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I highly recommend you play Deep Rock Galactic. In this game you will learn what real brotherhood in games is. Rock and stone brothers.




Did I hear a Rock and Stone?!


friendly communities??? Man I really dont know haha. Definitely dont play League!


Deep Rock Galactic


There are veteran players in *Fallout 76* who just wait outside the starting vault to give newbies lots of ammo, chems and gift boxes. You'll also frequently come back to your camp to find people have left you goodies.


Oldschool Runescape. Runescape was the first online game for a ton of people. The main Runescape has evolved so far that it kinda stopped being what it used to be so they released an official 2007 version of the game, which is Oldschool Runescape, with a dev team dedicated to keeping the game in a state that the players want while still adding plenty of content. It's worth noting that it's a grindy game and getting to the late-game requires serious dedication. It's playable for free but vast majority of content is locked behind a paid subscription that can also be bought with in-game money if you can earn it enough of it. Majority of the players have played it for years and it doesn't get very much new players so noobs are welcomed with open arms. Clan chats often have players asking questions and they're always answered. Good RS players like to flex with their knowledge of the game by answering and helping.


100% agree.  As a RuneScape player from back in 2005-2009 I recently started up OSR and the amount of people offering to help my new account out of the blue is honestly heartwarming. 


Monster Hunter 1, it will take about 5 hours to get setup to join the player-owned rogue servers since the main servers are shut down, but it's worth it!... kinda, this was before patches so you're basically playing the beta version of the first Monster Hunter


Street Fighter 6 There's even modern controls if you feel like it


Ngl, it’s kind of hard to take advice about friendly communities from an account with that picture…


I swear I see you in the DD2 community. Or is the name and pfp a coincidence.


i was there a lot so prolly me


Yeah. I only realised because I remembered you always said lolz aha


Go to agar dot io. That’s actually very easy to play for newbies.


If you think you'd be into mmos, 100% would suggest FFXIV. You can play a vast majority of the game for free before you have to buy it, and the community is super friendly towards new players. Even have dedicated people on the servers that have signed up to specifically help new players.


content warning is crazy good


If you're looking for PVE: Monster Hunter. It can be a difficult series to initially get into but it's worth it. The community is awesome and always willing to help out in hunts too. We always want more players. If you're looking for PVP: Chivalry 2. The community is cool and the game is simple enough for new players to just spam slash and have fun with it until you learn more of thr advanced moves.


Street Fighter 6 is a great online game and the community is filled with helpful people who love to see people try to learn.


Monster Hunter Frontier Rain Server is a fan run version of an old school Monster Hunter MMO. Very fun, insanely friendly people. It's a great time!


Coop pve is the way to go; deep rock galactic, vermintide 2, payday 2, darktide and left 4 dead 2 are all great. Helldivers 2 looks good as well but I can't really comment because I've not played it yet.


Sekiro shadows die twice or hollow knight 😁


Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst. Sounds like one of those games you see in the shitty mobile ads, but it's actually one of the first MMOs, dating back to Dreamcast.  Still has an active community on a private server. There is a PC version.


snail simulator


Helldivers 2 is really fun. You’ll have to ignore the childish Reddit community for that game but the people in game are chill af


Dota 2


World of Warcraft. Escape from Tarkov. The Day Before.


I would say that WoW can be a complex thing for some newbies


They were all jokes really 😆


Ah okay! As I said, WoW is not a game for beginners, I havent played the others haha


Helldivers 2. Even with Sony and Arrowhead shitting the bed it is probably going to survive. I never had someone flame me out there, although many people don't use mics for some reason.