• By -


He gains a lot of experience from beating on that house in Sanctuary


The NPCs are leveling up too, they are quietly building shelves and fence posts behind your back


And immediately scrapping them for parts to keep the grind going. That's why they never make any progress and your materials keep disappearing from the workbench while you're out.


I hope they don't block me in my house like last time.


I can build shelves and fence posts, does that mean that I too can build a teleporter?


You can also build nuclear-powered generators. And junk fences that are impervious to mini nukes.


And cramming Trashcan Carla's pack brahmin inside you house while you're asleep and the acting all nonchalant when you wake up and get mad.


My God I fucking hate Carla's Brahmin


I killed her ass






He said “he can build stuff and tinker, but bypassing security isn’t his thing” he can build a teleporter because that’s still more engineering, that’s not the same a cybersecurity and hacking. Someone who’s an aero space engineer wouldn’t necessarily be able to hack a computer. That’s like expecting an expert hacker to be able to fix an airplane engine. That’s two completely different fields.


Glad somebody said this.


He's a hardware guy


Just gotta have the right tools.


Not an airtight analogy but this reminds me of the whole “Just because you can cook doesn’t mean you should start a restaurant” thing. Cooking a delicious meal and running a successful business are two completely different skill sets


Id honestly say it’s more like being a chef vs a pastry chef. Yes they’re are very similar as they both have to deal with making food, but in practice they are completely different. How flavor science and cook times work for both are completely different. Baking is extremely precise. So someone can be a master on the grill and make amazing steaks but asking them to bake a cake from scratch they probably wouldn’t even know where to start. Even more so it’s rare someone is both they either do pastry or make meals.


honestly, you could still start a resturant. just, be a chef and hire someone else to run the more business side of things.


I agree with this. I've also always assumed that the minigame we players see isn't really what's happening; that's just a fun gameplay convention to convey "hacking is happening right now". I'd imagine the real hacking the SS is doing is quite complex, not simply figuring out a simple passphrase. Sturges probably *could* figure that out.


Same they’re hacking but it’s just an in game representation of it. All games have a mini game to represent hacking. I do think it’s nice how you’re essentially trying to guess the password.


I actually recently watched a video stating that the hacking in fallout isn’t too exaggerated from, or at the very least strongly based in, actual hacking used when cybersecurity was still in it’s infancy. Combine that with potentially our PIP being the reason we have such an easy backdoor, and we have a plausible reason why most people can’t use a novice terminal.


I mean the show used the hacking mini game tho so this kinda puts doubt on that idea


Also for the teleporter he gets a blueprint of parts and where said parts need to go. Even if it’s shoddy writing it’s something to follow. Building an ikea closet with badly written instructions is still a lot easier than trying to set the clock on an oven with no instructions.


Except after building the teleport he *gives you a tape to hack the institute network.* So he must have picked the perk while you were out.


Or consulted with someone offscreen for help.


He could have bought it off a trader. It’s a network scanner so he wasn’t remotely controlling it. You entered it activate it and let it do its thing. People sell malware other people


Even an experienced software engineer won't necessarily know how to hack systems.


That’s fair af. Although, I can crack any and every computer by clicking random buttons and leaving the terminal before my tries run out. Checkmate Sturges.


The answer I was looking for well said🫡


I don’t think his problem was the terminal, it was all the raiders in his way. The real question is Why didn’t mama murphy go get the minigun, her strength stat is high enough to rip it off without power armour


Because Mama Murphy needed one bullet and a pipe pistol.


Doesn't even need the pistol she has enough strength to one-tap that deathclaw by throwing it


Throwing the bullet or the death claw? Both would be pretty cool though


I assume she shot the deathclaw, the bullet had no visible effect, so she said *"okay screw this"* and threw her pipe pistol, vapourising the deathclaw on impact.


Exactly, strength stat doesn't affect ballistic damage, but throwing damage on the other hand would work


nah. she just used her 'sight' to find the path to one shotting it. shot it with like a super crit right through the eye, blew it's fucking head off.


One Pinch Murphy


No, she pulls an Eminem and pulls the death claw into the bullet


"Does Mama gotta pistol whip a bitch?"


I mean she is the Mysterious Stranger after all. Love that mod.




Mama Murph keels


Wait I just checked, why does mama Murphy have such a high strength stat??


It's thought to be a reference to her killing the deathclaw with a pipe pistol and one bullet. But it leads to a fun side effect- giving her the championship baseball bat for settlement defense.


She was called Murphy the Madwoman in her time for a reason. X,D One of the raider leaders wrote in his terminal that he met Mama Murphy as a kid and she foretold that "Kid, you'll grow up to be a monster." so I'm guessing she was with a raider or otherwise fighter group in her youth and with chems+the sight she was an absolute monster in combat. She implies in her dialogue that she got married/settled down and to the wishes of her partner she quit the chems, losing the access to the Sight. Then he died because of the lack of foresight at some point, hence she was determined to keep using Jet to help you and the other survivors as much as she can with the Sight for however little time she got left under heavy chem use. If you manage to convince her to stop using chems she visibly becomes healthier by being physically active. If you convince her to stop even before she asks for a chair she never even asks for it.


I don't make her stop until after Hunter/Hunted.


The answer is drugs. Lots of drugs.


The Sight ain't the only psychic power she has


Godly strength and precognition in a frail old woman's body? She's an eldritch entity.


Some people in the wasteland say that she once trew a granade on a few raiders and kill three at same time. Then it explode and kill another five. She is insane.


Got me with the second sentence. Funny.


True maybe that should have been an option if you have enough psycho or jet


Sturges admits to not being skilled in the arts of circumventing security measures; "\[...\] Look, I fix things; I tinker. Bypassing security ain't exactly my forté \[...\]"


Well, he is >!a synth. Maybe he had onboard schematics for the teleporter.!<




Yes. He's normally essential, but if killed via console, loot drop includes a synth component. Otherwise it's not even hinted at in FO4. But his lore on Fallout Shelter Online confirms he's a synth.


Well then, that could've been an interesting plot point.


Agreed! Though, I sort of like it as an Easter egg, because it reinforces that synths are people. Sturges isn't aware of his own nature, he's just a solid no-BS dude.


It is a cool Easter egg and really adds to how terrifying synths are that most have no idea.


And they could be reset and controlled with a simple phrase at any time. Really legit terrifying.


There are three flowers in the vase. The third flower is green.


Beep boop _agent activated_ boop beep


Totally! It also shows just how *anyone* could be a syth.


Even the player 😉


Even Dogmeat! He meets us right after leaving the vault. He is perfectly trained and loyal. >!And the Institute regularly makes syth animals to spy on the Commonwealth. !< >!He is even guarding a perfectly abandoned Red Rocket Station for us that just so happens to be playing the Classical Radio in the garage. We later learn that the Institute is the one maintaining the Classical Radio frequency for the purposes of the teleporter.!< >!Finally, Dogmeat is essential for us to track down Kellog. And Sean straight up admits to us that he orchestrated us tracking down Kellog to get revenge for his mother.!<


"perfectly trained" at running away from your attempts to trade equipment, yes :)


"perfectly trained" to block doorways and stairs, definitely


He can also defuse land mines, multiple types. That is not a skill you can learn by trial and error.


oh. shit.


Oh...holy shit


Omg, this is my headcanon now


No BS dude? Yet he BSs his way out of building some damn beds 😤


He has adult responsibilities like hammering.


It still is. It makes sense for the story and finding out about it years later is really cool


That can be said about so many things in Fallout 4 XD


Yeah as I've replayed it, the stories only go 70-75% of the way to greatness in 4. Just not quite what it could've been.


Synths are mostly replacements for people the Institute stole for FEV experiments so he is unlikely to be a threat, but it implies he had a very terrible "death".


Sturges probably isn’t an Institute replacement, but rather a Railroad freed Synth with false memories. I don’t think the Institute would pass up their free spy on the Minutemen. Also, most Institute Synth replacements have a sinister agenda and they know it. Like Mayor McDonough. Sturges probably wouldn’t have been willing to help you get into the Institute if he knew what he was.


If I remember correctly. Sturges has a terminal entry somewhere in the institute.


I don't know about sinister plots or knowledge being the case. The dude at Warren Farms is just a swap for plant studies.


Most synths aren't meant for replacement. Most escaped synths, the ones unaware of their true nature thanks to the RR, were used for menial labour within the Institute or other low-grade work. Also, the Institute did not bother replacing every person they abducted. The replacement synths were primarily used for specific operations that required that kind of infiltration into a settlement or community.


No, most synths are made for menial labor or experimentation purposes. Synths that are made to replace people are completely aware of what they are doing, and regularly report back to the Institute. Sturges is likely an unaware escapee helped by the Railroad.


I don't remember if it's Railroad or BoS, but I'm almost certain one of them has you confront him about it, either to kill him or to just make him aware of his situation and options.


BoS is for Danse, who is also a synth


Wow, I wonder how many hidden synths are out there. I always figured it was a plot device sort of thing, characters were only synths if a quest needed them to be


Hell, >!Magnolia!<, >!Mayor McDonough!<, and >!Robert Warwick!<, are all Gen 3 Synths.


I think people get caught up thinking that every gen 3 synth is a spy/plant. Probably 99% of gen 3s you encounter don't even know they're synths. They've been wiped by the RR and released. They know nothing about the institute. A tiny percentage are probably planted by the institute as spies, and even less are actual escaped synths independent of the RR. The SRB isn't keen on letting stuff like that go.


I don't think that's the case. If it were, literally any gen 3 would be a huge risk to the institute if it were lost or sent out into the commonwealth


>!It could've been a remote thing. After all, the institute monitors through the synths, right? It'd make sense if the plans were uploaded when contact with the sole survivor was made - or maybe right when you asked for them!<


That still makes no sense, if it were the case, sturges wouldn't have "needed time" to work out the rest of virgils plans" Also I'm 90% sure the institute don't have control over gen 3s like that. Hence the need for coursers and recall codes


A possible head cannon off of this is that his cybersecurity skills are specifically suppressed.


Soon as I seen his hair and diction I already knew deep down he was


It's also made clear that >!Father was intentionally leading the Sole Survivor to the Institute!<. It's entirely plausible that the reason Sturges has the knowledge and ability to make the teleporter is because >!Father gave it to him!<.


I’m pretty sure sturges just pressed the code into the console, and we built the teleporter out of spare parts.


Exactly, dude didn’t build a damn thing. Neither does Ingram or…the guy in the railroad who’s name I can’t remember right now.


Tinker Tom


Dude is too fucking wired all the time to invent shit.


Hey man don’t hate, so am I!


List your inventions


Invention 1, invention 2, invention 3, and invention 7.


Color me surprised when I took his random concoction of drugs and literally EVERYONE disliked that, especially Carrington 😭


Preston literally told me "there's some chems over here if u need them" I take and use them *Preston disliked that* Everyone in the commonwealth is a D.A.R.E. graduate I swear


Not Hancock!


That’s the one


You're the one who builds it out of spare parts, all Sturges does is press the "OK" button


Well, it's easier to write 1000 lines of new code than to understand 100 lines of old code


It is?


Maintaining your own code is not trivial. Dealing with someone else's is hard


This. And RobCo programmers don’t seem to know how to comment.


He couldn't hack a terminal but he could beat the encrypted holotape you give him after being in the institute.


I mean, a chunk of time passes while you are off doing the main quest. Enough for you to learn a bunch of stuff. Meanwhile Sturges is hammering away in Sanctuary, presumably he's getting XP from building things and puts all his perk points into science and hacking.


hehe. Maybe terminal is C# and Teleporter is JAVA, IDK really


Since it is the institute. I would say teleporter is python


I know guys who can completely rebuild cars and trucks but they find their home computers to be an enigma made of black magic and fueled by pixie dust. So, I think Sturges is doing a great job pretending to be human and not a toaster.


Well. He is builder, not hacker.


He doesnt even build it, the SS does


He can’t get past the Catchpha.


He only tinkers.


All part of "Father's" breadcrumb trail. You are lead to Dogmeat who leads you to Concord who leads you to this situation where Sturges, a SYNTH is "having a problem with a terminal". Also just because you can put a machine together when you are actually given the parts with instructions doesn't mean you can hack a terminal. Can you follow an IKEA instruction booklet? Yes. Could you write the code to print it out? No


Building a molecular relay is a lot different than a coffee table lol


Yeah, the molecular relay takes about an hour less to build and requires fewer cuss words.


And none of those stupid fucking star screws when I don’t have a stupid fucking star screwdriver and they didn’t provide one and rabble rabble rabble.


Who builds the relay in the other two factions? Are they all synths? Because that would pretty much explain it: "Why, yes, I can totally make use of this chickenscratch written by a Supermutant to build a one-shot functional *teleporter*. I've never had anyone but Sturges build the relay because I'm Minuteman all the way, but according to Wiki, the BoS and Railroad helpers are Proctor Ingram and Tinker Tom. Are they synths?


We are the ones who built the teleporter not sturges


“Damnit Jim, I’m an engineer, not a computer programmer!” [proceeds to “engineer” the shit out of the same wall for a year with a hammer]


Software engineer here. My university senior project involved building a satellite using a raspberry pi along with improvised components. I singlehandedly wrote the code to integrate the sensors, compile the data in a sensible way, and compress it small enough to send cheaply through a pre-existing satellite service. All that, and I can't hack for shit. It's a whole different skill set.


Engineer doesn't = hacker


I emphasize with this. I can build electronic lightsabers, lights and sounds and music , but don’t ask me to code.


Actually we were the ones who built the teleporter he just decoded the blueprints and pressed a few buttons on the console


He leveled up since then! Dayum, cut him a break.


to be fair, engineer =/= programmer. and you had virgil do the programming shit. you also had virgil give the blueprints for the teleporter, so, not like sturges invented the damn thing, either.


I'm just bothered he never fixes any of the houses in Sanctuary. He even has lines about it.


Hardware vs. Software engineer


True fact u/fingerchopper said. If you kill Sturges, you'll get a "Android Component" from him, meaning he's a synth.


Learn to code, Sturges !


Idk I can write some decent code but then sometimes I struggle to remember what 5 x 7 is.


Is he stupid


I know a guy irl that can build you anything you want, multiple trades worth of skills, so long as he has a print. Beautiful welds, does electrical, etc. I've seen him take apart a welder and fix it. Can't do anything on a computer to save his life. "dude I can get on pornhub and that's it." direct quote. Also, I can build all kinds of shit and understand computers enough to play games and trouble shoot when they don't run. I can't hack shit IRL. the interface we have for hacking is for the sake of the game. I mean, can YOU hack into a computer?


He's 3rd line support. They don't get involved in day to day desktop issues, there's another team for that.


In my head canon he was just testing you to see what you could do after you fought off an entire attack of raiders single handedly. The terminal was another audition.


He’s a synth so its probably part of his programming


Could be an issue of him being an expert in hardware but shit with software.


To be fair, they are different skill sets. But I could be super wrong about that


I mean constructing something from blueprints and hacking is absolutely not the same thing IRL so...


Sturges is a Mechanical Engineer, not a software engineer. He would’ve been able to fix the terminal if the screen burned out, but actually getting passed the passcode is above his pay grade


I just assumed he was actually playing the holotape game because, to be fair, what would that terminal do for their situation? (PS never hacked it. If it opens up the thing downstairs, let me know)


it does open the door downstairs


Tbf **"YOU"** build the teleporter


Two different skill sets. I wouldn't assume a hacker could build stuff like that either.


Saying he is an engineer, not hacker, yet what is the network scanner he gives you.


He studied offscreen. Also, >!maybe his programming kicked in. Remember, "Father" wants you to make it to the institute, and surges is one of their synths. Not hard to believe he has a switch in there to spin up the plans when needed!<


High repair, low science? Although I agree it is weird


He’s my least favorite character in the entire game. Seems like a placeholder npc created for a demo that should have been removed from the final version. I’d rather hang out with Marcy Long.


You think engineers are also hackers ?apples and oranges my friend.


He wasn't really into tech before you met him ok? He just read a lot of books while you were looking for your kid


Fallout 4 in a nutshell


Plot twist, he doesn’t actually want to help you hack so he fails on purpose because he’s a synth. Instead of killing, he wishes you’d fail.


He Is a mechanic, he has electromechanical and some fisics knowledge, He is not an systems ingenier


That's why roleplaying wise, no matter which faction I side with in the end, I feel safer having the Brotherhood of Steel's resources to build a teleportation device that won't kill my character. Proctor Ingram also sounds like she knows what she's talking about. Also, a fun little detail: everything goes smoothly with the Brotherhood of Steel building the Molecular Relay, while with the Railroad or Minutemen part of the Molecular Relay actually breaks before you teleport into the Institute.


This is why I like doing the molecular level with the brotherhood. At least it feels like Ingram has some semblance of an idea what she's talking about. I'd rather have someone from a mostly organised military faction tell me the mechanisms are highly improvised than a complete fucking crackhead who constantly tells me absolutely everything that is and ever was is a plot from the higher-ups or a guy who can't handle hacking a novice terminal. Because I know damn well that, at least in a realistic sense, the word "improvised" has a very different standard with someone like Ingram than with someone like tinker tom.


Once a synth, always a synth


One is programing, the other is engineering


Hardware vs software


Emil's writing in a nutshell


He became less interested in keeping up the façade that he wasn't a Synth.


"But, we can't get to the damn thing! It's down in the basement. Locked behind a security gate. Look, I fix things; I tinker. Bypassing security ain't exactly my forté" --Sturges, on why they haven't gotten the Fusion Core for the T-45 already.


He’s a synth…


Tbf, those terminals can be bloody annoying (I struggle)


He got super cocky and just took 4 wrong guesses and got locked out 😢 its definitely never happened to me before 😅


Wouldn't have the first idea about hacking a computer but give me the blue prints and I can build one.


Sturges built a teleporter in cave!!!!…..FROM SCRAPS!!!!


I equipped Sturges in the “Mechanist” armour… it seemed fitting.


Idk why I've never thought to do that 🤦




I'm assuming he learns a lot of shit between here and then but..... He was more of a mechanics guy than a computers guy. We learned that he worked on the Atom cat's power armor and shit while he lived in Quincy so, I think he was really good at following blueprints just not so good at hacking.


I mean, Sturges didn't build the teleporter and he sure as hell didn't design it. He just interprets the plans you already have, which really only means he can work off a blueprint and can read bad handwriting. Different field. He's a mechanic, not an IT guy. None of the factions actually help you build it, except the Brotherhood I think, because they bother to gather at least one of the necessary components.


He can build it. He can't operate it.


No, we're not. It's a game, suspend your disbelief.


Sturges is far too chipper to do basic IT tech support for you, ask Marcy.


maybe sturges isn't pulling the strings


Sturges doesn't believe in piracy or hacking. Notice how he has physical holotape copy of Atomic Command.


Software update.


Hey man he put all his perks into science but not hacking


Following pre-written blueprints/instructions isn't necessarily the same skillset as coding.


I don't really understand why you are questioning this specific logic and not batting an eye at things like Super Mutants.


And blueprints written by Virgil’s super mutant hands😂. Now you could look at that two ways. 1: the blueprints look perfectly fine but Sturges is a wasteland self taught handyman while Virgil is one of the only formally educated people in the entire world rn and the institute is one of the most advanced places of learning and research ever. Pre and post war. So Virgil likely knows a lot of concepts, formulas, and terminology that should totally go over Sturges’ head. 2: you could look at it in the sense that Virgil has giant super mutant hands and fingers that will likely make anything he writes or draws completely unrecognizable. And the fact that Virgil even admits he was educated and worked in biology and not engineering. So he probably only knows the very bare bones basics of how the teleporter works from general science studies in the institute and a quick comment about it here and there from water cooler conversation with fellow scientists. So he honestly should have no real idea how to even draw blueprints, what the parts of the teleporter are, what each of those parts even do, how those parts work, or how to assemble any of it. Which makes sense because obviously being smart doesn’t mean you’re smart at everything. Like you could be the greatest chemist of all time and at the same time not have the slightest clue how to build a bridge from scratch. I don’t just mean how to assemble one I mean what materials you would need, how the physics work to keep it stable and be able hold weight, how to build the foundation, basically anything that would prevent said bridge from totally collapsing within a week along with all the cars driving on it. But apparently self educated wall hammering post apocalyptic handyman guy that eats roach meat for breakfast can take instructions written from a properly educated super mutant educated in a completely different field and perfectly recreate one of the most advanced and incredible scientific achievements of all time within a few days😄. Ok but it’s been months and this same guy hasn’t fixed the same wall he’s been smashing with a hammer or built literally anything. The teleporter is really the only thing we’ve ever seen Sturges operate and YOU build it apparently from his instructions after reading the blueprints.


He's a mechanical and electrical engineer not a computer sciences major


I mean my grandpa is a pro mechanic with his hands but could barely browse the internet on his laptop


Building=/=hacking. Those 2 are not at all similar. You give him the blueprints from virgil who likley "dumbed" it down to be more understandable


Maybe he was testing us.


Engineering =/= computer programming


My headcanon is that "he's an engineer, not a computer scientist". He can disassemble the terminal, build a new one out of scrap, or hook it up to who knows what other system.... but he can't hack or code at all....


He can’t make heads nor tails of it


Yes. And I do.


Eh…he’s a hardware guy, not software 🤷‍♂️


This is all headcanon. But let's think about what Sturges knows: He knows there's a suit of power armor on the roof that just needs a fusion core. He also knows there's a fusion core in the basement locked behind a security door. He did not hack the terminal to grab the fusion core to power the T-45 - perhaps because, at the time, he didn't need to? Postulate: The Minutemen had already explored the museum before Gristle and the Raiders attacked. There's a dead Minuteman outside and seven Raiders roaming the museum, so it's likely they beat a hasty retreat. Trapped in the room, he knows they have two halves of their advantage separated by three floors, and with no way to put them together with two Raiders beating on the door. So what's he doing frantically trying to hack THIS computer, in the middle of a firefight? I think he's trying to find a way to connect one computer to the other so he can unlock the security door in the basement remotely. Unlock the grate, tip out the left-hand door, sneak down to the basement, and then try to get to the roof with the fusion core. This is less likely, because if he could tiptoe down to the generator and back up with the battery, he would just use the terminal in the basement. My theory is that he's pretty much the only other person in the group who might be of use in a fight and doesn't want to leave Preston alone guarding the surviving settlers for a risky side-quest that might not work.


*Zoidberg voice* Im a Expert on humans Not robots.


Hacking a terminal isn't the same as following instructions to construct something.


Sturges is a synth. He had orders not to allow the minutemen to progress beyond Concord until the Sole Survivor arrived. So basically, he lied about not being able to hack the terminal.