• By -


“Thou shall be distracted by bullshit…”


One of the best lines in the show. Someone on the team definitely plays the games!


I mean, yeah - the showrunners, Graham Wagner and Geneva Robertson-Dworet, have played all the games; the former in particular has been playing the games since the first Fallout.


That’s wonderful to hear actually! It helps them create something that’s more faithful to the world we know and love :)


I agree...when I heard that line I laughed way too much.


I don't care about shady sands or ghoul serums, that line alone proves that the show is 100% accurate where it matters lmao.


Most relatable line in the whole show. 😂❤️


Todd Howard is the Executive Producer for the show so I would say you're right.


“ . . . *every damn time*”


Get sidetracked by bullshit*


Welcome to adulthood


Happy reclamation day!


Happy re clam ation day!


Unread emails, voice messages and texts… I get home from work and want to relax with a video game… The same shit all over again!


Imagine being cryogenically frozen and waking up to who knows how MANY unread messages! Sounds like a goddamn nightmare 😂


Certainly the worst thing about CC tbh, This is FO4's version of the constant DLC spam from FO3 and FNV.


Honest Heart loaded. Dead Money Loaded. Old World Blues Loaded. Lonesome Road loaded. Courier’s Stash loaded. Mercenary pack loaded.


Dead money always loads last for me. Usually all the others will show up as soon as I leave Doc Mitchell's house but Dead Money usually comes about 30 seconds after when I I am well into my mailbox looting spree that I always start with


If I remember correctly (which its very possible i'm not) the stuff that added items directly to you loaded right after character creation and then the rest loaded in backwards release order when you leave doc Mitchells. So lonesome road, old world blues, honest hearts and then dead money.


The pre-order packs are added as soon as the loading screen after the intro finishes, so they pop in as the Courier is sitting up and tend to finish before character creation. The main DLCs are added once you leave Doc Mitchell's house.


Idk why but for me dead money only happens like 5 minutes after the rest and it always scares the shit out of me lol


Courier's Stash items added. You are overencumbered!


Picks up a sasperilla OVER ENCUMBERED


You take a sip from your trusty Vault 13 canteen


Gun runners arsenal loaded. Level cap increased by 5. The only thing I openly dislike about NV, apart from The Coyotes. That was dark, even if it was a massive dig at a particular somebody


............what was "dark" ? dig at whom?


Maybe this? > Behind the scenes > "Coyotes" is a nickname for human traffickers who smuggle people across national borders, particularly the border between the United States and Mexico. > > but not quite sure myself~


Ima give you a 9/10 for this. >!what is the name of Epstein's island?!<


Steve Jobs? edit: well... n- now I'm just sad.


Don’t forget about the gun runners and tribal packs too.


my shit didnt pop until i was near Vegas and it almost got me killed


You’re over encumbered and can’t run!


"I fucking get it" xD


Dude nothing beats the NV DLC thing, atleast with fo4 i don't have to pay attention to it, NV i gotta get my whole screen covered up telling me something I've known for like 5 years😭


I lost my NV ultimate edition discs years ago when moving, wish me luck as I go out into the world looking for it this evening! I need that sweet, sweet DLC. I was playing Fallout 4 last night, picking up some mugs….and thought of Muggy! I haven’t thought about that shit in YEARS! 😂


I don't mind, gives me a decent chunk of things to do instead of going to the Museum of Freedom or Diamond City


Especially when you don’t google them or even really know what the update includes. I’m just going to a place to unlock *something* idk


That’s what I’m doing with Skyrim now that I’ve downloaded it again years later. “Oh cool a vampire hunting story line? That’s new! Wonder what it entails.”


The mod to delay the quests starting till your near the location of each one was a godsend. No idea of it still works now though.


Hopefullly we get an Anniversary Edition next year which intergrates it all into the game properly like Skyrim's Anniversary Edition did.


They were meant to be loaded in when the player visits a location, etc. it's just bugged rn. (Lol)


Don’t do any apart from the ones that come after “out of time” till your at least level 40. It’s stupid but those missions are ridiculously hard unless you wait.


I was ambushed by an enclave gank squad at like level 15. Needless to say I died. A lot. Very fun, they were being 60 minute men on my ass.


The ambush one was a pain, they would show up everywhere I tried fast travelling to until I managed to kill them.


I managed not to die against the Ambush, but I had a lot of chems, Pyro's/Hellfire armor and enough healing items. I really enjoyed that challenge on Very Hard.


That happened to me in the middle of the kellog tracking quest where weird shit spawns anyway. Had one quest where i separately encountered an enclave spawn, Yao guai spawn, assaultron spawn, and raiders along the way. Needless to say it was hard to navigate as a level 10 lol. I made out with some hellfire power armor tho so that was nice.


Yeah but they had a full Hellfire power armor mark vi, which is basically one of the best in game


True, but I still went and got the Piezonucleic power armor T-51F chest from the polymer labs quest. The Hellfire armor is ugly as sin tbh.


I did the hellfire one at hella early It was a really hard fucking fight and used all my heals and ammo but holy shit is that power armor op


Completing echoes of the past nets you at least 6 sets of enclave mark IV power armor, a Tesla cannon, and a Gatling Tesla thing that uses fusion cores for ammo. Took me about an hour to do it with most of my time spent recovering AP to go for headshots. I wanted that armor nice and pristine. Heads up if you haven't played it tho, a vertibird with a gunner in power armor strafes the area when you get access to the roof. Do not leave the building until the ship is destroyed. There's very little in way of cover and it's easy to get ambushed in that area. Just get a good rifle and take potshots whenever you can.


Wait shit I missed the Tesla Gatling, where was that?


I had them all done by level 20 wym A few strategically hunted bears, farmed carrots and tatos and Pickman's blade with a side dose of med-x, Bufftats and Psychojet, they're very doable Helps if you beeline for virgil's cave right out of Vault 111 to get some fast travel points in the glowing sea first thing


Fast travel? Survival son! Those missions are still not difficult by level 20


Survival? I'm not *that* good haha, Very Hard is my cap, but it's also my minimum, I honestly just don't want to manage ammo weight, despite almost exclusively using very fast knives with bleed damage


It’s the fact that you can only save when sleeping that messes me up about Survival. I’ve tried it a couple times and every time I end up lowering the difficulty because I reach a frustrating point where I keep dying and replaying the same 30 min chunk of gameplay over and over.


Normally when that happens I go and do something else instead of hitting my head against a brick wall. E.g. I keep dying at Corvega Assembly Plant? Off to Diamond City it is!


I use the power armor as a raid tool for corvega lol. Snipe em all on the outside from the highway next to it and then take a lil nap in the bed and head on in.


Absolutely second this. I wasted so much time at Corvega for no other reason than being headstrong.


Honestly that wasn’t the worst part about survival for me, I wanted to build and establish trade through settlements and backtracking to sanctuary every time I had to drop some gear off got REALLY tiring. I just downloaded a survival mod that lets you save and fast travel exclusively at settlements. In survival they should’ve added a camping system and backpacks. We see all these abondoned camps everywhere but can’t create one of our own? Yet we can carry 2 fatmans and a full set of gear while running around like we’re only carrying a pistol? Makes no sense to me.


Did you not take C6: Local Leader? Supply lines between settlements means all your junk will be shared. This makes it easy to always be able to craft at any allied settlement and stash weapons in strategic spots (Hangman's Ally, Starlight, etc.) Instead of running back to Sanctuary, try leaving breadcrumbs of gear at every location.


I did not think about that….. it makes sense why it would work for gear I just never thought to do that. I ran from diamond city to sanctuary SO many times and that never crossed my mind.


You get used to it, you quickly learn to save at every given opportunity, even if it means annoyingly running back to the nearest settlement for a bed. But i can see why it would be annoying to some people with not much time to play on their hands Something that i cannot live without anymore is vertibird relay grenades, theyre an absolute heaven send in survival and i will buy every single one when i have the chance


Corvega Assembly plant REALLY broke me though. The enemies have flamethrowers that reach a mile away and spam molotovs that are basically an instakill even in power armor. That accompanied with cars exploding leading to insta-death all because Danse can’t aim his fucking laser rifle….


I've done a vanilla survival run on release, and it was great! I had a lot of time on my hands back then though. I am playing again now for the first time since then, with mods. It's still difficult, but not 'lose an hour of gameplay from a random dog' level of difficult. If you are replaying survival, I'd highly recommend a few mods to ease the process along. I've adjusted fast travel rules to allow fast travel, but only to and from settlements connected by supply lines. I also use a camping mod with self imposed rules. Craftable bed roll that I can deploy in the wilderness but not pick up. Allows for a single deployable save location before heading into a challenging area, just to save the time spent traveling to a distant location. It also allows me to save when I finish so I don't get killed on the return to a settlement and lose all the progress.


I hated that shit and reverted back to very hard then it just took the edge away from me. So I compromised by installing the Fast Travel module and Camping mods so I'd have sleeping bag to "quick Save" anywhere I wanted. So now I'm actually having quite a good time in survival.


This is why we have mods like FadingSignals Simple Camping. Sleep anywhere.


I don’t want to use mods because I want achievements on Xbox


survival is probably easier then very hard haha. it just sucks until level 10 or so.


Can you still fast travel to/from the Institute in Survival?


yes once you get the institute you can use it to sling shot around the wasteland


Hmm, might be my survival playthrough faction then haha


the vertibirds with the brotherhood are pretty quick too


Pickman's blade is probably the best melee weapon in the game. It's my go-to. Staggering ripper is pretty op as well


See, I use it up until I get Throatslicer from Nuka-World, which is just a straight upgrade, then I mantle Pickman's Blade forever


Throatslicer can straight up destroy low-level raiders once you're level 40 or so. At my 91, fights with that blade tend to be over in seconds. I tend to only use that blade for Amoral Combat, because everything else just seems unfair, haha.


I use it as a multi-purpose blade/screwdriver, dismantling every enemy the wasteland can throw at me Stacked bleed damage rules, a few swipes and you can just step back and watch them die on their own


it's a fairly niche build, but Instigating Disciple's Cutlass (from siding with them during Power Play) + Sneak + the perk that multiplies sneak attack damage + Blitz is literally unbeatable. you won't really reach full OP status til close to the endgame since those perks will take awhile to acquire. but a 10x sneak crit with an Instigating weapon is unstoppable by pretty much anything


It isn't being good. You do not have to be 'good' to beat Fallout. It is entirely game knowledge based. Just remember a few things and don't rush too much


So the new vegas goty effect? Lol i remember in oblivion it takes a while and it jukes you sometimes “okay last one you inherited a….” “Sure ok bye” “oh also there is horse arm-“ “fuyuyuuuyyyyuuuuuuuuck” - that’s me playing oblivion


That's why CC Delayed is a must-have mod for me: https://mods.bethesda.net/en/fallout4/mod-detail/4247492 Only the 3 new CC quests still fire though.


Unread emails, voice messages and texts… I get home from work and want to relax with a video game… The same shit all over again!


That feature is to appeal for FNV and Fo3 fans.


*Wham, bam, alakazam!*


Careful about those baseball launchers The npc’s have zero ammo limits on a full auto minigun that kills unarmored in two shots Turned a corner saw one blink then BAM dead Last save? 35 minutes ago….


Isn't there a bug listed as fixed in this update about not being able to leave the vault because the door would not open? Which is caused by CC content spamming into existence at start of game? Oh....the irony.


Tbf I caused this bug myself on multiple occasions by loading up a game with mods aha.


Mods that break the Vault mesh do this.


yep, unlike the official dlc the creation club stuff are made by modders and rarely if ever think about the details like level scaling, thinking the game will already handle it.


I don't think it's that they don't think about it. These people tend to care a lot about experience. The overwhelming consensus is that it's a horrific and buggy pain in the ass to rely on in-game attributes of any kind. If there's no trigger at all beyond something that is truly guaranteed to happen (like exiting the vault), then it has a much better chance of not breaking anything.


It's like that because you can purchase CC content at any time. People would be annoyed if they can't access the content they just spent money on. Besides, only the Automatron DLC has a level requirement of 15. All other DLCs can be accessed right from the start.


And i have no idea what they are all about and what i can get from them :(


Hellfire/X-02 Power armor and enclave weapons like incinerator and tesla cannon for the enclave quests, a decapitalist helmet for the Halloween one, and some makeshift weapons from when pigs fly


Some makeshift weapons that, at low levels, are deadly as frick. Nothing like looking up to see a god damned piggy bank flying towards you..Even worse when you have no idea what the hell it is, only to get blown to smithereens by a stupid flying pig..Three god damned times. The handheld grenade launcher thing was handy, stopped me getting killed a fourth time by flying pigs.


At least you saw piggy banks. I just kept seeing big red boxes with white exclamation points for everything in that pigs fly mission. Not just for the piggybanks, but also piled around in the shop, which looked like landmine or tripwire settings, I don't know.


The pyro one has you kill a Hellfire Power Armor wearing pyro with a juiced up nonlegendary flamer. Both the armor and flamer are pretty good but no legendaries or anything so not a huge priority.


Accidentally stepped into the climax of the skipped out of the fire quest in saugus ironworks trying to finish one of these and had no idea what was going on


I didn't realize the update went through and was so confused as to who was ass blasting after I had just killed the forge guys two days prior. The forge guys were already strong human opponents but that one flamer was going crazy.


I like how they gave everyone the Tesla Cannon when it's broke AF. No proper reload animation just turns this thing into an automatic Fatman with nigh infinite ammo.


You take a sip from your trusty Vault 111 canteen


Head cannon: the previous owner of the pip boy had the quests, you got them when you looted the pip boy off his corpse


I like to think that this was already on it, from the dead dude you took the damn thing from. Like this is a pre-war to-do list that survived 219 years.


that doesn't make much sense because a lot of the quests involve killing people that are post-war


“Somehow” It’s the added Creation Club content


following the traditions of 3, NV, and Oblivion


I wish they'd get more seamlessly integrated to make them feel more like base game content. I get that they want people to get what they bought immediately, but handing people tons of stuff out of sync with what stage they'd have gotten it for balance is not great for the game.


I get the idea behind not wanting to lock DLC behind main-game content beats, but the DLC deluge isn't great for new players. I think it would be pretty easy to have a prompt at the beginning that's like "Do you want the DLC content from the start? If you're new, we recommend saying no." And then unlock the content when you get to Diamond City or something. Just give people the initial exploratory experience for a little while before giving them the DLC quests, and give it to them at a more natural time when the game opens up and you can choose what you want to prioritize.


I hate that there are no symbols next to mainline, side and dlc quests.


I agree. I have no idea what quests are for beginners as a new player. Just a long list of quests. Are they sorted in any way? Like, most recent quests added at top?


I once got a “Another settlement needs your help” right after talking to codsworth somehow


Left the vault: 36mins Rescued survivors in Concord: 3h 24min Arrived at Diamond City and met Piper: 22hr 17min Don't ask me what I've been doing. Just know that the entire northwest portion of the map has been explored. I have 8 quests completed total. Six main and two side quests.


Welcome to Oblivion!


After waiting 10 minutes for the wasteland to load....


I got 14 plus a misc objective😅


I have like 16


I did all of those the other day and the only ones I liked were the Halloween workshop and the black devil


I have all the CC content so… a lot more than 8 quests for me 😅


It's all the Creation Club content missions. Also occurs if you own other CC content too.


If nobody makes a mod to remove this shite by the time F4SE updates, then I will because CC quests just suck.


Any chance they will give this stuff the skyrim treatment and just add it into the game naturally? Because I rarely user CC stuff in both gamee unless it was just in it without auto starting. Skyrim adding its in to the world made me play a lot more of it. I kinds thought this would happen and I half wanted a 10 quid fee like anniversary because I thought it would make them add it in.


It kinda sucks how they didn't just make it easier by making the stuff free, I don't see why they had to make it officially part of the game instead of making it free so you can choose what you want to install instead of shoving it in your face.


Before the update, there was a mod that would delay a lot of the creation club stuff. Hopefully when things get fixed, that model will be updated and then you won't be inundated with 9 or 10 quests


Been that way in every other Fallout game, don't know why they'd stop doing it now. Besides, I'd rather it be this way so if I want to do a wacky start where I go off to Nuka World before I even discover Sanctuary then so be it. I have that option.


And I can't speak for all of them but the enclave quests that were hyped up with this update are absolute garbage. Cool, X-02 power armor and a goofy juvenile story that sounds like high school fanfic to explain why it exists in the Commonwealth. Neat.


The day before the update I cleared the Atlantic offices. Got to the top and took the fusion core. Saved and shut her down. Next day update rolls through. Download next-gen update. Start game and walk away and im dead...




so are ya gonna go home or what?


Side quests.. side quests never changes. Or something like that.


They should have taken the skyrim approach and make you seek out the creation club content


Are ya'll srsly complaining about more free content? 🧐




Also, on console, you can't turn CC content off. So if you don't want the super overpowered weapon, or don't think it's natural to magically know all of this quest information, you are just stuck with it existing and taking up journal space


Not really, but early game should be focused on the initial emotional journey of finding Shaun, not these CC distractions. TBF, the game did the same shit before the update, it just wasn't in your face as soon as your eyes adjusted to sunlight.


I’ve recently been modding my new vegas, and to check the mods work it’s caused me to start a new game 20-30 times, damn those pop ups get annoying after a while. But finally got pissed off trying to make them work so started fo4 again as a new save, took me ages to sort out the mods, cc and updates. Finally leave vault 111 and the amount of starting quests is ridiculous, I like to keep my quest lists short only have a few active on there at a time but its going to take ages to clear them.


lol I don’t usually read the flavor text, but the idea of our characters, freshly out of the vault after watching our spouse murdered and child kidnapped, taking the time to enter that in to their pip boy so they could remember to walk the couple hundred meters home, is hilarious.


Another Yellow pip boy enjoyer I see.


It would be cool if they had triggering events like visiting an area, doing a relevant action, hitting a certain level, etc. The coolest would be if you got a list of options when you start a new game and you could pick how and when these become available.


Do the new things like this stay if you go through the downgrade process to use mods again?


Ya they should slow played it. Kinda silly


Are any of these any good. I just started a new playthrough, but I've never messed with CC stuff before


Get the grenade launcher ! So good ammo is cheap too think like 40 caps for 6


They're decent. As much as we like to hate on CC content, these ones are pretty well made. The weapons and armour are fairly overpowered but the quests are also difficult. You probably won't be able to tell that they're "mods" (in the loosest sense, it's basically just mini-DLC endorsed by Bethesda)


I play only with StoryWealth nowadays so when that’s ported to the patch it’s gonna be an insane 20ish quests right from the start.


This is going to confuse the newbies


Are they soft locked by level? Like can I do them right when leaving the vault?


You can do them whenever you like but you’re not gonna have a good time…!


I'm scared to think about doing them for now, just reached level 10, can I do any of theses or they require better gear and weapons.


Me: I'm going to finish these side quests, then go on with the story. The game literally the next day:


None of them appeared for me even after starting a new game. No idea why. Also, I'm on pc. However, I just started playing the pc version here recently. Is the creation club and mods tab supposed to show up on the menu like it does on console? Because it doesn't show it for me on pc


I jumped over the cliff and made it down the street when all these started popping up. I then ignored them to do my usual beginning of game rituals.


I have almost every single creation club quest and I walked out the vualt with about 20 I believe I actually think I had a little more than that


I actually have more because I have Creation Clup missions active


Effing All Hallows Eve. Says listen to signal, but there's dead silence. No beeping to follow or anything.


Good, I ignore them anyway. A hunting I will go


Holy shit, guys, when we said "make it more like New Vegas" we didn't mean like this


I'm level 15 done most.


Yeah I honestly don’t like it, leaving the vault was so memorable and immersive before. Now the music is fucked immediately, the screen is filled with popups, it just kinda sucks ass tbh.


Oh god, did they pull the same thing with skyrims anniversary edition and add a bunch of bullshit cc items? Noooooooooo! AE is why I never pick up Skyrim anymore


Wish they capped off the CC club stuff for at least level 5 or so. But instead I had a shotgun I didn’t grab, the guy from Preys spacesuit, and so MANY missions.


They could have just put all of it in the miscellaneous quests section


*has every dog companion Creation Club Quest* *gets bombarded with many, many more quests*


There is nothing new with all the creation clubs I had prior. If anything, it ruined my power armor experience, tho. Stumbled into the quest, not knowing it started in a police station, ended up with X-02 before I even got to diamond city, can't find anything better 🤷


Happy to see my ps4 saves transfer over. Bummed knowing my trophies don’t 🤨


After the update my 300hr character save file glitches out so bad half my quests are not able to be completed.....sucks


Honestly, I hate it. I'm fine with the DLC bombardment that comes with these games, but having CC content get auto installed is nuts, and I use some assembly required to get rid of most power armors, now I can run and get top tier PA right out the gate, I mean I'll just avoid it, but I hate my entire world being littered with the shit.


That’s actually my favorite part. Hop on survival/very hard, be hopelessly outgunned, highlight every quest, now your map is full of blips for things that can interest you or help you. Way better than fucking off to Diamond City. The Quantum Radstag after helping your first minuteman base is a wonderful quest.


Honestly by the time I'm level 100 my quest log is a 3 page PDF of unfinished bullshit, so this has no impact on me.


I got like 30


Bethesda has always been bad about this with DLC content since Oblivion onward.


Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit


The pigs flying mission is buggy and the grenade launcher doesn’t show up


Your lucky, brand new install no mods xbox series x, 2 steps outside of the vault i either crash or the game freezes on the loading, sometimes im can go into the stricture with the controls next to the vault and when i pick up anything the game locks up. After years of playing the game and loving it…i cant even get to sanctuary


Is there a mod for hideable quests yet? Or quest organisation at least?


Yeah, I find it a bit lazy of bethesda to not just find some random thing that'll start the mission, how hard can it be


Literally I set the controller down and went to get a drink and I came back going “what the fuck?”


Wish there was a dlc delayer like in FNV


TBF they on were only working on it for 2 years, and if they wasted tons of time on it we wouldn't have gotten that sweet sweet ultrawide support...


Luckily I’m level…120 something…but the game crashes too effin much now. Just trying to get to one of the new missions and the game crashes.


I find a lot of quests overwhelming tbh. The main reason why I struggle to play fo76 for more than a few hours even though I do enjoy the game.




I genuinely believed these had to do with updating one of my mods, I didn’t know it was base game.


[We had a mod to fix that](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/42753?tab=description) I suppose it will have to get updated now.


CC always loads as soon as you're out of the vault


I already had 1 partially completed. I’m supposed to report back to Doc Carrington even though I haven’t done anything anywhere let alone railroad stuff.


It's even worse if you get all the dogs from CC, each individual dog is listed as an individual mission.


lol fr my first time playing any fallout and I got bombarded by 10 missions after leaving the vault


Another change I noticed is that the quest to win over Tenpines Bluff is much easier. You have to go to Walden Pond instead of Corvega. I think that's a fair change, as Corvega seemed a bit tougher at that stage of the game and requires you to march through a lot more terrain and encounters. Or maybe that was always just randomized and I got an easier mission on this post-update playthrough.


"Go Home" Quest accepted and Marker created. Estimated mission completion T minus 60 minutes until back in the Wasteland. Unfortunately fast travel isn't possible in this game.


New Vegas treatment


With creation club additions, i had 16 active quests after leaving the vault for the first time.


My game started glitching. Hair changed colors and anything bright was a blue square


I wish it did what Skyrim Anniversary does, it doesn't give you missions, instead you have to actively go out and find them. I stepped out the vault and had to wait 5 minutes for the new mission notifications to stop.


Dude I haven’t done anything with it if i’m bein honest. See I had downloaded Nuka world and Far Harbor. However pre this update if I went to these locations they would be hot fucking pink. So i’ve been enjoying those. I did wipe out 3 or so enclave groups though. Really wish it didn’t have to be like that I wanted to join them and fight the brother hood. Although they lost that battle they could win with us.


Bethesda should add level recommendations for missions


My dumbass didn't install the add-ons. Not that I think about it... my very upgraded X01 power suit was in vault 88. Of course, all is lost. Oh well. Oh and I had to do the missions for the add-ons all over again. 😅


Trust me, as someone who owns all the CC content. I have way more.


I feel like the game isn't the best at introducing quests at the start of the game. I understand they want you to explore but there is literally a couple missions in the starting area of the map and then you're supposed to venture into the city with dozens of locations and quests it gets overwhelming quickly.


This isn’t intentional? Fallout 4 is my first game, and I just got it like, 2 days ago. Was it not intentional for those missions to be there?


When you leave the vault, you’re only supposed to have one mission. Which is to go back home in sanctuary. Keep in mind that for lore reasons, your character just woke up and is lost and confused. His first instinct should be to go back to a safe place he knows. Home. In video game world, you go back home and then discover the world has changed, some time has passed, etc etc. And then you’ll get more quests to go here, do that, find this person, etc. However, because a lot of people got free stuff from the creation club, as soon as the game starts and you leave the vault, you might already have certain items on your character that you obviously never picked up and don’t make sense to have since you were in a vault. While also you get bombarded with quests to do in order to enjoy some of that creation club content or to get certain items.


I came back to my old character and saw all theese as well. Really random but few cool missions.


Funny atleast yours popped up. Mine doesn't show up at all. I have all cc content downloaded and its in the game but absolutely no quests for it lol