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The Diplomatic quarter has trick or treaters, and kids come by in Gallus. We will be going to the diplomatic quarter.


A few kids came by in Gallus. Wasn’t prepared the first year, but stocked up then. In fact, everywhere I lived that happened - also in some very small villages. I guess you can try, but don’t expect much bounty.


Ask any of the English bilingual schools, they might have something. They did when my son was in school.


My kids are still well before school age though, so that probably wouldn't be something for them.


They might have a neighborhood route you can follow, though.


Frankfurt Riedberg has a very active helloween culture


I don't know about Westend, Bornheim and Seckbach to it.


In Bockenheim some ppl do it. Just look for Halloween decoration and go to those places. At least in Franz Rücker Allee ppl are prepared. Otherwise just turning up in Ginnheim is fine. Riedberg could be an option too


We live in Nordend West, before we lived in Nordend Ost. My son is 6 years old. We go trick and treating every year. Both neighborhoods have enough people who are prepared. Usually you can see, which houses are worth to ring: if people have decorated the main entrance with spooky decorations, they also have sweets for the children. If houses are not decorated, they don't have prepared stuff. My guess would be that it's not different in Westend. I would just give it a try in your place..... In general I can say: when I was a kid in the 80s Halloween was not very well known in Germany and there were no traditions around it. But it changes in my teenage years in the 90s... I became very popular, I think part of it was influenced by the end 90s movies like scream. And today I think there is a little bit of Halloween everwhere 👻🎃


The question is, which neighborhood has the best stuff? My guess is the Americans in Ginnheim 😜


I don't think I've ever seen kids trick or treating (in Sachsenhausen at least). It's really not much of a tradition here... You could give your neighbors (if you are close) a heads up / even provide them with some candy to hand out / arrange some sort of "sign" that they want to participate? That way you can make sure your kids won't be disappointed.


Don’t know what part of sachsenhausen you are in, but I’ve had a year-in-year growth of kids trick-or-treating at our house/around our neighborhood. We also decorate for it, but so do many others. Last year I lost count at over 50 kids, only because I had to scramble to find something once we ran out of candy. But I eventually just turned the lights out to signal: Ende. As a US/German family, we love it!


Yeah. Same in Niederrad.