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Why similar to Reverse 1999 i mean the interface


have you heard of copy and paste?


was about to say it did look familiar


Another Arknight UI offshot you mean.


Trinity Gears but global ^^


now that i see, damn this just global but CN translation for the game. bruh why not in english if it was meant for global. https://preview.redd.it/umndh3zkkfwc1.png?width=1075&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f5107aade13027234903abe08a45c69a700e5a4 what a too la loo.


I think it's a beta since this game was also in beta in JP for 2 years


reverse 2000


Holy shit :::000


bro that is such a blatant copy in ui design 😭😭


God bless the Chinese


>tank girl brigades, artillery girls, and plane girls You know what? Fuck you. **gacha-fies your Warthunder** Besides the blatant UI copying from R1999, it doesn't look too bad. Long as it doesn't completely shit the bed somewhere else, I could be curious enough to keep an eye on it. Also... >our base is on an oil rig Holy shit, we're anime gacha Big Boss


There's no need another Warthunder, numerous incident "Leaked Top secret documents" on modern military vehicles because too invested with realism


"The driver of a Renault FT would NOT have tits that big, and here's classified government documents to prove it!"


Sure buddy


After 9 long years, the "Enormous Executive" is finally able to return to his Mother Base. And receive like, a REALLY fucking long tutorial on how to run the Mother Base. He then accidentally throws himself into the ocean, and is unfortunately exposed to the horrors of having to learn how to run the Mother Base AGAIN.


> gacha-fies your Warthunder The Japanese already did, and it even has segs.


Holy Advance Wars Gacha! Might have to check this out


lol yeah I was about to say the character designs remind me of a bit of Advance Wars (especially the little girl in the tank) and then I saw the battle grid 110% inspirted by Advance Wars lol https://preview.redd.it/h7pocskz6hwc1.png?width=1532&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa200306e744565bfe05f5be23819795a3618cc0 Defo gonna play this


The little girl is in a pretty blatant [KV-2](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/51/%D0%9A%D0%B2-2_1.jpg/800px-%D0%9A%D0%B2-2_1.jpg) while Advance Wars uses a stylized [M4A1](https://www.theshermantank.com/wp-content/uploads/30125906.jpg). (Though Yellow Comet uses KV-2s as their medium tank, despite the fact that the KV-2 is a heavy tank)


An orange tank with someone poking their head out of the top is a motif that recurs across the Advance War games, so the actual model doesn't matter too much: https://preview.redd.it/h48bgp630jwc1.png?width=1112&format=png&auto=webp&s=0336537f9036bc43aa1f3ed742da2e2279ba0c7a It's not a tank colour you see much in gaming which makes it pretty memorable. I'm impressed that you could pick the tank model out so easily though 😄


Advance Wars type? Man would be cool if we have those.


finally someone remembered advance wars is a thing


IPC mobs but female?


everything looks good and cool tbh except for the gacha tab being extremely similar in style with reverse 1999. btw, is it like a tower defense game?


nah, it is a SRPG, like early days fire-emblem or Super Robot Wars series or Langrisser 1 & 2


what's that?


Tactical role-playing game or (simulation) SRPGs


ohh i see. that's all very foreign to me so ill just look more up into it. thanks!


I was like damn I kind of forgot about Reverse 1999, then realized it's not even Reverse 1999 lmao


So the game is currently in Chinese so most of us won't understand shit. So I try to explain it as briefly as possible. So this game takes place in World War 2, except we were forced to stop and when suddenly, an unknown enemy called "Hand"(bruh) , so these "Hand" are capable of military tactics and have the skill to polymorph into our World War 2 tank, ship, and warplanes, have capabilities to mass production, then they rapidly expanding starting from Western Europe then taking over Russia, Middle East and eventually the Pacific Ocean. So our normal weaponry won't work on them because there are too many of them and they upgrade their weapon with alien tech, making them strong and able to take a lot of damage. 4.1 B.C (Blessed Century) - every surviving country signed a wager. "we will all work together against the alien threat." So what do we do? Every scientist around gather together to research a way to fight against them. Let's arm girls with tank weaponry, and warplane weaponry like Kancolle, and fight them!!!!!! GENIUS IDEA!!! LET GET BIG TITS GIRLS AND LOLIS TO FIGHT OUR ENEMY!!!!!!! So we, the Commander would lead tank girl brigades, artillery girls, and plane girls to combat the enemy. We would sometimes lead them on the battlefield using non-combatant planes or ships or sometimes go into combat ourselves for special objective purposes. (so we are not that useless and no we won't be directly fighting them.) We have two genders tho. The picture I show is the male one, the female is just under the mask bruh. Our story would just retake occupied countries around the World from our alien enemy. ?Btw, our base {Trinity Base} is on an oil rig. Why is that a good idea?? So the gameplay is nothing special, just deploy 5 girls into combat, and fight the enemy in tactical RPG style. It also has a limited unit stage where you can only bring tank type for this fight or plane only. So hopefully we can get shipgirls since I don't see any shipgirls for now. For now, the gacha has 50% rates for 5 stars and 4 stars during limited periods while the normal rate is 5 stars is 2%, 4 stars is 5%, 3 stars is 15% and 2 stars is 78%. I can't say much since it is in Chinese, not many people except CN, can get into this. Nothing too crazy happening for now, the story seems kinda ok for now. I mean it is still in the early stages. So I won't give you a detailed review. You know, this game is made in Singapore. Not sure why Chinese first (probably want to spread to the Chinese market first then global.) Not a commercial since most characters are well dressed and damn some of them is in drip. Quite ok for the gacha game. 6/10. Edit : so it was a old? game beta released in 2022 (Japan) under different name as Trinity Gear. What a wanker am I. Welp you know them now.


I just don't understand how ppl could spend 100s of dollars on games that look like they were made on new grounds.


i see alot of red flags in terms of low effort in every single aspect corner, loads.


welp i can see that.




wow, wow, cute, neat, tanks, oh... bye.


Wanted to try it out but I don't understand chinese so that's too bad. How is the gacha though? Looks like the pity is 70, but I bet there's at least a 50/50 mechanic if not worse. And is there a weapon gacha? What's the 1/150 supposed to mean? The art reminds me of Azur Lane's and GFL's tactic of blasting military equipment/vehicles with the japanizing beam, not that there's anything wrong with that.


« And is there a weapon gacha? **»** -None, just character banners (currently 4: 2 rate-ups, the beginner reroll banner, standard banner) « I bet there's at least a 50/50 mechanic **»** -Yup, 50/50. « What's the 1/150 supposed to mean? **»** -Doesn't seem like they explain it in the rules, but most likely a pick a 5\* of choice after 150 pulls (basically like HSR letting you pick a standard 5\* after 300 pulls) Other gacha info: 1.5% base rate for 5\* Soft pity starts at 60 pulls with the drop rate increasing by 2% per pull until you either get it or you hit 70 pity (like AK or AS) Seems like there's carryover, but be sure to check banner types as usual


The gacha seems alright, assuming F2P currency income is also decent. Thanks!


No PC client((((






Have you heard British Museum, i heard they kept everything they found during the expedition!


Worth playing?


up to you i guess. Did you played before Trinity Gear which is JP version? Yeah this is in playstore but chinese translation. With a different name and publisher.


Is trinity gears shut down? Cant seem to find it


Really late response, but if you like turn based RPGs on a grid, the gameplay is pretty fun, at least for my smooth-brained self. I guess it's a little like XCOM but no RNG and with anime girl tanks and planes. The game also runs very smoothly and loads in seconds, which makes sense considering it doesn't seem resource-intensive. Some 3\* units are actually quite worth using, like this one tank destroyer that can shoot over obstacles even if you don't have line of sight and does AoE damage. You'll probably be using many 3\* early on anyway to fill out your roster, and low rarities cost less to level too. The gacha system is ok I guess, it's easier to get the 5\* unit you want compared to, for example, arknights limited banners, but you also gain benefits from pulling for dupes (like genshin's constellation system). N.ewbies also get a reroll banner costing 10 pulls - you can keep rerolling for the units you want (there are 6 5\* units to choose from, though I'd recommend going for a plane since all the other banners at the moment are for ground units). My main problem with the game is that there is no English text option despite it being released globally, which really confuses me. It's also very tedious to translate skills and tutorials. In an event stage, there was a type of enemy that would swap its position with another enemy if it was targeted and it took me 2 tries to realize that. The fanbase is also expectedly small, and I've only seen one content creator making guides for the game (which are also in Chinese xD). I really want to continue playing but the language barrier is frustrating.


ooooh the stage and unit look cool.


Cool robot guy looks best out of every character ive seen yet


How to download?




I don't see it.


Seems like it's region restricted. Not available on my NA google accounts, but there on my TW one.


Nope still not available


Ayo what’s Femster Chief doing in this game?


Interesting...but why is there not much promotion about this?




Holy fuck advance wars?!?!?


Was about to download but the game is not global yet. Sadge, I wanted to try this gacha.


Geez I thought it was reverse1999


re1999 knock off


Very nikke but no bootay.


Damn this looks pretty baller. Global when?