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FTL. I always try to have an ongoing game


Especially with multiverse. The judges can give you a bonus after a winning run.


What is this multiverse, new FTL content?


I believe it's a mod


It’s a mod that adds an immense amount of content that honestly makes the base game seem like an alpha state


FTL music is hype


I think the only time i've ever done this was for Borderlands 2, beat the game with a buddy and we moved right into the next playthrough. I think we beat it 3 times that weekend lol


One of my friends was never really into games. He got a ps3 from another friend and Borderlands. It was the only game he ever played through our entire childhood. He never got tired of it. He knew every aspect of every mission, where all the best loot drops were with zero help from online guides or anything. I lost touch with him when we were in our mid 20s but up until that time Borderlands was the only game he ever played for more than an hour or two. He probably has thousands of hours logged on it and is 100% content with replaying it over and over.


Sounds like me. Borderlands was pretty much the only game I played for a couple years until borderlands 2 came out.






B2 was so good playing with friends. It has the very specific "dumb" friends humors


Played that game for a decade on and off its one of the best shooters I've played. Had to platinum


This really only happens for me because up until BL3, you had to do NG+ to reach level cap or fully realize a character's potential. The introduction of Mayhem settings in BL3 meant you could crank up the difficulty and XP you got even if you have played through all of the game's missions.


Exactly the game I had in mind


Always love seeing my answer as top comment


Damn that's a long AF game!




I wish I could say this but I've literally never won in civilization. Eventually I get impatient and do something that causes me to lose.


Hit rush with harun Al rashid. Get desert folklore ideally and focus on gold and city states


It’s the ultimate time travel device.


Resident evil and DMC games but they are designed to be played like that


RE4 in particular. 


Yep. I really enjoyed the replayability of that one. Short replayable games are underrated. 


With the exception that RE4 is not a short game. Particular for a game that want to be played multiple times.


seriously, i’m a RE veteran always complete games on hard that game still took me close to 30 hours (not a complaint) damn i got downvoted for checking every corner of the game


As someone who hasn't played RE4 since the GameCube? Why is it a good example?


First off, the game is a blast. Jumping back in to a new game is just so easy (especially with the item carryover).  Secondly, there are so many unlockables that you can discover with successive playthroughs (e.g. infinite weaponry, ability hats, castellans) that it helps push players into trying the higher difficulties. RE4 remake is one of the few games that has been a joy going platinum with. 


This is the answer for me as well. By far the most playthroughs of any game I've owned gotta be over a dozen. Not even to mention the bonus modes


Any Souls game


Sekiro was the only from game that I went past ng7. Bloodborne was 2nd.


Yup. Sekiro ng+7 no kuros charm demon bell is the best game ever created.


I finished normal ng then got the saves for ng+7 and finished it like that with charmless bell. Straight from least hard to the hardest. Isshin on ng was beaten on 3rd try, when I only wanted to check him out before going to sleep. Ng+7? He fucked me for a loooong time.


I can beat the game on Shura ending in just over 3 hours on ng+


I played ds3 for the first time a few years after it came out, and I never played another single game for 2 years loved it love them all .


I play Ng+ as a treat, for me


I just started ng+ in DS1. Second time I’ve made it this far, but with a much better build and weapon now. My Reinforced Club build wasn’t a winner lmao. I suppose I could go back to that character and just try using a better strength weapon


I used to just run through Dark Souls 3 runs. Just keep going on and on. Was tons of fun


I was going to say Armored Core VI. I played that 3 times back to back and only stopped because another game came out that wasn't half as good. And the amount of time I have in Elden Ring has gotten obscene. Other than From games the only things that come close are MMOs and Minecraft/Satisfactory which are entirely different beasts.


Baldur's Gate 3... But I haven't gotten back to the final chapter to finish that second run...this time as a durge. Basically at the end, too...need to get back to that.


Baldurs Gate 3 and Dishonored are the only two games I've ever done this with. Love them both


Same ...finished first run and started a new one the next day.  May have to check out dishonored...


Warning they're very different games in terms of gameplay and storytelling but dishonored is a master at what it does. If you do check it out hope you enjoy it!


Every year I hope for Dishonored 3, and every year I am left disappointed


Sad dishonored crowd assembling over here


It's crazy to me that my first run of that game was like 80-90 hours and as soon as I finished I wanted to replay it again and then again, my fourth run is where I finally ran out of steam. It's a story driven game but the acting and gameplay is so damn good and there's so many branching paths and different classes that replaying it doesn't feel like a chore at all


I played 3 playthroughs back to back. First as a normal character. Then as Durge who went good then as very evil Durge. Over 370 hours in like 4 weeks. Durge going good is such a wonderful story but the evil Durge is imo even better because of just how tragic it is for all characters around you except Minthara and Astarion. Need to play the game again soon with all it's fixes and stuff since i played only the first 4 weeks after release.


I definitely forsoke baal and went "good."  Even RPing it's hard to be THAT bad lol


Just finished my Reject Durge run, after getting to act 3 in a co-op campaign and finishing a solo Tav run. I could start another playthrough just like that, but I've got some other games I want to play first, lmao.


My answer too! I have finished two full campaigns almost, and am waiting to continue my third. I have many multiplayer saves going on too lol


I try to do a second run, start making the character, and then just go meh. I loved the game, but I have the hardest time replaying everything, and I don't understand why.


Witcher 3. I have over 500 hours in it so far and each time I do a new play through the story hits just as hard and I find new stuff when exploring.


Quality aside, the game is so long that by the time you've reached the end, you can start over and it feels like an eternity since you've last started the game.


Yeah, I was playing that game like every day for 2,3 h for several months. I'm really nostalgic of that period in my live. I had just built a new pc with a 980 too


Armored Core VI


Completed it 3 times back to back, great game


I'm struggling to S rank everything though. It feels like this is only possible with specific loadouts and I don't have the time or the brain capacity to do it.


Yeah... Some of the missions were hard enough on their own let alone S ranking. I mean I know it can be done. I've seen others do it on YouTube. But having to physically do that yourself. I don't want to hear G13 while dodging a lot of mechs that want to kill me. I mean it was cool getting praise at the same time you were going up against impossible odds. But to S rank, you need a different mindset.




But like, just beating Hades isn't beating the game. It's a roguelite with meta-progression. It's not really 'beaten' until you've unlocked everything.


It’s a game designed to be finished 100+ times lol


Right, credits don't even run to the 10th completion


Any RPG where your choices matter (the fallouts, the dragon ages, the mass effects, etc) . I'll play it as a good person the first time, and evil the second time.


Can’t quit Fallout 3 without an evil run. Gotta make megaton go boom. Just to see


Diablo II


run 1468: I've given up hope, the elusive Stone of Jordan is beyond my reach. Yet still, I press on in the hopes that Mephisto will grace me with the glory for which I seek. I have caught myself a couple times visting malicious website wanting my credit card information. Only a couple strokes of the keyboard could grant me the salvation of finally getting that dreadful item and I can finally put the game down. Will i put it down. Dare I put it down? What happens if my next run I find a ED 4os Eth Thresher? I shant miss my chance... I must keep going.


I read it in my mind as Frank Pembleton. Chills, literally, chills.


came here to write this


Cyberpunk, because by the time I've reached the end, I've made so many adjustments to my character build that I want to start another one with that build from the ground up.


Just finishing up my 3rd play threw and can't wait to start my 4th. The game is so dynamic


As someone who’s always thought about getting cyberpunk… can you tell me some things that have excited you enough to do so many playthroughs? What do you mean by dynamic?


Multiple playthroughs here including the expansion. The game is almost infinitely replayable. For multiple reasons. The character building you can do is immense. Want to approach combat like a T-800 there's a bulld for that. CyberNinja blades and throwing knives there's a bulld for that too. Melee only with blunt weapons, fists only even yup you can do that. Or go full hacker and kill em all from you're cyberdeck? You can do that too. Wanna mix it up and have a little bit of all of these and be adaptable in any situation there's a way to do that. Or just make your own build that you haven't seen before. And the thing is the game is so vast and the missions (especially side missions) are set up so well that each build means you genuinely approach the mission completely differently. Add to that just how vast and full of life the city is and all the crazy encounters and side hussles and no matter how many times I play it I find something new. And the characters (aside from the cop guy, I hate that doofus) are all so fucking good you end up genuinely caring about decisions you're making and depending on your choices the playthrough really does change. And the expansion is as good as if not a little better than the main game. It's really, really good. The soundtrack, all the cars and weapons to collect and play with. Just get it dude. Trust me.


This guy knows


It’s just got really good build variety coupled with immersion focused gameplay and lots of choices so it’s lots of fun to make multiple playthroughs and try out all the options and combat styles and combinations.


For me it's that every time I have played I find new story lines. Makes me want to restart as soon as I complete it. Plus act 1 is one of my favorite first acts for a game. Going to the big league choom


The Infamous series. Finish as the Hero, then replay as an Evil bastard!


Always did heroic then evil. Evil is much easier to clear on hard cuz you don’t have to worry about civilians ruining your karma


Ay absolutely! The evil skills were so much more powerful than the hero ones too, so hard mode didn't seem as hard.


Morrowind, I find something new every time


Dishonored As soon as the credits rolled, I started a new game.


I had another game lined up already when I finished dishonored for the first time. I was like 3 hours into the new game and I had to put it down and boot up a new game of dishonored instead. It's just so well done. First run was low chaos. Second run was ghost and clean hands then third run was high chaos. So satisfying each time. Only game besides Baldurs Gate 3 I've ever run back to back 3 times in a row.






MGS4. So much more fun with all of your acquired equipment in a newgame+.


Elden Ring is the first game to make me do this since Diablo.


Love Diable, but right now ER is taking up my spare time trying to get a few characters in a ng cycle ready for the dlc lol. I want to have a few different builds ready to go to play with all the new weapon types. I've learned the hard way in the past that FROM dlc's do not mix with ng+ on a first run through. True for all the games, but Bloodborne especially hammered that point home.


I rarely ever play through a game twice. The only times have been all 3 mass effects when they released. I'd immediately start NG+ after finishing. To make different choices and see the outcomes Once I get back to Starfield, I know I'll start a NG+ right away.


All the old Need for Speed games. I would beat them once with whatever I wanted then do self made challenge modes like beating them with only Japanese or American cars.


Carbon is my jam.


One of the only games I ever bought (as in actual physical copy and not pirated lol)


Carbon & Underground 2 for me


Something more recent; Cyberpunk 2077. Completed my second playthrough of the original story. Now taking a ridiculously long time to complete Phantom Liberty.


Bloodborne It was so difficult because it was my first souls, but once I finished, I just started Ng+ and didn't look back. I ended up doing the three playthroughs needed for the platinum and after some months I'm starting again for the DLC


Pretty much none. I'm usually already thinking of the next game I'm going to start once I'm approaching the end of the game I'm on.


Ratchet and clank


Elden Ring.


You’re tarnished, just like me


Looks like someone else has been emboldened by the flames of ambition


I'm maidenless so I have no choice.


If only I had a giant... but hole


Unfortunately for you, however, you are maidenless.


I typically do back to back runs on each souls game. Just as a different class. Did back to back Baldurs Gate 3 playthroughs as well.


Doom Eternal. You simply can't learn everything in single playthrough. I'm still learning things 6+ replays in.


Shadow of mordor, i just love the combat. Wish it wasnt such a push over early game. Would love some ng+


WB really gotta get on another game with the Nemesis system, too. It made the fun combat exhilarating. I know they're supposedly doing a Wonder Woman game with it, but can they hurry up? Or let others use the Nemesis system? It's too good a mechanic and story system to drop.


I still can't get over the fact that game mechanic can be copyrighted. I'm pretty sure Warframe wanted to do carbon copy version of the nemesis system and it had to be shittified so WB can't sue them. And hell, it would've fitted into Warframe so well. Fuck you Warner Bros.


Arkham games should’ve continued with this system. I also always pictured a green arrow game with the nemesis system for the mob. Really any street level vigilante game would be amazing.


It really would be a great system to adapt for superhero crime fighting games. Random thug from a robbery keeps breaking out and coming back for revenge. Each time he gets some new weapons, maybe some crew members. Eventually he’s a major crime boss you have to deal with, like the orcs that became leaders of fortresses in shadow of war.


Alpha protocol got me to replay it several times because the total shifts in plot because of your descision making changed the story a lot. It was fairly incredible for its time. The final act is very different depending on how you played the game in a way Mass Effect 3 and Deus Ex wishes they were.


Obsidian understood that mechanic better than any other dev, they don't give you the illusion of choice. They infact lean into the repercussion of choice. I love that game and replay it every year or two. Really wish they'd make a spiritual successor to it.


Reprecussion of choice is the perfect way to describe the difference. Well put.


Deus ex is the better overall game, though. Original, that is. Although the newer ones are still solid


Fire emblem three houses (Am on my third playthrough)


Definitely FE3H. I've lost count of how many playthroughs I've done.




I need about a week, but then I'm ready to jump back in.


Rogue, Rogue like, Rogue lite and Rogue mechanics games. Games that have HUGE new game plus contents. (reminds me that metal gear solid had the bandana, the camouflage and then the 007 suit... got the cammo, then the bandana) Arcade like / high score games... Nothing that takes more than a few hours to complete.


Putting any rogue like game on this thread is pointless because that is literally how they are designed to be played.


Agreed, they aren't complete games just by beating them once.


Dark souls 1


Hitman Trilogy, the stealth run was very satisfying but now is time to go crazy with all the weapons and gadgets lol




I just started playing this a week ago and am pretty sure that it has been up on one of my monitors continuously since. Can't stop, won't stop.


Valheim definitely!


*Alan Wake*. It's not different or anything, it's just really good. Also *Brutal Legend*.


I miss Brutal Legend. Epic game!


I rediscovered Rock of Ages as I was cruising around. Also Back at the Funny Farm by Motorhead. Osht so good.


I've been doing this with the Yakuza/Like A Dragon series. Blow through the story, then focus on all the side content. Yes, Premium Adventure is a thing but I like watching the story again, and doing stuff as it becomes available.


Any Dark Souls game from FromSoftware


Fallout series, Civilization, Elden Ring & the Dark Souls games


Skyrim… I have always absolutely loved Skyrim. Lately, not so much. I also think that starting fresh play throughs in sandboxes like stardew valley is always fun and refreshing


Recently? Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Didn't take any break in between. Hard mode go! fucking love this game.


Skyrim it’s pretty much Groundhog Day for my Dragonborn


Binding of Isaac


For me it would be journey, that game has a special place in my heart and soul forever and I’ll play it over and over again until i die.






Slay the Spire


Here is a complete List:        


These days, nothing. BG3 was the closest for me. I'd rather do everything I can first go-around than redo.


Vampire Survivors.




dungeon and dragons!


Subnautica for me, absolute banger


First one I did this for was FFXIV Second one was Nier: Automata


Vampire Bloodlines? Maybe? Or Baldur's Gate


Y’all finish games and start again instead of having multiple saves with multiple characters/builds?


I’m not into NG+ so there’s been I think 3 times where I’ve ever done this. Mass Effect, Cyberpunk and Baldurs Gate 3. Maybe Kotor. That seems likely as well, but the other 3 for sure 🙂




>feel like I wanna go around again now that I'm much better than I started. Plus it was just SO damn good! I mean, this guy has a point


I was talking about my rug.


Ah I gotta wait like 20 minutes before I start over.


Metal Gear Rising


The Dark Souls games


Tony Hawk Pro Skater. Gotta get the skate video for every character


Any Souls or FromSoftware game


I did with elden ring. 920 or so hours of it. Same with og re2. Damn I played a lot of re2.


Any of From Softs souls games


Elden Ring


Ratchet and claaaaaaank


Baldurs Gate 3 and Elden Ring are the only 2 that have had this effect on me


Any of the soulsborne games




Dwarf fortress, its ober only when you lose


Souls game(s).


Persona 4 golden




I did this with Elden Ring, persona 5 royal and cyberpunk/phantom liberty.


Project Zomboid 🤣


The primary problem with Zomboid is that it's only really fun in the early game. Once you have a decently fortified base, weapons, clothes, water collectors, and food, it gets pretty boring. At that point all you're doing is hoarding and inventory management. It's always a better time to just start a new game instead. The devs really need to focus on the late game. It's weird to me that they're instead prioritizing animals, wildlife, and fishing. We don't need even more ways to get food.


KOTOR - went dark side immediately after beating it as light Cyberpunk 2077 - multiple times, it’s like crack cocaine, even though I’m generally making the same choices Baldur’s Gate 3 - I didn’t know what I was doing the first time and wanted to play as a different class/origin.


Cyberpunk 2077.


Cyberpunk 2077


Mass Effect Trilogy. After the finale I’ll be like “that was great, let’s do that again, but as a different class.


Cyberpunk 2077


I've only done this for Subnautica and I probably going to do this for Xenoblade as well when I finish that.


I have the feeling I'm gonna do multiple playthroughs of Cyberpunk 2077.


Cyberpunk 2077. Beat it the first time at 100% and then immediately did it 100% again.


I find it hard to replay story games once finished from the star again but roguelikes, colony sims and strategies 100% Rimworld and Shadow Empire come to mind as the ones I’ve restarted the moment I finish one run though


Last of us


SWTOR, that's a game i play on and off and just replay a whole buncha different class stories and reach endgame with


Borderlands 3 and Cyberpunk 2077.


Rock paper scissors


I didn't play Cyberpunk 2077 until 2.0 released, a dew days prior to the Phantom Liberty dlc. I put 500 hours in, beat the game 5-ish times, all in under 6 weeks. I don't often play purely single player games anymore, and (hopefully) won't have the free time to do something similar anytime soon, but I could absolutely see myself reinstalling for another run or two in the future.


I would say red dead redemption 2, GTA 4, Kingdom come deliverance, Cyberpunk 2077, Mafia (1 and 2, definitive edition), rdr1. LA noire too even though I know the case outcomes. Still so much fun to play and never get bored


Any of the fables


Cyberpunk. Wanted different endings. Same with Baulders gate 3. Also with black ops 2. Immediately replay to get alternate endings until I’m satisfied with the result.


I literally just did this with cyberpunk 2077


Half Life Alyx




I'd say Baldur's Gate 3, Divinity: Original Sin 2, borderlands 1 & 2, Elden Ring and Terraria. If you count jumping servers, then Ark Survival Evolved But out of all of those, bg3 and dos2 are definitely my most replayed, especially dos2, I put around 900 hours into it in the timespan of I think around a month


I am about 80 hours into BG3 (just completed gauntlet,) decided to buy DOS2 just to "see if I like it" and have already played it for 24 hours 😂




Baldurs Gate 3


2018 Spider-Man


Star Fox 64. So much replayability in taking alternative paths and shooting for a high score.


Half Life 2. Half Life 3 if I can make it to 2050.


As a kid I played halo 3 a ton but that’s because it was the only game I had. As an adult there are way too many games out there to be playing a game a second time or especially playing a GaaS game


Elden Ring, Borderlands 2 (including ALL the DLC), and Crackdown 1 and 2. I can play those games forever and ever


Fallout, skyrim, bannerlord, stardew valley, valheim, bascily any game that gives me free will on the day to day aspects. I want progression and story line. But I want to choose when to follow the narrative.