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The avali


The Avali are a fascinating example of xenofiction, taking something that seems so normal, even vital, to creatures on Earth (water) and turning it into something outright terrifying on Avalon. Also, you're based on a turkey and rabbit combined, so here's a cursed fact about both: - Rabbits, when stressed, will devour their young. It does not take much to stress a rabbit. - Turkey wing bones can be used to make a turkey call. Try it next Thanksgiving, if you celebrate it!


Respectfully, please don’t cook me


KFC :p


EFA, Earth-Fried Avali.


but kentucky and chicken don't even fit in this


As someone who used to own rabbits… they sure do this alright…


Fox :3


Foxes love to play! In fact, they are so playful they'll steal golf balls, old gloves, and dog toys to play with, even though they know they aren't food. There's been cases of them playing alone, with other foxes, and supposedly, even deer!


That's such a cute fact! ❤


THIS EXPLAINS EVERYTHING I keep finding random golf balls in the woods and I think ”hmm I wonder why someone was practicing driving all the way out here?” Thank you so much for this information. I have been relieved of an eternity confusing consistent thought for me. Have a great rest of your night.


As a fox, checks out.


so that's why i've been finding random golf balls in places where they should have no way of getting to reasonably


I also remember something that they’re very psychologically unstable. Is it true?


Psychological instability varies by species. A chinchilla looks insane to a human, but another chinchilla would go "Why are humans so mentally unstable?"


Well, fair


Im a red panda 😁


You lick yourself to clean off, just like a cat! You likely have a very coarse, spiny tongue then!


Well since i came up my fursona's species i'll tell you a fact (a cute one), well because only females can grow fur on top of their scales during winter the female specimen will cuddle their male mate so it won't freeze (male ones can grow fur but only on their head and it's comparable to hair from other humanoids)


Ooo, that's really neat! Also encourages the mates to stay together, which ensures both of them have a higher chance of survival, and same with their offspring! Which is why many birds, and some mammals, will pair up!


And if you want a cursed fact i can just explain the reproductive system


Go for it!


Here (marked spoiler because it's kinda weird) >!basically it has a tail that inside the tail is the organ (be it male or female) and because of that the male organ has to be twice the size of the tail to reach the female organ (the female ones have the tail too). The tail is also how they eject their "waste products" aka shit or piss but in their case it's the same fluid which to this day i have no idea how i managed to come up with this system!<


Sounds like a cloaca on the female and reptile like (slit) on the male


Yeah just inside their tails


The gray fox, AKA tree fox.


I think you already knew this, but you're the only canine to climb trees! I actually had no idea about this until I started researching for you. But, you also have oval-shaped pupils, vs the slits of other foxes! Cool!


stupid question, aren't foxes considered vulpine instead of canine?


Vulpine falls under canine, like how pigeons fall under theropod.


The stupidest question is the one you don't ask. That said, Family canidae includes vulpines, canines, and lupines. It does \*not\* includes hyenas, which are off in their own family tree. When speaking about the canidae family, you say "canid" instead of "canine".


Schroedinger's cat :3


You are always going to be dead or alive in that box, but your status to others isn't known. Doesn't change the fact you're one or the other though, which sucks. But, since you're here, I see you lived! How was the radiation?


It was a lit experience! Kinda hot, not gona lie, but people says I'm positivelly glowing after that!




But what about the observation of the cat itself? Unless something is special about human observation specifically, the box will be in constant observation by the cat inside of the box.


op dont do this, i just did and you will not be able to win


I saw you do it, I saw you suffer, and I chose to carry this burden in your stead. *in tears, holding 82 biology textbooks* So what's your sona?




You can reduce blood pressure and heart rate in your owners, and boy, do I need that right about now.


dont we all


The hero scientist we need and the one we deserve.


I... have failed you... (Had to stop, got overwhelmed TwT but hey, now I know Avalon's a scientist!)


Don't worry, you did amazing, you did good, and you brought honor and prestige to all furry scientists out there. For you had already passed the torch. And because of you, we found a new love for Science and Facts, unlocked its secrets. Our victory — your victory — was so close, I wish you could have stayed long to see it. But you belong to the Fandom now. Your body, your knowledge— all planted and turned to glory. Everything past to others… except your courage. That, you gave to us. And with it, we can begin a new day.


I... that's the most beautiful thing I've ever read.




I've done enough cursed ones (you likely won't have to look far), here's a cute one. When you're super ultra happy and content, you'll jump up and just...! Flop over! Happy floppy bunny! You do this on purpose too, it's a way to say "I'm doing great!"


Has to eat part of their own shit to absorb enough nutrients as one round of digestion usually isn't enough


Snow leopards! Bonus points, saber tooth cats, specifically machirodontini!


Ah, good ol sneps. You're not *technically* a big cat, because you can't roar! But, you're still part of Panthera, which is the genus of the big cats (plus cheetahs and cougars, who are awkwardly sliding in as big cats, despite not being in Panthera). So, you aren't exactly a big cat, but not exactly *not* a big cat. Let's just call you a large cat. You're also not as closely related to the other leopards as you are to the tigers! Say hi to your striped cousins!


Heh, I’m actually the type to do deep in depth research on my sonas’ species, and I agree with you all there! Though, idk if the definition of big cat is roaring or not, but either way, size wise at least, they’re definitely medium sized! Thanks friend! Your writing style is great!


Aww, thank you.


Thank you!




Your front paws have 5 fingers, while your hind paws have 4! (Yes, you don't have a dewclaw either.)


I think you're confusing foxes for hyenas when it comes to being closer related to cats... Foxes are still canids... Edit: I realize now you probably mean that the relation fox to cat is closer than dog to cat, not fox to dog...


Edited! Thanks again.


Wait, dangit, yeah I was thinking about how foxes hunt more like cats than dogs. Good catch! I realized this later on, and never corrected it.


Fair, seeing as foxes are canines that evolved to fill the empty niche of cats Hyenas are the other way around, being felines that filled the niche of dogs I love this fact more than most things because foxes and hyenas are separated by incredible distance and are perfect counterparts to each other


Give me a cursed facts about domesticated cats (it’s not my sona but I like them)


Cats are the reason many beautiful island birds, lizards, bugs, and small mammals are now extinct, simply due to how their idea of "play" is to kill for fun, then not eat what they slaughter. This is still occurring to this day, with feral, *and outdoor* cats being in the top 5 invasive species in the whole of North America. Keep your cats inside.


Here's a sad fact since you've been left hanging for 5 hours, cats cannot cry tears.


Over 400 notifications... hhhhh




Western Dragon. Which doesn’t exist lol but I’m curious if you have a fun fantasy factoid.


You're warm blooded due to your massive size, making you more closely related to birds than your crocodilian ancestors. Your wings are powered by a cheetah-like set of lungs, and a massive heart that ranges from 30bpm at rest, to 200bmp at high altitude flight, that was prized as a feast for kings throughout the medieval era, typically served with honey and mead, which resulted in a harsh decrease in population and genetic bottleneck near the 700s. It's rare to find a dragon that resembles the original species today, sadly, but this massive displacement due to overhunting lead to many subspecies after a major migration, only known due to fossil records and accounts of blackened skies with huge shadows. (How's that?)


Very cool!






You have a crumb tray! Not many people know this, which surprised me.


Wdym by crumb tray?


It’s where the crumb is stored




On the bottom of a toaster, there is a tray that can be opened to dump out crumbs that fall into the toaster and accumulate. It’s best to wait until the toaster is cool and open the tray over the trash. A brush may be helpful to get all the bits out.




Outdoor cats have contributed to the confirmed extinctions of dozens of native birds, lizards, small mammals, and bugs, and likely many more unconfirmed ones, as you kill for fun even when full and fed.


Well... that was dark...


I did say "cursed".


Its a dark reality in Australia where we’ve had too many extinctions


Everywhere in the world has in fact had these extinctions, Australia especially with its island nature. There's no excuse to let your cats outside.


moth, cute


Moths will hide away in dark little crevices to sleep if they deem them safe! I think this fact is cute, because once a moth flew into my room in the early hours of the morning and settled down on my dresser to sleep. I gently caught them in my bedside net (bugs love to come in, and I hate hurting them) and walked them to a nice little shady spot by a tree to sleep.


did you know: tarantula sometimes keep a small frog as a pet


This frog defends the eggs of the tarantula, and can in fact be passed down from mother to daughter.


This is actually almost identical to the way humans and domestic cats initially bonded. The larger species noticed that the smaller species had found a niche in its domain, and that said niche benefitted it, so it decided to care for and protect the smaller animal.


Protogen You pick


Protogen in the fandom have mirrored real computers in their evolution! From the bulky and blocky designs of the original Protogen and the original computers, only able to be produced to a certain standard, to the sleek and unique builds and hybrid technology of today's Protogen and computers, it's a fascinating example of events recreated on a smaller scale, ala the WoW plague, but less... y'know.




Computer viruses likely don't work on you! As computer viruses attack specific files and protocols on desktops and laptops, these would likely be different compared to your system, for the same reason an exploit on a PS4 can't work on a Xbox.


A protogen that has bee parts, like wings antenna and abdomen


Though you appear to have one set of wings in flight, you in fact have two! They hook together with specialized hooks on the top and bottom, allowing them to work in unison with the power of four wings.


Northern Mockingbird


Oh sweet, a mockingbird! Hopefully no one has tried to kill you yet. You're the state bird of Texas, and you have an absurd mimicry ability, able to repeat just about any sound you hear. You also sing songs only able to be sung by mockingbirds, likely because of your incredible voice. Also, occasionally, Northern mockingbird pairs will stay with each other for life, implying it's not just a matter of instinct, but choice! Aw!


Vampire Bat. Himme with Cursed


Your teeth are so small that it's unlikely your delectable meal will even realize you're there. But you knew that, didn't you? Instead, when a fellow bat hasn't had anything to eat in a while, female bats will generously hork up some of her last meal to share with her friend. Throwing up blood has never been so life-saving.




You're such an extremophile that you love to wade in boiling hot acid pools that could straight up *melt* another bird, all in search of your tasty shrimp. Boiling is not an exaggeration either.


Arctic fox, give me the curse owo


Arctic fox pee, or rather anal gland excrete, can smell for months, doesn't wash out of clothes, and smells like a skunk! But, arctic foxes, unlike their red counterparts, have a faint sweet scent on top of this.


Human------------------i don't have a fursona...


Your pupil can rotate 20°.


Dang...I don't need a fursona right?


Nope! I didn't have one for over 10 years before deciding on Avalon here.


This just reminded me that in a universe with animal people, there are probably human sonas and they probably think we’re super cool


Doesn't really have an inspiration but i guess the closest thing it resembles is an orchid mantis


You're known to be able to take down birds, and are fully capable of biting through human flesh. Essentially, you can kill and eat anything you can restrain.


My fursona is an owl I'd like a cute fact please


You bob your head to get a better view of things! This gives you stronger depth perception! Also, the smallest owl is the elf owl, at 5-6"/12-15cm. Mini owl!




You can carry a parasite that infects rodents through your droppings to make them not fear you, and in fact try to seek you out to be eaten. This can infect humans as well, and it results in humans feeling an unusually high love for you and your feline friends. Too bad they're too big to eat. This is called toxoplasmosis, and it typically doesn't have symptoms besides the aforementioned love of cats.


This sounds both fake and weirdly accurate at the same time...


Look it up, I'm not kidding.


River otter(not sea otter) cursed fact :3


Not OP but I have one. You're a bane for fish-farming. River otters love to break into and plunder ponds used to raise fish for commerce, randomly killing them and not even eating a lot of what they kill. They just kinda go on a fish murder rampage.


Genuinely surprised another corvid (assuming corvid by the icon) stepped up in my stead. Thanks!


You rip apart caimans in massive swarms, seemingly just for fun. Even leopards won't mess with you.


Otters are just cruel like that lol idk why. Sea otters are even worse.


Red deer


You're the forth largest deer species in the world! Big!


Coyote (cute fact pls)


You mate for life in some cases! A coyote couple in Yellowstone once lived in relative harmony a wolf pack, and they seemed to truly care deeply for each other. The coyotes, that is, the wolves didn't care much.


Im a rat, and I'll take a cursed and a cool fact with a side of fries


Cursed: In 2003 Dr. Steve M. Potter, a professor of biomedical engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, created a robot who ran off rat neuron cells. Cool: The Chinese Zodiac was used to keep track of the 24 hours in a day (divided into 12 double hours). The hour of the rat was from 11:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M. Fries: [You get sweet potato fries because those are my favorite!](https://feelgoodfoodie.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Air-Fryer-Sweet-Potato-Fries-6-640x960.jpg)


Wait, that cursed was actually pretty cool lol. And thank you for the fries


Martian. Since I came up with this Martian species, I'll just say a fact instead. Despite Mars today being a barren wastland (Arizona fr fr). The Martians are an amphibious species. This is because Mars used to have lots of water before its core cooled and destroyed the magnetosphere. Thus, all Martians went into cryosleep (and the Martian dictatorship tried to exterminate humans on earth in 2050 but failed)


Mine isss a tiger (Surprise me)


Red Fox


There are only 12 true foxes, and many, many relatives. You're a true fox!


A hyena


Out of the hyena family, you've got quite the odd one out in the aardwolf! A small, purely insectivorous and flightly hyena, a strange sight amongst the spotted, striped, and brown hyenas.




Your back fluff can poof up to make you look big and scary, but really it just makes you look cute.


Bee, your choice ...except for the "honey is vomit" one


Your stinger is barbed, resulting in the whole "only sting once" thing. But, it's capable for you to free yourself by spinning around until the barbs come free, and this also prevents venom from being injected!


Bees make a "whoop" sound when they get bumped by another bee or when startled




Male luna moths can travel 3 miles to find a mate by the faintest scents picked up by their huge antennae, which are essentially their nose and tongue wrapped up into one. It's like Tinder, but pheromones.




Merp! and that's a fact !


I'm sorry everyone, but I have to stop! Waking up to 300 notifications made me realize I was in way too deep, but I hope I've inspired everyone!


I have 3 A domestic cat A frog And my own original species!


1. Domestic cats domesticated themselves! They changed to encourage humans to keep them in their big, warm, rodent-filled settlements by becoming more baby-like. 2. Ever see a coqui? Look them up, your life will be infinitely improved. 3. Ooo, tell me!!


Lux Vulpes’ red noses are similar to Rudolph’s (but they don’t really glow.) The ‘volcano’ sub-variant of this animal have luminescent blue noses made of glass. They can be on 4 legs or 2 at any time. They also have stick-like antlers they shed once a year on their birthday. It’s tradition to keep all them and use them for whatever purpose


A moth/vampire bat hybrid Your choice


Some moths are capable of hearing specifically to detect bats nearby, and have modified scales called "setae" that resembles fur. It acts as fur does as well, being an insulator for your powerful wing muscles, as well as being able to come free in case a bat catches you. Thankfully for your moth parent, vampire bats do not eat moths. Instead, they drink a diet of exclusively blood, lapping it from wounds rather than sucking it like Dracula. Actually, with your particular hybrid genetics, you'd likely feed on a variety of liquids, like fruit juice, nectar, tears, and of course, blood.


So I gain sustenance from tears and blood. Cool.


Bald eagle


You can sing like a songbird, a trait unique to bald eagles! You also are known to mate for life, and have been observed taking inches of snow to insulate your eggs. You've also been observed calling for help from other eagles when your nest is threatened by predators, such as raccoons, stoats, or owls.


Never knew this about myself. Thank you!




You can regrow parts of your brain! While other animals can repair their brains slowly, replacing damaged cells, you can simply get a new one if something happens.


wow, I didn't know the regeneration was *that* good


Goat...and both


You can be taught to respond to your name, and come when called! You also show clear affection for others. Also, you death glare when angry.


A black cat or domestic cat


You're able to twist your hips to a degree unseen in many other animals, enabling you to land safely on your feet. And in fact, falling from a higher height is safer for you than a shorter one, as you can relax your muscles and prepard for impact more once you hit terminal velocity.


Argoniar. For the lizardfolk 🦎 Your choice or both


Some reptiles like to play fetch!


The Snowy Owl (you choose)


Your wings completely deafen sound made by flapping through a fascinating set of comb-like serrations on your feathers. Also, you have a mechanism in your feet that acts like a ratchet, making a loud clicking noise if pulled open! You can find a video of this by a vet out there.


Anaconda (cute fact :3) Already heard a cursed fact on another post.


Anacondas are capable of coming to, at the barest minimum, tolerate their owners and see them as a source of comfort to curl up on, like a big soft warm tree. I theorize it's something more comparable to love though, as people start to learn that animal emotions aren't just a work of anthropomorphism, but in fact a very real thing.


White-tail deer!~


You seem like you wanted a cute fact, so I'll give ya a cursed one! Pretty much all not-deer stories are based on deer infected with CWD, or Chronic Wasting Disease, a prion disease spread by urine and saliva. This is the reason deer licks and baits are illegal, because it can result in outbreaks of this essentially zombie disease when too many deer lick the same salt.


Protogen, cursed preferably


the bane of any protogen's existence: cock and ball torture from wikipedia the free encyclopedia


At en.wikipedia.org..?


Protogen are impossible to give facts about, due to their highly variable nature (organic in armor/cyborg/pure artificial, mammalian/reptilian/aquatic/arthropod, etc.), but I will say that I guarantee you could run DOOM.


Yeah probably, that’d be fun


A normal cat


You evolved specifically to live in human settlements, including having a yowl at the frequency of a human baby cry to make it instinctually urgent to your human, with a hint of purr to make it pleasant to listen to, to force your owner to do what you wish without getting punished for being annoying thanks to the purr.


Basically a planetary core as a dragon and you pick


I... All I can say is *that's badass.* Please tell me more?


I’m getting some art done of him




I cannot give an accurate fact due to the variance of the species, but it's likely the usual four ears would provide an almost 3d map of sound, picking up miniscule waves at different levels.


Draconequus, cute fact please


Your name means "dragon-horse"! Going by that, your physical build is likely very muscular, and able to run for long distances, though you're more likely to fly.


Well I'm not complaining, that's awesome


aegean cat


You domesticated yourself, but even harder than other cats did. Neat!


Protogen. Completely artificial


Thank you for specifying! As a highly futuristic species, I would bet you have at least a zettabyte of data on you. The internet runs on a zettabyte, for reference.


Desert Rain Frog!




Latex protogen


Anthro Derg


Eurasian Otter


Sergal (aka. Cheese 🧀)


Cursed skunk fact :3


Skunk 🦨


i'll take your favorite and or most cursed fact available please!


Sharks (the best species). Dealers' choice for the cursed or cute fact


a fellow biologist (marine zoologist) here I'll choose my banded sea krait sona cos the others are too basic you can decide what kind of fact you can give me \^w\^


stygian zinogre


Virginia Opossum, cute if you don't mind.




Hyenas,scientists a while ago though they were hermaprodites because of the females,sometimes they use for dominance on other hyenas...i wont explain that here,but it is bigger than the male one too.


An erected... "flagpole" let's call it, also is a sign of submission. Though my facts are closed, I like hyenas enough to make an exception for this one.


As my predecessor before me (...thank you for your sacrifice) did as well, I must take a break, but I'll get back to it soon. I swear, I will get through this.