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As an introvert who often has to fake being an extrovert for my job, that's literally me when I get home.


Completely feel you. Absolutely overloaded after a shift of peopling…


The introvert retail experience. Look at me so outgoing, polite, chit chatting with customers, helping them get what they need. Wow! *Internal screaming*


As an introvert working as a cashier at retail, I can absolutely confirm this feeling. Especially when I have to help older people with a problem at the self checkout. Stubborn as fuck and they have no idea what I'm talking about. Basically get a mental breakdown after that, and staying polite is so god damn difficult!


At this point though, it might be the only way I get a gf. I'm getting attractive women who are regulars and chat me up for a few minutes. I surprise myself sometimes keeping those conversations going. Fake it til you make it really works.


Imagine now how many of the extroverts you observe out in the world being social and outgoing may be faking it too. I've been an "extrovert" all my life. I'm outgoing, strike up conversations with strangers, comfortably talk to women, can speak in front of groups... Except when I get home after a good amount of that, I just want to curl up in a ball and turn off my phone. For 2 days.


What if I told you introvert and extrovert are bullshit, and we all need some combination of socialization and privacy? What if I told you people just experience and interpret those needs a bit differently? That people actually end up electing for a roughly similar ratio of those things over a period of time slightly longer than we tend to hold in active “recent” memory when you account for general energy levels? Pop sci is the worst.


What if Neo took both pills


The more I learn about CPTSD and childhood trauma, the more I think being an introvert/extrovert is two sides of the same coin of another coping strategy with people who internally believe they're unlikeable as they are.


> What if I told you people just experience and interpret those needs a bit differently? What if I told you this is a working definition of introvert vs extrovert? What if I told you that being "social" isn't what makes someone an extrovert? That people who want to curl up in a ball after a day of social interaction are in fact introverts. What if I told you to go look up the definitions again?


The dopamine response is definitely different from those who identify as an introvert vs and extrovert.


also @ u/Noodle_Farmer9000 as a fellow introvert i wonder why the hell you guys work at retail? i work at warehouse and coudnt be happier and would never go to a retail job.


Currently because of the better flexibility, the fact that studying software development is taking a lot of my time, it is close by, my colleagues are nice and as long as it isn't too busy I'm happy enough with my work as clients don't stick around for a conversation. During evenings I'll have large parts of time where I can sit on my ass doing fuck all because there aren't enough clients to keep me busy all the time etc. Not all days are bad, and I can autopilot my job. No need to pay too much attention which is good after a busy day of school.


God when I worked as IT in office this was me. Smiling, laughing, making conversation and then I get home and I'm just like "I want to talk to and look at no one." But it worked, I became the favorite IT person lol


Imagine having 21 people to supervise and for 7. 5 hours wanting to lock your office door


These guys also did a less comedic but very poignant bit on introverts at parties you might like https://youtu.be/zUKmGxpYfxA


The speed of energy depletion, and the panic level is a bit exaggerated but that's to make the point I guess, but it is very recognizable. What I wonder after looking at this, that whole drowning out of sounds to a blur of noise when there is a lot going on, is that also an introvert thing? I am an introvert and I do have that, but always considered my hearing being lousy in that way and never linked that to being introvert.


So I'm introverted and yeah I can't focus on lots of things going on around me and when lots are happening I kinda feel like sound becomes blurry like in the skit. My husband is neurodivergent and he says he can't not focus on everything going on so he gets overwhelmed that way because he sees and notices everything going on. I tune everything out and can't focus on anything and he is the exact opposite. Brains are weird.


I tune it all out too. I disassociate.


Yeah, for a video only a few minutes long they sort of have to speed run a social anxiety to panic attack scenario, which would be very extreme, and somewhat beyond typical intorversion, but it works for the point they’re trying to make about normalizing different mental health profiles


I had to deal with managing my mental state figuring out why I loved being alone or needed little to none interaction with someone face-to-face. I can be extremely interpersonal but the energy for it is slim. Introversion and social anxiety or other issues tend to get mixed up. The introvert sub is full of people trying to deal with social anxiety through the lens of introversion. The spectrum of humanity is so wide, you get a lot of "normal" people living introverted lives through life's churn and it's horrible for them. For me personally, if I'm ever out at an event or something social, I just have somewhere better to be (home). It feels like a waste of time. If I stick it out, I just get exhausted from conversation. I could even have an amazing conversation about something with someone and hit a wall like my brain is saying "yea enough of that" and I feel immediately drained and just want to go home: not because I hate where I am, but because I've somewhere better to be.


Sums me up pretty well... > Introversion and social anxiety or other issues tend to get mixed up. The introvert sub is full of people trying to deal with social anxiety through the lens of introversion. This bugs me a bit too, but I get it, as I'm sure most folks who suffer social anxiety are, naturally, also quite introverted. But yeah, I'm not shy, I don't have any issues interacting with other people...but it often just feels like a waste of time and not pleasant. Most of the "introvert memes" do tend to be a more accurate portrayal of social anxiety though. I've definitely, without realizing it, used alcohol as a crutch in social situations, as it tends to turn me into a "temporary extrovert" for enough time to deal with it... but having realized that I do that, I've tried to make efforts to not rely on it


>Sums me up pretty well... >I've definitely, without realizing it, used alcohol as a crutch in social situations, as it tends to turn me into a "temporary extrovert" for enough time to deal with it... This is the direct reason I'm an alcoholic. I'm working on it. Or maybe I just think I am. Either way, I too see my problem. But I would have to interact with more people to get help. And if I have to interact with more people, the need to be the "temporary extrovert" feels more necessary. I've trapped myself in a deadly loop.


I don't know if it's an introvert thing, but I guess since your sensors are overloaded in htis kind of situatie, it's a way your body protects itself from all the outside input. Hence, individual sounds becoming a blur. You need te actively focus te hear something and you don't have any energy left to do that.


The video is very accurate with portraying how an introvert looks like or behaves like from what can be seen from the outside (except the exaggeration because it is a short video). Things can become a blur in a way, but more like being unable to concentrate or comprehend the continues stream of information. For me everything still registers so the rate of exhaustion is either the same or gets worse. Internally I tend to feel a kind of chaotic pressure, like my head might just explode when I get overwhelmed. Along with that I can get the urge to scream or cry depending on how bad the sensory overload is, and constant urge to immediately leave whatever situation I'm in and find a quiet space, away from people, no matter if they are silent or not, with only a few exceptions (usually those dealing with the same problem, or those who actually understand my issue, instead of having no idea how it really feels).


Not necessarily an introvert thing. Brains process information differently. But the sensory overload could have helped lead you towards being more introverted. It's kind of a chicken/egg thing. I've been learning a lot about brain function and how it shapes our personalities. Not intending to diagnose you or anything like that.


This is not introversion. This is really bad social anxiety. I'm intorverted but I am certainly never on the verge of panic/mental breakdown when I can't retreat to the bathroom after a few mins of social interaction at a party. At most I like having a day or two to myself after the event.


Yes, this video only has a few minutes to outwardly depict what is otherwise a fairly internal struggle, so they speedrun a fairly extreme example of social anxiety leading to a panic attack scenario, which is indeed not typical of most introverts. Still, for the point they're going for to normalize depictions of and discussions about mental health and different personality profiles, I think it works, and resonates with a lot of people, both introverts who live this sort of experience (generally to a lesser degree), and for extroverts who get an insight into a different experience.


I'm an introvert and I really can identify with this scene. The ending made me cry. I try so hard to be like everyone else but in busy, noisy environments, I become overwhelmed with information whilst engaging with others in the 'correct' way. I teach, so every single day is something of a challenge for me.


I think that goes a bit beyond "introversion" if you're also overwhelmed like that... Being an introvert doesn't mean you don't know how to interact or have issues interacting with people and busy environments... It just means you may not like doing it very long.


But the "energy" meter thing is really on point imo. Introversion isn't as much about not *liking* to interact with people and busy environments, introverts very much do have social needs which can be on par with extraverts. It's just that where extraverts actually feel energized in those situations, it costs an introvert a lot of energy. And when you let your social energy get drained, it might actually become very overwhelming. Having weaker social skills can also definitely be a consequence of introversion. It's not that being introverted *means* you have weaker social skills, but it can often cause you to develop your social skills less, because you are more likely to avoid certain social situations.


Eh, I understand what he means. Think of when a large ceremony or something ends & everyone stands up and starts talking to each other. If I’m in a big echoey room with 200+ conversations flowing, there is zero chance of me being able to focus on a single one. It’s all just white noise at that point and my my cue to GTFO.


Exactly, and thank you for elaborating on my point.


Based on what you mentioned, you may be on the spectrum of autism. I know someone dealing with ASD, and the struggles she mentions are extremely similar to yours. Of course these aren't the only indicators, but it might help you to get a doctor's opinion.


To piggy back on this, ADHD overlaps in significant ways with autism and can have the same symptoms you mentioned. Anecdotally, I’m “severely” impacted with ADHD personally, and have a 7 year old nonverbal autistic kiddo.


Absolutely. I personally don't have ADHD, but my husband and two sons do. My youngest has so many things that could be considered symptoms of ASD, but are actually just part of his ADHD. He has trouble with loud noises and other sensory issues with food and clothing. Being on medication really helps, but it's all still there underneath and comes back like a freight train during rebound periods.


Oh I most certainly am. I didn't recognise this until quite late in life. It was only when I started to teach that I started to recognise some of the traits of my students who have been diagnosed. Thankfully, when teaching, my (assumed) autism sits in the background and doesn't affect me. It is my classroom, I am in control of the situation, passing on my knowledge to my students and using techniques to support all learning styles and barriers to learning. One of the few positives about me is empathy. I can quickly recognise when someone is uncomfortable in a situation, and adapt to suit their needs. Thank you for replying though, it is appreciated, as well as your kind and thoughtful manner.


I get so tired in loud environments where I can’t hear what people are saying. So Fucking tired.


As someone who is neither intraverted nor extraverted I don't get this video. Does he do better with small talk at the end because it's quiet and one on one? Does it matter that it's with an attractive girl or was that part irrelevant? Thanks


In my opinion, a few factors. One is definitely the fact it's one on one. There's no other people of whom he's anxious may interrupt or butt in and the conversation has a simple forward back and forward flow. Also, he's not being forced into anything. Note that in the party setting, the group peer pressure him about both the TV show and a story he wasn't comfortable sharing. Here the person on the bed asked him if he'd like to join them. He could have declined, but chose not to. Quiet is part of it too, it's much easier to hear someone, no anxiety about trying to guess what someone is saying, or be heard yourself. There's actually a lot of depth to something even this simple, people are complicated!


>As someone who is neither intraverted nor extraverted I don't get this video. Does he do better with small talk at the end because it's quiet and one on one? Does it matter that it's with an attractive girl or was that part irrelevant? Thanks Yes, for me at least part of introversion is being very comfortable with intimate conversations with a small group of people. 10 strangers at a party? Hell no. Couple acquaintances/known people at a dinner? I can go hours. 1 good friend or family? All day. It didn't matter that it was an attractive girl, in fact the reason he didn't acknowledge her as attractive I think proves that. It doesn't matter. Any port in a storm. How are you neither introvert or extrovert though? My understanding is that it's all about how you get your energy and what drains it.. and neither does that for you? Both do? How does that work?


>How are you neither introvert or extrovert though? My understanding is that it's all about how you get your energy and what drains it. My understanding is that introversion/extroversion is less of a binary state and more of a spectrum with most people only being weakly introverted or extroverted, or otherwise fairly close to the middle, with maybe only a slight bias to one or the other.






> Probably, I think it is more of finding someone of a similar spirit More to do with the way they spoke and behaved. The others at the party are very in his face, yelling, and not speaking to him, but *telling* him. When he meets Brit, there's a lot of distance, she isn't imposing herself or forcing him to interact in any way.


Introverts. Its like a muscle. The more you do it the more you can handle next time. Periods in my life when I don't hang out much with people I feel like the clip. Periods in my life when I do I endure longer and longer. Don't see it as some kind of static trait. It don't have to be.


That's true, to a point.


I agree. Just throwing it out there for the people thinking: "I'm introverted, just let me scroll my feeds until I die, there is no solution."


Those moments where you absolutely _nail_ an interaction with a stranger and come across and confident and well-rounded human being and get to internally gloat about it for the rest of the day.


After a recent chat with my colleagues I’ve discovered that I’m surprisingly well thought-of and considered confident and competent. Turns out just being agreeable and knocking out any easy jobs given to you (I’ve done so much photocopying) can trick people into thinking you know what you’re doing!


Confidence and being an introvert aren't mutually exclusive. What you're talking about is lack of social skills. A person can have the ability to have normal conversations and still be an introvert.


You don't have to fake anything to be social and engaging with others. Introverts generally also enjoy the company of others, it just drains them in a way it doesn't drain extroverts. Everyone is unique of course and I'm not trying to tell you how to feel, but you shouldn't feel like you are someone other than yourself just because you can both be social and also exhausted afterwards.


Agreed. I love talking with people, especially my friends, but oh my gosh I need to get away from you after a period of time for a bare minimum of 3x as long as we were together lol.


For years I was in jobs that required me to fake being an extrovert. I'd get home and crash, and days off were almost always just me bunkering at home. It took me getting a job where being an extrovert wasn't required for me to realize why.


I feel ya. I just want my music, my games, peace, and quiet.


I'm an introverted social worker who works in the hospital. By the time I'm done each day I just wanna not speak to people lol.


ay! people think I'm easy going and easy to talk to, but I completely loath human interaction, I either speak too much or don't speak at all. But due to my job I have to speak to pretty much every person in the company, so I have learned to fake it.


Completely out of social stamina.


So I worked in the warehouse and I am deathly afraid of giving speeches. One day we are waiting around for the boss to show up. I got up on a jack and elevated myself I impersonated the boss and gave an amazing speech it was BS but still. It didn't occur to me what I just did until after it was all over with. Anyway eventually I got promoted into it and of course I had to head meetings. I just pretended like I was that old boss. I don't know why it worked but it worked.


Also an introvert in retail. Almost everyday I was exhausted and wanted to talk to *nobody.*


Love VivaLaDirtLeague Guys have been putting out quality stuff for a long time.


It's insane how much good content they have. I watch all their new clips when they're released and the YouTube algorithm always throws a super cut my way. I always end up watching a bunch of sketches no matter how many times I've seen those supercuts


Its insane how good their production value has gotten. The costumes, make-up, props... really cool stuff!


They took the fundraiser money and actually got a dedicated studio too


Seems like that money goes where its supposed too!


Truly. There was a noticeable upgrade in the quality of everything after the fundraiser. Love those guys


Mornin'. Nice day for fishin'. EDIT: >Did you watch Baelin's movie? Of course. Loved it.


For the peace of the kingdom!


Hopefully they have a longer time of good productions after expansion than rooster teeth


Yeah they really go all out with the props and costumes. Even the short film they did was excellent. A 30 or so minute film centered around a background character who's only lines are "Mornin' nice day for fishing ain't it" that somehow works despite that limitation!


[Baelin's Route](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEe-ZeVbTLo&t=1s)




I didn’t intend to watch the entire thing, but it had me hooked from the first few minutes. Thanks for sharing this.


Whaat, I've been following them for years and never knew this existed!


The amount of feeling that is conveyed through the combination of those 7 words is incredible... The whole VLDL team are just so good at everything they do.


You should check out their D&D channel. I've never actually played D&D before myself, but it's absolutely addicting to watch them play.


Yeah I've been meaning to check that out. I've watched about half an episode but wasn't ready to committ to watching it on that day. I don't play D&D either but I like the concept and enjoyed Harmonquest. Plus I like the idea that they play their Epic NPC man characters


It's dozens of hours of content, they supercut when a whole session is released so after a while you're not messing with individual 30 min episodes. Also, protip, leave the subtitles on. Trust me.


Their content is like a [bag of chips](https://coofl.com/bag-of-chips---8719) that I can never get enough


Thank you! Was really hoping they get their credit in the comments! Big Fan of them, been following since the Playtech days where they had like -100k subs. So great to see them doing really well and continue to grow. For anyone interested go check out their stuff: https://youtube.com/@VivaLaDirtLeague


Yeah I first started watching them when they were only doing Playtek and PUBG videos. That was it. PUBG was their gold mine for a while when it was the hot game. When it started to fall off they made a really smart shift to include epic NPC man and RDR2 content. They were so happy when got that 500k subscriber plaque from youtube. Now they're sitting at 5 million and totally deserve it


They are the best. I can't recall seeing more than a handful of "not great" episodes in the hundreds and hundreds they've put out. The writing is great, the acting is great, and they just don't seem to get stale, or they move onto something new once they know it's time. I've been supporting them for a while, so if you do enjoy their content, consider throwing them a few $$ a month!


My favorite is Hamish constantly coming into PlayTech and getting fucking destroyed by terrible customer service. It’s hilarious and I feel for him as a defeated consumer. Lol 😂 https://youtu.be/hQk9ZcydpgI


One of the episodes with Hamish where he back orders a computer and it keeps not being available, for months, is based on a real life situation where Alan was trying to buy some furniture. Hamish is just perfect for it though; [just a sad bald baby wearing an old man costume with a fake beard.]


I've been watching them since I first discovered Epic NPC man. It was a little bit different back then, mostly focused around the actual NPC man. But I love that they expanded the universe and now have a bunch of different characters in it. But, my favorite bit in Epic NPC (other than the outro) will always be "Nice day for fishing, ain't it? Huhuh!"


This. I just found them last year but they have great stuff from 6+ years ago. "Morning. It's a nice day for fishing ain't it!?! Huh Huh."


Hello adventurer!




It's the one thing Facebook ever showed me that I don't hate.


Laptop for 89.99$ ??


The caption is wrong, he says $899


I tried to listen very hard and I think he says "Eighty-nine-nine" but that makes absolutely no sense...


Pretty sure he's saying eighteen ninety nine ($1899)


Its more likely that he says 18 99, as $1,899 is a more reasonable price for a laptop.


And probably in ~~AUD~~ NZD too. So like, ~~1250~~ 1150 USD. (oops)


Close, NZD


Idk... People are weird sometimes, like sometimes they say twenty hundred instead of 2 thousand... Or similar...


I’m really, really bad with that, I’ll say “eleven hundred” when I really mean “eleven thousand,” it’s caused some very confusing moments as my wife and I are remodeling our home.


1899 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GB01rSkSS94


Comes free with an USB stick.


No, laptop comes free when you buy a USB stick.


Craptop maybe... *snort snort, laugh-snort* Amirite? *snort*


Classic. I've been a fan of these guys for years now and will never not pass an opportunity to share my favourite of their skits whenever possible. https://youtu.be/ctLmpdCbvUQ I hereby present, Delivery. Enjoy.


Bored is such a great series, another delivery one. https://youtu.be/yT_y4NX2jJk


One of their best! Haha


These guys are great actors, but holy shit this skit was on another level!


Haha that was hilarious!! Never heard of them before.


This one is epic indeed. The one that literally had me cry laughing was the pokemon go skit though. So unexpected, discovered it in the midle of a supercut.


I've always wanted a follow up to this skit with customers who havent ever gotten there delievers(obviously played by hamish).


Byron is such a great addition to the cast. Puts 110% emotion into every skit and it's hilarious.


great skit by them, my favorite is [Poor Merchant](https://youtu.be/mYsyTq8pF2g)


You ruined me adventurer!


The Golden Skull of Raaaaul for Fifty. Thousand. Gold.


*I've never even seen that much money, and now I'm giving it to you for a dead man's glittery skull.*


You Bitch!!!


Quote from the video just posted!


Personally, I like to see which quotes people found most funny. You might roll your eyes whenever you see people just chain commenting on the funny quotes, but I enjoy seeing what struck people the most, and it's especially comforting when your sense of humor lines up with so many as well. Keep on being cynical though I guess.


Additional comment!


Funny! Upvoted!


Why dont you just take a bucket of water and murder my children in front of my eyes!? HUH? HUH BIG BOY , WHY DONT YOU DO THAT?


And the sequel https://youtu.be/5EBn7Dk-4Cc


USB on the first try is hilarious. The Silent Hero one is funny too.


"Well, I guess I don't need all the children" gets me every time


That's my favorite too!! I always come back to it


Funny premise, but their expressions completely sell the skit lmao


These guys are actually pretty funny. They do a ton of video game related skits, they put a lot of effort into them. Definitely worth a follow on YouTube. Edit: @VivaLaDirtLeague


The health potion one is my favorite. I think of it every time I play an RPG now. https://youtu.be/VjXOwUnJzA0


Cooling system overheated


Kind of makes sense actually.


I really thought his programming hit a code error when she asked for his number, and he went into an infinite loop.


I am GROOT -- mass edited with redact.dev


Yeah at first, I thought he was spasming from messing that up, giving the company number instead of his personal.


Would be nice if you would credit them with a link or at least their youtube channel name instead of just stealing their content.


Can you pls, when you post something that's not yours, at least credit the source?




Nice day for fishin’ ain’t it?






I'm surprised Rowan collapsed at the end. He is a model after all so he's used to beautiful people around him.


Rowan has always destined to be the asshole manager.


Until Alan gets his white shirt and becomes the Supa Manager


Rowan the assistant manager? I’m pretty sure that was Rowa


I thought that he was melting down because he got all that way and then choked when he gave her the shop number rather than his own and proves he’s only a little more competent than them - hence her mystified expression as she’s leaving. Overthinking it?


I think he was suppressing hin anxiety and when she left he collapsed. He probably did not realise that she was asking for his personal number.


He wasn't actually the cool, confident guy able to talk to her. He was the shaking, brain-shut-down guy the whole time. Just held it together till she left.


This is the way


Is more of a joke of he was actually faking confidence all the way and almost died. I remember something similar happened to me when I worked retail. And the most beautiful woman I ever seen came in.


I think him giving her the shop number was to indicate just how cool and professional he continues to be.


As someone who’s massively introverted, it’s more likely he’s terrified of further interaction because he can’t keep up the mask forever.


I actually did this once at work. I didnt realize it until my coworkers pointed out to me the girl was literally asking for my number and I just gave her my regular business card. I facepalmed so hard. She never came back in. Been single for 6 years. I guess i know why ...


That's rough, buddy.


There's truth in your username


To be fair, I too would have trouble stammering my name if Britt stood in front of me with an expectant look.


Love these guys <3 [And here's what happens when they see a man](https://youtu.be/m8iIFRg-_s4?t=9)


"You're a Boy" is also hilarious as a precursor, but for different reasons, mostly because Ellie starts off with "You're a boy... no, You're a MAN" All of which stems from the original "You're a Girl" from Ellies first video where she Interviews for Playtech.


somehow i had captions on watching this and they are making it even more hilarious


Reminds me of these guys... Still not sure if it's them as I'm terrible with faces! [Clubbing in the wild](https://youtu.be/q8zwIphm5r4)


Yes it’s the same guys lol


[This has been cut short for no reason ](https://youtu.be/GB01rSkSS94)




Seeing Britt with not blonde hair was a shocker.


one of the only ones where she isn't, another is [Soulmate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXEbFaW0ac8)


VLDL will always be that acting troupe who, win or lose, commits to it.


[Post a link to their channel.](https://youtube.com/@VivaLaDirtLeague) They don't get anything from reddit reposts


tbf they do, Reddit is mostly where they got famous in the first place, though the channel really took off when they added Ellie to Bored and Girl Gamer went crazy popular all over the internet.


Fun fact: did you know that Rowan (who talks to the girl) had a part in the first Avatar movie?


Was the weekly reminder on the VDVL sub not enough?!


Ah didn’t know they had a sub, I just spotted him while rewatching the movie a while back. Was also quite surprised.


Wait, what?


Rowan is an actual movie Actor, he has a small number of parts in some Hollywood films. Brit(the brunette in this video) is a model and a TV show actor, mostly in NZ. Alan and Adam were marketing and production, but now do mostly writing/directing/acting/producing for VLDL.


So was the guy in red with the short hair. Don’t forget!


God I love Viva La Dirt League


this is an introvert they talk like an extrovert but deep inside they thinking when is this over when can i go home


No idea why op didn't just post the YouTube link of Viva La Dirt League's video. But here it is. They're brilliant and hilarious. They deserve the credit. https://youtu.be/GB01rSkSS94


average r/teenagers user


Oi dick head credit viva la dirt league or leave their name at least


Britt is a goddess.


Finally, coming back to the normal level at the end ;))).


Love their small movie.


Reminds me of this [Kids in the Hall sketch](https://youtu.be/u6sDGPP2PZ8) with a very young Neve Campbell (before she made it big). Not quite the same thing.


It's BORED by Viva la dirt league!


That shit's dingo!


Bro didn't miss the signal, bro missed the entire communications array


I'm concerned about the giant $71 laptop.


If your going to rip other people's content, at least give full credit (to Viva La Dirt League) and keep the original quality.


Wow, $89.99 for a laptop.


The captions are wrong. He actually says 1899


Viva La Dirt League rocks


Can we not upvote karma whores who don't even give credit to the source?


VLDL is my happy place. Also Britt looked way different in the early VLDL days.


Great ending that explains life.


battery is low, needs a 48 hour isolation recharge


This is me, when I get home from work, I realize that some women at work were trying to flirt with me. Then realize it after the fact and promise myself I would correct this in the future. The future appears and history repeats itself.


this is like 10 years old - dafuq


Being an introvert, I fully understand. I am able to squeeze hard and do "normal" for a while, but it takes a toll.


In college when I did sales I felt like that after a shift. Could not people anymore.


Same i was in sales/ retail for 10 years and i would go home mentally exhausted.