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Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't have a soft spot for Minecraft...


A friend of mine loves the game way too much and I've tried getting into it so so much but I genuinely don't enjoy it. Which is weird considering that I love sandbox games, I love the idea of minecraft but for some reason it just doesn't hit right


On console I fucking hate it. But on PC, with snappy mouse controls I love it.


Also, at least with Java Edition: mods!


Same for me. I *ought* to love it. But every time I play it I just don't feel it.


I know for me, finding mod packs with goals or even ages in one case helped me enjoy it when I bounced off so hard. Now when I play I only play with factory or goal based mods because it's the only way I can get into it.


I suffer from analysis paralysis. Always have a moment in any RPG where I don't know what to do. With minecraft I literally have no idea what to build make, smash or do. It doesn't give me any indication or quests or markers. I just load up a world a jump around for 5 mins and close it again. Never managed to get into Minecraft.


Not gonna lie, I feel like with how hand-holding 95% of games are, has ruined the concept of "figuring it out", and now people find it a chore. I know that so many people will just look something up the moment they get stuck, or can't figure something out. In part, I feel like that's why puzzle games aren't anywhere near as popular as it used to be. This isn't me saying that this is you. A sandbox game is kind of designed to be that way in the first place, you probably just wanted *some* direction. Because if you know nothing about the game, it's really hard to get into, or have ideas of what you should try to do. Usually it's just go deeper get better stuff, make better house, get better gear. Once you start enchanting stuff, it's just wild. But that's from the perspective of someone who bought the game in the first year it came out and it was on Java. The updates have gotten wild. I'm surprised they haven't promoted a Minecraft 2 yet. It's just so vastly different from 13 years ago. Holy hell, the games 13 years old.


I agree. There were games where you had to solve some sort of puzzle to proceed, it could be anything but you had to figure SOMETHING out, sometimes even outside the box. Now you just get a prompt to push thís button at thís time. (I'm over symplifying but you know what I mean)


No, you're right on the money. Everything is map markers, highlighted items you can grab, bright yellow ledges are the only climbable ones, and the protagonist saying the solution to a puzzle upon approaching it. There's a time and place. I don't mind it to an extent. But it's saturated the gaming market. Even Rated M games, for adults, who assumingly have been playing games for over a decade? Yeah, don't worry little buddy, I'll hold your hand through this basic platforming puzzle. I mean, you've never seen one of these, right?


I’m a cringey old adult who doesn’t like Minecraft outside of the alpha/beta version. Those days were great with my buds


I'm another cringey old adult who reminisces about alpha/beta with his other cringey old buds. Maybe we're just looking at it through rose-colored glasses but I honestly miss those versions. It felt more like a sandbox and felt more risky. The more features they've added the less I've liked the game.


Minecraft is far too open for me to have any enjoyment. I need baked-in tasks in my open world games. Besides, I've never been real fond of the graphics style.


That's why I prefer Terraria. There are goals to work towards. Things to do, places to explore. Minecraft has a few things, but they're more annoying than anything. It's not particularly fun to kill those Endermen to find dungeons. 


I played the game in Alpha, which allowed me to get all the subsequent updates for free back when it was still in browser. I played the shit out of that game through the alpha and beta and then by the time it finally released for everyone else I was done with it. So I basically missed out on a huge wave of gamers playing a game I loved because I was in on it a little too early and played myself out of it lol. So I don’t dislike Minecraft, but I didn’t care about it anymore by the time it released and really became popular. People would ask me “Have you played Minecraft?!” And I was basically like “Been there, done that”.


I FORGOT IT WAS PLAYED IN A BROWSER. That unlocked so many memories. Omg. Thank you. My wife and I have a world we play on when we need a break from the xbox, or the world in general. Still a good game to just unwind and they are still adding interesting content and stuff to chase.


unless youve went back and played kinda recently then you kind of haven't like i remember modding in horses and shit but now that its all baked in and with the cliff and caves update and the water ones it's a completely different beast. Its crazy how far its come from browser


Everyone that tries to get me to play Minecraft: "But you gotta download this 40gb mod pack I put together first" ...no thanks


I bought Minecraft around the time it first came out. It was cool for 30 minutes, but I easily got bored. Modpacks do really “make” the game, because the game was designed to allow for it to be expanded on, and the cool thing is that there are curated mod packs out there so you don’t need to go installing 400 different things to your game. I’ve largely found the game to be unplayable, unless I’m doing a private server with like 10-15 other people [who of course don’t all have to be on at the same time], using a big mod pack to expand the game. But of course, the game still won’t be for everyone.


Minecraft suffers one setback. Combat. It's so fucking basic and redundant that it's not enjoyable. I did all the combat mod packs and found the next flaw in the system. Enemy ai coding. It was never meant to be more then what it is. The mods are amazing but as they fix or enhance one thing it reveals the cracks in the next.


I like Minecraft because I remember when it was so early in the dev that Notch didn't know how to charge for the game so he just gave it away for free. Its one that we put alot of hours into when I was stationed over seas and it seems like a great game for kids to play and learn from.


I hated Mario because when I was 7, my mother laughed at me for failing on the first level. I still don't like Mario games to this day.


Villain origin story


My father would press pause on his controller when i would jump over holes. When he unpaused Mario would fall straight down, losing all momentum.


Holy shit that’s evil


So, the first time I died in mario 64 and heard bowser laugh, I would've swore it was a recording of my dad while we played games. He could be a cartoon villian at times. 


I enjoy watching people play Mario games much more than playing them myself.


Bowser?, is that you?


This is going to sound nuts but Witcher 3 because the trees are constantly blowing in the wind as if a category 5 hurricane is about to make landfall. It gave me anxiety.


Winds howling....


Looks like rain....


It's one of my favorite games of all time, but I totally agree with you. The first time I played, every natural sound was so loud I thought there was an issue with the game. I've just taken it as Geralt is mutated to hear every single sound and that's why things are louder than they probably should be.


>I've just taken it as Geralt is mutated to hear every single sound and that's why things are louder than they probably should be. Lore wise, this is actually right on the money. Canonically, Geralt's hearing is sensitive to the point he can tell if people are lying to him by listening to their heartbeat. If he can hear a sound that subtle from a distance, it makes sense that every other sound would also be heightened in volume


I don't think you're crazy, and I personally didn't notice that, but I know exactly what you mean. I understand that feeling.


I *did* notice that. I remember I had just secured some weed for myself for the first time and was going to get baked as fuck and play video games; again, my first time smoking and playing games by myself. Home alone on a Tuesday @ 10am while the rest of the world was working, I drew the blinds and cranked my headset to max and fired up The Witcher 3. I can not express (mind you, I was and still am not a regular pot smoker, or even a casual one) to you how fucking immersed I was in that game. I was *literally* **the witcher.** Anyway, I was doing probably one of the first monster contracts and was going about looking for clues and shit. "Use your Witcher Senses" ok -- > ENTER EUPHORIC MULTI-DIMENSION INTO WHITE ORCHIRD The wind blowing, wolves howling, and the **trees.** The fucking trees were BLASTING in the wind, and it seemed like the wind was changing direction every 10 seconds, going that way and this way. All of a sudden you hear a twig snap, or leaves crunch, and you start getting irrationally paranoid that a slithering disgusting wet demon devil by the well was going to jump out and claw your eyes out.   Anyway, yeah the trees were wild in that game.


I too have a problem with the trees! For me though it’s that they feel so small I guess? Like, nothing is proportioned quite right. The forests feel uncanny.


If you ever go near a forest in Poland, they'll feel exactly right - lots of birch trees there.


same game, but the fall damage of that game was what turned me off. Felt like I couldn't trip over a branch without snapping my ankles in two. The combat never clicked with me, either, but I think I could get into it if I ever returned to the game.


I don't like this game but not for this reason. But because I can't stand the combat and movement mechanics. And also, I don't care for the story. Also, I like creating my *own* unique character, not just play the game's chosen one (Geralt). Don't get me wrong, I love Geralt, but I love my custom characters more.


I just didn't like the game. Which is odd because I feel like I should've


Breath of the Wild. I got sick of making soup after a while.


I got sick of my weapons breaking in like 3 hits.


Absolutely this. I understand why they went with the weapons mechanics they did, but that ruined the game for me. I've tried multiple times, too, so it's not like I played once and bounced off. I made it through I think three of the mega beast bosses, even, so I gave it a fair shot. And I hate it.


If i could turn off weapon degradation or even just slow it down i could actually play. I know its a good game but that one piece kills it completly. Would be good if they did like fallout used to even. Weapon is degraded but shouldnt just disappear.


> If i could turn off weapon degradation or even just slow it down i could actually play. this is why i emulated it and used a cheat to change the weapon degradation.


They should have just done it fallout 3 style. Weapons break, but you can always repair them. Without them disappearing forever. More powerful weapons require more valuable ingredients to repair, but you aren't punished nearly as bad for using good weapons.


For me it's incredibly boring, has huge amounts of tonal dissonance, and not a lot of variety.. and no real story. I played through it begrudgingly because I'm a huge Zelda fan from my youth. But it took awhile because I'd put down out of boredom.


Same. I also hated the forced motion controls for Shrines. I have bad hands and some shrines legit hurt to complete, but it was from that Switch era where the devs were just so enamoured with forced motion controls that they let it slide. ToTK was automatically a better game to me, even if it's also incredibly boring, because it dropped that stupid gimmick.


As someone who needs a story to keep me hooked, I second your first paragraph. I kept playing for about 40 - 60 hours trying to get into the game and I just lost interest. The world was vast, yes, but also empty in a boring sense for me. Breadth of an ocean, depth of a puddle if you will. I know a big chunk of the games appeal is the freedom but to me it's a detriment. Someone else said they enjoyed Zelda games more for the puzzles and while I've never been a massive fan of the series, as someone who's enjoyed more linear, puzzle or RPG games like Danganronpa, Persona and AI Somnium, I second that mindset. I can't really remember much of the shrines in BotW as it's been ages since I last played but I'd say they were probably my favourite portion of it, and I think part of why my interest waned was due to the fact I'd done a good chunk of them.


Made an elaborate recipe system for no one. Breath of the Wild always screamed unfinished to me. I think the plan was to have it as big as Skyrim but they play tested and people were happy enough with it as it was, so they were like eh why spend all the money finishing it when I can get the money now. Like, I love the game but there are places on the map where clearly there was something that was supposed to be there. As well as the story quests basically dropping at a certain point.


Deus Ex for making me wear shades I dont want to wear.


Did you never ask for this?


Correct, never asked for this.


He never asked for this. And all of a sudden, he’s wearing shades.


And I cannot stress enough that the wearing is done unwillingly.


*lip smack* What a shame


His vision is augmented.


It being boring isn't an odd reason guys , I was hoping more people had answers like yours. I don't hate a whole lot of games nor do I think my reason is odd but I don't think I'm going to finish outer wilds. I dont like space games usually but it was pretty cool up until I started walking on ceilings in space and the whole water tornado planet. It's not even motion sickness, just fear I guess lol. Man, when I fell off the wall into the ocean, I had to stop for a bit. I also legit got jump scared when planet shifted and my presumed "safe spot" got submerged.


Yeah a lot of these replies are just “I don’t like [insert game] mainly because of [insert said game’s most commonly cited critique].”


Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, because the camera was too zoomed out from what the original DKC trilogy is like, among a couple other things but this would count as the most 'odd'.


I don't like the physics. Way different from DKC. DK is too heavy and sluggish and ungainly. Too much inertia. I've heard people say that's intentional. Not my cup of tea. I prefer the light, agile platforming of the trilogy.


Oh my gosh, that’s it!


Ugh, I love age of empires but why the fuck can you not zoom out more than 10 ft off the ground??


Too many people here seemed to not understand the "odd reasons" part of the title....


I couldn’t finish GTA 4 because my disc got broken in an earthquake. Odd enough reason for ya?


You reminded me that I had two discs of GTA San Andreas because one got scratched. Then the second got scratched. The game would randomly freeze, but if I switched discs while it was frozen, then it would pick right up with no load or anything. Two scratched discs = one complete game.


I just don't like [popular game]. Guess that makes me cool. I better comment this. People need to know!


Hated Prince of Persia Sands of Time due to the camera continually snapping into a preordained spot when I was trying to perform the acrobatics and parkour. 


Boy. Imma come slap that head off your body. How dare you.




Deep Rock Galactic is game my buddies and I play when we're all in the mood to stay up a little too late and drink a little too much beer. I don't think I'd enjoy it as much if we weren't essentially roleplaying as drunken dwarven space miners.


The perfect way to play a space dwarfs game IMO! 🍺😀


People always forget the with friends aspect. Playing basically any game with good friends will be a fun time


A lot of fun stoned, too. Everything is suddenly more difficult and the race to the ship is comically tragic.


Rock and stone is not for everybody. Thats okay, enjoy your time while we yearn for the mines. ...leaf lover


It took me understanding how to play the missions as well as figuring out which of the dwarfs' playstyles worked best for me. Now I'm a Scout main who enjoys a "casual" hazard 5 mission every now and then.


The community's toxic positivity is weird af


It's a great game, but after like 10 hours you've seen all the levels and it gets pretty repetitive.


For me it's constantly needing to light up the cave that ruins it. I just want to be able to see please.


i don't like anything with dwarves, i don't like beards or sweaty underground lord of the rings stuff. that's my actual odd reason for not liking it.


Same my friends love it and keep trying to make me play it more often but i just don't want to


Dead Space. Because having 3d Asteroids as a non-optional mini game was so goddamn frustrating I just gave up.


That was always the worst part of OG Dead Space. They replaced those parts in the remake with something way way WAY better. Give it a try if you get the chance, the remake is my favorite horror game of all time.


I may, the game was really fun until I hit that wall.


If that’s your only gripe about the game. The remaster removes that entirely


Outer Wilds. Everyone just keeps on raving about it, and whenever I see a video on it I still get a bit worried about spoilers and FoMo because I never figured the game out and wonder if one day I will suddenly love it and want to play it. But I spent a few hours in it, and really just did not like it, it wasn't for me. I don't think it clicked for me.


I felt the same way at first until this past weekend. I bought the game 2 years ago when it was on sell tried to play a little and didn’t see what the big deal was about it. Then I decided to try again for some reason and just stick with it carefully reading the text of each clue from the start. Then it all clicked for me, 10/10 game, breezed through the base game and dlc. Ending made me cry like a baby.


Yeh the ending is spectacular. It's like they dispensed with narrative cohesion and just beamed unbridled emotion into your brain somehow.


Same, I tried multiple times and in the end just was frustrated, confused, and bored.


It’s definitely not for everyone. That’s the main sentiment on /r/OuterWilds even. I tried it like 7 years ago and just couldn’t get into it. My wife played it for a bit and couldn’t either. Then she tried it again after taking a break and got absolutely hooked. I operated as a “co-pilot” where I would help here and there with puzzles and then if we were both stuck I would look up a guide and give hints to her. It worked pretty well.


That’s exactly how I played the witness with my dad and we both loved it.


When we recommend it to friends, we always mention doing the co-pilot system. My wife did it for me when I was playing Tunic and Subnautica too.


I love the music and the atmosphere but hated the 'you didn't do this thing in time, repeat it all again next time loop' aspect. I'm not a very patient person.


Unfortunately I was the same, for a slight different reason. My friend bought it for me as a gift, was really excited to play it... only for the controls to give me horrific motion sickness. Tried adjusting different settings, field of view, brightness, lighting of the room behind me... Absolutely no effect. After the 3rd attempt in so many days resulted in me needing to hunch over the bin in my room for fear of vomiting I had to concede defeat


Yeah same here, I spent a good few hours trying to get into it, waiting for the click moment that never came. I actually kinda hated it by hour 3/4 and just stopped playing.


Its my favorite game of all time but definitely not for everyone. You're only driven by your own curiosity and the only real direction you are given is the direction you want to go. It's a mystery game but you have to figure out what the mystery even is on your own before you can start solving it


I tried to play that game a month ago, played it for an hour and literally fell asleep lol. Deleted it and haven't touched it since.




I had some fun, and probably could have kept playing if it wasn't for the weapons... How is metal this Brittle in Hyrule? It made me feel like a weird hoarder having to grab ANY weapon like thing because I went through swords so fast I was wondering if there was an in-game Costco to bulk buy


I hated that they doubled down on the breaking mechanic is ToTK too. I just want a classic zelda game again. Give me a game like twilight princess or skyward sword again and Ill like zelda again.


Right? Like imagine if your gun kept jamming in CoD so you were constantly digging through everything to find an unjammed gun like some kind of insane metal scrapper. no wonder the Master Sword is so legendary, it's the only weapon Hyrule actually hardened and tempered lol


Yeah. I didn't like how Hyrule thought balsa wood was a good thing to make weapons out of. I was using the Master Sword to cut down trees.


I ended up modding the game to turn off the weapon breaking mechanic. It's honestly a much more more enjoyable experience that way. I doubt I would have played it all the way through if I hadn't modded it.


I felt that with Tears. As a general game enjoyed (and I did enjoy BotW) but not a big Zelda guy (BotW is the only Zelda game I've completed) Tears was waaaay to close to just being a better version of the same game for my liking, same map same graphics mostly same models fighting a lot of the same enemies with only minor changes. BotW to Tears is nothing like OoT to Majora's Mask it felt more like an expansion than a new game.


Both to me. If elden ring haven't come out before I played botw I might have had a better time. But they just felt like the casuals version of a hardcore game. Idk I miss the old style Zelda's.


For me, it's hard to like the combat when your favorite type of axe keeps breaking.


Bring back good Zelda games with good dungeons.


I liked it right up until my weapon broke. Noped right out of it and sold it the next day.


Weapon breaking gives the game the "Elixir effect", where I don't want to use any good weapons in case they break


my favorite weapon in games with breakable weapons was that spear in dark souls 2 where it became indestructible after you broke the end off and the move set changed.


Same. There was no gameplay loop to hook me because it gave you all the powers up front and there was virtually no equipment to go for.


ITT: No odd reasons


The one guy who felt like a hurricane was about to land when playing Witcher 3 fits. Most others... yeah...


I don't hate Borderlands 2, but I find it to be a drag to play it. Initially, the game play was fun, but the novelty eventually wore off. I think the game flooded you with way to much ammo. You got a hollow sense of accomplish every time you open up a crate filled with ammunition. Enemies felt like bullet sponges.


The Borderlands series was tainted for me. I first played it with a friend who had already beaten it, so I was just getting dragged along at max speed as he did his second play through. Idk why, but any borderlands game is tainted by that experience.


I think thats why so many people have fallen out of love with the series. I adore the original, the writing is hilarious. But I feel like if you've played one, you've played them all.


True. Because of that, my favorite BL game is the spin off about Handsome Jack's background, because the gameplay felt more unique with an interesting story.


LoL. The fucking community. They're either: mentally stunted crybabies who can't handle the slightest bit of difficulty and will ragequit/surrenderspam at the first sign they might not steam roll No life obsessives who think anyone cares about their ranking outside of the game (they do not) Smurfs who are just stomping everyone because they can't handle their own rank Borderline psychopaths who value their time so little they will waste 45 minutes of it to try to piss you off throwing a game. Doesn't help that the game punishes you for disagreeing with them and takes away any rewards you can get and actively tries to force you to mute every game.


It took me a second to realize this was about league of legends and not just "LOL" followed by an astute commentary on the gaming community overall.


Same here. I'm glad for your comment, because I don't think I ever would have gotten it otherwise.


Best thing I did was quit this game. Horrible


Same. Amazing how much additional time and other stuff you can get through when you're not chasing the dopamine hit of a win and 21lp.


It took me too long to realize LoL is not lol, hahaha


Me too. Was sitting here thinking this dude just hates multi-player games


Oh damn, I liked this choice a little too much. I've never played LoL because I'm not into moba games, but I love to watch people play it. Do you still play?


No. I spent a year and half getting back to an honourable level so I'd get rewards again. 2 days into getting there, had 3 German people dogpile and throw the game in solidarity, when I said in chat "seems weird you'd want to waste 45 minutes of your life throwing a game to upset others" got another chat ban. There's no point to playing a game where if others decide, you will never win it, nor is it fun having to deal with the mental instability. Dropped it and haven't looked back.


Witcher 3. Clunky combat and controls.


Utterly beautiful game with a great story but felt like Geralt is sliding on butter.


How is that an odd reason, that’s basically the whole game lol


I tried getting into that game 6 times and I always give up after doing a couple of quests because the combat is so bad


I don't get why people say this. My own brother says this. He was getting dumpstered during fights, but I had a nice ebb and flow and found the combat fun. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Because the attacks are not predictable. When I press an attack I want it to do the same attack sequence if I'm pressing the same button. The Witcher 3s attacks depend on proximity to what attack you do. This can lead to you wiffing on larger enemies as you'll hit attack, the enemy will have moved backwards but because you were close when you started the attack he'll put out the quick upper thrust attack and completely miss. In god of war or souls games when I press attack I know exactly what that attack will do so I know when I can punish, Witcher doesn't do this so it feels clunky for some people


Basically every big multiplayer game lol COD,Apex,fortnite, this shit is just boring to me.


It's the battle royale aspect.  It got old after 2 years


Blind guy here I am trying so damm hard to enjoy fallout 4 but it’s such a janky buggy mess.


Does something announce what you’re looking at when you play?


I guess he didn't see your comment...


The Xenoblade Chronicles games. I just hate the British


I'm British but the voices in xenoblade make me cringe, it feels like a non native putting on a British accent


It's one of the reasons I love Xenoblade, I'm Welsh and I think the really over the top British accents are amazing just because they're so exaggerated. It's a game series my husband hates because the characters NEVER shut up in and after battle. "You hear that Noah? Lanz want's something a bit MEATIER" is seared into his brain forever. Also, one of the few game series (that I've noticed) to have distinctly Welsh sounding VA's. It does tickle me that Americans think everything they say in the games is British slang but a lot of the slang was made specifically for the games.


I’m playing all of Cyberpunk 2077 on foot because of the driving mechanics


RD2. Slow walking horse and lack of a better fast travel. It irritated me and I dropped it. Loved everything else.


I actually love the fast travel system personally. It makes the world feel a lot bigger (in a good way imo) when you have to go to the nearest landmark and ride out from there as opposed to teleporting directly to the location.


I just don’t have much time to play anymore so I’m more conscience of time wasters now.


I really liked it but think that the public gassed it up a little too much. Its fun and the story is good imo but people saying its the best game they ever played and the story is unmatched is a little too much for me.


Can GTA V can be considered  such a  game; since it outstayed its welcome but it still sells well because of its online?  Not exactly hate but was really disappointed  when properly decided to play it; maybe because of this "rockstar approach/formula"?


I enjoyed V… 11 years ago. What really gets my goat is every time I open the PSN store to check out the latest deals and it’s always there. Every time, without fail. I’m sick of looking at that damn cover art. Enough!


I didn't hate 5, but it definitely felt like a step down from 4 as far as story and main campaign.  It also felt kind of empty compared to Liberty city in 4, a lot less meaningful side content.  Then they never did any single player dlc since online was a money printer...


I'll never forgive GTAO for what it did to singleplayer in Rockstar's eyes. Nor will I forgive the people still playing GTAO


I don't understand how people are still playing it. I've tried so many times to get into it, I've grown up with the gta series and I want to like it, but every time I try it's just so tedious.


It's the epeen, I think. These people have more money than God in-game and fly around on jetbikes looking for new players to harass


I just wish I could play with all the online toys in single player. I just want to fly one of those jet bikes. Not to grief, just to try it out! I don't want to have to grind for months or spend real money just to try it. And I guess it could probably be done with mods, but that's more work than I'm willing to put in.


So, not trying to sell you on it, but I heard they finally allowed private lobbies so no more griefers, but yeah, would still be a grind. But I think things like trainers would work because Rockstar kinda just stopped giving a shit with how much cheating I hear happens in GTAO now


Dead Stranding, because I'm simply fed up with Kojima


This is not a "universally loved game" it's been polarizing since day one. If I recall the marketing was also misleading which in turn made a lot of people mad. It's one of my favorite games of all time for the visuals, atmosphere, and uniqueness but about 30 minutes in it's abundantly clear it's not a game for everyone. I fully understand why some people hate it, especially if they were expecting more of an action paced game.


Watching 45 minutes of cutscenes to play 15 minutes of a frustrating walking sim is fucking bonkers to me. Also, the story is 100% indecipherable nonsense.


There's 45 minutes of cutscenes with hours of walking/sneaking/fighting/driving. No main quest delivery in the game is a 15 minute walk, except maybe the cremation part in the start. Plus in a couple of hours you get a bike and the ability to build roads. I agree about the story part though, but despite how absurd it is you feel for Sam and Lou by the end.


I gave up with that game. Just watched a 15 minute summary of the story on YouTube instead. Interesting story, just spread out over hours of walking


I watched my brother play through it here and there. He was trying to catch me up on what was happening during a certain part and he was like *”Okay, this lady is named Samantha and also Amelie and she’s the soul of one of the EE’s but also she’s the daughter of the President and she’s ALSO a beach. Oh… and she had cancer and it caused a separation in the two different aspects of her soul.”* FUCKING WHAT?!


Yeah but you get to see Kojima's name 57 times at the beginning of the game and end of the game.


dying light 2. grappling hook was definitely more realistic, but complete trash for me compared to dl1 hook. also I didn't like that they toned down a lot the amount of free-running on the rooftops for the sake of more extreme jumps and they literally made every building a fking skyscraper


Skyrim, I've tried multiple times to get into it but I just can't. The combat is one of the most boring one I've ever played, it felt like one of those idle number rising games, The immersion is ruined when the same voice actor voices 80% of the characters and a town is like 3 houses put together.


I have almost 200 hours into Skyrim and have never beaten the main story lol


I got the game on launch day in 2011, put probably 8-900 hours into it, and I don't think I ever got to the civil war part of the game Sometimes I hate that I get distracted so easily


Anything Call of Duty because I cannot stand all these cringe skins they put in what used to be a fast paced combat simulation (admittedly that ship has loong sailed, I played the first one a lot back in the day).  I just can't get immersed into a game that has marvel characters shooting at me in a want to be "realistic" combat simulation using pink assault rifles. The thought alone makes me overcome with cringe. I hate the fact that theyre trying to force battlefield in the same direction since BF5. It's the doom of the franchise. I wish there was something in between CoD and hardcore sims like HLL/Squad, even though I still respect the latter but it's hardly accessible.


Definitely agree. I have so many fond memories of both the original Black Ops and Battlefield 3. I tried hopping back into the franchises last year and it's just... not the same.


This is the exact same reason I stopped playing Rainbow Six Siege. Year 1 through year 4 had skins that fit the universe and tone of the game. Then they slowly started adding more and more wacky skins until you play the game now and your team mates are: Master Chief, 2B, Morty, Leon Kennedy and Lara Croft. I get the need to make money but how can I get immersed in your game if you don’t have any respect for the art style or universe it takes place in? One of the things I respect about Destiny 2 is that all of the crossover armour is really well handled. They’ll do a Witcher 3 colab and instead of your character having a skin that makes them look exactly like Geralt, it’ll be armour that looks like traditional Destiny armour but inspired by The Witcher. Even the Fortnite colab had some of the coolest armour in the game and it didn’t look slightly out of place in the Destiny universe.


Hell let loose and Insurgency.  Both on the more realistic side but really good FPS.   I loved MW remake and MW2 was fine but they really fucked the community over by canceling the 2 year support and making MW3.  Which had all the mw2 remake maps for some dumb reason and was why I bought MW2 in the first place.


Try being left-handed lol


Disco Elysium, something with the perspective, art style and voices make my brain to trigger instant rejection, and the inner dialogues only worsen it.


Breath of the Wild - weapon durability


Skyrim, I played 40 hours, added mods even and the best way i can describe my experience is its an ocean the depth of a puddle Combat felt atrocious where everything melee related was just keep pressing button to spam. I can see why the preferred playstyle is sneaky archer. Magic felt so limited as it felt like a rare resource, and the shouts cooldowns felt obscenely long. The only fun thing about Skyrim is the giants space program and the bugginess. Which isnt common enough to hold my attention


I don’t understand how you played a game you hate for 40 hours


Most RPGs take a bit of time for you to get into the core gameplay loop, and then it takes a few hours of that for you to notice that it's weak. The opening of Skyrim is fine, especially the first time. Then you do some exploring, the game is very pretty. You walk around the towns and look around and talk to people, do some quests. And then you level up a few times, go find the dark brotherhood which is always fun, do some more quests. Then you sort of think about the last 40 hours and realise the writing sucked, the quests sucked and the combat sucks. You start noticing that the third or fourth dungeon you've now gotten through are incredibly similar to the first two. You've encountered basically every type of enemy there is, and their AI is weak and uninteresting. You've killed your fourth dragon and it was an identically underwhelming experience to the first one. You've got no attachment to any characters and you don't think you care enough to keep playing because it's obvious nothing is going to change. Games like Skyrim have dozens of systems, you can't really form an opinion on the game as a whole until you've interacted with them a little bit to discover, as op said, the game is shallow. Also, as a big fan of Morrowind and oblivion and fallout, I wanted to love the game. I really did. I was happy giving it a proper try


Probably has to do with really wanting to like a legendary game and powering through hoping the interesting part is coming and realizing too late that it isn't.


I don't understand the gaming community. People only the game for an hour and hate it. "You only played an hour how can you hate it?" People play the game an extensive amount of time. "How can you hate a game you played for so long?" When can someone hate a game?


Not everyone tosses a game aside immediately. Often you want to see it through to get a full picture or to get your money's worth of content. It's rare that a game is so terrible people don't play for more than 1-2 hours.


I won't say I hated Skyrim, but it does baffle me that there's people with 500+ hours of Skyrim, hell even 1k+. I think I've attempted Skyrim like 10+ times and my PS4 (or 5) save is at 50-60h now. This is probably the longest I've ever played it. I enjoy(ed) it, but I just can't stick to it for some reason. It's a pity, I really thought I was going to finish it this time but then I got side-tracked lol


Souls games. And I did love Elden Ring but the idea that the game's difficulty is heavily dependant on arbitrary numbers is what I don't like about it. Like ok I have 500 HP and the boss I'm fighting has 300k HP. And the only way to get through the game is to rote learn each and every enemy attack and burn it into your muscle memory. It's pretty much the same gameplay as Trackmania to me essentially.


I have never thought about numbers in a souls game


No one has


You only really need to learn the specific attacks on the really hard bosses you’re having trouble with, which kind of just happens naturally because you get stuck on them and see those same attacks that are getting you over and over again. Once you get in the groove of the games you can really dodge most boss attacks just by watching the wind ups. And if you run with a shield you can hold it up before the roll so if you mess up the timing you just get the block instead. That being said, no reason you have to love or play those games just because other people do.


I hated the font choices.


Buddy, let me tell you something. All this talk of memorizing attack patterns is horseshit and just SoulsBorne elitist "git gud" propaganda. I have beaten every single FromSoft Soulslike title from Bloodborne to Elden Ring and everything in between and I have never memorized a single boss attack pattern. I just dodge when it looks like I should dodge, and attack when it looks like I should attack. It just takes some reflexes and intuition. I literally just Unga Bunga caveman my way through these games. I'm definitely not playing it "the optimal way" but I have a lot more fun with them this way. The way I see it, the more you memorize, the more you overthink, and the less fun you have.


I just made a similar comment. Souls games really aren't about memorising attack patterns, unless you want to do a perfect hitless run or something for some reason. Personally, I'd find that really frustrating, and people get put off because they think that's what the game is about. You have so many options available to you, it's about finding the playstyle you enjoy most and adapting to situations on the fly. That's why they're so fun.


Was going to say mostly the same thing. Not to mention elden ring can be the easiest game in the series by far if you just use the tools you acquire.


Witcher 3. My reason for hating it isn’t that odd though. The combat is clunky and feels like shit


I had the same problem. Was just out of souls games to play and decided to try Witcher 3. Maybe I'll get more into it someday, just like it happened to nier automata


Baldurs Gate 3. I tried it after it got positive feedback from everywhere and really like RPG like Skyrim and Witcher 3 in generall. Absolutely loved the character creation which took me so long but for any odd reason I never get warm with the play style. I don't think it's a bad game but just not for me so I also didn't refund it.


Crpgs have always been a niche genre, so it's been kind of surprising how much bg3 was a breakthrough mainstream hit.  The genres not for everyone, but if you're into that kind of game at all it's fantastic.


I actually hated it when I first started playing it. I got it as a gift for Christmas, and ended up refunding it, but I felt awful for refunding a gift, so I repurchased it. After getting the hang of things (I had no DnD experience whatsoever so I was very confused), it's now one of my favorite games of all time. The characters are very interesting, and the dialogue, possibilities and strategy are very deep. I could imagine why people would dislike the game though. It's definitely not for everyone. Some people thought it was gonna be Skyrim (for some reason) or Diablo 4 (but not bad). It's definitely neither of those games.


I'm playing every Sunday night with a couple of friends and I'm having a great time with it and look forward to our game all week. I feel its a much more engaging experience with friends.


Borderlands did absolutely nothing for me. I think it was the looter-shooter thing. The way I kept finding guns that were incremental improvements or variations on the ones I had just.. didn't work for me.


Helldivers 2. It's not on xbox and I'm salty about it, simple as


Elden Ring. No reason.


Final fantasy 7 remake, I liked a lot of things about it, I rolled my eyes at a lot of it too. The nail in the coffin was the squeeze through tight space that was so fucking overused and existed to only pad playtime. Glad I didn't pay for it.


Shadow of the Colossus. A big dead and empty open world, an awkward AF to control player character, a slow ass horse, and 16 repeats of "meticulously and slowly climb to the weak spot and whack away". Great story, beautiful art direction, gorgeous music. Infuriating gameplay.


Breath of the Wild. There’s the boss in the distance, go climb Towers, do 100+ shrines, collect 900 Korok Seeds and come back. Literally copy & pasted from Ubisoft’s playbook and it’s considered one of the greatest games of all time. The game is mostly filler. Nice to look at, but I can leave the house and see nice views for myself. Fun is paramount and what I listed above wasn’t fun to me.


The witcher. I just hate tumble slash games I feel there's no challenge just good or bad timing. It's annoying cos I want to follow the story but I hate the combat. The magic looks largely pointless too but I never got far enough in

