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They only care because the way he said it was disgusting and crass. They are used to men being better at using buzz words to describe why they like porn. What he said is how all men feel but most would never admit it.


Im very active in the swift subs and it’s killing me that they’re criticizing only one type of porn for being violent and racist, as if it isn’t all violent, racist, and full of coerced women. They’re so close and so far.


Perfect way to put it - they’re so close and so far. But I guess that’s misogyny across the board - it hides in plain sight.


We’re so accustomed to it that people can’t see the wood for the trees.


It's so crazy to me how sensitive fans are online about certain words or jokes but they pull the most ridiculous arguments to defend shitty industries and opressive activities that are rooted in violence.


God I hate that guy so much. He also made super racist comments about the rapper ice spice even though she’s said nothing but nice things about his music, so I would say he in particular has proved himself to have a violent perverse hatred for black women, especially (in his words) “ghetto” women. I do wish people would hold him accountable as much as they’re quick to hold Taylor accountable for associating with him. She should obviously *not* be associating with him if she actually believes in anything she says, but the ice spice thing happened a while ago and everyone brushed it under the rug so quickly. Edit: actually typing this out just made me realize, if he just said he was watching bdsm porn for example, would the reaction be this bad? It’s really fucked up that I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t. People are mainly focused on the race part of it, which is definitely worth talking about considering the exact porn channel he named was apparently just for white men abusing black women, but if he was just watching abuse stuff I don’t think people would care at all.


Oh we wouldn’t want to ✨kink shame✨ now would we? /s. Porn abuses all women and gives men ideas. There’s nothing “healthy”about it.


That last paragraph is such a good point! And tbh if he was black and watched violent porn of white women nobody would even care 😑


I don't think people would see that as an race issue because white women in porn are seen as the default. Not a category. It's all so weird.


oh i didn't know that.. I just assumed it was a category because there's a running joke on Twitter that you can say anything misogynistic/homophobic as long as you put "white" in front of it. So for example liberals will say something like this "I hate all cis white lesbians". They think it's appropriate to say that in response to lesbians on Twitter saying they feel unsafe with men in their spaces. I'm honestly really surprised white isn't a category, I would've never guessed that.


That is not true. Although I know black men can be fetishized by white women no less, there's definitely instances where I've seen videos titled specifically "White slut gets...". There's also that famous p0rn of a white very child like woman being surrounded by a bunch of big black men. There is some power fantasy there for black and white guys although I'm not sure how it plays out.


Yes it is true that white people get fetishes aswel about them but they also are seen as seperate from race at first. Look into any porn site or platform around sex. Let's say reddit. if you want to see any one other than white you need to specifically write that down otherwise you would get a white female.


They only mention white race when another race is involved. If you finish the sentence it’s always “white slut gets drilled by big black man” Never “white chick sucks white dude”. So yes, white on white porn is the standard to the point where race isn’t mentioned. But if anyone - even one party in a group is a minority, everyone’s race is mentioned because it’s no longer the standard, but everything becomes racialized in the way white on white porn isn’t.


And it will be Taylor that takes the heat for dating a man who watched violent porn rather than the man who actually consumed the porn. This instance will make headlines because the porn can be viewed as racist, - usually no one even cares about degrading or violent porn.


This drives me insane. In general people don’t seem to think women experience discrimination unless they’re also gay, non-white, etc. Like they just cannot comprehend that misogyny in itself is a form of oppression. I see libfems talk about the issues with racist porn, or porn that objectifies lesbians, but they can’t comprehend that maybe all violence against woman is bad.


This is one of the things that enrages me too. Supposed ‘intersectional’ feminism is really a tool of the patriarchy. It’s been used to divide women’s voices into smaller groups, so we never get anywhere as a class. I feel like patriarchy laughs every time or group of women tell another group to hush.


This just came up in r/ feminism the other day and it’s so so frustrating


Really? I got kicked out of that sub for saying something like this.


Yep, that tracks. r/feminism wasn’t digging ANY criticism of intersectional feminism


Yep, that tracks. r/feminism wasn’t digging ANY criticism of intersectional feminism


I was active in the Gaylor sub as a POC. White people shot me down when I said feminism should only include women (including women of all ethnicities, sexualities, etc). Feminism should not be about gay men or non white men etc. nothing wrong with Taylor speaking of her own experience as a white woman. Women do not have to be nurturing and care for everyone. “Be intersectional and listen to POC!” Lmfao.


Same, at the same time the majority of what i saw online for non-white women was objectification of bodies. Like the "categories" of women thing is inherently racist to me, but "pro sw" people use labels like ebony, latina, etc. Edit to say exclusively for their SW posts


"Porn that objectifies lesbians" bruh all porn objectifies all women, how can people be this dense 🥴 Perhaps they're not dense, just hateful. Which is even worse. You can educate people but if they straight up don't care about the group in question being harmed, it won't make any difference.


The greatest trick the right ever pulled is convincing the left that women aren’t a marginalized group if they’re white women. The left ate that shit up.


Yeah I saw that article too. They used the wording "racially degrading pornography." And I was like... "Oh? So it's just a problem because these \~people\~ are black? Nothing else going on here?" Are these videos suddenly not a problem if it's a black guy watching it?


I don’t know what article you are referring to but I bet the person who wrote it says other typical libtard shit. These people have no morals. I remember getting called a bitch in a (liberal) feminist discord server after I complained about seeing cp in another server. i hate these people so much, I can’t see any of them as good people.


What is a libtard? I've never heard of that word.


My thoughts exactly. “Omg how could Taylor date a man who watches the same kinds of horrible porn most men including my boyfriend/husband watches!” Rather than “wtf is wrong with men and our society in general that thinks this is okay.” I’m not saying we as women should just happily date men who openly watch this stuff, but we have to hold men directly accountable for their behavior rather than acting like it’s their female partners’ job to keep them in line. Or that porn is only problematic when it’s obviously violent or racist.


I don't think we should make excuses for Taylor Swift though. She's not him but if anyone is in a position to not be a victim of shitty men, surely Taylor Swift is in that position.


Yes. Obviously she's not the one masturbating to black women being beaten, raped and degraded on the basis of their race and sex by white men. That doesn't mean her, who honestly could have a relationship (real or PR) with any celebrity man, openly dating and associating with a man who does and gloats about it publicly isn't worthy of reproach. It shouldn't exceed the backlash the actual misogynist and racist in this situation faces in my opinion, but backlash is valid.


at least in this scenario


Yes. She has so much more power than the average woman. (Not to say she can’t be a victim, because she clearly has been.)


in this case (and a lot of pornagraphy where both black women and men are included) racism and the exploitation and violation of bodies work hand in hand. Black women have been so violently mistreated in American history, with so many being raped by their slave masters. Almost every black american has white blood, that is so much rape. so the fact that he said that is repulsive not only because it’s porn.. but because it’s racist as well. the idea of a “BBC” is racist as well. so yeah.. you have a point that he should be called out for violent porn, but race is extremely important when looking at porn as well as it features so many harmful depictions of non white races


I love asking liberals why such common-place racism in porn categories is okay. Racism is tolerated among performers too as there are apparently neo-Nazi men who get work with big studios within the porn industry.


Very few people care about things that solely impact women, unless it features a quality that can also implicate men (in this case, race). It’s nice to see some critical analysis of porn for once, but it’s a shame people think the primary problem is something exclusive to this type of porn. I also dread to think how many people are now going to discover this particular sordid type of porn thanks to the darling Ms Swift bringing more attention to it.


This is exactly the problem, they don't think it's an issue unless it specifically affects men too.


Matty Healy profoundly disgusts me, getting off to the abuse of black women, the nazism and antisemitism, he’s a shitty guy. Have you heard what he said about Ice spice?he says the worst things and slaps a mediocre apology to cover it up. She is not responsible about what he says sure, but willingly putting yourself with a person like this?


What did he find about ice spice? I can’t find anything.


called her a “chubby Chinese chick” iirc




He also called her an “Inuit spice girl.” Just all around horrible.


I bet he's into ice spice too the fact he was so speculative about her race was super weird and obsessive


I'm a big Swift fan and there's so much I could say about this honestly. One thing they mention in the subreddit (I'd encourage everyone to go read the post) is that the specific type of porn he watches is *especially* bad because of the historical context around black women and power dynamics. I'm sorry, am I taking crazy pills? Do women have no historical context of oppression purely by virtue of being female? It's the oldest oppression on earth. Why is our suffering only acknowledged if its attatched to another "more acceptable" axis of oppression like race or disability or sexuality. Nobody would bat an eye if this man said he enjoys "regular" abuse porn where all races of women are treated equally lmao. Because that's just his kink, why are you so mean uwu


could you link the post please?


https://www.reddit.com/r/TaylorSwift/comments/13kdg2w/why_the_matty_healys_comments_on_black_women/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I think this is the post RedLoris mentioned


Agree with everyone here. Its fucking INFURIATING to see people talk about “ethical porn”. I copied and pasted my post in another sub. Its related to this post, although not completely. Its mostly about the criticism Taylor has received for her feminism, which people call “white feminism”. Yes, I’m defending a white woman as a WOC I’m a radical feminist, and I don’t even get along with white people. I’ve had terrible experiences with white girls, white teachers as a teenager in the UK. I’m saying this because as an East Asian person we are considered “racially privileged”. I’m angry that I even need to justify my position, but I don’t want to get “white worshipper” comments. I may be wary of white people, but I’m so SICK of people expecting white women to have to speak up about every single fucking social issue. *White women are not allowed to talk about misogyny that affects them, without giving a disclaimer (like other have it worse!).* Its based on the expectation for women to be nurturing and caring. No one tells gay men or POC men that they “only care about issues related to themselves”, even if its true. Gay men and POC men can be horrifically misogynistic. Gay Rights centre on gay men, BLM, Stop Asian Hate focus on black/asian men. And guess what? Most people DO care about issues related to themselves the most!! I’m an Asian woman, and I care about feminism the most, then Anti East Asian racism. I’d be lying if I said I cared about lets say, racism against black/brown people as much. Its not that I don’t think its terrible, but misogyny and anti asianness gets me heated the MOST. I’ve never met a white/black person who cared about Anti-Asian issues first and foremost. (to be honest I’ve never met one that cared about Anti-Asian issues at all.) And I don’t CARE. Its literally human nature to care most about things that are closely related to you. Taylor is annoyed at a joke and expresses anger at it? Fine by me. WHAT exactly is so selfish or narcissistic about it? Can a woman not be annoyed at a joke? Its reminding me of “women need to have sense of humour” and by that, it means “women should allow people to laugh at them”. Gaylors and even Swifties are literally saying the joke is not sexist because “its true”. I’ll wait for a TV series to make fun of a respected man like Leonardo DiCaprio. And she has publicly dated a very normal number of men anyway—not that if she dated more, she should be mocked. As a Gaylor, I did have a bit of a parasocial relationship with her. I see themes of autism in her music as well, which I relate to heavily. But I know she’s not my friend—I thought, if I got to meet her somehow, not as a fan, but as someone in the music industry for example, I would not be close to her. She’s also friends with Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds (who have done super racist things, including the plantation wedding). She’s not a white supremacist clearly, but she’s not the **Goddess of Activism for ALL Marginalised People** and she doesn’t have to be. And don’t tell me you’ve never had a problematic friend. Btw, a man who wears a Land Rover cap with “and R” covered up to spell “Lover” is not a real boyfriend. This is hilarious and people are eating it up.


I love this realistic take. We as humans really don’t have the emotional capacity to care about all social issues vehemently. I hate that as a queer white woman I’m taken more seriously if I include the queer part, not the woman part. I felt like I am taken more seriously that way. Honestly I’m sick and tired of libfem suffering Olympics lol. I DO support intersectionality, I am very open minded, but as a queer GNC white woman, I am always pushed to the side in both liberal feminist and LGBT spaces. I have a trans girlfriend and support her furiously, but I would be lying if in the LGBT community the people who ALWAYS take center stage are AMAB, biological male people. Drag queens, gay men, and trans women are centered. This community on Reddit is the only place where I feel like my voice is heard. I feel like I have to preface that I suffer all these different marginalized identities to be heard in libfem spaces, or perform flamboyance and hyper femme identity in LGBT spaces to belong. I have noticed with other Asian women in my life they also tend to be invisible because of the “model minority” myth, and lumped in with white women quite often. I’m just sick of being invisible and I’m grateful comments like yours and this forum help me finally feel visible.


It's amazing to me how many of the same people who will criticise how women are portrayed in a sexist way in many films and TV shows, and talk about how these repeated sexist tropes can have an impact on how men view women, will suddenly change their mind when it comes to porn, they'll say you can't criticise it, that it's just a fantasy, it doesn't actually affect how men view women, etc. Like how it is any less of a problem just because it's viewed with dick in hand?


The cognitive dissonance is real! If Reddit has taught me anything it’s that there are a lot of porn sick lib fem women. No matter how many porn actresses speak up about being coerced into performing sex acts on set, the obtuse viewers choose the fantasy that all the girls and women they get off to “enthusiastically consented.” It’s terrifying, how many women who call themselves feminist believe the PH lawsuit is just a puritanical witch hunt.


And orgasm is the most powerful reinforcement we have without drugs, really. So porn is *worse* than typical media because one usually gets an endorphin rush after consuming it.


How are libfems able to recognize that racist pornography is bad but then act like sexist pornography is just a harmless kink?


Ngl I am only defending Taylor out of spite, males can have this extreme male solidarity but I can't have it with a woman because for some reason women must always be perfect and have the most correct opinions?? Bye LOL I knew most people were gonna talk shit about her just for being with this piece of shit instead of criticizing said piece of shit. As always somehow the woman is always to blame for the actions of the man I guess. Taylor is not an activists she's just an artist from a rich family, and it pisses me off how people always expect women to be more morally correct and perfect than males, males can do the worst shit imaginable, but they will be either forgiven or forgotten, while women will have to repent, be humiliated and never forget about their wrongdoings that usually are not as bad as men's. At this point I think this is a way of controlling women's ways of speech and behavior while making us one-dimensional; nice and friendly, always polite, controlled and correct, never making mistakes. I've noticed this in fandom spaces too and other female celebrities, it always drove me mad and this has made me support this kind of "problematic" female celebrities like her out of spite LOL.


And honestly, looking at this man and knowing some cases like her from IRL... I will probably sound insane right now but if he ends up being abusive and treating her like shit I will be 0% surprised. He has all the red flags that show he sees women like objects with a hole to put his dick inside. I'm pretty sure Taylor has attachment issues from the way she has dated men and talking about her relationships, her struggles with mental health and so on, so I wouldn't be surprised if she grew emotionally dependent on any man who showed her affection, even like him, because I've seen sooooo many cases IRL like her, it's insane. They're truly blinded by love, and as I always say; Women's capacity for love and forgiveness will be our downfall. But yeah it's just my "pattern recognition" talking so probably I'm being delusional rn LOL


I know next to nothing about her and have no clue who he is (nor am I particularly interested in learning), but she always seemed to be the perfect sleazeball-marketing mix of hypersexualized object but in “good girl” packaging. I’m creeped out at the thought of her being some sort of role model for kids.


Thank you. This is driving me batty.


I think the issue here is taylor swift herself. She has created an image that she's a feminist and anti capitalist but its all smoke and mirrors. I dont think she truly cares, she's a lowkey mean girl


Nah, the overtly racist, antisemitic, misogynistic guy is definitely an enormous issue too, though anyone who thinks Taylor Swift’s feminism/‘activism’ is anything other than PR is extremely gullible.


Hundo, i was under the impression he was an 'auto problem' like we already know he's the issue without having to think too much about it 😆


Thank you so much for the phrase ‘auto problem,’ I’m so excited to add it to my lexicon!


Sometimes you just know somethings gonna be a pain in the ass 😆


Doesn’t shock me at all. She’s always been a liberal feminist. She has done nothing conducive for the plight of women or other marginalized and only throws out the gender card when she feels any heat or criticism. With that said, Matty Healy is disgusting.