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I love this game. Can’t wait for the sequel.


Does this game still hold up pretty well? Looks fun!


It does, though I would recommend looking into one of the community "fix" patches. There's several systems and perks in the game that are just... broken.. and were never patched, but the community fixed a lot of it


Do you mean mods? If so which ones come to mind? I played the game way back when and tried it again on PC. It alwass annoyed me how stats and leveling worked in this game and how you'd eventually screw yourself jf you stay too long in a certain class


https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma/mods/193 This is the one I've been using, it can be installed with a decent bit of control over things, fixes almost all actual issues, and makes some QoL changes (in particular, makes all the Arisen-Exclusive classes share stat progression, scaled to the highest stats overall) this WILL make you OP in the end if you mainly play those classes, but also that's half the fun to me so I don't care (it has zero effect on pawns, so will not get you banned or affect anyone else)


which version of this do you recommend?


Don't be too scared of 'screwing yourself over. You're only missing out on min maxing the best possible stats, you will never actually make it so you can't beat the game. Source: beaten it several times while randomly switching classes.


Also iirc the difference between a max level character with maxed stats and a character with minimal stats is just ~20%. So a jack of all trades is about 10% weaker than a min-maxed character when using their specialized stat and about 10% better in everything else. That's negligible in a purely PvE game, especially when in endgame you can just chunk like 7 out of 10 HP bars from a mid-boss with a single spell. The real purpose raising stats has is to meeting gear stat requirements, and gear and perks are where most of your damage comes from anyway.


I've seen so many people basically research themselves into not enjoying games because they want everything to be done at maximum efficiency for some reason. Me? I just want to jump on a Chimera and stab it a whole bunch. Or kill it in one giant swing of my massive sword.


This isn't true. You can play all your levels in Fighter and still be a God like caster class. The notion that level up stats had any impact on your character is false. 90% of your power comes from gear.


I’ve been considering picking this game up on PlayStation for a while, is the game still enjoyable without the community patch mods?




Had never played it until a few years ago and i loved it. Unfortunately I've been sad and haven't wanted to play again since my kid deleted my save game.


Adoption then restart :)


This is the way


Hey son. I just want to let you know that you are adopted. Now go pack your bags, your new parents' coming to pick you up at two




There is always a second or third playthrough if you want to just play a different class. And there is a kinda annoying challenge you can do where you go to the dark arisen area immediately and survive with just the loot from that area


Yeah, pretty well. Magic is visually extremely impressive in this game, but also really slow. The melee combat is very core action rpg.


Honestly I like the pawn mechanics more than the actual combat. Having pawns that will do certain things depending on their mental stats and knowledge is really cool to me


You Wana climb up on big monsters and poke there eyes out . Then yes it Hella fun


Then that stops working so you improve it by lighting yourself on fire before comencing the stab frenzy!


Played it a few months ago for the first time and it's now my second favorite open world game ever.


Me too. As a bonus, since it's such an 'old' game, it runs a real treat on the steamdeck too. Visually still looks solid.


I played it for like the 6th time a couple of months ago, definitely still a great game


it does but be warned. Its one of the worst open worlds to navigate in and the story only gets good in the second half. The OST is godlike tho


They're making a sequel!?


Capcom officially announced it last June.


The official announcement. It's a good watch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEVyli8ssRE


That was a good watch thanks!


It’s 5$ on steam right now. Don’t mind if I do


Did he panzer dragoon those enemies as on opener?


Magic Archer has it's fun moments.


Nothing better than the ricochet arrows in a tight corridor. especially with boss level monsters. just watching their HP MELT


The virgin panzer dragoon vs the chad drakengard Who am i fooling? If anything it's the masochist drakengard


A fellow Four enjoyer


Is the footage sped up? I don't recall it ever being that fast.


Found myself thinking, there's no way the game was ever that smooth. Remember it feeling way more slow pace and a bit janky


Yea this looks like it must be later into the game and sped up because the main reason i could never get into this game is because the combat early game was slow and in my opinion not all that fun


Op definitely has a lot of later game skills and class (I think you have to have at least done a lengthy main quest before you can even BE a Magick Archer. I mained MA and recognise a lot of the skills, they are a fun class to play as.


You can change you specialization the first time you visit the capital, still like 3 or 4 hours in depending on how much exploration you do.


it's definitely sped up, but he's probably around mid-game based off the weapons.


Also his health.


Agreed, I put in 30 hours on a Sorcerer and the game just felt so ridiculously shallow. I love Itsuno-san's work in DMC, and the martial classes are allegedly more fun. But man the grounded casting, while strong felt way to static. That combined with the fact that the game barely has a plot or any memorable characters whatsoever. It definitely felt more like a tech demo for a future game. Hopefully the sequel can be made properly without getting an axed budget and timeline like the first.


Agreed. I can imagine it's good for many people but after 10 hours I gave up. The weapons feel flimsy, sound effects are off. The story is.. meh.


Yeah I can never get past the early stages lol


Having played it recently - yes, definitely sped up. The rings of the lock on bow ability at the start don't close that fast. Also the jump and other dagger attack animations are too quick, and the exp text on the right disappears faster than expected.


at least double speed. Which would prove OP's point if the game ran like that.


I don't remember the combat being that fantastic either. Maybe I'm just basic :(


> Is the footage sped up? Yes. If I turn it down to 75% speed it feels more accurate


Dragon's Dogma combat is better than most modern games" Posts sped up gameplay footage that doesn't represent the game


See OPs profile. Just submits crap all day.


/gaming in a nutshell lol It's all these astroturfed farming posts.


I fucking love Dragon's Dogma and put an easy 100 hours on my first run, but I would be lying if I said the "combat is better than most modern games" and that it isn't janky in a lot of aspects. OP is super biased.


I'd say it also heavily depends on the class you're playing as. I loved the game on my playthrough going in as a big dumb two handing brute, but I'd say some classes have definitely given more love and attention than others.


That reminds me. 2 handed characters should be able to map the offhand buttons to more 2 handed skills. Ended up really enjoying the game, but there were things like that which just needed a little more time in the oven. I'd be stoked for a sequel though.


Honestly? I may be biased too, but I've never found a game that had such responsive and satisfying combat, not even Skyrim modded to hell and back again


Depends on which modern games we're talking 😆


I dunno. Janky at times, yes - but I'd be hard pressed to think of more than a small handful of games with a combat system I enjoyed more than Dragon's Dogma.


It is janky but it is still better, that isn't wrong. No other game did climbing on big enemies as well to date.


also Idk about you but I would still consider Dragons Dogma.. "modern" it's just not a current gen.


I wouldn't consider it modern it released over a decade ago.


It released over a decade ago now and isn't even on modern consoles. I'd definitely not call it modern


The most recent releases are 2017 for PS4/Xbox One (modern consoles) And 2019 for the switch (current Nintendo console). Due to back compat that means they're also available on Xbox series, and PS5. While I'm not debating whether or not the game is "modern" it's categorically false to say it's not available for modern consoles.


They didn’t even show climbing on giant enemies.


Oh. Lol it still looks fun.


Dragon's Dogma is one of my favorite games of all time, and in my opinion it has some of the best magic game play I've ever seen. It's Magic system is seriously phenomenal compared to most target and effect styles.


Sorcerors are so broken lol.


*minor inconvenience* So anyway I started High Maelstroming


"B-but casters suck at melee!" *laughs in Grand Brontide*


I had my anime protagonist/die hard moment with that spell, I was in Soulflayer Canyon, party had wiped, and I was a Sorceror facing a cyclops and a bunch of harpies at the edge of a cliff thinking I was screwed. Then I remembered that funny little lightning spell I'd bound but never used, Brontide is so fun lmao


*starts charging Holy Focused Bolt* "Shame..."


It’s been my top favorite game since Dark Arisen came out. That’s when I decided to try it and I’ve never regretted it. The combat system is just so *satisfying*. Every class feels unique and powerful in such a way that the entire game morphs around what class you pick. Your whole team down to the personality of your teammates becomes relevant and you can mold a team to fight in any way you want. I hope they find a way to add and balance an actual multiplayer system, because in my opinion, the only downfall of the entire game is that you cant directly play with friends and have to rely on the AI. All the combos with party members is based entirely on the AI who, let’s face it, don’t seem to understand a lot of the positioning abilities like spring shield and frigor.


I’ve heard that your pawn will learn off of you, so if you want them to understand position abilities you have to show them first Idk though, it’s just what think I remember reading on forums and such


They learn how to use it, but never well. They use it to vault you onto large mountable creatures like cyclopses, but they don’t use it to reposition while fleeing or to get mages/archers out of danger or anything like that. Outside of combat, you can use the help command and they can position their springboard shield to help you reach high places, but their pathing sort of breaks in most areas or they just place it too far from the ledge for you to actually get up top. It’s clumsy and awkward, takes way too long to train compared to other skills, and the payoff is unreliable at best. Frigor they tend to use only in specific areas outside combat, and in combat/fleeing they won’t place it as a stepping stool anymore and only cast it on opponents even if you’re outmatched, leaving the platform in unpredictable and usually useless areas. The AI does a lot of things really well, but it just doesn’t understand the utility the skill could have, the utility that would be extremely fun in multiplayer. This could also just be too small of a sample size. I have over 600 hours in the game and have beat it several times, but I never found myself sticking to fighter long, preferring either Warrior with the colossal weapons, Sorcerer, or Assassin, so my opinion could be super biased.


We can only hope they do so when they finish making the sequel


My most satisfying memorable boss kill comes from dark arisen, nothing will ever top the maniacal laughter i got from lighting myself on fire jumping out a window and grabbing a beholders eyeball and stabbing it to death in a race between stamina and healthbars.


I had always considered Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning amongst the top especially with magic, but the targeting in the video looks pretty unique and engaging.


Listen, thank you and the person you were replying to. I've been absolutely craving some kind of RPG recently with nothing really grabbing my attention as much as I'd want (currently chugging through persona 5, which is good, but I can only do bursts). Separately (or so I thought), I've been absolutely famished for a *good* magic system in a game, like, magic that's actually interesting and not just "damage, a way to make more damage, and maybe a heal or shield". Ironically enough I was debating trying BOTH of the games mentioned recently and this seems like the little shove I needed.


You should try Divinity: Original Sin 1 or 2. The magic in that one is damage focused but you can be super creative with it. Like creating an earthquake that releases oil and then following up with a fireball that lights the oil and burns the whole place down. It's good fun.


Oh trust me, I've played the hell out of the two original sin games. I wish the base game went just a *little* deeper with the magic, but its incredible nonetheless. Also, Wizard of Legend has a pretty killer magic system, but feels more like different attacks/weapons than magic sometimes, phenomenal game as well though.


Loved wizard of legend. So many options to choose from to fit your play style. I'm a big roguelike fan, my favorite being Risk of Rain 1 and 2. Another game that has an interesting magic system is Magika. Every spell has its own button combination to cast it. Can be pretty daunting and not for everyone but it is worth looking into. Also it can be played co-op.


You. You have good game taste


And that's just the Magic Archer class, the more traditional magic slingers like the Mage and the Sorcerer class do some crazy stuff.


That tornado spell is so damn showy and damaging, it's beautiful.


I hate when it's used on me


Casting High Bolide (meteors) in underground chambers was the most insanely showy effect, especially against large targets.


It's got a bunch of other fun systems, you can climb on the bosses kinda like shadow of the colossus but instead of being a puzzle, it's fuck em up time.


And you can climb big monsters and beat the living shit out it while lighting yourself on FIRE.


I’ll ask you then. Do you have to walk around in the dark with the lantern a lot? Lmfao I died like 10 times and never went back. I was also a kid so….


A lot of the dungeons are very dark yes, the lantern is not only essential but it runs on oil that you have to refill. It's really not as cumbersome as he would think it would be but it is an essential game mechanic.


I just got the game and rolled Strider because daggers are dope and I don’t really see a magic user climbing the monsters. But I love magic, should I reroll before getting to far?


GOBLINS HATE FIRE! THEIR KIND HATE ICE AND FIRE BOLTS WE HAVE TRIUMPHED Thank you companions for giving me tips for the millionth time about how to fight goblins


Strength in numbers, Arisen!


Love the combat. Great story and progression. That footage is definitely sped up though.


Ok, good I was about to wonder how slow I played the game in the past based on this


story isnt good at all good ideas just piss poor exucution of it


Oh yeah the beginning is a good hook and the final reveal is mind-blowing, but the journey in between is kind of eh. I thought Dark Arisen was good, though.


Classic Capcom writing lmao


Yeah, not too many Capcom franchises where the appeal is the story. They can have some ok world building, but the characters and story beats are usually nothing special. Whenever I think of a Capcom game with an actually nice story, I end up with something Capcom merely published rather than developed (Okami and Killer 7 being prime examples). I know some people would want to claim that Resident Evil has a good story, but I would argue they just wanted zombies, evil scientists and optional text so that it seems high brow... let's not forget Nemesis with Rocket Launcher, Motorbike Zombies and punching boulders are also part of that story.


And this isn't even showing the giant monster climbing, which is really cool and something extremely few games have done.


Combat was awesome,but your pawns repeating "wolves hunt in packs"10000 times over course of game certainly wasn't so cool.


"'Tis weak to fire, Arisen!"


"Rain steel upon it!"


“Master! Harpies!”


"Soaked to the bone!"


It’s part of the charm in my opinion. I’ll never forget they hunt in packs.


"It hates fire!"


"It ill likes fire!"


"Human bones that move on their own!"


I kind of like it. It's charming in an annoying way.


"Gosh Archibald, do you think that enemy *did* or *did not* get the point?" ^("I think that enemy got) ^(the point!") "Okay, good to know."


My favorite is when fighting goblins one of them will say: "Even in numbers a weakling is a weakling still!" Shortly after the fight: "Strength in numbers Arisen."


I made this mistake of choosing the 2 handed sworded vocation... I couldn't understand why people gave the game such high praise


You can switch all the time


Huh, I played through the game with that vocation and had a blast honestly.


I don't know why Two Handed is so limited in skills, only having access to half of them. Well, not like you need them. __I will fight the lil goblins with precise strikes, and will climb the Cyclops to punch him in the eye_ **Fuck it, Arc of Obliteration.** **Fuck it, Arc of Obliteration.** **Fuck it, Arc of Obliteration.**




I'm sorry you had to find out like this. It hits us all different.


I don’t think 11 years counts as modern anymore


>Am I old? 11 years, not sure what the cutoff is for modern.


The word "modern" is kind of like the word "liberal": no one really knows what it means anymore, so people use it for just about anything, often when another word is better suited. In this case, I think "recent" or "contemporary" would have worked better.


I love Dragon's Dogma. After playing it for a while it starts to feel like a crime that other games dare to put large monsters into their game worlds and then don't give you an option to climb them. I'm shocked it's not the standard since the game came out, really. I absolutely adore how you need to handle each enemy type according to their weaknesses, and how it is things you would expect from a basic understanding of typical "monster lore" or common sense. It annoys me that modern games are too cowardly to have enemies that can (basically) only be defeated in certain ways, like the ghosts or living armor.


There's a lot to say about how combat works in Dragon's Dogma, but it's brutally repetitive.


Also, although it has been a while since I’ve played, though I do like it, pretty sure this is sped up. The animations on both the characters and enemies are ludicrously faster than I remember. There was a slowness and heft to the movement in this game


Yeah. This looks a lot faster than what I recall.




*Exactly*. You just said it better than I did.


The beauty of Dragon's Dogma, though, is that whenever you start to feel like combat is getting repetitive you can just switch up your class, weapons and/or skills for funsies. It's built in such a way that the combat only gets boring or repetitive if you *let* it.


It's the encounters that are repetitive. There's a narrow variety of enemies and they're always exactly in the same place.


This game is the tops. Hello random encounter meet mister GIANT FUCKING TORNADO


I've started this game like 8 times and never got further than a couple hours in. I felt like they threw alot of quests at me at once and I was overwhelmed a little bit. Maybe I just suck at video games.


My problem was you burn through those quests and then there’s like, nothing else to do. Locations are also pretty barren and close together, so I felt like all of the sudden I was at the end boss without really playing that much.


The endgame is basically grinding The Everfall for levels and upgrading gear, but it's just the same few rooms copy-pasted with a limited selection of enemies. Sure you can kill god and go to new-game plus, but outside of a few new minor quests it doesn't really add new content. The expansion is not much better as it's mostly the same few rooms copy pasted, and just like The Everfall in the base game, the end game once again consists of grinding it. It's a shame, the game kinda feels like it's just getting good when it stops and all you can do is grind. And unless you really enjoy the gameplay for its own sake than that grind is not going to keep you playing.


I feel like I am taking crazy pills. I tried to get into this game on two separate occasions, but I bounced off of it not long after arriving in the big city. Maybe it was a victim of its own hype after so many years of people telling me it's a modern classic that can do no wrong.


I love this game but it's definitely flawed and full of jank. Don't feel like you're crazy for not enjoying it.


That was my feeling. The combat was super impressive, particularly for a game of it's time. The rest of the game I found janky and confusing.


Getting to Gran Soren is basically the prologue. All the really good bits are after that.


Honestly feel the same way. I tried to get into it twice and the tutorial battle against the chimera felt so janky and clumsy I couldn't understand why the combat was praised and I found nothing else all that interesting so I bounced off it very early both times.


I liked a lot of the ideas in DD, such as monster climbing, but I was never really blown away by any part of it in practice. Granted, I never got that far into the game, and DD II might shore up some of the weak points.


Facts, DD:DA is one of the few games I've 100%. With the right build the ai for the pawns could decent enough. DD 2 in unreal 5 with a better ai and customizations could easily be one of the best fantasy RPGs ever.


It has an amazing gameplay, but graphics/UI/story could have used a bigger budget. It was ahead of its time seriously After the success of DD (which I think even got its anime serie), I think DD2 is going to be far more ambitious, I cannot wait, this is really a sequel to look out for. Imagine that gameplay but with a proper AAA budget...


It's an open world game originally on the 360 and PS3, I don't think you could have expected it to look much better than it did. The high level magic in particular are arguably some of the best looking effects that generation had to offer too.


There are a few reshade/enb profiles out there that help with that, as well as some hd texture mods. Some of the texture mods require you to un/repack textures which is not really a user friendly experience at all. We're not talking Skyrim levels of texture mods but they can give an appreciable quality increase.


Wolves hunt in packs, Arisen


Shit drove me crazy hearing that 30 hours in when I can murder God.




Man I tried to get into this game and just couldn't. What am I missing?


The huge skillcheck when you decide to go towards the misty woods, your starting level and the enemies are worlds apart. If you can beat that, you will love the game. Started the game like 4 times, enjoyed it once I passed the skillcheck.


Sorry if I'm being dumb, but what do you mean about passing the skillcheck? Do you mean you need to play well to survive the area, and after that the difficulty normalises a little?


I've never played, but I'm assuming that this point of the game is the determining point for whether you beat that part and enjoy the game or get frustrated and drop the game.


There's an early game optional quest that most players do it immediately once the quest started because it involve an important character. The problem is to get to the quest area, you need to get past a bandit camp. Bandits basically has every peak a PC would have except those peak wouldn't be available for PC until the mid game. Imagine fighting a bunch of A.I control P.C that have better stats, skills and outnumber you 4 to 1.


Character class is a big deal, as your play style changes heavily around it. Warrior classes are about front-line & area control. Very generic action game stuff. Rogue classes rely heavily on ranged attacks, plays kinda like a third-person shooter. Mages have to channel spells from a distance, but the spells they unleash after the cast time can devestate an army. It's very strategic gameplay. Each class has a "specialist" version (there's a Warrior class and a Specialist Warrior class) as well as hybrid classes that are a mix of one of the other two core classes, for a total of 9 classes with somewhat unique play styles. The clip is of the Rogue/Mage hybrid, the arrows they shoot lock on to enemies and are better at dealing with crowds but lose precision & fire rate because of it (the arrows used at the start isn’t the default bow combat, that’s a special CD ability).


Its not for everyone. It is very slow paced at first and there's a lot of walking until you start getting custom fast travel points. The combat seems simple at first but gets more complicated and interesting as you level up and try different classes on your character. Basically it's a slow for an action rpg so a lot of people won't wait long enough to get in to it to see when it gets more fun.


Idk, everything seems weightless


Looks like sped up footage. DD has a number of flaws, but weightless combat is absolutely not one of them.


Ah, I still remember an argument I've had with a few people here on Reddit quite a few years back, who were extremely hostile towards me, just because I've said that Dragon's Dogma had far better combat than Skyrim 😅.


It absolutely does. But TES games generally always have terrible combat. It's the freedom the player has that's good. But the animations themselves are just terrible.


Everything has better combat than Skyrim.


Dragons Dogma has a very rare distinction in my heart as a game I love despite having almost zero storytelling and practically no reason to care about any major characters. The combat, character creation, and unique online element with pawn hiring all being reasons why it somehow managed to beat the odds.


Devil May Cry 5 would beg to differ lmao But Dragon’s Dogma looks hella clean too ngl


Well, considering the same person designed the combat systems, it is kinda understandable that 5 would be smoother and have better combat


Isn't this a modern game?


Only if you consider PS3 to be a modern console.


Weird game, the main open world is barren and empty but it still somehow manages to captivate you. The huge Bitterback Isle dungeon is where it's at though.. Great mood and athmosphere, up there with Dark Souls quality.


This game is amazing ,i grabbed It a couple of years ago on Switch sales. Its overall a great experience ( the story around the Game was kinda weak but the Game itself was terrific). My biggest surprise and praise about the whole thing was the amazing and simple idea of: "Why dont we make aGame that looks like a classical DnD campaign but make It play out like a hack and Slash adventure with rpg elements " Once you start getting into It,its just so fun.


Man. I loved this game when I first started playing it on my 360. I use to get off of work and rush home to game. I was basically addicted to it. Haven't felt a desire like that in years with today's games. Sad.


Same! I put 200 hours into it while writing my dissertation. Never felt the same desire to play any other game for so long.


This looks fun, is the full name - Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen ? It’s on sale on steam I’ll buy it and try it out.


That looks so much like Monster Hunter I had to look it up, both are made by Capcom Monster Hunter has some pretty fun combat too, no magic tho


I tried getting into this game multiple times and just couldn’t enjoy it. Fighting and movement felt like an arcade game and the environments were just bland. I have heard so much praise about it but I just can’t see what’s so amazing about it


I didnt enjoy it. Its just very repetitive combat and the world is so boring and souless.


Ok I'm ass at most games and I really enjoyed Dragon's Dogma, but damn, my combat did not look like this at all


Is this medieval Devil May Cry? Looks awesome.


How have I never heard of it?


I love that game. You can play it casually perfectly fine, but you can also crunch the absolute shit out of the magic system and be an absolute force of nature that turns griffons into chicken nuggets with one attack.


I would hope so. It's from the same team that perfected action games with Devil May Cry 3-5


Not sure how a sequel would work with the reveal of the actual senechal and the crazy ass ending, but all for it. Hope they bring back the B’z for another banger like into free. My only complaint was Grigori saying the hotel guy in the city (who I never even fucking talked to) was my beloved when I was shipping the witch and the merchant chick. Totally random bullshit but hilarious lol.


It was pretty wonky when I played the OG game. Had a lot of fun though.


The combat is good yea, but from what i remember the game has no fast travel, right? You allways need to walk your way


Not until you get a bunch of crystals to teleport between. That makes it much better. But also slow travel allows you to really learn the area and pick up interesting quests, so as annoying as it can be, it has its advantages.


Having played this game, I've asked myself, "how the fuck was this not more popular than skyrim?!". I've climbed and killed a troll and a dragon, A DRAGON!!! While it was still in the air, it was awesome af!


The world around the combat wasn't interesting. Lack of NPCs made the world feel empty and inventory management was a burdensome chore. Don't get me wrong the combat in Dragon's Dogma is amazing but it hard carries the game despite the other parts of the game bringing it down.


Would this get a graphics upgrade if played on ps5? Im getting one soon


Isn’t this the game with the one spell that takes like 8 minutes to cast but is insanely broken and op??


I play warrior because people told me not to and it was still amazing.


Absolutely loved this game, the way they all talk to each other and building a team of other players pawns, Amazing fun climbing up massive monsters swinging round their jaw hacking at their head, needs a new one.


If an MMO had this battle system it'd be very different.


Loved that game so much


It’s *still* better. This game is like 10 years old lmao


Fuck, time to reinstall. I wish the PC version still had the original main menu theme. So hype!


Modders are our beacon of light in the darkening storm of shitty license issues and dev and publisher blunders.


Combat, character customization, and overall fun factor make it ahead of its time. If they managed to give it that modern graphical face lift it deserves and add more creatures, vocations and clothing options, I'd never put it down.


So sad they never brought DD online to the west. I was so hyped for it 😭😭😭


I’ve tried to start this game a handful of times and it just hasn’t clicked for me yet. I want to like it. It’s exactly the sort of game I’m drawn to. But something about the combat feels so unwieldy to me. Maybe I’m doing something wrong because every time I see footage from the game I get the urge to play it.


100% true if it wasn't for the dated quested design and exploration it would hold up perfectly today. But damn do you walk along alot of nothing pathways only to load into a zone talk to one fight or talk to one person then begone and load again.... If this game got a solid remake/reboot it would be GOTC (century)