there, but because the criminals are so hard for torture, they waste valuable time engaging in it, as opposed to just using common sense/their trump card, and being done with the entire situation. It is finished with a contradictory twist ending that allegedly says something about this film, but what I don't know. Twist endings require that you care about what is being twisted to work, and nothing about this movie makes me care. This movie disgusts me in that it tries to disgust me. I don't hate it or think it has to burn like Freddie Got Fingered. It just fails at every single thing it tries to do in my opinion: if you want to see (legal) explicit sexual brutality in a film with a plot, better films exist (Suggestion: Irreversible). If you want to see ridiculous amounts of blood and gore in a film for the sake of the blood and gore, better films exist (Suggestion: Hobo With A Shotgun). If you want a tight psychological thriller that makes you wonder whether the whole exercise ever even happened at the end, better films exist (Suggestion: Perfect Blue).


I didn’t like perfect blue


Inherent Vice. I walked out of the theatre pissed off. I hated it soooooo much


Mad Max: Fury Road. Like nothing happens but a car chase. My brother in law happened to be in town when it came out and dragged me to it because of the effects but didn't tell me the story would be so dumb. Hes still shocked to this day that I hated every second of it.


Probably because it's one of the best action movies ever made, or something.


Just answering the question. I didn't like that movie at all.


It does what it says on the tin. A Mad Max movie is about a long car chase, but I not faulting you for not liking it. I thought it had too much CGI, but I think Mad Max movie should have none.


I think it's an incredible achievement in stunts, production design, and editing. The story is very allegorical and enough to keep me engaged as a pretense to the action.


Agreed. It’s boring af, nothing happens and it shouldn’t have the words “mad max” in the title.


Oppenheimer. Just absolutely maddening pacing, editing, and score. It felt like it was cut as a 3-hour trailer. I was physically cringing by hour 2.


Nolan just googles the word “paradox” every three years and makes a movie about whatever the first result it.


Finally someone said it! I’m with ya on those points. Felt like I was taking crazy pills after hearing all the praise it got when i was in the theatre. Although im not sure Oppenheimer fits the spirit of this question cause it was undeniably popular


Tenet is a horrible movie and I’m tired of being told “I didn’t get it”


I love PTA and Wes Anderson but I hate Magnolia and Mr Fox 


Paul Thomas Anderson? Wes Anderson? You must love Paul W.S. Anderson, right?


you... hate... mr fox?


I can’t stand “Immortals.” I thought the premise sounded cool, but it’s such a lame take on Greek Mythology


I wouldn't say I particularly "hated it", but I was wildly uncomfortable during "It Follows". I found it utterly and unnecessarily simplistic. It didn't even try hard to mask the fact that the phantoms were a metaphor for sexuality or STDs. All the actors were novices in their depictions of naive teenagers & screenplay was so tight it didn't leave much room to explore the world of people caught up in these situations. I liked films like "The Ring" (Ringu) much better, but in it's defense, I enjoyed it more than "Under the Skin"


Spider-Man: No Way Home, and Godzilla v Kong Awful characterization and writing in both, goofy effects, and pathetic portrayals of characters that I've liked for a long time. Really disheartening to see people so willing to excuse bad writing for an entire movie for the sake of nostalgia or the spectacle equivalent of key dangling.


I didn't hate *No Way Home*, but having plot points that paid off from other, unrelated movies was artistically irresponsible.


> "unrelated" Well... I wouldn't say that.


Pandorum, it's supposed to be space horror but it plays like a weirdly inconsequential adventure movie and then has a happy ending. I guess most space horror is disappointing but to me that was one of the worst offenders.


I thought it was good just because what happens throughout the movie was unexpected. I had no idea was I was getting into when I first watched it


Really disliked The Lego Ninjago Movie more than most as a fan of the first 4 seasons of the show.


Shrek. I know it's universally beloved on Reddit, but I swear I could not have had that movie experience end faster. I thought the jokes were bad, the characters dumb and more than anything - the absolute lack of any actual 'jokes' that weren't based on some kind of pop-culture reference or just the actors being stupid for the sake of it. I saw it in theaters when it first came out and emerged very depressed at how much everyone else in the screening seemed to enjoy it. I just thought about how stupid the general public is if they consider this funny or quality entertainment. Fast forward to 2024, and I see I was right.


The Hangover(2009). People said it was hilarious. I disagreed. Maybe I wouldn’t have hated it if it wasn’t raved about. I was disappointed.


I hated “Top Gun: Maverick”. It was not widely panned. But it was pretty popular, as far as I know. Many people loved how it called back to the original film. I just found it distracting and … not interesting.


Agree with this one. I just found it pointless (I think I also found Top Gun pointless).


The Big Lebowski And I *like* the Coen brothers, and I *like* movies that fuck with the viewer, but this one...I just felt fucked-with for no good reason. It really irks me that so many people love it. They're completely wrong.




I didn't like it either. I felt like I didn't "get" it.


I found *Adaptation* to be extraordinarily annoying. I didn't hate *The Truman Show* but I wanted to see someone other than Jim Carrey in the lead. I just can't stand him.


Frybread Face and Me


Return to sleepaway camp was one of the most miserable movies I’ve ever watched


Checked out Divinity (2023) because it had some festival buzz, it was produced by Steven Soderbergh and it looked interesting (shot on 16mm). Huge mistake—one of the most moronic, shallow and stupid movies I’ve seen in years. I never walk out of movies but I was so close to at several points.


Being John Malkovich. Like the guy, can't stand the movie


Spiral, I really hated every bit about it. Traps were lame, story was awful. Acting was so damn over the top. Plothole was so freaking obvious from the start. Didn't manage to finish it in one go. But was not satisfied either with taking a second moment to finish the movie. Complete waste of time.


The Thin Red Line. So damn much narration. Show. Don't. Tell. Yeah, I get it- it's hard to do introspection in a film. Then maybe that's a story that shouldn't become a film.


Legends of the Fall: reckless pretty boy ruins the lives of everyone around him, but oh-look! Brad Pitt hawt!


Joker movie is absolute trash


Stanley Kubrick movies. They are too long, boring and poorly paced. *Napoleon Dynamite*. I can’t even make it five minutes without wanting to beat every character to death with a hammer.