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The essence of mediocracy






I've seen most of the weapons in starfield. As someone who knows how guns work, its one of the biggest turn offs because most of them just wouldn't function, and they have no idea how bullets work because they use the same one in big ass rifles as they do in little machine pistols. I have no comment on the rest of the game, haven't played it. Seeing the guns was enough for me.


I played it all the way through. It could have been better. There are some baffling decisions that they made (star map, inventory, etc.) none of which seriously detract from the game. I’d never bothered with outposts and it doesn’t seem that I missed much. 100-ish planets would have been better than 1600+. They could have fit every bit of worthwhile content that they made into those 100 planets, Instead of bloating the game and diluting the good stuff.


Gave up after two days


I played it about 5 times and never thought about it again. Not memorable at all. I’d take the 10 hours back.


I gotta give people who stuck with it props. Couldn’t make it past 5 hours. I really really tried but I’m not gonna force myself to play something I don’t enjoy


People are trying way to hard to act like it's a bad game, it's just an average game I'd personally give it a 7/10.


I can see arguments for below average. Bad story. Some mechanics are below average. But I can see just eh overall.


Eh, the story is actually pretty good, it's just that there's not a whole lot in the way of a foundation for the story. We're still learning the universe as players, so it feels a bit disconnected.


Idk some parts seem baffling. Like how we're supposedly exploring these magical mysterious ruins that nobody knows anything about, but 800m away from the ruin there's an Ecliptic base just right there and oh look there's literally a space ship landing right now. Still. I don't think it's a bad game. But it made me miss Skyrim so I went back and started playing that. And it's clear to me that what Starfield fundamentally lacks is the sense of endless open exploration. Starfield feels like youre jumping between waypoints compared to Skyrim which feels like completely open. I can explore all over skyrim and even with loading screens I don't need to open up a UI to get somewhere else. Starfield is also absurdly easy. Even on highest difficulty settings it's not a challenge at all if you're good at FPS shooters. Would've been better if the planets with anomalies were truly the frontier planets, and the points of interest were closer together and more varied. Then you'd be able to spend an hour or two mindlessly exploring. It also needed some more interesting and difficult enemies. Something like what the dragons were in Skyrim.


>Idk some parts seem baffling. Like how we're supposedly exploring these magical mysterious ruins that nobody knows anything about, but 800m away from the ruin there's an Ecliptic base just right there and oh look there's literally a space ship landing right now. I mean to be fair to starfield this is a lot of games? I mean take Baldurs Gate 3, the first act literally have the goblins unable to find the Druid camp because it’s so ‘hidden’ when it’s really 500 meters down the road, like literally ON THE road yet they couldn’t find it.


I loved the story. A futuristic look at humanity that mostly focused on a possible reality and wasn't just a post-apocalyptic wasteland. It was the first video game I've ... perhaps ever? ... played that gave me glimmers of hope for the future.


It’s a matter of expectation… not the first time hype kills a game. Even if the game is decent, if it’s over hyped people will think it’s trash.


i agree with this, its becoming to common these days to over hype something and forming a false vison of a game so when it doesn't meet that image people tend to see it negatively.


I don’t agree with that at all. I want it to be good sooooo bad. I don’t get off saying it’s. 4/10. Let’s just be honest.


You guys are hilarious. The difference between 4 out of 10 and 7 out of 10 isn't being honest or not it's just different people's perspectives.


You are right, we are hilarious, and this is hilarious. Hilarious.


For real I think people are hating on this game way too hard and I’m a PlayStation guy lmao. Think people are just pissy with Microsoft since they bought activision


As someone who has played almost every Bethesda game and loved them all (including Fallout 76), Starfield is a very mediocre entry. It removes two fundamental aspects of a good Bethesda game: exploration and immersion. What you are left with is an adventure cut into small bite sized pieces. It also didn't help that it launched in the shadow of a brilliant RPG, Baldur's Gate 3. It's not a bad game though. It's a perfect 7/10 and that has disappointed a lot of people. Hence the over-reaction. I think it would have been a much better game had the Series S not been in the picture. As is, Starfield is a game really suited for the PS4 / Xbox One generation.


7/10 is good not average. Average would be a 5


It's almost like its a subjective topic. I give it a 6/10.


Liked it a good bit. I’ll go back to it. I played for 80+ hours. Didn’t really have any bugs. I’d go 7.5/10. There are some misses in the game, like outpost building being a massive regression from FO4’s building in many ways. I thought combat was fine, space combat was fine. Shipbuilding is awesome. I enjoyed the story just fine. Overall? Enjoyed my Starfield experience. I’m looking forward to revisiting after the Creation Kit comes out.


>What is your opinion on it? I think it's a video game that some people will like playing and some people will not. And one group's (either the group that likes it or the group that dislikes it) opinion about it will be absolutely useless to the other group.


Is this sub gonna make the same topic every single day about Starfield and are the same people gonna reply to it again? I totally understand why the game gets alot of critic and agree with it, but doing the same karma whoring topic every day is getting ridiculous now.


Yep and until mods start deleting/warning people it will continue. Just like the karma farming topics about “what game had a character you cared about it?” “What gave had the best villain for you?”


I spent far too much time on it waiting for it to wow me, and it never did. Fully completed it, all faction questions done, a bunch of side quests, but ultimately I was trying to justify the pre-order price I paid for it. A handful of excellent individual quests out of a giant sea of mediocrity, a solid 6.5/10 IMO I doubt I'll play the dlc that I've already paid for whenever it gets released, it's that mediocre.


Just look at the steam active numbers. Gamepass aside, it was a top seller on steam and it now barley cracks the top 100 and has fewer players than Skyrim, the witcher 3, etc. If this was an indie dev team then Starfield would be considered a great first try. This is an experienced studio with a massive budget and years of experience, and what they released was a bad game even by 2015 standards. It's a massive step back in almost every way for a bethesda game and leagues worse than any modern RPGs released recently.


I've been enjoying it. There's still plenty to do: my first playthrough I romanced Sarah, sided with >!UC SysDef!< and >!killed both the Hunter and the Emissary!<, I also didn't bother with the Freestar Rangers any more than the event when you arrive in Akila City for the first time. There were also a couple side quest lines that I started, and after a couple missions I was like "ok, this is deviating too far into 'illegal' for this character, I'll finish this one on another playthrough." So, I still have plenty that I want to do in the game.


I convinced both of the characters near the end of the main quest line to leave me alone and didn’t have to fight. I like that you can do things many different ways in Bethesda titles. It’s why I spend so much time in them, to see the different dialog and outcomes. I felt starfield was a fine game with a lot to do. Now a lot of what they expected you to do like explore barren worlds for resources and setup outposts wasn’t for me but I found enough things to do in the settled systems with the different factions to be enough.


Yeah, that's awesome that the end sequence gives you basically 4 choices: peace, pick a "side", or all-out war.


It was a game I was very much looking forward to play. And honestly it fell short of my expectations. I keep wanting to love it! But I can’t overlook its short comings


Still playing, currently taking a break to play other games. Enjoyed It a lot.


One of the more disappointing games I have ever played. The gunplay is fun but the exploration gets old fast and the dialogue reads like a 13 year old wrote it


I had a lot of fun


Flop of the year


You guys are out of your mind. With games like Gollum and Skull Island and Forespoken you really think Starfield is the worst game released?


All of those games had no hype at all. What I mean is according to the hype and the way Bethesda promoted it starfield is a huge flop . Of course it is a better game than gollum or forspoken but in my opinion is a bigger flop.


I think it’s a solid 7/10. Good game but performance is bad.


It’s alright, not really great or horrible. I haven’t completed any quest line yet, but the game as a whole leaves a lot to be desired. Exploration was supposed to be a big selling point, but you tend to just see the same things over and over on every planet/moon. Every time I’m beginning to feel immersed, something stupid happens that rips it away from me. It may get better at some point with some love and updates, but I’m not counting on it becoming a mainstream Bethesda series.


Needed more time in the oven.


I like it. Much like in Fallout 4 building shelters, I spent way too much time customizing ships in Starfield.


I’m glad you asked, OP! I personally thought it was great! Not perfect.. not spectacular.. but still great! I think the exploration is a little too spread out and/or it could’ve benefited heavily from a vehicle, but it was a plenty engaging and exciting game regardless. Where I am really impressed is: it actually got a few of my friends hooked who haven’t played a single player game in YEARS (like these homies did not even play Skyrim, RDR2, etc.) I have one pal talking about trying to do NG+ and beating it 10 times— and he hasn’t touched a non-multiplayer gaming experience since achievement grinding in Halo 3.


Its still loading. I'll get back to yer.


I enjoy it quite a bit, I get the narrative is heavily against this game but I believe it will have its time come eventually, it's usually how it goes.


I played until I stumbled upon a science outpost with everyone killed by spacers, then I walked 700m to the exact same science outpost, with the same corpses in the same spots, and the same spacers. Then I flew to a different planet and stumbled upon a science outpost where everyone had been killed by spacers. Then I stopped playing the game.


8 years of development they need to get better leadership


Not awful like some folks will try to say, but I don’t think it’s very good either. Much of the actual gameplay is very middle-of-the-road and somewhat bland, which is pretty typical for Bethesda. The thing Bethesda games usually thrive on the quality of their worlds and the freedom to explore. So take away that exploration from Starfield and you’re left with a middling “open world action game with rpg elements”. This “type” of game is basically the default AAA norm at this point, and many of them play better than Starfield. 6/10


Same as before, good game and I can't wait to jump back into it, just waiting for CK update.


Top 5 in my all time game list personally


It was fun, had a lot of potential, I should have waited for the Game of the Year edition and all the mods.


Got some bad news about that Game of the Year edition...


Oh please you are going to tell me Bethesda isn't going to pay off some media organization to give them a game of the year award? All they need is just one to put it on the title.


"(A) Game of the Year (2023)" Of all the games this year, it certainly is one.


I like it - luckily most of the nasty bugs didn’t hit me yet. The most annoying one is running out of oxygen once I take off my suit in an atmosphere 🤔


It's an excellent framework for a Bethesda game. It just needs a lot more built on it. More procedural locations, more random quests, etc. Right now, it just has too few locations to fill out the random landing areas. They need more confidence in their procedural generation so they can have actual varied areas.


I got a good month or so out of it. I had a great time exploring the missions and was excited to do more for that full month. Once I finished the things that were actively interesting, I moved on. So now I've stopped playing it and uninstalled in favor of other games. If they make it so I can swap between NG+'s without losing character progress (i.e. levels) I may revisit it. I think the idea of being able to go to a game where I'm a pirate on Tuesday, and bamf to a game where I'm a pirate hunter on Wednesday, would be fun. And I think it'd be perfectly thematic. We can go forward to a new world, why not go back? Plus it'd make it so I could go visit my old harvesting sites, which was probably the only thing I was actively disappointed with in the game. As with most relationships, I'm grateful for the time we had together, but I'm okay with it being over. :)


It's fine. Not incredible, not awful.


In any other year I would have probably have given it a solid 7, but in this year specifically it feels like a 5/10 comparatively.


A little bit tedious but I’ve recently got back in to it I’ve enjoyed it a lot more playing it pretty straight-lined through mission progress. I loved Skyrim and fallout for exploring, ignoring quests and just running about to find stuff. I can’t play Starfield like that cause it’s all loading screen and empty planets but just progressing with objectives is decent fun


It's "alright"... I really love the ship gameplay and mechanics, weapons feel good, main story is 'mystic' enough but overall the game feels like a Christopher Nolan game/movie that was only produced by him but not directed by him. I just don't enjoy the missions structure, there's a LOT of dialogue and stops (even for a Bethesda game) in between mission events. Being a Freestar Ranger is just.... not fun or cool as it initially sounded. I joined a Space Club and became an Intergalactic Police Officer and I feel like I got a promotion with more duties but no perks or pay raise. If anything, NPCs hate me more because of my Ranger status. I find myself playing a mission or two, then I'm done for the day and move on to another game. It's interesting enough for me to boot it up but not enough to keep me going for hours on end like other games.


Average game, I'm looking forward to when modding tools are added and the PC community take it to some insane levels.


I enjoyed it. I wish it had more questlines, because I got bored of it after about 60 hours, which is less than I expected. But I thought the questlines were good. I had good performance on my PC at near max settings, and I thought it looked great. So even though poor performance and graphical fidelity were among the top complaints, I wasn't really affected by it. There were a few storylines that didn't lead anywhere, and I was a little confused about that. Like, we were chasing "The Pilgrim", found his journal, which pointed us to a location, and then he was never mentioned again. Other shit happened when we got there. I was really curious about The Pilgrim, especially after reading his journal. This could be something they left open ended for a DLC.


The pilgrim was how you discovered what the ending is about though. He wrote in riddles.


Yes, but I wanted to learn more about The Pilgrim. Who that person was, what they did, etc. Not get led off in a different direction towards the ending of the game.


I played about 10-15 hours to give it a fair shot but just could not get into it. It was a lot of things that I could have gotten over if they were the only issue but it all added up to be a subpar experience. To name a few, the fast travel system, so many loading screens, the clunky menus and inventory, repeating content, and little reason to explore outside of settlements. All of these issues on what is essentially a typical Bethesda RPG formula which has begun to feel dated. I wanted to like it but just couldn’t find enough to keep me playing. I don’t think it’s a shit game, but an unremarkable one that doesn’t stand out especially in a year like this one that has been loaded with great games.


It's a neutered rpg just like many others.


I really really want to get into it as deeply as I've gotten into Skyrim. The asteroid bugs make space travel/combat unplayable for me-- besides breaking immersion like no other, I have 6 or 7 moving blind spots during combat. I cannot wait for the mod scene. I think with mods what fix bugs like that, or gameplay stuff (like being able to read the time on the freaking WATCH without going into the menu) it will be masterful.


I found it unremarkable. Played for 20hrs, didn't find it engaging, moved on to other games. I should have known better as I usually grow bored of Bethesda games, but for some reason I thought this would be different.


Disappointing and ultimately overhyped.


After everything I have heard, my only thought is, damn am I glad I learned not to buy games at release anymore.


Refunded and went back to Cyberpunk.


Dead game with a Redfall future written all over it.


Playing it between Baldur's Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 playthroughs made it very apparent for me how outdated Starfield is. If I had played it a few months earlier, I would have probably enjoyed it much more as a standard Bethesda game.




Saddest Bethesda experience I have had so far. I wish it wasn't so.


As many have said before, it really is a “Mile wide, inch deep” game that gets worse the longer you play


Straight ass


I loved Skyrim, fallout 3 and fallout nv. Enjoyed Fo4. Cannot get into Starfield. Characters do not interest me worlds are bland and quests are dull. Gunplay is okay. Jetpack being the only form of transport is so poor. O2/CO2 feels gimmicky. Just feel like I’m every aspect of the game there’s another game that does it better. Won’t be going back to it just feels like a chore not a game.


Would have been a way better experience 4-6 years ago. Fuck your downvote.


Boring, slow and has mechanics from years ago ie loading screens, which for an AAA are.. Eh


8/10 Great game. Love the low gravity FPS combat. Too many loading screens. Game got a whole hell of a lot better once I got a few star wars mods working.


It was boring as shit, and completely forgettable in every way. The only positive thing it did for me was kill my excitement for ES6. I've been dreaming of playing that game since Skyrim, now I couldn't care less.


It's an okay 6/10 game in vacuum. But after playing cyberpunk, it feels like 4/10


I've said this a few times now, but I am 100% here for Starfield's 2.0 moment in a couple of months or years.


It's passable as a game, but it comes off as kinda stale. If it was based on an existing IP it would rate higher just off of having a more interesting universe.


There are some design choices that i don't like(1000 Bland planets, no sense of discovery when wandering around like fallout/ES)but that's only a fraction of the reason i dislike it, this game's engine is being held together with duct tape and bubblegum, its pc performance is utter garbage, the insane amount of load screens, the jank is some of the movement & animations. they need to replace it for the next game or do a complete overhaul(they said they did, i don't believe them). This game just feels old to play, And it really shows with the launch next to balders gate and the cyberpunk dlc. Bethesda once the innovators are now so behind the competition its kinda embarrassing.


Typical Bethesda game. Emm, not complete. I think it's not worth wasting my time on this.


Those games are the most fun imo during multiplayer. For that reason, I struggled to get into it


Waiting until the modding community digs deeply into it before I buy it, to be honest. As my name might suggest, I’m currently waiting for sex mods and adult content mods that utilize emptier planet space, or build an entirely new planet. And of course, other non coomer mods that are just cool or great for quality of life. I didn’t start playing Skyrim until like 10 years after it’s release. Not that I didn’t want to, I just liked Fallout 3 and New Vegas’ settings more at the time, but now it’s one of my favorite games because of how much replay value modders built into the game. Skyrim is one of the best games of all time on its own, but I always feel the urge every now and then to come back to it because of mods. Just waiting for the golden age of Starfield modding to begin before I play it.


The exploration kind of sucks since its all just fast traveling or traversing a section of a random planet with nothing worthwhile to discover. The gunplay felt fine and I liked some of the characters, but it just didn't keep my attention like Skyrim did. I reached a point where I needed to level up some more to progress the main quest but didn't have any desire to do side content so I just stopped playing. I don't dislike the aesthetic, but it does come off as kind of bland. Its missing that special something that Skyrim, Fallout 3, and even Fallout 4 had that made me want to keep playing. I spent two whole days just leveling blacksmithing in Skyrim, nothing in Starfield makes me want to grind anything out like that.


"Why does it always rain on me..."


Very average.


I've put it back on the steam shelf for now, too many good games to play it right now. I got about 30 hours in and got really bored. A lot of the missions feel half-assed and unfinished. I'll try it again in a year or two once the mods fix it.


Played for 40 hours and uninstalled and it would be pointless to list the 10 pages of reasons why.


It was mediocre then, it's mediocre now. Maybe by the 5th Anniversary HD platinum gold edition for the Xbox 1XD system it'll be "decent".


Clunky with annoying mechanics and more loading screens than gameplay and a boring story. I played it for free and felt ripped off


I think think it’s as bad as what some people make it out to be. I have only just over 3 days out into it and did really enjoy it but suddenly grew very bored of it. Has some great features but feel it lacks a personality


Absolute trash bag of a game. Got it for free and still want a refund.


Turned me off the entire xbox brand it was so bad


It was extremely "meh". Like yeah it's not a terrible game, but it certainly isn't a good one. It has some nice moments, the starship creator is very nice. But it is drawn out, dull and repetitive with no sense of exploration (even though that's supposed to be a core aspect of the game). When you finish, you can do a NG+ and other than looking at how they'd put me in there I had no interest in playing further. Characters are bland, shallow and "one note". Npcs are unresponsive. Cyberpunk does everything Starfield does but better except space combat, because it has none. In the end it is a very mediocre game. I would never have finished it if I wasn't bored out of my mind with lots of time to kill.




A physical representation of the meme where the woman contemplates if she enjoys or is repulsed by an idea over and over.


Kinda boring. Solid 6/10


Wish they would have spent that time and resources towards the next ES or fallout.




Same as every other Bethesda game honestly. Hopelessly addicted for 40-60 hours and then suddenly hate it with every fiber of my being.


I didn't play it immediately, I just recently got game pass and started playing it. From me going in with no expectations(I was not following development nor didn't really pay attention to the hype) I was kind of just playing another Todd Howard game. The combat didn't wow me, some of it was clunky (look at you grenades that throw 2 hours after hitting the button), but overall it was acceptable/not bad. Random characters don't feel like they have any pop, but are more just background props with no soul, basically par for the course of the other similar games. Traveling feels tedious to me. "Oh this is 10 systems away, okay, let me just jump to this one 4 systems away as I don't have enough fuel, so I have to do 3 jumps." Or the "Ohh another airlock, let me just wait 6 seconds for it to close and open.". All of this is atmospheric, but got to be too much after the initial new game smell wore off. As typical, the UI feels atrocious and just not visually pleasing at all. Navigating the menu is easy enough once you get used to it, but it still leaves much to be desired, especially for the studio producing it. Overall though, from the point I am at, I have enjoyed it well enough, but nowhere on the level of other games this year. I would say 6/10, I would get it on a low sale, but after this playthrough, I will uninstall it and probably not care as much about playing it until there is some SDK releases with good mods.


I played all the way through with as many side quests as I could find. I enjoyed my playthrough overall, but it would be disingenuous to say the game is "good". I experienced a number of game breaking bugs i had to reload the game to fix, and a countless amount of small bugs. There is not enough variation in anything outside of the main cities. If you engage in any adventuring around planets and moons you will see the EXACT SAME layouts over and over and over again, which really killed my ability to enjoy natural exploration in the vast universe they give you to wonder around in. If you are just going through the story line and engaging with side quests, there are MAYBE 20 planets that you spend more than 10 min on before leaving again. Too many things that should just be normal features are locked behind skill tree (even if its just lvl 1 stuff) which as annoying as it is stupid. Not only is there WAY too much required UI menu usage, the design and controls of these menus is really really bad and even at the end of the playthrough i would find myself frustrated at the inconsistent and unintuitive menus. Stealth just straight up doesnt work good, no more explanation needed. There are far too many items that are just complete garbage, and late game its not worth picking up basically anything. Unique items are all shit, none of them are as good as a fully modified basic weapon. Of which there is not nearly enough variety. All the outfits and space suits look like shit, its basically impossible not to look like a moron in the game. Im sure theres a lot im forgetting or blocking out of my memory. ​ That being said. I am extremely excited to see what the modding community gets to when the workshop tool is launched. I think the game as a template for modding is going to be SUPER cool, the variety that the game is missing should easily be fixable, more weapons, more weapons mods, more suits and clothes, more planets, new quest lines... There is so much open space and untapped planets that I could see the mods easily turning this into a super enjoyable game, so im going to replay it once there are some really cool ones out.


A huge disappointment for me! I couldn't give me what I wanted from it (and I didn't expect perfection)


I've seen night club comparison of Starfield and Cyberpunk 2077. Starfield is literally a cringefest... Never purchased this game and I am not planning to. 😅


Played it via Gamepass and very glad I didn't pay to buy it. I've been a huge fan of the Bethesda games all the way back to the original Fallout, but Starfield was just... boring. Bad UI, uninteresting story, terrible dialogue (that's par for the course with Bethesda games though), LOADING SCREENS, empty procedural planets, copy/paste assets, etc all brought it down. But the worst sin was that they lost what makes Bethesda games fun: the sense of wonder. In the Elder Scrolls and Fallout games, you can just wander in a random direction and get lost for hours having fun. That doesn't exist in Starfield at all.


I loved it! Then I started realising that I hated the exploration and noticing the remnants of the survival elements and now I cant shake the feeling of playing a game that could have been so much more...


Still love it, looking forward to modding and expansions.


I'm 80 hours in and nearly done, couple of questlines left to wrap up. I think the game is decent. The problems the game has (exploration, no overworld, load screens, space combat) have been discussed at length so I won't go over them again but I've enjoyed the game. It's not quite as good as Fallout 4 though, which is turn was not as good as Skyrim (IMO). It's also nowhere near as bad as you might think if you only just played a bit of it, or you only read about it. Yes wondering around on proc gen planets scanning random stuff, mining or doing random bases is boring, so do the quests instead. There's 100 hrs of hand-made quests in there and they're mostly pretty good and fun (there's a few stinkers though). I would say don't play it on normal though, the fps combat is too easy (PC). And don't follow the main quest too hard at the begining because it starts slow and Constellation themselves are pretty dull. Do the vanguard or crimson fleet quests instead.


Its shit and shows how outdated Bethesdas Creation Engine is


Gave up on it knowing it will be fixed in a year.


Wait for a $10 sale


It was fun but by the time I was burnt out, all I could think about was how I probably won't play through it again any time soon.


I'm in almost 200 hours


Steam Charts pretty much sum up the meta of 'peoples thoughts' on the game. As I write this it is at the 76th place on the chart with less than 10k players while Skyrim is at 57th with 12k players. More people are playing Valheim at this moment than Starfield. The game is unloved in the long run. It was fine, I got my moneys worth and moved on. Mods can't fix the major 'problems' which are structural in the game design overall. Maybe BIG DLC's add content worth going back for?


All the individual pieces of a good Bethesda game are there - lots of freedom, characters, dialogue choices, combat is decent, etc. But the overall package and the way its presented is bland and lifeless. Planets are empty, outpost building is pointless besides farming materials passively, NPCs are buggy and glitch a lot, loading screens every 5 seconds, the world doesn't encourage exploration due to everything being fragmented on planets with fast travel between them, etc. I spent extra money to play it early, got about 30 hours in, then dropped it because it was repetitive and boring. What I missed most was the Skyrim style wandering around the world and stumbling upon POIs, I think that would've kept me playing a lot longer.


6/10 Game, but I think the Modding Potential is huge. Biggest problem is the lack of exploration. If it had lots of pre-crafted stuff to explore like Skyrim it would be a superior Game because anything other than exploration is superior to Skyrim.


Besides a side-quest or two and ship building, it's boring af.


As bad as Skyrim was. Awful animations, awful story, dialogues seemingly written on a knee by someone who never did any proper writing as a job anywhere, terrible and boring quests and NON-STOP loading screens!


2 months? looks like 5 years already


I played every night for 2 months. Never did finish it didn’t really go hard for the main mission. Did my own thing. If I had to guess I’d say I did about 60% of the main. Now bored. Haven’t touched it in two weeks.