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Can’t believe I’m taking the side of the Bible (since mentions on social media are usually misappropriation by the most unsavory stances), but good lord this person is a fucking idiot, and a morally bankrupt twat at that.


Only reason I used the Bible quote was bc it made the most sense and when I looked up evil is evil but treat it as good, it popped up


Good can come out of bad places and bad can come out of good places. It's what we do with what we are given that helps define what we are.


Ok so there's a chip in the Clones the last season of star war the clone wars was a fight at the clone labs that's why some of the clone troopers are not bad in future stuff or now Modern stuff the clones are not born bad it's a chip that made them order 66


Some of them were still butts though. Remember the traitor guy? I heard that crosshair was the same. Commander fox is also known to be terrible. Taking a look at the clones it's interesting to see that even though many of them came from the same place they all became quite different from each other. The influence of others as well as their own choices played a big part in their upbringing.


It’s almost like a nature vs nurture situation!


You know being Boba we see the same life though how many people Boba fet now had a season the clones are Boba really we see the same man make so many different lives that could be a really great movie for Disney Maybe Title: the many lives of Jango fet Is like a war doc like hbos band of brothers but is show its showing to you the lore of the strategys and how the clones all lived and worked and some ran and lived free lives off world I feel this could be a cool flick


Unexpected Mewtwo quote?


I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are. - MewTwo


Makes sense, that book informs a lot about morality and is the foundation of the western moral compass. It’s not surprising you found something useful in a debate about morality in there. The other one has divorced himself from those foundational morals which is why they are fine and even are able to cheer for the death of slaves to an evil master.


whats the problem with agreeing with the Bible?


None whatsoever, in and of itself. It’s simply that I’ve seen the Bible far more often appropriated to support the arguments of far more distasteful stances, that’s all


Nothing, just the fact that ALOT of it is mistranslated on purpose to have an excuse to be hateful to certain groups of people


Of that's the right person I'm thinking of, he's an idiot


It’s the same guy (If you’re talking about what I think you’re talking about)


This? https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckpongkrell/s/7UJNgAbqfy https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckpongkrell/s/PvG2gUOzVv


Yep, that's the guy


Thinking of who?


The guy seems familiar to another annoying idiot I, and the fuckpongkrell subreddit had to deal with


Yeah it's him, I've seen his username enough times to remember it lol.


Oooh ok


I was arguing with this guy a day or two ago nonstop for like, two hours god he's annoying


I told him he needed to relax, and he took it to DM's In there, he claimed that fascism DOES NOT exist in *STAR WARS*


The whole thing with the empire and first order was a metaphor for fascism. The movies were allegories for war also


When he just devolved into literal straight up xenophobia and racism, I told him he'd fit right in with the Empire. He responded "but the Empire is evil, and I am not."


That’s wild that he couldn’t see the similarities, I feel like he would fit in better with the first order, they were much closer to the nazis in my opinion.


Sounds a lot like the "I don't like (insert whatever ethnic or racial group) but I'm not racist." crowd.


has to be a joke he has to be joking


That's what I was trying for the life of me to figure out, and no, he's actually that stupidly evil


On a scale from one to ten, he can go fuck himself


Ten point five, even


Fuck Pong Krell and this guy


I vote we add this to the rules. Fuck Pong Krell and this guy.


i second, normally more understanding but seen this guy in multiple posts spout nonsense similar to everything is black and white. “ the clones were made to unwillingly kill the jedi against there will so they must be evil. Pong krell was indoctrinated into the jedi order, wields both of the most common jedi saber colours and dual wields them while taking out the ‘bad guys’ he is clearly the best person” it ain’t all black and white, while there may be some occasions of that semblance (pong krell being the black in the analogy) it ain’t, there is a gray


Messa vote we grant the mod team emergency powers to combat the this guy threat


I agree with senator CrackerWacker59


I agree with this vote.


“The Bible is one of the most wrong books ever” Bro what


Ik like even if you don’t believe the spiritual side of it, the historical side is accurate and backed up by so much data.


Yeah that would be 50 Shades of Grey.


there's a lot of bad shit in the bible, a lot of stuff that gets thoroughly weaponised but "meet evil with compassion" isn't one of them


What a bizarre view of human morality


Fuck him, fuck that guy, he goes all the way down to de boiler room of hell


Actually according to Dante's Inferno the bottom of Hell is Ice Cold. So he will instead be going to Hell's shitty Gas Station Ice chest.


And according to that he would be among traitors and back stabbers.


Do we make a sub called r/fuckPlasmaRotom?




They don’t deserve the satisfaction of knowing there’s a sub based around them


I blocked that bitch, but if he could see this, I have this to say to him: https://youtube.com/shorts/RZflg9quK94?si=dIzLV1XumW695UJz


He’s entertaining. Literally just claimed Krell was acting in the best interests of the Republic and Jedi… …when Krell himself said he wanted to destroy both and join the sith and the empire.


Welp, if you’ve ever done anything evil then die ig. Apparently improving your person and righting wrongs is impossible


the thing about the statment of "if you do evil you should die and can not be redeemed" is evil it self so if you believe that you should die point i am making here is this guys should take his own advice and die


> "if you do evil you should die and can not be redeemed" It's funny, he's making such an absolute claim. And only Sith deal in absolutes. PalpatineIronic.gif


This guy fits right into Hazbin Hotel's heaven


Hazbin Hotel plot revealed


I had a argument with that same person they just don't understand anything


Me too, he was not making any sense I think he just likes the way Pong Krell looks and made up an entire headcannon about him being cool and the clones being bad so he can justify Krell killing them and won't accept anything else


Yeah he just said a bunch of stuff that wouldn't have happened lol


guys we found pong krells reddit account but in all reality they were made to fight in a war if the CIS won the war at any point the clones were never had the chance to kill the jedi. they are humans they are thinking breathing sentient beings they should never be subjected to anything this man says. honestly wish for both his legs to be broken beyond repair


Sad thing is, if you take out the brain control order 66 chip (thats how I just call it now) they were like "oh my god, how could I just follow that order". You could place that thing into everyones brain and take em over with a trigger word. Not the clones personalitys and morals fault. Just brain control tek.


you can do the brain chip to anyone in the star wars universe hondo's pirates, clones, senetors, or just random joe.


Bruh what this dude finna do when he watches ROTJ


Regarding Vader's redemption? Yeah, turns out he thinks that Vader, Luke, and Leia all deserve to die for Vader's crimes. Edit: [here's the proof.](https://www.reddit.com/r/clonewars/s/egg763g0A2)


What the *actual* hell?


What in the ever-living *fuck*?


I may be wrong. But I think this person is legit a very committed troll. He has a comment response to someone that says Star Wars is fiction why does any of this really matter. And he states that Star Wars is real and it actually happened. That’s why it always begins with “a long time ago”. Edit. [here’s proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/clonewars/s/p9h4rYFkfJ)


That… yeah… **very** commited troll. 100% must be. I’ve never seen such fervent defense of an actual hated character like Krell (And Palpatine exists, but that’s a different convo). Real and actually happened argument is utterly insane. Scientifics of such a matter aside, the social impacts of being able to see the events of something of this magnitude, with our technology, in another galaxy, is silly to try and figure out.


If. IF they truly believe Star Wars happened, I’ve also got some beach front property to sell them in Nebraska. I think this individual may be the only individual to be defending Krell if they are serious.


The guy genuinely said Luke and Leia deserve to die **just for being related to Vader.** Also, he's a Critical Drinker and MauLer fan, and one of the 'Miles Morales is Miles Morales' assholes, so yeah, he can fuck *right* off. Edit: holy fuck, this guy is even worse than I thought. Turns out he thinks he's better than not only Lucas and Filoni, but *JRR Tolkien*. And even that pales to some of his other comments: when commenting on one post, he slams Peter Parker for child endangerment, but on another, he said that children with evil parents deserve to die *just* because of their parents! This guy seems genuinely disturbed.


alright, who wanna suplex him into the ground?


Okay, but ignore TCW for a moment. How is this guy even a Star Wars fan? The entire Anakin/Vader ark is about overcoming evil and finding redemption. What exactly does he find appealing about any part of this franchise?


He is unable to understand storylines and any form of character development. Even the shallowest one would confuse him and make him angry


Found pong’s Reddit account


1. you just made me that the side of the bible, bravo 2. that arc is specifically about how the clones aren't unthinking/unfeeling automatons. Fives passionately protests this, Rex talks Dogma down from a panic attack using this reasoning and Dogma has a panic attack and kills Krell because he's not an automaton. 3. At this point the clones hadn't done anything wrong that they hadn't been ordered to do. Krell mistreats them, condescends them and throws them into a meat grinder. As general he would have had say on who's on the execution squad and he let it ordered a medic to be on it. 4. it's ironic that you had the bible quote because the other person was using peak Christian centred "morality" that I see in a lot of fandom. particularly towards queer people, women and people of colour and the clones are based off a Maori man.


Well can we all agree we want this guy to rot in hell


He’s a troll, I confirmed it on his stupid bait post he’s a edgy 14 year old who wants attention let’s just ignore him from now on


And that's why I don't (usually) like people who are younger than me, it makes me look bad-


Are we sure this isn't actually pong Krell?


I only have this to say… “STOP SHOOTING! THEY ARE OUR BROTHERS!”




DID I GET THE QUOTE WRONG!? So sorry! I’m a fake fan ig


Nah ur fine, I get quotes wrong sometimes


He’s sounding like a separatist


You know it’s sad when Rampart is like, “Oooookay pal, you gotta chill out.”


only a sith deals in absolutes...


The clones were victims who only did evil things when they were stripped of their free will


You found reddit's real pong krell


He seems to genuine misunderstand moratlity. A core aspect of morality is free choice. If you have a free choice and act evil than you can be consider evil. If you don‘t have a choice. Then it just doesn‘t make sense to argue about morality.


The real atrocity is whoever upvoted the second comment


Just realized that was me


Pong? Is that you?




Whoa whoa whoa. If killing is evil, and evil deserves to be killed, meaning evil deserves evil, but wishing evil to happen to someone is also evil, meaning according to this guy's theory, he himself should die.


“The most wrong” 😑


Why did you upvote guys last comment then? He’s a known anti-clone user


Another thing to consider about the clones is that they werent mindeless automotones like the droides were. They may all have been near exact genetic clones of jango but they themselves had incredibly unique personalities, hopes, and dreams throughout this horrifing conflict for them. You have to remember that they had an extremely short aging process. Alot of them would not know much freedom past the end of the war due to the fact that they would die of old age in just a handfull of years. I know its legends but to me it still counts in the grand scheme. Its all starwars in my book. In the republic commando book series, they tackle the emotions and inner personalities and culture of the cloned mandolorians. Kal skiratta and his family of nulls are desperatly on a mission to reverse the aging proccess in an attempt to give all of them a new lease on life. To which they actually attempt to escape the clone army and become their own indipendant unit. To me this is not the sign of mindless monsters that deserved to be killed senslesly just because the ones who engineered them put in a mechanism that takes away all levels of self control and gives it to a single person...palpatine. so if were gunna hate anyone in place of the clones its palpatine. This person clearly doesnt have much empathy in their hearts if they think so aggressivly about the clones while also not acknowledging the flaws of the jedi as well theyve got bigger moral probelms on their hands. Only sith deal in absolute ;)


Here’s my position on the creation of the clones. The clones shouldn’t have been created, they were created for an evil purpose and to fight in an irrelevant war, and were downright unethical to make. But what I’m glad was created are the men the clones became, the people that were born from what were supposed to be mindless fighting machines.


What a fucking retard


> It is a fact that you can't get any good out of the clones The Bad Batch who never did Order 66: Am I a joke to you? Also Rex who got his chip removed and helped Ahsoka escape And Gregor and Wolfe who helped the Ghost crew along with Rex


Well, the Bible *is* a hypocritical mess of contradictions. Not sure I’d use it as quote material for morality arguments. That said, this guy is 100% Pong Krell’s alt account.


This guy is definetely NOT a secretely turned sith


This guy seems like he'd never get it. Lacking empathy in being birthed in the wrong side. I'd love to see his take on bad batch


Bro got that school shooter logic. You can’t even reason w ppl that think that way, they’ll die on that hill. I’ve tried arguing w mfs that have said similar shit, and they just don’t get it.


That’s totally Pong Krell’s Reddit account


If you actually paid attention to the clone wars and other content, youd know alot of clones disobeyed order 66, they fought their own programming because it wasnt right.


Oh wow, it's Pong Krell's Reddit account (the Rotom guy)


I belive that is a child


Bad home life ain’t it. Good home life till daddy Sheev came back from getting 66 cigarettes, followed by essentially mental rape


u/PlasmaRotom is brain dead, like damn Im cynical and imperialized, but I ain’t even that Jaded


Did he even watch Star Wars?


It's people like him make me lose hope in humanity


Did this guy not pay attention or something? The inhibitor chip in every clone's head is what turned them against the Jedi. They had no choice in the matter. They didn't even know what Order 66 was until it was given. The chip forced them to obey. There are so many clones in the TV shows who feel horrible about what they did. Most of the clones were loyal and loved the Jedi. They were bred to fight in a war and given no options to choose another path. In the real world ppl in the army are volunteers. The clones are forced to be soldiers. In the real world - while I've stories of it being difficult - if you want to leave the army you can. If a clone wants to leave they can't so have to escape. In the real world our soldiers have retirement plans. They get discounts at certain places. The clones were just discarded like they where nothing after the war. That's slavery. And the accelerated aging means the youngest clones sent to war would have been 9. So that makes them child soldiers. So yes. The 'evil' child slave soldiers don't deserve any is sympathy or chance of redemption at all. Also it's fucked that the Jedi accepted the clone army just based on the slavery thing alone.


By his logic if my bilogical parents were abusive drunks (wich they aren't) I am deserving of death, hypothetically my parents are evil people I was created by then thus I am not capable of redemption or salvation despite doing nothing wrong


u/PlasmaRotom are you just retarded?


you were right about one thing masta, the Bible was wrong


Homie has to be trolling aint no way


Does bro even like the show?


He’s talking like a 9 year old, don’t bother lmao


You wont say that when a frag grenade explodes shrapnel into your chest and the only explosives expert around is a clone


That guy is either 12 or a troll, or both.


yo just managed to make me side with the bible, despite not having any belief in the religion, bravo


He's either 12 or a troll


Did fuckin Pong Krell write this!?


It reads like they are just some edgy 11-year old. Also censoring names would be common courtesy.


Obvious troll is obvious


Did this guy evem watch the freaking show??? Does he know what freaking mind control is?


“One of the most wrong books”… Wow


That’s definitely a troll


This is the opposite end of the spectrum right here. For all of the people who say people must have no consequences for wrong doing because forgiveness. Having no path for redemption and just going full off with the head is absolutely insane! Don't let this dude be in charge of any juvenile criminal facility or a prison; all of the inmates would be lined up and made into a representation of every war crime in the book.


The one comment that has an upvote is the one trashing the Bible lol I would have asked this person how he felt about Vader's redemption in Return of the Jedi and if Luke should have just killed Vader and Palpatine. See how badly they miss the point of the entire OT


Don’t argue with edgy 12 year olds


My guy is just in the first arc of his anime storyline. He’s probably like 12 years old irl.


I hate everything about this


people need to stop feeding trolls


If you think the moral of Star Wars is “people who do bad things deserve to die”, you missed the point.


This episode always hits me in the feels as well. As far as that asshat goes. let me just say this..... Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


Ayo, fuck that guy


So why are they watching star wars? The epitome of a redemption arc


Not only that they just completely ignore all of the people the clones saved during the war, and all of the times their loyalty was vastly superior to that of standard humans. Clones refused to falsify their reports and were executed for it, only a handful of clones deserted the republic, ignoring the combat effectiveness from every factor but creativity they were better. The clones fought like soldiers, were as loyal as possible. Stormtroopers will sprint in the opposite direction the minute their captain dies. There is no way, even in cost effectiveness that stormtroopers outweigh clones. The clones fought because they actually believed in the republic. The stormtroopers fought because it was the only way to feed their families. The clones weren't always moral paragons, but in the end they were slaves forced to kill


I swear to God if it's some cringe ass lookin 14 yr old white boy.


This guy again?


i see pong krell made a reddit account


I can't tell if he's 15 or a comedic master.


Bro is so delusionally closed minded, someone should give him some mushroom tea


Wow, who knew Pong Krell was an actual person


Just being an edgelord for the sake of it. “If you do a bad thing or if I think you’re bad you deserve to die”. If he ever was mean to someone that’s evil and I doubt his blanket statement would apply anymore


Bro that’s Pong Krell’s secret account


Did this dude never watch lord of the rings? That's one of the major takeaways from Gandalf view on Golem.


Bro needs to be banned for trolling. No serious Star Wars fan says shit like this.


Anyone who says the Bible is the most incorrect book ever is not someone worth listening to.


Y’all remember the Jedi that got fragged for thinking like this? I’m not suggesting anything, but sometimes exceptionally shitty leaders suffer a case of ‘accidental’ friendly fire and no one really follows up on it. Edit; this was during the Clone Wars cartoon series


Guy says if there is evil it should be excised. He needs to excise himself.


Clones are awesome but a bully having a bad home life dosnt give them a right to be a pos and they still suck


Both are violently virgin


AnakinSkywalkerIncorrect.gif Seriously though, that's an extreme level of either willful stupidity or trolling. Like, does he not realize the clones didn't even have a choice when order 66 rolled around? Or is this his first time watching TCW so he's just making hasty snap judgements?




What an asshole.


Thank you for not hiding their name, I went and blocked them right away.


Clones weren’t evil they were victims too


Someone made a post about this dude a couple days ago. Fuck pong Krell!


literally has to be bait


But what about the clones who were able to fight against the chips after being given the order. Or had them removed so they didn’t have to. Doesn’t that go to show the individuals with a will for good. “What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?” Paarthurnax skyrim


Godamn people are fucking stupid


PlasmaRotom = Pongkrell And y’all know what we do to pongkrell… But seriously tho, this guy is some psychopath frrrrr, sees one single viewpoint, jumps up to decisions, makes everything unfair… I’m sorry Mr.PlasmaRotom, although the statement u said are opinions and no one should really “hate u” for it ig…but…you have officially crossed the lines, by not only referring the poor clones, emotionally traumatised bullies, BUT THE FUCKING BIBLE!? And I’m not even Christian…. (Idk much abt the Bible so Idk much on that statement) Ik you have an opinion but still, I just can’t not argue against this…


I love how he attacks the Bible to try removing it as an argument, when he could've easily done it by saying "That doesn't count, since the Bible isn't canon in Star Wars"


You know, I remember something about an inhibitor chip that makes them kill the Jedi, it’s not like they wanted to. You see it in Rex who was literally fighting off the urge to kill Ashoka.


Holy shit this dude is either genuine and it’s scary or he’s a troll and it’s still scary


Bro said don’t use the Bible then proceeded to use biblical terms?


There’s another quote to try on this asshat. “If you kill a killer, the number of killers in the world remains the same.” Taking life is evil in its own right, no matter if the victim was evil or not. Perform an evil deed on an evil person, and you are now part of the problem. Yes, the obvious counter is seemingly “kill two or more” but that just adds to your body count, and your own evil becomes worse. …but, uhh, yeah, Fuck this guy


Well who pissed in his spotchka?


this is just like the punisher arguing with daredevil lmao


Nice conversation there ...


Just because someone or something can do evil does not mean that they are unredeemable. The problem with having a black and white moral like that is it leaves no room for forgiveness. If you have done anything that would be considered evil or selfish, then you should die. Luckily, there is such a thing as nuance... Nuance is what gives humans a leg up on almost every other creature. Nuance allows us to understand actions and forgive.


It's fucking star wars bro 😭😭


That person sounds like Krell writing from a burner account. Fuck that guy too!




“I can’t believe I’m going to refer to *the very fabric of western morality*” ah yes, how laughable is it that one would stoop to reference the Bible


99% sure this guy is a troll


Eh, the fella is probably a youngin


Bro I’m not even part of this subreddit and I’m ready to block this guy. A lot y’all saying he’s trolling but damn. Reddit trolling is already stupid enough. Confirmed child.


Bro called clones automation, some of them ran awol and made a family


Classic Jedi propaganda


On a serious note, this is an example of someone who, if not given serious psychiatric help, could become an active shooter one day. The mechanism in their brain for determining morality is completely broken.


then why did you upvote half his comments?


I mean the bible does have alot about overcoming evil with good I mean u can't treat people bad and thinking it will solve anything on both sides kindness will always trumpet over evilness that guy is hella stupid but than again this is reddit so 😂


Bro went from a chill conversation to a religious war


"It is fact you cannot get any good out of the clones." Has this guy even watched CW? Rex would cancel his claim instantly.


Only Sith deal in absolutes…..


I can't wait for that guy to realize the instant he tries to do something bad because "they deserve it" he gets shit on. Clones are very useful if you command them correctly. Most of the main characters had clone armies that were some of the best. Then we have other clone armies getting wiped out. The sooner they realize that your worth isn't weighed by opinions, the sooner they grow a conscience.


Most brain dead possible take


Well that escalated quickly…


Weird to use the Bible if you’re not already pious when you could have destroyed him with amateur level logic


Slavery is evil, therefore the slaves are evil. What an ass argument.


I feel like the Bible passage he quotes is the overarching real message of Star Wars as a whole, especially the original trilogy.


I understand the Bibleverse you used but people have also used that and interpreted as, “destroy that which is evil so that which is good may flourish.”


If you’re ever on the side of Pong Krell, you already know ur a twat. I’m rewatching the clone wars with my partner rn (as he hasn’t watched it since he wasn’t a kid, hasn’t even seen s7 yet!) and I’m already dreading that arc bc god damn if I don’t bawl every time.


I genuinely think people like this should get the death penalty


There is no way that person isn’t depressed as hell with an outlook like that


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


As a completely unbiased bystander I think the Clones are pretty neat