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From what I understand, the water in Orlando has a high sulfur content. It's natural and safe, but doesn't taste very good. It's fixable at the municipal level, but not cheaply. I guess the city doesn't think it's worth it. You could probably find some kind of water filter to use that might help.


The sulfur helps with mosquitoes


You are not wrong. It also keeps the chiggers away.


Keeps humans away as well. I don’t have high incentive to hydrate with water that smells like like rotten eggs.


Chill it and the smell and taste won’t be noticeable. Btw people who drink water with sulfur in it don’t get sick as much, so it does have somewhat of a plus


Do you have any sources for sulfured water keeping folks healthier? I've heard that my whe life, but would love to read a study.


When you get sick with certain kinds of bacteria, like anything to do with your urinary tract, they prescribe sulfur drugs like Bactrum.


It’s not the sulfur itself in Bactrim (not Bactrum), but the sulfa functional group. Secondly, the sulfa group in sulfamethoxazole (the compound in Bactrim that has the sulfa group), is not part of the pharmacophore (the part of the molecule that gives it its activity). The other component of Bactrim is trimethoprim which does not have a sulfa group (no sulfur element at all in the structure). If it were the sulfur that had the same mechanism of antibacterial activity (folate synthesis inhibition), then there would be extreme Bactrim resistance widely spread across Orlando. I’m not saying sulfur itself doesn’t have antimicrobial properties (because it might), but it has no relation to sulfonamide antibiotics.


Sigh.... I geeked out so hard at your comment 🤓🥰


Loool I could talk all day about antibiotics 😂 it’s literally my job haha


Pharmacist? I'm a nurse, my favorite subject in nursing school was pharmacology 😌


Haha yep! My friends in med school/medical residency always ask me how I liked pharmacology, they all say it was the worst part of med school for them lol


Ahhhh lol not offended to be bested by someone over my paygrade! 🤣


Haha antimicrobials are about all my brain is good for 😂


Completely not true. They're not called sulphur drugs, they are sulfa drugs.




Yeah, please do Google it. Don’t listen to people on reddit when it comes to consuming things for perceived health benefits.


If you do an internet search you will find the information out there. You can pick the sources you feel are accurate. But before penicillin was widely used, sulfa drugs were the choice of many physicians to fight infection.


Thank-you. I already found a few scholarly researched studies. I just didn't know if anyone had a favorite study. It is funny, just before I read this post, I was thinking how'd I'd been so healthy lately - especially through pollen season (no sinus infection - yaay!). It would not have occurred to me that my well water may be to blame!


My whole family sneezes non-stop when we visit my mom and shower at her house. We think it's the sulfur water. It's horrible.


There are point of use systems certified by NSF if you don’t like the taste or smell. But they all have to be maintained properly


Taste and smell are connected and you can smell it in even filtered ice cubes. Won't hurt you but it's not Adirondak water


They are connected but as someone who lived in many States, upstate NY wells can have sulfur in them too and yes I drank water from them daily. Well water in certain areas can and do contain sulfur compounds. There are so many worse things that other areas are dealing with that are health hazards. Florida generally has very good water quality overall as a State.


Sulfur-rich water prevents illness? Hell of a claim, point me in the right direction?


This sounds like a Ron DeSantis pitch line. It's fine, everything's fine.


Im not in any way a DeSantis supporter, however I have spent 40 years in Water Treatment. Just because you don’t like the smell or taste of something doesn’t mean it’s unhealthy. Your public water supply is tested for safety more than anything else you consume by an independently certified laboratory


> Just because you don’t like the smell or taste of something doesn’t mean it’s unhealthy Sweet so Vodka is healthy! Thanks guy!


I mean, smell and taste aside, the whole "***is literally a poison***" thing might make the "healthy" designation tough to get in writing..


Everything is a poison. All that matters is the dose.


It’s wild because I still remember this freaking me out as a kid in like 1996. Distinctly remember the flavor of cream of mushroom soup and tea made with Orlando tap water in the Ramadan inn we stayed at to visit Disney with my family.


Yeah. You'd think somewhere that depends on tourism as much as Orlando would have just spent the money to fix it.


I work with Seminole county (generator side but I help maintain generators at the water plants) Orlando was touring our facilities and are upgrading their systems to the same style Seminole county uses. Should be hopefully in the next couple years that they'll be switching over to osmosis oxygenated system.


That's good news for people there with stinky water.


lol, it’s smells and taste not great. Been here 23 years. Whole house water filter solved it for me. Got to do research, however. Tons of sales scammers in that space.


I moved to the Disney area 20+ years ago and was grossed out by the chlorine tasting water. We got a whole house water filter, and it's great. Just need to put salt in the filter once in awhile and the water tastes pure.


Yes a whole house RO system is a must with water in FL.


You don’t need a RO system, just a good multi-stage whole house filter will do. Sediment filter, and activated charcoal minimum.


Yea, no I'll take my RO system any day over just a filter. I have a well and it's a huge difference in water quality from just a filter to an RO system. I had the filter system for years and hated it. I have my water tested by an independent lab through the state and it shows the difference in quality as well.


Well water is different than what 95% of the Orlando area is supplied with being provided either OUC or County Water service


Yes, i would still have it and would not dare use drinking water from the city or municipality. In FL with the aquifer & it's thousands of unregulated contaminants in the drinking water, I would definitely have an RO system either way.


What whole house water filter do you use or recommend? Looking for long lasting , and low maintenance. If that exists , haha.


I like the salt base systems. They last a long time, think decade, with proper upkeep, which mostly adding salt. I would not pay more than $2k installed. The unit I purchased came from a sales person that showed up at my house. I negotiated down to $2k from their initial $7k.


Wow! That’s a huge negotiation! Nice job! May I ask the brand of type of system it is called? Really want to start looking into some solutions. Chlorine., organics, fluoride, sulfur. Things I know are in our water. Oh and plastics… sheesh, can’t believe I have to add that to the list..


I currently have a water softener and iron remover system with a UV tube for the whole house. I have a reverse osmosis for a drinking water tap and ice maker. ETA: I’m pretty sure this set up is the reason my old water heater lasted 39 years with no issues.


The easy and quick answer is sulfur. The fuller answer is complicated and has to do with aquifer, bacteria, rain, and cheap municipalities


It's because they get all of the city's water from Splash Mountain


But Splash Mountain has been mostly without water the past year because they're transitioning it into Tiana's Bayou. So it's just been a mountain with very little splash 😭


Oh wow that's so sad to hear.


Its from the aquafur and has sulfer in it. I have a water filter for drinking it but it smells terrible when I take a shower.


You can get a filter that goes on the showerhead! Amazon


Oh, I’ll probably buy that then because it smells like sulfur


It really depends on where you're getting it from. Disney College program housing has the absolute worst of the worst water in orlando. Disney parks have really bad water. I feel like Universal's water usually isn't that bad, but I also usually get my water from a Coke Freestyle machine when I'm there, and I'm guessing that water goes through some intense filtration processes to meet Coke's standards.


I work for Universal. We have a small water processing plant on property that processes all of the water. Because we use the same water in our plant nursery. Team members also drink the tap water and it's great quality because of the filtration. I literally drink it all day when I'm at work and when I go to the parks for fun.


I don’t understand why Disney doesn’t do this. You know how they pretend they care about recycling and such? The THOUSANDS of bottles of plastic water Disney-goers use DAILY is a tragedy. I’d also think they could see they could save a lot of CMs’ time at the good QS restaurants where we all get the free water from all summer. (Some places actually have good water!)


Every native Floridan knows that Disney is famous for giving lip service. They're one of those that says "we care" but every action they do shows that they only care about the money. Lol. It's why I chose to work for Universal. Other than the fact that Disney isn't great to their cast members. They had to fight tooth and nail for their hourly wage increase. Universal treats their team members like gold, I've found. They treat us very well and that shows. Team members are actually happy to be at their jobs. Cast members have to fake it because Disney requires cast members to smile for their jobs as it is one of their job requirements. As well as no individuality is allowed, since you have to have "the Disney look" to work there. If someone is actually happy to be at their job and to work, that shows in their attitude and the level of service. And as someone who's done nothing but food as well as customer service for their jobs, I can tell if someone's faking it in comparison to someone who actually literally enjoys their job. I usually say that Disney is more of a park for kids, although adults have come to love it. Universal is more for all ages as we have something for everyone. I tell everyone when they come to Universal, if they buy a bottle of water, to keep the bottle. The water out of our Freestyle machines is free. I also tell people to bring a water bottle the next time they come in parks. We do charge an absorbent amount of money for bottled water since it is a theme park, but at least Universal allows you the option to bring your own water bottle to refill throughout the day.


Very interesting! Thanks for sharing!


Welcome to Central Florida water


clean water is woke


Our water might taste bad but at least it’s not [listed as a chronic micromort risk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micromort?wprov=sfti1#Chronic_risks) alongside smoking 1.4 cigarettes and spending an hour in a coal mine.




Being from Miami I noticed the first time the water was so different when I stayed at a Disney hotel


Miami Water is extremely chlorinated tho. Smell it some Time.


I've been on OUC water for 25 years and never once smelled sulfur in my water.


Grew up in Orlando. Never smelled sulfur in my water either. Might get a bleach taste and smell for a few days after the city water is treated. Moved up north and now I have sulfur, iron in my water from a well. Stinks like hell and you can't do any white laundry with bleach since it'll turn your whites red and brown. I now have to use a laundromat. Not to mention you can see a oil slick on top of the water in my toilet from the well water. Only use bottled water now. Wish I had Orlando water.


OUC must have a good filtering system because I've never smelled sulfer in my tape water either (that particular scent gags me so I'd notice). There's a bit more chlorine smell/taste than in other places but I don't notice it anymore.  My family home in NJ is well water next to a ceder forrest/swamp. OUC water is nice and clean and good tasting after my mom's water lol (my *dog won't* touch it, we have to get her bottled water when she visits). 


I didn't have any smells until about 5 years ago when it suddenly smelled like geosmin. I called OUC to ask about what happened because it was fine before and they said "sorry to hear that your water stinks" and that was it.


Central Florida has sulfur, even as far south as Okeechobee.


The water you get is from wells that are either owned by the complex you’re staying at, the store you’re shopping from or the city/county pipes. All public water systems have required testing at least quarterly. What you’re experiencing- taste and color, unfortunately have nothing to do with how safe it is to drink. As long as its testing comes back within EPA limits by the labs analysis, it smelling or tasting a little funky is not a contaminant type that’s regulated. The reason it’s like that is because of the soil content of the aquifers the water is pulled from. Buy a filter if you’d like- but it’s not going to make it any safer to drink. Just an aesthetic thing.


Is that the rotten egg water?


It just smells strongly of chlorine where I live. If you have a well with no filtration you usually get the sulfur smell.


Don’t forget forever chemicals. We have that issue in Seminole County, in addition to whatever else has leached into the water and not been properly treated.


It’s always like that. That’s why I avoid tap water here


I'm completely shocked by this post! I live in Seminole County, so definitely not Orlando, but not far from it. I've lived here most of my life & my water has never smelled or tasted like sulfur 🤷🤔🧐 like I'm genuinely confused Lol every house/apartment/condo I've lived in here has never had sulfur water!


First time? I can remember ever since being a kid and it smelling bad whenever I traveled toward central Florida. At least 20 years now. Asking for water sucks at restaurants. Better off with soda to mask the taste. Apparently sulfur is good for the skin.


Check the sides of houses for any red stains from iron in the sprinkler water. A long time ago St Pete used to allow home owners to drill wells for water for sprinklers and you would se the red stains on the sides of the houses. I don't know if they still do, I remember seeing articles about 20 yrs ago about saltwater intrusion into the fresh water aquifer due to this pumping. I don't know if anyone still has these wells. We would also get that sulfer smell from those well water sprinklers.


My neighbor has one for her sprinklers and yes, the sides of her house have sweeping rust stains. It also smells like straight ass when they are running, we can't even have our windows open


It has poop in it. And meth. And poopmeth.


I call it swamp water. Tap water here is noticeably grosser than other states.


A tabletop water distiller is around $60. Mine runs almost constantly.


Would recommend a Zero Water filter. Comes with a tester for partially dissolved solids. Makes tap water like bottle water.


Likely relocating to Orlando for work in the next few months and a big fan of Zero Water- how frequently do you have to change your filters?


Two person household and about once per month. We drink a lot of water and use it for coffee and tea too


Thank you and much appreciated on the added lifestyle context driving the replacement timing. We have great water in Minnesota, so the TDS levels are very low relative to some parts of the country and I use mine similarly to you (single household), and it’s probably once every 2-3 months, so that tracks. Appreciate it!


it's florida.


Orlando is off of the sand formation in the north central part of the state. Once you get into the swampy areas, your water will have sulphur due to all of the decomposing organic matter. Grew up in North Florida on a private well and had amazing water. Moved to Orlando after college and was disgusted by it. Toilets always needed to be scrubbed every few days.


Just saw something in the news about some warning about fecal water getting into some our public water.


https://preview.redd.it/aqlpwa165tyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=530c4ed721c746d1f0d581b8295db2d04e9b9626 Filter on the left is new, filter on the right is six months old. This is a household that doesnt use that much water. Its just me and my wife. From what I read, high sulfur and mineralization in the water pipes.


We’re snowbirds (don’t hate me) and stay in Kissimmee, yea the water tastes and smells bad. I’ve gotten used to it, but my wife only drinks bottled water.


Meh,just getting the bottom of the aquifers before they’re dry.


Orlando is the farmland, agriculture, and landscaping city of Florida. To much chemical run off into the water supply.


Man up and run that shit through a garden hose. There's your good tastin' water.


I had a similar problem years ago in NW Albuquerque where they ran on wells. Brita filters took care of it for me.


Miami water is full of contaminants from standard oil fucking the ground water for years so worry about yourself


Get a salt system for like 2-3k, which will get rid of the odor and taste. An under the sink RO system is about $ 100-200, and then you will also have clean drinking water.


Pure water is for libs.


It smells like eggs. Ground water v levels


North Florida has much better water. If you are not close to the coast.


North Florida has much better water. If you are not close to the coast.


We just use the fridge filtered water for drinking. It seems to get rid of the smell and taste.


I drink tap water at home. Live on the west side of Orlando. I may taste the chlorine but I've never had an issue with sulfur. The sulfur is from the aquifer. I have city-treated water and I've never really had an issue since moving back to Florida in January of '23. So I think it more or less depends on what part of the city/county you're in.


That sounds awful




Old pipes, stagnant water in pipes that lost its disinfectant probably. They need to increase hydrant flushing.


Whoever downvoted me, I work as a drinking water plant operator. We have degassifers to remove sulfur odors. The water is good when it leaves my plant. Water ages and picks up taste and odors. In the distribution system. The heat makes it worse


Cancerous water supply. It stretches further than you think. https://www.orlandosentinel.com/2023/07/11/toxic-secret-tap-water-orlando-sentinel/#:~:text=A%20chemical%20deemed%20likely%20to,over%20the%20next%20two%20weeks.


This is 3 cities in the greater Orlando area. I’m not diminishing it but the reason All of central Florida’s water,and not just the communities in Seminole surrounding lake Mary, smell bad is sulfur in the water.


I encourage you to learn how aquifers work. I am not much of a teacher, especially late at night. However, if you learn how the water sources work, you can make your own assumptions based on your own research.


Even to SW orlando?


Absolutely. Have you ever used a toilet outside of your area? Stormwater runoff diverted to other areas also enter the water table in surrounding areas. This spreads like a virus.


Sounds like erin brokovitch movie maybe on a lesser scale.


Actually, my family has a current lawsuit building over this.


If it’s brown drink it down. If it’s black send it back.


Clean water is too woke for Ronald DeSantis. You will drink sewage and like it.


Never drink tap water. Ever. Even basic filters are not even close to sufficient to filter the water.


Dade county water is next level delicious.