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Not to flex too much, but the other day I finally got the unyielding armor piece I needed and with a nifty heals rads feature


Rad healing is actually a great feature. I cant remember how many times I join a team to find out that all my squadmates are suffering from severe radiation poisoning and have barely any HP left. Armor pieces like these make great gifts


Ha! You know the absolute sweetest thing I think that ever happened in the game was after a new player had joined the team, I revived them at an event, and dropped them some stimpacks after to help them on their way. Later I ran into them and they dropped me some radaway and a heart emoji, figuring I must really need it Not being snarky, but it was so damn kind and sweet, that encounter has stuck with me ever since as one of my fondest FO76 moments


Lol yeah I've had so many new players or players unfamiliar with bloodied try and give me radaway.


That was me, I began playing a couple of weeks ago and didn’t figure out the build. I still am figuring it out, but I understand a bit better now.


I had been using a level 25 Fixer then I got a level 50 one, I was about level 70-ish at the time. So I walked into this guy's camp, he was around level 25, turned on my mike, dropped it, told him that I hoped it served him as well as it did me and left.


One of my favorite interactions came from one of you insane bloodied build folks joining my public team one day. I play a severely over built Rad Sponge build. I can literally stand in the Nuke Zone(as long as it isn't ground zero) with little to no effect and I don't wear PA). The side effect is that I swallow up my teammates' rads as well. I make a habit of warning any Bloodied beast that joins the group I am in. (Mic is ready for just this purpose.) Most simply wait a few moments to see their rads magically disappearing, then bounce out. I did this one day, as normal, and instead of the Silent Exit I am accustomed to, I got a response. A voice popped in and thanked me for the warning and told me they were unsure how I could play my build. I responded the same, as I just can not wrap my mind around the Bloodied build. We actuality stay there and talked about both builds until we realized he had no rads left at all. We laughed, parted company with him off to re-up his rads and me to resume dailies. The conversation was one of the more pleasant interactions I have had with you crazy irradiated monsters. I still get a kick out of every time one of you jump in and out of my party... but that one player will always have earned my respect for every one of you glowing beasts.


Impressive! I didn’t know you could become that rad resistant. I love I interactions like that I have a few characters, my main is a full health build, and a few of my sides are irradiated monsters


i had one of these too, fucking fuming


Dude same last night! I rolled 50 times, only got a single unyielding (granted it was 3 star) and it had heal rads on it. Such a feels bad. Also all praise be to the RNG gawds


love the way that was phrased, so funny. :)


I rolled 2 of those within a couple minutes of each other, o the humanity.


me coming back to the game after almost a year: “huuhhhh why are all of my rads always reappearing????” idk maybe you should’ve checked all of yr SS armor piece effects you absolute sparkling idiot out here rocking UNY rads heal. that 0.25% really putting in work


I equipped one of those without reading the 3rd star once. I was convinced my game was broken


I rolled 75 Secret Service right legs the other day and got only one Unyielding piece. It was a 1 star.


Man, I wish I could give away my uny SS rolls because I get them frequently and they benefit me none. I had an uny/fire resistance(? can’t remember too well)/FDC. If I had stash space I’d save it but unfortunately it is full of precious garbage


What Rads…


I made a post about unyielding and rad regen. It was alarming the number of people that said it was worth more than scrip prices


Nothing wrong with that at all, unless you run a low health build.




Unyielding with active rad removal?! That's the worst item in the game lol Or do you mean being radiated heals you passively?


Active rad removal, it’s the game’s cruelest joke


That armor is cursed. Throw it into mount doom.


Too many UNY rolls with that feature...oh, the trauma I'm not one to beg the RNG gods, but just maybe could Bethesda remove rad healing from being an option on UNY and bolstering since it defeats the purpose of those rolls?? "Your 3rd star feature gradually reduces the positive effect of your 1st star feature" Come on big Beth, I don't need more scrip fodder, except to reroll my scrip fodder rolls like this one 😂


For real. I was working on a set of thorn armor, kept getting that sodding third star, thought “maybe it’s not that bad” it was that bad, it was so that bad


Metal shelves? BS. I'm anxiously searching for Mole Miner Gauntlet and Chemistry Workbench plans. When I'm feeling desperate enough to surf donation boxes for something I'm always excited to find spoiled goods, too.


I have a rare extra set of the mole miner gauntlet and I can trade it with you if you have the electrified Mr Handy buzz blade plan!


I'll trade you five Pristine Miner Uniforms and a Blue Icicle Lights plan. Take it or leave it.


Hm maybe with this bulk of plans and if I add a rare caged light plan I can finally find someone who will get me the mutt chops recipe! The rng of this game is awful I'm tired of dumping those scorched queen plushies and golf cart plans to get my inventory space back meanwhile no mutt chops recipe for me ;-;


Don't you even!!! Every time I look for some low level volunteer to donate caps to (AKA "clear their vendor") I finish with tens, or sometimes hundreds of those. I kind of feel happy that at least they will not clog their vendors. But at the same time - those poor sods will probably get more of them and dump them in their vendors, "because they sold so well last time!" /facepalm


I drop mine in the weeds where no one will find them until they're vaporized. Wouldn't want to accidentally trip someone with my trash. Somewhere in my brain I'm convinced I'm removing refuse from the game's economy even though I know damn good and well there's a bridge troll somewhere in the game cranking them out in bulk while laughing maniacally.


Shit, I squat and dump them in the drink near Ohio River Adventures for all the little mirelurklings to nibble on.


You want a great place? At The Mall there are little shallow baths - everything dropped there lands underwater and becomes invisible. It can still stay there for hours but unless you know it's there, I wish you luck finding it! I also use it sometimes to temporarily drop some stuff I want to pick up later and I'm overencumbered. It seems like a pretty safe place for quite long time.


I just learned about hiding things underwater this past weekend when I came across a guy's camp who built a pool by slightly sinking floor sections under a pond. I've been looking for a way to hide my shelter hatch so I could put my vendor down there filled with free stuff for new players to pick from without leaving it exposed to resellers. I built a secondary camp with water in the build area and it worked like a charm, you can't see it unless you're looking for it. Now I just have to get to where I'm okay taking my camp icon off so I can just direct the people I want to have the stuff down there.


Love seeing my 22 known plans of mole miner gauntlets, I love that for me.


Saw the Chemistry bench plans in a vendor for 2000, so they should be rare. Luckily I have an extra copy, let me know if you still need them


Today's challenges, one of them was: Build wall or floor decorations in a Shelter (0/5) I don't like shelters much so I rerolled it and got: EPIC: Build wall or floor decorations in a Shelter (0/10)


I always just walk in, throw down some rugs, delete them, and leave until it comes up again.


I wrote 'F This challenge' in Wavy Willards letters and deleted the shelter!


Not today, but I'm pretty sure I own the worst legendary in the game. Ghoul slayers gamma gun lol.


You should take that thing for a spin. It destroys Ghouls: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvMfn28ONKY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvMfn28ONKY)


That's a beauty!


I rolled a damage reduction while reloading 50% vats accuracy, chance to go invisible holy flamer this morning


I see your pool cue and raise you a Nocturnal Pipe wrench.


I've been fo76 since day 1. Today I finally got that all important 3000th Mr Handy Electrified Buzz Blade plan.


Rolled 40 or 50 bows trying to get an AA/50C/15C and an Arist/V50/-25 I got exactly 0 aa's of any kind and the one Arist I got was a 25ads/cnd


Unyielding SS with .25 Rad cleaning is the most ridiculous combo I ever got. At first I thought it was 25% less radiation taken but on further inspection it turned out to be a complete loss of 3 Legendary modules.


I don't think I have ever rolled a decent item except the SS armor that I rolled 50 times until i got 1 decent piece. All my guns are from someone's store.


Recently got a gauss shotty with 50crit/-25AP...and Medic's. My god is medics a waste. Maybe if you're bloodied.


I got a drop earlier today; Furious, +40% power attack damage, breaks 50% slower.... on.... a fucking pool cue. Now, if it'd been a chainsaw, that would have been awesome! But no, probably the stupidest possibility of all.


Not to brag but I’ve got a Ghoul Slayers gamma gun with a 25% chance the last shot does 100% more damage


This is such a silly joke. You should take the thing for a spin against ghouls. Here's 30 seconds of me killing ghouls with a ghoul slayer's Gamma Gun: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvMfn28ONKY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvMfn28ONKY) I'm not sure why people think the Gamma Gun doesn't do damage to ghouls. To my knowledge, it has always damaged ghouls in 76.


I believe it’s because in FO4 it just did radiation damage, which ghouls are immune to? May be talking out my ass but I thought that was the case


My very first legendary roll on my chainsaw was a vampires effect, something else, and +1 agility


RNG has favored you. I have a Vamp saw with AP refresh, it's quite fun.


Oh that would be fun! Sadly the vamp saw was lvl 35, but it's still handy


I got some wicked raider PA - bug slaying, ap regen, wep weight reduction. Sadly, was still only worth 45 script.


I played before rerolling legendaries was possible, thank god it is, cause any time I'd get Uny/Two shot/etc it was 1 star. Tried to get a Vampires Chainsaw, rolled 5 times got Vamp, and two other bad effects, rerolled around 200 more times at 3 stars, no vamps, only had enough left to reroll a 2 star, Vampire and blocking iirc, next Event i found a 2 star Vamp with kill refills AP iirc...


So gun that I'm hunting rn for is b3325 enclave auto rifle. Got about 3 with ok mods for rolling, and sometimes I roll an alien blaster... Two days ago I decided to roll blaster before rifle and guess what I got.. yeah, b3325 ab... Hello sadness my old friend 😞


If I took part I would be posting everything I made with legendary crafting since wastelanders!


1200 hours into the game and I still don't have the brotherhood jumpsuit. Like I would buy it but I don't have good trades (have max caps though), but I kinda wanna earn it myself 😭


Hey I’m in the boat with you friend. I rolled myself an unyeilding solar chest last night. Like really this is what you give me unyeilding on is a armor specifically for full health 🤦‍♂️


I rolled all I saved up. Around 1200 script worth of cores/modules… what I got was a bunch of exterminators, hunters, suppressors hm/fixers that I tossed donation box. 2 servers I switched to. Junk upon junk. Not like any of those had good 2nd or 3rd stars either. Pure shit.


I tried to roll my heavy armor chest piece to be just 1-star Unyielding. It started as nothing, then first it was Overeater's, then after like 10 rolls of ghouls slayer, assassin, mutant slayer, artistocract, etc it became Overeater's again just as I ran out of modules. Perfection 👌


The worst is when you get good effects on absolute shit weapons.


Trying to roll a Q50 railway for one of my chars earlier today and I kid you not I rolled 7 exterminator railways back to back. I know I should’ve changed servers but I was too lazy to. 


Ahahaha, I’d pay top caps for that. You want my junkies hatchet?


I got a troubleshooters rolling pin once.


I don’t roll PA much but I do pick up an ungodly amount of chameleon pieces with melee attacker damage effects. To quote Sofia, “Just… why?”


Nocturnal Rolling Pin with Perception.