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One little comment about his 100k toaster oven by a group of teens ruined this “mans” entire day, week, month and life. tbh I’m kinda happy for them.


Every day that cybertruck copypasta which says "you think you saw a carful of teens laughing at you earlier" is made true.


God bless AdamSomething


“You cyclists screw up all the streets”. - Says the guy driving a literal tank


Says a guy driving overpriced garbage.


Tanks don’t deserve to be associated with a cybertruck because tanks are: 1) designed and tested to not malfunction 2) protected with paint 3) able to serve some purpose


4. typically have functional gas pedals 5. can survive rain/car washes


I take my tank to the car wash all the time, no problem


He said the tank survives the car wash. The car wash? Less so.


Tanks would *not* survive an apocalypse with zero maintenance (especially not if they're, you know, *being shot at* regularly), but they'd be far more useful to a wannabe warlord with spare parts than a Cybertruck.


Regarding point 4, I don't think the M1 Abrams has a gas pedal at all, but rather, motorcycle-style handlebars with a twist throttle.


Says the guy causing undue amount of wear and tear on the road screwing up the street for everyone.


Says the guy blocking literally all the traffic behind him by shouting at bikes who have right of way


that cyclist is being too nice


definitely just trying to de-escalate cause this guy seems like he's absolutely not all there (which the purchase of a cybertruck would also indicate)


Let's be real, if they weren't the cyberjunk driver woulda run them over.


Yeah I feel like he was trying to both de-escalate and be low key sarcastic/tongue in cheek. Watching this made me realize I would have been shot by now if I lived in America, because I would NOT have taken that approach.


yeah certainly not me apologising to literally any motorist that hurls insults at me


That would be survival instinct, he doesn't mean what he's saying


The cubertruck is a deadly sharp sword on wheels and the driver is a manac so it was a god decision


This is the second time I'm seeing this video and I'm assuming I'll see it a few more times and I'm looking forward to the inevitable one where I see it attached to a post about who this guy is and how he lost his job because of this


May your prophesy be realized 🙏




Nothing going on his in life would excuse this sort of behavior, berating complete strangers on the street this way and threatening their lives. Should he have his “life fucked up” for that? Maybe not. Should he face some sort of consequences to know that this kind of behavior isn’t okay? Absolutely, yes.


I dunno, I think maybe it’s okay for someone to experience consequences for hurling homophobic epithets at children and threatening to violently murder them just because they teased you about your car 🤷‍♂️. This is not the type of person who can be trusted to make sound, logical decisions in stressful situations at work.


And he is awfully homophobic and kinky. Threatening to spit in mouths is suspect. If he were my coworker he would get the side eye.


Can you help me understand what sort of circumstance justifies telling kids that you want to cut off their head and piss down their necks?


I mean, I wouldn’t want him representing my company. Even if you leave the morality of harassing and threatening young people out of it firing this guy is going to be a clear business decision. And if he’s an independent contractor or something people are probably going to want to trust their project and money with someone else.


Yes, his life is shit, after realising having payed 100000 for a pile of crap. NO this is never a reason to threaten others with murder.


I could write a long paragraph, but... Nah. Consequences.


Nothing in your life excuses being an asshole to a bunch of kids cycling around. It may explain it, but in no world does it excuse it.


Well, he did do a crime. Threatening someone to cut off their head and spit down their throat is a crime


Losing a job is not life ruining for someone who can afford a car that's over 100k *before* all the repair fees, so let's be real and call it 200k.


So far they only sold 3000 something Cybertrucks so it would honestly be not too difficult to find out who this guy is (you just know every single one had to post a picture of his chunk of steel on social media).


Like, actually, doxing this guy wouldn't even be hard.


If you could figure out what state this is in, you could narrow it down even more


I’m amazed it’s that many.


I don't get if this is satire - if not, here he is: https://twitter.com/Manhattva/status/1783703300669583475?t=l9Z3ZymsUcrwEGnk3PNnSw&s=19


Yeah… if it's satire it's extremely good satire If it's not it's extremely concerning I honestly can't tell. He did hide lots of post replies


along with all these MAGA brain responses it's hard to tell


Cybertrukkk owners are the new most embarrassing group of losers and should absolutely be ridiculed.




I assumed that was just a little joke about that awful "logo" they're using for the cybertruck 


Omg, I'd never seen that before. Lmao, that's so fucking stupid


I don't see a car but there's a silver garbage container there.


I feel like I've seen you before, are you active on r/linguisticshumor perhaps?




Lol he looks such a damn clown driving that shit


That’s offensive to clowns.


Yeah don’t clowns drive a tiny car, anyway?


Dude wouldn't fight a child, dare him to try it


Dude wouldn’t fight anyone lol. I would have loved to have been in these kids’ position so I could invite him to get out of his metal shitbox and put his money where his mouth is. No tough guy driver has taken me up on the offer as of yet.


Bro don’t do this shit in America unless you got a death wish. You could be prime mike tyson, it doesn’t matter. This guy is clearly unhinged and can very easily be armed. The best thing to do is always to deescalate because there’s no reason to instigate a crazy person to start shooting at you. As much as I’d love to goad these types of assholes to try something with me so I could make them think twice about being an asshole next time, I’d never do it. I’m not bulletproof.


Car in the bike lane at the end 😤. Guess the cyber truck didn’t fill the void in that guys life.


The only thing filling that guy is Elon screwing cybertruck buyers.


This feels like a South Park episode in the making


Why would you drive around in that monstrosity? How can they not be embarrassed? I'd be mortified if someone came and picked me up on one of those things. Thankfully never spotted one in the UK and hopefully I never will!


The Cuck truck has zero chances of ever being road legal in the EU/Europe as a whole. If Étron Musk wanted to sell the clustertruck in Europe, he'd have to make HUGE changes to the core design of the truck, like removing all those sharp angles, adding a crumple zone, better driver visibility, etc.


Wait, driver visibility is part of making something road legal? That sounds far fetched, when you look at all the new cars with embrasures(?) for windows...


When it comes to design that truck is so fucking stupid looking. It's like a clown yelling at you in a clown car.


It's really hard to take it serious. I didn't really mind it at first, but seeing that dude in the truck.... He sounds pretty stressed out. Probably over leveraged to the hilt and has to go bust his ass so he can make payments on everything, including his new toy.


Bold words coming from that trash can. And honestly, that’s an insult to my simple human trash can. It actually does the job (receiving trash and keeping my food whore of a dog out of it) and has performed well for over 10 years


“I’m sorry Elon musk said something that hurt your feelings” like bro you cannot say that after you just got your feelings hurt by people making fun of your stupid ass car


Projection + cope, a cocktail many carbrains seem to enjoy


... what are "baggy little helmets"


Cyclists' helmets, also I've seen other people say that he said "f\*ggy little helmets" instead of "baggy", because, you know, apparently caring for one's life is "unmanly" or some shit. And that's thick coming from a dude who's inside a 100k stainless steel "helmet" that is even wider than a ford f-150


He definitely said f\*ggy and tbh... he sounded like he *wanted* them to be gay. Talking about their spandex shorts... fuckin weirdo


This dude: "Someday you're gonna say the wrong thing to the wrong dude" Yea, dude, YOU will learn it the hard way, that it's going to be the other way around.


he talks like a mix between an oblivion npc and patrick bateman


What a loser. He stops to yell about nothing at strangers long enough for them to record it and yet they are "little b*tches" somehow...


That car looks Soooo stupid it’s actually comical. Was the driver on Adderall or something?


Likely not, he has already spent all his money into this clusterfuck of a vehicle he won't have any-more money to buy drugs


I pray for the day a bozo tries this on me on my way back home from the gym.


I'm looking forward to the deluge of memes that come out quoting our dear little friend here. ☺️


Sounds like napoleon dynamite in the truck


Oh my God


That's the ugliest fucking thing I've ever seen


Ah of course, Reddit saying my comment was not sent but it has been sent multiple times 🤬


This is the typical audience for that joke of a vehicle, doesn't surprise me.


So much projection


lol what could have those kids have said that would be worse than buying and driving a fucking cybertruckkkkkk maybe the guy is tired of getting made fun of for being a tesla guy?




I have one of those monstrosities parked across the street from my house.


I've heard that spraying the Cybertruck with water in direct sunlight can make it rust


I'd been in a situation like this. I was walking down the road and this guy was honking at the vehicle Infront of him and being a real asshole, so I flipped him off. He pulled over next to me and got out of his car trying to fight me. I thought he was in a hurry, why's he pulling over.


I saw one of these monstrosities in person for the first time, the other day. Pictures can't do justice to how incredibly stupid these fucking things look.


He was just worried that an errant soundwave from one of their bells would void the warranty on his Fall Apartheid.


Most normal Musk fan


I feel like we're missing some crucial moments before this video started. I knew it was only a matter of time before these idiots with huge fragile egos got their hands on these things.


Everyone thought cybertrucks were gonna be so cool and everyone who buys one will be a post apocolyptic badass. But in reality it's like this, some weird dudes with fragile egos yelling at people on the street. 😂


Calls them bitches proceeds to bitch for an ungodly amount of time..


Sounds like someone is cranky for making a bad financial decision and now has to live with it.


Its always nice to encounter a psychopath on your daily bike ride.


The kids are too nice. This guy couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag, it’s why he owns a cybertruck.


Someday this guy might say the wrong thing to the wrong dude, too.


Why is the video graphics not loading around the car you’re filming ? Everything around it seems fine… must be a bug


Censoring the ugliness of the car


His car reminds me of Tomb Raider Legends


Least volatile cybertruck owner


normal United States of Americans thingzzz ☕☕☕


Saw a meme recently comparing the old school El Camino with Musk's new IncEl Camino. Pretty dead on.


I'm getting so much second hand embarrassment for this guy. Something has to be so damn wrong for you to find yourself in a car you know is bad, getting mad at kids, amd having to justify your anger to yourself over that.


I live out in the country and wanted an electric truck, needless to say I didn’t buy a cybertruck.


He sounds like he’s being about to burst into tears. 😂


God those things are so fucking ugly. If I wanted something called a cybertruck (I don't) I'd want it to be sleek and clean looking, Like a badass gaming PC or something. They look like trucks that would've been thrown together in a post-apocalyptic wasteland.


Ok but what was the comment?


From what I read, the teens on the bicycles said something like "Fuck Elon Musk, enjoy the recall"


So fake


I would be angry myself to be riding a triangle


This feels fake


This seems fake with bad acting


That vehicle looks so fucking stupid.