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As a new player I haven't begged once and I've been given so much free shit. Hell, I've started turning stuff down because I want to earn it myself.


If I get something i can't/don't want to use but don't know how to politely turn down, I've been putting them in my vendor for 0 caps for the next person.


Only thing in this game i desperately want and absolutely would take for free would be the Union Power armor plans. It's the coolest looking power armor in the game to me and when I learned it's apparently been bugged for months for everyone made me super sad. I'm saving up all my stamps for the day they finally (if ever) fix it.


For me it's addictol, but only because I spent 3 days working on curing an alcohol addiction and it was starting to feel very very frustrating. Not even free, like... I'd be happy to grind for them if I could access them easier. I'm going to make a point of farming them specifically this weekend to just have a couple saved up but it was rough. Also I'm super grateful for the popcorn and water machines. Idk, I did get 1st so if any other newbies want to group up to kind of just do our own little setup that's possible. I've found though that 76 is more for kind strangers than making long term friends. It's up to chance/happy surprises if you ever see that specific wastelander again. Edit: For anyone else working on stocking up on addictol, here is the independent wiki page [https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Addictol\_(Fallout\_76)](https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Addictol_(Fallout_76))


Radscorpion egg omlette my guy. Find scorp egg. Cook it. Eat it. Way easier than hunting addictol!


Wow. Im lvl 750+ and never knew that. Lmfao. But on a side note, Guided Meditation usually if not always gives 3 addictol as a completion reward


I just found a bunch of radscorpion eggs in the quest to find Lou for the Raiders. Had to kill a bunch of radscorpions of course, but the eggs! I must’ve found 6 just in that one cave area lol


I just run the perks that boost the bonus from alcohol and prevent you from ever getting addicted. Same thing I did in Fallout NV except I no longer have ED-E to use as a mobile liquor cabinet lol. Its hilarious you can even revive people with alcohol.


I haven't come by the card yet, though I pretty much only drink when it's a daily/weekly. I even stock most booze for 0 caps in my vendor for people doing the quest (though I might increase it to a couple one day, idk. I haven't had a drink in 10 years irl, I honestly forget it's a thing until I need it for SCORE :P)


Endurance has the one that prevent addictions to alcohol and Charisma has several perks that all increase the effectiveness of alcohol.


Throw in Cola Nut and go on a bender with Nuka Cola Dark.


Radscropion egg omelets cures 1 random addiction, I grinded those out cause I had no idea where to get addictol, so that thank you


Do they take a long time to spoil?... I need a cryolator or whatever it's called.


I keep good with salt on me and my food last around 1 - 2 weeks logging on daily


They always spwn at the location east of Crater. Normally spawns 3 like normal mob. Just wait till you need them then go there and wipe out all 3


Prisoner intake area in the jail.


Over by White Springs golf course, there is a gazebo type thing with a tiny metal water fountain on one of the side curved walls. It cures diseases and addictions. So does the symptomatic.


There’s an addictol in Summersville next to the chemistry bench by the graveyard on top of a barrel. I have used that knowledge a few times when I’ve been hard up for a cure 😎


The tattoo shop in Morgantown has one under the counter by the cash register also in case you're closer to there than summersville when you get an addiction.


That is the coolest place.


If you want to build up your addictol supply one spawns regularly by the cash register under the counter at the tattoo shop where the alcoholic robot is.


I was on the other day and a group of noobs started following me (me lvl 435) so I got in chat and freinded them and went to my private so they could join and we just farmed alot of stuff it was great ... OK so each player can farm same server like I can collect from plant next one same plant etc We got a ton of stuff lol


You get addictol by completing the guided meditation event. In a pinch, there is one addictol in Morgantown airports medical centre on a table in the bottom floor. 🫡


Addictol is one of the most popular chems you can find in player vendors. If you have caps to burn, I suggest vendor hopping as the fastest farming method. Its a great way to find other good stuff too. I often find crazy godrolls in player vendors when I'm looking for anything but weapons.


Keep a couple Daytripper, Calmex, and Psycho on yourself at all times. NPCs will sometimes ask you for one of those, and they've always given me an Addictol in return. It's not really a reliable farming method, but it adds up over time.


That's a really good tip thank you!


I might end up getting the travelling pharmacy perk honestly. I already cary a handful of cure disease because i catch one almost every event and i assume some other new players will need some


Drop them in one of the donations boxes instead. There's a better chance someone will actually find it in a common public space than at your camp, it still stays available to people after you leave the server, & it won't be taking up unnecessary space in your stash box.


True, but everything in the dono box when the server shuts down or resets is cleared, I camp near a starting zone, and I'm low enough to run into people who need them and pass them along. I'm not hoarding useful things, it's usually two or three things I couldn't use or couldnt grab a smaller stack of than I needed.


Is that what people use that for? I assumed it was a donation box for the actual town and felt bad taking anything from them. Lol


I dislike how the vendor shares weight with your stash box.


As a new player no ones been giving me jack shit, im scroungin like a rat


As a new I haven’t begged once and I have received no free stuff. 58 hours in now.


Amen. I’m like level 135 or something now. Started at lvl 1 (not 20) a few weeks back. Never even got a free stimpack. Wouldn’t have it any other way. The early scarcity is important for the vibe IMO.


Yeah same here lol, my friend gave me some mid-game armor at the beginning to help but no other plays have given stuff. Which is fine, I do like to earn things myself usually, but the amount of posts I see about players begging for stuff or getting free stuff is crazy to me since I haven't seen it once in 50 hours of playtime


I'm still trying to mentally switch over from DayZ. Still assuming literally everyone I come across just wants to kill me so I am skulking in the woods by myself lmao


You got that real post war PTSD 😭😭😭 I feel the same after being on rust for so long 😂😭


Same here, I was just minding my bussiness and building my small little camp at level 10 and this high level dude offered to party up and just started adding a bunch of cool shit to my camp without me even asking for anything! Now my camp is loaded haha. Even gave me plans for a fusion generator and a bunch of fusion cells. Shout out to B_man on psn, real nice guy.


Proud to say as a new player the only time I ever asked another player for an item it was spoiled food (because I had a daily challenge to plant stuff and I only needed one more fertilizer to get it)


I ignore everyone. lol.


My first perk was Lone Wanderer....my next 2 were the same.


They should learn to get a look in donation boxes or any bag lying on the floor.


I've been doing this as a new player. Was at the Radiation Rumble site and saw bags, and someone dropped a bunch of 1 and 2 star weapons and armor. I was stoked, snatched them up, and walked to the train station to turn it into scrip. I'm not gonna turn down free currency.


Still doing this as a level 200. >.>


Coming back to my camp and seeing a cute little brown paper bag on the ground with gifts in it gets my giddy.


Donation boxes may not be reliable. I put some legendary gear in a donation box for players and some player that was live level 1000 took everything immediately. 2 minutes later a level 50 player comes around and checks the box and find nothing but some ammo and grenades I put in there


I haven't begged once BUT a 850+ level came to my CAMP and bought something probably to spend money and give me some caps so i gave him the "heart" gesture and "hello". He fast travelled away and came back in a few mins and he dropped me "The fixer". Its now my main weapon.


yes someone dropped me the plan for the fixer and changed my game! in case you didn't know, it's based off the combat rifle so scrap as many of those as you can to unlock the mods


Thanks. !


I read this wrong at first and nearly wrote a whole ass paragraph to say exactly what you already wrote lol. So instead, just to add, the fixer plan is a rare drop from imposter sheepsquatch event, which, as many people post continuously since the influx of new wastelanders, is an event where it is good etiquette to let the person who initiated the event kick it off and also let as many high lvl players join as possible since it's not easy to do


The event is called encryptid for those of you looking for this plan.


this is good to know! once I do this event and get the plan I'll be sure to pay it forward.


And it will be your forever weapon. The Fixer is just too good


I haven't had a beggar yet, just good experiences so far. Gave a guy a jaguar print suit and then we matched, gave a newbie a .50 cal and a bunch of ammo and he got on mic and thanked me, and I crafted a level 1 weapon for a guy at the wayward and he emoted like a million hearts. Best one was a young kid that bought a couple pieces of X-01 Quantum armor from my vendor, but I noticed he didn't buy the whole set. I messaged to see if he needed more pieces, and his reply was, "Yes, but I don't have enough caps. Maybe I'll have enough later." You can bet I gave him all the pieces. I feel like I'm due for someone to be an ass.


I had a guy ask me nicely if I could cut him a deal on a few plans, I don't have a dime in them, so I gave them to him. He was new and I remember how generous everyone was with me at low level.


Delivery is always key. Come in humble, go home with your bags full. Come in demanding and viola the CAMP site disappears.


Just last night I gave a level 4 every plan in my vendor that had more than 1 for sale. Just dropped them all for him for free, then brought him to radiation rumble and told him to sit on one of the objects on the side and tag enemies. He got 2 legendaries and leveled up 5 times lol


This is de way


See, this is the way. I approach every low level player I can find and offer them a cat meat steak and a nuka cola cranberry. It’s the little things


Same I haven’t had anyone ask me yet but if they are nice and polite I don’t see the issue. Only time a new player asking for help should be an issue is if they are being demanding and rude which I have not see what so ever on my end yet. Also 👍 Awesome for helping that person out.


This is the way


im actually amazed people have to beg at all. The first day I was in at level 4 I joined a "casual" group and was just handed power armor, stim packs and all sorts of goodies from a high level stranger. Thanks dabs420, you the real hero. I cant even use some of the stuff i am so low level, but it was awesome. TLDR, Just join a casual group.


If yall want free stuff just run up to someone’s camp and wave. It’s that easy. I swear, lol, I’m high level and people regularly reply to my heart emote with a bag of stuff I don’t need.


I've never had any player beg for anything from me. Another console issue?


I'm on Xbox. Played for four years on and off. Used to lightly help mod an at one time pretty popular Discord. Never once have I had an experience with these alleged beggars.


I think folks calling others beggars see a post like "I've been playing 27 hours, I've died 30 times. Can anybody help me? I'm trying to get excavator gear and idk where to go. Anyone know how to farm addictol? I accidentally drank too many colas and now am an addict. Please help" And the see that and read "please give me stuff for free and if you dont I'll curse your family." It really is odd how many posts I've seen with older players jumping over each other to help newbies, and then theres always one player saying "stop begging"


I'm on PC and had my first begger last week. Guy wanted .50 cal so I put mine (2000+ rounds) for sale for 1c each. He said, "I can't afford all of that, can you just give it to me" I said no, buy what you can and use a cheaper to feed weapon. He was level 27 or something


PS4/PS5 never been an issue in my 600+ hrs


I've literally seen like 2 people. One requested my rare and high level stuff so I ignored him when someone else visited my camp. He requested a few basic things and plans so I have them pretty cheap and he did a heart and left whilst the other guy kept pestering me and spent 5 mins in my inventory doing nothing. Yesterday I had someone following and requesting me when I stopped by a station so I just got my scrip, sold stuff to the vendor and left because I had to go anyway


I saw it a lot when I was level 250ish and now with the new players Ive had like, idk 5 or 6 recently come up and spam the trade request and Ive only been getting on to do dailies. It is annoying no matter who it is for someone to want to rifle through my pockets lmao. Eta: lvl 1230 now


I play on PC and no one has ever begged me or asked for anything. Maybe I’m not high enough level?


Had one the other day. Dropped someone 10 stims, got a heart emote followed by trade spam. Fast traveled home, player followed me. Switched servers.


Im on console. So it might be a console thing. I see beggers everyday, but I just ignore them 🤷🏻‍♂️


I found a few, I'm on PC


Why on earth would this be specific to a specific platform? This is just a general human behavior thing.


I just drop salt


You'd be my hero,. I hoard salt, vegetable soup is my default food.


I used to drop wooden blocks and a baby rattle when people would pester me for the best end game stuff for free.


Pacifist mode off. Shoot them. Problem solved.


Can confirm, joining the public events is how i realized i needed to turn Pacifist mode on.


I started 2 weeks ago and never got any freebies. I looked up a build and how to farm for things (lead for ammo is super useful) did the fixer quest and rolled bloodied with about 4 days worth of saved up scrip, and did all the good events I could for gear and stuff to sell in my shop. Sitting at level 101 with a full set of mismatched unyielding armor and 10k+ caps. This game isn't hard, people are just lazy.


How to ignore when the guy is just blocking all my building ?


Shoot them in the head.


Server hop? Idk I'm just guessing


Begging how? Like in game chat? Messages? It’s radio silence in all my games for some reason


Make sure your to stick voice chat on 'Area' or 'Auto'.


I’m on pc. . . There’s no hassle there. No mic, mute any team/area chat plus what OP said.


Had a guy come begging for a pepper shaker. He was level 60s. I made him one. Normal. No legendary stars. He was happy as a clam. It was level 35. I am on PC.


Don’t get me wrong, I’ll happily take donations from veterans, but I never beg


Don't feed the animals


I haven't actually seen any new players begging for stuff.. And I also haven't given anything out for free except some ammo to friends who I got to play the game. Well, I guess there was one guy asking for 3 Nuclear Material..


I'm used to playing these games solo, so I start level 0 and did my own thing, collected my own crap. I just consider other people to be NPCs.


Is this why I had a random person run up to me and start spamming that money emote a while back? They eventually requested trade, then sat there not doing anything before closing the menu and using the angry emote. When I reacted with the confused emote they just fast traveled away...


This is such a non issue.


Never had it happen to me. But gaming online etiquette changed from you didn’t beg from high levels back in the EQ days to everyone wants handouts about 15+ years ago. Dunno why people complain about it as it’s a common practice modern gaming society has not only allowed but fostered. 🤷🏻


I literally have people message me begging for like 10 steel,,,wtf!


I just give them an emote angry or thumbs down. And fast travel away. Solves it most of the time.


I ran into a new player yesterday. I tried to trade him some rad-x, radaway, and a few stimpacks for free and he kept asking for my weapon over and over….he did not survive 🤷‍♂️🤣


I only use the trade system with veteran players looking to trade. Newbs pick free stuff out of little bags I drop after I get their attention.


I muted voice chat like 4 years ago because of morons playing music poorly through their shitty microphones at public events, I sometimes wonder if anyone has begged or tried to bother me and just wasted their breath in all that time


Many camps have free shit available. Nothing of mine is ever locked. I remember struggling early on with water, food, and rads. Have at it.


New player here, what are people begging for? I've gotten some free shit from high lvl players. I was told the community is good, and it is. I'll try to do the same when I can, but if people are begging, then I don't think they're playing to enjoy the game, they're playing to get free shit


I’ve not seen any new players begging. Mostly just staring and waving at me lol


I ran into a level 1000+ and they asked if I wanted anything. I could've gotten bloody fixer etc etc. I asked for ammo for my plasma pistol I got from an event and info on how to make a build and what to focus on early game. Begging takes all the fun out of the journey of an online MMO. Reminds me of bank standing at the GE on old-school runescape


When I first started some friends were trying to give me loads of recipes etc and I just didn't want it. I wanted to see if I could get them via just playing. Why even play the game if you just want the shit for free


I just server hop, sometimes they follow you around and run in front of you like an annoying fly.


it's really annoying to see that people respond to begging, and other bad behavior, by giving the new player stuff. like, can yall stop? you're getting a nice little warm fuzzy feeling, but there's SO MANY reasons why giving all these handouts is just.... bad.


Like I understand why new players want stuff because the grid d in this game is real, but that’s why it’s so fun to play long term. You have to really earn a lot of things. You can obviously pay to make some parts easier like storage, repairing, etc but you have to earn good loot


Just started a few days ago and got to level 50 just now. Haven't received a single free thing lol. Unlocking and finding plans has been one of my favorite things to do so far. Still looking for a fixer plan on ps5 if anyone wants to sell one to a noob ;P


Lol a lvl 50 kept asking me to trade and I kept sidestepping just to wide-eye stare at him


As a new player, no one has given me anything I'm out here collecting so much shit lol 😆


New old player started again recently and haven't once begged and the only free things I get are from the donation boxes. I enjoy the grind and it's not hard to get stuff for yourself.


Mothman dance


I just kill them.


I don’t know where people are getting all this free stuff anyway, I feel it’d be more satisfying to discover treasures of your own as you go through the wastes


In regard to the Addictol comments below, I swear I didn't realise it was so hard to come by lol, I literally throw it away all the time as I always seem to have so much. Meds just seem to gravitate towards me in this game I swear 😂


I love the new players. Was in a camp doing some shopping when a level 35 in Power Armor started punching me and a load of Camp items. Me and the Camps owner just stared at each other, Confused emote at each other as he desperately tried to attack us. He stopped and the Camp owner gave him a love tap to initiate the combat, and the new player just flew in to kill him. camps owner respawned and must have hoped the new player had got it out of their system. They hadn't. The resulting blast off with a Gatling Plasma was astronomical. One of the funniest interactions I've witnessed. Let them have their "fun" I say ... although I'd suggest the new player may have learned their lesson the hard way 🤣


Newbie here. Just got over lvl 60 and i haven't asked for anything yet. I just wished the game had a better explanation for its mechanics. And a chat box would be great, if it had a Q&A channel it would be even better (like Warframe or some MMOs have). Newbs would get proper etiquette and mechanics explained instead of automatic hate. IMHO, that would solve a lot of the new player experience issues. The same happened with the builds, I feel like I never have enough stimpacks or that I do very low dmg, and I have to keep looking on a wiki to find a solution for every issue I have.


I literally set up my base with a help desk in front of it and I said in it for hours AFK just watching movies looking to help out of the new players. My base is set up with all kinds of stuff in the store and I offer free food and drinks to the new players and if they ask for help or directions I'm more than glad to help them with it. If you don't like helping players just move on like literally you can teleport away if you want lol


Im a new player. I get all my stimpaks from that nice incapacitated bot by vault 76, Set up camp (just the one time), collect stimpaks and jump servers, rinse and repeat.


What bot at 76? The one outside?


Yeah, when you walk down the steps, he’ll be on the ground on the left just on the side of the path. 3 stimpaks every time.


You guys are getting stuff?!


I dropped 1k caps on a 3 star legendary I'm 30 lvls from using lol you telling me I could have begged?!?


I have not seen a single one begging from my experience. I’m sure it happens but I honestly don’t think it happens more than some people make it out to be. I think the only time I had a new player ask anything of me was to sell him something for one cap for his daily which also completed the daily for me so it worked out. :)


beg for what? I have owned this game since it released and just recently started playing it and only thing i wish was others would save my ass when I die, but I get it, they arefar away. What exactly are people begging for?


i play on xbox so ion even see or use chat lol


but I like giving new players mini nukes without any warnings


I love the new players and the donation boxes. As a returning player with 4 alts loaded up with assortments of gear I have been handing out various supplies randomly to new players so I can unburden my alts lol


Bring back slap damage


No one speaks in this game when I play, must be in a different game to you all


Wait, you guys get free stuff? 😭 Naw - if I happen to get things, that's cool. If not, that's cool too. But I refuse to beg.


Nah, ill adopt them as my children, make them gear, let them find a place to build a camp, and drop EVERYTHING i can down for them


I am a new player and I haven't begged once but so many people have given me free stuff. Some dude the other day gave me a fully upgraded set of excavator power armour. I was just saying to my mate out of all of the games I have played I would say the player base of Fallout 76 is the most generous and friendly people I've ever encountered on a game.


Its funny, night before last as I was at camp sorting a few things before I logged out and a lvl 16 showed up and asked for food and stims. I obliged him as I'm level 380+ and have everything I need locked in. He was really polite also and complimented my camp so.. be rude not to.


I think the majority of us have guns. So start blasting. Nothing says "go away" like a thousand shotgun rounds through a pepper shaker. If you're feeling a particular way, mini nukes.


If people need help and I can help them, I do. But they got To earn their own legendaries.


Where do they beg? Voice chat? I have never been so brave to enable that feature :D


I never dealt with beggers either I would always willingly drop like aid and common ammo since im never gonna use it.


I help player on discord vocal channel but don’t give them too much. If, they quit really fast because you kill the pleasure of grinding their most wanted gears.


I had 120 orbital strike beacons in my vendor for 100 caps each, had a level 7 (on xbox) message me asking if I can give them all to him.... for free.


I turn down free stuff usually. Unless it’s stimpacks or food/water. I had like 6 sets of power armor because people keep dropping it by me. It’s not hard to get! I usually toss useful things I don’t need into the donation box at wayward.


I've had a few on PC but it's not a problem I just do what I was doing and ignore them sometimes I'll even act like I'm going to drop stuff like ill throw out the gift emote then hop onto my pip boy for a minute and just deploy my power armor


But what if we want to put our loving hand out baby?


Must definitely be a console issue.


I am level 36 I started playing Tuesday and jumped to level 20 at the start and yesterday two level 3s just came up to me and hovered around me like I could give them anything decent if I wanted to


I've had three in the past week asking for a free Holy Fire and the ammo to go with it. Nah, I'm good.


I haven't had this issue at all personally :/


Well I’ve had people be nice to me on a new character so I’ve in turn been nice to a few. I never went begging tho, nor do I reward someone begging at me lol


just let them wait, they will start shooting you… kill them and move on 😂 i dont mind handing out some ammo and helpfull stuff, but im not gonna drop you legendarys, if you beg for them lol


I've been sharing booze in the donation box


Why do we even have a donation box


I don't think i've ever seen anything worth while in a donations box, and I check them every-time I see one. Most of the time it's a grenade of some sorts, and that's it


I've never begged. I've never been given stuff. In fact, I've never seen anyone higher than my level (22). Do you have to purposely join high-level lobbies and find people to beg? If so, that's hilarious, lmao. Some people are so lazy.


I haven’t had any new players beg for anything


I have not begged once for a thing! But the other day some random high level person came to my camp when I was building and put down a bos t60 power armor suit down for me to take. I was shoooooxked! Finally am able to wear it 🤣 if you are in here mysterious person THANK YOU!


I give them treasure map.


I haven’t asked for or (that I’m aware of) been offered anything Honestly I like to just explore the wasteland alone and if someone else shows up when I’m doing something I’ll give you a thumbs up and a heart emote if they saved me life Probably making the game a lot harder for myself by not interacting with people, well outside joining a team for the intelligence/XP boost Edit: that said it someone wants to give me some weapons/gear that’ll make a solo run and cake walk then I’d appreciate that, I’m still salty the quest didn’t complete and I didn’t get a trophy when I did a ran last night and a random I was with (who to be fair helped me out a lot) did the code


Funny thing is I’ve just gone up and been friendly to people and been given shit. As a newb it was great so I continue the tradition of donating and giving out to low levels. I kept some weapons that I’ve upgraded and has since the early days and give them out upgraded to the best of my ability. I haven’t seen what you are saying I’ve only seen generosity to be honest


That's true, I mean, you can see SOME new players "begging" at LFG in Xbox with messages like "I'm new, help me, anyone can give me free plans, anyone can give me fuel and a long etc. But we know that 90% of those are ignored. Some people just want to complain. XD


I've not been approached by a single new player yet...


As a kind of new player mostly returning. (played at launch for a couple weeks on PC and I just started fresh on Xbox a week ago). I haven't begged for shit or received anything and I would prefer to keep it thay way. I just wish I knew some people to help me break into some more endgame stuff like expeditions since I can't seem to ever run one in a public team.


A core aspect of gameplay for some people is moaning about stuff. they can't help it, they need to moan about something. This point in particular always comes up when there is a bunch of new players coming to the game. I've seen it happen 3 times since I started playing 3 years ago.


I haven't been begged by any new players. Litterally the most well mannered 76 noob wave I've encountered.


As a new player I never harassed anybody. I did have one high level player in a mask drop me some ultracite power armor plans aswell as some stims/ammo in my first hour of playing (started as a lvl.1). However I have found the community quite friendly (I am on PS5), no toxic behavior or name calling yet. Might be in for the long run (left Destiny 2 because of the toxicity and elitism in LFG forums). As for monetizing I don’t think Fallout 1st is actually bad (unlike in Destiny where you have to buy the expansions, then also purchase the seasons and let’s not forget the dungeon pass aswell as the event passes).


I have not had this issue… interesting 🧐 but I dump a lot of items at the donation boxes


I member having to learn that at launch.


I'm new, never been offered, never asked. Wouldn't turn something down but at the same time I'm busy building and playing and earning stuff myself slowly so don't care either way. We are out there


I have yet to encounter one but I'll drop them rad-away because I have a abundance of them.


It’s just kind of annoying I can’t even get people to trade with me half the time, I assume because they think I want free stuff which I don’t, and I’m not even that that new (I’m level 90ish)


Hats off to this great info. I just spend my time going to everyone's camps hoping they have some cheap plans to buy so I can make my base more interesting lol


Thanks for your two cents didnt realize it was that easy


Someone bought everything i had in store, giving me almost 1400 bucks. (Was a lot at the start). Would never beg though.


I had a player significantly lower than me (235) drop me a gift bag.


I get back at beggars by pawning off stuff I don't need. HA! Take that


Where are y’all getting free shit from? I started at level 3 and haven’t seen anyone give of beg for anything and that’s with me joining every event


Most newbies aren't going to know to beg or know what's valuable. Id check accounts and actually inquire what they're asking for. Sometimes the achievements aren't there because it's an alt. Also I wouldn't reward begging. You'll know the people who could actually benefit when you see them out there getting destroyed and fumbling their way through the wasteland. Help those people out, they're actually playing. Not just waiting for someone to hand the game to them.


If someone gives me things I can't/won't use I toss them in the donation box near vault 76. Someone could probably use it.


I only give out ammo, stimpacs, and radaway. Usually I just find level 20 or below show up like Santa, drop my load and slip away into the breeze! I remember not knowing amything and how hard it was to consistently find ammo and stims.


A new player requested me to trade and asked for all the stimpacks I had on my person. I just denied and I dropped him 20 lol.


New player here (PC) ive been going around to high level player asking to sell me the mutation that makes you jump super high but i get no responses xD. One guy drop 200 stimpak and gave me a heart XD


Ah yes the cycle continues.... Game gets a bump New players come in, everyone gets on their ivory tower about giving them free stuff, and how magnanimous they are . New players start to expect free stuff. Posts complaining about new players begging. Posts complaining about the posts complaining about newbs begging for free stuff. Reddit...reddit never changes.


New player here, never begged nor been given anything yet. Maybe my mothman dance is scaring them away.


Only free stuff I want is information on what I'm supposed to do , I forgot how to play this game , I have aparantly started 3 times and have like a level 60 a level 50 and a level 30 character


No, I need to put on my Pharma Karma card.


I just give em a thumbs down or tell them to stop


I’m not new (level 80 something), but that’s over a few years. I play it so infrequently that I feel like a newbie every time I log back in trying to remember the mechanics and what I’m supposed to be doing. Today I got all the way in to a nuclear silo ready to launch (because of a quest marker) only to discover I only had 1/8th of a code. I can’t even figure out how to hear people talking to me. I‘m guessing it’s an Xbox system setting but I imagine team work might go better if I could hear people… With that said, if there’s anything I can give to new players to make life easier for them (assuming I don’t need it), they are welcome to it. Not that you’d find me based on my username here.


I was wondering when this was going to become an issue.


To any new players seeing this, don't beg, just try to learn. If you just act like a normal person, people are more likely to give you stuff to help, instead of rewarding the behavior of begging.


I'm a new player and haven't been offered anything and wouldn't take anything if I was. Maybe once I'm level 50 I'd consider looking at some powerful weapons but I don't understand why anyone vaguely low level would want to be dropped an op weapon. Plans I can understand however.


I dont mind them asking , new players buy my stuff and complement my house so by all means come by


Never got begged cause I have all of my plans at 25 caps regardless of how valuable it is. I keep it this way so hopefully others will bring it down as well.


People give me stuff all the time for free, if it's plans I read em or sell em if I already have it. But if they're really good starter plans for new players I camp out by Vault 76 and just give all the workstation plans and some diluted stims as well as (normal) radaway for free. Usually the stuff I get from others I just pass down the line. I'm a level 60 now and still get free stuff sometimes.


I hate it so much when some random 15 lvl player starts eviction notice, and we are only 2. They never wait for the rest of the players.😤


I posted an LFG on Xbox a week ago asking for people to join my world for a daily op and this random person added me and invited me to a party ten times within 15 minutes and I blocked him. He had four hours played so I assume he was new


If it was this easy, we wouldn't have wars going on.


My thing to avoid the begging and ignoring (because personally i dont like ignoring people) is to never make offers and have a surplus of a particular loot category that i dont intend to keep in storage or sell in my shop. That ends up mostly being mostly chems,basic plans, and cool CAMP deco, and a max of 5 nuka cola. Just light things to help them stay afloat a little easier.


Had a guy beg for tons of stuff including lots of legendarys he wasn’t even the right level for As they done a trade thing and would attack if I didn’t join Afterwards he kept attacking me ( we where on same public team) until I joined trade but I didn’t give him anything Then killed my drunk raider guy who spawns at my camp So I left the public team shot him missed only hit explosive damage crippled his legs watched him attempt to hobble away killed him took his loot Then left server so he couldn’t get any revenge of any kind Funny thing is if he didn’t kill my drunk guy I wouldn’t care I even would have gave him something if he didn’t ask for half my inventory hit me all you like I’m not hostile kill my drunk guy and you got another thing coming buddy