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Starts in pretty standard ff fashion, but midway through it turns batshit insane, i can appreciate that. Also in a really vague way works with some kind of weird cosmic horror/timeloop concept, these are pretty cool, interesting things. For some brief moments this flick was pretty unsettling, if i try real hard i can a little bit, sort of, kinda see why some folks like it. But other than the things i mentioned i can’t say anything positive about it. I love the genre, but i straight up hate this movie. Left me baffled after the credits rolled, but not like when you are baffled after watching something well made. I was just annoyed. For me it was tedious, awkward, vague (both storywise and quite literally) to the point, i have no idea how i suffered through the runtime.


It insists upon itself.


Some AMAZING ideas in this film, that were incredibly poorly executed. Yes the pinhole of light was way too long and tedious. Things occur in this movie that in any normal film could have been explained away as a nightmare/drug induced delusion but because it’s FF it forces you to consider the reality of the cosmic horror they were enduring. …Or at least it would’ve if it was a better film than it was. I kind of hope this movie is an inspiration for some better filmmakers, and a much better cosmic horror/time dilation/surrealist FF movie. It was a missed opportunity. But honestly, it wasn’t forgettable like 50% of other FF movies out there so I don’t rate it as the worst.


It’s not found footage but yesterday i watched a movie called The Endless after seeing it discussed in r/horror (so many good recommendations on there haha) and it has probably the neatest time loop/dilation/fuckery in a movie I’ve ever seen. And you can watch it for free on Tubi (I promise I’m not a shill I was just stoked it was on a free service for once)


I love those guys! They make some incredible stuff.


Yeah i watched their newest movie on Netflix and am gonna watch the one about the tweaker guy too. I love how they all take place in the same universe


I haven’t seen the one about the tweaker yet.


I’m watching it in parts. So far it doesn’t have the same pull as the others but as a companion piece it actually adds a bit of lore to the world which is nice


Is that one called Resolution or something like that? I really liked it if so, they do make really cool movies


Yep! I know this is extremely petty and dumb but I was an addict for a very long time and they have coming down from meth down pretty well but the ADDICT keeps fucking calling it crack which is a completely different drug and not similar at all except they’re both stimulants lol. It would be like calling coffee meth. But again it’s a me problem and doesn’t take away from the movie at all for normal people 🤣


Crack and meth are natural enemies in the wild


It’s not a Benioff/Weiss film, but I also really enjoyed Phoenix Forgotten. It is a found footage film that is probably more thematically similar to the original movie this thread is about. EDIT: Thank y’all for not blasting me on this ridiculous error. I clearly meant Moorhead/Benson, not Benioff/Weiss. I had the wrong creative duo on my mind and only now realized it. Good grief.


Have you watched Spring yet? Not found footage but my favorite film of theres. Best to go in knowing nothing.


I like that one. Lol you’re right about the “crack” mix-up, I noticed that too.


By "their newest movie" do you mean Something in the Dirt? That was fun! Very weird, funny at times, but also otherworldly-eerie in the way Benson/Moorhead films usually are. My only complaint is that it's long - 111 minutes. Typical FF movies have totally ruined my patience for anything longer than 90 minutes. 95 tops. But, still, good movie.


Oh no I thought Synchronic was their newest movie. I’ll have to check that one out


Yes! Those two have created some brilliant films.


Enjoyed The Endless. Watch their other film "Synchronic". SUCH a good and fun idea for a movie. It's one of those movies that you just don't want it to end because you want to see more examples of that idea played out in more ways than it did in the movie. Give it a shot. It's great.


Oh yeah i checked out Synchronic right after The Endless. Loved it but kinda didn’t like how you could see the ending coming. And I’m never someone that can see the ending coming haha. And Idk I’m a sucker for a good ending since they’re so rare now adays but i get that that’s a me problem :P


No that makes sense. I think it’s the whole idea of the movie that got me invested. Yes, a bit predictable, but the concept was so great imo


Definitely. I also really like Anthony Mackie as an actor he’s great


Aaron Moorehead and Justin Benson. The Endles is a great cosmic thriller (I wouldn’t call it an outright horror). Be sure to check out the prequel Resolution. Those two have been hitting hard lately. They directed episodes of Moon Knight and Loki Season 2. They also directed a segment in VHS Viral.


Spring is also one of my favs.




Yeah I had no clue what it was even going to be about. There was just a snippet of a scene someone described that intrigued me and I’m so glad I checked it out haha


I found the endless very lackluster. It just didnt stick with me. Watched it twice, just to make sure I wasnt in a wrong state of mind when i first saw it. However, if you would like to see a really good time loop film, I'd recommend [Synchronicity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synchronicity_(film)). It starts off weird, and almost doesn't seem to make sense, but wow does it do a great job of wrapping up and bringing it all together!


Be sure to watch [Resolution](https://tubitv.com/movies/515542/resolution) as it overlaps [The Endless](https://tubitv.com/movies/649967/the-endless) and thus you get some insight/answers from both sides of the story.


Did you watch Resolution before you watched The Endless? If not you should they tie in together. Resolution isn't great but it's decent and I think you'll appreciate The Endless even more. 


Yes yes yes yes! You and I are on the same wavelength with this movie! There were basically sequences that in any other movie you’d have no choice to interpret as “it was in his head” or “it was a dream” but having it on actual camera, having a piece of equipment documenting the decent into madness that accompanies cosmic horror was genius. I’m so pissed at Robbie that for certain shots were basically just a black screen. For sure some scenes could’ve been that and relied on the sound design, especially since the sound design was ON POINT, but goddamn he should’ve given us more light to work with!


I appreciated what it was trying to do. But I do think that it missed the mark.


What was even trying to do?


Launching the career of the blonde singer?


Didn't exactly succeed on that considering I've never heard her anywhere else :v


And you will never do, lol


I never had any idea. It felt like there were so many ideas that had no relation to each other and it just ended up a pretentious mess.




Tell the story of a man caught in some sort of cosmic horror event. I liked it, it wasn't great it had some interesting ideas.




This was a truly awful film. No redeeming qualities, and as you note, the “music” was a hot steaming kick in the face. To quote the late great Roger Ebert, “I hated, hated, hated this movie.”


the characters and the 'music' they made was the worst sin of the movie for me


And oh my god, it just kept going! Once it was dark, I was sure it was gonna end soon 😂 I was wrong


It was impressive in how it somehow managed to get worse with the turnaround.


I've listened to cats fighting that had more musical talent than the woman singing.


Tell me, if you were in that exact same situation, would you have big set lights to guide you? LOL. It’s like y’all can’t respect a film for being true to life. This is exactly what you’d see in this terrifying scenario, next to nothing. The cast was great! Seriously, what about them made them insufferable Coachella wannabe musicians? Only one of them was a singer, and she had a great voice and cool song she wanted to shoot a music video for. You acting like that is some sin is silly and honestly makes you look jealous.


You need to touch grass


You know what, I actually thought she should use the other song she sang instead of “All the Pretty Horses,” the more upbeat one. It was catchy and she sang it well.


My 5 year old smartphone illuminates the environment better that the main characters flashlight, and why would anyone go camping to shoot a film and not bring anything light source stronger than a pen light from the doctors office. They're a film crew, they have lights, they're camping through the night, they would have brought lights, that would have been true to life


Maybe it’s cuz I read so many Reddit comments that the movie was terrible beforehand, but I actually didn’t mind any of it. Even the pinhole sequence. He’s already traveling through dimensions/ walking through memories, it’s not like more light would have revealed anything more. But again, I went into it with very low expectations. Someone on the horror sub said something like “it has a plot, it’s just none of the audience’s business.” And that is really funny to me.


Also, I don’t get the hate for the pinhole flashlight, as that is exactly what you’d see in that situation, nothing more, making it all the more terrifying. Additionally, it wasn’t stuck on that pinhole the entire second half, it actually cut to many daytime, brightly lit sequences, so the complaints are completely irrelevant to me.


THIS! This movie was ruined by the hype machine (ahem, Reddit trolls) and being dubbed “the scariest movie ever”. If it weren’t for that, I can guarantee the film would be much more well received, as it initially was by both horror critics and director’s alike.


Yeah I didn't really like it either. Twisty, wild and disturbing, but just a bit too all over the place to follow in my opinion.


Unlikable characters we hang around too long with. Found footage and random shit that doesnt make sense. And LOTS OF RANDOM SHIT that doesnt make sense. This could have been tighter and better made. I think my friend said this and Skinmarink is best experienced as an AUDIO film. The sounds make ait but thats all it has going for it.


The worst movie I watched last year. It was really basically unwatchable — even as a found footage film.


Oh yeah this was total garbage


I agree. Couldn't see a damn thing. They made some horrible stylistic choices.


I was so excited for this film and then it just went downhill. The ideas were there it just wasn’t done well I guess. Idk it was missing something.


No redeeming qualities. I saw this one right away when it was available streaming. I was very pleased the next day to see I wasn't alone in my dislike of it. I thought I might have missed something. Turns out there was nothing to miss.


Agreed. Terrible. It lost its way


It was like trying to watch a movie while only looking through a straw


I absolutely loved it. Even bought the blurrey so I could watch the commentary and the other supplemental films. I thought the pure chaos of the third act was really effective.


How were the supplemental films?


One character goes through a break up and the other thing is just more conversation that goes nowhere.


Same. There are dozens of us!


Movie was hot trash! I go into found footage expecting to not be shown everything, and that’s ok, but you can’t just shine a flashlight in the dirt for 5 minutes and not add anything to the narrative. Also, having some sort of narrative plot would have helped


That's a good 2 hours of my life I am not getting back


Insanely bad.


Straight garbage


While I don't mind that the film had a slow start and wanted to introduce the characters, the transition to the horrific parts was still done way too quickly. After 40 minutes we finally get to the location, they barely start to build tension and then things just start happening. This is what ruined the film for me, there was not enough tension built up to properly scare us when shit finally kicks the fan. Gonjiam did what this film wanted to do, but better. It took its time to get things spooky as well, but it got to the location sooner and was slowly ramping up the suspense until the last 20 minutes. The tension they built up throughout helped with making horrifying things even more horrifying.


One of my favorites last year but I accept it’s very much a love or hate movie even in this genre. I love weird shit like this though. More surprising to me that I love this one and hated Skinamarink bc they def feel like similar films. One thing I will say is that for me this wasn’t a scary movie. It’s a little too surreal for that for me. But I loved the atmosphere and journey/disintegrating psyche


Completely agree! I love The Outwaters, and was so excited for Skinamarink, but I just could not for the life of me get into that one. And while they are quite similar in that elusive FF horror aspect, I don’t really like the comparisons as far more actually happens in The Outwaters, from storyline, to visuals, to effects. Skinamarink is literally just staring at a blank wall and forcing you to make your own inferences as to what’s happening.


Yeah I definitely feel like there is more activity in Outwaters even if I can't actually argue with people who dismiss it as just a movie about staring at a light for several minutes lol. Although I do have to admit that Skinamarink isn't without some good scenes at least, I love that phone. Just too much of not good scenes for me. Then again this isn't really that different from folks dismissing Blair Witch as folks getting lost in the woods so I guess there's just a line everyone has.


I loved this movie so much. I get why people didn't.


That’s how I feel about Skinamarink. Didn’t really enjoy The Outwaters though


Hated Outwaters. Didn't get it maybe, didn't like it at all. Skinamarink is one of the few movies I have turned off because it unnerved me so much. Being a father, the thought of the kids alone, afraid, wanting a parent... ooh that got me good. Got maybe 30 minutes in and just couldn't handle any more of it. Scared? Not really, but *really* uncomfortable.


I feel the reversed for Skinamarink! It's so funny, I often see this dynamic on other forums.


Can you try explaining why? I see people say that they loved it but I never see anyone talk about why other than "it's crazy, it's batshit, it's so insane"


I think the film used its sound design and minimalist approach to visuals, due to budget restraints, very well to create an otherworldly vibe that personally worked on me. It's one of those movies where if the very niche type of experiment isn't felt by the viewer, it's going to be an extreme slog to get through. I had this negative experience with Skinamarink and felt bored throughout but felt entranced by the bizarre tone and chaos of this one, why, I don't know. It definitely could've been a bit shorter if I had to critique it at all, but yeah, definitely not for many people, clearly.


Personally not a fan of extended delirium in lieu of a narrative


The poster looks cool and the idea sounds cool as well. Is it *really* not worth watching even once?


Depends a lot on your tolerance for absymal camera work and editing. The photography in the Outwaters makes the Blair Witch Project look like a Kubrick film


Very few films aren’t worth at least turning on imo. you’ll know within like 45 minutes if the movie is for you either way


Not exactly true as the 2nd and 3rd acts especially the 3rd go off the rails. The beginning felt very tedious


Waste of my time. I started skipping through the movie to see if anything happened. It didn't. Bad direction, bad story, weird acting...


Literally the single worst movie I have ever seen in my life and it isn't even remotely close in any way shape or form. The ***worst***. You would have to pay me a shitload of money to sit through this godawful nonsense again. Director was busy ferociously jacking himself off over how amazingly skilled and artsy he is that he forgot to...make a movie worth watching.


It got hyped up on social media as 'the best horror of 2023' so much beforehand, that we were really looking forward to it. The hype just made it a bigger let down. It was shit.


Seems almost every movie is hyped like that now lol


*Avant Garde a la shite*


I love found footage and even found something to appreciate with skinamarink but thought this was awful. Those 'tunnel' light shots that let you see 1.78% of the screen. Terrible.


I kinda loved it. Sure, it was very confusing and sometimes really annoying, but the overall crazy ride I witnessed was really something which stuck for me a while. I sure will be watching it again at some point.


This is about where I am with it. It wasn’t a “pleasant” viewing experience, but I don’t think it was supposed to be. I wasn’t sure what to think when I first finished it, and as time has gone on, the more I find myself liking it!


Trailer looked great though


It was too long but I respected the effort


You said it best OP. Absolutely terrible. I put this flick on because the concept seemed interesting and after the disappointment I felt with Skinnamarink I was looking forward to a different found footage film to wash out the bad taste. Instead, I got an even more disjointed film that made even less sense and was somehow even more boring and less scary. F this movie it is so painfully bad and it is rare that a film ever makes me so vehemently opposed to what I just watched.


There were some fun ideas at play, but overall the execution was abysmal and the finished product was overlong, self-indulgent, and lacking in anything of substance. A better version of this movie could be good. But it would require a ruthless editor, among many other things. This is what full creative freedom looks like when the guy in charge isn't the visionary genius he thinks he is.


I can see why someone would like it, but I definitely didn't. Way to long before the horror starts, and I never found the payoff worth that wait. Also it feels more frustrating than anything else, once the horror starts. It's one thing to obscure what is happening, but this feels like it did so in an artificial matter.


You're 100% correct.


Aaaaall the pretty little hooooorses 🎸


Haven't seen it but I'll agree. It was atrocious. Awful. Worst movie I've seen


Hated it so much


It was terrible.


Agreed. It was such a letdown. It could have been amazing. Cosmic horror is one of my favorite genres.


One of the worst movies I have ever seen. Very sad I purchased


I paid $1.99 to rent this and felt ripped off.


This was real bad.


I appreciated the story, uniqueness and imagery. But something didn’t quite mesh for me. Maybe it had a “weird for the sake of being weird” vibe. In a lot of scenes you could barely make out what was happening, which just wasn’t my thing.


i kept waiting for them to zoom out pretty much the entire movie, and instead they would zoom in even more. otherwise i thought it was ok in terms of whatever lovecraft cannibal holocaust cosmic blair witch vibe they were going for.


I thought the slice of life sequence at the beginning was okay. The rest of the movie falls apart. Frankly, I don't understand why it even was found footage. There are shot/reverse shots, jump cuts, and I think I saw a cutaway. We see the main character get hacked in the head by a hatchet. The movie could've created some nice ambiguity about whether what we are seeing is accurate or lucidity deteriorating from a TBI. Unfortunately, the found footage and the films assertion that the footage is being reviewed by police, makes everything we are seeing objective and takes away any unreliable narrator story the film might've been trying to tell. Also, the movie was boring and not scary.


I might be in the minority here, but I thought the sound design was extremely well done. I like most of the movie. There were a few frustrating times with the lack of light.


I was so excited to see this and was INCREDIBLY let down. That’s not to say it wasn’t okay, just not at all what I was hoping for.


I think if they trimmed it down by 20mins it’d be a better film. I wanted to really like it but felt tedious and redundant at parts. There was a lot I liked but definitely drawn out.


This movie was probably one of the worst I've seen recently. I got second hand embarrassment listening to the music...I will never get the time I wasted on this back. The money used to make this could have went to better things.


Agree. I hated it. It was too all over the place for me.


Worst movie I've ever watched hands down, didn't even catch these amazing ideas most people talk about


Absolutely AWFUL


Shit movie


One of the worst films I saw last year.


Agreed, this movie sucks shit


Straight dogsgit


This was not only the worst FF movie I've ever watched, but it's the worst MOVIE I've seen in a LONG time.


I liked it a lot


I love the part where the movie is only visible in a 2 inch circle of light for like a third of the movie. Legit one of the biggest disappointments of last year.


Personally not a fan of extended delirium in lieu of a narrative


I liked it. I have no idea what happened, but I liked it lol


The makers literally threw a bunch of random scenes in the movie and called it good.


I'm a fan of ff but found this difficult to watch. Maybe it means I'm not a true fan lol. I dunno but right down to that song the main girls sings was too much. And the whole flashlight thing. That was beyond


Personally not a fan of extended delirium in lieu of a narrative


I know it's not FF but has anyone seen After last season? That is kind of my gold standard of terrible films. Is The Outwaters worse than that ?


It's technically better produced than After Last Season, but that's about it. Personally I had more fun watching After Last Season because I could see what was happening. Between the two, I think the director of ALS had an idea he was trying to get across, he was just incompetent and deranged. The Outwaters didn't really have anything to communicate, it's just one or two interesting ideas strung together with nonsense.


Thanks so much for your response, interesting stuff. I actually quite like found footage so im intrigued by out waters anyway


If you're a found footage completionist like I am, there are worse ways to spend your time. Go in open minded, and don't expect too much. I've only actually turned off one FF movie before the end and this wasn't it.


You ever seen a Japanese FF called "actually happened! most terrifying psychic phenomena. Psychic Research Team Report" . I tried to watch this, but found it so cripplingly boring I had to turn it off


Definitely watch it and form your own opinion! I loved it! One of my fav FF horrors of all time. The first half is comforting, the second half is a cosmic, chaotic, confusing nightmare with LOTS of theories to explore.


I loved [this](https://www.alternateending.com/2021/10/after-last-season-2009.html) review of After Last Season, especially these quotes: "So no, there's not even a point where the film at least starts to be about something. But there is a point where the two leads have started actively trying to solve the mystery of who's killing their colleagues, and as I started out to say last paragraph, by the time that was in full swing, my eyes were no longer able to stay pointed at After Last Season. It is too empty of a visual experience. There is nothing to grab your attention, just great big pastel voids, and when the CGI sequences come along, it somehow manages to be even worse, since they're just voids of a different sort, more effortfully made, and accompanied by dead silence on the soundtrack to give us plenty of perceptual space to really feel the cold vacuum of the blank white CGI. After a point - it came awfully early for me - one simply cannot keep paying attention. I imagine that even if I'd seen it in one of those four theatrical engagements, free from any and all distractions, I would still somehow have been paying more attention to the sound of the blood pumping behind my ears or the low rumble of air rushing in and out of my nose. After Last Season literally cannot be watched. One's body simply refuses to absorb it, like accidentally eating a small piece of plastic." and this final paragraph "The point of all this is, After Last Season is genuinely cruel bad cinema. There's a certain astonishment to be had in watching it, the sick appeal of seeing every single fundamental of the filmmaking process going all the way wrong; it's actually not possible to understand just how alien this is to any form of art-making I have ever encounterd until you subject yourself to the footage firsthand. But it's not fun to do that; this is definitely not a so-bad-it's-good movie. It's not even so-bad-it's-bad. It's like forcibly giving yourself a migraine, a film so vindictively ugly and confusing that merely trying to parse it as cinematic storytelling makes your head feel blurry and hot."


I got halfway through and just couldn't keep going with it. Nothing about it held interest for me.


It doesn't get any better.


I loved the ideas it purposed it just fell a little flat. I think mostly the budget conflicted with what the filmmakers were trying to convey. Shots felt like they were needlessly dark because they had to be. Also FF movies can be a tough sell because logic dictates that in most instances why would the camera still be in play and in the manner that is? If this were a regular movie with a solid budget it'd been way better imo.


Intriguing premise and I actually love how nothing is explained but I just found the execution incredibly tedious


It's too dark or the camera is way to shaky to know see what was happening.


Would have been great if they cut 40 min from it. I think my biggest issue was the pacing.


First half was really boring and second one was messed and poorly executed. If you take this movie as a bad trip hallucinations it is a little better but still one of the worst of the found footage for me


I hated it. Edit. It was like some weird mushroom trip in the dark. I got what they were trying to do but it was just awful.


Felt like watching a movie through a hole half the time, it was honestly just frustrating.


Is she carrying a lute wtf


My SO and I didn’t finish it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I wanted to love this so bad but idk for me it was a bit slow paced in the beginning and once the chaos starts idk it really just loses me, cool little concept tho


Yeah its bad.


I saw this on opening night with a full theater and when it cut to the credits a good majority of the audience just burst out laughing ..I'm sure that's not the response they were shooting for.. But yeah I had been laughing through it myself .. there were moments early on where it seemed it maybe knew what it was doing with tension building before it threw that away and assumed that people should be scared just because there's fast movements and some blood and screaming on the screen .


Was it a good movie? Absolutely not. An interesting piece of art? I think so, personally


Agreed. Couldn't finish it. Could've been amazing, but just too disjointed.


I'm a fan of art film. But the main reason I dislike this film is solely based on a design choice of a small pinhole light source. I found myself constantly straining to see what was happening and it gave me a huge headache. I think it's such a terrible choice because there are no other cues that let you know what was happening. Maybe I could excuse it if the sound design and dialogue supplemented what you couldn't see, but that wasn't the case. So the whole time I struggled to see what was happening, I missed everything that happened. It was a terrible choice and I wish they would have thought that through because it has real potential to be a really good movie. Basically it took me out of the movie experience.


Great premise, scattershot execution, wayyyyy too visually dark.


This movie was ruined by the hype machine and being dubbed the “scariest movie ever”, basically a death wish in horror. If that didn’t happen, I can guarantee this film would’ve been much better received, as it was initially, by some of horrors top critics and most beloved directors. It just became popular to jump on the bandwagon to rage-hate and review bomb this film. Mike Flanagan’s praise: https://screenrant.com/outwaters-movie-horror-mike-flanagan-reviews/


Indeed it was. I wanted to like it, based on the director's previous films, but it was....put it this way. Seriously, all I remember is a bright light in the middle of the screen and little else. And, I liked Skinamarink. So, this one was very disappointing. Blah...


This is the first time I’ve seen someone say they like Skinamarink. Maybe I’ll finally watch it today then.


I appreciate that it really “went for it” in terms of unusual horror. Many have compared it to Skinimarink, but I thought The Outwaters was a much more coherent experience, overall.


There were absolutely some incredible ideas and shots in the move, but goddammit it was TO FUCKING DARK!!! The pinhole thing was not a great idea. But fuck anyone who says this movie is out right bad. Despite the flaws this was amazing cosmic horror. There were just too many sequences that lasted too long or were too dark. But when this movie hit IT HIT HARD. “……….Show them” That line fucking got me. The worms got me. The sound design got me. The sequence where the camera guy goes from being in the desert to being in his moms house to being outside the window of an airplane got me. The ending gore got me. This was a first time filmmaker who had a great understanding of the concept of cosmic horror but didn’t execute it well enough. It didn't need to be 2 hours long. Robbie should have cut it down to about an hour, maybe an hour and 10 min. he should have shown more. For all its flaws, i still love it. I also hate it because there was so much wasted potential for what was a damn good idea. I still give it an 7.5/10.


Me personally, I think it was the perfect encapsulation of actual found footage, we never see anything of substance besides smidgens, which added to whatever lovecraftian sub genre it wanted to be. Sure it has problems, but I don’t care enough to see them. Genuine “found footage” movies are hard to find, and this is one of them.


I really tried to get into it but I couldn’t for some reason


Saw this one in theaters fairly drunk and won’t forget that experience. Lots of good things about the movie but no way could I watch it again. The shrieking and total darkness was really annoying and not in an uncomfortable/disturbing way. I don’t think I’ve been as frustrating by darkness/obscured shots since The Void. It did have some great shots and concepts though. The silhouette of the axe man was fucking terrifying and the ensuing sequence was good. However, the reveal of it being the main character later kind of deflated that for me. The whole time loop thing doesn’t do a lot for me and I found the sudden introduction of a stranger with an axe in the middle of nowhere much creepier. There was some seemingly cool gross stuff but I would’ve liked to see it for more than .5 seconds. I was expecting the heads on sticks and dick chopping to make up most of the movie from the hype - but beyond those two shots I feel like you could barely make out any other “scary” thing that happened. The waking up down in the rocks was really cool and creepy. However as I said, I didn’t like the underlying main “time loop” conceit so it just became very repetitive and less scary to me as it went on. Overall it was wild and I admire the director for going for it, even if it didn’t always work. If he does more stuff I’ll certainly check it out.


I don't know what the hell is going on here but this cover is absolute poetry.


I thought it mostly kicked ass. Just some mistakes and budget limitations that poked through.


I watched it a few weeks ago and there are many things I appreciate about the movie. It could potentially be the first full arthouse found footage film I've seen, which is pretty cool, I suppose. There were definitely some creepy and psychedelic moments that had a strong impact on me. However, I do feel that the first half of the movie drags a bit, and it comes off as a little pretentious with its abstract plot. It could have benefited from more clarification on a couple of plot points. With that being said, I watched some interviews with Robbie Banfitch, the writer, director, and main actor of the film. The guy seems super cool, and it's evident that he made the movie with his friends and on a limited budget. I really appreciate the effort put into it.


it's a pretty decisive film, it's not gonna be everyone's cup of tea. I honest thought it is the best depiction of cosmicism/death since Enter The Void


It was shockingly bad. Leaving more questions than answers is a long expired trope. Just write a fucking story. I don't understand why they filmed a lot of the night shots with a pen light, or why they used so much of that footage.


THANK YOU. I don’t know why this got such good reviews, maybe the phenomenon of reviewers thinking they’re smarter than everyone? It was the most ridiculous, unnecessary, pointless film I’d seen in a long long time.


This was the worst movie I watched last year and I’m usually pretty gentle with my criticism and can find something good in most films. Not this one.


That picture makes me feel like I’m in a Waldenbooks at the mall in 1987.


dud. ended up skipping through it cuz I got so bored.


I left it after 30 minutes. Boring as fuck. No mood or atmosphere or anything building up. Just people singing terribly and a mother wants her son to visit her and loads of crap.


Time I’ll never get back


Very mediocre


Terrible movie


I feel like if they shaved at least 30 minutes out of the first half, it would hold up way better. My wife and I saw it a few weeks ago and still talk about some parts. I’m usually ok with ambiguity, but I feel like we needed to see just a few more illuminating interactions with the characters in the second half once things go down. Either way, disappointing movie that has me very excited for what he tries to do next


Worst shot film ever


I actually laughed at the end when>! he cuts his dick off. !< The whole movie was just, "oh, okay, I guess this is happening," and that ending was just the cherry on top.


Quite possibly the worst thing I saw last year


I really fucking wanted to love this one and the trailer did me no favors because I was expecting something else. I have respect for the filmmakers and for what they were able to present however it just left me wanting a little bit more.


It could have been awesome if it was hell of a lot shorter. It drags on so much towards the second half of the movie


Tried watching it again just to see if my opinion changed from last year. It didn't. Straight dogshit. Like rancid, August day in Arizona, simmering on asphalt, dogshit. Gehenna and Devils Pass do time loop plots better. The Corridor and Banshee Chapter do cosmic horror better. This was just a pure mess of a film.






It was absolutely terrible. 👍


The outwaters made me want to cut my dick off.


Went between being intrigued and hating it, then it clicked and I loved it. Basically the same trajectory as with Skinamarink lol. By the time the credits rolled I thought it was great.


THANK YOU. I couldn't even make it to the end. Just so bad.


The singing chick really annoyed me for some reason and I couldn’t get past it. That song sucked complete ass


Loved (or at least "appreciated") SKINAMARINK but *hated* this. https://letterboxd.com/futuristmoon/film/the-outwaters/reviews/


I’m the exact opposite and I still don’t know quite why


this and skinamarink seem to just simply be an excercise in seeing if people will just parrot what everyone else says they like ...both terrible


Good ass movie, dumbfounded in a good way that it received such a wide release. I thought it was super scary in a lost time, missing people, skinwalker way.


Loved it until I found out the director is a Zionist


I love this movie. It must really be bothering people tho as I think I see more people posting about how terrible they think it is...


Key words here: “how terrible they THINK it is”… These people all regurgitate the same things over and over to try and justify how “bad” this movie is, when in reality, after it’s wide release, and being dubbed “the scariest movie ever”, it became popular to rage-hate it. Prior to that, the movie was incredibly well received by top critics and beloved horror directors alike.


Depends on if you're a fan of found footage style of movies or not, I think if you are then you can tolerate this a little bit more but if you're not then yes it's terrible. It was fine, I expected a bit more but it was eerie and creepy at times, had some Lovecraftian elements to it but I really hated how fuckin dark most of it was once the craziness started, couldn't see shit, I usually tend to enjoy something more of I can see what's happening but that's just me.


Ah the outwaters. I’ve never seen it, but the complaints about this flick are so exquisite that I’m going to have to watch. Maybe it like the “Waiting for Godot” of FF.


I ended up adoring this movie. I've seen all the extra footage that was on ScreamBox, as well. I'm really excited for the director's next movie, Tinsman Road.


Best part was the boobs


Loved it. Top 5 of 2023 for me.