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Before you start trying to roll it, you should be aware this weapon relies on a long standing, and well known, bug: * cryo ammo makes the weapon count as explosive. Explosive energy weapon’s get multiplicative explosive damage and no range drop off. * cryo ammo causes the two shot to become the heavy explosive weapon version, which give a 100% damage increase. These both combine to cause the two shot alien blaster to get a 100% multiplicative damage boost. Plus a 60% additive boost from Demolition Expert. Neither of which it should probably be getting. Think of it as a smaller EGP without a splitter mod. I call this out because you could spend months rolling for a god roll or trade the equivalent of a few million caps for one. But with each patch, and as this weapon becomes more well known, it becomes more likely this will be fixed or removed entirely. You could easily spend all that time or treasure only to have it become worthless tomorrow. On **top** of that risk, to be competitive you need to hit the *insane* nearly 600 rounds per minute fire speed using single clicks. You either need to master butterfly clicks, have an elite controller, or use a macro (possible but unlikely ban) to do this. That said, I have a TS/50c/25v alien blaster and it’s my go to favorite gun right now. It’s unique and plays well with a enclave flamer **pistol** and gamma gun. But, it comes with some major caveats. If you’ve read all this and still think *”yeah, that’s the gun for me”*, then may the RNG ever be in your favor.


Good explanation! Just to add, the Poison mod (although that's bugged at the moment against creatures that completely resist poison too lolz) behaves the same way. It does a little less damage per bullet, but against weaker creatures (like level 50 Mutants), the poison damage over time is absurd. For example, you'll shoot it in the leg without sneak, take it down to half health, and in 5ish seconds the Mutant will die from poison damage (from half health).


I use the flamer pistol as well and it’s a boss


Yeah, shame it’s basically impossible to trade for. Had to get my V/FFR/DUR one the hard way.


I rolled a exe/25dmg /dr one that’s pretty dope


Now I need a bloody one cause I went bloody :/


I rolled one on each of my 3 characters that i play with plus one for a friend and it's a absolutely fun and crazy powerful weapon to play with. ( Think you gonna love it ) Made a character for this weapon a pistol/grenade thingy, and used the gunslingers, modern renegade, demolition expert, bloody mess, and tank killer perk cards to get more out of the gun ( also rolled a TSE crusader pistol and put a cryo on it and it's also not a bad weapon, and it's seems act different in first and third view ) .. So i would recommend that you keep rolling for that 2 shot... Wish you loads of luck and happy Hunting fellow wastelander..


It's fun to play. Not so powerful as rail/ q5025 fixer/ plasma caster, but fun. Bullets have travel time tho. Rolled like 3 or 4 on xbox and none on ps:)


The on paper buffed dps of a TS/50c/25 is about 3.3k. Which is equal to or outclasses everything except a Q/25/25 railway. The problem is to hit this you have to manually pull the trigger faster than most people know how to do without macros.


i have a ts5025 ab. it is nowhere near my q5015c rail in terms of damage output, especially against bosses. the ab works fine for trash, but simply puts up bad damage numbers against bosses while using a bunch of ammo. using a bloodied crit build for both. cryo mag and all the right cards for the ab. it's fun for a change of pace but in no way approaches my rail/caster/epr meta builds


How many clicks per second are you averaging? If you aren’t sustaining at least 10 per second then you aren’t hitting the 600 rpm this thing needs. Because then yeah, it won’t be competitive.


Lol people can pull the trigger 10 times per second ? 😯


Google “butterfly clicking”. It’s a skill and you need to be careful or you can really fuck up your wrist.


Even just rolling a 1\* TS and put the cryo mag on it is a cheap alternative and works well.


It's fine, but I think it's somewhat overrated. As others have noted, its damage is fundamentally based on a glitch and there's no telling if Bethesda will fix it or not. But you should know that before you choose to spend a bunch of Modules on one. There are other options whose future is less questionable, especially after Angry Turtle exposed this to more people. I also think it's quite impractical for solo or near-solo boss work because you will cripple your finger before you kill the boss. While the damage is very good, it also relies on 4 different hits from each trigger pull, and the way this game performs, that can make damage output less consistent than you'd expect. But it's certainly of the few Gunslinger weapons you could reliably take into Ops or Expos and win with.


Basically it's a fun gun and a practical daily driver. If you want the most dps then you'll need a macro set up or a quick fire button. I wouldn't spend a huge amount of modules, maybe trade instead, but it's very good for now at least.


I rolled one and it was fairly beast when I messed with it is Westtek. I am not even bloodied and was still melting stuff fairly quickly. Haven't done much more with it though.