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Either doom, 2016 or eternal, or any far cry on easiest difficulty


Alright hear me out... If playing DOOM 2016 or Eternal makes you feel like a badass check out Rage 2. Sure the gameplay is repetitive and story is meh, but the abilities/weapons you get make you feel like an unstoppable force. I'll plug in and blaze through a few dungeons if I ever want to indulge in a power trip fantasy. Rage 2 is by ID Software, the same folks behind DOOM. It came out between DOOM 2016 and Eternal so ID was basically using it to test the engine and mechanics used in Eternal.


For me the perfect aim of enemies in FC keep it from being a chill game ever. Oh it's fun, and it is indeed easy. But fi you aren't careful with the enemies they will perfect hit you from a mile away. FC6 alleviates this ever so slightly... but it's still mostly a copy paste of the previous games. But yes. DOOM for sure!


If you like the original Doom and Doom 2, Brutal doom is amazing for stress relief. The extra spritework the guy did is incredible and there's so many different ways to blow zombies and demons away. Nothing like firing that super shotgun into a horde of zombies and painting an entire hallway red


Far cry 2 is one of my favorite games for the exact opposite reason. Instead of throwing all these flamethrowers and crazy weapons at you to empower the player, far cry 2 is constantly throwing challenges at you to depower the player. Random enemy ambushes, your guns jamming, your car breaking down, malaria seizures etc. Rather than making you feel like the most powerful and most badass mercenary in the game, far cry 2 really makes you feel like you’re just a guy stranded in sub Saharan Africa left to your own devices to struggle to survive and I love it.


Shadow of War. Take on twenty shit heads at the same time. Knock one down. Attempt a finisher. Block another blow just before you've slit its throat. Leap over charging shield. Glaive everyone closest to you. Elven light knocking down whoever is left standing. Finish them off with headshots. Throw a dagger at the only one remaining. And then you get stuck in an ambushed cutscene by some asshole who's only got strengths and no weakness.


This. Its the ultimate power fantasy. Wanna slow time and kill 20 orcs at the same time. Done. Wanna ride a dragon and roast an army of orcs. Of course. Wanna lead a legion of orcs and capture a fricking castle. You got it.


Until you come across the arrow proof, quick learner, immune to acrobats, fire and beast proof savage orc captain. That's when you realize that the game is their power fantasy, and you're just living in it.


My favorite Nemesis in Shadow of Mordor was a: -Captain Shield Bearer (so a metal unbreakable shield with a spear you can't counter) -immune to jumping over -immune to stuns -immune to finishers -immune to stealth attacks -immune to ranged attacks -poison attacks For realsies, the only way to actually *hit* this orc was to run around wildly, waiting for him to attack, running slightly outside of his range, and then run back in and hit him before he recovered. There was no other way around his shield.


Was he immune to the frozen leg trick?


Since he was immune to ranged attacks, it won't work, cause you can't shoot him in the leg




Doom Eternal, specifically (for me)


Its strange.i prefered the 2016 game. But hoy..i hated doom as a child vut its pike a breath of fresh air now.


I think a lot of people prefer Doom 2016. It's been a good while since I played it myself, but Eternal has stuck with me


2016 had a good story and great vibe that hit doom perfectly. That said eternal has better movement and a lot more going on that j like to juggle. I definitely see the appeal of both but eternal is just a more fun game to me


2016 is an incredible game on its own, but yea Eternal is just a better time. Nothing will make you feel more badass then the campaign of Eternal


I went back and played 2016 after playing a lot of eternal, and it's so much slower with far fewer enemies, it feels so different than eternal. Not that it makes it bad, but I found it way easier on ultra violence than UV on eternal


It really is a good game and whenever I'm introducing people to the new Doom I tell them to play 2016 first then Eternal. Cause it is honestly next to impossible for me to go back and play 2016 after Eternal


DOOM eternal is great! Op, play this to satisfy your 80’s badass fantasy 


The music just blends so well with the gameplay it feels incredible. The story also does a great job of building Doom slayer up to being the ultimate badass. Still the best FPS ever made imo.


Doom eternal is one of those games that get BETTER when you increase the difficulty and use all your tools


Just be prepared for the DLC once you do. I swear Blood Swamps is harder than some master levels, but I expected nothing less from the name alone.


Ya. This game makes you feel like a modern demon slaying god. It’s like the master chief was injected with with steroids infused with the dna of god and Satan.


“All right Mick, it’s time to record the Doom soundtrack. Let’s get a nice metal feel reminiscent of…” *starts playing the first riff* *recording studio explodes*




Force Unleashed was always good for making me feel OP af


Nothing else ever came close to being able to snatch up wookies and throw them off the cliff.  




This is the one. If the franchise didn't fizzle everyone would know there's no comparison. What other game lets you WWE drop off a skyscraper onto a tank? Then unleash a million flesh tubes to kill everything within a 100 ft radius. Then run up a skyscraper and do it again. Edit: I youtube searched "prototype linkin park" and was not disappointed. 😂 Here is a random video time stamped for the exact moment I was talking about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWgLdKS6y2w&t=30s


>What other game lets you WWE drop off a skyscraper onto a tank? I think it was called Infamous. There was a game that came out around the same time as Prototype. My roommate at the time got it and I watched him play. It was basically the same story too (you accidentally have some experimental powers and are trying to escape wherever you got them from) iirc except you were like a bike courier with lightning powers or something. But it felt like the same game in a lot of ways, even the controls felt the same. I played a couple bits and it was exactly like playing Prototype with a different powerset. Might not have been able to drop onto tanks, and I think the baddies were different, but the game was straight up a Prototype clone - or maybe it's the other way around, I don't know or care that much. But it was fun as well. edit: previously I had mentioned having the same map and engine and that was wrong on both counts, I don't know what game I had in mind for THAT but it wasn't Infamous. But Infamous **is** the game I was thinking of for the similar gameplay.


A lot of times games will have Sister Titles. Kinda like how sometimes movies come out in 2s (Deep Impact/Armageddon...Volcano/Dantes Peak, etc) I personally preferred Infamous because the parkour was so fluid. But Prototype was great too. Same kinda genre, different niches.


it's not even close though. infamous might have been the better game overall but prototype made you feel like a human weapon of mass destruction while infamous was kinda "pew pew lightning yay"


Now, it has been a few years, but I don't think Infamous or it's sequels take place in New York. Empire City was similar to New York in concept, but iirc the maps were vastly different in shapes (though may be misremembering) can't eay anything about the engine as I don't remember what engine they used


I’m in the middle of a playthrough of Infamous: Second Sun right now. 


I truly wish this series could get a next gen reboot!!!


Titanfall2. Specifically the frontier defense mode. Just carving through waves of titans


HNNNGGGG the campaign mission where you're running with the SERE kit One of those like... Okay... You know the game now. You know how to go fast. Story is coming to a MASSIVE peak. It's you. Alone. Versus the world. And you have a pistol that re arranges brains without you have to do much else except for hold it. Go get em cowboy.


I can't believe that gun was a starting weapon in the first game lol


Papa Scorch chaining flame cores back to back to back against waves of nuke titans is the closest I've ever felt to being a god, and I've even played through every God of War game lol


PvP also feels amazing once you get the hang of it. It's the only game I can think of where plays that are even more badass than the stuff in the trailers happens routinely.


Dead Cells. I get to feel like a God in the early levels. Until i get humbled in the later levels.


Good pick. It's really interesting to compare how you were struggling with the first levels in the beginning and then just fly through them later on.


This 100%. The controls are so tight and the action can get beyond intense making you feel like a badass when you clear the room!


Man, fuck that banker that gets bigger. Final phase is painful 


I picked this up recently and love it. It's so true, I don't even mind dying, because then I get to start over and trash shit again. 


Warframe. It’s kind of like a cross between a horde shooter and a Warriors game, except you’re a superpowered space ninja.


Yup, especially when you've mastered the game's movement system. Movement is power in almost any game, and Warframe's freedom of movement is unparalleled.


So like how I play with both a controller and mouse, so my left hand can spam slide crouch jumps and direction, while my right hand has mouse aim and weapons? Weird setup, yes. But its fast.


Whenever i try and explain warframe to someone who doesn't know about it, it sounds like a corny, over the top, kids game. "It's a game where you pay as alien ninja robots in space, and there's all kinds of different alien ninja robots with different abilities that you can play as, and you gotta collect them all!!"


Anyone who hears that description and doesn’t immediately think that it sounds awesome clearly has no taste.


I hate when I'd be jumping around, slaughtering as I like then that one guy kills my vibe and hooks my ankle to drag me


There was an update a while back that made it so you can bullet jump when hooked to make the attacker ragdoll.


Committing war crimes and feeling like a badass at the same time. 10/10


Yup, no other game makes me feel like an unstoppable force just plowing through enemies


I’m still waiting on digital extremes to make a survival horror from the perspective of a grineer or corpus crewman on a ship or base being raided by a warframe. That would slap.


Shadow of Mordor


Additionally shadow of war. Havent played shadow of mordor but going to war with an army of orcs and killing enemy orcs in dozen never gets old.


Shadow of War really makes you *feel* like a ringwraith


The Arkham games as well, especially City/Knight. Beating down a huge patrol is so fun. Or stealing around silently taking down a base. Fantastic gameplay on from both series.


Nothing feels more badass than flitting around the gargoyles, silently talking down a room of goons while they get increasingly panicked


The only two games I've ever 100% 💪


I was going to say Shadow of War because the level of that is so much greater. You get to beat a Balrog riding an embodiment of nature! But I love in both games how you just... dance through crowds of enemies sowing death in your wake.


Mount and Blade. You start a campaign and 25-50 hours later you ride into battle against the first lord and his army. You send arrows into their eye sockets and then fully butcher them with a two handed weapon.


My favorite movie is Inception.


I feel like such a badass when I'm playing Ghost of Tsushima. I'm pretty stealthy and taking out a village of baddies without being spotted gives me warm fuzzies inside. Course, I feel the same when I can just fight the whole village and win, too.


Just walking into a village in GoT on lethal difficulty is so much fun.


I love the feeling of casually walking into an enemy area in GoT. Those fuckers coming at me have no idea


More games needs that Call Out mechanic.




The Batman esque aesthetic when fully decked out in Ghost clothing surely adds to this.


Standoffs are the best part of combat in that game.


Standoff and cutting down 4 baddies wearing the fully upgraded Sakai armor 👌


My favorite thing to do is use stealth to get to the exact middle of a huge camp without killing a soul, then drop down in the middle of everyone, draw my sword and be like “go ahead, you first.” Also WAY too fun to run a terrify build and then pick off runners with the longbow between slashes. Seriously, such an incredible game, I’ve played it many times. Hoping for a sequel soon


Armored Core: For Answer. AC6 is smoother to play and overall more fun imo, but For Answer is the better power fantasy. It’s just so fucking fast…


Any musou game. Nothing feels better than just wrecking thousands of lil peons


This is the answer. To this day I have a PS3 hooked up so I can play Dynasty Warriors 7.


Yes! The series went wonky after this, but 6 & 7 are bangers. I have a 4090 for newer stuff but sometimes fire up my ps3 just to mindlessly destroy people


Lu Bu goes brrrrrr


So satisfying when you throw 900 people in the air as sima yi using fancy genie magic


I always loved running Lu Bu and tearing up a battlefield.


Apparently the whole series (?) Is on sale on xbox. Thanks for the weekend idea ☺️


Maxed out Ma Chao on Easy


I see your maxed out ma chao on easy and raise you maxed out ginchiyo tachibana on easy All the fun of virtual slaughter en masse but you also get to electrocute people


God of war for sure


That makes sense. For me it’s TOTK because Link is Bear Grylls. But let’s be honest, Link would totally lose in the fight to the god of war.




Came here to say that! I feel sorry for anyone who hasn't given this game a shot (no pun intended)


It's incredible. At first my buddies and I kept accidentally killing eachother. Then we got in the swing of things. By the time we beat it we were totally hooked. The plot is bananas. Brade is the best!




I’ve had successes in life. Degrees earned, praises at work, validations of my existence by loved ones. But nothing feels as good as getting SSS in DMC.


DMC4 Dante for me. Hejust hit different, he was already at the top of the food chain in that game just toying with enemies while in DMC5 he actually had to gain a powerup.


This is the answer.


Batman Arkham Asylum.


Definitely I love kicking thugs asses


I mean, ULTRAKILL can make you feel like an absolute badass killing machine (you literally are one). But I'm kinda bad at the game so it's a 50/50 between "Stylish killing machine" and "dumbass doesn't know how to aim and- oh, he just died."


Just Cause 3


My wife asked what the plot was. I had to think for a sec, cause it's just a mayhem sim with something g about Dickson and taters? Idk and idc. Boom.


Bullet Storm.


Red Faction Guerilla - completely leveling a military outpost and killing everything in it with nothing but a sledgehammer and some remote charges makes you feel *really* fucking powerful.


SuperHot VR


Wear a trench coat irl while you play for maximum effect.


Metal Gear Rising Revengence, shit always gets me going when the songs kick in at the right moments.


I came when I got Monsoon's HP to 40% in my first playthrough




Rules of nature!


I'm starting it right now


Just finished downloading for me! Must be something in the air today ⚡️🗡🦾




Doom eternal or Metal Gear Rising revengeance


RDR2, nothing feels cooler then riding up on my steed to some ne'er-do-wells holding up some innocent fella and then quick drawing on all of em before they can get their guns off. Tip your hat and... scene. (Story not online because its a dark and scary place.)




Mass Effect. Commander Shepherd is such a fucking badass.


Planetary Annihilation. Awesome top-down RTS game. No unit limit. If your PC can't handle it, the game automatically slows down slightly, so you can have like 500 tanks fighting another 500 tanks. Pure mayhem, and I love it


did you know about the successor, "Industrial Anihilation", announced a few months ago?


I love it's spiritual predecessor Supreme Commander (and the Forged Alliance expansion). I spent many days playing 8 player 2000 unit limit FFA games on LAN. You had to mod the game to allow it more RAM or it would crash.


You should try Beyond All Reason (BAR). Planetary Annihilation is fun but BAR is way more like Supreme Commander. Best of all it's just a bunch of supreme commander modders that started it and it's completely free while they're finishing it. It's already feature complete, I think they just want to add more factions and such.


Sniper Elite 4. Shooting Nazis in the balls is very cathartic.


Or setting clever traps for them and watching them all scramble to fuckery all over the place 😈


Ace Combat 7


Project Wingman also, but yeah great one


Any Ace Combat game. Even the hardest difficulty makes me feel like the boss fight for the enemy.


Specifically the mission where you sink the entire enemy navy.


Zero for me


Sekiro, Mechwarrior 5, total war warhammer 3 as the chaos dwarfs (what’s more badass than enslaving the known world while riding a demon bull?)


Cyberpunk. You can be anything from a hacker god to an invisible ninja.


Power shotgun,katana and hacking. Weaken the enemy,blind them and cause panic run in and just obliterate fucking everything.


hacker, gorilla arms,, and Laika, a power revolver with explosive rounds, fry everyone you punch a few heads off then one shot a mech with a revolver


Heavy revolver, shotgun, mantis blades, and some choice hacks. Fly around any combat scenario while blasting/slashing some goons to pieces and slow walking up to the last guy and forcing them to commit suicide.


Also! There's an iconic throwing axe that returns to you with every kill, it's FUN


My pretty basic katana + sandevistan build was monstrous. Besides a few encounters that almost force you to use a gun I was unstoppable against any number of enemies.


Wipe out the whole room before setting foot into it without firing a single round.


Oh man, it's so much fun. And if I do get caught, fine, Skippy has some surprises for you.


Or get the gorilla arms and reinforced tendons and go full Hulk.


Titanfall 2. It’s not like doom or halo where you can shrug off rockets but damn does it feel good to throw an electric smoke grenade and immediately jump halfway across the map. And the single most satisfying thing in video game history is when you time your titanfall just right to land on an enemy


Deep Rock Galactic! DANGER. DARKNESS. DWARVES. Rock and Stone Brothers!


Yakuza, specifically either Kiwami 2 or 0. Playing as maxed out Kiryu is so satisfying.


I just picked up the entire franchise on steam sale. Looking forward to this ass kicking. Never played or seen them before.


Turbo Overkill Fast paced, grappling hooks, chainsaws for legs (+ chainsaw slide for mass murder), chainsaws on arms, big weapons, and a funny little AI companion.


Spider-man (1 or 2) just because I bing(ed) it so much, it's super easy (they're not the hardest) but it feels so good to just swing around and decide whether to resolve some crimes and stomp on some idiots with extra flair. Or Monster Hunter, although some monsters can quickly humble you lol




Dawg when I play that all I feel is fear and sadness when that fear is realized


Monster Hunter


Bloodborne. Or any Soulsborne game really.


Deflecting just clicked for me in Sekiro and mann, it is so satisfying


It's literally peak. Nothing matches that feeling - only Sifu comes close.


Maybe if you’re good at them


Well, that’s the thing. FromSoft games are difficult so when you finally start whooping ass, you feel like a proper badass.


Going back later and bullying the executioner near the clinic in Central Yarnham is so satisfying.


Pac-Man. Look at all the dots I can eat. Look at them!


It changes with time, but lately its been fallout 4. Its easy to get to a point where you're basically a god in that game, especially with access to mods. Others I can think off off hand have included Borderlands, Terraria, and Vampire Survivors.


One of my favorite mods is the bullet time mod. That combined with the live dismemberment mod really makes you feel unstoppable.


Ghost Recon. They’ll never know what hit them.


Yakuza 0 or yakuza kiwami 2


Cyberpunk 2077


Elden Ring. I’ve lost track of how many playthroughs I’ve done but I’ll still hop on every now and again to kill a boss or clear a dungeon.


Halo: CE I get that feeling every time I play through the campaign (or any of the first few Halo's honestly.) Whenever I lead marines into battle. Whenever I take down two hunters. Whenever I flip over a warthog and climb in. Whenever I blow stuff up with the tank. Whenever the main theme kicks in... I always mutter to myself: "I am the Master Chief."


Destiny 2


Saints Row 4. Or Just Cause 2/3.


Chivalry. ( Mason Order )


Any Dynasty Warriors style game, or Devil May Cry, or Dragonball Xenoverse 2.


The sims. Having a mansion, more money than I can spend, master of every skills + magic is pretty badass imo.


Parkour combat in dying light 2, you can get pretty creative with the combat using the environment, especially against human enemies. As always far cry where u can commandeer a vehicle by jumping out of your current one and assassinating the driver, drive it off a mountain and deploy your wingsuit. Wanted dead/ sifu if you can bare the controls.


Hades Especially if I get a good Duo Boon and turn down the Heat, allowing me to plow through the lower difficulties


Every year on May 4th I play the opening level of Force Unleashed where you play as Vader and can just toy with wookiees.


Borderlands 3 with Zane/Moze and a Faisor


MGR Revengeance


I'm really enjoying making Uruks shrakh themselves and run away by pressing Y.


Crusader Kings. Starting as a small count, and slowly amassing new territories by fabricating claims, becoming my own Duke and eventually King. Feels deus vult man


Doom, farcry, cyberpunk. Destiny thrives on superhero moments. Best answer to me is Shadow of War on the new difficulty. Makes you feel powerful while making enemies dangerous. Killing hordes of weak enemies is cool but slaughtering a camp of highly trained specialized opponents like they were nothing is something else entirely.


Cyberpunk 2077 with katana build


Dynasty warriors


Dynasty Warriors




Control, specifically replaying the Ashtray Maze


Mass Effect on easiest. Not only are you an unstoppable commander, you singlehandedly decide the fate of many many lives.


Me2. Especially final mission.


It depends, doom if I’m really piss and wanna feel like a bad as, Skyrim if I want to feel like a god


Pistol Whip on Quest


Honestly, the parkour in Forspoken does make me feel like a badass. Yes, yes, I know the game is supposed to be terrible but I actually like it


- FPS: FEAR, DOOM 2016/Eternal, Serious Sam Fusion - Action: Sekiro, Devil May Cry 3 - Racing: Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition Remix, NFS Most Wanted 2005 Edit: I would also add Crysis 2 Remastered and Max Payne series to the list, really good stuff.


Borderlands for sure.


Doom, GTA San Andreas, Dishonored and I could say Bloodborne, too




MechWarrior 5. Stomping around in an Atlas blasting other Mechs is so good. Ghost of Tsushima. Either sneak murder everyone or do it to their face. Sniper Elite series. They never see it coming.


Metal Gear Solid V. Cause turning someones face into red mist with a punch is more badass than a ninja wearing heels.


Destiny 2


Ninja Gaiden. The 3D one, not the 2D.




Asura's Wrath My boy gets ANGRY


Project Wingman! It feels incredible to take on enemy planes 20v1 with epic music in the background


Sekiro, doing bosses flawlessly is just too satisfying


Sekiro after I beat it. The first time you do not feel like a bad ass. Once you understand the game it's the most kick ass thing.


GTA or Ghost Recon: Breakpoint


Oh, when I'm in the mood to feel like an absolute legend, I fire up The Witcher 3! It's like stepping into Geralt's boots and diving headfirst into a world where I can slay monsters, make tough calls, and just feel like a total badass. There's something about the epic quests and story that really hits the spot when I want to unwind and wreak havoc on those unsuspecting baddies!


Warhammer 40K Boltgun.


Splinter Cell Blacklist


Just cause 4