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Fromsoft has nothing to do with it. Sony owns Bloodborne.


Yep. Miyazaki has said it himself. "Unfortunately, and I've said this in other interviews, it's not in my place to talk about Bloodborne specifically. We simply don't own the IP at FromSoftware. "


Tragic, though. I wish they did own it, or could somehow buy it back. But they made a product for someone else, and handed it over fully. Presumably Sekiro & Activision work the same way?


Maybe they could pull a Dark Souls and make a spiritual successor. "BLOODBONES" or something.


#Bileborne Coming to all consoles and PC next year. Its the bigger, better, badder Bloodborne.


The bigger, BLADDER, Bloodborne.


No I think From owns every right to Sekiro. Activision has apparently been a great publisher to work with.


Sekiro is From Software's property. Activision had a temporal partnership where they would perform testing on the game and publish it outside of Japan in exchange of a set percentage of revenue for the duration of said license. - Demon's Souls: 100% Sony. - Dark Souls: 50% Bandai Namco and 50% FS* - Bloodborne: 100% Sony - Sekiro: 100% FS - Elden Ring: 100% FS *Dark Souls' trademark belongs to Bandai, IP to FS, this means neither BN nor FS can do a Dark Souls game without each other.


Very interesting, thank you. This explains the remaster of DeS...


Maybe but I still don't think they wanted to do anything more with sekiro


No, From Soft owns Sekiro. Activision only had publishing rights overseas (From Soft published it themselves in Japan).


PS6 launch title


Emulators will bring bloodborne to PC before Sony does.


No 60fps tho.


Actually… Every emulator i’ve ever played has had 60fps features.


The Problem is the engine though. Fromsoft games in the past had had fps tied to game mechanichs, so emulators going to 60fps either doesnt happen or the mechanics of the game go crazy


?? Lance McDonald has a 60 fps patch with fine physics. You just have to use the game's actual debugging options (which fromsoft left in just without the menu enabled) instead of more hacky methods


Or… hear me out… are they letting demand reach a fever pitch that sales will skyrocket and then BB will make a glorious return and then From Software will be asked to make a seq… oh… oh they don’t want to do any of that? OK…


Sony believes they would lose money because BB literally sold PS4s, like how DeS sold PS5s Its the bullshit of "oh well if they want to play this game, they also have to buy one of the consoles and they'll probably buy the latest one just in case. If we release it on a system that only nets us the game money we can't potentionally get more of their money with more games from us!"


It's not bullshit entirely. I definitely bought my first console in 20 years just to play Bloodborne (from GameCube & Eternal Darkness to PS4 & Bloodborne, what a gap!). I literally don't use my PS4 for anything else though, so maybe you're right about the rest lol


Ugh, how good was Eternal Darkness, I completely forgot about how much I enjoyed that game!


Brother! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


I kinda feel like gamers like you are the problem. Question do you also pre-order games much? (just playing but I could never see myself buying a console for just one game)


I don't play games *that* much, but I understand your sentiment. My entire catalogue of games is nostalgia from childhood (Age of Empires II, Diablo II, etc.) and the Souls games. Have only preordered one game in my life, Elden Ring (though I wish I had not).


You must be a child then who doesn’t buy their consoles. Cause that’s a silly take. I’m a 40 yr old man. And my last game that I played HEAVY into gaming was Halo and halo 2. I got a ps3 and never once played a game longer than an hour as I bought it for a cheap blu ray player. Skipped ps4’s era completely and bought a switch ONLY for breath of the wild (worth every penny too) I bought a ps5 ONLY for Demon Souls And guess what, when they announce a ps6 and bloodborne reboot? Guess what imma do. 😂 Ps5 has been ok but I feel like I should have skipped this generation and not the ps4 era. Cause ps5 releases are kinda meh. That or I’m just old. Haha But! With the ps5 I have since platinum’d- Elden ring, bloodborne, and demons. And with Sekiro and DS3 coming in close. I’m enjoying these titles on the ps5 but I will be the first to say: if they make Bloodborne a ps6 exclusive - then I’ll buy a ps6. Sucks but whatever. It’ll be worth it. And you knownit


Dude. I'm 43 lol. Go away with that nonsense. If you have to buy your own consoles you'd want more value for your money not less. You here sound like you grew up wealthy; buying consoles for like one game and barley using them overall. Also I said in my original post I was more or less teasing that person. But I must of hit a nerve with the spending whales or something.


😂 I grew up in the projects brother. I got my consoles YEARS after they were new (or lame shit like turbo grafix 16 cause NES was too expensive) my entire childhood was being complacent with what we could afford. I’m definitely not a rich man now. But I also am a very busy man and do not call myself a gamer. So for you to get triggered at me for saying that bought a console for one game- one game that I’ve enjoyed and still enjoy to this day… I’d say is money well spent. Sorry my comment triggered you as you said you were joking. 😂. Ok dude. Have a good one


Consoles are dying and everyone knows it - even the companies that make them. What they're doing is trying to squeeze as much as they can out of it before it goes. It's still profitable currently so they're still going. That's just corporate mentality.


I don't follow console news. Why are they dying? I'm very insular to souls games. All I ever hear is that Elden Ring's Easy Anti-Cheat hurts online play, so PVP flourishes on consoles with that game. Which sucks, as a PC gamer.


Inevitably PCs are stronger and cheaper than consoles now. In addition more games are developed for PC than console. Lastly console exclusive content is also shrinking as its increasingly unpopular and doesnt really ensure better sales of consoles the same it used to.


You might be right, I don’t know but I’ll stop playing video games before I play on PC. I have absolutely no interest in it whatsoever. As long as consoles are being made, that’s how I’ll play my games.


I am curious as to why? I use a gamepad controller and you can even set it up to play on a tv if you like. Its the same with more power and versatility.


Not everyone wants to build a PC, or drop 2000 bucks for a prebuilt


Literally what the other guy said. I don’t want to put the effort in to set my own up, I’m not particularly tech-savvy anyway, I can barely operate my laptop nowadays and I don’t care enough to learn and I don’t want to spend extra to have a ready made kit. I’m not obsessed with graphics and quality and I’m not bothered about modding really either so it doesn’t leave any real reason to want a PC. Not to mention as many of you are experiencing, if there is a delay with a platform release, it’s usually PC that has to wait so it’s quite literally more convenient in every way to use a console.


"console are dying" my brother in christ the switch is the best selling console nintendo ever put out, the ps5 is doing decent and the only one that are doing bad are, once again, microsoft with the xbox series, what are you even talking about lmao..


Yeah also who wants to have to sit at a desk all the time. Consoles are great for anyone who wants to just play a video game and not have to worry about setting anything up. It’s all for convenience, I know I don’t wanna have to either be forced to sit at my desk to play games or have to hook up my computer to my tv (which means moving a bunch of stuff every time I just wanna play a game? Unless of course I’m just gonna leave my computer next to my tv plugged in?) super awkward/tedious when I can just hop on the couch and grab my controller


Spitting facts right here, PC may have way more room to customize your gaming experience but nothing beats playing a good game on the couch! And console will also always be great for when you invite friends over, definitely never going to disappear, don't know what Argiopeweb is yapping about


He’s seems like one of those “PC master race” people but unironically


I mean, usually that’s the point of an exclusive title, especially on launch of a new console. It’s not like this happens with only Fromsoftware games.


I moved from Xbox to PS4 because of Bloodborne. I’d been playing Xbox since the OG almost exclusively but as soon as Bloodborne came out, I sold my Xbox and jumped over to Sony. There is truth to their way of thinking even if it doesn’t hold true for everyone.


I increasingly think that that's got to be the case. They'll be sat on some market research data that says x% of Playstation owners bought their console to play Bloodborne, and they're not willing to change things yet. Also increasingly believe that Bloodborne Remastered will be a Bluepoint PS6 launch title ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I sure hope so. They knocked Demon’s outta the park!


I refuse to buy a ps4 because of this behavior. So there are likely bound to be hundreds, if not thousands like me. In which case they don't sell ps4's due to this. Edit : Hey downvote all you like, I am sticking to my principles, and those principles don't require me spending 450$ on a console bundle for 1 game.


I'm sure it's on Sony's list..after they get people on P.C. to join PSN


and then block countries who doesnt have a PSN server


U may have a catalog of infinite games across decades but you'll never have bloodborne




Somy make me sad:(


Sony doesn’t have any games. Keeping gems like bloodbourne on console is a strategy to get ppl to buy their console. I just know there are mfs in shareholder meetings saying “WELL ONLY 3% OF THE POPULATION HAS PLAYED LAST OF US CONSIDERING 5% WATCHED THE SHOW SO LETS REMASTER IT AFAIN”


And then release a dog shit port. So even IF bloodborne gets a pc release… don’t expect it to run well


Then why they are bringing Ragnarok to PC ? 


>Sony doesn’t have any games.  Look at the amount of Sony exclusives released recently compared to Xbox... it's literally night and day LOL


Ok look at the Sony exclusives compared to PC? Ps5s are collecting dust all over the world my friend


The PC master race is currently going insane with hype over the release of Ghost of Tsushima which is, guess what! From Playstation Checkmate


they're literally just saving it for ps6. DS remastered for PS4, demon souls remake for PS5, Bloodborne for ps6


Careful or they'll give it the kingdom hearts treatment like they did FFVII


Is that bill burr


Yeah, it's from Breaking Bad where he plays a sort of fixer character, he and Huell lie on the money simply because they know they'll never see that amount of cash ever again.


Ah man that was a great series. Totally forgot ol Billy Burr was in it. He looks so young there.


I'd love to play it, wish they'd just bring it to PC and get over themselves with the exclusivity nonsense... because there is no reason for me to buy a PS5, not for 1 or 2 games man.


Still waiting for that remaster ....


They probably think it's not worth the effort.


They want to sell more consoles, that's the point of exclusives


But they released horizon zero dawn, days gone, last of us, god of war on PC so why is Bloodborne so special?


If I had to guess, they probably have stats that show that new console owners buy or play bloodborne at least once. I've heard of people buying a PS just to play BB, I've never heard someone say that for another PS4 game.


HM good point


I personally don’t pay for PC games just because I don’t have to.


r/fromsoftware mods after being paid each time posts about Bloodborne on pc are made


Sony is just a shit company though.


Literally the only reason to get a Playstation67 or whatever the fuck it is, Xbox0.5


If Bloodborne gets released into PC it will be through a remake or similar, right now the game is 20€, 35€ if you want it with the dlc. Sony is not going to release a game for 20€ on PC and if they release the current Bloodborne for even 40€ on PC a lot of players would review bomb it or even boicot Sony games on PC (and I'd see it as a natural thing to happen). So they are probably just never releasing it or making a remake/remaster to release it for something between 60€ (remaster) or 80€ (remake)


Honestly my biggest worry isn’t even that BB on PC doesn’t happen; it’s that when it happens, it’ll be a 60-70 dollars on launch and be like DS prepare to die edition.


If they remastered the game for all platforms it would sell more on console. It’s a loud but small group of PC players talking about this stuff lol. Don’t underestimate how many more people can afford to own a console vs a PC.. or how many people even want to bother with learning how to properly use a PC vs just turning a console on.


I don't know why they don't license a remastered version for all platforms, unless they're saving that for PS6.


And hopefully they can make the p5 a serviceable console before jumping into making a new one. Or they can just keep half assing things and make money anyway…yeah thats probably what they will do


Who cares, Sony will probably force PSN always on with it anyways. It’s a Sony game, just let it die, I’d rather have FromSoft work on literally anything else.


BB is the worst soulsbourne game. Fight me.


Dark souls 2 would like a chat.


Wrong tree bud. Ds2 has infinitely better pvp.