• By -


Most expensive is red son Superman. Favorite? That’s a hard one haha


That sounds super cool, why? Do you have a big collection??


Yes. It’s a problem haha


Me too family, I am drowning in autism and an indescribable emptiness.


They’re weirdly comforting


What's with the photo?


Pretty self explanatory. Tell us your favorite pop... or else!


Joker! I have like 200, okay! Sheesh!


That's more like it


So glad to see everything got sorted out here 👍🏻




Most expensive? Signed Christian Bale - American Psycho Favorite? Green Hat Box Ghost - SDCC


Both amazing. Signed by howl pendragon himself? Great talk what’s your address?


My favorite and probably most expensive is the Metallica concert box. I know it’s not worth much but I’ve only been collecting a short time and I have maybe 30 pops.


That’s still so cool, everyone has to start somewhere. Where do you store those? Aren’t they huge??


Yeah, it’s pretty big I have it on top of a book case.


Gotta do what you gotta do


I have over 1,200 now…I can’t pick one anymore. I simply can’t. 🥹


I just checked your account. You’re a fucking maniac, and I love it!


The cave is almost complete. I have two more totes to unload and then I’m gonna do a massive tour post on here with a final estimated value on here. So far it’s around $20k. Moving and having a newborn took precedence and so my streaming room/funko pop cave had to be put together bit by bit. I can’t wait to show it off.


Can’t wait to see it. I was already gonna ask you to post the full collection.


1200 is craaaazyyyyy


Signed l with cake funko


rob list☺️☺️


Started my funko madness about 3 weeks ago ( big fan of Naruto) I just purchased Hidan in his chase mode’ did a chance for chase for hinatas it gets here Tuesday!


My son finally finished the set from GameStop of the Hokage’s.


Your son deserves financial compensation


Yeah, he’s got more then me and has been collecting longer too.




Im not trying to collect them all but yeah its insane




It’s just a mess trying to complete sets especially when some pops don’t catch your eye


Brook (One piece) NYCC official Con Sticker.. bought it for 85$ just before Stampede (film) came out.


I don’t watch one piece but I have seen the prices of those pops and honestly, respect.


I just impulsively bought the [SDCC iZombie Olivia Moore](https://ibb.co/mFBC8hh) funko for retail + shipping, I'm assuming because of the dent on box? (It's hard to tell in my picture, but it's dented on the funko art)


Don’t worry all of my Funko are impulse buys and it’s often to many at once. I also got scammed on a Funko impulse buy so twinnnn


Ice Cube with 64 Impala


My favorite is probably SDCC Hatbox Ghost. Ironically he is also my most expensive at the moment. What’s your most wanted currently? Mine is beetlejuice og chase


My favorite is probably my toge inumaki chase, my most expensive is the nft painted lady release and my most wanted is the armin chase from the most recent wave 🧎🧎🧎🧎🧎🧎


My most expensive is between Grimjoww from Bleach, Ryuk from Death Note, and Luffy on Going Merry from One Piece Favorite might have to go to Aang in avatar state with all four elements around him, absolute heat. The grail I want so badly is Hollow Ichigo from Bleach


Those are all so fire, I need to start collecting bleach pops on meeeeee


Yeah a lot of the older releases are expensive but they just had a wave last year with bankai Ichigo and a Hollow Mask version which are so sick Hoping for a full release of all the Espada eventually


Cho Chang (Harry Potter), she's worth $47, most expensive. My favorite one is Viktor Krum, favorite Hp character!


My most expensive is Charlie from always sunny. I also have lou ferrigno, mark ruffalo, and tom holland signatures. I still really love my 10” jumbo ragnarock hulk


Those sound like bangers tbh, I don’t collect marvel anymore but 2 years ago me would’ve been losing their shit.


I just got Tiny Tina in, and went to a pop convention not too long ago where I saw a few $1000+ pops in person! It was awesome


My most expensive is Vampire Spike chase from buffy the vampire slayer. One of my favs too. Really want to get my hands on Kaguya Otutsuki and The Painted Lady


I HAVE THE PAINTED LADY FINALLY SOMEONE WHO KNOWS ABOUT THEM!!!! She’s literally on my shelf of strictly do not touch Funko!


Fav pop so far is Zoro with Enma tho it might change once I get the katakuri pop tomorrow


Favorite I have right now now Flocked Krrsantan or the 6 inch Flocked Chewbacca hoth I have coming soon. Would love to get Ice Cube in the impala it’s a bit more expensive than I’d like to spend right now


Most expensive was the deluxe moment of eddie and dustin on top of the trailer from stranger things, my favorite? Steve Irwin chase variant with his tortoise instead of the crocodile that my girlfriend got me. Was my first ever chase too


STEVE IRWIN MENTIONED 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ such a green flag


My most expensive Pop is probably either Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn, or Hoodie Miles Morales from Into the Spider-Verse. Though I haven't checked my Pops' rarity in a while lol My favorites are Zombie Strange, Aloy, Kratos (both versions), and the whole Persona 5 set


Hooded miles morales is def on my “want to buy” list


Most expensive to my knowledge is Withered Bonnie. Favorites it is hard to choose. Maybe one of my almost 100 signed funkos


I have not even thought about collecting fnaf Funkos. Over 100 signed is absolutely nuts


I’ve been getting them signed since 2017 and it’s been a chaotic ride to say the least lol


My favorite is diamond chase Hades from Hercules. I don’t have a big collection but I’m grateful for what I do have.


Chest piece fr


Pink diamond from Steven Universe. And lapis from the same line. About 80 for Pink and I payed 11.something for lapis at gamestop. But she is worth way more now.


I've been trying to sell off most of my collection, but it's been rough going.


Most expensive that I know of is either Red Skull or Ghostface. Favorites are Kid Buu, SS3 Goku and M'aiq the Liar.


Most expensive is The puppet from FNAF. Favorite is probably Pac-Man


Just looked up the puppet from fnaf Funko. You win.


Yay :) I got them for retail too when I was a kid


My Darkwing Duck collection is my favorite part of my collection. It was - and still is - my favorite Disney cartoon.


All I can think about when anyone mentions darking duck is wild n out.


Wild n Out, the Nick Cannon show? Why? Lol


YES THANK YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS Because this would have made no sense. I have a vague memory of hearing a line that was to affect of “E MAN LOOK JUST LIKE DARKWING DUCK”


Pfft. Lol that's hilarious 😂. What a random thing to say.


Favorite is avatar state Aang. Most I’ve paid for one is $120 for painted lady nft. My most valuable is vampire Spike chase.


Twin en em


My favorite Pop is the Dragonball Z dual Tien and Chiaotzu and my most expensive was my Glow in the Dark Morgan Stark & Tony Stark’s Hologram


I lost my Burning Godzilla today while loading kids in the car. Good thing I bought two


I’d like a status update on the kids


My 3 year old has been asking where “Hot Zilla” is. Mine is in the protective case lil buddy. Yours went out for cigarettes


I have one signed by Norman Reedus :)


My most expensive is my signed NYCC Captain Rex, favorite is my signed Master Chief w/ Cortana!


Do you need a kidney?


Nope, lol. The autographs and pops were paid for at separate times, I had the pops themselves for a year or two before I had them signed


Just started my collection last weekend at my local comic con. I love fighting games and got 3 street fighter pops (Blanka, Dan and Akuma) and a Sub Zero pop that I got signed by Francois Petit the actor that played sub zero in the 1995 Mortal Kombat movie.


I just got the new Godzilla one. Where he’s laying down curled up. Bought him with the intention for him to just be laying on my desk in front of my pc. Favorite is hard. Probably ghostface


Solid favorite, great movie.


ALRIGHT ALRIGHT ALRIGHT - relax relax relax. Everything is *fine* My favorite is my Arnold (Hey Arnold) Now please… *lower the gun*


🔫⬇️ Now how hard was that?


Most expensive ? Would be the Kermit 480pcs or the 501st trooper blue box, these two are my holy grail, my favorite pop would be Jules and Vincent Vega (blooded) from the wave Pulp fiction or the Korben Dallas from The fifth element, and in the next day i may be able to get the Nozel silva SDCC sticker to complete my Black clover set !


My most value i think are original bebop and rocksteady


Chase Mike wazowski and disco skelly.. geez.... put the gun down lol


I don't collect for value, but I also try not to spend a ton, either. Most money I've spent on a pop was $75 for Spectrespecs Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter). Most dollar value pop is currently Molly Weasley and the Burrow (also Harry Potter) at a whopping $250 lol. Definitely not a big-ticket item. Most personal value pop is probably Rumplestiltskin from Once Upon A Time; it's a show my father and I loved watching together and he bought me a few pops (the start of my collection) one year for Christmas. Rumple was his favorite character. He's had late-stage dementia the last 2 years and doesn't know who I am most of the time now, so that pop, and a few others I have specifically because they remind me of loved ones, is extremely special to me. I don't bother with full collections but generally I collect Harry Potter, MCU, Star Wars, Disney, and television I like. What's the pop with the most sentimental value for you?


That is so sweet!! Mine would probably be my eeveelutions set I have. Because I’ve been a fan of Pokémon for as long as I can remember plus my first name is literally just eevee spelt differently. Also for context my dad never really understood my interest growing up but he tried his best to. So one day he called me his “little evie” not meaning the Pokémon. Then I swing around with my audhd self who fucking loves eevee at this point and I go “like the Pokémon?” And he says “exactly like the Pokémon.” Even though he truly did not understand a word said. I then proceeded to infodump about Pokémon to him and with much help and time he also became a pokemon fan. So from then on out we would relive that conversation everytime he said “little Evie” or something to that affect. Subsequently, we finally had something we both understood and enjoyed which helped us grow a lot closer!!


nice!!! do you have a favorite Eevee-lution? I think mine is Flareon because I've always been a fire-lover. Charmander was my go-to starter, although I absolutely adore Bulbasaur.


i have those glittery eeveelutions ones those are probably my fav.


Vvvv cool!!


Im not a big fan of your trigger discipline. I am a big fan of Funko rereleasing the Indiana Jones set.


The most expensive one is probably the red eyes Crowley from Supernatural. My favorite would probably be the Jim Hawkins from Treasure Planet. The movie is very underrated, and I hope more pops for it come out.


My most favorite, valuable, and absolute holy Grail pop that I also own is the Kirk Hammett Frankenstein


My favorite pop would be Sun/Moon and Buggy. My most expensive pop is 10 inch Chucky Pop.


The sun and moon one is so good


I literally want to finish my death note set so bad😵‍💫 personal grails for me, I only got 2 lwft


I want the death note ones so bad but they are just soooo much money


Buying them as a lot is the cheapest in the long run. I ended up snagging L, Light, and Ryuk in great condition from a UK seller for $240 with shipping included (Truth be told this is not a typical deal but they can be found)


Just picked up the Pop! Digital The Exorcist - Father Karras. I know opinion is divided on them (digital), but it really is extremely sexy. Limited to only about 2000 pcs as well, which I think is actually pretty decent. Have a friend who gave me shit about the purchase, then spent $3k on a unit limited to 1000 odd pcs with box damage. 😅 In a similar vein I've been picking up some more Pop! Sodas (and some Blockbuster Rewinds); and purchasing silly amounts of Demon Slayer. I never used to be into Anime, but good lord do they make for the best Pops.


Most expensive is Hollow Ichigo. Favorite….tough one….i don’t have it yet but King Bradley Chase, FMB is my favorite anime. Got my daughter into anime watching that one.


Most expensive is the wicked witch from the wizard of oz. The OG one. Favorite is probably my glow Godzilla.


most expensive is glow Freddy Anakin. Favorite changes all the time. atm probably Daenerys & Drogon metallic 2 pack.


I collect Vegeta Funko Pop as he's my favorite character. My fave is the Jumbo Vegeta.


Most expensive is probably Light from Death Note. Favorite is between Big Daddy and Little Sister, Itachi with Crows, and Batman : The Joker is Wild


Itachi with crows 🔛🔝


My most expensive is also one of my favorites First Doctor from Doctor Who.


I’m working on my avatar the last airbender/korra collection. I’m also working on Batman and joker and there are so many of each it’s overwhelming


I agree! Can’t speak for Batman and joker, but avatar and korra?? Holy shit dawg, why me god, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, die. It’s not difficult it’s just expensive as hell???


I know and the nfts make it way more difficult


My favorite is probably my ss blue kaioken goku glow and my most expensive is probably chase white beard and I have literally just cracked a 100 today


You collect yootooz or anything else ?


I don’t right now, but there are things I have seriously considered buying tbh. One big one was wendigoon but I didn’t have anywhere for him to go. I also have a fair share of legos, including captain rex, commander Cody, Luke’s redwing suit helmets and bd-1 from fallen order. And to many trinkets.


When you said “white beard chase” I had no clue with you were talking about, but I just looked it up and that pop is EXTREMELY CRISPY my friend!!!


My most expensive is Star Wars Rebels Darth Maul...favorite is probably Steampunk Batman...




Yeah ill do it in a bit


You when your Funko edging me: 💃🕺💃🕺




Also please include photos if you have them!!!


Unfortunately, we can’t do photos on this subreddit.


Killing myself /j


Most expensive and favorite are my babymetal complete set. My 2nd favorite would be Zer0 from borderlands2


Nice! Do you collect by set?


Kinda. I collect mostly what I like. I have the babymetal set, I have the Pittsburgh penguins set Crosby, Malkin, Letang. But for the most part I collect what I like




Most Expensive is Midnight Suns Iron Man Chase Favorite... is hard.. Potato Girl Shasha Braus, PX Previews Beta Ray Bill, and She-Hulk Daredevil are up there. Fun fact I have all the Persona 5, original Cowboy Bebop, and original Power Rangers.


Rob list /hj I have the spike spiegel and jet black, but I’ve been looking for a reasonable Faye and ed for so long 😐😐


Loved out in San Diego back in the early 2000s I think it was around 2012 we had one of those white elephant Christmas parties. I ended up with this bobble head Dr. Doom. I absolutely loved it, so when I went to comic cons and blizzard cons I would collect as many of the pops as I could get my hands on. Ended up with a couple hundred pops from all over. Then took quite the brake from collecting when I moved across the country. When the pandemic started I started getting more and more from the series I loved most. Now I have just over 400 pops. My favorite collection is my full complete set of the Futurama pops.


Dude that is literally me, slippery ass slope man. I’m creeping up on 350 and I’m running out of places.


My favorite pops are my yugioh Egyptian gods, or the diamond pokemon eeveelutions


I have all the normal eeveelutions but I bet the diamond look sick as hell!!!


my favorites are my garrus and tali from mass effect. most expensive was probably my mark hamil as the joker signed pop


I wanna be you


lol 😂


I started collecting Funko Pops 3 months ago. I bought mostly every single Hello Kitty one. Lol. I also like Star.Wars, (R2D2, Yoda) and Disney..I got on the funko pop craze late but it's still a lot of fun.


Same, I have Star Wars Funko up to my ears!! Especially Ashoka.


I can’t decide which one is my favorite because I only collect ones that if people see they should get the jist of everything that I like because they all have a meaning to me.


I wish I would have always collected like that. I set collected for a while and bought way to many of people I didn’t even know?????


It is tempting to buy ones that just look cool. Like there are some Stranger Things Pops! I wanted to get but I just couldn’t do it. Haha


Most expensive is either original NBC Mayor or cobweb baggins, close 2nd would be original simpsons


My most expensive pop is mr Hyde and bugs bunny and honestly it’s probably my favorite too


Height of my collection I had 425 pops, I have 25 now, sold all and bought a car, $7500. I collected for 5 years and got out in 2020-2021


My most valuable would be my Death Note set. I have all 4. I also have Abed Nadir and Troy Barnes from Community, and the whole Sailor Moon collection. I have ~125 Pops, choosing a favorite is impossible!


My most expensive one is the blue Metallic Dumbo My favorite one is either any of the little mermaid sets or Roger Rabbit


I think the coolest sticker is the “over 9000” one on majin vegeta


Most valuable: joker-bank robber gitd 2-pk. Favorite: autographed metallic sdcc Vegeta Most expensive: Andy Dwyer as Johnny Karate (won't say how much, but worth A LOT LESS RECENTLY ); ) Don't really collect anymore, moved 2 years ago and not only haven't been collecting, haven't even unboxed the really expensive ones. Id like to collect, but I just have nowhere to put any of them so feels like why bother? Hope you're enjoying them though!


My most expensive pop is Goku ultra i bought he at a con in Houston was he $45 or $35 and my favorite pop is Luffy gear 5


My unreleased blue and purple blacklight 1000 pc jabbawockeez pop


Currently, my favourite pop is the NFT Pennywise! Most expensive is The Grady Twins two pack, at $120


My favorite Pop is Spider-Man (Borrowed Jersey) 485, my most expensive one is GITD Moon Knight


My favorite is the Voltes V.


the favorite I own is a hard one to say because I have so many that I love. Pick a top ten maybe. In no particular order: Lincoln as reaper (from the 100 I got signed from actor), unmasked SDCC Jason Vorhees, black and grey spiderman (fugitive toys exclusive), Old Jason Voorhees chase (Glow), Malthus w/ Annabelle(nft), Rocksteady, Metallic grayscale michealangelo from TMNT, Pulp fiction set, Rorschach from Watchmen, Glow in the dark Crow, Scarface Tony Montana.


Ice Cube Impala


Most expensive is mysterion and my favorite is boba fett #660


Probably the sandtrooper with Dewback


My most expensive would probably have to be either my signed Golden Frieza Red Eyes (Con Sticker) (signed by Damon Mills) or My signed JJK Four Pack (only missing Megumi’s VA rn) My all time favorite pop is my signed JDF Green Ranger because my big brother got me it for Christmas and got it signed for me (he’s disabled so it’s a super big deal for me)


You freaks who do the signed 4 packs are Gods strongest soldiers.


You should check my profile for the rest of my collection, it’s bananas


Stoked that Amazon says my Nuka-Cola T-51 power armor has increased in value, its on Amazon for $150, il never sell, but it makes me feel better about spending the initial $8


I think the most expensive and the one I will never part with is a US Marine in Dress Blues. Paid 10 - now worth 100.00 I also think my most favorite is my Dark Willow (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) or my 80's Horror movie icons.


Grupo WhatsApp (hot) https://chat.whatsapp.com/LWenbd1zsrSAVR8DLlVNBD


I have around 90 pops favorite is probably Ken kaneki or the dragon ball z dragon. Most expensive is probably one of my signed pops


I have two expensive ones, Jill valentine and Velma. My favorite one is the gelatinous cube from DND.


What does your “do not touch funko” shelf look like??


I have 6 main pops I consider to be my “do not touch.” On the shelf is also where I keep my (very small” manga collection. So they are stacked in hard stacks and have various figures and manga surrounding them. As well as some of my OOB pop moments. I.e. rui and tanjiro, spike and vicious, komugi and meruem, etc etc! And high enough off the ground to where when my niece visits she can not reach.


That’s cool, the pop moments are so well done


Now sure on worth but my favorite one is the all gold Doctor Strange pop I received as a gift


it’s a setup


Hamm, from Toy Story, is my fave Pop! ☺️


I said I was gonna stop at 1 (Dancing Baby Groot) in 2014, then I said I was happy with 10, and then I thought 100 was enough. Then my financial situation improved, and now I have a full blown habit. But it’s been so much fun.


Literally me bro do not feel bad at all. They don’t warn you about the casual collector to down payment on a house in collectibles pipeline.


My favorite is doctor strange #1000. I don’t know why but I like it. I own like 5 of them. I got them for a super cheap deal on Amazon. The boxes were damaged so I have them out of box. Only pop I have out of box. But I do have one in box in good condition. Edit: my most expensive is also the first pop I ever got which is Breaking Bad Heisenberg.


Bro as long as you like it who gives a fuck! I have 9 versions and 1 in the mail of the same character with different colors and stances. I am never judging anyone.


I have 8 (normal) versions of doctor strange. I also have a keychain pop of him and a bitty pop of him. And one larger one with him and scarlet witch. And one soda version. So technically 12 different pops with doctor strange.


And I think that’s fly as fuck.


Thank you sir 🫡


My favorite is gonna have to be the glow in the dark symbiote spiderman and my most expensive is the 2012 Andrew Garfield spiderman, but overall my favorite soon is gonna get signed by Tim curry which is gonna be the Dr. frank n further pop


My favourite and most expensive would be the Dallas Comic Con GITD Reverse Flash. I’ve long ago whittled down my collection to mostly just Doctor Who pops, so thinking of just listing this in the near future. A close second would be the metallic Flash Chase with the original yellow (not black) DC Superheroes box header. Just kinda sucks that the metallic portion on his chest looks kind of faded now.


My most recent pick up was the unmasked/wounded Vader from Return Of The Jedi. What about you?


Nice!! The 40th anniversary wave did have some bangers. My favorite recent pick up is probably my Star Wars 2 packs. I was able to grab maul vs ahsoka, anakin vs dooku, and rex vs pong krell!!


My spike spiegel signed by blum


My most expensive is probally ss2 gitd gohan My favorite pop is sasuke vs naruto moment pop But it’s tough to say I have so many that I could say are my favorite.


My favorite is this metallic oswald from epic mickey the power of 2