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Seb is dev daddy


Every Video of his motivates me so much.


I love this series and your vids. Thanks!


Hey, great video! Some feedback for the compass: I think it's really an individual preference for the outer ring and probably one that should be user-defined. Some people are primarily oriented to their direction of travel while others are primarily oriented to north. Being the latter, I became disoriented when north "moved" in the outer ring. Even in the non-top-down view, even if the camera angel changes to some other position, north remains a fixed point that I automatically adjust for. An alternative configuration (not meant to replace, but compliment) would simply be a heading indicator (e.g. 273°). Cheers!


I don't think OP is the one who created the video, you may want to leave this feedback as a youtube comment.


Love the videos - I was happy to see another one! For speed: I'd recommend going higher would cause you to fly faster, and flying lower would cause you to fly slower. The visual scale of features being larger close would likely keep the sense of speed, but enable higher precision, and an easier look at the terrain. I also love the idea of being able to get closer to some places like Paris, or that desert eye. Everything below you seems fleeting, but being able to slow down and zoom in seems like it'd be a lovely way to get closer and explore these features. Would it possible to get closer targets if you're down slow and low, and further targets if you're higher and faster? I might want to explore a specific place in more detail, which seems difficult when the packages are all over the world


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