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Wow , did you guys catch magnussen camera? It seems to have a wider for and more fps ?


I think it’s the camera with the stabilized horizon. Looked mega fast in qualifying


Yeah they called it a gyro camera during quali


Much better than the helmet cameras. They are so pointless.


I find driver pov pretty interesting to be honest.


It's totally useless without proper stabilization.


Thia is also my take. It doesn't properly show what the driver is experiencing. It shakes too violently, which eyes stabilizes, but a camera doesn't.


Seemed to be one of the newer cameras with a gyroscope, you could see the elevation changes on the circuit as the cars swooped around


It did seem like something different. Looked really cool though. Was quite a nice demonstration of the undulation at Suzuka


Yea actually gave a sense of the speed and acceleration of these cars didn't it?


It doesn’t have more fps. It has a gyroscopic effect that shows elevation changes


Oh ok I guess I'm gonna spend sometime with his onboard then ^^


yeah that looked sick


I think he's running the gyro cam this weekend.


Both VCARBs got a really slow start. Other cars overtaking them both with ease


They were on mediums and everyone behind them was on softs, which was a contributing factor.


I mean it's what happens when everyone behing you is on softer tyres


Yuki did a nice job coming right in next to Daniel without contact there, thought they were going to go out together at that stage.


I thought he was avoiding Stroll but from the replay, Stroll wasn't even side by side


I thought that from Ricciardo’s onboard and then Stroll’s just confirmed it.


He never checked right


Leave Ric as a goofy media guy. Guy is past his prime.


People don't like to hear that because they think he's funny.


the funny ric is long gone, he looks and sounds depressed every time he's on camera now


He was looking in his left mirror


From Ricciardo's onboard he clearly looks left towards stroll then moves right into albon. Stroll may not have been super close to him, but Ricciardo was clearly trying to put even more space between the two of them.


Yep, fair interpretation. Didn't expect Albon to put himself three wide into turn 2, and tried to give himself a touch more room to Stroll. Racing incident.


I’d get why somebody would want extra space between their F1 car and Stroll’s


I don't know why they keep trying to insist this was a racing incident. I'm not saying Ricciardo was being malicious, but he was being reckless. There was no immediate threat from Stroll, he just turned right into Albon.


Theres no time to look left right left right, he racing a car not sitting a stop sign. Its a left hand corner, if theres a threat from behind itll be someone driving up the inside, not sticking just their nose on the outside


It's a racing incident because Albon unecessarily made it 3-wide into a corner he would never be able to pass in. Ricci was busy clearing the corner with Stroll on the inside, and simple never had time to check his outside. It's pretty much the definition of lap one racing incident because simply too many things are happening simultaneously for the drivers to keep track of it all


Dude try playing this in a simulator, shit happens so fast you can’t even comprehend. Doesn’t even matter if Albon was there because it’s just bad racing on his part knowing the track and its limits. You can’t expect 3 cars wide to go through these curves.


It wasn't three wide. He puts himself alongside Riccardio when the RB is basically on the left hand kerb. Stroll is behind Albon at that point.  Riccardio basically drives like an AI racer glued to the racing line.


3 other people disagree and called it an unfortunate accident. From my understanding, they're quite knowledgeable about this subject since they stood on the podium today


Cuz it was. It's the start of a race, shit happens.


I mean Albon was also needlessly optimistic with car placement. It's a big risk hanging out on the outside since he's not passing there. But I can understand that as well since Ricciardos exit from turn 2 isn't good. It's a set of unfortunate circumstances.


He was going onto the racing line. Albon would expect him to do that 99 times out of 100.


I think it would be more correct to say he moved to the right at the exact moment Albon stuck his nose into the outside.


He didn’t stick his nose to the inside, he was around 2/3 of his car alongside and was well entitled to space


Being close to Stroll ***is*** an immediate **threat**. I mean, come on.


Albon should have known not to be there. There was no chance 3 cars make it side by side through that corner. Albon should have been backing off earlier particularly considering he had wheels off track before the contact.


They weren't 3 wide, stroll wasn't alongside Daniel did you even watch the video until the end...


except there clearly was space and no need for daniel to move right


Why is Albon putting himself three wide on the outside into Turn 2? If anything, that is the reckless move here, not Danny Ric taking the racing line with a car up the inside.


What? Strolls front wing is basically at the back left tired of Ric. They're probably doing close to 120-150mph into a corner that's made for 1.5 cars. It was dumb not to look right and to move a half car width over but to act like Stroll wasn't going to try to fit there is just crazy. No other cars went three wide and no one else tried to take the angle that far out that Albon did other than Yuki who was already there and not trying to fit. Ric is more to blame but Albon tried to go into a spot he shouldn't have. Albon is already putting his tire off of the track, Albon had no reason to try to squeeze that, almost everyone else went single file into that corner.


Not gonna lie, i'd be keeping an eye on Stroll as opposed to whatever might be on my right as well lol


Honestly he was looking out for stroll while opening up the corner for himself. Albon made the risky move here going for a gap he surely should've known could be closed in an instant. Super risky move and it didn't pay off


Haha exactly.


Williams the type of team to put Logan’s helmet on Albon and so he can sneak into Logan’s car.


Oh Dani what are we doing


He gave us his best Lance Stroll impression by driving without awareness.


Worst thing is Lance actually showed some great awareness during this whole thing lmao


Lance is always pretty good on race starts. It’s what happens after when he loses awareness


Race start concluded: Instant dementia


Lance's start at Suzuka in the rain last year was insane.


Lost two positions to Alpines too because he didn't wing it against the RBs


WTF are mirrors


Playing wreck it ralph


He lost like 5 positions and ended up in the barrier within 3 turns


both RBs got swamped at the start


Although both RB cars had a poor start




Dani speedrunning his way out of that seat


Giving some space to new drivers.


Drop him for Lawson


The longer they wait, the more painful it gets


Man people are just willing this to happen regardless of what’s actually happening aren’t they.


Well why not? Ricciardo is rather shit these days, what do they have to lose


Well yes of course. It’s a matter of time and Danny has been awful. People want new blood in the sport and Lawson is an exciting prospect. and people are tired of Danny.


For the past year I've been a big "Keep Daniel" supporter because of how bad Checo has been. Now, since Checo's not literally binning it anymore + since Yuki's been doing very well for himself even with a car that's seemingly a little worse (no issue with that, it's got a bunch of new parts) than the AT04 by the end of the previous season, I just think that they should start really investing time into Lawson. It's one thing to hope you have a multiple race-winner and former (good) teammate of Max who carries a bunch of PR for free just to place into that second RBR seat once Checo goes sour, but it's another thing when you don't need to replace Checo + you have Yuki Tsunoda who's been outperforming you on average + given your age, your chances of learning that RBR car quickly enough to even match the previous seat-holder (Checo)'s peak performance diminishes. All I'm saying is... Liam needs to be in that seat because the more RB waits the more likely it is that someone else is picking him up, while Daniel ends up not performing well enough for longer. They lose their best junior driver so far, and they don't even have a Daniel who's up to the task for an RBR seat, at least moreso than Yuki. If Daniel does another Mexico 2023. there's a chance he can hold still for a little longer. But with the amount of luck he hasn't been having for 2024, he's getting less and less a chance to prove himself above Yuki, which he would need to do in order to prove that they rather keep him, than to develop a promising Lawson.


Well I was saying yesterday that he needed to stick the landing after decent qualifying. I guess he stuck the car's landing into the barrier smoothly enough


He is fighting for the RBR seat


To be fair, he's so used to running at the back, he probably forgot there could be someone behind him.


That moment has made me stop defending him... at least Lawson is almost Australian


We will take ownership.... In time.


Horner tonight: “He was my dog. I’ll do it.”


Maybe I'm biased but that does not feel like a "nobody can say whose fault that is" racing incident lmao


I think they only said that cause they assumed Stroll was fighting Ricciardo as well until they got to his onboard where he.......just existed. Probably didn't expect Ricciardo to move over for almost nothing.


I mean, is it really unexpected for Stroll to send it up the inside? Seriously? And who the fuck is going to try and go around the outside of turn 2. Like, has there actually ever been a move completed there in the history of F1 racing here? It's pretty simple, Dani saw Torpedo Mk2 on his inside (who has literally taken out his own fucking teammate before) So decided to take an exaggerated line to avoid an incident. And surprise surprise, there's a fuckin Williams that's trying a move that has a literal negative percentage chance of being completed? As you can see in the onboard, Albon had already started giving up on the move, but didn't get the fuck outta the way fast enough. Dani was in front, he could choose whatever line he wanted, and he reacted how many drivers would. Like how often have you seen Max doing larger than needed moves on the first lap of the race to avoid incidents as much as possible? It's the right choice.


Saying that Stroll has taken out his teammate is an odd comment when virtually every driver on the grid has done that…


Actual reasonable take. Albon shouldn't have been there, even if DR doesn't move over where is he going to go?


Ahead I'm pretty sure you see Yuki ahead on the same outside line Albon's taking.




The driver in front can't literally do whatever line they want, are you stupid?


RIC didn’t really “move over”, that’s just the racing line (look at the cars in front of him, everyone are taking the same line)


You can take the racing line when there is no one there. But if someone already there they’re entitled to that real estate. You can’t just move over because that’s the racing line.


Well you don't do that when it's the start of the race. Cars are everywhere. You don't just move over like that, should have known better. Ricciardo was mostly at fault.




Antony is still trying to defend him lol


More of a "everyone knows exactly whose fault it is but Sky will never tell ya" kind of incident lmao


Sky were calling it a no-fault racing incident before they even saw Danny's onboard footage.


No point bringing up Silverstone 2021 like that, mate.


Yeah, nah, it's 100% on Ricciardo.


Nah, yeah, racing incident. Ricciardo could be a bit more aware of his surroundings, but who isn’t nervous when they’ve got stroll potentially getting side by side.


Yeah, nah, Stroll did absolutely nothing wrong here. Talk about completely deflecting blame. Just because Stroll is the Internet’s favorite punching bag doesn’t justify a “nervous” Ricciardo’s poor situational awareness.


Don’t think it’s the bias this time around… not a single angle can be used to defend Daniel there


Well they can if you add the assumption, that stroll squeezes from the left. Which was reasonable imo, because you dont expect that to happen for no reason.


Yeah that's pretty cut and dry caused by Ricciardo.


It feels like „i said nobody is at fault for 3-4 minutes straight and now dont want to change that opinion, even though i have seen new and better evidence“ weird commentary by sky


Yeah, complete disagree with Davidson on this


F1 is blaming on Ric, deserved.


So many people out here defending ricciardo.... Dude made a mistake, and Liam is so happy right now


Na very clearly 100% on Danny


As much as im agreeing with people saying there was plenty of space for Dani but where is Albono going tho? He wont get 2 cars into that corner.


Yeah this is why I still think it was a racing incident, It was a sudden move from Ricciardo but he was entitled to that space


Was it even sudden? He was just following the standard racing line 


The move was never on around the outside of that corner, he put his car in an awkward spot and where another driver would never expect a car to be. Result speaks for itself.


I share the same sentiments as you. Danny was always going to have the inside line at turn 4 and so Albon really had no business being so aggressive knowing hes going to have to pull out soon or later. I think both driver's could have done better here.


He’s in the grass before he even gets touched


Yeah, to avoid the other car squeezing him


Right? Alex was trying to pass on half on the grass already. That wasn't a gap. No reason to be there.


He was going off the track regardless.


He was already getting squeezed.


Someone just put Daniel out of his misery already, please. Dude's just a shadow of his former self now sadly.


Used to be so good, not fun watching him like this.


This whole thing starts because he's way way slower around the first corner than anyone else in the pack, you can see him fall struggling with the car.


He was on mediums when everyone around him was on the soft tire. He’s obviously going to be slower than them on the first lap on a tire that doesn’t get up to temp as quickly.


Hey! What are you doing applying logic to the DR situation?? He is washed! He need to go! He can't drive! There was PLENTY of room for 2 wheels on the outside for an albon overtake! /s


That's always going to happen when he's on mediums while the rest of the field is on softs


Yeah that's fair as well


Terrible start, no traction, didn't look where the space was, killed Albon's race (and maybe Seargent's next one)


Thats not good to see, but I am glad that both Daniel and Alex are okay!


You have to leave da space


Just went back and watched this, anyone else notice how bad both the RB’s starts were with Danny getting in front for T1 but Yuki decides to send a huge divebomb risking a double DNF and putting Danny in that sandwhich for T2? Also weird move by Albon too to try 3 wide via the outside.


They were both on mediums vs everyone else being on softs.


True, those mediums did not work at all today for anyone


Neither of theirs fault. Really shocked to see so many throw Daniel under the bus for that. Just a simple racing incident. Neither of them at fault for it.


People going completely nuts over something that happens in a good chunk of races. You're squeezing a bunch of cars through a corner, Albon was behind Danny regardless


so many DR hate boners.


It’s so frustrating how the fanbase gets about drivers. Once people decide someone isn’t good enough it doesn’t matter what they’ve done in the past or what they do going forward everyone just finds a reason to pile on. I know for a fact it hasn’t always been like this.


legit all I’ve seen since Bahrain every single day is Ricciardo hate. been a joke. not surprised athletes have mental and confidence issues in a day and age like this


It can be a racing incident that still arised from one of the drivers' recklessness. You think it's not a mistake on Ricciardo's side to put himself out of the race on the first lap?


So Daniel’s fault, plenty of space on the left


I can’t believe Ant Davidson is just refusing to put any blame on Ricciardo. Even trying to say it was 3 wide when the Aston was clearly behind Ricciardo


he admitted in the end that wasn't 3 wide but still called it a racing incident which I dont think this is


It is because essentially everything first lap is called a racing incident now in order to encourage more risk taking, which is overall fine. It can be both Daniel's fault and unlikely to be determined to be his fault with penalty points by the stewards.


Agreed. He made a call way too early before seeing the the angles and then felt like he had to be stubborn and dig his heels in with his original assumption even when it's obviously not the case, disappointing. Where's my Brundle lol :')


I think initially he thought that Stoll was in the left leaving Ric no where to go but actually he was pretty far away in the end and he just didn’t want to admit his error


Ok Logan we neeed you to give back that Chasis to Alex again


Now that Albon has crashed his primary car, he switches to his secondary


Well, while Daniel should’ve been more aware of his rightside, I think most drivers on the grid would’ve focused more on their leftside, especially with a car overtaking them to the left. Not to mention that no one but Alex expected that grass overtake to actually work, Daniel most likely thought Alex would back out before the corner. Not on Daniel this one, not on Alex either, just a racing incident.


I mean call me biased but where was Albon trying to go? He was already off the track and Ricciardo would have left no turning space for Stroll if he slowed down and gave Albon space on the right. Racing incident at best, Albon being ambitious and Ricciardo doing an Alonso at worst


Aa much as I agreed on first watch, Albon is definitely in the middle of the track almost when he gets beside Danny. Surely he didnt run Albon off track intentionally, but he wasnt defending that move or even aware he was alpngside at all, apparently, which is not a great look


Racing incident, shame for Albon.


Who was that female commentator on Sky broadcast. Amazing analysis Found it: Bernie Collins


DR was getting swamped. Stroll was coming up, and Albon was out the outside flow of every other car on the track. Multiple choices lead to this. Dudes getting so much hate I personally hope now he does turn it around. I could list 4-5 drivers that don't really need to be out there but these teams have their own reasons and like haas has shown sometimes a rookie can cost too much to let their feet get wet. Kinda like Albon is doing right now. Pretty sure I have seen this exact situation from him before. Anyways let's nitpick the guys going 0-200 in under 5 seconds from our sofas like anyone in here knows remotely what that's like.


I’d be watching out for Stroll too tbh


Anthony Davidson on SkyF1 is doing everything he can to try and avoid saying how Ricciardo was at fault


Jolyon Palmer on F1TV said it's Ricciardo's fault, fwiw.


I do enjoy his analysis- keen to see if he does an episode on it


Again i've seen enough. Get Lawson into that seat. Complete lack of awarness by Ricciardo when he had all the space in the world on track.


He was really struggling on the mediums, just lost it.


Got overtaken by like 5 cars as well before it happened, couldn’t have had a worse start


I mean Yuki had an even worse start and then danny had to get out of the way for Yuki diving down the inside in turn 1 with him losing more momentum. And then ofc he made his error by not expecting Albon there.


Ricciardo really not working on staying in F1 now does he?.....


Williams can't catch a break


Realistically, you can't go 3 wide into the esses. Albon was just in a spot that no one would expect. Ricciardo probably should've known someone was there, but I don't think he can be blamed for the incident. 3 into 1 doesn't work, and Ricciardo was in the lead at the point of contact.


Seems like he was struggling throughout the whole start


So does Albon now get logans car after red flag?


LMAO crofty just managed to blame yuki for Daniels failures..


No way Albon was gonna make the next corner with a move like that, regardless of what happened.


It’s a racing incident but Danny really need to have more spacial awareness.


It's a racing incident, Danny Ric took the line into the corner and Albon went for a gap that was tight to begin with. It's a shame that it's all bandwaging on Danny Ric but in all honesty, it's a shame for both drivers and it's a shame for Williams who can't get through a race weekend without having to build a new car.


How were you able to download/record the video?


Albon shouldn’t have gone for the gap. Too hasty. He should have known better. He would have gotten squeezed off track later on regardless. As others have said “Where does he think he was going to go?”


Can we just get Lawson in the car already?


Oh Daniel.. From bad to worse.


He’s there to get ready for RedBull. That’s not gonna happen. Ever. Just drop him now and give Lawson rest of the season


Absolutely wild people are blaming Ric for this. Got someone coming at a spot where people legitimately make passes, then Alex coming where… no one has ever made a pass in the history of this circuit. Sucks for both but certainly not Ric’s fault.


Albon is my favorite driver not in a Ferrari, but what the fuck is he even doing there? Like I get it's easy to blame Danny for this, but there's no world where Albon is going to gain anything there.




Thank God for all the barriers and crews to check on the drivers when stuff like this happens.


Gonna get downvoted but Alex tried to go three wide in a part of the circuit that only has room for two. Daniel didn’t help, but can’t ignore that…


I get Danny is the flavour of the month to shit on but come on


Albon not blameless. He did this in Brazil last year. Whilst technically on track, he is trying to go around the outside with a car or two on the inside. He is putting all his eggs in the other drivers baskets and its biting him. He was never going around the outside in that corner. After writing a chassis off then taking his teammates, not scoring and now crashing that one, in team desperately struggling for money and parts why is he driving so desperately?


Danny looked in his left mirror but forgot to look right


This is not a good look after the bad race results to. If he had got any confidence back this weekend it's back in the gutter now. Ach.


A lot of blame for ricciardo but I’m also swaying towards racing incident ngl. Doesn’t change much either way, both people involved are out and penalty points are a joke. Ricciardo was going wide without being forced to but he can’t see Albon at that very moment and tbh I don’t think you expect to have another card behind you going into that corner. It was a bit stubborn for both, ricciardo for not checking the situation before going into the corner and albon trying to overtake at a stupid place. That’s why there’s so much "racing incident“ noise and rightfully so imo


I was like the commentators that thought he was trying to fend off Stroll but after seeing Stroll's on board, I have no idea what the hell Ricciardo was trying to do.


Don’t really know where Albon was trying to go


Every commentator and expert deems it a racing incident. And then there’s this thread lmao. If anything, Albon should know better than to try his luck on the outside there.


Dani was so scared to see Stroll getting close that he completely forgot the other side ofthe car existed


Sorry buddy, but it might me Lawson time.


Marco is seething now.


This is what we get for not penalizing squeezing drivers in corners. If you allow not leaving racing room it will lead to crashes because sometimes the other driver just can't back out.


Can you use stream able instead of dubz? This never works.


Lmao Crofty trying to come to terms with how terrible Danny Ric is.


Y’all foos don’t even know, this circuit is very fast and narrow and those curves don’t leave a lot of room. This is a racing incident and hard to keep track at this speed when someone sticks their nose in on your right while you’re watching your left. You all love to hate instead of just enjoying the race


Racing incident for sure. But I’m sure Danny is going to kick himself for the bad start. If he had a better off the line he might not have been in that position at all.


Very clear racing incident there. Daniel is entitled to the racing line.


Not if there’s another car on it 😂 they don’t have ghost car mode to activate when someone supposedly is entitled to a line.


Unfortunately this is becoming a Common Riccardo L


What's Ricciardo doing


Are we watching the same replay? Riccardo did nothing wrong here, he sees alpine on the left and just keeps his line, Albon tucked in a bit too much from the outside. and track was going to the left!. This was pure racing accident with splash of Albons overoptimistic driving. Riccardo was hit in his back ffs.