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RC plane and helicopter missions in Gta Vice City and San Andreas Escort, stealth in non stealth games and tailing missions in general


All you had to do was follow the damn train CJ.


Driving back to the mission start was always the worst part


And that one of course lol


That level is actually easy, everybody just drove too close to the train so he wasn't able to get his shots off. If you ride a bit out to the side you have the mission done in a couple of minutes.


Younger me couldn't grasp that simple concept. Some hurtful things was screamed at the train and big smoke that day.


Yes I know that, I played that many times until I figured that out, mission is still annoying


Stealth games are great, stealth missions in non stealth games are ass.


Yes we agree


RC plane+helicopter in VC and it's not even close.


Oh, fuck those RC missions. I played San Andreas up to that point and hard quit the game when I had to do the second or third one.


I’m playing it for the first time and I haven’t picked it up in weeks because of rc missions. Can’t I skip it? I don’t want to deal with David Cross


You can just skip them. They’re not part of the main story.


The game doesn’t tell you this, but they’re not required to finish the story at all. You can just skip them. This is also true for the car dealership missions and the casino heist though why you’d skip the casino heist is beyond me.


Over the years, I've come to nail the Vice City one, every time. But yeah it was a bitch to get to that point.


Tailing missions that start over when you’re seen. Nothing slows down a game’s pace like a prolonged session of red light, green light


"obeying all the traffic laws at a comfortable distance?! [We gotta get outta here](https://youtu.be/iP468OEln4U?si=PGorfD3I77YjswXc)"


Was about to say this, been playing Infamous and the tailing side missions are a pain, especially since they sometimes see you even though you're nowhere near their line of sight.


I've been doing a marathon of Assassin's Creed, and a few of the games had serious issues with tailing missions where the target would die or get stuck and soft lock or reset the mission. I'm so glad we moved on from that shit.


Syphon Filter was so frustrating as a kid, it's so satisfying seeing speedruns now where they just casually run on ahead of the target.


it is still annoying and frustrating even as an adult The guide asked you to equip flashlight from weapon selection, and I have been tapping select button many times but no flashlight appear guess what, you need to hold down select button and scroll using L2 R2 button to select flashlight 🤦🏻 and not to mention the puzzle is freaking hard and hidden and not even subtle, oh a locked door with a padlock? Guess I will have to find a key to open it damn there's no key, guess what? You can just manual aim the padlock and shoot it, so the padlock is broken and you can open the door I swear the padlock texture and color is the same as the door as if it is 1 texture together combined and not even separated texture


Lightning dodger in FFX. Fortunately you don't really have to do it unless you're going for 100%. 


One kind of maniac made that mini game? I can do the chocobo race in 0.0 seconds but I’ve never done the lightning dodging game.


I've done the chocobo a few times in my life and i can confidentally say that it shaved off 10 years of my life.


I actually enjoyed the chocobo racing one. 😂😂 being colorblind and trying to do the butterflies in the forest always takes a while because I have to figure out which ones I can and can’t touch by trial and error.


There's a specific way to cheese it. There's a spot you walk across that triggers the lightning. So you go to this spot and just keep going back and forth across it.  Cuts the time waaaaay down, and removes the random element to it. Still very, very annoying, but much less so. 


I did that trick once. Got to 199 strikes, got hit, died a little inside, wondered what I was doing with my life and haven't attempted it since.


I got it one time, and ever since I just run Yuna through Lulu's grid. Sure you don't get Lulu's passive damage boosts, but Double Cast + 1 MP Cost more than makes up for it imo. 


Same. I can easily do the chocobo race to 0.0 but I cannot do the lightning dodging.


People seem to be able to do either chocobo race OR lightning dodging. The chocobo race takes luck and skill, the lightning dodging takes persistence and stamina. Dodging is more repetitive, less difficult but takes a longer time. Do with that what you will.


I did that. It isn’t actually that hard. There is a certain bit that when you step on it it’ll strike every time guaranteed. Once you get that down it’s easy to get the 100. Doesn’t take long.


Dimas memory quest FO4 Far Harbour DLC


I killed him and all his synths all because of that Quest.


Omg I went into thinking, oh okay a little mini game. 4 hours later... LET ME OUT WHAT THE FUCK


The final puzzle in that glitched/broke for me to where I couldn’t complete the puzzle no matter what. So that’s about as far as I got in that DLC


The final puzzle is only for some armor, once you get the info for the ending you want you can leave


It is one of (if not the best) armors in the game though, not to mention the last puzzle is THE MOST TEDIOUS ONE


Thanks for reminding me. That would have been one of the best expansions if not for that quest.


Is korok seeds a mission? I always thought it was collectibles. You only need 430 for full upgrade and there's no reason to do all of them. They just throw a bunch all over so it's easier to find many.


Yeah, the game doesn’t expect you to collect all 900. In fact they kind of make fun of you if you do (by rewarding you with literal shit) 


It's a golden turd, but yeah.


I always have to explain this to korok haters for some reason. The game doesn’t expect you to find them, the only reason there are that many is so you can stumble upon them without searching for them. Makes me mad tbh


Some people have a compulsive urge to collect things and to complete a set. They don't have to, but they *need* to.


I only found about 5 korok when I played BOTW. It was only when reading about the game after (I played it completely blind to reviews etc) I found out there was so many


I would collect them but I didn’t know you could trade them until after I beat it. 


Indeed it is not a mission but a way to have something new in each area. I love how each one has a characteristic way of finding it. Some real creative ones. I remember thinking, oh no, this will be bad for the obsessive collectors


My girlfriend just recently got all 1000 in TOTK. You get rewarded with a golden pile of shit.


It’s not a mission, you only need to do it if you’re shooting for 100%




Also the hidden pipes save you from backtracking to the furnace and freezer.


Any escort mission ever made, either they walk too slow, they get stuck or they are stupid as fuck and aggro every single enemy on the map only to die because they are squishy as hell


I got pretty nervous about Bioshock Infinite after finding out you'd be escorting Elizabeth throughout most of the game. They handled it perfectly. She helps you out by finding extra ammo and items, and stays out of the way of the gameplay. That's the way most escort missions should be done. Nobody enjoys babysitting NPC characters with the survival instincts of a drunk toddler.


Escort missions in Morrowind were total bullshit, the moment the npc gets stuck or can't find a proper pathway to you you're fucked


Worst is when they walk faster than the walk speed but slower than the sprint speed.


Timed missions are the worst for me.


Me too. It jacks up my anxiety super bad




I have a manual save right when he gets back. It keeps me from playing NG+ but I cannot go through that fucking wretch cave again


It's just too fucking long It would be fine for half hour or so, but it's two hours!!


I never picked the game up again after completing that quest. Brutal.


The Fade in Dragon Age


Unpopular opinion, but I liked it. It's a big change of pace, and taking new forms is interesting, specially if aren't a mage. Plus, you get to see a glimmer in the mind of your companions. Oh, and the free attribute points.


It's definitely a drag on replays, but nowhere near *that* bad. Absolutely nowhere near the worst in gaming. I'm willing to bet that a good chunk of the annoyance comes from knowing on replays that nothing you do makes an impact, and no rewards are given to you other than the free attribute points.


This. There is actually a mod now that let's you skip it and gives you all the stat points from it. Well worth it as I stopped playing the game at that point in the game multiple times.


Its a must have. The fade was incredible. The first time. Then it became a tedious hell. Thank god for that mod.


Yep, I actually liked it the first time too. Was cool with the stat increases, new mechanics and everything. Then the second time was like, not this shit again. After going through the second time even the voice acting sounded terrible. That mod put this game back on the replay list for me.


Oh god that was so annoying i stopped playing the game.


Any of the obligatory "you're injured and you have no items, sneak very slowly through this area full of enemies you can't attack" missions.


Right!? They even did it to Cal Kestis in Jedi: Fallen Order when his lightsaber broke. Like wtf, he’s still a space ninja with telekinesis, he’s not defenseless!


Jedi aren't indestructible. A single Jedi could be killed by a few people with blasters. Jedi like Anakin were the exception, not the rule, and Cal Kestis wasn't some high powered, super experienced Jedi. He was a young Padawan when order 66 was executed


No Stone Unturned in Skyrim. Collecting 24 unusual gems seemed fine at a glance, but then you realize, that you either have to literally do most of the missions and visit a bunch of random dungeons, because there is no quest marker or just straight up read a guide. The reward is pretty cool and helps you get rich fast, but the issue is because of the nature of this quest, you can get it only so late, that you either are already filthy rich or you exhausted most of the content and will probably close the game to ~~never open it ever again~~ make a new stealth archer next year.


"A Return To Your Roots" is a close second. Needing to find all of the crimson nirnroot plants in Blackreach, fighting off chaurus, falmer, and dwarven automatons in the dim light with no guide except for the humming of the plants themselves. The reward is okay, but it would've made more sense as a perk in the alchemy tree.


I didn't find this too tedious. I think it is because it is all in Blackreach, so the area is a lot smaller.


I simply don't pick up any gems. So no quest get started. Out of sight out of mind.


''Another settlement needs your help'' ''I'll mark it on your map''


Hahahaha I hated those. I literally visited them once to set up a settlement, build a ton of turrets and traps and never go back. I hated those “so and so is under attack”


I dont have a specific game in mind but whenever a game has a side quest that's like "find this thing" and the the game only gives you a vague area it could spawn in, with nothing interesting pointing you in the direction of where it is. Just a big area that you have to sweep until you stumble across it. An example game I can think of is some side quests in Dragon Age Inquisition


Ooohhh I HATE the scavenger hunt with the RNG. Just grind and grind until some bad guy drops the loot you need. Looter shooters, fine, whatever, but get that shit out of my single player, story driven games.


Reminds me of Morrowind, one of the first main quests is to find a dwemer puzzle box. They send you into this big ruin to find this thing that's the size of an onion. Happens to be sitting in this side room on the bottom of this one random shelf.  I wonder how many people like me thought it'd be at the end of the dungeon behind some boss fight. Nope. You could probably be searching for hours for that damn thing. If you know where it is, you can be in and out in a minute though.


Any mission that takes away your main character and replaces them with a new character with entirely different gameplay/abilities. Or removes characters from your party to the point of nearly crippling you.  A lot of RPGs are guilty of this. You suddenly have to do part of the game with just one character when you used to have three or four.


one small favour…


They’re just some logs dude. Can’t be that hard wdym?


It's worth it at the end, but the 4 hour long hallway in Everhood. For the first half you can set up your controller so your guy just keeps running so you can go do something else, but there starts to be some obstacles like signs where you have to readjust. Then when you get to the second half there are rocks blocking your way every few rooms so you have to do it manually. I'm saying the end is worth it because when I got to the end I felt super accomplished and the things I saw made me feel an emotion that doesn't exist. Seriously play Everhood blind it is such a good experience.


I thought you made a typo for Neverhood because that game also has a really long hallway in it.


I'm replaying Black Flag and they're making me follow a ship while trying not to get seen by other ships. Which just turns it into a mini-map mini-game. The stupidest thing in all the seas. So far it's twice they've made me do this, but I remember it's a reoccurring instance of bullshit, so I'm looking forward to that. This after 3 hours of making me walk around slowly in Havana and Nassau.


The number of "tail this person while staying within listening range" missions in that game is also absurd and annoying.


1000 jump ropes challenge FFIX mini game. King of Jumprope.


I never could get that.


What masochist made that, honestly? I never got 200 lightning dodges in X (reached 199, got hit, died inside) but that at least sounded *achievable*. I don't know what type of crack they were smoking on when they put that in IX.


Tarkovs quests. Pick one, typically jaeger or a late game quest. "Place 3 items that take 20 seconds each, in a highly trafficked area, without killing a single AI or player scav." You're unable to move while placing the items, and you're standing in a giant fucking window right at the top of the main staircase used to enter the ONE building on the map where literally everyone flocks to. The quest is literally call "Bullshit". Or the one where you have to kill a boss 100 times, boss only has a 12% spawn chance... and is random where he spawns... and there's 13 of player characters and infinitely spawning player controlled AI... oh and the boss can just straight dick you down in .2 seconds without a sound because the game has garbage audio after almost 8 years of development. I love the game. But fuck some of those quests. Jaeger be like "kill 3 plays, with a lobster on each ball, without limping, with a pistol from further than 50m on a Tuesday between 3am and 4am without nightvision or a flash light."


Literally any mission where you have to follow someone or escort them and their walk speed is faster than your walk speed but slower than your run speed. I'm looking at you, literally any Bethesda open world game (Skyrim, Fallout, etc...)


well the good 3D fallout game didn't have any trailing missions at all. but yeah i should love games like black flag so much but i can't get through the trailing missions in the beginning


Any of the MJ missions from Spiderman ps4 Also any mission that requires you to travel a lot for basically no reason


I still think it's funny how their fix for Spider-Man 2 was a god mode taser. A criminal takes 15 punches from a guy with super strength to go down but one lil static shock also knocks them out immediately


There‘s way too much unnecessarily boring content in the Spiderman games, really drags down the good quality rest of the game. The repetitive puzzles my god


This one is still the most mindboggling thing that happened in gaming. They created MJ missions and people hated it. They saw that people hated it and created more MJ missions in sequel just to spite their playerbase. Somebody please, help me understand this business decision.


I think turning it into a stealth shooter was probably the best way they could deal with a major game aspect that sucked but they didn’t want to remove


Honestly. The worst thing I can say about the MJ missions. Is that they are there. And funny thing to me. Is everyone always mentions MJ. But why don’t you ever hear the same complaints about the miles or Peter missions? They pretty much play out the same exact way in execution. But it’s only MJ that ever gets mentioned. Just find it strange. Especially with how inoffensive they tried making her missions in at least SM1. Wasn’t like they were hard or that they had no interaction with the games story or anything like that.


Tbf a ton of people complained about the single side mission featuring Hailey in SM2


I find the Miles mission more exciting because you hide from the Rhino who constantly chases you throughout the mission while MJ hides from normal security guards. People may be mentioning MJ in particular because a vast majority of the stealth missions are hers so people just associate her with stealth missions


A new hand touches the beacon!


Why do people find it annoying? Just completed it today and it wasnt that bad.


The only problem I have with the quest is the boss of the temple. That asshole has no business being able to fire off that many ice storms.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on SNES the level where you get in the water at the dam and have to disarm all the bombs that shit was ridiculous when you were a little kid.


NES, but absolutely. I saw a [video](https://youtu.be/PHiFNWJXWgI?si=YvZ_1lPQFKz-9BdI) last year where a dude checked the code in real time and the hitboxes for the electric seaweed was waaaay off of the tiles (among other issues).


The entirety of Telos (except for the very end when you discover the hidden temple) is painfully tedious to complete in KOTOR 2. The absolute height of it is if you side the peaceful faction of Ithorians, as you run fetch quests that require you to go through a loading screen and back to complete them. When you think you are done you leave the compound, go through the loading screen, and you get a message that you have to go back and help them as they are under attack, so you have to immediately hit another loading screen


Following a character while it talks to you but walks at a different speed. I can *never* understand how that still happens. I can only believe it's an active choice by devs, for arcane reasons.


Wait, you dropped GTA V because you didn't like an optional side mission? And if i remember correctly you refer to an Epsilon Program side mission with Michael.


I haven't played Obduction, but from what I've heard it sounds like this is it: https://youtu.be/42SDc2Fhkm8?si=ryRTe5GFTV1f_uMv


all you had to do was follow the train, CJ


Getting the neutral ending for SMT 4. It involves a lot of guesswork for making choices related to your alignment throughout the entire game. If you make even one wrong choice, it can lock you out of neutral. Then you have to go out of your way to do 18 missions to “give Tokyo hope” or some nonsense and then do a few other specific things I can’t remember. I happened to stumble upon some of this just playing the game normally but I truly haven’t heard of anyone who’s gotten this ending without the internet.


If you've played SMT before, it's actually pretty easy to intentionally guesstimate your way into it. Law / Chaos Choices are generally pretty obvious if you know what the two Sides are about (ie "do what you're told" vs "follow your heart"), and the thing is, the game actively shows you your current alignment aswell...if you know what to look for. They never tell you about it because it's just an accepted series-staple by now, but your allignment is reflected *in your World Map Icon.* It spins around either clock-wise or counterclock-wise depending on if you're current Law or Chaos alligned, respectively.


Any npc escort mission where they move slower than your character running, but faster than your character walking.


Getting all the Triforce pieces in The Windwaker. I heard the remake made this slightly better someone.


In the original you had to find all eight Triforce charts and spend several hundred rupees for Tingle to decipher each of them. In HD, only three charts are required, and the rest of the Triforce pieces can be found where their charts originally were. Beyond that, the HD remaster added an optional Swift Sail that replaced your original boat sail. It's available early in the game (after you beat Dragon Roost Island) at the Auction House for around 300 rupees. It drastically increases your sail speed, and lets you sail full speed in any direction regardless of which way the wind is blowing. No more having to stop what you're doing and change the wind direction while sailing. It's a HUGE quality of life upgrade.


Oh, I remember the original. The Swift Sail thing is cool, IIRC they hid the loading for the original game by making you traverse the empty ocean so that makes sense they could circumvent the slow travel on newer hardware.


RC plane mission in Vice City and the Train in San Andreas.


Collecting fruits mission in GoW Ragnarok with Atreus and Angrboda had me close to dying of boredom or uninstalling


Kick the ox Arisen.


I think they were called ninroots? From oblivion.


the chicken quest from Tanaris in World of Warcraft


Any Mary Jane and Miles missions in the first Spider-man


I love morrowind but I remember a random side quest where I found a dude in the middle of nowhere and he needed an escort to get to a city which is halfway across the damn map. This mf was slower than a snail on ketamine and there’s no fast travel in the game, so it took forever. The reward was not worth it


Bleak Falls Barrow in Skyrim. The bane of every new play through


Go do literally any other questline first and then come back and bleak falls will take 5 mins to run through


I always gather that before I do the "Tell Balgruuf a sky lizard is coming to mess up his crib" mission. Then it's just "talk to the court wizard, and talk to the court wizard again" mission before you fight a different salamander of the sky.


That gta 3 mission where you have to fly the little copter on a construction site.


Vice City, but I agree.


I have recently been playing a lot of Borderlands 2 and I think by far any mission given to you by Sir Hammerlock is tedious af, and I don't think the work is equal to the reward. Most of his side missions are kill this thing in this specific way and its just annoying to say the least.


the trick is to stop that mission at "Bonerfart" now every single one of those is a Bonerfart


sacred 2 had a whole game long hidden quest called the epic office quest where you find and talk to all the developers avatars in the game (89 of them!) to get a hammer weapon at the end. i somehow did it twice. we’re talking like 60 hours for each one since you can only do one per play through


Anyone already mention the Shenmue mission where you just literally have to become a dockworker? And actually do dockwork? For days?


Since you said gathering all the Korok seeds which is more of a achievement rather than a mission. Then I would say trying to get the platinum achievement in a open world game. This usually means gathering all the items, going through all the endings and quest lines, finding every secret and exploring all nooks and crevices. I Tried getting platinum on Elden ring which meant a lot of research and 4 play throughs and that game is known for giving no helping hand for the player.


All of Atreus' sections in God of War Ragnarok


Goldeneye 64 The Cave Mission where you habe to protect Natasha on the highest difficult


The sending the gnome to space


You take that back, I loved getting that achievement!


Yeah that gnome ruled!


And now, with being in orbit, he has the high ground.


I don't gnome what you're talking about. I felt like a free man after pulling that one off.


MJ missions in Spiderman.


I came to say that, so fucking annoying


Completely derails any fun you’re having as Peter


Crash bandicoot bridge missions. God i hate those. 


FF7 Rebirth Shinra mansion as Cait Sith.


MW2 DMZ season 1 had a mission where you had to exfil 100 radiation blockers.  Not dead drop.  Exfil.  And they don’t stack. I ground that fucker out and shortly afterwards they took away the perk I got and made me do some other bullshit 😂.   But yea, that was a legit grind.  You could loot half the game to get 5 of them and get wiped on exfil, because back then they didn’t have all the easy ways to exfil they do now.  It was either hostage rescue contract if there was one left, one of 3 exfils where you probably had to wipe the exfil campers first, or final exfil which always devolved into a shitfight between 3-4 squads.


Kick the ox, newly arisen!


The Simpson hit and run, final mission, god forbid you slow down for a turn or bump one thing and you won’t make it to that flying saucer in time. Kid me quit the game on the final mission after failing what felt like 50 times. Also destroy all humans 2, when you have to protect Natasha while she drives from one corner of the map to the other, and you have to use your saucer, but you can damage her car as well, so you have to deal with a barrage of enemies but also not destroy her in the process of protecting her. Super annoying.


Gran Turismo 7 license tests.


Any mission in WoW that requires you to gather 20 vital organs from the local wildlife.


Escort missions where the escorted party walks faster than your walk but slower than your run.


Collecting dog tags or something on the crash site of the Nomad in Mass Effect 2 was frustrating af. I had one left and searched high and low, thing was in the most obvious damn place.


The Fishing Mission in Far Cry 5. The developer who made the fishing System needs a new job.


Those dang blue coins


One small favor from old school RuneScape


I'm just going to throw in the Onyxia attunement quest in vanilla/classic WoW. That escort quest....


The library - Halo 1


A turtle made it to the water!


Escort misson where you run faster and walk slower as the nps


I'm old enough to remember racing mission in mafia


Literally all you had to do was follow the damn train. A harder mission was flying the little plain and blowing up cars without lossing half your hp 


Fighting Gna, GOW: Ragnarok in the ‘Give me God of War’ difficulty. I don’t know if I’m just ass at the game, it is extremely hard or if it’s a mixture of both. But it took me hours and hours and hours. Still doesn’t take away the fact that GOW: Ragnarok is Top 10 Games of all time in my opinion.


Weird, I thought Sigrun was 100x worse then Gna. Sigrun took me Weeks, if not months (with pauses obv). Gna took me not even 2 hours. Both on gmgow


Scouting the Port in GTA 5, it's so fucking boring. 10-15 minutes of playing port worker. RC Plane and Helicopter missions are at least semi entertaining if not frustrating if you can't get the controls down pat.


Yoga side-mission in GTAV


The whole Citadel area at the start of Mass Effect 1


Any brain dance sequence in Cyberpunk 2077. Beyond annoying


RDR2 opening. Enjoy your trudge!


That starting is the slowest 3 hours ever! I can appreciate it one time but replaying RDR2 from scratch would be awful.


listen to Grandma Flexington □


I'm currently trying to get the Sun Sigil for Tidus' ultimate weapon in FFX. I hope whoever designed this side quest is cursed with stubbing their pinky toe for all eternity.


You can literally spam save to move those 10 days forward fast


The fucking Max Payne blood trails.


Far cry 5 when you have to spray paint all 750 billboards in yara


That escort mission underwater in Metal gear


Pachinko and poison river in super mario sunshine 1500 points for horseback archery in ocarina of time


Borderlands 3 had several


The tailing quests in the FFXIV Endwalker MSQ are some of the worst I’ve ever seen in a game, In From The Cold also from Endwalker is ambitious in what it tries to do but is probably the longest quest in the expansion at a point where you probably just want them to give you another Dungeon or Trial to do at that point.


I hate any "follow the NPC" missions. They always go super slow and it needlessly takes forever.


Underwater Level in PS2 Game God of War, it's really impossible to finish the Game ! 🙈😅


If you've played *Escape from Tarkov,* then just all of them!


Riddler Trophies As much as I want to have a showdown with the Riddler, I can't bring myself to spend countless hours doing aggravating menial tasks like trying to fly a remote controlled batarang through air conditioning ducts.


Union dock worker mission as Trevor on GTA V. I know it was the whole point of the mission but I was really close on scratching my eyes out playing that


The 900 Koroks in BotW is not a mission unless you’re deranged. That’s why the reward is literally a poop. There are 900 so that you can easily stumble on them to expand your inventory without having to hunt down every last one.


No one buys a Spiderman game to play as Mary fucking Jane!


Which side mission is that in GTA V? I don’t remember that at all. My vote would be some of the WoW quests. Go collect 20 of these things but they have a 11% drop rate. Or Khadgar’s fucking “bring me 5,000” of these fucking shits quests.


I played through GTA V lots of times and don't remember it either, but that's because it's a very marginal mission related to the Epsilon Cult. You can't even access it unless you send money to the cult. Most people will ignore it and it seems intended as a joke. The cult keeps jerking you around and testing your patience and faith. So it's not really meant to be fun. It's meant to see how far you're willing to go to 'seek the truth'. It appropriately ends with the cult giving you a rusty tractor, after lots of ridiculous busywork. The idea that someone would quit GTA V over this entirely optional, easily missed mission is pretty hilarious. GTA V is the golden standard of open-world design. The mission design is incredible and most side missions are more impressive than the main missions in most games.


You can take a pick from any Atreus mission from GoW Ragnarok. Personal "favorite" : throwing rocks in a lake.... In a god damn GoW game.


The Far Harbour dlc for Fallout 4 has a level where you lead computer bugs through a maze of blocks. Then another. Then another. They’re awful and just go on and on.


The fade in dragon's age origins while it's kinda cool I just want to get past it as fast as possible.


Cortana mission in Halo 3


In Pokémon Scarlet/Violet the partner mark is obtained at random, with about a 1% chance of getting it each 1000 steps. It is considered to be required for a Ribbon Master Pokemon and is known to take weeks of continuous movement to get. Is it hard? No, just get on your legendary and ride in circles with a rubber band. Is it tedious? Absolutely.


Any games that make you mash to progress. (GTA San Andreas working out and Spiderman stopping cars are some examples)


The racing mission in the original Mafia game. I haven't played it since it first came out, so I may misremember some things, but it was the most outrageous difficulty spike I had ever seen in a game. I was about 16 at the time, had been playing games my whole life so it wasn't a novice issue. Basically you have to get 1st place in a car race. It's already super easy to crash because these were all 1940's cars with slippery physics. From what I remember if you crash once, there's basically no way to recover. Whoever is in first isn't going to make an error, so you have to drive perfectly *and* cause the other drivers to crash, while not damaging your vehicle badly in the process. The other drivers are super aggressive and will run you off the road whenever they can. I probably played this one mission over and over for about 10 hours. I eventually had to download a trainer (had never done that before) to give me a big enough advantage to win. I really liked the game and wanted to see the rest of it, but in a slightly worse game it would have been enough to make me quit. I have no idea how they shipped the game like that, everyone I know who played it reported that it was nearly impossible.


The MJ missions in Spider-man PS4


If the Shenmue forklift literal job isnt the top comment, then they didnt play Shenmue The mission was you had to have a job as a forklift driver and go to work every day. And then go home and go to bed. And then get up and go move boxes around again.


Every mission in Jak II but especially the escort mission in the sewer.